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Trouble at the Convention

As the Apple Blooms

Part 68; Trouble at the Convention

“Come on Apple Bloom!” Sideswipe called outside the former farm girl’s room. Allowing a small smirk to form on her lips, Apple Bloom finished lacing her boots as she replied, “Ah’ll be down in a minute!” She stood up from her bed and inspected herself in the mirror, taking note of her overalls and red and white stripped tee shirt.

“Stop overthinkin’ it Apple Bloom.” She said to herself. “Just goin’ to a convention, not goin’ on a date with Tender at the Energon Room.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl made her way out of her room and down to the kitchen.

It was the first of the month once again, and coincidentally this time, the first day of the Allspark Wells science fiction fair. Apple Bloom had never been to a convention before, and with Ironhide and his friends working in security, he’d been able to get everyone free access to the convention. Needless to say, she was more than happy to experience something like this for the first time.

Entering the kitchen, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see not only her Aunt Chromia, Sideswipe, and Torque Wrench and Kerfuffle, but also Marble Pie, wearing a dark gray plaid dress, chocker, black boots, and her trademark black leather jacket.

As Apple Bloom joined her friend and sister, Kerfuffle was complimenting, “I must say, that is a lovely jacket.” Marble began to blush as she sheepishly replied, “Thanks. It was a birthday gift from my sister Pinkie Pie.” Sideswipe then complimented, “And you’re just as beautiful with the jacket as you are without it.” The gray geologist hugged her girlfriend back, much to the two older women’s delight.

Chromia then said, “Alright everyone. The boys left a few hours ago, and they made some breakfast for us.” She then motioned to the table, which had plates set with biscuits and bacon on them. As everyone made their way to the table, Marble turned to the family matriarch and thanked, “Thanks for letting me tag along.” Chromia smiled as she replied, “No problem dear. I’m just happy you wanted to get out of the museum.”

Marble Pie began to blush as she turned to Sideswipe and remarked, “Well, I’ve had better motivation to get out more.” As both girlfriends held each other’s hands, the pale biker reassured her, “And don’t worry. If it gets too much for you, we can step outside and take a break.”

Apple Bloom took one of the biscuits on her plate and quipped, “We better eat up. We’re burnin’ daylight.” This remark led to Sideswipe quipping, “Says the girl who almost slept in.” As Marble struggled to contain her laughter, the former farm girl mumbled under breath, “Smartass.” Of course, this instance of mild swearing was met with a disappointed “glare” from Chromia, leading Apple Bloom to apologizing, “Sorry about that.”

After breakfast was done, Apple Bloom made sure Sparkplug had enough food and water for the day. As the small black terrier trotted up to her, the red-haired girl asked him, “Alright. You think you can behave for Wreck-Gar?” Nodding, Sparkplug let out a confirming bark before leaping into her chest and licking her in the face.

“Alright, alright.” Apple Bloom said as she managed to get Sparkplug off her. Once the small dog was sitting in front of her, she reassured him, “Alright. See you later buddy.” With that, the former farm girl left to join the others, hopeful today would be entertaining.

The family’s Van, Ten Minutes Later…

Leaning against the window, Apple Bloom took in the sights of Allspark Wells. As the crimson van made its way down the road, the former farm girl took in the many golden buildings. She couldn’t help but find that these buildings, which had once felt like nothing more than landmarks in her prison, were now as familiar to her as the back of her hand. “Heh, guess it’s just this place growin’ on me.” She whispered to herself.

From behind Apple Bloom, Marble asked, “Hey Mrs. Torque Wrench? What exactly is this “works” show you guys were talking about?” Torque Wrench turned to face the gray geologist and began, “First of all, you don’t have to call me that.” As Marble began to twiddle her thumbs, the older woman continued, “And to answer your question, it’s a show that was on when Kerfuffle and I were kids.”

Kerfuffle then interrupted, “Mind if I explain it?” Torque Wrench nodded as she replied, “You do have a way with words.” Lighting up, the purple haired fashionista explained, “So basically, it’s set in the future, where robots have driven humanity off the planet. One day, a misfit robot named Ipso-Facto meets a marooned human pilot called “T-Square,” and they, along with Ipso’s friends, try to bring humanity home.”

