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The Veterans' Ball

As the Apple Blooms

Part 72; The Veterans’ Ball

“Alright now, stand still dear.” Kerfuffle said to Sideswipe as the pale biker stood on a makeshift podium in front of a mirror in the living room. Rather than her normal punkish attire, the pale white biker was wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants and shoes, a pair of suspenders, a black tie and a vest; an outfit one would normally expect someone like Wheeljack to wear. It was almost the perfect opposite to the yellow sleeveless dress with black cowgirl boots that Kerfuffle wore.

Starting to lose her patience, Sideswipe asked, “You sure you know what you’re doing Kerfuffle?” Nodding, the blue-green woman reassured her, “I know very well what I’m doing dear. I’m just tightening your tuxedo here up so it fits you better.” She then let out a wistful sigh as she added, “I do this all the time with boys’ suits for proms.”

From the other end of the living room, Apple Bloom and Torque Wrench entered as the former farm girl remarked, “Why aren’t you just the cutest tomboy Ah’ve ever seen!” As the two cousins made their way into the living room, Kerfuffle couldn’t help but quip, “Of course you two aren’t too bad looking yourself.”

Indeed, Apple Bloom was wearing her high collared, red sleeveless dress from her date with Tender Taps, complete with black laced shoes. Torque Wrench, on the other hand, was clad in a perfect balance of masculinity and femininity, wearing a dark blue suit coat over a white dress shirt with a dark blue bow tie and vest, while at the same time wearing a dark blue pleated skirt with black dress shoes much like her cousin’s. All in all, everyone was dressed less for working in a scrap yard and more for a night out on the town.

Walking up to Kerfuffle, Apple Bloom asked, “You done with Sideswipe yet?” Shaking her head, the blue-green fashionista replied, “I’m almost done Apple Bloom. Just gotta finish trimming her pants and we’ll be done.” Sure enough, after a few minutes of delicate work with a sewing needle, Kerfuffle finished her work on Sideswipe’s pants.

Strutting off of the podium, Sideswipe glanced at her reflection in the mirror as she stuck a pose and quipped, “Whoa. Don’t know what you girls think, but I’m smoking.” Apple Bloom playfully rolled her eyes as she replied, “Ah’d say hot to the touch.” The pale biker rested her arm against her sister as she added, “You’re not too bad looking yourself.”

At that moment, everyone was distracted by the sound of Ironhide’s voice asking, “You girls ready?” The former farm girl turned around to find her uncle dressed in a green army dress uniform with slicked back hair and a ceremonial peaked cap in his hands. All along his coat jacket were medals and ribbons for his heroics and past actions during the war.

Apple Bloom gave her uncle a small salute as she reassured him, “Ah’m ready to move out sir!” Ironhide let out a small chuckle as he replied, “Atta girl. Just be careful about doing that once we get to the Energon Room. Some folks might take that as the whole stolen valor thing.” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah understand Uncle Ironhide.” This time, she wrapped her uncle in a tight hug, one which he was happy to return in favor.

Once Ironhide and Apple Bloom finished their hug, Torque Wrench straightened her coat jacket as she interrupted, “Hey dad? I hate to be rude, but shouldn’t we be heading off?” The family patriarch nodded as he replied, “Alright. Come on girls.” With that, everyone followed Ironhide, wondering who would be in what car with whom.

The Energon Room, Fifteen Minutes Later….

Walking up to the entrance of the Energon Room, Apple Bloom noticed the large banner that read “Annual Allspark Wells Veteran’s Ball.” From behind her, the former farm girl heard Chromia ask, “Everything alright sweetie?” Turning around, she found her aunt, wearing a light blue short sleeved dress, approach her as she continued, “See something?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom answered, “Nah. Just can’t believe Ah’m back here.” Chromia smiled as she replied, “I bet. Usually, we only come here once a year for the ball.” Behind them, Wheeljack (dressed in the same outfit as Ironhide and Ratchet) ran up to the building as he enthusiastically called out, “Come on boys! Let’s have a little fun!” He was followed by an exasperated Ratchet who replied, “Calm down. Remember what happened last year?”

