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Welcome to Allspark Wells

As the Apple Blooms.

Chapter 1; Welcome to Allspark Wells

Under normal circumstances, Apple Bloom loved taking road trips with her family. Unfortunately, she wasn’t on a road trip this particular day. No, today she felt like a convict being escorted on a prison bus. No one said anything as the car went down the road, passing the endless sea of pine trees around them. No music played on the radio. It was so quiet that Apple Bloom felt she could hear the pin drop on the other side of the galaxy, or rather the universe.

Apple Bloom knew why neither her big sister Applejack nor older brother Big Macintosh were saying anything; they were angry with her. After she and her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were exposed as Anon-A-Miss, all three had to stand before the school board, and it was nothing short of a miracle that neither of the three had been expelled. However, the crusaders were suspended for the rest of the school year, would have to repeat their freshman year, and wouldn’t be allowed to join any clubs until the year after. That was nothing to say regarding what their families had in store. Apple Bloom herself was not only grounded, but her phone was confiscated (and later had an unfortunate accident with a wood chipper), was forced to do chores almost every hour of the day, and wasn’t allowed to leave the farm. She didn’t want to think what Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were going through.

Then three days ago, Applejack walked up to her and told her to pack her bags. Apparently, since she had betrayed her family’s trust in such a serious way, Applejack said that Apple Bloom was “temporarily” no longer welcome on the farm, and that she would be spending the rest of the school year, as well as the summer, with an old family friend the next state over. Now here she was, in the back of her sister’s car on a silent road trip to a faraway place to begin her exile.

“So, what’s he like?” Apple Bloom finally asked, hoping to finally break the silence. “What?” Applejack asked. “Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom replied. “What’s he like?” Applejack answered, “For one thing, he’s not quite family. In truth, he’s an old friend of dad, or at least he was until he joined the army.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac added. “Well, in reality they had a bit of a fallin’ out, but they still remained friends.” Applejack then continued, “And he promised a favor to us the last time he was in town.” She then turned to her younger sister, her face betraying her annoyance. “And now Ah have to call that favor in.” Apple Bloom gulped as she looked down in shame.

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, what does Uncle Ironhide do?” Applejack sighed as she refocused on the road while Big Mac replied, “He runs a junk yard and chop shop.” “What’s a chop shop?” Apple Bloom asked. Applejack just sighed as she hung her head low. “What’s wrong?” Apple Bloom innocently asked.

Applejack immediately pulled the car over and angrily belted out, “What’s wrong is mah sister went behind mah back and spilt not only Mah secrets, but half the school’s over the fact that Ah was spending more time with SUNSET!” Apple Bloom found herself backing deep into her car seat as her eyes began to water from fear and guilt. Applejack realized she had lost her temper and apologized. “Sorry sis, but Sunset still hasn’t forgiven us over what happened, and considerin’ what you did to vice principal Luna, I just don’t know what to do with you.” Big Mac then cut in, “Which is why I called up Uncle Ironhide, and he said he’d be happy to keep an eye on you until the fall.”

Apple Bloom just sighed and began to look out the window. ‘Why did ah have to be so stupid and selfish?’ she mentally asked herself. After all, it was all her fault. Sunset being cast out from her friends and having ample reason to move on from the group, check. All of Canterlot High consumed in a cycle of secrets and revenge, check. And that little fight with her friends, check. The mere thought of the last time she saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo completely destroyed any composure Apple Bloom had left. She began to whimper to herself as tears began to fall from her eyes. Unfortunately, this time neither Applejack nor Big Mac would be able or willing to comfort her. After all, she had made their lives a living hell.

Apple Bloom just sighed and said to herself, “It’s gonna be a long drive.”