Taking this in, Marble replied, “That’s…. Kinda complicated.” Kerfuffle shrugged as she admitted, “Eh, once you see it, it makes sense.” Apple Bloom added, “Ah think Ah’ve got the gist of it. Robots try to bring humanity home?” The pink haired fashionista nodded as she replied, “You betcha.”

Shrugging, Marble remarked, “Eh, personally I prefer stuff with dinosaurs.” Torque Wrench then reassured the gray geologist, “Well don’t you worry. You never know what you’ll find in a place like this.” Sideswipe then added, “She’s right. A year back, I was working behind the scenes for these guys, and every other vendor was selling all sorts of stuffed animals.”

The conversation was interrupted when Chromia called out, “Alright girls! We’re here!” Apple Bloom gazed out the window to see a large golden-yellow building with a sign that read “Allspark Wells Convention Center.” As she parked the van, the pale blue woman continued, “Alright, everyone ready?” Everyone nodded as Chromia removed the key and said, “Ok, let’s go have some fun.”

The Convention Center….

Once they’d gotten their tickets, the group began to make their way towards a security checkpoint being manned by none other than Wheeljack. The maverick mechanic, dressed in a light blue shirt and tie, noticed his family approaching as he quipped, “Well, lookie what we have here? How’s it going guys?” Apple Bloom immediately answered, “We’re doin’ alright.” Smiling, Wheeljack pointed to a metal detector and said, “Ok. Just empty your pockets and walk through there and you should be good to go.”

Kerfuffle was the first to go through the metal detector, though not before removing her prosthetic leg. After her was Torque Wrench, Marble, Sideswipe, Apple Bloom, and Chromia, everyone making it through without setting off the metal detector. Satisfied, Wheeljack informed them, “You’re all good to go. Have fun in there, and if you see Ironhide or Ratchet, say hi for me. I haven’t seen ‘em since we got here.” Torque Wrench nodded as she replied, “I’ll tell dad you’re lonely.”

Satisfied with this answer, Wheeljack continued, “Thanks. Now, it looks like we’ve got more guests.” He then motioned to some people approaching him, signaling he needed to return to his duties. Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Good luck Wheeljack.” The group then made their way into the convention hall, leaving the maverick mechanic to continue his duties.

To say that Apple Bloom was impressed by the sights of the convention hall would be a massive understatement. Rows of people selling everything from novelty toys to comic books, figurines, and everything in between. And throughout it all, guests walked around, some even dressed up in costumes from countless works of fiction.

From behind her, the former farm girl heard Marble remark, “Huh, it’s not as crowded as I thought it’d be.” As the gray girl took a deep breath, Torque Wrench explained, “Yeah, today won’t have anything big. Tomorrow will be another thing entirely.”

Kerfuffle then wrapped her arm around Torque’s as she asked, “So, where do you wanna start?” As Torque Wrench pondered her answer, Sideswipe turned to Marble and, as her face began to blush, also inquired, “Anywhere you’d like to start?” The gray girl replied, “I’m fine with anything you’d like to do.” The pale biker then said, “In that case, if you’ll follow me m’lady.”

Before they split off, however, Sideswipe turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “You wanna join us?” The former farm girl gave a confirming nod as she replied, “Ah’d be honored.” With that, the three girls ventured off into the maze of stalls, all while Chromia thought to herself, ‘Those girls.’

A Short While Later….

As they made their way through the endless sea of people, Apple Bloom complimented, “You’re doin’ really well Marble!” The gray girl gave a small smile as she replied, “Thanks. Though this place is a bit louder than I’d like.” Sighing to herself, the former farm girl took in the constant barrage of people talking to each other as she thought to herself, ‘She’s not wrong. At least it’s not as bad as when we’re cuttin’ through scrap metal.’

At that moment, Marble was distracted by something and veered off to the right. Sideswipe then asked, “Find anything?” As she and Apple Bloom rejoined their friend, the gray geologist pointed to something. Following her fingers, the former farm girl found what had caught Marble’s attention.

There, resting on a rolling shelf, was a plush robot. The stuffed machine was shaped like an orange egg, had long gray limbs like those of a monkey, and had a circular face consisting of three rotating eyes like a microscope’s lenses. All in all, it was something that was as intriguing as it was oddly adorable.