As the other two men passed, Ironhide and Torque Wrench joined Apple Bloom and Chromia as the former turned to his wife and extended his arm with a cheeky, “Shall we then?” The family matriarch took her husband’s arm as she happily replied, “I’d be honored m’lady.” While they made their way inside, Apple Bloom turned to Torque Wrench as she asked, “We should probably follow them, right?” Her cousin nodded as she replied, “Yeah. Don’t wanna get left out, do we?”

Entering the Energon Room, Apple Bloom took in the majesty of the smoothly carved marble and opulence. ‘Can’t believe Ah’m back here.’ She thought to herself. Darting her eyes around here, the former farm girl did notice one important difference from the last time she’d graced this stunning palace of opulence.

Instead of people dressed in fancy suits and dresses, most of the patrons were wearing military dress uniforms. Indeed, everything ranging from dark green suits to camouflage outfits to dark blue tunics consumed the horizon. While Apple Bloom could point out a few people wearing relatively “normal” formal outfits, it was clear they were only present because they were with family or friends who’d been in the military before.

Apple Bloom was so busy taking everything in that she barely noticed Ironhide asking her, “Hey Apple Bloom! You alright?” Returning to reality, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. Ah’m alright. Just takin’ everythin’ in.” Her uncle smiled as he informed her, “Well, our table’s ready. Come on kid.”

Making their way to the other tables, Apple Bloom was shocked to find a long table, one which could have easily housed her family as well as her friends comfortably. Curious, she asked Ironhide, “Uh, Uncle Ironhide? Isn’t that table a bit big for us?” Giving his daughter a small smirk, the family patriarch replied, “Well, we have a few extra friends.” He then pointed to something behind Apple Bloom as he quipped, “And it looks like two of them are right on que.”

Turning around, she found both Beachcomber and Marble approaching them. While Marble was wearing a dark gray dress and black riding boots as well as her leather jacket, Beachcomber was wearing a dark blue tunic, lighter blue pants, and a white peaked cap. Before she could fully process this, Apple Bloom was (gently) brushed aside by Sideswipe as the pale biker ran up to her girlfriend and wrapped her in a massive hug.

Lighting up with joy, Sideswipe asked, “Marble! It’s so good to see you! What are you doing here?” As she released her girlfriend, Marble brushed some of her hair out of her face as she answered, “The same reason you’re here.” Pausing for a moment, the gray girl added, “And Mr. Beachcomber said I had to.”

Beachcomber quickly added, “What she’s trying to say is that I appreciate her company this year.” He then walked up to Ironhide and extended his hand as he continued, “Good to see you Ironhide.” The former sergeant shook his friend’s hand as he replied, “Good to see you too Beachcomber.”

As everyone sat down at the table, Apple Bloom placed herself in between Sideswipe (who’d chosen a seat next to Marble) and Ironhide. When Beachcomber sat down next to his protégé, the former farm girl asked, “Mr. Beachcomber? Why are you wearin’ a blue outfit?” The older geologist answered, “Ah. This here is the dress uniform of the marine corps. Kinda like how your uncle and his buddies here wear green.”

Wheeljack then remarked, “Pretty much. Every branch has its own dress uniform.” He then tried to point at something, only for Ratchet to nudge him as he warned, “Don’t point. It’s rude.” Chromia then warned, “And no swearing tonight! This is supposed to be a fancy occasion.” Sighing, Wheeljack dejectedly replied, “Yes mom.”

A few moments later, a waiter arrived and took everyone’s drink orders. Once he’d finished and departed, Apple Bloom asked her uncle, “So, anyone else joinin’ us?” Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Yup. The last living member of the Wreckers.” That answer intrigued the former farm girl as she tried to remember how many members of her uncle’s team were still alive.

‘Ah know it’s not Roadblock.’ She thought to herself. ‘Uncle Ironhide said he’s in prison, so he’s obviously not commin’.’ Now that she thought about it, there actually weren’t many members left alive. ‘Let’s see, Ah know Trailbreaker, Firefly, and Mirage are dead.’ Apple Bloom thought. ‘Maybe it’s Crosshair?’

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom whispered to herself, “Nah. Uncle Ironhide said he died a few years back.” Thinking who was left over in her head, she thought, ‘That leaves Springer, Huffer, Hound, and Optimus.’ She would have continued on her train of thought, but was distracted when she heard Ratchet call out, “There he is!”

