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Ekh Yablochko

As the Apple Blooms

Part 76; Ekh Yablochko

Seated comfortably on a booth, Apple Bloom took a bite from her meatball sub as Double Shuffle finished regaling her story. “Dad was chasing Skimbles all over the house for almost two hours, but he wouldn’t drop his tie.” As the younger girl struggled to keep herself from bursting into laughter, she finished, “Dad finally gave up and settled on a bow tie instead.” As Apple Bloom began to chuckle, Tender Taps interrupted with, “A really ugly bow tie if you ask me.”

It had been a few days since Apple Bloom learned what happened between her Uncle Ironhide and his ruthless commander Sentinel Prime. Now that things had returned to normal, the former farm girl was enjoying a nice lunch out with her boyfriend and little sister at their favorite sandwich shop.

Taking a sip from his drink, Tender Taps asked, “So Apple Bloom, anything exciting happen with you lately?" He then hesitated for a moment before quickly adding, “I mean, other than what happened with your uncle and that jerk Brawn?”

Apple Bloom shrugged as she answered, “Honestly, not much. Ah’ll probably go shoppin’ for school supplies in a couple days, but that’s about it.” She then asked, “What about you guys?” Tender Taps began to blush as he answered, “Not too much. Dad will be heading back on tour after school starts and I’ll be helping with some of the preschooler tap classes, but other than that, not too much.” Double Shuffle then added, “Don’t forget we’ll all be in the same tap class together!” The former farm girl smiled as she wrapped her little sister in a hug as she replied, “Ah can’t wait for it.”

At that moment, Double Shuffle snapped her fingers as she exclaimed, “Oh! I almost forgot!” She then reached into her duffle bag as Apple Bloom asked, “What is it?” Though she wasn’t looking at her big sister, the younger girl answered, “Well, that blue and white stripped tank top you’re wearing reminded me of something I found at the dance studio.” As Apple Bloom briefly looked down to her stripped shirt nestled under her overalls, Double Shuffle continued, “I was waiting for Tender to finish cleaning one of the studio floors and I found this. I thought you might recognize it as something your uncle might know.”

After a few moments, Double Shuffle raised her head out of her duffle bag as she handed something to Apple Bloom. Tender Taps asked, “Wait, you took something from the studio?” The younger girl replied, “Hey, I didn’t think you’d know what it is.” She then focused on the former farm girl as she asked, “What do you think it is?” As Apple Bloom accepted the strange trinket, she found herself intrigued by what it was.

There, in her hand, was a medal in the shape of a red star. The center of this star was enclosed in a golden circle with something written in a foreign language the former farm girl didn’t recognize. And right in the center of this circle was a sickle with a tilted hammer, something that reminded Apple Bloom of the crossed bones of a pirate’s flag.

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom apologized, “Sorry Double Shuffle, Ah’ve never seen anythin’ like this before. All Ah can say is that this is someone’s medal.” As the younger blue girl sighed, Tender Taps leaned over his girlfriend’s shoulder as he remarked, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” He then asked his sister, “Where’d you find this?”

Double Shuffle scratched the back of her neck as she admitted, “It was lying on one of the tables in the lobby.” She then admitted, “I was curious if Ironhide knew anything about where this might have come from.”

It was at this moment that Tender Taps’s eyes lit up as he realized, “Wait! I think I know who’s this is!” Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Who’s medal is this?” Taking the star shaped medal from his girlfriend’s hand, the orange boy answered, “I can’t remember his name, but he’s this guy who’s been helping out at the studio. He and Miss Hoofer Steps seem to get along really well.” He then gave Apple Bloom a mischievous smirk as he quipped, “Like, REALLY get along.”

As Apple Bloom took this in, she remarked, “Awh. That’s so sweet.” As Tender Taps set the medal down on the table, he turned to Double Shuffle as he gently scolded, “Whatever this is, I think he’ll be missing this.” The younger girl sighed in shame as Apple Bloom reassured her, “It’s alright. Look, how about we just take this back to the studio? Miss Hoofer Steps can give it to her friend.”

