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Torque Wrench

As the Apple Blooms

Part 25; Torque Wrench

“Your Daughter?!” Apple Bloom asked in total shock. She’d just returned home from helping Marble Pie out at the museum only to receive a bombshell that her Uncle Ironhide had seemingly neglected to tell her something incredibly important. “Ya mean you went more than two months without tellin’ me you have a daughter?”

Ironhide could only sigh in shame as he began to explain, “Well, I mean, I know that you’ve had a lot on your mind lately, and I had no idea she’d be coming over and…..”

Chromia walked up to the young girl and tried to defend herself, “Look sweetie, there was just a little mix up in the mail.” She tried to rest a shoulder on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, but the former farm girl simply shrugged it off as she dejectedly replied, “Ah guess. But it’d still have been nice to know Ah wasn’t the first one.”

Realizing where things were going, Ironhide simply said, “Look, why don’t you go wash up? I think it’s time for us grownups to talk.” Apple Bloom wanted to protest (maybe even throw a fit), but she just didn’t have the energy to protest. Instead, she just nodded and departed for her room.

Once Apple Bloom was gone, Ironhide, Chromia, and Wheeljack made their way to the living room. There, the family’s patriarch collapsed onto the couch and muttered, “I think I fucked up.” As Chromia sat down next to him, Ironhide continued, “Why couldn’t I have found that damn letter earlier, or why couldn’t I have just told her about Torque Wrench?”

Resting an arm around her husband, Chromia answered, “It’s not that big a deal. It was just a slip of the mind.” Ironhide gave a small smile as he replied, “Thanks honey. Still, I should have told her about Torque earlier.”

Wheeljack then blurted, “Besides, I think she’ll love Apple Bloom!” Ironhide couldn’t help but chuckle as he remarked, “I hope so.”

The Family Kitchen, One Hour Later…

Dinner was far more awkward than it normally was, though everyone knew why. After taking a sip of water, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what’s she like?” When all four grownups didn’t answer, she continued, “Ah mean, what’s Torque Wrench like?”

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide replied, “Well, she’s kinda like you Apple Bloom.” When the young girl gave a confused look, he continued, “Torque was always tinkering with something, taking it apart and trying to put it back together again.”

Wheeljack then asked, “Remember that time she tried to dig into that old jalopy?” Ratchet let out a gentle sigh as he replied, “I remember. She was covered in cuts and bruises all over.” Even though she tried to put on a sour face, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle at the implication.

Curious, the former farm girl asked, “So, how old is she anyway?” Ironhide smiled as he answered, “Torque Wrench is a few years older than your brother.” That certainly intrigued Apple Bloom, as it meant she had to at least be in her early to mid twenties.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “So, when’s she commin’ over?” Chromia spoke up with, “The letter was delayed for a while, and it says she’ll be her in “a few days,” so I’d say that means….”

“She’ll be here by tomorrow.” Ironhide interrupted. This sudden deadline dampened the mood. As everyone else resumed eating, Apple Bloom slumped into her seat in defeat. She wouldn’t say anything else for the rest of the night.

Apple Bloom’s Room, Later that Night…

Lying on her bed, Apple Bloom found her mind racing at lightning speeds across the cosmos. No matter how hard she tried to go to sleep, one thought kept her awake, a thought she wanted to bury deep in the darkest recesses of her mind, but one she knew she’d have to confront in the morning.

Ironhide had a daughter. It was something so seemingly insignificant yet so important that she just didn’t know how to react to it. After all, neither Ironhide nor any of the others had made any implications of the fact beforehand. It was as if this woman, this Torque Wrench, just popped up out of nowhere. Hell, at least Granny Smith wouldn’t meet someone and wait a few months before saying, “Oh deary me, Ah forgot to mention, this here is mah daughter.”

Groaning, Apple Bloom rolled over to face her nightstand, now adorned with two framed photographs. One was the photo of her and her family back home, and the other was of her and her family here in Allspark Wells. Seeing both images reminded her that, despite her immediate reservations, they were all her family.

“Come on Apple Bloom. They’re your family, and you gotta give her a chance.” The young girl tried to chastise herself. With that, she managed to drift off to an uneasy slumber.