Looking up, Apple Bloom found a new man approaching the group. He was a large pot-bellied man with light green-yellow skin, a dark green beard and hair, and the same dark green suit as Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack wore. For a few moments, the former farm girl couldn’t quite remember which one of her uncle’s old teammates it was. However, she received her answer when Ironhide rose up and made his way towards his friend as he greeted, “Good to see you Hound.”

Wrapping his former sergeant in a massive hug, Hound replied, “Primus, good to see you’re still kicking Sarge!” He then focused on Ironhide’s stomach as he playfully quipped, “You’ve lost weight.” Ironhide let out an “exasperated” sigh as he replied, “Still set on keeping that beer belly of yours?” The large man shrugged as he answered, “You know they say fat acts as stored energy for the body. I’d rather be a bit pudgy than skin and bones a second time.”

Ratchet immediately raised his hand as he remarked, “That’s not exactly how it works Hound.” The large man simply replied, “Eh, I can sleep at night and I make sure to keep my blood pressure and cholesterol in check.” As everyone laughed at this, Hound noticed the three teenagers at the table as he asked, “So, Who are the kids? I know Torque and her girlfriend here but I’m new to the others.”

As Torque Wrench and Kerfuffle blushed at each other, Ironhide explained, “The gray girl is Marble Pie. She’s Beachcomber’s Protégé.” While Marble meekly smiled as she waved to Hound, the family patriarch continued, “And these two are Apple Bloom and Sideswipe. Long story short, they’re sort of…. My new daughters.”

Hound gave Apple Bloom a curious look as the former farm girl meekly waived as she nervously greeted, “Uh, howdy there.” Thankfully, the large man let out a hearty laugh as he remarked, “I swear Ironhide, there isn’t a kid on this planet you wouldn’t open your door to.” He focused on Apple Bloom as he asked, “I take it your dad was his Apple buddy, wasn’t he?” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she replied, “Ah guess mah name gave it away, didn’t it?”

Sitting down at the table, Hound asked, “So I take it the red head’s here because her family called in the favor, but what’s Sideswipe’s story?” For a brief moment, Sideswipe sank into her chair as the memories of her father reentered everyone’s mind. Eventually, Chromia answered, “Sideswipe here was Red Alert’s daughter, but he finally lost his mind and now she’s part of the family.” Wheeljack then quickly added, “She’s actually been helping out every now and then for a while, so it wasn’t that rough of a transition.”

Hound found himself momentarily speechless before apologizing, “Oh. Sorry about that.” Shrugging, Sideswipe tried to play it all off with a nonchalant, “Eh. He was finally loosing his marbles and I needed to look out for number one.” Of course, she quickly wiped a small tear off of her face as she replied, “I’m just glad I found you guys.”

Letting out a hearty laugh, Hound took a glass of water and raised it as he said, “Well it’s a great thing you found Ironhide kid. He’s the reason we all made it out of hell alive!” Looking around, he greeted, “Here’s to Sergeant Ironhide!” Indeed, everyone else took their glasses and raised them in salute to their friend.

Needless to say, Ironhide was taken aback in humility at this declaration of support for him.

At that moment, another waiter walked up to the group. However, instead of taking anyone’s orders, he walked right up to Ironhide and whispered something into his ear. Apple Bloom immediately noticed her uncle’s attitude swiftly changed from joyous and happy to dejected and even somewhat annoyed. Worried, the former farm girl thought to herself, ‘What’s goin’ on?’

She received her answer when Wheeljack noticed Ironhide’s change in attitude and asked, “Code Red?” Nodding, the family patriarch answered, “Yeah. Code Red.” Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide? What’s a code red?”

Turning to his daughter, Ironhide explained, “It’s nothing kid. Just means Brawn’s trying to get in here again.” That answer surprised Apple Bloom. ‘Brawn’s a veteran too?’ Shaking her head, the former farm girl asked, “Wait. If Brawn’s a veteran, why ain’t he allowed here?”

Wheeljack immediately answered, “Easy. Little bastard killed a guy.”

For several moments, Apple Bloom, Marble, and Sideswipe sat there, struggling to take in what they’d just heard. ‘Killed a guy?’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘Ah mean, Ironhide’s killed people before. He was a soldier, and soldiers kill people in war.’ If that was true, why was Brawn being treated differently?