Walking up to the plush robot, Marble scooped it up and, upon realizing how soft it was, hugged the toy tightly. Squealing with glee, she showed the plushie to Sideswipe and Apple Bloom as she asked, “Isn’t he just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” Letting out an amused chuckle, Sideswipe replied, “I have to admit, he is kinda cute.”

The three teens were distracted when a man’s voice called out, “You do know that’s not free, right?” Turing around, they found a light blue man with dark blue hair folding his arms as he continued, “That’ll be twenty bucks kids.” Before Marble could reach into her jacket pocket, Sideswipe stepped forward and, pulling out her wallet, handed the man a twenty-dollar bill as she asked, “This enough sir?” Taking her money, the blue man replied, “Thank you kindly. Sorry for coming off as rude, but some kids tried stealing another one earlier.” Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “No worries sir.”

As they walked away, Sideswipe gave Marble the plush robot as she said, “A cute little machine for a very cute lady.” The gray girl accepted the toy before wrapping her girlfriend in a massive hug as she squealed, “Thank you Sideswipe! You’re the best!” She then leaned her head into the pale biker’s shoulder as she whispered, “I love you.” The pale biker hugged her back as she gently replied, “I love you too.”

Watching this demonstration of affection, Apple Bloom felt her heart melt as she remarked, “You two are just adorable.” Both Marble and Sideswipe began to blush as the latter girl admitted, “Well, I try.” The gray geologist then wrapped her arm around her girlfriend’s as she added, “And you do it perfectly.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “Hey, you guys mind if Ah split off for a bit?” Marble and Sideswipe gave each other knowing looks before the latter replied, “Of course. Just make sure to stay close.” The former farm girl nodded before heading off into the convention, curious as to what she could find.

A Short While Later…

“Thank you kindly.” Apple Bloom said as she handed some money to the man at the pretzel stand. As the vendor gave her the small bag of pretzel bits, he warned her, “Here you go, but be careful. It’s hot.” The former farm girl nodded before returning to the rest of the convention.

Taking one of the warm pretzel bites, Apple Bloom could already feel the heat emanating from the small piece of salted bread. “He wasn’t lyin’.” She remarked to herself as she blew on the pretzel. After a few more moments, she popped it in her mouth and ate it, savoring the flavor while making sure to swallow quickly to avoid burning her mouth.

“Whoa nelly.” The former farm girl said as she began to dart her eyes around, looking for a water fountain. She eventually found one next to the restrooms and made her way up to it. After drinking from the fountain, Apple Bloom playfully asked herself, “Why’d Ah do that?”

She was immediately distracted when she heard Sideswipe’s voice call out, “Hey Apple Bloom!” Turning around, Apple Bloom found her sister running up to her, a concerned look plastered on the pale biker’s face. Concerned, the former farm girl asked, “What’s wrong Sideswipe?”

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself, Sideswipe asked, “You haven’t seen Marble in the last twenty minutes, have you?” When Apple Bloom nervously shook her head, the pale biker gulped before remarking, “Ok, no reason to panic.” Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s wrong? Where’s Marble?”

Sideswipe answered, “Well, I saw something in the corner of my eye, and it turned out to be some impressive cosplayers. When I turned to tell Marble about it, she disappeared.” As Apple Bloom took this in, the pale biker continued, “I thought she’d just found another vendor or something, but she was just gone. I don’t want to sound like a worried parent, but this place is getting pretty busy, and she doesn’t do well with large crowds.”

Resting a hand on Sideswipe’s shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Don’t worry. We’ll find her.” The pale biker gave a small smile before replying, “Thanks.” Both girls then set off on their mission to find Marble.

Making their way through the growing crowd, Sideswipe called out, “Marble! Where are you?! Marble!” Apple Bloom scanned the convention hall, looking for her friend. As her eyes darted between everyone they passed, she thought to herself, ‘At least no one here is monochrome.”

After a few minutes, both girls found their quarry. Pointing to something out of her eyesight, Sideswipe called out, “There she is!” Apple Bloom turned to see that, hiding in a corner and hugging her plush robot, was a frightened Marble Pie. As both girls made their way up to her, the pale biker asked, “There you are! What’s up?”

