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Open Secret

As the Apple Blooms

Chapter 2; Open Secret

The red-pink glow of the sunrise began to sneak its way into the bedroom, signaling to Apple Bloom that it was time to get up. Having had a surprisingly good night’s sleep, Apple Bloom began to rise from her bed filled with an emotion she didn’t expect to feel this early into her exile; optimism. Even though she knew exactly why she was here and not at home or at school, she couldn’t help but feel like today was going to be the good kind of day. Stretching with a yawn, Apple Bloom said to herself, “Alright, time for a brand new day.”

Her optimism was rudely interrupted by Wheeljack barging through her door with a hammer and a metal trash bin lid. “Rise and shine butter….” The older man began as he prepared to strike the lid with his hammer, only to realize that Apple Bloom was, in fact, awake. He then began to sheepishly say, “Oh, sorry. I thought you were still asleep.” Apple Bloom gave Wheeljack an annoyed look as she replied, “Well, Ah grew up on a farm, so Ah know the importance of risin’ early.” Wheeljack continued to stand in the doorway, now incredibly embarrassed as he continued, “In that case, eh, the boss says breakfast is in thirty minutes so you should probably get ready.” He then began to shuffle awkwardly away until he was gone.

Apple Bloom sighed as she collapsed back onto the bed. “Ah suddenly have the feelin’ today isn’t gonna be as good as ah thought.” She muttered to herself, hoping that Wheeljack’s intrusion was the only annoyance today.

The Kitchen, Thirty Minutes Later

Apple Bloom made her way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. She had been able to get dressed and freshen up as normal without any further incident, and had regained some of her optimism. Sniffing the air, Apple Bloom could make out the familiar scent of bacon being fried on the stove. It was then that she saw Chromia working the stove as she set a few pieces of toast in the toaster. Apple Bloom greeted the older woman, “Mornin’ ma’am.” Chromia turned and greeted her young guest. “Why good morning Apple Bloom. Sleep well?” Apple Bloom replied, “Yup. Need any help with breakfast?” Chromia waited for a moment before she replied, “I have everything just about ready, but would you mind helping set the table?” “Sure.” Apple Bloom replied.

After setting the table, Apple Bloom heard the sound of a door opening. She turned to see Ironhide entering from the workshop. Though he was dressed in his signature gray overalls and red boots and shirt, he seemed to be struggling to stay awake. He made his way up to Chromia and wrapped his arms around her. “How’s it going honey?” He playfully asked his wife. Chromia let out a chuckle as she answered, “Almost done. I expect you to fix lunch today.” Ironhide replied, “I know. I’m gonna make some coffee.” He then gave her a peck on the cheek as he made his way over to the coffee maker.

Ironhide’s attention was distracted by the sight of Apple Bloom finishing setting up the table. “Ah, good to see you awake kid.” Ironhide greeted her. “Sleep well?” Apple Bloom answered, “Ah did. Much better than Ah thought Ah would.” Ironhide then let out a gentle laugh as he began to pour coffee into a mug. He then began, “Well that’s good, cause I have a busy day in mind for you.” Apple Bloom asked, “What exactly do you need me to do?” Ironhide replied, “I was thinking on having you do some sweeping and cleaning for a while, and then having you deliver a few things around town.”

“Around town?” Apple Bloom asked. “But Ah hardly even know Mah way around the shop. Ah’ve only been here a day!” She realized she had raised her voice and immediately began to back down. “Sorry for shouting.” She apologized. Ironhide replied, “I know, but I figured you should learn the lay of the land somehow. Besides…” He paused as he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Apple Bloom. As she took it, she was surprised to see that it was a map. Ironhide continued, “…This should help. I hope you know how to ride a bike.”

Before Apple Bloom could reply, Wheeljack entered the kitchen, strutting towards the table. He then belted out, “And the fun has arrived! Good morning everybody.” Ironhide rolled his eyes and replied, “Good morning to you too Wheeljack.” Apple Bloom simply gave him a look of annoyance and asked, “So, what are you up to today?” He replied, “Well I’ll be tearing apart an old helicopter. I hear you will be the errand girl.” Apple Bloom hesitated on her response before she gave a cheeky reply. “At least it’ll give me some peace an’ quiet.”

