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A Grandmother's Request

As the Apple Blooms

Part 79; A Grandmother’s Request

The Chop Shop Kitchen…

Carefully making sure her saw like knife didn’t cut her arms or hands, Apple Bloom cut the loaf of bread in front of her, splitting the loaf into 16 slices of bread. “There we go.” The former farm girl remarked to herself as she finished. Of course, it had to be right at this minute, just before dinner, that her stomach rumbled louder than ever. “Ugh. Just a few more minutes Apple Bloom.”

To say that it had been an eventful and busy day would be a massive understatement. A normal day of work around the chop shop? Check. A few hours of helping move furniture for Arcee? Check. Helping Rattrap come to terms with his crush on the former farm girl? Check. Throw in Wreck-Gar having had another bad wire day and all Apple Bloom could think about was wolfing down a hardy meal, taking a nice long shower, and getting some well-deserved sleep.

Turning around, Apple Bloom faced her uncle Ironhide as he added the finishing touches on his roast beef and informed, “Ah’ve got the bread sliced sir.” Smiling, the former sergeant playfully replied, “You don’t have to call me sir kid. I’m not one of those fancy blue-blooded officers.” The former farm girl nodded as she quipped, “Maybe, but you’re still the commandin’ officer around here.” All Ironhide could do was smile as he admitted, “Well, you got me there. Carry on corporal.”

From the other side of the kitchen, Ratchet informed the father and daughter, “Sideswipe and I have got the table set.” As Apple Bloom turned around to face the old medic, the pale biker added, “And Chromia should be done chewing Wheeljack’s ass out by now.” Ironhide focused on his other daughter and gently yet sternly warned, “Be careful with that language at the dinner table Sideswipe. I don’t want Chromia having to wash out your mouth with soap. Last thing we need is soap poisoning.”

At that moment, both Chromia and Wheeljack entered as the former reassured everyone, “Don’t worry. I’m not that barbaric.” The family matriarch then turned to Sideswipe as she warned, “But I would like it if you didn’t use any foul language at the table.” The pale biker nodded as she replied, “Yes ma’am.”

As everyone helped bring food to the table, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Everythin’ just seems to be just right.’ Indeed, as the gaggle of scrappers did their part, the former farm girl found herself overcome by a warmness and acceptance that she hadn’t felt before coming here. ‘Not that it’s anythin’ against Granny Smith and Big Mac and….’ She internally continued before stopping herself from uttering her sister’s name.

Despite the memories of her past sins briefly entering her mind, Apple Bloom shook her head and pushed them away. ‘Not now.’ She thought. ‘Ah’m done with the past hangin’ over me like some sort of shadow.’ After all, the former farm girl didn’t have time to dwell on her past. Right now, it was dinner time with her family.

Sitting down to the table, Apple Bloom could barely contain her hunger as she eyed the plate of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and assorted vegetable before her. Just smelling everything made the former farm girl's mouth water and stomach growl like a ravenous wolf. Realizing his daughter couldn’t contain herself much longer, Ironhide relented, “Dig in everyone.”

As Apple Bloom took a massive bite of her roast beef, Ratchet playfully warned, “Slow down there kid. You’ll choke yourself.” Swallowing, the former farm girl apologized, “Sorry Ratchet.” Thankfully, Ironhide came to her defense with a gentle, “Ease up on her. We’ve all had a busy day.”

Sideswipe then turned to Wheeljack and asked, “So what happened with Wreck-Gar?” The maverick mechanic scratched the back of his neck as he admitted, “I decided to see if he could handle working the smelting pools. For a while he could handle it, but after a few hours Wreck-Gar began to overheat. By the time you guys got home his exterior had cooled a bit, but I think some of his internal systems were fried.” He then sighed as he continued, “Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”

Ironhide then reassured his friend, “Relax. Tomorrow should be a slow day.” He then added, “I think we’ve all earned slow day.” Swallowing her mouthful of mashed potatoes, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. It’ll be a relief to not have to worry about any heavy liftin’.” Sideswipe then quipped, “Of course, you’ll probably want to avoid any dancing tomorrow. Don’t want you pushing your legs too far.” The former farm girl gave her sister a playful look as she replied, “Mah legs are never too tired for dancin’.”