Nodding, Double Shuffle took a deep breath as she relented, “Alright.” Apple Bloom wrapped her arm around her younger sister as she reassured her, “It’s alright. We go right over, drop this thing off, and head home, aright?” The tap dancing prodigy giggled as she wrapped her arms around her big sister and replied, “Alright.”

The trio of teens was distracted from their plans when one of the restaurant staff walked up to them and informed them, “I hate to rush you kids, but we’re closing early tonight for deep cleaning.” Apple Bloom stood up and replied, “Thanks for the heads up. We were on our way out anyway.” She then reached into her pocked and pulled out a few dollar bills as she continued, “Here. A little tip.” The employee took the money as he gave a polite, “Thank you kindly.”

Turning back to her boyfriend and little sister, Apple Bloom continued, “Come on, let’s get that medal dropped off.”

Outside Hoofer Steps’ Dance Studio

As the trio parked their bikes, Apple Bloom turned her attention to the dark clouds nestled above them in the sky. ‘Looks like it’s gonna be one of those nights.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. Turning her attention back to Double Shuffle, she found the younger girl was already starting to show signs of a potential panic attack.

Walking up to the younger girl, Apple Bloom reassured her little sister. “It’s alright. We’ll drop this medal off and head home before things get too tense, alright?” Double Shuffle managed to calm herself down enough with a gulp as she replied, “Ok.”

Of course, it was at this moment that a loud crash of thunder rang out, sending the young blue girl straight into her older sister’s waiting arms. As Double Shuffle began to whimper, Apple Bloom gently caressed her little sister’s back as she whispered, “It’s alright. It’s alright. Let’s just get inside.”

While the two girls tiptoed towards the door, Tender Taps tried to open the studio’s front door only to find that it was locked. The former farm girl asked, “Everythin’ alright?” The orange boy reached into his pocket as he answered, “Yeah. Just gotta use the spare key Miss Hoofer Steps gave me.” As he pulled out his key, Apple Bloom felt a few raindrops of water landing on her head and exposed shoulders.

Within a few moments, rain began to pour down hard, absolutely drenching the three kids as Tender Taps finally unlocked the front door. Once the door was open, everyone ran into the building, desperate to get out of the incoming downpour.

Tender Taps asked, “Everyone alright?” Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “A bit wet but otherwise alright.” Double Shuffle was about to answer when another crash of thunder, this time much louder, forced her to hug her big sister even tighter. As Apple Bloom hugged her sister back, she realized something; the studio lights were out.

Indeed, the foyer’s lights, the dance studio’s lights, and even the lights from the hallway were turned off. Tender Taps turned to his girlfriend and little sister as he remarked, “Looks like Miss Hoofer Steps has closed up for the night.” He then reached for a light switch and flicked it, only to find that no lights turned on. Sighing to himself, he continued, “Or there’s been a power outage.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom called out, “Hello? Mrs. Hoofer Steps?” There was no answer, only the pitter patter of rain and the gentle rumble of far-off thunder. After a few moments, she asked again, “Hello? Anyone home? We just wanna drop somethin’ off.” Again, there was no answer.

Tender Taps began to walk towards the front desk as he called out, “Miss Hoofer Steps? It’s Tender! We’re just here to return something Double Shuffle found!” When no one answered, the orange boy turned to his little sister as he asked, “Where’s you find that medal anyway?”

Pointing to a small table near several chairs, Double Shuffle answered, “Right over there. I was waiting for you to finish and found it just lying there.” Nodding Tender Taps pulled the medal out of his pocket as he replied, “Alright then. Let’s just leave it here and go home.”

“What do we have here?”

All three kids froze in fear upon hearing this voice. It was an unfamiliar man’s voice, was deep, and had what could only be described as a Slavic accent. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps shared a concerned look before turning around to see who it was.

There, having seemingly materialized out of nowhere, as a man who had deep black skin, piercing red eyes, and dark gray hair. He wore a gray buttoned shirt with a visible blue and white stripped undershirt, black pants, and black shoes. All in all, this man gave the three kids a sense of foreboding dread and uneasiness.