She received her answer when Marble pressed herself into her girlfriend as she began to whimper. Realizing something was wrong, Apple Bloom asked, “You ok Marble?” Marble didn’t say anything, only continuing to whimper, leading Sideswipe to gently wrap her arms around her as she reassured her, “It’s ok. Let’s find somewhere a little quieter.”

Shaking her head, Marble simply began to tear up as she replied, “I just wanna go home.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe shared concerned looks, the gray girl continued, “Please, I wanna go home.”

Sideswipe reassured her, “Let’s find Ironhide, then we can see about that, ok?” Marble managed to calm herself down enough to give a confirming nod before pulling her girlfriend into a tight hug, one which the pale biker returned in kind. Apple Bloom then added, “Now, Ah think Ah remember where Ironhide said he’d be.”

Security Break Room….

Making their way to a door labeled “Staff only,” Apple Bloom knocked on it as she asked, “Hello? Uncle Ironhide?” The door opened, revealing her uncle, dressed in the same blue shirt and tie as Wheeljack (as well as the other security staff). The family patriarch noticed Marble’s terrified breathing and gently said, “Come on in.”

Once all three girls were safely in the break room, Ironhide reassured them, “Don’t worry kids, this place is off limits to most people, so you should be fine here.” As they made their way to a table, Marble let out a gentle, “Thank you Mr. Ironhide.” The family patriarch let out a reassuring, “It’s alright kid.” Sideswipe then asked, “So Marble? What’s wrong?”

Struggling to keep herself calm, Marble began, “Ok, so I thought I saw someone selling some more stuffed animals, but when I turned around, you were gone. Then this guy showed up and asked if he could take a picture with me. I figured, you know, just a picture with someone, nothing too big, so I agreed. But when he snapped the selfie, he….” Starting to tear up and hyperventilate, she finished…..

“He just kissed me on the lips!”

As Apple Bloom took this in, Sideswipe asked, “Wait! You mean some stranger just kissed you? Like on the lips?” Now giving into her confusion and fear, Marble tearfully answered, “Yeah! It was weird and gross and so uncomfortable and....." She found she couldn’t continue, and simply began to cry as Sideswipe pulled her into a gentle hug.

Ironhide then walked up to the trio of teens as he asked, “You think you can tell what this guy looks like?” Marble managed to calm herself down as she answered, “He had yellow-green skin, gray hair that was balding, wide glasses that were held together by something blue, he was fat, and he smelled like rotten fruit.” Nodding, Ironhide informed the group, “Thank you. Now then, I’ll get the lads and we’ll take care of this. You girls stay here and relax, ok?”

When the three teens gave confirming nods, Ironhide departed to deal with the problem. Once he was gone, Marble apologized, “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t come, then this whole thing wouldn’t have happened.” She then folded her legs up to her chest as she sniffled, “Why does something like this happen every time I go outside?”

Apple Bloom sighed as she tried to say something, but she couldn’t find the right words. Instead, Sideswipe reassured her, “It’s not your fault.” She then looked her girlfriend in the eyes as she continued, “I don’t know why that prick would do that, but if I ever see him, I’ll knock his teeth out for you.” Wiping her teary eyes, Marble asked, “You’d really do that?”

Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “You bet! No one messes with my awesome girlfriend!” Marble immediately threw herself into Sideswipe as both girls embraced each other while the pale biker gently rubbed her girlfriend’s back as she asked, “If you want, we can ask Chromia to take us home, ok?” Sniffling, Marble answered, “You sure? I don’t want to inconvenience you guys.”

Apple Bloom interrupted with a gentle, “It’s alright Marble. Ah’m actually impressed you were able to stay calm until…. You know….” Starting to calm herself down, Marble replied, “I think I should be ok for a little longer….” She then let out a gentle giggle as she continued, “Though I’d like to enjoy some peace and quiet in here first.”

Sideswipe gave a polite nod as she happily answered, “I think I could go for a little quiet time myself.” Apple Bloom then added, “And Ah think Ah could go for a little time away from the crowds.” With that, all three girls sat back into their chairs as Marble began to play with her new plush robot, a sight both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe watched with amusement.

The Convention Floor….