Chromia then asked, “Speaking of dancing, when do your classes start dear?” Starting to blush at the thought of dancing with her boyfriend, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah believe in a few weeks. Apparently, it starts shortly after school starts.” She then turned to Sideswipe and added, “There’s still a few openin’s available if you wanna sign up.” To Apple Bloom’s surprise, the pale biker replied, “You know, maybe I will.” She then continued, “Provided I can make room for it. With me finally getting to go back to school, helping Marble out at the museum, and working on my bike, I want to make sure I don’t burn myself out.”

Apple Bloom then remarked, “An’ given everythin’ Tender Taps will be up to, Ah may need to help babysit Double Shuffle. Hope you guys don’t mind.” Ironhide smiled as he reassured her, “I don’t mind kid. Besides, from what I’ve seen of you and her, the two of you seem to be almost as thick as thieves.” He then shot a mischievous smirk to Ratchet and Wheeljack as he added, “Or as thick as we were back in the day for that matter.”

The jovial mood of the family dinner was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. After a few minutes of the device ringing, Ironhide rose up from his seat as he said, “I’ll get it. This shouldn’t take long.” Making his way up to the phone, the family patriarch pulled the device up to his ear as he began, “Hello. This is Ironhide.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t hear who her uncle was talking to, but the surprised expression on his face made it clear it wasn’t someone he was expecting. Trying to calm this mystery person down, Ironhide replied, “Alright. Alright. We’ll get something set up in a bit. We’re eating dinner right now.” After a few more moments, the former sergeant ended the phone call as Chromia asked, “Who was it?”

Sitting back down at the table, Ironhide answered, “It was Granny Smith. She wants to have a word with Apple Bloom.” Upon hearing her uncle mention her grandmother’s name, the former farm girl asked, “What? Really?” Nodding, the family patriarch replied, “Yeah. I told her to wait just a little bit for us to finish eating.” Apple Bloom could only shrug in agreement as she felt her stomach rumble again, a clear sign she was still starving.

With that, the family resumed their supper, completely unaware of what the Apple family matriarch had in mind.

The Living Room, One Hour Later…

Sitting on the couch, Apple Bloom found herself fretting over what Granny Smith could possibly want with her. As Wheeljack and Ironhide fidgeted with the former’s makeshift projector, the former farm girl thought to herself, ‘Ah haven’t done somethin’ stupid again, have Ah?’ Sideswipe noticed her sister’s growing nerves as she tried to reassure her, “Calm down Apple Bloom. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Turning to face her sister, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Ah’m sure it’s nothin’.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl continued, “Maybe she just wants to know what Ah’ve been up to.” The pale biker gave Apple Bloom a playful nudge to the arm as she quipped, “Yeah. You’ve got this girl.”

Wheeljack then called out, “Alright everyone. One old lady coming right up!” He then flicked a switch on his contraption, bringing the grainy projection of Granny Smith up to the living room wall. Apple Bloom felt a lump form in her throat as she once again found herself so close yet so far from her grandmother. Taking a deep breath, she thought to herself, ‘Here we go.’

Once the projection was clear, Granny Smith sighed as she began, “Hello Apple Bloom.” Feeling her eyes start to sting just a little bit, the former farm girl replied, “Hey Granny Smith.” The Apple family matriarch turned her attention to Ironhide as she continued, “Good to see you too Ironhide.” Nodding, Ironhide replied, "Likewise ma'am.”

Taking a deep breath, Granny Smith explained, “Alright, Ah’m gonna be straightforward about this. With school startin’ in a few weeks, this would’ve been about the time Ah’d be askin’ Apple Bloom to come home. However, given…” As the elder woman began to sniffle, she continued, “Well, Ah guess what Ah’m tryin’ to say is, Ah’d still like for Apple Bloom to come home for a bit.” Confused, Ironhide asked, “What exactly are you requesting?”

“Ah’d like Apple Bloom to visit us.”

Taking this in, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, you want me to visit you guys back home?” Granny Smith nodded as she replied, “Yes. Ah’d come over there, but lately Ah’ve found Ah can’t handle long journeys too well anymore.” She then turned to Ironhide as she added, “And while Ah respect your decision to have her stay for the next school year, this is not up for debate.”

Apple Bloom found herself overcome with confusion and concern. ‘Ah mean, Ah wanna see mah granny again.’ She thought to herself.’ Ah’d give anythin’ to hug her again.’ Just thought of being held in her grandmother’s arms again made the former farm girl’s heart soar. And that said nothing about the thought of getting to see Big Macintosh again.

