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Ironhide's Training Days

As the Apple Blooms

Part 34; Ironhide’s Training Days

Rising from her bed, Apple Bloom stretched her arms as she said to herself, “Alright, time for another day.” As she rose to her feet, the former farm girl was greeted by the now all too familiar pitter patter of tiny feet. Turning to see who it was, she was greeted by the sight of a very excited little black highland terrier.

“Good mornin’ to you too Sparkplug!” Apple Bloom greeted her little friend as she began to scratch him right behind his ears. The small dog then knelt down and began to lie on his back, thus warranting some belly rubs from one of his new masters. Playfully shaking her head, Apple Bloom began to ask, “You like that, don’t ya? Don’t ya?”

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom said, “Ah gotta get ready for the day Sparkplug.” The little black terrier let out an admittedly adorable whine as he rose back to his feet and begin to make his way to the corner of her room, making no intention to leave her side. Though somewhat put off by the idea of having a surprisingly intelligent dog in the room with her while she changed, she eventually decided on a compromise.

Facing the little dog, Apple Bloom asked, “You mind lookin’ the other way for a minute?” Just as she expected, Sparkplug nodded and turned to the wall. Once he was looking away, the former farm girl took a deep breath and began to change into her clothes for the day.

Once she was fully dressed in her normal attire, Apple Bloom turned back to Sparkplug and said, “Ah’m done.” The moment those words left her lips, the little dog turned back to her and ran up to her. Letting out a gentle chuckle, she asked, “So, you wanna get some breakfast?”

The Family Kitchen

Making her way down the stairs, Apple Bloom called out, “Good mornin’ everybody!” She was greeted by Chromia replying, “Good morning Apple Bloom.” As the teenage girl entered the kitchen proper, the older woman added, “Oh, before I forget, Ironhide had to go run a few errands. He should be back by lunchtime.” Letting out a small sigh, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ok. Anything you need me to do?”

Before Chromia could answer, the door opened and Wheeljack entered, deep bags present under his eyes. Turning to face her co-worker, the older woman greeted him with, “Good morning Wheeljack. Sleep well?” The male mechanic straightened himself, allowed a small smile to form on his face, and bluntly answered, “I didn’t sleep. I was working on a project in my workshop.”

“Your workshop?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion. “Ah didn’t hear you doin’ anythin’ last night.”

Wheeljack asked, “What? You forgot?” When Apple Bloom gave another confused look, the older man realized something and explained, “Oh, I totally forgot to explain. I live in a small shed on the property. Well, it’s not really a shed, but it’s not really a barn either. I just call it my workshop.”

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom simply replied, “That’s actually kinda underwhelming.” Wheeljack let out a hearty chuckle as he asked, “Where did you think I sleep, the couch?”

“Alright you two.” Chromia interrupted. “Apple Bloom, you mind helping me with the eggs?” The former farm girl gave an enthusiastic nod as she answered, “You got it Aunt Chromia.” As the young girl made her way to the stove, Chromia turned to her other co-worker and asked, “Wheeljack, you mind getting some coffee started and feeding Sparkplug?”

The bearded mechanic folded his arms as he defiantly replied, “I’ll do it when I’m good and ready.” As Apple Bloom nervously gulped, Chromia walked up to Wheeljack and, not even dropping her warm smile, forcefully asked, “You good and ready now?”

To Apple Bloom’s surprise and amusement, Wheeljack chipperly replied, “I’m good and ready.” He then made his way to the coffee machine and began to prepare some coffee. The former farm girl couldn’t help but blurt out laughter, all while thinking to herself, ‘Ah love it here.’

The Shop Front, Later That Day…

Once again, Apple Bloom found herself taking care of the shop front. As she swept the floor, the former farm girl found that she didn’t mind working the store front. If anything, she actually kind of enjoyed it. True, there were many things she’d rather have been doing, such as dancing with Tender Taps or studying a prehistoric world with Marble, but considering her past and where she was, Apple Bloom found that she liked having a part of the Chop Shop that was basically her responsibility. It was like she was an established part of the family.