The Next Morning…

The next morning started off just like any other; Apple Bloom woke up, got ready for the day, made her way to the kitchen, had breakfast, and began her daily duties. Today, she found herself mopping up the shop floor, making sure there weren’t any visible stains or marks. She tried to focus exclusively on her work, not thinking about the fact that the chop shop was about to get a “surprise” visit.

As she cleaned the floors, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wonder to herself, ‘If Ironhide is mah uncle, does that make this Torque Wrench person mah cousin or like another sis….” She didn’t want to finish that question. “No. Apple Bloom is mah sister, not Torque!” She blurted to herself. “Ah mean, there’s also Sideswipe, but she’s kinda like a friend/sister…. Ah think.” Sighing to herself, she let out an awkward chuckle as she remarked, “Why does family have to be so complicated?”

The sound of the door opening and a bell ringing distracted the former farm girl from her internal turmoil. Turning to face the door, Apple Bloom began to speak, “Howdy! Welcome to Ironhide’s….” She didn’t finish, as she quickly began to figure out who was standing before her.

Entering the chop shop was a young woman with light yellow skin and red hair held up in a bun. She was dressed in a light blue shirt, darker blue overalls, brown boots that rested under her pants, and had a green bandana in her hair. And in her right hand was a light brown suitcase. Apple Bloom may not have ever met this woman before, but it only took a few moments before she realized who it was.

“Oh, Excuse me.” The woman asked. “But is Ironhide home?” Apple Bloom simply nodded and pointed towards the garage. The young woman set her suitcase down as she replied, “Thank you young lady.” However, as she began to walk towards the garage, Wheeljack entered from the back, only to see the woman who had entered the shop.

“TORQUEIE!” Wheeljack shouted as he ran up to the woman and wrapped her in a massive hug. Though momentarily confused by the sudden embrace, she returned to the gesture. Overcome with glee, the older scrapper continued, “It’s so good to see you again! Look at you, you’ve grown so much!”

“Thanks Uncle Wheeljack.” Torque Wrench replied as the older man released her. Catching her breath, she noticed Apple Bloom and asked, “So, who’s this?”

Before Apple Bloom could reply, however, Ironhide and Chromia entered from the garage, with the former calling out, “Why, if my own eyes aren’t deceiving me. Hey Torque.” As he opened his arms, Torque Wrench launched herself into him as she replied, “Hey dad.” It was a sight that everyone found heartwarming.

Well, not quite everyone.

Making her way up to the older woman, Apple Bloom extended her hand and properly introduced herself. “Uh, howdy there.” She nervously started. “Ah’m Apple Bloom.”

“The name’s Torque Wrench.” Torque replied as she shook the younger girl’s hand. “I take it dad here finally decided to hire some more help?”

Ironhide, however, let out a deep sigh as he replied, “Well, not quite. You see Apple Bloom here is my niece from the Apple Family.” Intrigued by this revelation, Torque Wrench turned back to the former farm girl and asked, “Really? Well Dad used to tell me stories about….. What was his name again? Light Magnet or somethin’?”

“Bright Mac.” Apple Bloom corrected, her voice betraying a slight case of sadness. “Mah pa’s name was Bright Mac.” Realizing something was off, Torque Wrench asked, “Uh, dad, there something goin’ on here?”

Making his way back to his daughter, Ironhide rested a hand on her shoulder as he explained, “How about we talk about this in the living room? It’s a long story.”

Nodding, Torque Wrench replied, “Ok.” She began to make her way towards the back of the shop before stopping and saying, “Oh, I almost forgot!” She then ran up to Chromia and wrapped her in a hug before saying, “Good to see you again mom!” The older woman hugged her daughter back as she replied, “It’s so good to see you again sweetie. You’ve got to tell me everything you’ve been up to.”

As the two women made their way to the living room, Wheeljack let out a happy sigh as he said, “It’s good to have her back, right sir?” Ironhide didn’t answer him, instead making his way to Apple Bloom, who had solemnly returned to her mopping. Kneeling down to her, he asked, “Hey, you ok?”

“Ah guess. All things considered Ah mean.” Apple Bloom answered, not even facing her uncle. Taking a deep breath, Ironhide then asked, “How about we all take a break?” Though she wanted to protest, Apple Bloom didn’t have it in her to protest and simply nodded, following her uncle to join the others in the living room.