Apple Bloom was distracted when Ironhide asked, “You alright there kid?” Returning to the here and now, the former farm girl replied, “Ah’m fine, but Ah don’t get somethin’.” Taking a deep breath, she asked, “How did Brawn apparently killin’ a guy so different from what you told me you did?”

Before Ironhide could answer, Ratchet answered, “Let me elaborate on the situation so everyone knows. Years ago, Brawn was in the marine corps when he was stationed at some out of the way naval base. Apparently there was some poor young man in his unit who was a bit of a screw up, so Brawn and some of his squad mates were ordered to perform something called a “code red” on the kid.”

Sideswipe asked, “What’s a code red? That like some sort of intensive training thing?” Before Ratchet or Ironhide could answer, Wheeljack bluntly answered, “Long story short, Brawn and his cronies snuck up on the poor kid, tied his arms and legs together, stuffed a rag down his throat, punched him, kicked him, tried to shave his head, poked him in the eyes, tried to shove a rod up his…..”

Ironhide raised his hand as he interrupted, “That’ll do Wheeljack.” Taking this all in, Apple Bloom exclaimed, “That’s horrible! Why would he do something so…. So cruel?” Hound immediately answered, “Easy. The corps drills it into your head that you follow every order without question.” He then turned to his friends as he added, “Of course, this attitude has more than a few problems of its own.”

After a few moments of awkward silence, Ironhide resumed, “So apparently, this kid had a medical condition, something about a weak heart. When he realized what’s going on, the shock killed him.” He then sighed as he finished, “They were all put on trial for it, of course. Brawn tried to say he was only following orders, which if I may say, is the worst thing you can say when accused of a crime like this. All the others were given less than honorable discharges, but he was dishonorably discharged.”

Having heard everything Apple Bloom let out a simple, “Huh. Guess that explains everythin’.” She then asked, “But that leaves me with one question. When Ah got here, he apparently bought somethin’ from you. Why’d you sell to him if you and him can’t stand each other?” Sighing, Ironhide answered, “Easy. He needed some metal for something and he was willing to pay.” He then added, “Besides, he paid the price under the law, so legally, he’s square with the house again.”

Apple Bloom sat back in her chair as she replied, “Ah guess that all makes sense.” Ironhide then meekly smiled as he apologized, “Sorry for not saying anything about it kid. It never really mattered before, at least ‘till now.” The former farm girl reassured her uncle, “It’s alright Uncle Ironhide.”

She just hoped this wouldn’t be the only unfortunate revelation that night.

A Few Hours Later….

Wiping the crumbs from her face with a napkin, Apple Bloom let out a loud burp, much to everyone’s amusement (as well as Chromia’s ire). As everyone else finished eating, Wheeljack quipped, “I swear, the food gets better every year. I remember the first year they ran out of food and had to start giving out old rations.” He then let out a “wistful sigh” as he joked, “I still remember the diarrhea.”

Chromia immediately warned, “Wheeljack? Please don’t talk about that sort of thing right now.” Marble then raised her hand as she added, “Yeah. I’m full and I don’t wanna eat a second dinner.” Thankfully, Sideswipe took the gray girl’s hand and reassured her, “You and me both.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, uh…. What happens now?” Ironhide cracked his knuckles as he answered, “Well now, there’s usually a tea dance followed by someone giving a speech and….”

He was interrupted by the lights growing dimmer as the sound of slow, gentle jazz music began to play. Rising up from the table, Ironhide extended his hand to Chromia as he playfully asked, “Shall we dear?” The family matriarch smiled as she took her husband’s hand and replied, “I’d be honored.” They were followed by Marble and Sideswipe, the two girls holding hands as they failed to stop their faces from turning redder than ripened tomatoes. Even Wheeljack and Ratchet joined in, with the former turning to Apple Bloom as he joked, “What’s wrong with a little army drag?”

As everyone gathered on the dance floor, Apple Bloom stood off to the side, making sure everyone else had their moment to enjoy themselves. After all, she’d already had her chance with Tender Taps a few months earlier, and she found she didn’t like being the center of too much attention.