Of course, that train of thought brought Apple Bloom to the realization of what returning to Sweet Apple Acres also meant. ‘But that also means seein’ Applejack again.’ She internally realized. The realization that she would once again be face to face with her older sister, someone who still held a great deal of anger and frustration with her. ‘Ah mean, what if she’s still angry enough to….’

“Apple Bloom?” Ironhide nervously asked his daughter, snapping her out of her trance. The family patriarch continued, “You kinda zoned out there kid. You alright?” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom answered, “About as alright as Ah can be.” She then turned to her grandmother as she asked, “So, is Applejack gonna be home?”

Granny Smith steeled herself as she answered, “She is, and Ah’ll make sure she knows to behave herself.” Turning to Ironhide, the elder woman quickly added, “After her little outburst, Ah signed Applejack up for anger management sessions.”

Ironhide hesitated for several moments before folding his arms and replying, “Even so, I’m not leaving her alone with Applejack. I don’t trust her to not do something stupid.” Nodding, Granny Smith replied, “Ah understand.”

To everyone’s surprise, Sideswipe then called out, “I’m accompanying Apple Bloom.” As everyone turned their attention to her, the pale biker straightened her vest as she continued, “Look, I don’t trust Applejack, and I’ll be damned if I let her hurt my sister.” After momentarily realizing she’d just cursed in front of her sister’s grandmother, she apologized, “Forgive me, but I’m just concerned for her.”

To everyone’s surprise, Granny Smith let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Ah’ll let it slide this once, but Ah don’t want you usin’ that kinda language on the farm.” Realizing that the older woman was allowing her to come along, Sideswipe replied, “Thank you ma’am.”

Granny Smith then turned to the others as she added, “That goes for all of you. Y’all are more than welcome on mah farm.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Thanks Granny Smith.” Chromia then stepped forward as she added, “I just hope we won’t be imposing on you.”

The Apple family matriarch let out a gentle chuckle as she reassured her pseudo daughter in law, “It’s alright. We got more than enough room.” Wheeljack then added, “And if push comes to shove, I’m more than willing to sleep in the car or under the stars.” When the others turned to face the maverick mechanic, he shrugged as he asked, “What? It wouldn’t be the first time. Remember the Quan Chi Pass?”

Ironhide smiled as he replied, “I know. That’s a story for another time.” Turning to face the projection of Granny Smith and asked, “So, when do you want us over?” Granny Smith answered, “This weekend. With next week bein’ the last week before school starts over here, Ah just…. Ah want Big Mac and Applejack to see her again before they start frettin’ for school.”

Upon hearing her sister’s name being mentioned, Apple Bloom asked, “So, Anger management things aside, how’s Applejack doin’?” Sighing, Granny Smith replied, “About as good as she can be, all things considered. As Ah said, she’ll behave herself, or she’ll answer to me.” The former farm girl nodded as Ironhide warned, “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

Nodding, Granny Smith replied, “So, that settle everythin’?” Ironhide gently replied, “Yup. See you in a few days?” The Apple family matriarch answered, "Yup. See y’all then.” With one final glance at her granddaughter, Granny Smith bade a sorrowful and gentle, “Ah love you Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl, feeling her eyes begin to sting, replied, “Ah love you too Granny Smith."

With that, the projection powered down, allowing the image of Granny Smith to fizzle out into nothingness.

Once the projector was finally turned off, Ironhide turned to his family and began, “Alright. Looks like we’ve all got a busy weekend ahead of us.” He then noticed that Apple Bloom was starting to drift off as he added, “Though I think we can worry about that in the morning.” The former farm girl then raised her hand as she added, “In that case, Ah call dibs on the shower first.”

Needless to say, Apple Bloom found herself chased out of the living room by Sideswipe as the latter whined, “No fair! I call dibs first!” As the two sisters charged out, Chromia walked up to Ironhide as she nervously admitted, “I have a bad feeling about this.” The family patriarch sighed as he replied, “That makes two of us. I don’t want her sister to do something stupid and getting Apple Bloom hurt.”

Wheeljack then added, “And don’t forget, her grandmother can force us to leave her behind at her farm.” Turning to face his friend, Ironhide replied, “I know. I’m just thankful she’s allowing her to stay with us.” Ratchet then asked, “So, what happens now?”

All Ironhide could do was answer, “I guess we just pack for a holiday and prepare for the worst.”