Family Living Room

As Apple Bloom entered the living room, she found Torque Wrench and Chromia sitting on the family couch as the former was in the middle of telling her mother a story. “So Mayor Sunny Skies and Petunia Petals are askin’ me if the sign can be saved, and I turn around to look at the bloody thing.” She then paused before continuing, “And it took only one look at all the water damage before I said to him, “Yeah, there’s no savin’ this thing.””

As Chromia began to laugh, Ratchet entered the living room with a tray full of mugs filled with steaming liquid. “I took the liberty of making some coffee. Anyone want some?” Torque Wrench replied, “Yes please. I’ve been driving for like six hours straight.” Shaking his head as he handed her one of the mugs, Ratchet scolded the younger woman, “Careful Torque Wrench, You can’t just go that long without some rest.” Taking the mug, Torque smiled as she began to giggle and reply, “I’ve missed you Uncle Ratchet.”

Sitting back down next to Chromia, Torque Wrench asked, “So I don’t want to come off as rude, but what’s a member of the Apple Family doin’ all the way out here?” For a brief moment, Apple Bloom felt her spirit lift when she realized that Torque didn’t know about Anon-A-Miss. However, this meant that she was about to find out something that dampened her spirit just as quickly.

Ironhide spoke up with, “I’m not gonna go into all the details, but Apple Bloom here did something incredibly stupid, so her sister decided to call in the old favor and dump her here until the fall.” Surprised, Torque Wrench replied, “Ooh my. I know you used to say that the Apples were very tight-knit, so to hear that I…” She gulped as she finished with, “I’m so sorry.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom replied, “No, It was mah fault. Ah got jealous of mah sister and…..” As her eyes began to sting, she finished her statement with a polite but firm, “Ah don’t wanna talk about it.” Ironhide then turned to his daughter and ordered, “And unless she decides to tell you, I don’t want you pestering her about it.”

Nodding, Torque Wrench answered, “Of course.” She then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “So, I guess this means we’re cousins?” Apple Bloom simply shrugged as she answered, “Ah guess so.”

Torque Wrench then asked, “I take it you’ve taken my old room?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment as she figured out that the “guest” room she’d been staying had to have been Torque’s at one point. Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah guess so.”

Curious, Torque Wrench asked, “So, You mind if I go take a look?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before she simply answered, “Ah guess.” With that, the two girls began to make their way to the stairwell.

Once they were gone, Wheeljack asked, “So, you think they’re gonna get along?” Ironhide, taking a sip from his coffee, could only sigh and reply, “I don’t know, but I hope so.”

Chromia, however, answered, “I think they’ll get along just fine.”

Apple Bloom’s Room

As the two girls entered the room, Apple Bloom began, “Here’s mah room. Ah hope you know that there’s not much room for sharin’.” Torque Wrench stepped forward, hands behind her back, as she replied, “Don’t worry. I can always sleep on the couch.”

Apple Bloom realized that she’d said something rather harsh as she quickly began to apologize, “Sorry. Ah hope Ah’m not bein’ too harsh.” She didn’t want to come off as rude to the older woman, as she knew it wasn’t her fault. She was just struggling with her emotions regarding “current revelations,” and she didn’t want to take it out on Torque Wrench.

The older woman instead replied, “Its ok. I take it dad didn’t give you much of a warning about me?” When Apple Bloom nodded yes, Torque continued, “I understand. Dad told me about Bright Mac growing up, but it wasn’t until I was almost 18 that I learned just how nasty their fall out was.”

Torque Wrench then noticed Apple Bloom’s tap shoes nestled next to her older pair of yellow gum boots. “You a dancer by any chance?” The older mechanic asked.

Starting to blush a bit, Apple Bloom answered, “Well, kinda. Ah met this boy named Tender Taps not long after Ah got here, and he offered to help teach me how to tap.” As Torque noticed the younger girl’s continued blushing, the latter added, “He’s not only mah best friend, but he’s also my boyfriend.”

“Isn’t that sweet?” Torque Wrench replied. “You’re lucky. I never really had someone like that.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked. Sitting down on the bed, Torque Wrench explained, “Yeah. I spent most of my free time tinkering with things around the shop.” She then began to giggle as she continued, “One time I modified this old doll to walk on its own, and it ended up scaring the slag out of Wheeljack.” As she began to burst out into laughter, she finished with, “Of course dad made me clean up both the stain and Wheeljack’s clothes afterwards.”