Walking up to the three kids with cat like grace and cunning, this new man asked, “My, what are you little deti doing here? The studio is closed.” Double Shuffle gulped and turned pale as she stammered, “Uh… We were…. I just….” The dark man bent down and, with a wicked grin that gave the impression he was enjoying himself, interrupted, “Govori rebenok U menya net vsego dnya.”

As Double Shuffle found herself consumed by fear, Apple Bloom snatched the medal from Tender Taps’s hand as she exclaimed, “We’re just tryin’ to return this!” She then revealed the medal as she placed herself in between the new man and her sister.

To the former farm girl’s surprise, the intimidating man softened himself as he asked, “Zhdat’. Kakiye?” Taking the medal, he let out a sigh of relief as he continued, “I wonder where this got off to. I really need to fix the pin on this.” He then gave a polite bow as he said, “Spasibo, yablochko.” All that the confused Apple Bloom could do was reply, “Uh, you’re welcome?”

At that moment, Tender Taps’s eyes lit up as he exclaimed, “Wait a minute! You’re Miss Hoofer Steps’s new boyfriend!” Letting out a gentle chuckle (one which was still somewhat intimidating), the Slavic man introduced himself with, “My name is Ravage. It is a privilege to mee the three of you deti.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he added, “Especially you yablochko.”

Before Apple Bloom could ask what this term “yablochko” was, everyone was distracted by the sound of Hoofer Steps’s voice asking, “Vhat is going on down here?” Turning around, the former farm girl found the dance teacher approaching them. Her yellow hair was up in a ballet bun, and she wore a black short sleeved shirt with a picture of tap shoes and words that read “You can keep your glass slippers.”

Ravage made his way up to the dance teacher as he answered, “It’s alright. These kids have come to return my medal.” He then added, “I think Double Shuffle may have taken it by accident.” The young blue girl scuffed her feet as she apologized, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know who’s it was and I just kinda…. I let my curiosity take over.”

Stepping up to her pupils, Hoofer Steps rested her hand on Double Shuffle’s shoulder as she remarked, “Vell now, zat vas very thoughtful of you for returning it.” As the younger girl let out a sigh of relief, Ravage knelt down as he added, “Just try not to make a habit of taking things that aren’t yours.” Double Shuffle let out an embarrassed chuckle as she replied, “I won’t. I promise.”

The optimistic tone was ruined when a loud crash of thunder rang out as a bright white light flashed outside in the pouring rain. Double Shuffle screamed in fear as she wrapped her arms around Apple Bloom. As the former farm girl hugged her little sister back, Ravage remarked, “I have a feeling you three will not want to be trekking through this downpour, da?”

As the three kids shook their heads, Hoofer Steps invited, “Vell zen, I sink you kids can vait here until ze vain calms down.” Upon hearing this, Double Shuffle lit up as she asked, “Can I practice in one of studios? There are a few steps I’m trying to perfect and I….” She was interrupted by Hoofer Steps apologizing, “Not zis time. I just finished cleaning ze studios und I don’t vant to have to do it again tonight.” Though Double Shuffle grumbled to herself, Tender Taps reassured his little sister, “Don’t worry. We can practice when we get home.”

Ravage then offered, “In that case, why don’t you three come upstairs with us? I can make you some tea.” After sharing looks with each other, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think that sounds kinda nice.”

Hoofer Steps’s Apartment….

Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised by just how homely Hoofer Steps’s home was. There was a cozy little living room, a kitchenette, a doorway that led into a bedroom, another that led to another room, and a small enclave that housed a washing machine and drier. ‘Huh. Kinda reminds me of Mr. Beachcomber’s place.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘Ah was half expecting a basic table and dance equipment.’

As she entered the dance teacher’s apartment, Ravage asked, “So, you are the one called Apple Bloom, da?” Nodding, the former farm girl answered, “Yeah. Sorry for intrudin’ on you sir.” The older man let out a gentle chuckle as he reassured her, “It’s alright yablochko. I had a feeling you’d find out about me sooner or later.” Though Apple Bloom felt a pang of guilt at being reminded of what she’d done, this time she didn’t feel as bad and could muster a smile as she quipped, “No point in hidin’ who Ah am anymore.”