Apple Bloom was so distracted that she almost didn’t notice the bell ringing as someone entered the shop front. Turning to see who it was, she found it was none other than her uncle Ironhide carrying several bags of groceries.

“Mornin’ Uncle Ironhide!” The former farm girl happily greeted her uncle. Hearing his niece’s voice, the older man set the bags down and greeted the red haired girl with a warm, “Good morning kid. Sorry I wasn’t here earlier. I wanted to get some errands done.” He then wrapped her in a tight hug as he added, “To be honest, it’s probably a good thing.”

Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What do you mean by that? Did somethin’ happen?” Letting out a small sigh, Ironhide answered, “Let me get everything put away first, ok?” The former farm girl playfully rolled her eyes as she replied, “Yes sir.” She then raised her hand as she asked, “You need a hand?”

“I’d like that.” Ironhide replied. As he picked up one bag of groceries, Apple Bloom lifted the other one and made her way to the kitchen.

The Kitchen, a Few Minutes Later….

Once all of the groceries were put away, Ironhide began with, “So Apple Bloom, you know how the boys and I were in the army right?” Nodding her head, the young girl answered, “Ah get a reminder almost every week.” Quickly realizing that what she said could come off as rude, she immediately added, “Ah mean there’s nothin’ wrong with that!”

Ironhide let out an amused chuckle as he continued, “I know kid. So long story short, I was in line, and there was this group of punks who were going on about something about getting a discount because they served.” He then paused for a moment before adding, “And of course, once I got a closer look at them, they had the globe and anchor tattooed on their arms.”

“The globe and anchor?” Apple Bloom asked. “What’s that supposed to mean? It like some sort of gang symbol?”

Shaking his head, Ironhide explained, “It’s the emblem of the Marine Corps.” Upon hearing that, Apple Bloom let out an awkward, “Ooh.” The older man let out a gentle chuckle as he continued, “Don’t worry, I taught those goons a lesson.”

Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “You didn’t rough ‘em up, did ya?” Ironhide immediately replied, “Of course not. I just told those chest-thumping bill brats that that kind of attitude is an insult to every serviceman and woman.” He then allowed a cocky smirk to grow on his face as he added, “And when I told them I was a wrecker, they backed off real quickly.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle at that last remark.

Once she’d calmed down, Ironhide asked, “Have I ever told you of how we became wreckers?” Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think. You told me the day we met your friend Wasp.” The older man raised his finger as he explained, “That was how I met Kup. We had to be trained to be Wreckers.”

Realizing she was about to hear another war story, Apple Bloom asked, “Did anyone get hurt like Wasp did?” Shaking his head, Ironhide answered, “Don’t worry, no one got hurt like that.” Letting out a sigh of relief, the former farm girl asked, “So, what was trainin’ like?”

Stretching his arms, Ironhide began to tell his story. “Well, it started when we were brought to a secure location……”

A Desert Bus, Many Years Earlier…

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night that made one want to pass the time by writing scary stories. As the rain poured down from the outside, Ironhide sat at a window seat on the bus, holding his duffle bag in his lap. From time to time they’d pass something moderately interesting like an oddly shaped rock or a coyote, but for the most part there was nothing but the dark desert landscape.

Sighing to himself, Ironhide couldn’t help but whisper to himself, “Maybe they’re just taking us to some ditch to kill us all.” He then began to look around the bus, taking note of all the men who were in the other seats. All of them were in simple military fatigues and sported entirely shaved heads, the telltale signs they’d all experienced boot camp in some form.

And Ironhide was no different.

Indeed, he was still wearing his basic uniform from Parry Island. Just thinking about that wretched place made his skin crawl, especially Sentinel Prime. Just before he left, he learned that Wasp had been handed back over to the Corps. “Like letting inmates run the prison.” The gray man grumbled to himself.

He was taken out of his stupor when the bus began to slow down. ‘Huh. Maybe we’re at our mystery destination?’ Ironhide thought to himself. Instead, when the bus stopped, more men entered the cramped bus. As several of them made their way past him, one man approached him and asked, “This seat taken?”