Apple Bloom took a few moments to put the pieces together, but once she did she began to blurt out laughter herself. “You made him pee himself?” She asked. Still laughing, Torque Wrench nodded yes.

Once the two girls had managed to calm down, Torque Wrench continued, “Yeah, I never got into dance. I tried it when I was a kid, but I just found it boring.” She then asked, “So, what else do you like to do?”

Pondering for a moment, Apple Bloom answered, “Well, Ah’ve spent most of mah time here workin’ for Uncle Ironhide, but when Ah can, Ah’ve been helpin’ mah friends around here.” Intrigued, Torque asked, “Like that tapper boy?”

After managing to keep her face from turning any redder, Apple Bloom replied, “Not just him. There’s also this girl named Sideswipe who’s a biker around mah age. Then there’s Marble Pie, an’ she’s a shy girl who lives with Mr. Beachcomber. And finally there’s a former street urchin named Rattrap.”

Smiling, Torque Wrench remarked, “Sounds like you’re calling is helping people. Hardly the kind of girl who’d cause so much trouble.” This seemingly playful remark hit Apple Bloom right in the heart, and she simply let out a gentle sigh as she sat down on her bed and looked down.

Realizing she’d said something stupid, Torque Wrench wrapped an arm around Apple Bloom and said, “You know, you’re not the only one here who’s done something stupid.” Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, you’ve done somethin’ stupid?”

“Well, I don’t know exactly what you did.” Torque began. “But there was this one time….” She paused before continuing, “Well, it goes back to after I was born. You see Mom and Dad aren’t exactly my birth mom and dad.”

This little tidbit tantalized Apple Bloom. “Hold on. You sayin’ you’re adopted?”

Nodding, Torque Wrench explained, “Yeah. They took me in when I was about four years old because something that happened to Dad during the war rendered him infertile.” She then let out a wistful sigh as she continued, “And that little tidbit was where everything begins.”

As Apple Bloom began to take in the older woman’s words, Torque Wrench began, “So, I was in the fifth grade…”

Vector Sigma Elementary School, Many Years Earlier…

Sitting in a chair outside the principal’s office, a young Torque Wrench held her head in shame. On the other side of the door, she could hear her father Ironhide speaking to Principal Kenner, and it was clear that neither of them were very happy. The worst part was that she knew why they were very unhappy.

Torque Wrench had gotten into a fight.

The young girl found herself staring into her reflection in a window. She wasn’t focused on her outfit consisting of blue overalls, black and white sneakers, and a yellow t-shirt. No, she was looking at the bruises all over her, most noticeably the massive black-blue spot all over her cheek. Her eyes starting to water, Torque Wrench could only sigh and say to herself, “I hope dad isn’t too angry.”

The Principal’s door opened, revealing a very clearly unhappy Ironhide and a worn out Principal Kenner, the latter of whom turned to the former and said, “Thanks again for coming. I’m sorry that we had to meet under such unpleasant circumstances.” As he extended his hand, Ironhide sighed as he replied, “As am I.”

Once Principal Kenner returned to his office, Torque Wrench began to nervously speak. “Dad, I’m….” She squeaked before Ironhide raised his hand and very sternly warned, “Not another word until we get in the car.” Sighing in resignation, the young girl picked up her backpack and followed her father out of the building.

Ironhide’s Van

Both Ironhide and Torque Wrench entered the former’s red van; Torque Wrench entering slowly and shamefully while Ironhide slammed the door behind him. Once both were in, the older man sighed as he rested his head in his hands. Torque knew her father wasn’t going to start the car before he spoke up, and it was clear he was very unhappy.

After a few moments, Ironhide, not even facing his daughter, angrily began to speak. “You’ve been suspended for two weeks!” Torque Wrench backed away from her father in fear as he continued, “You damaged a table and three chairs, you broke one kid’s glasses, and worst of all, you broke another kid’s nose!” Hearing everything she’d done brought the young girl to tears.

Ironhide continued, “You’re damn lucky you didn’t get expelled for this. I know that you’ve been having trouble with bullies, but you can’t just do this sort of thing.” Turning to face his daughter, he finished with, “It goes without saying, but you’re grounded young lady.”

