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The Golden Lagoon

As the Apple Blooms

Part 6; the Golden Lagoon

“So uncle Ironhide, what do ya need me to do today?” Apple Bloom asked as she descended the stairwell into the kitchen. It had been exactly two weeks to the day since she had first arrived in Allspark Wells, and the one thing she had learned to expect was for Ironhide to find a different task for her each day. Whether it was running deliveries, mopping the floor of the shop, dusting the “merchandise,” or even helping clean the garage and workshop, it always seemed there was something he had in mind for her.

Ironhide, taking a sip from his coffee as he began flipping hotcakes, replied, “Well, that’s the funny thing.”

Apple Bloom gulped. She had been keeping her nose clean, especially after her run in with Officer Barricade, or at least she thought she had. Had she accidentally done something bad? Was Dr. Shockwave upset at her for what happened to his hand?

Noticing his niece was starting to silently panic, Ironhide began to clarify what he meant. “What I mean Apple Bloom, is that we actually don’t have much going on today.” As he began to place several hotcakes on a plate, he continued, “Ratchet and I need to continue with smelting Shockwave’s ores, but other than that, not much. With that in mind, I decided….”

Before he could finish, Ratchet walked into the kitchen. “Ratchet?” Ironhide asked, surprised his friend was early. “You don’t usually get here this early.”

Ratchet let out a sigh and replied, “Woke up early and didn’t have much to do, so I thought “Why not?”” Ironhide simply continued, “Yeah.”

Ironhide then returned his attention to Apple Bloom and resumed their conversation. “As I was saying, since things are gonna be pretty slow today, and since you’ve been a hard worker the last few weeks, I think you’ve earned your first “official” day off.”

“Official” Apple Bloom asked. As Ironhide set the large plate of hotcakes on the kitchen table, he explained, “Well, I decided not to consider your little day trip with Chromia, so on a technical note, this will be your first day off.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel her heart soar. An official day off; a day to (to an extent) do whatever she wanted. “Awesome!” she said with excitement as she made the appropriate gesture with her arm, accidentally slamming her elbow into the table in the process. “Heh. Oops.”

“It’s alright.” Ironhide reassured his niece. “Of course I expect you will keep yourself out of trouble, right?” He asked sternly but with a playful hint. Ratchet, not noticing the playfulness, added, “Exactly. I don’t want to perform an emergency surgery in the field because you got in a firefight.”

“Uh….” Apple Bloom said, surprised at Ratchet’s sudden change of tone. Ironhide, however, simply sighed and replied, “Ratchet, Apple Bloom isn’t going for a run the jungle.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Though, do you have any plans?”

“Well, Ah do have one idea.” Apple Bloom began. To be fair, it wasn’t the most well thought out plan, but she figured it was worth a shot.

Tender Taps’s Home

Apple Bloom stood in front of Tender Taps’s front door, hesitating on whether or not she should knock on his door or just leave. Would he be busy? Was he even there? Even if he was available and there, would he actually want to hang out?

The door opened, catching Apple Bloom off guard. Standing before her now was a little blue girl with yellow braided pigtails, not unlike the ones she now sported. The girl began to inspect Apple Bloom and asked, “Are you my brother’s girlfriend?”

“What?” Apple Bloom asked, surprised at the bluntness of the little girl’s question. “He’s not mah boyfriend. Ah just wanted to see what he was up to and if he wanted to hang out.”

The little girl nodded and happily replied, “Ok. I’ll go ask him.” She then skipped down the hallway, calling out, “Tender, you’re girlfriend’s here!”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Tender Taps’s voice rang out. He then noticed Apple Bloom standing on the porch nervously. “Apple Bloom?” Tender Taps asked as he approached her. Apple Bloom found herself getting increasingly nervous.

“H-h-h-hi.” Apple Bloom said nervously. As much as the two had hit it off incredibly well, she wondered if it was indeed a horrible idea just barging into him like this.

She was pleasantly surprised when Tender Taps wrapped her in a massive hug. “Apple Bloom, what are you doing here?” Tender Taps enthusiastically asked.

“Well, Ah was in the neighborhood…” Apple Bloom began as Tender Taps released her from his embrace. “Ah was wondering if you wanted to hang out?” she asked, far less nervous but now somewhat flustered. As Tender Taps began to ponder over the offer, Apple Bloom continued, “Well, Ah mean if you don’t have any plans.”