Three Hours Later…

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Apple Bloom noticed a sign on the side of the road. This sign was a large wooden one with golden paint and a weird symbol of a face, and had the words, “Welcome to Allspark Wells” written on it in bright white letters. “Whoa Nelly.” Applejack said as she sighed. “We made it to Allspark before nightfall.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac added. “Ain’t been here in years.” Apple Bloom then asked, “So, what’s it like here?” Applejack then let out a mischievous giggle as she replied, “Well, you’re gonna have a lot of time to figure that out yourself, won’t ya.” Apple Bloom could only sigh in resignation as she answered, “Ah guess so.”

Soon enough, Applejack pulled up to a two story building next to a massive scrap yard. Apple Bloom noticed a sign that said, “Ironhide’s repair shop and scrap yard. You break it, we fix it.” She then noticed that the garage had three slots for cars, and all around the building were several derelict cars.

However, what really caught her attention was the man who seemed to have his head submerged in one of the old car’s engine. All she could see was his white jumpsuit with red and green jump stripes. As Applejack pulled into an empty parking space, she turned to face her younger sister and sternly said, “Ah don’t have to remind you that this is pretty much your last chance.” “Ah know. Ah’ll behave.” Apple Bloom replied. Applejack then turned the car off and unlocked the door. “Well then, no point keepin’ Uncle Ironhide waiting.”

After all three Apple siblings exited the car, Applejack began to approach the man working the car and asked, “Excuse me, Uncle Ironhide?” “Huh?” the man asked as he rose from the engine. Apple Bloom now noticed that this guy had a mask over his mouth and nose, a set of round glasses, and a helmet with three small spikes on the top and metal polygons on each side where his ears would be. “Who are you kids?” The man asked, the polygons lighting up with a light blue glow every time he said a syllable. It didn’t help that his voice was somewhat raspy, sending a chill down Apple Bloom’s spine.

“We’re here to see our uncle. Ya know Ironhide?” Applejack asked. The man pondered for a moment before he asked, “What’s it matter to you?” Big Mac stepped forward and replied, “We’re here to drop off Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom then stepped forward and gave a timid wave. The man then took a good look at Apple Bloom and something clicked in his head. “Hold on just a minute.” The man said as he began to slink over to the shop. He then opened the door and called out, “Hey Ironhide! You got visitors!” Apple Bloom gulped as she said, “Ah got a bad feeling about this.” Both Big Mac and Applejack simply sighed, the latter shaking her head.

It was then that the man from earlier exited the shop with another man. This new man was a middle aged man in gray overalls with red boots and shirt as well as a red helmet. He walked forward with authority radiating from him, and Apple Bloom began to sweat nervously. Applejack, however, walked up to this new stranger and warmly greeted him. “Uncle Ironhide! It’s so good to see you again.” ‘So this guy was Ironhide?’ Apple Bloom mentally asked herself.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Ironhide began to speak. “After all these years, you kids just show up at my shop unannounced?” Applejack began to back up in fear as her “uncle” began to berate her. Ironhide spoke with the same drawl as the rest of the Apple family, even though it was noticeably far less thick. “You got a lot of nerve.” Ironhide grumbled as he stepped up to Applejack. Both Big Mac and Apple Bloom were worried he would do something regrettable, and Applejack was having trouble telling if he was being serious.

All three siblings were surprised when Ironhide wrapped his arms in a warm embrace around Applejack and began to twirl her around. “My goodness, I haven’t seen you kids in so many years!” Ironhide nearly shouted, his serious attitude replaced by what could only be described as unbridled joy. As he set Applejack down, he remarked, “Look at you. Last time I saw you, you only came up to my hip.” “Thanks.” Applejack said as Ironhide set her back down. He then asked, “Still can’t tell a lie?” “Pretty much.” Applejack replied.

Big Mac and Apple Bloom began to approach Ironhide. “Big Macintosh. You doin’ alright?” Ironhide asked. Big Mac replied. “Eeyup.” “Still not much of a talker?” Ironhide asked. Big Mac simply gave a nod as he replied, “Nope.” Ironhide then gave Big Mac a playful nudge as he continued, “I always figured you’d be the strong and silent type.” Big Mac simply shrugged as he let out a gentle laugh.