While watching everyone dance (specifically Marble raising his arm as Sideswipe twirled around), Something appeared in the corner of Apple Bloom’s eye; Two of the security guards arguing with someone. She couldn’t see who it was, but she was able to narrow it down when she heard the unmistakable sound of Brawn’s voice angrily barking, “Hey! I’m a veteran too! I served my country! Why can’t I get in?”

One of the guards immediately retorted, “You lost the right to call yourself a vet when you murdered that Slipshod kid!” Brawn tried sneaking around the guards, unfortunately making himself clearly visible to Apple Bloom. Though the guards stopped him, the gray man’s eyes noticed the former farm girl as he angrily demanded, “Hey! That’s the girl from Canterlot City! Why is she allowed here?”

At that moment, Brawn shoved passed the two security guards as he angrily bellowed, “I can’t believe they let a little bitch like you in a place like this!” Overwhelmed, Apple Bloom couldn’t quite process what was happening, and could only back into a wall.

Trapped against a corner, the former farm girl found Brawn leaning over her, a furious scowl on his face. The only thing that could be worse than his anger was the pungent scent emerging from his breath, something that reminded Apple Bloom of the time Applejack drank one too many (or rather ten too many) hard ciders. As she quickly eyed the man pinning her against the wall, she noticed he was wearing the same dark blue tunic and light blue pants as Beachcomber, only far more worn out than Marble’s guardian’s uniform.

Taking a deep breath, Brawn snarled, “What is with you showing up everywhere I go?” Starting to panic, Apple Bloom could only nervously answer, “Ah don’t know! How was Ah gonna know you’d be here?” The disgraced marine let out a drunken burp as he growled, “You ruined so many lives, and they all accept you. I do my duty, I follow my orders, and everyone thinks I’m some kind of cold-hearted killer!”

Realizing that Brawn was venting at her, Apple Bloom stood up as she shot back, “Ah get it! Ah screwed up, but at least no one got hurt! You killed a guy just because someone told you to!” The dark gray man rolled his eyes as he let out a menacing chuckle and remarked, “And you think your uncle is such a saint….”

Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What are you talkin’ about? Uncle Ironhide’s killed people, but he was in a war!” Brawn’s eyes widened as he asked, “He didn’t tell you, did he?”

Apple Bloom didn’t understand what Brawn was trying to imply. ‘What is he blabbin’ about? Uncle Ironhide’s told me everythin’! He told me about training, how he joined the Wreckers, Sentinel Prime, Optimus….’ It was only now that she remembered that there was one thing Ironhide hadn’t said anything about yet; what happened to Optimus and the rest of the Wreckers.

Brawn’s face contorted into a cruel smile as he continued, “Your uncle didn’t say anything about the Hamlet Incident, did he?” That name, the Hamlet Incident, was one Apple Bloom had heard before, but she didn’t know what it was. Ironhide had mentioned it, but whatever happened was something he wasn’t ever willing to talk about and given how he told her about his “enhanced interrogation experience,” it was clear that whatever it was, it had to be unspeakable.

Before Apple Bloom could say anything else, Brawn let out another drunken burp as he lamented, “The only crime I ever committed was following orders and obeying superiors. I did my duty and I have no regrets. I did nothing wrong.” He then rolled his eyes in a way that terrified the former farm girl as he continued, “But your uncle, he committed the greatest sin any man could possibly do, and he gets treated like a hero?”

‘The greatest sin?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘What could he have done to be that bad?’ Unable to contain herself, the former farm girl asked, “What did mah uncle do? Kill babies? Burn a village?”

Letting out an unnerving laugh, Brawn answered, “He betrayed his commander.”

Confused, Apple Bloom let out a stunned, “What?” slamming his hand against the wall, Brawn furiously answered, “You heard me! Ironhide swore an oath to obey his commander, Captain Sentinel Prime, and when he didn’t like his orders, he murdered him!” When the former farm girl gave a confused “huh”, Brawn groaned as he said decided to say it as bluntly as possible.

“Do I have to spell everything out? Ironhide is a fucking MURDERER!”

For several moments, Apple Bloom stood there, struggling to process what she’d just heard. ‘What? Uncle Ironhide? A murderer?’ She thought to herself. It was so inconceivable, so impossible, so…. Oddly specific? Shaking her head, the former farm girl asked, “A murderer?”

