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Do the Locomotion

As the Apple Blooms

Part 12; Do the locomotion

Apple Bloom found scrubbing the floor was noticeably trickier when one of her hands was wrapped in bandages. It had been two days since the unfortunate incident with the old car doors, and it had been decided that she wouldn’t be handling anything sharp until her hand healed, and it would be even longer until she was involved in any more scrapping.

Still, Apple Bloom didn’t quite mind. Ironhide and the others still found more than enough tasks to keep her busy, and she found that she was starting to finish them quicker. And as much as Ironhide was, in the loosest sense, her jailer, he often allowed her to relax once her tasks were done. If the circumstances regarding her being in Allspark Wells weren’t as dire, she’d have trouble telling if she were back home or not.

From the back of the shop, Apple Bloom heard the sound of the door open. She rose from the floor and found Ironhide emerging with a large box in his hands. “Ah, Apple Bloom.” The older man greeted his niece. “I need a favor to ask of you.”

“What do ya mean Uncle Ironhide?” Apple Bloom asked as she walked up to her uncle. She had a hunch that Ironhide needed her to run an errand. After all, every time she had been doing chores when he interrupted her, it was usually because he needed her to deliver something that he or the others were otherwise momentarily unable to.

“I need you to deliver something for me.” Ironhide said, confirming Apple Bloom’s suspicions. He set the box on the storefront counter as he explained. “I need you to drop some railroad spikes Wheeljack and I cleaned up for an old acquaintance by the name of Astrotrain. I’d go myself but Ratchet needs my help with cleaning an old truck that might be salvageable.”

“Sure thing sir. Ah can do it.” Apple Bloom said as she made her way up to the box and wrapped her arms around it. The box may not have been a featherweight, but it was still lighter than she thought it’d be. “Huh, not as heavy as Ah thought.” She said as she began to carry the box, the jingling of the railroad spikes ringing like music to her ears. “So Uncle Ironhide, where do ya need me to take these?”

Ironhide replied, “The old railroad station. It’s not too far from Miss Hoofer Steps’s Dance School.” He then gave his niece a knowing smile as he added, “I bet there’s a certain boy you might just run into.”

“Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, her face turning nearly as red as her hair. “Tender Taps is mah friend, not…. Ya know.” Ironhide simply basked in his niece’s embarrassment.

Downtown Allspark Wells, Thirty Minutes Later

Apple Bloom pedaled down the street, package firmly planted on the back of her bicycle. Sure enough, as she made her way through town, she couldn’t help but begin to pass by the familiar sights of the dance studio. As much as she knew she had a job to do, she couldn’t help but at least just pop by.

Right As she began to approach the dance school, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see Tender Taps emerge from the front door. Rather than his normal attire, he wore a black tank top and black work out pants, he had a canvas bag slung over his shoulder, and a few beads of sweat were visible on his forehead. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find that the sight of him made her feel, for lack of a better term, very strange.

Tender Taps waved back into the open door as he said, “See you tomorrow ma’am.” He then began to walk away, gently shuffling his feet as if he were still dancing; at least until he realized that someone was watching him.

“Apple Bloom!” Tender Taps said as he ran up to his friend and nearly tackled her in a surprisingly strong hug. Apple Bloom, for her part, managed to wiggle her way off of her bike as she returned the gesture.

“Miss me Ah take it?” Apple Bloom playfully asked as Tender Taps released her from his near bone crushing hug. Tender Taps, his face starting to turn a slight shade of red, replied, “Maybe a little bit.” He then noticed her hand and asked, “What happened to your hand?”

Apple Bloom replied, “Ah cut it helpin’ Uncle Ironhide scrappin’ this old junker. Don’t worry, it’s alright.”

Tender Taps, taking a deep breath as he took in what he’d just heard, replied, “Well, at least you’re alright.” So what brings you all the way out here this time?”

“Ah gotta deliver these railroad spikes over to the old railroad station. Uncle Ironhide said it was around here somewhere.” Apple Bloom replied. Tender Taps began to scratch his chin before remarking, “Oh, I know where that is!” He then leaned against her as he mischievously asked, “Mind if I show you?”

Apple Bloom decided to play along as she curtsied. “Ah’d like that very much good sir.” She said, trying to replicate the fancy accent Rarity had. Tender Taps raised his fist high as he leapt into the air.