It was then that Ironhide noticed the final Apple sibling. “Well now…” He began as he walked over to Apple Bloom. The young girl could only gulp as the older man looked down at her, his eyes glaring into hers. “So this here is Apple Bloom eh?” Ironhide asked in a serious tone. Apple Bloom could only nervously nod yes. It was then that Ironhide wrapped his arms around her in a massive hug. “My goodness it’s been so long since the last time I saw you.” As he let her go, Ironhide held his hands out in front of him. “Last time I saw you, you were just a baby.”

It was then a new, older sounding voice called out from the building. “Hey Ironhide, what’s going on out here?” Apple Bloom and her siblings turned to see a man wearing a white coat with red plus signs on the shoulders emerged. Ironhide turned to this man and answered, “Just catching up with my nieces and nephew Ratchet.” Applejack then stepped forward towards this man and said, “Name’s Applejack. Ironhide was a friend of our father.” “I’m somewhat familiar with your father Bright Mac.” Ratchet replied. “I’m Ratchet. Ironhide, Wheeljack, and I served in the same unit in the army.”

Ironhide then spoke up, “As much as I enjoy having this little get together, I think Apple Bloom here needs to get herself familiar with her new home.” Apple Bloom felt her heart sink as she was reminded of the circumstances that brought her here. Ironhide then turned to Applejack and Big Mac and said, “Would you two mind bringing her bags into the shop?” “Whoa there. Now hold your horses.” Applejack protested. “Ah think Apple Bloom should carry her own bags in.” Her “uncle” simply stepped forward and explained, “Apple Bloom’s gonna be staying here for a while as well as carryin’ her fair share of the workload, so I think you can understand me giving her the grand tour.” Applejack was taken aback by his insistence and simply nodded yes. Ironhide then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Come on kid. I got a lot to show you and not too much time.” Apple Bloom would have protested but the glare from her sister motivated her to put some distance between her and Applejack.

Ironhide’s Chop Shop, the Interior

Apple Bloom could only describe the inside of the shop as vaguely nostalgic. Like just about any small business anywhere, there was a counter in the corner with a cash register and, most likely, several drawers of supplies beneath it. There were a few large tables spread throughout the small room, each supporting either a car engine or some other kind of mechanical device. However, that wasn’t what Apple Bloom found most distracting.

That dubious honor went to the fact that the walls were covered with blue prints, schematics, and layouts of various vehicles. She could recognize some as cars or trucks, some were air craft ranging from planes to helicopters, and some were large tracked behemoths that didn’t resemble anything she’d ever seen before. “Yeah, we just sort of use the walls as both decoration and a clever way of storing schematics.” Ironhide said as he walked up to one of the engines. He then asked, “You ever been to a chop shop before?” Apple Bloom replied, “Ah don’t even know what chop shop means, so Ah’m gonna say no.” Ironhide then let out a gentle laugh as he replied, “Basically, everything from cars to computers and everything in between eventually breaks down. What we do here is take ‘em apart, scrap everything of value and sell that off to whoever’s paying.” A new voice, this one belonging to a woman, then spoke up from behind the two. “Well, at least anything none of us can fix.” Apple Bloom turned to see a woman who seemed to be around Ironhide’s age in a pair of blue overalls and a light blue shirt enter from one of the other rooms. “I see the new guest has arrived?” The woman asked.