“Yes sir.” Torque Wrench dejectedly answered as she sniffled. Having said enough, Ironhide pulled out his keys and turned the van on, beginning the small journey that would take the two home.

Neither Torque Wrench nor Ironhide said anything as they made their way home, and neither made any sound, save for the young girl’s sniffles. Even though the drive from the chop shop to the school was a very short journey (about 7 minutes), it felt like the longest drive of the young girl’s life.

Once the van made it back to the chop shop, Ironhide turned back to his daughter and sternly ordered, “I want you to go straight to your room and think long and hard about what you’ve done. Am I clear?” Torque Wrench silently nodded yes as she picked up her backpack from the car floor and exited her father’s van. She didn’t acknowledge any of the customers or the sight of her mother and Ratchet, or even Wheeljack’s voice asking, “Hey Torqueie, something wrong.”

Instead, Torque Wrench made her way to her room and closed the door. Once she was certain she was alone, the young girl began to cry hard as she trudged to her bed and scream into her pillow. She hated how she’d caused so much trouble, she hated how she failed her dad, and hated herself.

Soon, the young girl cried herself into a fitful slumber.

A Few Hours Later…

“Torque Wrench!” Chromia called from down stairs. “Dinner’s ready.” Slowly rising from her bed, Torque Wrench sighed as she tried to straighten her hair so she looked half-way presentable. Taking a deep breath, the young girl said to herself, “Let’s just get this over with.”

As Torque Wrench entered the kitchen and made her way to her seat, Ironhide, who was watching her like a hawk, asked, “So, you want to tell everyone here what you did at school today?”

Starting to sniffle again, Torque replied, “I got into a fight.” Intrigued, Wheeljack spoke up, “Well that explains the bruises.” As the young girl continued to sniffle, Ironhide gave his co-worker a glare that could only be interpreted as “shut up.”

Chromia then asked, “Oh sweetie, why’d you get into a fight in the first place?” Ironhide then added, “That’s the other thing. You didn’t tell Principal Kenner what started it, so tell me what happened.”

Memories of what happened earlier that day began to flash before Torque Wrench, and she shook her head before she answered, “I…. I can’t.” Ironhide simply stood up and, with a surprising cold tone, asked, “You can’t? Or you won’t?”

Realizing that she would have to reveal what happened, Torque Wrench sighed and, a few tears escaping her eyes, began to explain everything. “They were making fun of me because I’m adopted and….. And that you…..” She tried to continue, but found her eyes starting to profusely water and her voice choke up. Realizing something was off, Ironhide asked, “And that I what?”

“That you were a baby killer.” Torque Wrench finally blurted out. “That during the war you were a baby killer and that if I disobeyed you then you’d…..”

Ironhide’s pupils shrank in horror as he took in what his daughter had just admitted, Chromia held her hands to her mouth in shock, Ratchet sighed as he shook his head, and even Wheeljack was left speechless, only able to say, “They wouldn’t…… those little bastards wouldn’t dare…..”

Rising up from his chair, Ironhide asked, “Torque Wrench?” As he began to walk over to his daughter, Torque gulped as she worried what her father was going to do. Would he hurt her like the bullies said they would? Would he say something horrible?

Instead, Ironhide wrapped his daughter in a tight hug as he began to tearfully reassure her, “I would never, EVER hurt you.” As he began to tremble with emotions, Torque Wrench hugged her father back as she began to cry as well. The family patriarch placed his hands on her shoulders as he said, “I want you to ignore anyone who ever says something like that ever again. You are my special little girl, and I can’t begin to say how much I love you.”

Now devolved into a sobbing mess, Torque Wrench hugged her father tighter than she ever had in her life and squealed, “I love you too daddy.” Chromia soon joined the two in their embrace as Ratchet and Wheeljack looked on, their own eyes starting to glisten.

After a few moments, Ironhide released his daughter as he said, “Upon reflection, I realized your suspension starts tomorrow, so I think your punishment can as well. How about you and I go get some ice cream?” Giving her dad a small smile, Torque Wrench replied, “I’d like that.”

With that, Ironhide rose up from his knees and led his daughter by the hand to the van, reassuring her, “And next time, if those bullies ever say anything like that, just let me know and I’ll take care of it, ok?” Letting out a small (and adorable) giggle, Torque Wrench cheerfully answered, “Ok daddy.”