“Awh yeah!” Tender Taps exclaimed. “Oh, wait just one moment!” He said as he set his bag on the ground and unzipped it. Apple Bloom began to peek inside as he reached his hand inside. Tender Taps noticed his friend’s curiosity and asked, “Wondering if I’m gonna pull my tap shoes out?” Apple Bloom gave a dramatic pause before she replied, “The thought crossed mah mind.”

“Well not this time.” Tender Taps replied as he pulled out a dark gray button shirt. Slipping the shirt on, he said, “can’t look like an absolute slob, can I? Gotta have some sense of style.”

“Ah think you got plenty of style.” Apple Bloom complimented as she rested a hand on Tender Taps’s shoulder. Personally, she couldn’t help but find him rather handsome without the shirt on, even if he hadn’t buttoned it, leaving the black tank top underneath clearly exposed.

“Uh, Apple Bloom?” Tender Taps asked, his face starting to blush again. Apple Bloom managed to snap herself out of her “confused feelings.” Managing to regain some semblance of a coherent thought, she replied, “Uh, sorry about that. Got lost on mah train of thought.”

“In that case…” Tender Taps began as he slipped his bag back over his shoulder. “I think it’s time this train arrived at the station.” With that, the two young teenagers mounted their bicycles and made their way to the train station.

Allspark Wells Train Station.

Apple Bloom was surprised to find that the station didn’t look particularly busy. In fact, the faded paint and dirty windows made it clear that the station hadn’t received any real visitors in the past week, or month, or maybe even year.

“This place doesn’t look real welcomin’.” Apple Bloom whispered to Tender Taps. The young boy nodded as he replied, “It might look like it, but at least it’s not derelict.” Apple Bloom gave him a look that made it clear she did not find his answer convincing. Tender Taps, for his part, simply replied, “Well, let’s see if anyone’s home.”

Walking up to the station’s front door, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find the building even more intimidating. Taking a deep breath, she said to herself, “Alright. Deliver the package and go. Deliver the package and go.” Taking one of her arms and releasing it from the box, she began to knock on the door. There was no response.

“Huh.” Tender Taps said out loud. “I swear I’ve seen at least one person here.” He then stepped forward and knocked on the door himself. Once again, there was no response.

“Ah got a bad feelin’ about this.” Apple Bloom said to Tender Taps. Tender would have replied, but he was interrupted by a sound neither he nor Apple Bloom expected.

From somewhere on the other side of the door, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps heard the sound of a song playing on a radio. She couldn’t comprehend most of the lyrics, but she could make out the phrase, “Do the Locomotion.” Tender Taps immediately spoke up, “Hey, I know this song!”

Apple Bloom then added, “And unless someone has some weird sort of thing that can play music on a timer, that means someone is here.” She then knocked on the door again, this time much louder than before.

From the other side of the door, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps heard a gruff, unfamiliar voice call out, “The door is open. I’ll see you in the grand foyer.” Taking this greeting as an invitation, Apple Bloom reached for the door handle and turned it. True enough, the door was unlocked, and the two kids entered the old station.

Apple Bloom found the station, though covered in dust, was still in surprisingly good condition. The tables and benches were still standing, the lights were shining brightly with their ancient yellow glow, and if her eyes weren’t deceiving her, Apple Bloom could still make out a large chalk board above an enclosed kiosk with destinations, arrival times, and a list of every town and city all the way to Canterlot City.

Apple Bloom was so stunned speechless that she failed to notice a door behind her open. What did catch her attention after a few seconds was the music playing from the other room, specifically some song from decades past. Turning around, she found a tall man with pale, white skin, and a dark gray and purple suit entering.

“Well now, what have we here?” The man said in the same gravelly voice from earlier. Apple Bloom was stunned enough to momentarily lose her balance, forcing Tender Taps to step in and help her catch her balance as well as making the box rattle. “Sounds to me like you’re here to deliver the railroad spikes.” The man in purple remarked.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom said as she regained her breath. “Mah uncle Ironhide said you wanted these.” She then presented the box to the man in purple. She then introduced herself, “Uh, howdy. Ah’m Apple Bloom and this is mah friend Tender Taps.” As she said his name, the young boy bowed.