Shaking his head, Ironhide replied, “Nope. Make yourself comfortable, ‘cause I got a feeling it’s the last time we’ll be comfy for a while.” The new man shrugged as he sat down in the seat next to Ironhide and placed his own duffle bag on his lap as he remarked, “Good point.”

Ironhide began to take note of this man who was now sitting next to him. He had a similar dark gray skin to him, and he was wearing a simple uniform not unlike all the other men on the bus. Realizing he was being watched, the new man extended his hand and said, “Where are my manners? The name’s Wheeljack.”

Shaking his hand, Ironhide introduced himself. “I’m Ironhide.” When they finished, Wheeljack asked, “So, which branch were you in?” Taking a moment to collect himself, Ironhide explained, “I was in the Marines, but I got guess I didn’t have what it takes to be a sadistic psychopath.”

Wheeljack let out a hearty chuckle as he really, “Really? I was in the Air Force, but I had a tiny altercation with a drunken lieutenant.” Surprised, Ironhide asked, “What happened?” The new arrival answered, “I was taking my sister out when the prick began hitting on her. I told him when a lady says no, she means no.”

Both impressed and amused, Ironhide jokingly remarked, “And they say chivalry is dead.” Wheeljack let out an embarrassed sigh as he added, “Well the Air Force for starters. Apparently because we’re at war, striking a superior officer under any circumstance is considered a capital offense.” Ironhide then proceeded to rest an arm around his new buddy’s shoulder as he reassured him, “Hey that just means you’re too good a man for them.”

“Thanks buddy.” Wheeljack replied. He then joked, “You know, I got a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” Ironhide could only sigh as he added, “I hope so.”

An Unspecified amount of Time Later….

After what seemed like an eternity, the bus began to approach a collection of lights. Curious, Wheeljack asked, “You think that’s our destination?” Ironhide shrugged as he answered, “Possibly. I mean you’ve asked that question like five times already.”

However, this time, once the bus stopped and the door opened, a man with yellow skin dressed in a drill instructor’s outfit entered and shouted, “Ok ladies! Get your shit together and get moving!” As everyone began to rise to their feet, Ironhide turned to Wheeljack and quickly added, “This time you’re right.” With that, both men picked up their duffle bags and began to follow everyone else.

The Base’s Barracks…

Soon everyone was escorted into the mystery military base’s barracks and instructed to line up. Ironhide found himself in between Wheeljack and a small blue man who couldn’t have been older than 18. Risking a glance to observe him, the former marine noticed the kid was clearly nervous. Leaning close to him, Ironhide whispered, “Don’t worry kid. It’ll be alright.”

From behind him, a loud voice shouted, “Shut up boy!” Ironhide immediately snapped to attention as he noticed the drill instructor from earlier emerged from behind him and walk past him. Quietly allowing himself to let out a mild sigh of relief, he thought to himself, ‘At least this guy isn’t Sentinel Prime.”

After a few minutes, a very familiar man entered the room; an older man with light metallic green skin in an officer’s uniform. ‘That’s Kup.’ Ironhide thought to himself.

As he made his way to the center of the room, Kup began to speak. “So, time to get the important part out of the way. Blah blah momma’s no here, blah blah in the army now, blah blah your asses are mine.” Turning to the drill instructor, he asked, “Sergeant Impactor, have I forgotten anything?” The yellow man shook his head as he replied, “Sir no sir.”

Nodding, Kup returned his focus to the collection of young recruits before him. “Now that we’ve got the important stuff out of the way…..” He began as he began to walk past several of the soldiers. “Each and every one of you has done something that has angered somebody. Whether it was the Army, The Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or anything else, you boys have found yourselves in a situation where the brass wants you either in a prison cell or against a wall waiting for the firing squad.”

As Ironhide couldn’t help feel a pang of guilt hit his heart, Kup continued, “Of course, we know better, don’t we? You’re here because you boys know the difference between being a soldier and being a grunt with a gun. You are the kind of men who might just turn the tide of this war, and I’m counting on that for our little project here.”