Sweet Apple Acres, The Next Day…

Dusting every nook and cranny she could around the farmhouse, Granny Smith found herself fretting to herself, “Come on, Gotta make this place presentable.” The elder green woman was so busy trying to dust everything that she barely heard Big Macintosh call out, “Calm down Granny!”

Turning to face her grandson, Granny Smith replied, “Sorry for worryin’ ya Big Mac. Ah just…. Ah wanna make everythin’ perfect for Apple Bloom.” The red teen nodded as he reassured his grandmother, “Ah know. Ah’m excited to see Apple Bloom in person again.”

It had been over six months since Apple Bloom was banished from Sweet Apple Acres, and if Granny Smith was honest with herself, life just wasn’t the same anymore. Things had been tolerable for the first month, but after that, the weight of the fact that her youngest granddaughter was no longer there sunk in, slowly eating away at her heart.

It didn’t help that Applejack’s temper had simply gotten worse. While Granny Smith figured her middle grandchild wouldn’t be able to get over everything overnight, it became clear that the orange farm girl’s anger wasn’t going away anytime soon. If anything, it was getting worse, and once she learned Applejack had declared her hatred of her sister, Granny Smith insisted that she get help for her….

“Wait an apple pickin’ minute!” Granny Smith exclaimed as she pulled herself out of her train of thought. Turning to face her grandson, she asked, “What time is it?” Big Mac turned to face the clock on the wall as he answered, “It’s about 12:45.” The family matriarch sighed as she said, “Guess Ah better go pick up Applejack from the therapist.”

As she walked towards the front door, Granny Smith asked, “You mind goin’ solo for a bit?” Nodding, Big Mac smiled as he replied, “Nope.” With that out of the way, the older green woman departed the farmhouse and began her trek to pick up her granddaughter.

Dr. Shrink’s Office, Fifteen Minutes Later…

Pulling her car up into the parking lot, Granny Smith found her eyes drifting up to the psychiatrist’s office that sat in front of her. Sighing to herself, the elder woman muttered to herself, “Alright, here we go.”

To say that Granny Smith wasn’t particularly happy at the thought of her granddaughter struggling with such intense anger would be the understatement of the generation. Just the idea of knowing that Applejack was carrying a fury no Apple had ever had before ate away at the old woman’s heart. ‘An’ to think it’s all over somethin’ so petty.’ She thought to herself. It didn’t help that, given her concern, Granny Smith decided that this was something too important to risk Applejack going against her word, and had decided to personally take her granddaughter to and from her sessions.

Still, she wasn’t going to accomplish much by just sitting in her car. And so, Granny Smith powered her car down, stepped out, and made her way into the office.

The moment she entered the waiting room, Granny Smith was surprised to find the receptionist letting out a sigh of relief as she said, “Oh, thank goodness you’re here. I was just about to call you.” Confused and concerned, the Apple family matriarch asked, “What are you talkin’ about? What’s goin’ on?”

Rising up from her seat, the receptionist walked around the desk and towards Granny Smith as she replied, “Well, during her session today, there was an altercation between Applejack and Dr. Shrink.” The elder woman sighed with annoyance as she replied, “Please tell me no one got hurt.”

From behind the receptionist, a man’s voice interrupted, “Don’t worry. No one was hurt. At least physically.” Granny Smith’s eyes lit up as she turned her attention to the door behind the receptionist, from which a green man with red hair, a mustard tweed jacket, black pants, and gray shirt with a red bowtie walked up to her. As he closed the distance, the man continued, “Of course, I will admit I felt my heart jump into my throat for a few moments.”

Rubbing her temple, Granny Smith defeatedly asked, “What happened Dr. Shrink?” As she extended her hand, Dr. Shrink shook it as he replied, “Well, we’ve had a slight relapse.” Turning to face the door to his office, he continued, “Follow me if you’ll be so kind.”

As the two adults walked through the halls, Dr. Shrink explained, “I was trying to explain to Applejack that she’s not entirely free from blame regarding this whole Anon-A-Miss situation. Mostly just how her sister didn’t force her to react to everything the way she did.” When Granny Smith gave him a confused look, he elaborated, “For the purpose of helping her process her feelings regarding the inciting event that led to her temper becoming a problem.”

“So, what happened?” Granny Smith nervously asked. “What happened that made you say this was a relapse?” The Apple family matriarch found her heart beginning to race as the endless possibilities of what her granddaughter could have done consumed her. ‘Did she say she hated Apple Bloom again? Did Applejack say she wanted to…. Off herself?’

