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Making Peace with the Past

As the Apple Blooms

Part 75; Making Peace with the Past

Running through the mountains of junk, Apple Bloom struggled to keep her now damp hair out of her eyes as she tried to keep her balance in the uneven ground. As the rain poured down, the former farm girl realized she didn’t know where she was going. However, she knew she needed somewhere quiet to process what she’d just learned, and the chop shop was simply too crowded.

After a few minutes of running all over the scrap yard in the pouring rain, Apple Bloom found something that could work for her; an old truck that appeared to have a fully enclosed cabin. Wasting no time, the young girl pulled the door open, climbed into the truck’s cabin, and curled up as she began to cry and process everything she’d just learned.

“How?” The former farm girl asked herself. “How could Uncle Ironhide just… Kill him?” Indeed, within the last hour, Apple Bloom had learned not only that her uncle killed his commanding officer Captain Sentinel Prime, but that he struck the final blow while he was begging for mercy. Shaking her head, the young girl asked, “How could he be so merciless?”

Of course, she knew Sentinel had hardly been an inspirational figure. Though she never met him, the large-chinned marine had left a legacy of violence, intolerance, and blood lust that made it hard for Apple Bloom to actually mourn his death.

That still didn’t make the fact Ironhide gunned him down any harder to swallow. “Ah mean, he could have just arrested him, right?” Apple Bloom asked herself. “Like, Ah get him shootin’ his hand off, but he could have just knocked him out like they did with Roadblock.”

Apple Bloom was so consumed by her conversation with herself that she barely noticed the voices that were calling out for her. After a few moments, the former farm girl was finally snapped out of her semi-trance when she heard Wheeljack’s voice bluntly ask, “Kid? What are you doing in there?”

After catching her breath, Apple Bloom angrily shot back, “Wheeljack, you scared the hell out of me!” The maverick mechanic simply folded his arms as he replied, “That doesn’t answer my question kid. What are you doing out here in the pouring rain?” The former farm girl tried to answer, but all she could do was look away as she sighed.

Taking a deep breath, Wheeljack asked, “He told you, didn’t he?” As Apple Bloom turned to face her coworker and friend, he continued, “The Hamlet Incident? He told you what happened, didn’t he?” All the former farm girl could do was nod as a few tears streamed out of her eyes.

Extending his hand, Wheeljack gently reassured the young girl, “Look, how about we talk about this in my workshop?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before nervously asking, “Will uncle Ironhide be in there?” The maverick mechanic gave her a reassuring smile as he answered, “He won’t.” He then let out a small giggle as he added, “Of course I hope you don’t mind Wreck-Gar.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle, “Ah don’t mind at all.” With that, both Apple Bloom and Wheeljack made their way towards the latter’s workshop, hopeful they could make it before the mud got any stickier.

Wheeljack’s Workshop…

As the two organics entered the large barn, Wreck-Gar immediately called out, “Ah, there you are sir. I was worried you might catch a cold.” The maverick mechanic raised his hand as he remarked, “Not this time. However, tonight has been taxing for everyone.” Making his way up to his loyal automaton, Wheeljack quickly added, “She learned something about Ironhide tonight.”

Unfortunately, Wreck-Gar quickly blabbered, “I take it that means Apple Bloom has been informed of how Ironhide killed Sentinel Prime after he murdered Huffer and threatened Optimus Prime?”

Needless to say, both Apple Bloom and Wheeljack glared at Wreck-Gar as the robot cyclops realized he’d made a massive faux pas. Holding his hand to his “mouth,” the robot quickly declared, “Ah, my bad. I will go get you two some towels.”

As the android departed, he turned to face Apple Bloom as he innocently asked, “Do pardon me for asking, but you wouldn’t happen to have had your hair dyed, have you?” Curious, Apple Bloom pulled one of her braided pigtails up to her face and noticed that, due to the rain, her hair was noticeably darker than normal. The former farm girl turned back to Wreck-Gar and replied, “Oh, Ah haven’t. It’s just from the rain.” Wreck-Gar simply nodded as he remarked, “Well, I must say I think a dark red like burgundy suits you perfectly.”

Wheeljack immediately interrupted the playful conversation with a paternally forceful, “The towels please?” Nodding, Wreck-Gar replied, “Of course sir. I will be right back.” Once the android had departed, Apple Bloom found herself looking at her reflection in an old mirror Wheeljack had lying around. Taking a moment to ponder what Wreck-Gar had said, she couldn’t help but noticed she found her hair looked pretty good in a darker red.