“Sure!” Tender Taps replied enthusiastically. “Just let me tell my parents and get my bike.” As he departed into the house again, he called out, “Mom, you mind if I go out with a friend for a little bit?” From somewhere she couldn’t see, Apple Bloom heard a woman’s voice reply, “Ok sweetie, just don’t be out too long.”

After a few minutes, Tender taps returned with a bicycle helmet and asked, “So, any ideas?”

Somewhere in Allspark Wells

“And stay out!” Brawn as Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were shooed out of his gym. They barely set foot inside when Brawn noticed them looking around and forced the duo out. He had made it abundantly clear that he wouldn’t allow “Spies” on his property, and said if they didn’t leave, he would call Officer Barricade.

“Well, that could have gone worse.” Tender Taps tried to lift Apple Bloom’s spirits. “I mean I hear that guy usually just slugs you in the chest if he has a problem with you.”

“Ah guess.” Apple Bloom replied dejectedly. “Guess ya just can’t win ‘em all.” As She and Tender Taps mounted their bikes, Apple Bloom asked, “So, there anywhere in town where we won’t get thrown out?”

“Well…” Tender Taps began. “I can think of one place.” He then began to grin cheekily. “You ever hear of the golden lagoon?”

“The golden lagoon?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ah ain’t ever heard of that. Is it like a fancy club or somethin’?” Tender Taps replied, “Oh heck no. The golden lagoon is sort of this lake, or pond, just north of town. I’ve been there a few times with my family, and when the sun hits it just right, the water looks like it’s melted gold.”

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom said in amazement. “That sounds kinda nice.” Tender Taps then offered, “In that case, follow me. You’re gonna love it.”

The Golden Lagoon, Thirty Minutes Later

“Oh mah goodness!” Apple Bloom was stunned speechless. After a good half hour of peddling, Tender Taps had led her to an absolutely amazing sight. Right over a hill was a body of water too small to be a lake yet too large to be a pond. Surrounding it was a field of what looked like the softest grass Apple Bloom had ever felt, and all of it enclosed by a beautiful forest of pine trees. All in all, it looked like a paradise.

“My dear…” Tender Taps began, putting on an exaggerated accent that reminded Apple Bloom of Rarity. “This is the golden lagoon. I know what you’re thinking…” He began to straighten himself out, as if he were going to go on a long winded spiel before continuing, “I don’t know why they call it a lagoon either. I think it’s just because it sounds cooler than golden pond.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start laughing at his sudden change in tone. “That’s pretty funny.” She said in between bursts of laughter.

As the two teens began to make their way to the water, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you know how to skip stones?” Tender Taps began to nervously scratch his neck as he replied, “Not really.”

Apple Bloom proceeded to take one of the stones on the shore, a small round one, and began to explain, “Well, you find a stone like this, and with a good flick of the wrist…” She then managed to flick the stone across the water, the stone managing to skip three times before it finally disappeared beneath the waves. Tender Taps could only reply, “That was awesome!”

Before either Apple Bloom or Tender Taps could say anything else, they heard the sound of a small vehicle from behind them. When they turned around, they saw a white and blue buggy roll past them.

“Who’s that?” Apple Bloom asked, finding herself worried that whoever this was had followed her from town. Considering how Brawn had chased them out of his gym, it wouldn’t be that surprising.

Once the buggy parked, two people emerged from it. One was a blue man with a light gray work suit and goggles, and seemed to be enjoying himself. The other person was a girl roughly Apple Bloom and Tender Taps’s age. She had long, darker gray hair that covered half of her face, and wore a black leather jacket, a light gray dress that went down to her knees, and black hiking boots.

After a few seconds, Tender Taps realized who it was and called out, “Hey Beachcomber!” The blue man noticed he and his passenger were not alone and replied, “Hey kid, what brings you all the way out here?” Tender Taps replied, “Apple Bloom and I wanted to hang out somewhere, but town isn’t the friendliest place right now.”

Apple Bloom gulped as Beachcomber noticed her and began to walk over towards her. A few seconds passed, and Apple Bloom began to feel sweat drip down her forehead.

Then Beachcomber extended his hand as he calmly and warmly introduced himself. “Well hey there. Put ‘er there little lady. The name’s Beachcomber.” His voice was silky smooth, almost like he was a celebrity or a lounge singer.

“Uh, Ah’m Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom said somewhat skeptically. “It’s nice to meet ya.”

Beachcomber then playfully remarked, “I must say, you don’t seem to look like a world class spy.” Apple Bloom could only let out a guilty laugh as she replied, “Considerin’ everybody else in town knows, Ah should have figured you’d know as well.”