Making her way further into the cozy little apartment, Apple Bloom heard Double Shuffle asking, “Hey Mr. Ravage? How’d you get that medal anyway?” The former farm girl turned around to find her little sister walking next to the older man, an intrigued look on his face. Tender Taps then added, “I’d kinda like to know too. Now that I’ve had a moment to think about it, I think that medal has a….” He stopped himself from saying what it was, worried he would offend his host.

Smiling, Ravage answered, “It is alright. I know not many people around here are too fond those who think fondly of the molot I serp.” The older man quickly realized who he was talking to and corrected himself with, “Or rather, the hammer and sickle.” Apple Bloom then asked, “Then if you don’t mind me askin’, where are you from Mr. Ravage?”

After a few moments, Ravage replied, “I was born somewhere west of the Urals. I never knew where exactly.” Apple Bloom noticed the ting of nostalgia in the Slavic man’s eyes as he continued, “My family moved around wherever there was work. As soon as I was able, I joined the Krasnaya Army.”

His eyes lighting up, Ravage raised his finger as he said, “Hold on one moment. I need to get something.” The dark man disappeared into the bedroom, only to return a few moments later with a photograph in his hands. Giving the kids his photograph, Ravage explained, “This was the unit I served with. We were known as Oktyabr’skaya Gvardiya, or October Guard.” As Tender Taps took the photograph, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle gathered around him to get a closer look.

Standing in front of a red flag were several men with stern and serious expressions on their faces. Apple Bloom noticed that one of these men was a younger Ravage, dressed in a khaki uniform with black boots, a blue and white stripped under shirt, and a khaki hat with a red star on it. He almost reminded the former farm girl of the pictures of her uncle from back in the day.

The former farm girl was distracted when Double Shuffle asked, “Wait! Does this mean you’re…. Like…. A bad guy?”

For a few moments, everyone stood speechless by this remark. Hoofer Steps then stepped towards the younger girl as she sternly warned, “Before you go using vords like zat, I sink you should know I also came from ze eastern half of ze continent.” Double Shuffle found herself both ashamed and confused as she asked, “The eastern half?”

Ravage let out a small sigh as he explained, “Long story short, after the Last Great War, the world was split into east and west.” He then looked at Hoofer Steps as he solemnly continued, “Her homeland was split right down the middle.” As the three kids took this in, Hoofer Steps looked over her shoulder as she sighed, “My family escaped from ze east vhen I vas a child.”

Realizing the gravity of her story, Double Shuffle apologized, “I’m sorry Miss Hoofer Steps.” The older teacher reassured her pupil, “It’s alvight, but please vemember zat zere is more to a person zan vhere zey are from.” The young girl nodded as she replied, “Ok.” She then turned back to Ravage and apologized, “Sorry for thinking you were a bad guy.”

Ravage smiled as he replied, “It’s alright child.” He then allowed his mind to wonder off as he continued, “Now, where were we? Born, growing up, joining army….” Remembering where he left off, the former soldier revealed, “Well, if my knowledge of history is correct, then not long after yablochko’s uncle’s war in the jungles, the October Guard was deployed to the deserts of the mid-east.”

Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “The deserts? Why would anyone wanna fight a war in the middle of the desert?” When Ravage gave her an amused look, the former farm girl nervously continued, “Ah mean, what could be so valuable in the middle of nowhere like that?”

Shrugging, Ravage bluntly answered, “I have no idea. Apparently, it was about propping up some puppet regime, but other than that, I didn’t know and didn’t really care.” It was at this moment that an air of sadness overcame the old man as he continued, “Well, let’s just say that I saw and had to engage in some very unpleasant things.”

Double Shuffle then nervously asked, “What kinds of things?” Almost immediately, Ravage sighed as Apple Bloom warned her little sister, “Ah think this is the sort of thing that you’ll learn about when you’re older.” The younger girl sighed as she dejectedly replied, “Ok.”