Approaching Ironhide, Kup stared daggers into his eyes as he bluntly asked, “You won’t be giving me any trouble, will you?” Gulping, Ironhide answered, “Sir, no sir!” The older man let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Good, because while we are not murderous psychopaths like those fucktards on Parry Island, this place is not a daycare. You will be pushed to the absolute limit, and even then you will keep going. You will all learn not only to fight, but how to survive, how to interact with any locals you will encounter, and most importantly, how to win.”

As he continued to walk past the recruits, Kup finished with, “And one more thing. I do not expect you all to be the best of friends, but DO expect you to be professional with each other. I don’t want any unwanted name calling or hazing. If find out that shit is happening, you are out of here, am I clear?” The entire room answered, “Sir yes sir!”

Satisfied, the green officer said, “In that case, welcome to the Wreckers!” He then turned to the drill instructor and ordered, “Sergeant Impactor, sweat them!”

Nodding, Impactor approached the group and shouted, “Alright ladies. It is currently O Six hundred hours. I hope you all had plenty of beauty sleep on the ride here, because we’re going from dawn to dusk. Now form up! We’re going for a run!”

Ironhide could only sigh as he thought to himself, ‘Well, here goes nothing.’

A Few Weeks Later….

The rain was pouring down hard on Ironhide as he made his way through the obstacle course. While he had been through this sort of experience before at Parry Island, he still found it incredibly demanding and tiring, especially since he was carrying all of his equipment as well as an assault rifle in his hands.

As he crawled through a small tunnel, Ironhide heard Sergeant Impactor shout, “Come on Ironhide! Don’t hold the others up!” The younger man thought to himself, ‘At least this guy isn’t threatening to kill us.’

Instead, Ironhide and the other recruits found themselves in a “simulated experience,” which was about the only nice thing anyone could call it.

As he approached a section of barbed wire, Ironhide got a glimpse of some soldiers preparing a heavy machine gun. He didn’t have time to ponder it any further however, when Sergeant Impactor shouted, “What are you waiting for, a fucking red carpet? Start crawling!”

The younger man instinctively hit the ground as he began to crawl under the barbed wire. For a few moments, Ironhide thought to himself, ‘This isn’t too hard.’

He was rudely proven wrong when the thunderous rat-tat-tat of machine gun fire began to go off above him. Ironhide felt his heart stop for a moment as he processed what was going on. “Fucking hell!” He impulsively remarked, thankful the machine gun was drowning him out.

After a few minutes, Ironhide managed to crawl his way through the mess of mud and barbed wire. Rising back to his feet, he found himself face to face with none other than Lieutenant Colonel Kup himself. Eyeing the younger man, the grizzled old officer reported, “Two minutes. I know you can do better than that.” Gulping nervously, Ironhide replied, “Sir, won’t happen again sir.”

From behind him, Ironhide heard someone began to scream in fear. Turning around, he found one of the younger recruits, a crimson man by the name of Cliffjumper, stopped in the middle of the barbed wire passage way with Wheeljack and the blue young man from earlier behind him. The maroon man was panicking, screaming, “We’re screwed! We’re all gonna die!”

From behind Cliffjumper, Wheeljack tried to snap him out of it with a stern, “We gotta keep moving! You’re holding everyone up!” That remark must have done something right, because the maroon man began to try and stand up, only to get himself entangled in the web of barbed wire. It was only now that Ironhide realized that Cliffjumper was right in the path of the heavy machine gun.

“NO!” Ironhide shouted as he charged towards his entangled companion, not even noticing the sound of a small explosion coming from the machine gun. Chugging through the mud and grime, he approached the younger man and, kneeling down to him, said, “I’m gonna get you out of this.”

Within a few minutes, he’d gotten Cliffjumper out of his sticky situation, even if the latter recruit still had pieces of barbed wire sticking out of him. As the maroon soldier began to pry the barbed wire off of him, both recruits were distracted by sound of Kup shouting, “What the hell just happened?”

As Ironhide turned to face his commanding officer, Sergeant Impactor approached the latter and reported, “Sir, the machine gun jammed! A second later and Private Cliffjumper here would have had his brains splattered all over the place!”

Taking everything in, Kup turned his attention to Cliffjumper and asked, “Private, do you have any idea how lucky you are?” The crimson recruit would have answered, but he fainted as blood continued to pour from his many wounds. Sighing in resignation, Kup ordered, “Ironhide! Get this boy to the infirmary!”