“Did Wheeljack pull the cymbal on you?” Ironhide asked as he handed Wheeljack a cup of coffee. The mechanic simply let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Hey, I didn’t know she’d be awake.” Apple Bloom then asked, “So does he do that thing often?” Chromia, setting a plate of breakfast at the table, replied, “He does. Monkey wrench here has a habit of acting like an idiot after a night at the bar.” Apple Bloom found herself spitting the orange juice out of her mouth as Chromia said the word “bar.” Wheeljack replied, “Hey I didn’t get drunk.” Ironhide, bringing another plate of food to the table, scolded his friend. “What have I told you about drinking on a work night?” Wheeljack sighed and replied, “To not do it?” “Exactly.” Ironhide replied. “I don’t want you being buzzed while working. You’re clocking in two hours late and I’m docking those hours pay.” Wheeljack simply sighed in resignation as he answered, “Yes boss.”

Apple Bloom then realized something was off; Ratchet wasn’t there. “Hey Uncle Ironhide, where’s Ratchet?” She asked. Ironhide replied, “He doesn’t live on the property like Wheeljack and us. He’ll be here in an hour or so.” Apple Bloom silently nodded and resumed eating her breakfast. As she took a bite from a piece of toast, she heard the sound of a door opening. Ironhide faced the direction of the sound and replied, “Sounds like Ratchet is early.” He then rose from the table and, finishing his toast and coffee, faced Apple Bloom and ordered, “When you finish, Wheeljack will show you where the broom and dust pan are. You’ll then start sweeping the store front, understand?” Apple Bloom nodded yes and answered, “Yes sir.” Ironhide nodded back and left to deal with Ratchet.

Wheeljack finished his breakfast and began to rise, only for Chromia to stop him as she said, “Would you kindly clean up? I have three cars I need to fix up and Apple Bloom should start pretty soon, and I think your chopper can wait.” Wheeljack was about to protest, but the cheeky smile from Apple Bloom let him know he wouldn’t be weaseling his way out of this. He then sarcastically replied, “Ok mom.” Apple Bloom then walked up to Wheeljack and said, “Thanks.” The older mechanic simply replied, “Don’t mention it kid.” He then gave her a knowing wink as she and Chromia left the kitchen to start their day.

The Shop Front, a Few Hours Later

Sweeping and cleaning had been things Apple Bloom had done as regular chores back at the farm, so it was really no trouble for her to do here at the shop. What had begun to settle in was the tedium of doing it. Even though someone would enter the shop every now and then, they would often be taken to the garage by Chromia or the scrap yard by Wheeljack as quickly as they arrived. This left Apple Bloom with a lot of time to think.

Once again, she was reminded by what she had done. How she had allowed her jealousy of Sunset Shimmer to get the better of her sense of judgment, rope Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo into her half-baked plan, and how she got all three of them in serious trouble. Then her mind wandered over to the last time they were together, before she was sent over here and Sweetie Belle let it slip that she would be going to, of all places, Wales. It was then that Apple Bloom remembered what she had said to her friends, what they had said back, and what had happened as tensions reached the boiling point.

“No. Don’t think about that anymore!” Apple Bloom said to herself as she shook her head. “Ain’t no point in worryin’ about them!” she shouted to herself. This caught the attention of Chromia, who entered the shop from the garage. She then asked, “Apple Bloom, is everything ok?” Apple Bloom replied, “Sorry, guess I just had somethin’ on mah mind.” Chromia walked over to her and reassured her, “It’s ok. If you ever need to talk, I’m always available, ok?” “Thanks.” Apple Bloom replied as she instinctively wrapped her arms around Chromia in a hug, which was reciprocated by the older woman.