The trio then heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Beachcomber turned to see his passenger waiting for him, digging tools firmly grasped in her hands. Beachcomber called out to her, “I’ll be right there.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and Tender Taps as he said, “Hey, I’m sorry to cut this short, but we got some work to do.”

“Wait.” Apple Bloom said. She then asked, “Would it be alright if we helped out?” She then turned to Tender Taps and asked, “You wanna help Mr. Beachcomber?” Tender Taps simply shrugged as he replied, “Well, we’re already here, so why not?”

Beachcomber pondered for a moment before he replied, “Well, we’d sure appreciate the help.” He then turned to face his companion and called out, “Hey Marble, we’re gonna have a little help today.”

The girl noticed that the other two kids were walking up to her with Beachcomber and began to nervously look away as she blushed. As they arrived, Beachcomber asked, “So Marble, anything you’d like to say?”

Marble, who Apple Bloom and Tender Taps noticed was hiding her face behind her long hair, simply gave a meek wave of her hand and very quietly said, “Hi.”

“Howdy there!” Apple Bloom happily greeted her. She extended her hand and continued, “Ah’m Apple Bloom.” Tender Taps then introduced himself. “Hello there. I’m Tender Taps.”

Marble simply looked at the two and began to, if Apple Bloom’s eyes and ears weren’t deceiving her, start breathing very quickly. It was as if she were going to start hyperventilating.

“Hey now Marble.” Beachcomber said as he wrapped Marble in a gentle hug. He then turned to Tender Taps and Apple Bloom as he explained, “Sorry about that. This is my assistant and protégé, Marble Pie. She has really bad anxiety and isn’t the best around groups.”

Pie. That name was oh so familiar to Apple Bloom. It was Pinkie Pie’s family name, and she remembered the party girl once mentioned that her family was almost as wide spread as the Apple Family. The only question was, how close was Marble to the others?

Beachcomber interrupted her train of thought. “Hey there, Tender if you’ll come with me, we’re gonna go gather some soil samples. Marble, You and Apple Bloom start looking for anything peeking through the soil.” Tender Taps nodded and grabbed some of the instruments as he followed Beachcomber off towards the forest.

This left Apple Bloom alone with Marble. As Marble began to inspect the ground, looking for something, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what are we lookin for?”

“Fossils.” Marble quietly answered, her eyes continuing to scour the shore. This caught Apple Bloom’s attention.

“Fossils? As in Dinosaurs?” Apple Bloom asked in amazement. “Ya mean there’s like a dinosaur here?”

Marble simply nodded yes with a somewhat quiet, “Mmh.” Apple Bloom suddenly found herself walking across the “lagoon’s” shore as she began to scour the ground, hoping she could find something.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom heard the sound of Marble clearing her throat from behind her. She turned to see Marble standing with her hand on her hip, a somewhat mischievous smile on her face. The gray girl said, “You don’t know what you’re looking for, are you?”

“Well, other than a dinosaur bone, not really.” Apple Bloom replied. Marble let out an (admittedly cute) chuckle as she replied, “For starters, they won’t be bones anymore.” She then motioned to Apple Bloom to come over to her. When the farm girl made her way over to her, Marble pulled something out of her jacket; a stone that resembled some kind of tooth.

“This is the tooth of an Entelodont.” Marble said. “As you can see, it’s as hard as stone. That’s because mineral rich water seeped into it when it was buried and replaced organic matter when it died.” Apple Bloom was amazed, especially since the girl who, for at least the previous ten minutes had been quiet and withdrawn, was starting to come out of her shell, even if she was keeping her voice down to just louder than a whisper.

“That’s amazin’!” Apple Bloom replied. Marble Pie simply nodded and released another, “Mmh.” Apple Bloom then began to eye the ground around her and asked, “So, where are the fossils?”

Marble simply gave the “I don’t know” shrug. Apple Bloom simply let out a gentle laugh as she replied, “Guess we better get searchin’.”

A Few Hours Later

“Hey there, you find anything?” Beachcomber asked as he and Tender Taps returned from collecting soil samples. Apple Bloom, wiping the sweat from her forehead, replied, “Not really.” Marble simply held her head low and shook her head as she let out an audible sigh.

“Well now, no point fretting over something we can’t control.” Beachcomber replied. He then offered, “Well, since we have everything we need, Marble and I were planning on doing a picnic. You kids want to join us?” Tender Taps immediately replied, “Really? Thank you sir.” Tender Taps replied.