“Sir, yes sir!” Ironhide nodded as he picked up Cliffjumper and began to make his way to the infirmary, hoping his fellow cadet would be alright.

The Mess Hall, Later That Day….

When one goes through activities as demanding as military training, it’s not surprising that recruits like Ironhide will eat anything before them. Heck, even oddly colored slop that could only be described as “food” by the most generous souls was nothing short of a feast to these famished warriors.

As Ironhide shoveled as much of the slop into his mouth as fast as he could, he was distracted by Wheeljack’s voice calling out, “Whoa there. Slow it down buddy.” Lifting his head to see who it was, he was surprised to see that his new friend was accompanied by a familiar light blue man. Swallowing his mouthful, Ironhide asked, “Sorry, I don’t think I got your name. What was it again?”

Sitting down next to him, the young blue man answered, “Huffer.” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Good to meet you Huffer.” As Wheeljack sat down on his other side, he added, “Huffer here was impressed by what you did for Cliffjumper.”

Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Hey, you don’t just let someone bleed out on barbed wire.” Huffer began to glow with awe as he added, “But you ran right into a machine gun’s line of fire! If it hadn’t jammed you both would have been pumped full of lead!” As Ironhide let out an embarrassed chuckle, he added, “I guess I just didn’t notice it.”

Wheeljack then asked, “Speaking of barbed wire, how’s Cliffjumper?” Sighing, Ironhide answered, “Pretty banged up, but that’s not the worst part.” When Wheeljack and Huffer leaned in, Ironhide explained, “Kup had him drummed out. Apparently it’s because we can’t allow people to break that easily.”

Huffer sighed as he remarked, “Well that sucks. I kinda liked him.” As Ironhide rested a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Wheeljack added, “Hey, at least he’s not dead.”

None of the three men could help but laugh at that last remark.

Sometime Later…

“Alright boys! Line up!” Sergeant Impactor shouted as the recruits lined up. Ironhide couldn’t help but notice that the group had sadly shrunken; not only was Cliffjumper gone, but so were almost two thirds of the other soldiers. Most had sadly cracked under the pressure while a few others had suffered serious injuries.

Still, Ironhide had managed to make it through. Not only that, but Wheeljack and Huffer also managed to tough it out. Allowing himself to catch a quick glimpse at his friends, the young man couldn’t help but allow himself to feel proud of them.

“How’s it hangin’ farm boy?” A familiar voice asked from right next to him. Ironhide couldn’t help but groan as he turned to see who it was.

Standing right next to him was a recruit with dark puce skin with the usual bald head of other trainees and the faint hints of a black mustache. Groaning, Ironhide asked, “What do you want Roadblock?”

Of course he had to be standing next to Roadblock. While it was true that he got along with most of his fellow recruits, Ironhide found he didn’t get along with Roadblock, or rather found him absolutely irritating. The man who had been in the army before he got in trouble for advocating “exterminating weaklings” had proven himself to be a generally nasty man.

Leaning to Ironhide, Roadblock whispered, “I heard we’re finally gonna get our field officer. And guess who it’s not gonna be?” Ironhide rolled his eyes as he whispered back, “Let me guess, you?” The puce man grumbled as he replied, “At least I know I’ll be his second in command.”

Both men were interrupted when Kup appeared and called out, “Attention!” Every recruit snapped to attention. Once the room was quiet, the Lieutenant Colonel began to speak. “Men, you have all grown into fine soldiers, and I have no doubt that you will make the enemy quake in their boots.” As he began to inspect his men, he continued, “And the time has come to introduce you to your field officer.”

The door at the end of the barracks opened, and a new man entered the room. He had a light blue skin and stood tall and proud, generating a sense of awe and power that Ironhide felt made him feel like he could take on the entire world.

As this man approached Kup, the old officer continued his speech. “Boys, I have a confession. While you have been trained as soldiers, this man here has been trained to lead you.” When the new man gave a salute, the Lieutenant Colonel returned the gesture to him before introducing him to the men who would soon be fighting under him.