Ravage managed to recover from his bitter memories as he finished, “After a particularly nasty mission, I decided I couldn’t do it anymore and I…. decided to turn in my resignation.” When the three kids gave him a confused look, the former soldier explained, “I deserted.” As everyone processed this, Ravage concluded, “Long story short, I found a way out, came over to this part of the world, and have been a bit of a vagabond ever since.” HE then shot Hoofer Steps a fond look as he quipped, "Though lately I've found very lovely company.”

Hoofer Steps then added, “Ja. Ve met a few months back und sort of bonded over having gotten out of ze east. Ravage moved in here und has been helping out vith papervork und other tasks zat I prefer adults handle.” The shadowy man then walked up to his girlfriend as he took her hand and playfully quipped, “I am more than happy to help moye solnyshko.” As he kissed Hoofer Steps’s hand, Apple Bloom, Double Shuffle, and Tender Taps couldn’t help but squeal, “Awh.”

The endearing moment was ruined when the sound of thunder crashed from outside, once again terrifying Double Shuffle. As the young girl once again wrapped her arms around Apple Bloom, the former farm girl reassured her, “It’s alright. The rain can’t get us in here.” Once the blue dancer had managed to regain her nerves, Hoofer Steps asked, “Vell now, how about I make us all some tea?”

A Short While Later….

As Tender Taps and Hoofer Steps squared off against each other in a friendly game of chess, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle watched and listened as Ravage played an old tune on his accordion. As he played his instrument, the former soldier sang, “V kabine net shofera, no trolleybus idet I motor zarzhavel, no my yedem vpered. My sidim ne dysha, smotrim tuda gde na dolyu sekundy pokazales’ Zvezda. My molchim, no my znayem, nam v etom pamog. Trolleybus, kotoryy idet na vostok. Trolleybus, kotoryy idet na vostok. Trolleybusa kotorry….”

With this final stanza, Ravage finished his song, leading to the two dancers to applaud him on his performance. An excited Apple Bloom complimented, “That was amazin’! You are really good on that thing!” The older man gave a small smile as he politely replied, “Spasibo yablochko.”

Double Shuffle then asked, “You’ve been calling Apple Bloom a “yaba latch key” all day. What does that mean?” Now that she thought about it, Apple Bloom realized that, indeed, this man had been calling her that odd term since they met him.

Thankfully, Ravage let out an amused chuckle as he answered, “It simply means “little apple”.” He then began to play another melody on his accordion as he sang, “Ekh, yablochko, kuda ty kotish’sya? Popadyosh’ ko mne v rot- ne vorotish’sya!” He would have continued, only to find himself distracted by the sound of Tender Taps’s exclaiming, “Checkmate!”

Turning around, Apple Bloom found that her boyfriend had indeed beaten her future dance teacher, trapping her king between a rook, a queen, and even two pawns. Walking up to Tender Taps, the former farm girl twirled him around as she complimented, “Congratulations! You did it!” As she set him down, the teenaged tap dancer humbly replied, “It was nothing. It’s just a game of chess.”

Blushing, Apple Bloom smiled as she complimented, “Ah know. Ah’m just… incredibly biased.” She then, to absolutely no one’s surprise, kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.

As the two love birds hugged each other, Double Shuffle asked, “Mr. Ravage?” The older man replied, “Da?” Taking a deep breath, the blue dancer asked, “Well, I noticed how you were acting around Apple Bloom, and you seemed to know who she was. Like, not just because everyone knows about her being Anon-A-Miss, but you know….”

Smiling, Ravage answered, “Did the yablochko tell you about how her sister is friends with a pony girl named Sunset, da?” When Double Shuffle nodded, the former soldier explained, “Well, I don’t want to reveal too much, but let’s just say I got from the deserts to here through a mutual friend of ours known as the Czarina of the sun. Her name was….”

The story was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door, followed by Ironhide’s voice asking, “Apple Bloom? You in here?” Confused, the former farm girl replied, “Uncle Ironhide?”