The older man, still holding the box in his hands, replied, “The name’s Astrotrain. I take care of this place, pretty much the only one who does anymore.” Apple Bloom noticed he said the latter part with a hint of resignation. However, before she could reply, Astrotrain continued, “Of course, this place wasn’t exactly the greatest meeting place even at the height of rail travel.” He then paused before adding, “Ok that sounded awkward. What I meant to say is…”

Tender Taps immediately spoke up, “This wasn’t a super busy place?” Astrotrain gave him a quick stern look before he shrugged and replied, “Yeah pretty much.” The older man then proceeded to carry the box over to the boxed counter.

Apple Bloom then asked, “So uh, Mr. Astrotrain? Why do ya need all those spikes?” Astrotrain turned to face Apple Bloom, his face betraying his pleasant surprise.

“Wait a minute. You want to know more about what I do here?” The older man asked. Apple Bloom replied, “Well, Ah guess so.” Suddenly, Astrotrain lost any semblance of his previous melancholy as he began to enthusiastically speak, “Oh goodie! It’s been so long since we had any visitors around here!”

“We?” Tender Taps asked, giving Apple Bloom a confused look. Astrotrain managed to calm down as he replied, “Sorry, it’s just something I say every now and then.” He then began to nervously scratch the back of his head as he continued, “And uh, sometimes I kinda talk to myself.”

Apple Bloom replied, “Ah know the feelin’. Sometimes Ah do it to make sure Ah remember somethin’.” Astrotrain then asked, “In that case, how’d you kids like to take a look around the truck yard?” Tender Taps shrugged as he replied, “I guess so. Besides, I’ve always kinda liked trains.” Apple Bloom hesitated before she answered, “Ya know, why not?”

The Train Yard

“Whoa!” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps said in amazement as Astrotrain led them past several steam engines. They ranged from a light blue tank engine with a short stumpy boiler, funnel, and dome to larger locomotives and even some squat petrol engines. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but ask, “How’d you get all these trains?”

“Well….” Astrotrain began as he leant against a purple steam engine. “I’ve always been a bit of a railroad enthusiast, and ever since I made a fortune in the stock market, I figured I needed something to spend my money on.” Tender Taps’s jaw dropped as he asked, “Wait, so you’re like super rich or something?” Astrotrain, placing a finger under the young boy’s jaw, replied, “You didn’t think I was some sort of squatter did you?”

That was when Apple Bloom asked, “So, why did ya buy all these trains anyway?” Astrotrain took a deep breath and replied, “To save them, because these days no one else will.”

“What do you mean by that?” Tender Taps asked. Astrotrain began to explain himself. “You kids might not know it, but the time of trains and railroads is coming to an end. Nowadays things get moved around by car or plane, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep babies like these running, so people are scrapping trains up or turning them into museum pieces.”

Tender Taps then stepped up to Astrotrain as he explained, “I know what it’s like to love something others see as outdated.” He then began to scuff the ground before he began to walk up to the nearest engine, a small green tank engine. Apple Bloom, realizing what was about to happen, walked up to Astrotrain and said to the older man, “You’re gonna love this.”

Stepping into the train, Tender Taps began to scuff the metal floor before he began to perform scissors, shuffling one foot before going on the tips of his toes before repeating the process on the other foot and vice versa as he increased speed. After this, he performed the “shave and a haircut” that he always did whenever he was showing off.

“Wow.” Astrotrain remarked as Tender Taps stepped out of the engine. “Gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone move like that before. You like some sort of burlesque dancer or something?”

“I’m a tap dancer.” Tender Taps meekly replied. “It’s what I love most, and I’ve noticed it’s been fading into obscurity lately.”

Astrotrain then walked up to Tender Taps and said, “Hey, if it makes you happy, why worry what others think?” Apple Bloom added, “Mr. Astrotrain here is right. Ya see…..”

That was when the small group heard the sound of something spraying. Apple Bloom turned to Astrotrain and asked, “What was that? Sounded like someone sprayin’ air spray or somethin’.” Astrotrain, for his part, sighed and face palmed as he muttered to himself, “Uh, not them again.”

Tender Taps then added, “I think it’s coming from over here!” He then signaled for Apple Bloom to follow him, something she did almost immediately. Following her friend, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps found the source of the noise was one of the box cars.

There, spraying graffiti on the box car, were Rumble and Frenzy. “Oh man, Astrotrain is gonna hate this.” Rumble said to his brother, struggling to contain his laughter. Frenzy then added, “Yeah. C’mon, let’s get the next one.”

“Hey!” Apple Bloom called out, getting Rumble and Frenzy’s attention. The red clad boy turned to see that he and his brother were no longer alone.