She was distracted from her moment of vanity as she heard the sound of the door opening again. Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom found both Chromia and Torque Wrench approaching her. Both women were wearing yellow raincoats as the older woman held a pair of black rain boots, a spare rain jacket, and a pair pajamas.

Approaching the former farm girl, Chromia gently said, “I thought you might be out here. Figured you could use these.” Accepting the clothes, Apple Bloom let out a gentle, “Thanks Aunt Chromia.” Torque Wrench then asked, “I take it that dad told you about what happened during the war?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom asked, “Did you guys know what happened?” Chromia let out a defeated sigh as she admitted, “I was probably the first person Ironhide told.” Torque Wrench then added, “Dad told me when I was a little older than you are. Maybe about 16?” The former farm girl sighed as she replied, “Then Ah guess everyone here knows?”

Chromia shook her head as she answered, “Sideswipe didn’t, but given everything, Ironhide decided to tell her as well. They’re probably having a chat about it right now.” Taking this in, Apple Bloom held her head in shame as she apologized, “Ah’m sorry for runnin’ off. Ah was just…” Struggling to find the right words, she finally settled on, “… Just overwhelmed.”

The family matriarch rested a hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder as she reassured her, “It’s alright.” Chromia then began to lead the former farm girl to Wheeljack’s couch as she continued, “Trust me, when he told me everything, even I was a bit confused and overwhelmed.” As they sat down, the older woman continued, “Of course, I’d already heard about more than a few of Sentinel’s “problematic” actions.” As Torque Wrench sat down next to her, Apple Bloom asked, “Well, don’t you think he could have, Ah dunno, not killed him?”

Before Chromia could answer, Wheeljack interrupted, “I hate to burst your bubble of optimism, but any chance of him walking out alive died when he murdered Huffer.” The former farm girl turned to see the maverick mechanic and Wreck-Gar approaching her with several towels. As Apple Bloom accepted them and began to dry herself, Wheeljack solemnly continued, “We put up with all of that monster’s bullshit because we respected the chain of command, only for him to just…..” The maverick mechanic could only take a deep breath as he struggled to keep himself calm, all the painful memories still clearly haunting him all these years later.

Apple Bloom sighed as she wiped her face while remarking, “Ah hope Ah’m not commin’ off as rude.” Wheeljack let out a gentle chuckle as he reassured her, “It’s alright kid. This whole thing was gonna happen sooner or later.” He then apologized, “I’m just sorry it took that asshole Brawn harassing you for it to happen.”

Chromia rolled her eyes as she remarked, “I’ll let that one slide, but ONLY because Brawn is a jerk.” As everyone laughed, Apple Bloom spoke up, “So, is there somewhere Ah can change into these pajamas?” Wreck-Gar immediately pointed to the other side of the workshop as he answered, “Down the hall in master Wheeljack’s room.” The former farm girl nodded as she departed for Wheeljack’s room.

After about ten minutes, Apple Bloom returned, having replaced her now soaked dress with a pair of dark red pajamas and black rain boots. The former farm girl then asked, “So, how long is the rain gonna last?” Torque Wrench replied, “Probably another hour, give or take. Why?” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom answered, “Because Ah wanna apologize to uncle Ironhide.”

The Chop Shop, a Short While Later…

Making her way up the stairs, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself, “Come on Apple Bloom. Just you goin’ to talk to your uncle about everythin’ and apologize for runnin’ off.” After all, despite what had happened, it wasn’t like Ironhide would ever do anything to her, right?”

Once she was up to the master bedroom’s door, the former farm girl took one final deep breath as she pepped herself up with, “No turnin’ back now.” With that, Apple Bloom knocked on the door as she asked, “Uncle Ironhide? You there?” Though there was no response, the door did open slightly.

Peaking her head into her uncle’s room, the former farm girl found Ironhide sitting with his back to her, looking down at something. Mustering enough courage, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, it alright for me to come in?” Without turning his head, Ironhide dejectedly answered, “Sure thing kid.” The former farm girl walked up to her uncle as she asked, “What you readin’?”