Approaching his office door, Dr. Shrink answered, “I was trying to explain to Applejack that she may be projecting some of her issues on to her sister, and that she needs to accept her own role in driving her sister away and….” Closing his eyes, the green doctor opened the door to his office as he explained, “Just see for yourself.”

For the most part, Dr. Shrink’s office wasn’t anything exceptional. There was a couch for patients to sit or lie on (just like in the fancy talking picture shows), a chair for the therapist to sit on as he listened to his patients, a bookshelf with countless books on subjects ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder to autism, and even a box with several toys for younger patients. However, there were two things that really caught Granny Smith’s attention.

One of these was her granddaughter Applejack. The orange farm girl was sitting on the couch, dressed in brown cowgirl boots, a blue denim skirt with apple themed belt, a white and green tee shirt, and her father’s cowboy hat. The only thing that had changed lately was the dark circles that had been forming around her eyes. She was looking over her far shoulder in shame, trying to avoid locking eyes with her grandmother as she held her hand in her arm, her forelimb slightly bruised. Of course, there was a good reason her hand would be blue.

That reason was the fact that, across the room on the far wall next to Dr. Shrink’s chair, rested a hole in the wall that Granny Smith quickly figured was not there when she dropped her granddaughter off. Sighing to herself the family matriarch could only internally chastise herself, ‘How could this happen.’

Walking up to his chair, Dr. Shrink sat down, demonstrating that the hole in his wall was at the exact same level as his head. Pointing to the hole, the green man bluntly stated, “This hole here is because Applejack couldn’t accept that I suggested she was the reason Apple Bloom didn’t want to return home. I’m certain you understand the weight of this situation.”

Glaring at her granddaughter, Granny Smith sternly replied, “Ah’m more than aware of the severity of what’s happened.” Turning to face Dr. Shrink, she continued, “Ah think Applejack here is more than willin’ to help fix this hole here.”

Rising up from his chair, Dr. Shrink shook his head, “Perhaps, but that’s not the issue.” He then pointed to Applejack as he warned, “While I am aware that working with children is not easy, I will not tolerate my patients attempting to strike me!” The green doctor then sighed as he made a declaration.

“I now have no doubt in my mind that Applejack has Explosive Intermittent Disorder.”

When Granny Smith gave a confused look, Dr. Shrink elaborated, “Basically, uncontrollable rage.” As the older woman sighed in resignation, Shrink continued, “While I am able to diagnose her condition, I fear I am not entirely capable of helping her on my own.” Walking over to his desk, the doctor wrote something down on a piece of paper as he added, “This is a colleague of mine by the name of Wanton Nail. He specializes in more extreme cases than I’m capable of.”

As he gave Granny Smith the note, he added, “And for the record, I will be billing you for the wall.” Sighing, the older woman relented with, “Ah understand.” She then turned to face her granddaughter and sternly ordered, “Get in the car. Now.”

Sighing, Applejack stood up and followed her grandmother out to her family’s car.

Sweet Apple Acres, Twenty Minutes Later…

After a long and silent car ride home, Granny Smith pulled up into her family’s driveway and, turning to face her granddaughter, angrily ordered, “Livin’ room, now.” Sighing, Applejack didn’t put up a fight and simply did as she was told.

Once both grandmother and granddaughter were in the living room, Granny Smith gave into her anger and furiously asked, “You wanna explain to me why you tried to punch Dr. Shrink in the face?” Applejack immediately replied, “He was goin’ on about how it’s somehow mah fault Apple Bloom did everythin’!”

Stepping up to her granddaughter, Granny Smith pointed right into the orange farm girl’s face as she coldly warned, “You know damn well that’s not what he was talkin’ about!” When Applejack backed away in fear, her grandmother calmed down and continued, “Look, Ah finally got Ironhide to bring Apple Bloom home for the weekend, and you just have to go and punch a hole in the wall.”

To her surprise, Applejack dejectedly sighed as she asked, “You don’t think Ah don’t wanna feel like this anymore?” As Granny Smith took this in, the orange farm girl began to sniffle as she continued, “You don’t think Ah really want to feel like this? You don’t think Ah hate that every time Ah think of Apple Bloom Ah get angry?!” Giving into her growing emotional whirlpool, she began to shed several tears as she went on a mini tirade.