“Well well well.” Frenzy said, trying to come off as intimidating. “If it isn’t Anon-A-Miss and the town faggot.” Before Apple Bloom could say anything, Tender Taps stepped forward, angrily asking, “What did you call me?”

“A faggot.” Rumble replied. “It’s because you’re a prissy little faggot who spends all his time prancing around like a girl!”

Tender Taps began to tremble with rage, and Apple Bloom realized his eyes were starting to actually water up. Clearly, Rumble and Frenzy had touched a nerve. “Tender, you alright?” She asked, worried for her friend. Tender’s breathing was becoming deeper and deeper, and he was actually starting to growl.

Luckily, before anyone could do anything rash, Astrotrain caught up to his guests and was greeted by the sights of the two delinquents. Realizing who had snuck onto his property, the older man called out, “Hey, what did I tell you about trespassing on my property?”

“Crap!” Rumble exclaimed as he began to stumble backwards. “Frenzy, we gotta go!” he shouted as he and his brother and began to run away, abandoning their spray paint and graffiti.

“And don’t come back!” Astrotrain shouted as he two delinquents disappeared into the distance. He then shook his head as he took a deep breath.

Apple Bloom, however, wasn’t focused on the now gone delinquents. She was focused on Tender Taps, who was now sitting on the rail, head held in his hands. “Tender?” The young girl asked as she sat down next to him. “You alright?”

“I guess.” Tender Taps replied in a depressed voice. “Just more people thinking I’m just a weirdo. It’s the sort of thing you get used to.” He then raised his head from his hands, surprising Apple Bloom with the tears that were now starting to drip from his eyes.

Knowing what she had to do, Apple Bloom wrapped an arm around him as she replied, “Well Ah like you just the way you are.” Tender Taps simply began to cry into his friend’s shoulder. After a few minutes, Tender Taps regained some of his composure as he replied, “I like you the way you are too.”

Once Tender Taps had managed to calm down, Astrotrain walked up to the two and asked, “Hey kid you feeling alright?” Tender Taps replied, “Yeah. Guess I just needed some encouragement from a friend.” Without realizing it, he began to hold Apple Bloom’s hand, an action she didn’t mind.

Astrotrain then said, “Well that’s good. Now, I better get rid of all this graffiti.” Tender Taps, wiping the last of his tears away, asked, “You need any help with it?” Apple Bloom added, “Yeah. Ah’d be happy to help.”

“I dunno.” Astrotrain replied. “I wonder what Ironhide would say.” This made Apple Bloom slink back, knowing that she couldn’t just hang around wherever she wanted. However, that was when Astrotrain had an idea. “Hold on just a minute.” He said as he pulled out his phone.

After dialing a number (as well as waiting for the person on the other end), Astrotrain said, “Hey Ironhide. Look, I need to ask a wee favor of you.” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps gulped, worried what he was going to ask. Astrotrain then continued, “Well, We found some graffiti on the property, and Apple Bloom wants to help clean it off. That ok with you?” The two kids could hear Ironhide’s voice on the other end, but they couldn’t make out what he was saying. Once the voice on the other end finished talking, Astrotrain replied, “Alright. Thanks.”

Hanging up the phone, Astrotrain turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Well, Ironhide says that as long as you come home when we finish, you can help.” Apple Bloom jumped in the air exclaiming, “Alright!” Astrotrain immediately cut in, “Alright, settle down. Now, I think I keep a few sponges in the back…..”

Forty Five Minutes Later….

After forty five minutes of scrubbing off the graffiti, which involved a phrase that Apple Bloom and Tender Taps didn’t understand and Astrotrain refused to explain, the box car was free of any sign that Rumble and Frenzy had ever been there. “There we are.” Apple Bloom said as she wiped her brow of sweat. “Clean as a whistle, or at least clean as a rusty old box car.”

Tender Taps then walked up to Apple Bloom and rested next to her as he added, “Still, probably wouldn’t have been able to get it done as quickly without you.” The simple compliment made Apple Bloom begin to blush again, something she realized happened a lot whenever she and Tender Taps were together.

Her realization was interrupted by a sound neither she nor Tender Taps expected to hear; a cat’s meow. “What was that?” Tender Taps asked. Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think it was some kind a cat or somethin’.”