“Uh, hello?” Apple Bloom nervously said as she extended her hand. As the woman walked up to her and, to no one’s surprise, wrapped her in a hug, Ironhide explained, “Apple Bloom, meet my wife Chromia.” “Oh, it is so good to finally meet you.” Chromia began. “Ironhide told me you would be spending time with us and told me all about you.” Ironhide then added, “Yep, we know just about everything about what you’ve been up to.” Apple Bloom was consumed by a pang of guilt as she looked away. Chromia then said, “However, we feel that you deserve a second chance. It’s why this lovable little bulkhead decided to take you in.” As she leaned against her husband, Ironhide playfully quipped, “I thought you were the one who pushed for her to come, and said it was because you wanted a kid without having to go through…”

“Ah think Ah’ve heard enough.” Apple Bloom interrupted, having realized what Ironhide was going to say. “Heh. Good point.” Ironhide replied. “Now I believe it’s time to show you the workshop.” He then brought his new young ward towards the room Chromia had emerged from. Apple Bloom was once again blown away by what she was witnessing. The “workshop” was a large garage that currently had three older cars that were in different stages of dismemberment. Chromia then said, “Right now you’ll only be in here for cleaning or giving us a hand.” Ironhide then added, “But once you prove yourself then we can see about you scrapping your first junker.” As much as she knew she was here as punishment, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find the idea of learning to tear a car apart fascinating.

The Scrap Yard

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom said as Ironhide brought her to the scrap yard. There were piles of metal objects ranging from car parts to railroad rails to other large objects. Some were still a metallic gray, others were clearly rusting, some were at various stages in between and in nearly every color imaginable. “Beautiful isn’t it?” Ironhide asked. Apple Bloom replied, “Ah guess. Sort of.” Ironhide continued, “Well, we leave these pieces out here until it’s time to melt ‘em down or someone comes to buy ‘em.” Apple Bloom started to approach a rail line before Ironhide called out, “I wouldn’t touch those, at least not without gloves on.”

It was at this point that they heard a loud thump followed by the sound of Applejack screaming. Ironhide sighed and said, “We better go help your sister.” Apple Bloom hesitated for a few seconds before nodding yes and following her “uncle” to go help her sister.

Two Hours Later

“That should just about do it.” Wheeljack said as he and Ratchet helped Applejack hobble her way back to the car. After a large gear had landed on her foot, Applejack had been forced to sit the rest of the “transportation” out while Ratchet made sure her foot wasn’t broken. Even though it wasn’t, her foot still hurt. “Now…” Ratchet began. “I would try not to put any weight on this foot for the rest of the day. If you continue to feel pain I recommend you contact a doctor.” “Thanks.” Applejack thanked the older man. “Can’t believe ah was so clumsy.” “It’s alright kid.” Wheeljack said as he patted her on the back. “We all make mistakes.”

“Some bigger than others.” Big Mac said under his breath, barely able to hold back his anger. Wheeljack and Ratchet gave each other nervous looks as the former began to speak. “Look, I know Apple Bloom may have, eh…” Ratchet immediately interrupted, “Made a pretty big mistake.” “Exactly.” Wheeljack continued. “But I’m sure that a few months of “hard” labor will straighten your sister out.” Applejack hesitated before she simply answered, “Ah hope so.”

After a few more minutes, Ironhide, Chromia and Apple Bloom joined the others. “Hey Applejack.” Apple Bloom called out to her older sister. “Your foot feelin’ any better?” “A bit. Hopefully a good night’s rest will help it.” Applejack said as her younger sister approached her. She then straightened herself and began to issue orders to Apple Bloom. “Now listen here. Ah don’t want to have to get a call from Uncle Ironhide sayin’ that you’ve been barkin’ up the wrong tree, so you stay out of trouble and do everythin’ he says. You understand me young lady?” Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “Ah do.”

“Then Ah think it’s time for your brother and Ah to depart.” Applejack said as she and Big Mac entered the car. Ironhide called out, “I’ll keep in touch.” “Thanks. Ah want to know everythin’ she gets up to.” Applejack replied. Apple Bloom then called out, “Ah love you guys. Have a safe drive home.” Neither of her siblings replied back, simply starting the car, pulling out of the parking spot, and driving off into the sunset, leaving Apple Bloom confused and somewhat hurt.

“I noticed they didn’t say anything to you either.” Wheeljack said to the stunned Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom simply sighed and said, “Ah don’t blame ‘em.” Ironhide then said, “Well, why don’t you take your bags up to your new room while Chromia and I start fixing dinner?”