Ironhide then entered the shop and complimented his new employee. “Well, only half a day and the shop is still standing.” He said warmly. “Good job kid.” Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” Ironhide then asked, “So, you ready to run an errand?” Apple Bloom replied, “Yes sir!” Ironhide let out a gentle laugh as he replied, “Hey kid, this isn’t an FOB.” Chromia then joined in the conversation as she said, “I’ll go get the bike.” As she left, Ironhide asked, “You do know how to ride a bike, right?” “Yup.” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah know how to ride a bike.” Ironhide continued, “Good, cause we don’t have any training wheels.”

As Ironhide and Apple Bloom exited the shop, Chromia brought out a plain red bicycle. She then began to speak, “Here you go Apple Bloom. She’s not much of a looker but she’ll take you far.” Ironhide then asked, “You got that map I gave you?” Apple Bloom replied, “You bet.” Ironhide then ruffled her hair as he continued, “Ok, now you’ll need these.” He then pulled several envelopes from the front pocket on his overalls. “These are some letters for a few friends in town. I’d normally take the van and drop these off but I figured you should get yourself familiar with town.” Chromia then added, “That and someone needs to keep Wheeljack from cutting himself with the saw again.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start laughing at the idea of Wheeljack hurting himself.

Ironhide then said, “Oh, I almost forgot.” He then ran back into the store and returned with a helmet. “You’ll probably need this. Hopefully it’s not too big for you.” He said as he gave Apple Bloom the helmet. The young girl thanked her honorary uncle. “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” Ironhide then finished, “Alright, now just make sure you’re home by night fall and no loitering.” As Apple Bloom strapped the helmet on her head, she replied, “Ah won’t let you down sir.” She then placed the envelopes in the bike’s basket and mounted it. As she began to pedal away, she could hear Chromia call out, “Good luck sweetie.”

Allspark Wells

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but love the way Allspark Wells appeared. The town was by no means as large as Canterlot City, but it was still a moderately sized town. Though no building was as high as one of Canterlot’s skyscrapers, several buildings were clearly at least five stories high and many were made of the same yellow-gold metal. All in all, if it weren’t for her current predicament, she would have considered this the perfect place to go for a relaxing vacation.

It was on her right that Apple Bloom noticed her first destination; Brawn’s Boxing. “This seems to be the place.” Apple Bloom said as she parked the bike and take off her helmet. She then pulled the envelope addressed to Brawn from the basket. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom told herself, “Ok, time for first impressions.” She then proceeded to walk up to the door and entered.

Apple Bloom hadn’t ever seen an actual boxing ring in person, but what she was seeing pretty much reminded her of one of Scootaloo’s favorite movies. There was the ring (obvious), several lights that were flickering, and of course, two men in the ring being coached by an older gentleman. “Come on, put your backs into it!” the older man said as he noticed he had a new visitor. He then sternly asked, “Shouldn’t you be in school kid?” Apple Bloom hesitated before she nervously answered, “Uh, actually Ah’m here to give you somethin’ from mah Uncle Ironhide.”

“Uncle Ironhide?” The man asked as he walked up to Apple Bloom. He had gray skin and hair, blue eyes, and wore a green sweatshirt and pants with yellow accents. The way he walked up to her made Apple Bloom’s blood freeze up. She then handed the envelope to the man and asked, “You Brawn?” The man took the envelope and replied, “Yeah. You the kid Ironhide took in?” Apple Bloom nodded nervously. Brawn then began to inspect the envelope, even sniffing it. He then sarcastically asked, “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

Apple Bloom figured she wasn’t welcome any longer and quickly made her way out of the building. As she left however, she turned to see Brawn hadn’t even opened the envelope yet. What was worse was the fact he was eyeing her, practically seething annoyance. Feeling nervous, Apple Bloom quickly darted out and back to her bike.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom said to herself, “Well, one down and…” She pulled the list of deliveries out and realized that she still had seven other stops to make. “…Seven to go.” She finished with a defeated sigh.