The older man turned to face his daughter, his face betraying a deep sadness that had overcome him as he handed her an old newspaper. Apple Bloom nervously accepted the paper as Ironhide lamented, “I knew you would learn eventually. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

As she took the paper, Apple Bloom read, “Sergeant pleads guilty to fraggin’?” Ironhide nodded as he replied, “Fragging is when soldiers turn on their commanders. Name comes from the fact that most of the time it’s done with frag grenades.” He then let out an embarrassed chuckle as he added, “I had a feeling Sentinel knew one of us would try something. It’s why after the massacre he demanded we all surrender our hand grenades.”

Apple Bloom sighed as she apologized, “Uncle Ironhide? Ah’m sorry for runnin’ off earlier.” As she set the news paper down on the bed, she continued, “Ah know Ah messed up doin’ that, and Ah hope you can forgive me for that.”

The former farm girl received her answer when Ironhide immediately wrapped his daughter in a tight hug as he reassured her, “You don’t have to apologize for anything kid.” As he released her, Ironhide rested his hands on her shoulders as he continued, “I’m the one who should be apologizing to you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just never knew how to tell you without driving you away.”

Feeling her eyes water up, Apple Bloom replied, “Given what Ah’ve done and why, Ah’d say you had the best reason in the world to do it.” She then wrapped her uncle in a massive hug and began to cry as Ironhide hugged her back. Despite knowing everything he did all those years ago, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel safer than she’d ever felt in her entire life when held in her uncle’s arms.

After their hug, Ironhide said, “Thanks kid.” Apple Bloom wiped the tears out of her eyes as she replied, “No problem. Ah love you uncle Ironhide.” The family patriarch smiled as he replied, “I love you too Apple Bloom.” He then sighed as he admitted, “I have to admit kid, you took the news better than your father did.”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “What happened when mah mom and dad found out?” Ironhide looked away in shame as he admitted, “I have to be honest kid, I’ve had a long night reliving the worst day of my life twice.” As the former farm girl realized just how defeated her uncle sounded, the former soldier reassured her, “But I suppose I can give you the abbreviated version.” He then let out a defeated chuckle as he added, “It does sort of wrap things up.”

As Apple Bloom made herself comfortable, Ironhide began, “For starters, when we finally returned to base, it wasn’t exactly a warm welcome. Roadblock came to and when he found out what happened, he blabbered to the some of the higher ups. Before we knew it, we were all separated and interrogated about what happened.”

Sighing, Ironhide added, “I didn’t lie about anything. I told them everything that happened. The villagers, Huffer, gunning down Sentinel, the whole deal.” Taking this in, Apple Bloom asked, “But they know you didn’t have a choice, right?” The older man rested his arm around her shoulder as he replied, “Some did. Others, particularly other marines who found out, considered us as traitors.”

Rising for a moment, Ironhide made his way to the closet as he said, “To give you just a taste of what happened, here’s another opinion of what happened.” After searching through his closet, the family patriarch pulled out another newspaper and handed it to Apple Bloom.

Taking the newspaper, the former farm girl read aloud, “Traitor walks free? Sergeant who confesses to murder gets away with less than honorable discharge?” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “But, Sentinel was tryin’ to kill you guys! Why would they think you’re a traitor?” Ironhide sighed as he replied, “Because I was an army guy who struck a marine, let alone my superior officer. You see kid, standing up to your superiors for anything is a big deal.”

Shaking his head, Ironhide interrupted himself as he said, “Getting off track here. Long story short, we were subjected to a small tribunal. Once we all explained everything, Roadblock was found guilty of murder. He was dragged away to some hole, but not before we tore his uniform off his sorry ass.” As he let out a gentle chuckle, the former sergeant admitted, “The things he said? Chromia would tear me apart if I repeated it.”

After letting out a good giggle, Apple Bloom asked, “And what happened to you and the others?” Sighing in resignation, Ironhide answered, “Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Hound were found not guilty and given honorable discharges.” When the former farm girl gave him a confused look, he elaborated, “Basically they were allowed to go home.” Apple Bloom then inquired, “What about you?”

Ironhide hesitated for a moment as found his hand starting to tremble. After a few moments, he replied, “I was given a less than honorable discharge.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he quickly added, “Well, they did throw me a bone and called it a “slightly” less than honorable discharge. I’m not allowed veteran’s benefits and I couldn’t get on the GI bill, but I was allowed to keep my rank and I’ll get a flag on my coffin.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “And Optimus?” Upon hearing his old captain’s name being dropped, Ironhide looked away as he admitted, “That’s the hard part. If Prime hadn’t….” Pausing for a moment, he continued, “If it sounds like we got off easy for what happened, well, it’s because Optimus agreed to be a fall guy. He had to publicly say that when I… did it, it was because I was following his orders. Basically, we had to lie to the world and say that the Wreckers were more loyal to each other than to our country.”