“Men, this is Captain Optimus Prime.”

Optimus turned to face his new subordinates and properly introduced himself. “Gentlemen, I am honored to be your commanding officer, and I promise you all, I will be the first to set foot on the enemy soil and the last to set foot off.”

Sure, it sounded just like a simple promise, the kind Ironhide often heard his father go on about. But just hearing it come from this man, this Optimus Prime, just felt right. His deep, booming voice mate it feel like he was telling nothing short of the truth.

Optimus stepped forward to the men and began to eye them. As his eyes approached Ironhide, he called out, “Private Ironhide, step forward!” Momentarily put off, the gray man stepped forward. When Optimus approached him, he continued, “Private, I have been informed of your skills and endurance. However, I am not too intrigued in your skills, but rather your reputation.”

“My reputation sir?” Ironhide asked. Optimus nodded as he replied, “I am aware of your little stunt when you saved Cliffjumper, as well as your assistance to other recruits. You’re the kind of man I need by my side. Effective immediately you are my number two. Congratulations Sergeant Ironhide.”

Ironhide was stunned speechless. He was being promoted by a man he had just met. Struggling to come up with an answer, he could only reply with a simple, “Sir, thank you sir.”

Stepping back into position, Ironhide could feel the jealousy of Roadblock sneering at him from one side and the proud smiles of Wheeljack and Huffer from the other. Luckily, two was a better number than one, and he felt he could live with that.

All in all, Ironhide felt that things were going to be just fine.

The Kitchen, Present Day….

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she took in her uncle’s story. The older man nodded as he wrapped up with, “Yup. That’s how I met Wheeljack. Not exactly the most exciting story, but it’s what happened.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he added, “To be honest, I always thought my fire forged friendship would be with Roadblock.”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “What happened to Roadblock and Huffer anyway?” The moment those words escaped her lips, Ironhide sighed as he answered, “Roadblock is serving a life sentence of hard labor and Huffer is….”

“Life sentence?” Apple Bloom asked incredulously. “As in he’s in prison?”

Ironhide sadly nodded as he explained, “I always had a feeling something was wrong with him, and in the last days of the war, he…..” He stopped himself for a moment before bluntly finishing with, “He did something unforgivable, and it’s a story for another day.” Apple Bloom wanted to ask more questions, to find out more about her uncle’s past. However, something told her not to, that she was prying too deep.

She didn’t get too long to ponder on it, as Wheeljack called out, “Hey, you guys hear the news? There was some giant robot sighted at Canterlot High!” Stunned, Apple Bloom asked, “What?”

Approaching the two, Wheeljack pulled out his smart phone and began to play a video, specifically some very shaky footage of a massive robot wielding spinning blades as it swept at students fleeing for their lives. As Apple Bloom held her hands to her mouth in shock, Wheeljack reassured her, “Don’t worry. The news says that no one was hurt, though shortly afterwards some woman by the name of Cinch just disappeared.”

Ironhide, however, shrugged as he remarked, “Eh, not the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.” As Apple Bloom gave a confused look, the family patriarch added, “Kid, the less I say about Wheeljack’s immobilizer, the better.”

Starting to feel a headache form in her head, Apple Bloom shook her head and said, “Ok, Ah’m just gonna believe ya on that.”

Wheeljack then asked, “So Apple Bloom, I’m thinking of cooking up some meatball subs for lunch. You want to help?” The former farm girl nodded as she replied, “You bet.” As she began to approach Wheeljack, however, Apple Bloom turned to Ironhide and, without warning, wrapped him in a tight hug.

“Whoa there. What’s that for?” Ironhide asked. The red haired girl replied, “No real reason. Just for bein’ you.” She then paused for a moment before adding, “Actually that kinda sounded corny.”

With that, Apple Bloom and Wheeljack began to their epic battle to make lunch, all the while Ironhide thought to himself, ‘I love that girl.’

Author's Note:

Next Time; it's a surprise.

Author's note; I'm taking a week off because I need to recharge. Also, it's not a good idea to put too much effort into April Fools chapters, because, well, then I guess the joke is on you.

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