The Dining Room, One Hour Later

Apple Bloom sat next to Wheeljack at the dinner table with Ratchet and Chromia as Ironhide brought the chicken to the table. “Here we go everybody.” Ironhide said he set the chicken in the middle of the table. “Ask and ye shall receive.” Ratchet let out a playful sigh and said, “You really shouldn’t try to sound sophisticated.” Chromia then quipped, “Then you should really watch what you say around kids.”

“Wait, Ah’m totally lost.” Apple Bloom said, absolutely confused as to what the others were talking about. As Chromia began to carve the turkey, she explained, “Well about five months ago, Ratchet here caught some kids flirting, and he said… what was it again?” Ratchet realized it would be best to just go along with it and replied, “I said, “The boy’s pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female.”” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start laughing at Ratchet’s humiliating story.

It was then that Wheeljack got right up into Apple Bloom’s face and, in an intimidating tone, asked, “You aren’t gonna spread that around, are ya?” “No, Ah won’t!” Apple Bloom nervously replied. Ironhide then called out, “Wheeljack, get out of my niece’s face.” Chromia then joined in. “And please take that ridiculous mask off at the dinner table.” “Yes mom.” Wheeljack jokingly quipped as he removed his mask. Apple Bloom was stunned to see he sported a stylish moustache underneath. “I know, I’m a looker, aren’t I?” He remarked. Apple Bloom replied, “Ah guess, if you like that kinda facial hair.”

As she took a bite of her supper, Ironhide began to speak. “Now Apple Bloom, all of us know why you’re here, and you do know that while I’m not a crazy drill instructor, this won’t be a summer vacation for you.” “Ah know.” Apple Bloom replied dejectedly. Ratchet then added, “Seriously, making fun of domestic abuse online is pretty messed up.” Wheeljack joined in with, “Not to mention all the legal trouble with that thing about someone’s bail.” Apple Bloom suddenly lost her appetite as the memories of what she’d done hit her again.

That was until Ironhide spoke again, “However, I feel that if you work hard and show you can change, then I might see about giving you some time off once summer comes around.” “Ah won’t let you down sir.” Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied. Ironhide began to laugh as he continued, “I’m not a sir, I work for a living.” Wheeljack, finishing a sip of his drink, added, “Yeah, we had to deal with a lot of guys who demanded we call them sir in the army. Bunch of jackasses.” As Apple Bloom started laughing at the sudden use of vulgarity, Chromia sighed and said, “Wheeljack, I’ve told you a hundred times to stop swearing at the table.” As Wheeljack began to apologize, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel somewhat content.

Apple Bloom’s New Room, That Night…

Lying in her new bed, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find herself in a surprisingly good mood. She had expected Ironhide to act like some maddened drill sergeant from one of Big Mac’s favorite movies or some sort of psychotic prison guard. Instead she had been given her own room that was pleasantly modest. There was her bed, a closet and cabinet for her clothes, a desk for writing or, as Wheeljack explained, “tinkering,” and a few other simple trinkets. All in all, she would be forgiven for thinking she was home.

Of course, that train of thought brought her back to the fact that she was only here because of her Anon-A-Miss stunt. The fact that Ironhide, Chromia, and their friends were friendly didn’t change the fact that they knew what she had done. The fact that Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith weren’t there reminded her that, for all intents and purposes, had been banished from the farm and sent to the farthest point possible.

And yet despite knowing that she had been exiled, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but hold out hope that things were going to get better. After all, she had been planning on getting a summer job any way, and she figured being a scrapper might be kind of fun. Sure, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo weren’t there, but she figured that after what had happened, they could all use some time from each other. All in all, as she began to drift off to sleep, Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Maybe this place isn’t as bad as Ah was afraid it would be.”

After all, there was a poster on her wall that said, “Allspark Wells, where new futures are forged.”

Author's Note:

Next Time, Apple Bloom learns more about her new home as she runs a few errands.

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