As Apple Bloom took this in, Ironhide continued, “In exchange for the rest of us getting to go home, Optimus had to perform a solo recon mission to the northern border.” He then sighed as he admitted, “We all knew it was a suicide mission, but there was nothing we could do.” The former soldier then allowed a tear to drip from his eye as he admitted, “And deep down I was just too broken to put up a fight.”

Taking one final deep breath, Ironhide finished, “Well, we said our final goodbyes, and I never saw Optimus again. I later heard that after a few months, he showed up at the northernmost outpost, bruised and missing an arm. Apparently, he saluted, gave the sentries the information he’d acquired, and then collapsed to the ground.”

The former farm girl realized that her uncle was struggling to keep himself composed at the memory of his fallen friend, and so wrapped him in another tight hug. Ironhide hugged his daughter back as he let out a gentle, “Thanks Apple Bloom.”

Once they finished their hug, Apple Bloom reassured her uncle, “It’s alright if you don’t wanna reveal everything.” To her surprise, Ironhide relented, “It’s alright kid. I’ve put this off long enough.” He then continued, “So, Optimus is gone, and after a long plane flight, I finally get home.”

His face blushing, Ironhide admitted, “The first person I ran into was Chromia, and the less I say about that night, the better.” As Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle at the implication of what her uncle was suggesting, the family patriarch continued, “I tried talking to your father, but he was doing his damn best to stay away from me. After almost a month, I lost patience and, well… I may have barged into the Apple Family reunion.”

His face now betraying the deep-rooted sadness inside of him, “When I was finally alone with your dad, it didn’t go well. Turned out the corps had been running this whole smear campaign against us.” Apple Bloom felt her heart jump into her throat as she drifted her sights at the newspapers her uncle had given her. ‘Smear campaign?’ She thought to herself.

Finally, Ironhide admitted, “Your father bought it hook, line and sinker. He started rambling on about how I was a cold-blooded killer and a backstabbing traitor.” He then sighed as he added, “It didn’t help that I couldn’t write many letters home, and all the ones I wrote were for Chromia.” After bracing himself again, Ironhide admitted, “We started arguing, and, well, he accused me of murdering Huffer.”

Sighing, the former sergeant finished with, “Needless to say, I slugged him in the face. We got in a fist fight, and after your mother separated us, he threatened to kill me if I ever showed up around the farm again.”

Apple Bloom found herself absolutely speechless as she took everything in. ‘Wait, this can’t be true, right?’ She thought to herself. Then again, tonight had been a night of revelations. And she knew her uncle enough to know he’d never lie to her about her father. After all, while he’d playfully ribbed him a few times, Ironhide had never said a bad word about her dad yet.

Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl asked, “Did he really threaten to…. What he said?” All Ironhide could do was weakly nod as he looked away in sorrow.

‘So, it is true.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Mah dad said that to uncle Ironhide.’ All she could do was hug her uncle as she tried to comfort him. Smiling, Ironhide tried to reassure his daughter, “It’s alright kid.” This statement was met with the former farm girl exclaiming, “No it ain’t! Mah dad accused you of bein’ a murderer and he bought all that bullshit without even askin’ you! He….”

Starting to break down again, Apple Bloom could only finish with a defeated, “He turned his back on you.” As the tears fell down her cheeks, she realized, “Like Applejack.” She then threw herself at Ironhide, this time with so much force that she accidentally pushed both of them off the bed.

Quickly rising off the floor, Apple Bloom apologized, “Oh mah goodness! Ah’m so sorry!” To her surprise, Ironhide reassured her, “It’s alright kid.” As they both sat down back on the bed, the family patriarch continued, “But yeah. For lack of a better term, I was persona non grata to the Apple Family. Chromia and I hadn’t even made it home yet before I knew that I couldn’t stay in Canterlot City.”

Cracking his knuckles, Ironhide wrapped his story up with, “Sorry for breezing through everything kid. But it was during that time that I reunited with Ratchet and Wheeljack and, after some discussion, we all pooled our resources and bought this place and…” Shrugging, he finished, “And that’s that.”