Two Hours Later

It seemed that no matter where she went in town, Apple Bloom was being watched by just about everyone. The man who ran the local swimming pool, an odd fellow by the name of Seaspray, despite putting up a friendlier mask than Brawn, simply took his package and walked away. Another, the local radio DJ named Blaster, also gave Apple Bloom the stink eye as well as inspecting his envelope, making sure his hadn’t been opened. It was as if they thought she’d opened all the envelopes.

Still, Apple Bloom had one last delivery to make. Pulling the envelope out of the basket, she found that it was addressed to someone named “Blackout,” and the address on it was marked on her map at the location of an electronics shop. “Well, let’s just get this over with.” She said to herself as she steeled herself and began to pedal towards the final destination. After about five minutes, Apple Bloom arrived at her destination; a shop at the edge of a small shopping center called Soundwave’s Electronics. “Alright. One more stop, then its back to the chop shop.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she parked the bike and pulled the final envelope out of the basket and undid her helmet. She then began to approach the shop, hoping that this Blackout guy wouldn’t be as harsh as everyone else.

Once she entered the shop, she was immediately greeted by deep yet smooth voice call out, “Welcome to Soundwave’s Electronics. What can I do for you today?” Apple Bloom found herself scared stiff by this intimidating voice. It was then that a man in a blue-gray suit and a great big gray stepped forward towards her. As Apple Bloom found herself too nervous to talk, The man asked, “You know how to speak kid?” Apple Bloom replied, “Y-y-you Blackout?” The man let out a somewhat chilling chuckle as he replied, “Well my name certainly isn’t Grindor.”

Apple Bloom then handed Blackout the envelope. Blackout took it and began to inspect it. He then said, “Ah, these must be the wires I asked for.” He then began to walk towards his computer as Apple Bloom began to inspect the shop. All around the shop were computers, monitors, and other electronic devices, though these were in pristine condition. As she continued, to look Apple Bloom found her eyes attracted to the monitor at the cash register. Before she could figure out what it said, she heard Blackout call out, “Hey, keep your eyes off the computer!” Apple Bloom nervously replied, “Sorry Mr. Blackout!” Blackout then replied, “Sorry for snapping kid, but I can’t let just anybody see all my secrets.”

That sentence began to eat away at Apple Bloom. It was as if he knew about everything she’d done. Desperate to think of anything else, she began to eye the clock as she said, “Look at the time. Ah better get going.” She then began to quickly walk out of the shop, but not before Blackout gave a very ominous, “Keep your nose out of trouble kid.”

The Road to the Chop Shop, Ten Minutes Later

Apple Bloom couldn’t understand something. She had never met Blackout before, and yet he seemed to know enough about her to push the right buttons. Calling her out for barely snooping, mentioning secrets, and even telling her to “keep her nose out of trouble”, it was almost as if…..

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard the sound of a police car. Turning her head, she found she was indeed being followed by a police car. Starting to panic, she pulled over to the side of the road and rose from the bike. “Oh no.” she said to herself, wondering if she had unintentionally broken some sort of law.

It was then that two police officers emerged from the police car. One of the officers, an intimidating man with graying hair, began to walk up to her. He then began to speak. “Well well well.” He began in an intimidating tone. “Looks like we found you at last.” Apple Bloom gulped, scared that she was going to be arrested. The other police officer, a man with red hair and blue eyes, ran up to him and called out, “Barricade! Leave her alone right now!” Barricade turned to face his partner and replied, “Give me a minute Prowl. I need to let Apple Bloom here know something.”

Apple Bloom was terrified, especially now that she realized this Barricade guy knew her name. Barricade then turned back and knelt down to her and said, “I’ll make this quick kid. Allspark Wells is a pretty close knit town, so you won’t be able to hide behind any anonymity. Do I make myself clear?” Apple Bloom nodded very quickly, making her stance very clear. Barricade then stood up and replied, “Very good. Have a good day Apple Bloom.” He then began to walk back to the police car and said, “We’re done here Prowl. Back to work.”