“Damnit Wheeljack. Where are you?” Ironhide asked himself as he and Ratchet waited for a reply over his walkie-Talkie. As he began to pace around, the former medic warned, “Sir? You’re panicking.” The former sergeant turned around to face his friend as he replied, “I know. It’s just…. The fact some weirdo could forcibly kiss a stranger, let alone a kid like Marble… It kinda pisses me off.”

At that moment, Ironhide’s radio began to go off. Taking it and placing it up to his ear, the family patriarch asked, “Yeah?” On the other end, Wheeljack’s voice began, “Found the guy sir. He’s hanging out near the snack bar. Just a heads up, he’s got a baseball bat.” Sighing, Ironhide replied, “Copy that. We’ll be over in a moment.”

Clicking off his radio, the family patriarch turned to Ratchet and warned, “This could get ugly.” The former medic shrugged as he reassured his friend, “Couldn’t be worse than the time we had to deal with those Children of Primus proselytizers.” Ironhide let out a small smile as he retorted, “Ugh, I still can’t believe they actually made it inside this place.”

Once both men made their way up to Wheeljack, the maverick mechanic motioned to his friends to come over to him without drawing too much attention. Ironhide whispered, “You find him?” Nodding Wheeljack pointed to one of the many convention goers.

Sure enough, Ironhide found himself staring at a man that fit Marble’s description; Sickly yellow-green skin, gray hair that was showing signs of thinning, a large gut, ugly square glasses held together by blue putty, and even a striped shirt what was actually starting to unravel. And just as Wheeljack warned, he had a baseball bat attached to his backpack.

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide signed, “I got a bad feeling about this creep.” Wheeljack then added, “Yeah. Worst part is I asked some of the other security guys, and he’s kissed like five other people already.” As the family patriarch took this in, Ratchet grumbled, “Well now we know he kissed a kid, and that’s crossing a damn line.” Ironhide found himself cracking his knuckles as he said, “Ok boys. We go in, cut this prick off, escort him off the premises.”

Both Ratchet and Wheeljack gave confirming nods, leading the former sergeant to order, “Alright. Let’s do this.”

The three men made their way to the pudgy green man, who was unaware that he was being flanked on three sides. As they closed in, Ironhide called out, “Excuse me sir!” When the ugly man gave a confused look, the former sergeant continued, “Excuse me Mr…”

The pudgy man pushed up his glasses and, in a disturbingly high pitched and slurred voice, answered, “Hello. My name is Tantrum.”

Ironhide’s eyes widened as he thought to himself, ‘Wait a minute! This is the bastard who hit on Torque Wrench a few months ago.’ He also took note of his voice as well as Tantrum’s oddly uncanny face as he thought, ‘And I have a feeling this guy’s got autism.’ However, he knew that autism or not, this pudgy prick had kissed a child on the lips, and something had to be done.

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide began, “I hate to bother you, but we’ve received word you’ve been kissing other convention goers on the lips.” As Tantrum stared at Ironhide with a blank stare, the former sergeant continued, “And one of those people is a minor.”

As Tantrum began to realize he was in trouble, Ironhide folded his arms as he asked, “Would you mind coming with me son?” The pudgy man began to stammer “I….I….I….” He then tried to turn around and flee, only to see that both Ratchet and Wheeljack were blocking his attempt escape route. Now starting to panic, Tantrum started to reach for his baseball bat, only for Ironhide to scoop it up as he said, “Son, you better come with us right now.”

Shaking his head, Tantrum began to tear up as he begged, “But… I don’t wanna go….” Wheeljack immediately replied, “We’re already past that point bub.” Now darting his eyes all around him, Tantrum’s lips began to tremble as he did something no one expected.

Tantrum collapsed to the floor as he curled into a ball, his back facing the ceiling.

For a few moments, Ironhide, Wheeljack, and Ratchet shared confused looks with each other before the maverick mechanic asked, “This is real right? I can’t be the only one seeing this.” As the trio of men stared at each other in confusion, Wheeljack began to nudge Tantrum with his foot as he asked, “Uh…. Buddy?”

Tantrum didn’t react, only continuing to lie on the ground, curled up. When Wheeljack tried nudging him again, Ironhide chided, “Stop doing that.” As the maverick mechanic backed off, Ratchet asked, “What’s this guy think he is? A damn hedgehog?”