“Every time Ah think of Apple Bloom, Ah can’t help but just wanna break somethin’. And Ah know that Ah shouldn’t feel like that, but Ah do! Ah know Ah fucked up with Sunset, but Ah just can’t shake the feelin’ that without Apple Bloom and her friends, none of this would’ve happened!” Walking over to the couch and sitting down, Applejack continued, “Ah just know that if Apple Bloom didn’t steal all our secrets, then none of this would ever have happened, and it pisses me off to the bone.”

Sighing, Granny Smith sat down next to her granddaughter as she admitted, “Look, if there’s one thing Ah’ve learned over the years, it’s that stuff like this happens whether you’re ready for it or not. What’s really important is how you react to it.” As Applejack groaned, the older woman continued, “And while Apple Bloom and her friends posted all that stuff on the internet, you were the one to lash out at your friend on little more than a whim.”

The Apple family matriarch’s words seemed to have the opposite effect on her granddaughter. Rising up to her feet, Applejack angrily exclaimed, “Well it wouldn’t have happened if Apple Bloom just kept her damn mouth shut!” Before Granny Smith could say anything in response to the orange girl’s outburst, Applejack stormed off to her room in a furious huff.

Now that she was alone, Granny Smith could only sigh to herself as she said, “Guess Ah’m up the creek without a paddle this time.” Feeling her eyes watering up, the old woman turned her attention to a family photo on the wall. This photo, taken years earlier, featured her, Bright Macintosh, Pear Butter, two young children named Big Macintosh and Applejack, and in the former pear’s arms rested an infant Apple Bloom.

All Granny Smith could say was, “Ah wish you two were here. You knew how to look after them better than Ah do.”

The Chop Shop Driveway, Early the Next Day….

Carrying her suitcase up to her uncle’s van, Apple Bloom let out a tired yawn as she asked, “You sure we need to head out this early?” From behind her, Ironhide emerged from the family’s home, carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder as he emerged, “We want to be on the road before it gets hectic. With people returning home from summer vacations, the roads are gonna get pretty clogged up.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom quipped, “At least it’s not the break of dawn?” The family patriarch smiled as he replied, “I’m not that cruel kid.” The former farm girl walked up to her uncle and wrapped him in a quick hug as she added, “You’re not cruel. A bit stern maybe but not cruel.” All Ironhide could do was hug his daughter back as he replied, “Thanks kid.”

As the other members of the family emerged from the chop shop’s front door, Sparkplug ran straight toward Apple Bloom, barking and clawing at the red-haired girl. Picking the little dog up, Apple Bloom hugged him as she reassured, “Of course you’re commin’ with us. We ain’t plannin’ on leavin’ you behind.”

She was distracted by the mechanically filtered voice of Wreck-Gar called out, “And don’t you think that I’m going to allow you to face your sister on your own.” Turning to face the metal man, Apple Bloom found him standing in between Sideswipe and Wheeljack as he added, “We’re all in this together.” The pale biker set her suitcase down as she reassured, “Yeah. Nothing’s gonna stand in her way!”

Smiling, Apple Bloom let out gentle, “Thank you guys.” Chromia walked up to her daughter and replied, “No problem.” She then turned to her husband as she asked, “So, how are we gonna decide who sits where?”

Thankfully, Ironhide answered, “Well, I was thinking you, me and the kids take the van and Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Wreck-Gar can take his car.” Upon hearing this, Wheeljack pumped his fist as he exclaimed, “Oh yeah! I barely get to take the old girl out anymore.” As the maverick mechanic ran off (followed by his metal promethean), Ratchet could only shrug as he remarked to himself, “I just hope he has better traveling music than last time.”

As everyone began to load up their respective vehicle, Sideswipe asked Apple Bloom, “You ready for this?” The former farm girl took a deep breath as she replied, “About as ready as Ah’ll ever be.” Giving her sister a reassuring nudge, the pale biker reassured her, “I won’t let Applejack do anything stupid. I promise.” With that, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe shared one final hug before getting into Ironhide’s van, their nonstop ride to Sweet Apple Acres.

All the while, Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Ah can’t tell if Ah’m goin’ home or leavin’ home.’

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom finally returns to Sweet Apple Acres as Ironhide and Chromia reunite with Granny Smith for the first time in years.

Author's Note; Thank you all for 2,000 views. I know it's not much compared to other stories, but I do appreciate it. (I'm aware that it's not quite there at the time of writing, but it's close enough)

Now transform and roll out!

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