Prowl, however, ran up to the now relieved Apple Bloom and apologized to her. “Sorry about Barricade. He’s a bit theatrical, and doesn’t take delinquents well. I’ll keep him off your back, provided you stay out of trouble.” Apple Bloom nodded and simply replied, “Thank you officer.” “Name’s Prowl.” Prowl replied as he extended his hand. As Apple Bloom shook his hand, Barricade called out, “Prowl! We gotta get movin’!” Prowl called back, “Coming!” He then gave a knowing nod to Apple Bloom as he returned to join his partner.

As the police car pulled away, Apple Bloom began to think about what the officer, as well as the others had said to her that day. Brawn had made it clear that he was very suspicious of her, Blackout had tried to hide his computer from her and said something about keeping herself out of trouble, and Officer Barricade had said she wouldn’t have any anonymity. Why was everyone being so…..

Then it hit her. Apple Bloom realized why everyone was so suspicious and borderline hostile of her. It may have been a bit of a far out idea, but as she began to realize it, she began to break down into tears.

They knew what she’d done.

Ironhide’s, That Evening.

“Here you go.” Ironhide said as he handed the collection of nuts and bolts to Lugnut. “I managed to find these off that helicopter we got. Hope you can find a good use for them.” Lugnut replied, “Thanks Ironhide. These will be perfect for my new gauntlet.” As the larger man began to leave, he was surprised to see a young red haired girl storm into the shop and straight to the back door. “Whoa.” Lugnut said as Apple Bloom moved forward. “Who’s that?”

Ironhide, however, realized that Apple Bloom was sniffling and had a few visible tears on her face. He then said, “Something’s wrong.” Ironhide then turned to Lugnut and said, “You better get home. I’ll deal with this.” Though any other person would stick around to try and find out what was going on, Lugnut, being the obiedient type, simply nodded and exited the store. With that, Ironhide walked up to the door and swapped the “open” sign with a “closed” one and followed after Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom’s Room

Once she made it back to her room, Apple Bloom broke down completely. She threw herself onto her bed and curled into a ball, belting her eyes out. She couldn’t believe it, but somehow the whole town had found out what she had done. This could only mean that someone told everybody. In her despair, she figured that Chromia wouldn’t have done it, since she was simply too nice to do something that cruel. However, that left Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack, and any one of them could have told somebody. After all, Apple Bloom knew how well rumors spread.

As she continued to cry, Apple Bloom heard Ironhide’s voice gently ask her, “Apple Bloom, you ok?” Apple Bloom rose to face her honorary uncle and angrily ask, “Did you tell them?” “What?” Ironhide asked defensively. “What’s going on?” Apple Bloom then shouted, “All day Ah’ve been goin’ around town and had everybody from Brawn to Blackout insultin’ me about Anon-A-Miss! Ah even had a COP say he knew about it!” The tears continued to pour as Apple Bloom asked, “Why did you tell everybody?”

“I didn’t tell anybody!” Ironhide defensively replied. “Do you really think I’d tell them about what you did?” Apple Bloom didn’t know how to react, and simply replied, “Ah don’t know. Ah just know someone did.” Ironhide began to think out loud. “Well the only people who know around here that I know of are you, me, Chromia, Ratchet, and Wheel…..” It was then that something clicked in Ironhide’s head. He then walked up to Apple Bloom and said, “I think I know what happened. I need you to stay up here for a minute, ‘cause I gotta use some nasty words.” He then gave Apple Bloom a brief hug and left her room. Apple Bloom simply crawled into bed and continued to cry.

The Workshop

“WHEELJACK!” Ironhide furiously shouted as his face turned a crimson red. Of course that idiot had to have blabbered. Wheeljack stopped working on the engine before him as he turned to face Ironhide. “Ironhide, what’s going on?” Wheeljack asked as he took off his mask. Ironhide angrily shouted, “What in the blue FUCK were you thinking?!” As Wheeljack began to nervously step back, he replied, “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Ironhide replied, “Apple Bloom has been accosted by everyone from Brawn to Barricade today. Turns out they know about her and what she’s done!” He then took a deep breath and asked, “You didn’t happen to speak to them last night at the bar did you?” Wheeljack answered, “Well yeah, I mean we had a beer or two and…”