Apple Bloom’s Room, Present Day

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom said as she began to wipe her eyes. Torque Wrench got up from the bed as she finished, “Let’s just say I never had to worry about those jerks again.” She then let out an embarrassed chuckle as she added, “It’s funny that they got to me not because they insulted me, but because they insulted dad.”

Getting up from her bed, Apple Bloom remarked, “That’s amazin’. Guess Ah’m thankful Ah never got in that kind of trouble. At least until….” She stopped herself as she remembered why she was even in Allspark Wells in the first place.

Torque Wrench then rested a hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder as she reassured her, “Hey, I don’t know what you did, but if you had to get sent anywhere with anyone, I’m glad you ended up with dad.”

Apple Bloom immediately launched herself into Torque Wrench, wrapping her in a great hug, one the older woman immediately returned. The former farm girl then gave out a simple, “Thanks.”

The Workshop, Later that Night.

“And these here provide the light.” Torque Wrench explained to Apple Bloom as the two inspected the insides of an old neon sign. Once the two girls returned from the younger girl’s room, Apple Bloom found herself stuck to Torque Wrench like glue. Now the two were inspecting an old sign Ratchet had found that may have been salvageable.

From behind the two girls, Ironhide’s voice asked, “Everything going alright in here?” Torque Wrench replied, “Everything’s going great dad. Apple Bloom here is a fast learner.” The younger girl nodded as she replied, “Ah think Torque Wrench here is just a good teacher.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom then continued, “Uncle Ironhide, Ah’m sorry Ah got so snippy with you.” Smiling, Ironhide reassured her, “It’s ok Apple Bloom. Sorry I forgot to tell you.” The former farm girl simply wrapped her uncle in a warm embrace, one her uncle happily returned.

Torque Wrench then spoke up, “Hey Apple Bloom, you find any of my old hiding places in the scrap yard?” Curious, Apple Bloom shook her head as she answered, “Ah don’t think so.”

Growing a cheeky smile, Torque Wrench took her “cousin” by the hand as she said, “Follow me Apple Bloom. You’re gonna love this.” As they left, Ironhide could only smile as he saw his daughters run off into the scrap yard.

Sweet Apple Acres, The Next Morning…

“See ya after band practice Granny.” Applejack said to Granny Smith as she made her way towards her car. As she passed the mailbox, the orange girl noticed that there was a letter sticking out of the rusty structure. “Huh, wonder what this is?” Applejack asked herself as she took the letter.

To her surprise, the letter was addressed to her. Making her way to her car, Applejack began to open the letter. Once she was firmly seated in the driver’s seat, the farm girl began to read the letter…

Dear Applejack

It’s been a while since we’ve talked, and I hope you’re doing well. Right now, I think I’m doing better than ever.

Uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia have been keeping me busy, and I’ve learned a lot about scrapping. In fact, I’m learning about a lot of things here in Allspark Wells. For example, I started learning to tap dance, and I gotta say it’s a lot of fun.

Speaking of dancing, I think I’ve fallen in love with a dancer. There’s this boy named Tender Taps who was the first friend I made here, but he’s the greatest tap dancer I’ve ever met. Dance aside, he’s sweet and kind and he’s been by my side. In fact, after a kind of hectic day, I admitted I loved him, and now he’s my boyfriend.

But Tender Taps isn’t my only friend here. I met Pinkie Pie’s sister Marble Pie, and I’ve been helping her socialize with other people. Then there’s Sideswipe, this girl who’s into motorcycles and who’s spunky and funny. Finally there’s a boy named Rattrap, a street urchin who I helped get settled in with someone. In a way, he’s kind of like a little brother.

I know why I’m here, but things are looking up for me. However, I still miss you, Granny Smith, and Big Mac. Maybe you guys could come visit.

Your sister,

Apple Bloom

As Applejack read her sister’s letter, she couldn’t help but feel somewhat jealous. Her sister, the mastermind behind the Anon-A-Miss incident, was doing very well, even having found love. And here she was, stuck with cleaning up Apple Bloom’s mess.

“Why Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked herself. “Why do things have to be goin’ your way?” She would have continued, but she noticed the time on her clock, and that school would be starting soon.

And so, mumbling to herself, Applejack casually tossed the letter behind her into the back seat, and pulled out of the driveway before making her way to school.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom's nightmares return

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