Backing up a bit, Brawn crossed his arms as he explained, “Yeah. He didn’t like his commander Sentinel Prime, so when his captain gave an order he didn’t like….” He then stepped forward as he shouted, “BOOM!” When Apple Bloom backed asway in fear, the disgraced marine finished, “blew the poor guy’s head clean off! Still can’t believe he could get away with it while I….”

“Still can’t tell the difference between right and wrong?” Ironhide interrupted. Apple Bloom had been so focused on Brawn that she failed to see her uncle walk up behind him, his face betraying his evident unhappiness at the disgraced marine cornering his daughter.

Turning around, Brawn let out a loud hiccup as he asked, “Ah, Ironhide? What are you doing here?” Rather than satisfy him with an answer, Ironhide replied, “I think you better leave buddy. You know you’re not allowed to be here.”

To everyone’s surprise, Brawn let out an unnerving chuckle as he said, “You know, I think I’ve had enough fun for one night.” He then began to walk away as he quipped, “Maybe they’ll actually recognize my service next year.” With one final hiccup, Brawn disappeared, a satisfied smile on his face.

Once Brawn was out of sight, Ironhide let out a sigh of relief as he turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “You alright kid? I saw him pinning you against the wall.”

Apple Bloom wanted to say she was alright, but deep down, she wasn’t. There, standing in front of her, was her uncle, a man she loved, but who…. ‘Don’t think about that.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘He’s your uncle and he….’ However, the thought of what Brawn had said about him kept running through her mind. After all, no one, not Chromia, Wheeljack, Ratchet, or even Ironhide himself had ever lied about him, and while Brawn had more than a few issues, dishonesty wasn’t one of them.

Apple Bloom was so focused on everything racing in her mind that she barely noticed her uncle asking once again, “You alright kid?” Finally snapping back to reality, the former farm girl gave a week nod as she replied, “Ah’m fine.”

Not buying it for a moment, Ironhide asked, “You sure Apple Bloom?” Sighing, the former farm girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide? Can we talk when we get home?” Though part of her wanted to get her questions answered, she didn’t want to cause too much of a scene. Besides, she’d caused enough trouble for one lifetime.

Nodding, Ironhide smiled as he replied, “Sure thing kid.”

The Chop Shop, A Few Hours Later….

As everyone entered the shop front, Ratchet called out, “Well, I better be heading on home. See you guys in the morning.” Chromia bade farewell to her friend as she replied, “Take care Ratchet. I think it’ll rain tonight.” Just as she said this, the sound of gentle thunder rang out from the horizon.

When Apple Bloom passed Sideswipe, she noticed the pale biker was practically in a blissful stupor, her face covered with faint kiss marks. Smiling, the former farm girl quipped, “Looks like someone had fun.” Still in a love fueled trance, Sideswipe walked off as she mumbled, “Of course my dear Marble…”

Once they were alone, Ironhide asked, “So kid, what’s bothering you?” Apple Bloom tried to answer, but all she could do was scuff the floor and stammer, “Ah…. Uh…. Ah….” Worried, the family patriarch continued, “Something wrong? Did that idiot Brawn say anything?”

Entering the living room, Apple Bloom sat down on the couch as she answered, “He did. Ah…. It’s about Sentinel Prime. That jerk you….” Realizing where this conversation was likely heading, Ironhide sighed as he dejectedly said, “Looks like it’s time.” Unable to hold herself back, Apple Bloom bluntly asked one question.

“You killed him, didn’t you?”

Closing his eyes, Ironhide answered, “Yes. I did.” As Apple Bloom took this in, the former sergeant continued, “I never knew how to tell you, because it’s…. a very complicated story.” When his daughter began to protest, he raised his hand as he quickly added, “But I don’t think either of us has anywhere to be right now.” Sighing, Apple Bloom asked, “What happened?”

Sitting down across from his daughter, Ironhide began, “So, we were getting ready for another mission, just like any other….”

Author's Note:

Next Time; After so long, we learn what happened. Ironhide tells Apple Bloom about the Hamlet Incident, and how he was faced with a choice that would change his life.

Author's Note; Brawn's backstory was inspired by the character of Lawson Downey from "A Few Good Men," and, as a build up, characters have mentioned "code reds" in at least two previous chapters.
As for Ironhide, all I can say is he tried to do the right thing on a day where it wasn't possible.

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