It was then that he realized what he had just admitted. “Oh, shit!” Wheeljack said everything clicked in his head. Ironhide replied, “Well Shit indeed! I offered to take Apple Bloom in so she could have a fresh start, but now the whole damn town knows! Everyone knows what she did and will hold it against her! You made everything worse you DUMBASS!” As Ironhide realized he was losing his temper, he took a deep breath. “Sorry, but you really screwed her over.” He then began to walk away, but stopped and turned to face Wheeljack and demand, “You’re coming with me. You’re going to apologize to her right fucking now!” Wheeljack sighed and replied, “Ok, let’s go.”

Apple Bloom’s Room

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom managed to calm down a bit to the point where she wasn’t crying uncontrollably. Tears were still pouring out of her eyes, but she had managed to regain some of her composure. She then began to speak to herself. “Well, Ah suppose they’d find out eventually.” After all, that’s just how everything seemed to work. She gave in to her jealousy, and she ruined everybody’s lives. Why wouldn’t people give her crap, even if they barely knew her? She deserved it after all.

It was then that Ironhide and Wheeljack, the latter having a guilty expression on her face, entered her room. Ironhide began to speak. “Apple Bloom, Wheeljack has something he wants to say to you.” He then glared at Wheeljack and menacingly asked, “Don’t you?” Wheeljack and began to speak. “Hey kid. Last night I may have let it slide that you were staying here and…” He took a deep breath before quickly blurting out, “… everything that you did as Anon-A-Miss.”

Apple Bloom’s sorrow turned to anger. “You JERK!” Apple Bloom shouted as she stomped over to Wheeljack. “You ruined my life!” She shouted again. Wheeljack tried to defend himself, saying, “Hey, it’s not my fault you somehow got your principal’s bail post!” Ironhide then stepped in between the two and said, “That’s enough!” He first faced Apple Bloom and said, “I’m sorry about Wheeljack gabbing, but he does have a point.” As Apple Bloom sighed in resignation as she looked away in shame, Ironhide faced Wheeljack as he continued, “But that doesn’t excuse you for stabbing her in the back!”

Ironhide then took a deep breath as he began to speak to both Apple Bloom and Wheeljack. “Look, you two are gonna be living under this roof, so you two better find a reason to not tear each other apart.” Wheeljack took a deep breath as he said, “I’m sorry Apple Bloom. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Apple Bloom replied, “Sorry for explodin’ at you. Guess everybody had to find out sometime.” Ironhide then said, “Ok. As much as Apple Bloom is here as punishment, I think she deserves tomorrow off.” He turned to Wheeljack and said, “YOU are going to be doing her chores as well as your own duties tomorrow AND I’m docking your pay.” Wheeljack nodded as he replied, “Yes sir.”

Ironhide then turned to Apple Bloom and rested a hand on her shoulder as he gently said, “I’m gonna go fix dinner. I’m sorry things had to turn out this way.” He then left the room, but not before glaring at Wheeljack. Wheeljack then said, “Kid, I’m so sorry. If there’s anything I can do for you, just let me know, ok?” Apple Bloom simply replied, “Ok.” Wheeljack then left, leaving Apple Bloom alone with her thoughts.

So everyone in Allspark Wells knew what she’d done AND she was now angry with one of her co-workers. “Ah should have figured.” Apple Bloom said to herself. Still, she couldn’t help but find what had happened somewhat poetic. After all, she had exposed the personal secrets of so many people, it made sense that she’d have her secret revealed to an equally large amount of people.

The irony was so obvious that she couldn’t help but start laughing. True, she was still angry at Wheeljack and herself, but she figured that he could eventually redeem himself. And if he could earn her forgiveness, she could earn the forgiveness of everybody else. Maybe even Applejack would eventually forgive her. The thought of Applejack forgiving her helped put a smile back on Apple Bloom’s face, and the optimism from earlier returned to her. She then said to herself, “Ah think tomorrow’s gonna be a good day.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom spends some quality time with Chromia

and yes, we have more transformer characters.

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