Sighing, Ironhide bent down to Tantrum and began, “Come on son. No point in making a scene. Let’s go.” However, the yellow-green man refused to budge, simply lying there. Trying to gently move him, the family patriarch continued, “Come on. We gotta go.” Before he could say anything else, however, Ratchet nudged his friend as he warned, “We got company.”

Turning around, Ironhide found that convention goers were starting to stare at them. Taking a deep breath, the former sergeant ordered, “Boys? You keep everyone back. I’ll deal with the walrus.” Both men nodded as they began to disperse the crowd, with Ratchet even saying, “It’s alright folks. Nothing to see here.”

Bending back down to Tantrum, Ironhide warned, “Son, you really need to move, or we may need to call in back up.” Looking up, Tantrum tearfully replied, “No! I’m not going anywhere.” The former soldier groaned as he replied, “This isn’t funny kid. You need to come with us right now.”

When Ironhide said that, Tantrum shot up and angrily belted, “No! I paid to come here and I’m gonna enjoy my day here! Now leave me alone you jerks!” Folding his arms, Ironhide glared, “You’re coming with us right now.” However, the yellow green strutted up to the former sergeant and, to his shock, spat right in his face before smugly replying, “Make me.”

Ten Minutes Later….

As Ironhide and Ratchet dragged Tantrum to the waiting police car, the yellow-green man kicked and screamed, “No! Please don’t give me to the police!” They were followed Wheeljack, who struggled to apply a bandage to his arm as he grumbled, “Can’t believe that fucking asshole bit me!” Ratchet immediately turned his head as he warned, “Wait for me to help you with that! Besides, we’ll need to disinfect that bite first.”

Once the trio brought their new friend to the waiting police car, Officers Prowl and Barricade stepped out of the car as the former asked, “So this is the guy who was kissing kids?” Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Yeah. This is him.” Barricade cracked his knuckles as he added, “We’ll take him down to the station and get him processed. I have a feeling we’ll be speaking to his parents at some point tonight.”

As Prowl took Tantrum and began to place him in the police car, the yellow-green man shouted, “I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!” However, Ironhide simply rolled his eyes as he quipped, “Yeah, well get in line.” With that, Tantrum was forced into the police car and escorted away.

Once the police car was gone, Ironhide heard Wheeljack wincing, “Ugh. This stuff stings.” He turned around to see Ratchet was applying a disinfectant and bandage as the maverick mechanic continued, “Still can’t believe he actually bit me. Is this guy some sort of animal?” The former medic replied, “Well technically, we’re all animals.”

As he began to approach his friends, the former sergeant heard the sound of Apple Bloom calling out, “Hey Uncle Ironhide!” Turning around, he found his three daughters, Kerfuffle, Chromia, and Marble Pie (who was holding an orange plush robot) approach him as his wife informed, “Hey, we’re gonna head home. It’s been a long day for everyone.” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Sounds like a plan. We’ll be home later tonight.” He then shared a quick kiss with his wife as he playfully quipped, “Stay safe out there.”

He was pleasantly surprised when Apple Bloom and Marble launched themselves at him and wrapped him a massive hug. Marble gave a gentle, “Thank you for dealing with that creep.” The former farm girl then added, “You’re the best.”

Feeling his face blush, Ironhide hugged the two girls back before replying, “Thanks girls.” Once they finished, the family patriarch informed, “Now then, I need to see to the boys. That bastard bit Wheeljack on the arm.” Marble, Sideswipe, and Apple Bloom shared knowing looks as they went, “Ooh.” Chromia playfully rolled her eyes as she called out, “Come on girls. Let’s go home.”

As the gaggle of women left, Torque Wrench called out, “See you tonight dad! Stay out of trouble!” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide replied, “I could say the same of you guys!” And so, Ironhide returned to his duties as his family returned home, all while the former sergeant thought to himself, “Let’s just hope we don’t get any more creeps.”

He just hoped no one else was stupid enough to do anything to any more kids.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom meets the cast of The Works, including a man who would seem to be the last kind of person Ironhide would be friends with.

Author's Note; Tantrum is inspired by...... Do I really need to spell it out?

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