Sure enough, Hoofer Steps opened the door revealing a soaking wet Ironhide. As the gray scrapper made his way inside, Apple Bloom began to apologize, “Sorry uncle Ironhide. The rain was pourin’ down, and it was thunderin’ and…” She was interrupted by another loud crash of thunder, proving her point for her.

Thankfully for Apple Bloom, Ironhide reassured his daughter, "It’s alright kid. I had a feeling you kids were smart enough to find shelter in this weather, and this place here was an easy guess.” He then turned to Hoofer Steps and said, “Thanks for keeping them dry.” The dance instructor replied, “It vas no problem vhatsoever.”

It was at this moment that Ravage made his way up to the former sergeant and greeted, “So, you are the illustrious Ironhide, da?” As he extended his hand, Ironhide answered, “In the flesh, warts and all.” He then shook the dark man’s hand as the latter introduced himself, “Mladishiy serzhant Ravage at your service.”

For a brief moment, Apple Bloom felt her heart race in anticipation and dread. ‘Please don’t let this go south.’ She thought to herself, hoping there wouldn’t be any sort of conflict between her uncle and Ravage. After all, she didn’t know he would be stopping by, and now that she knew Ravage was a “red,” she didn’t know how Ironhide would react to meeting a man who, once upon a time, would have tried to turn him into mincemeat.

Thankfully, Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he quipped, “Guess it’s a good thing we meet here and not on the battlefield.” Ravage couldn’t help but laugh as he replied, “Da. Just looking at your face I can tell you’ve seen enough war for a thousand lifetimes.” Ironhide let out a wistful sigh as he added, “I think we both have.” He then asked, “Deserts?”

Ravage nodded as he asked, “Jungles?” When Ironhide nodded in turn, the dark man asked, “Don’t you just hate it when big wigs send young men to die for no reason whatsoever?” The former wrecker replied, “Yup.”

Ironhide’s eyes drifted to the photograph of Ravage’s old team, now lying on a comfy chair. Picking the picture up, the old scrapper asked, “Hold on a minute. You were in October Guard?” Ravage nodded as he replied, “Da. And it seems I’ve just met one of the famous Wreckers.”

As Ironhide turned his attention to Apple Bloom, Ravage reassured him, “What can I say? Word spreads around here.” The former farm girl then added, “Yeah. And Mr. Ravage seems like a nice guy.” The former “red” then quipped, “Just don’t bring any sand around me. I despise the stuff. It’s course, rough, irritating, and it….” Pausing for a moment, his jovial tone faded into a somber one as he finished, “… It brings back bad memories.”

Ironhide and Ravage continued to speak with each other, both men clearly enticed on the other’s words. As the spoke, Apple Bloom felt Tender Taps set his hand on her shoulder as he remarked, “They seem to be getting along really well.” Taking her boyfriend’s hand, the former farm girl replied, “Ah know. Ah was worried this was gonna go south for a moment.”

Hoofer Steps then joined them as she remarked, “Zis is part of vhat made me fall in love vith zis town. Ze fact that people from all valks of life can come together und get along. Call it a pipe dream, but maybe ve could all learn something from zis place.”

Taking Tender Taps’s hands as she blushed a bright red, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “Ah feel the same way.” The two lovebirds then shared a quick kiss, thankful they found each other.

And everyone was thankful that they’d found somewhere like Allspark Wells to call home.

Author's Note:

Next Time; When Marble learns an unfortunate truth, it will take more everything Apple Bloom and Sideswipe have to show their friend just how much she means to them.

Author's note; This was a chapter I wanted to do for a while, but was worried about how it'd go due to.... current events. However, after a small argument with a close friend, I couldn't get this chapter out of my head and I knew I just had to do it.
As for Ravage, he's based on the Beast Wars incarnation, hence his nationality. His unit, October Guard, are a real thing; they're the soviet equivalent of G.I.Joe. And for anyone who's not caught up on world history, Ravage is supposed to be an Afghantsy.
Finally, the two songs Ravage sings are "Trolleybus," a song by underground soviet band Kino, and "Yablochko," a folk song dating back to the Russian Civil War. (And yes, it means "Little Apple)

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