Apple Bloom was somewhat taken back by this random generosity. “Uh, Ah mean…” She began somewhat nervously. “Ah don’t want to inconvience you guys.” Beachcomber rested his hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder as he replied, “Hey kid, you and your friend have been a great help today. If anything, consider it my gift to you.” After a few seconds of consideration, Apple Bloom simply shrugged and answered, “Sure, why not?”

Ten Minutes Later

“Wow, this is amazin’!” Apple Bloom complimented as she prepared to take another bite of her macaroni and cheese. Beachcomber hadn’t lied when he said he brought enough for all four of the group, as it seemed he had prepared enough to consider it a small feast.

“Thank you. I do aim to please.” Beachcomber replied as he took a sip from his drink. “I always say that we are all one with the universe.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start giggling when she heard that. Marble then added, “Don’t mind him, he’s always like this.”

Beachcomber then added, “That’s rich coming from you Marble. Besides, I’ve noticed you’re a little more open than you usually are.” Marble then began to blush as she took a bite from her sandwich. Tender Taps then asked, “You know Marble, now that I think about it, I’ve seen you a few times around town, but you’re always hiding in the shadows or avoiding everyone.” Marble began to look away in shame, unable to respond.

Then, Marble asked, “Beachcomber, mind if I go for a walk?” Beachcomber nodded yes, and Marble rose to her feet as she began to walk away, though not before she muttered a quiet, “Excuse me.”

Once Marble had left, Beachcomber let out a sigh as he said, “Well now, at least she’s making progress.” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps gave each other looks of confusion as the former asked, “As in with her anxiety?”

“Exactly.” Beachcomber replied. “Marble has been getting better. When she first arrived after I chose her to be my protégé, she could barely step outside without hyperventilating. But she’s been making a lot of progress, and now she can at least go into town on her own and at least not have a panic attack.”

Apple Bloom found that she had lost her appetite. She knew that Fluttershy had been known for her own shyness and anxiety, but compared to Marble she was practically a party animal. She had only known Marble for a few hours and could already tell she was barely able to handle a small group. And yet, she was trying to at least put up a good front, something she could respect.

It was then that Apple Bloom noticed that Marble had made it towards a pier on the lagoon. “Ah’m gonna go check on her.” Apple Bloom said as she stood up. Tender Taps was about to rise as well, but Beachcomber asked him, “Well then, in that case, would you mind helping me clean up Tender?” Tender Taps let out a resigned chuckle as he answered, “Sure.”

The Golden Lagoon Pier

Marble was exactly where Apple Bloom figured where she was; sitting at the edge of the small pier, dangling her feet over the edge. Apple Bloom began to walk over to her, nervous about how creaky the pier was.

“This pier is over fifty years old.” Marble said out of the blue, not even turning her head. Apple Bloom let out a gentle laugh as she replied, “Ah can tell.” After a few more seconds of awkward silence, Apple Bloom began to speak again. “Ah just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”

“I’m fine.” Marble replied. “I just needed a few moments alone.” Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she said, “That’s good. Wouldn’t want you havin’ a….”

“Another panic attack?” Marble asked as she turned her head to face Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom let out a nervous breath as she replied, “Yeah. Beachcomber told us you and anxiety. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”

Then, as Marble let out a giggle as she said something Apple Bloom figured she would have said eventually.

“You know, you’re not as bad as Pinkie said you were.”

Apple Bloom let out a guilty laugh as she replied, “So you are Pinkie’s sister Ah take it?” Marble rose to her feet as she replied, “I take it the “Pie” in Marble Pie didn’t give it away?” Both girls couldn’t help but start laughing, as it seemed they realized they had figured out who the other was.

Marble then began to speak. “Pinkie Texted me a few weeks ago, saying that you were being sent here. She told me to be careful around you.” Apple Bloom let out a resigned sigh as she replied, “Ah don’t blame her. Ah’m not proud of what Ah did.” She then made her way to the edge of the pier and sat down, taking in the sun as it began to approach its zenith.

It was then that Apple Bloom noticed something. The sunlight was pouring into the “lagoon”, turning the water from its normal blue to a brilliant gold. As Marble sat down next to her, Apple Bloom asked, “So, this why they call it the “golden” lagoon?” Marble simply nodded yes. Apple Bloom turned her attention back to the “lagoon” and continued, “Well, it sure is pretty.”

After a few minutes of just taking in the beauty of the “lagoon”, Apple Bloom turned to Marble and began to speak. “Look, Ah know you have every reason not to trust me, but if you’ll let me, Ah’d like to be your friend.” Marble hesitated for a moment, but she eventually extended her hand towards Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was about to reciprocate the gesture, but Marble pulled her hand back and, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, sternly warned, “Don’t shake unless you promise you won’t stab me in the back.”