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom wiped the tears from her eyes as she apologized, “Ah’m so sorry you had to go through all that, and Ah’m sorry mah dad was so mean to you.” Ironhide reassured the young girl, “It’s alright kid. After Primus knows how long, your dad and I did make up. At least, to a degree.” He then added, “And there was one way we made up to each other.”

As Apple Bloom prepared for his uncle’s answer, Ironhide answered, “On my part, I offered the favor. I told your mom and dad that if there was anything they needed, as long as it wasn’t illegal, I’d do it.” He then looked on Apple Bloom as he continued, “And as for him, he did give me one small thing.” Enticed, Apple Bloom asked, “What was it?”

Resting his hand on the young girl’s shoulders, Ironhide answered, “He showed me this young baby with bright red hair, just like her dad.” As Apple Bloom took this in, he continued, “And he said that her name was Apple Bloom, and that she needed a godfather.” The family patriarch then awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he added, “Probably not the best way to reveal I’m your godfather but, guess by this point I’m just getting everything off my chest.”

Apple Bloom lit up as she wrapped her uncle in (yet another) hug as she squealed, “Ah can’t think of a better godfather than you uncle Ironhide.” Ironhide hugged her back as he replied, “And I couldn’t think of a better goddaughter.” He then smiled as he quipped, “Though as an actual daughter, you’re in a three-way tie with Sideswipe and Torque Wrench.” The former farm girl giggled as she let out a gentle, “Thanks uncle Ironhide.”

And so, father and daughter talked into the night, bonding over stories of days long past.

The Garage, the Next Day….

“Careful, careful kid.” Ironhide warned Apple Bloom as she worked on the engine. After the hectic previous day, the family patriarch decided that he and his daughter would work together on the main project of the day, dismantling an old car engine. Needless to say, the family patriarch was fretting over whether were his daughter would hurt herself again.

Turning to face her uncle, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Ah am careful. See?” She then reached into the engine and pulled out three pistons as she continued, “Ah’ve already got these out.” Ironhide let out an amused chuckle as he replied, “Ok, ok. Looks like you’re getting good at this.” Apple Bloom gave her uncle a cheeky smirk as she quipped, “Ah’ve had some good teachers.”

From behind them, Ironhide and Apple Bloom heard Sideswipe calling out, “Hey guys!” As they turned around, they found the pale biker was flanked by both Kerfuffle and Torque Wrench as she informed, “These two lovely ladies are heading off, so they wanted to say goodbye.”

Making his way up to his eldest daughter, Ironhide wrapped her in a tight hug as he admitted, “It always hurts to see you leave.” Torque Wrench hugged her father back as she replied, “I know dad. Hopefully we’ll be back soon.” Kerfuffle then added, “Oh you betcha. You guys have any plans for Hearths Warming?” The family patriarch pulled the pink haired fashionista into the hug as he warmly reassured her, “You’re always welcome here young lady.”

Once their hug was done, Ironhide asked, “So, you girls need a hand with any of your bags?” Torque Wrench immediately answered, “Mom and Sideswipe here already helped get everything loaded. However…” The eldest daughter asked, “Would you guys mind seeing us off?”

Ironhide replied, “I think we can do that.” Apple Bloom then joined in with, “You bet! Come on!” She then ran off with Sideswipe, Kerfuffle, and Torque Wrench.

Now that he was momentarily alone, Ironhide let out a small sigh as he said to himself, “Glad things went down well with her. For a while I thought it was gonna go the way it did with her father.” He then looked out the window as he continued, “After everything she’s been through, I’m glad she’s here.”

He was interrupted from his personal monologue as Apple Bloom asked, “You commin’ uncle Ironhide?” The former soldier replied, “I’m fine kid.” He then made his way towards his daughter as he continued, “Just lost in thought.” The former farm girl then said, “Well come on. We wanna send Torque and Kerfuffle off, don’t we?”

Smiling, Ironhide replied, “Of course not.” With that, father and daughter left to see the older girls off, with the former sergeant thankful that Apple Bloom was somewhere she was truly welcome.

After all, Apple Family outcasts like them had to stick together.

Author's Note:

Next Time; It's a surprise.

Author's Note; Now that I've finished a big story arc, I'm gonna take two weeks off. Once we return, I'll do a few fun chapters and move into the final phase. Hopefully this story will be finished by no later than late autumn.

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