Apple Bloom knew what she had to do. As she made an “x” motion over her chest, she said, “Cross mah heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye.” Marble’s eyes lit up as she recognized the familiar motions and phrase of the pinkie promise, and, rather than extend her hand again, wrapped Apple Bloom in a hug, a hug that Apple Bloom returned.

Tender Taps then began to walk up to Apple Bloom and Marble. “Hey guys, what’s up?” He asked. Apple Bloom and Marble rose to their feet as the former gleefully answered, “Ah think Ah’ve just made a new friend!” Marble simply nodded as she let out a quiet, “Mmh.”

“Awesome!” Tender Taps said enthusiastically. He then made his way up to Marble and extended his own hand as he said, “Any friend of Apple Bloom is a friend of mine.” Marble hesitated for a moment, her shyness and nervousness taking over for a moment before she returned the favor and gave him a handshake.

When they’d finished, Tender couldn’t help but do a little jig in celebration. As he began to dance, however, the dock began to creak. Marble stepped towards him as she cried out, “Wait, the pier is unstable! It might…..”

She was interrupted when the pier gave way, sending her, Apple Bloom, and Tender Taps crashing into the water. As Tender Taps managed to swim up to the surface, Apple Bloom and Marble gave him somewhat miffed looks. “Heh, sorry guys.” Tender Taps said nervously as he gulped.

Apple Bloom managed to paddle over to him and allowed herself to partially submerge into the water. she shot a simple, yet meanacing glare as Tender Taps gulped, worried what was going to happen.

Then Apple Bloom, with a cheeky smile, spat a small stream of water into Tender Taps’s face. Tender simply replied, “That is disgusting.” Apple Bloom continued her smug smile as Marble began to laugh, a far stronger laugh than she had done earlier that day, and possibly than any other time in her life.

“Well then…” Tender Taps said as he grew a cheeky smile on his face as, to everyone’s surprise, he splashed Marble with water. Marble, feeling that she had been challenged, began splashing Tender Taps, as well as a few splashes towards Apple Bloom.

Soon, the three teens were splashing each other and having fun. However, as the sun began to set, the small group found someone standing over them.

“Hey there.” Beachcomber began. “It’s about time we headed home. Ready to go Marble?”

“Ok.” Marble said meekly. As the kids made their way out of the water, Marble turned to Apple Bloom and Tender Taps, said, “Today was a good day. I’d like to hang out again sometime.”

“Same here.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah’d like to hang out as well. Besides, you two might need some help on a future project or somethin’.” Both girls exchanged hugs as Marble turned to leave with Beachcomber, and soon both were departing.

Road Into Allspark Wells

“Today was amazin’!” Apple Bloom said as she and Tender Taps walked their bikes down the road into town. She couldn’t help but feel incredible, especially how they had befriended someone as anti-social as Marble Pie.

“It really was.” Tender Taps replied. “You know what the best part was?” He asked in a voice that combined both confidence and nervousness. Apple Bloom turned to him and asked, “Was it the swim?”

“Being with you.” Tender Taps admitted before he realized both he and Apple Bloom were blushing. He then began to stammer. “What I… I…. m-m-m-m-mean is th-th-th-that you’re a good person to hang out with.”

Apple Bloom, her face still a little red, replied, “Well, Ah think you’re cool to be around too.” Both teens let out sighs, content with the other’s answers.

Soon enough, though, they arrived at Tender Taps’s home. The boy turned to Apple Bloom and said, “So, guess I’ll see you later?” Apple Bloom let out a resigned sigh as she answered, “Ah guess so.” They then wrapped each other in a long, big hug. Tender Taps then said, “Take care Apple Bloom. Stay out of trouble.” Apple Bloom replied, “You too. Try not to break anything.” Both kids couldn’t help but laugh as they went their separate ways.

As Apple Bloom pedaled home, she couldn’t help but feel like today was a good day. She’d been able to hang out with Tender Taps, who she now considered her best friend, she made a new friend in Marble Pie, and perhaps the best part, she didn’t feel horrible when she mentioned her past. Sure, she was soaking wet, and she still regretted the Anon-A-Miss incident and probably would for the rest of her life, but she didn’t want to beat herself up for it anymore.

As the chop-shop came into sight, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wonder, “Ah wonder what uncle Ironhide needs me to do tomorrow?”

Author's Note:

Next Time; a new twist on a familiar face

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