The two kids heard the sound of a cat meowing again as, from inside the box car, emerged an adult tabby cat. Kneeling down so her eyes were on level with the small creature, Apple Bloom began to speak to the cat. “Why hello there little fella.” She greeted the tabby feline. “What were you doin’ all by your lonesome in there?” The cat proceeded to make its way to the edge of the car, leapt down, and preceded to rub itself against Apple Bloom, all the while purring.

“Kinda cute, ain’t he?” Apple Bloom asked Tender Taps. The orange skinned boy replied, “He kind of is.” As he reached towards the cat, the tabby immediately ran up to him and curled up around his feet. Apple Bloom then quipped, “Ah think he likes you.”

“What’s going on over there?” Astrotrain asked as he made his way up to the two kids. When he noticed the small creature which was now hiding behind Tender Taps, he replied, “Oh, so Skimbles shows himself again.”

“Skimbles?” Tender Taps asked. Astrotrain replied, “Yeah, that little guy there keeps showing up just as I try to move things around here.” He then sneezed before continuing, “I’d like to keep him around, but I’m allergic to cats.”

Apple Bloom then added, “And as much as Ah think the little guy here is kinda cute, Ah doubt Uncle Ironhide would allow me to keep him. Besides, with all the sharp things we got, this little guy would get himself cut.”

Tender Taps, however, had something else in mind. “Well….” He began before reaching down to Skimbles. “I don’t know what mom and dad would think, but I do know Double Shuffle would like having a little guy like this around.” He then knelt down to the small cat and asked, “What do you say little guy? Wanna meet my sister?”

Skimbles let out an enthusiastic meow as he leapt into Tender Taps’s waiting arms. As the cat began to climb onto his shoulders, Tender Taps replied, “I’m gonna take that as a yes.”

Astrotrain then added, “In that case, it’s starting to get late. You kids better get home before your folks start to get worried.”

The Road Towards the Chop Shop

“Ah gotta say, today has been a pretty good day.” Apple Bloom said as she and Tender Taps slowly peddled their bikes down the road. After saying good bye to Astrotrain (as well as promising to stop by the station at some point in the future), the two kids were making their way to the Chop Shop.

“I’ll say.” Tender Taps replied, making sure he was going at a decent enough pace as to not disrupt his small passenger, the small Skimbles. “Though I’d love to not have to worry about Rumble and Frenzy anymore.”

“Ah know.” Apple Bloom replied. “Those two remind me of mahself back when….” She stopped herself before continuing, no longer wishing to relive her past mistakes.

Tender Taps then added, “I doubt you were ever as bad as them. Besides, I think you’re certainly a better dancer than they are. And in general sweeter, kinder, smarter, more beautiful…” He stopped himself when he realized what he’d just said.

“Wait!” Apple Bloom shouted as she stopped her bike. “You think Ah’m beautiful?” After an awkward moment, Tender Taps replied, “Well, yeah. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and…” He suddenly found himself flustering, not quite knowing what to say.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “In that case, Ah think you’re quite a handsome young fella.” She then stepped off her bike as she walked up to him. “And there ain’t anyone like you in the world, and that’s what Ah think is what Ah like most about you.”

Tender Taps couldn’t help but begin to briefly tear up again as he stepped off as he wrapped Apple Bloom in a great hug.

Five minutes later, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps made it to the Chop Shop. “Well…” Tender Taps began, clearly somewhat glum about once again parting from Apple Bloom. “See you later?”

“See ya later.” Apple Bloom replied, clearly as glum as her friend. With that, she began to head towards her home away from home, but was stopped when Tender Taps called her name.

“Apple Bloom! Wait!” He said as he ran up to her. Curious, Apple Bloom paused as Tender Taps made his way towards her. He then took a deep breath before saying, “I want to say thank you for what you said earlier today and….”

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps gave Apple Bloom a quick kiss to her cheek.

As Apple Bloom took in what had just happened, Tender Taps quickly added, “Sorry, I guess I just got a bit emotional, and….”

Apple Bloom raised a hand as she replied, “It’s alright.” As she said this, she wore a massive smile on her face that let him know she didn’t mind it one bit. Returning the smile with one of his own, Tender Taps said, “In that case, I better get Skimbles here home before it gets cold. See you later Apple Bloom!” He then performed a dramatic bow as he made his way to his bike.

“See ya later Tender!” Apple Bloom called back as she performed a small curtsy. With that, Tender Taps mounted his own bike, fastened his helmet, and made his way off into the sunset.

Once Tender Taps was gone, Apple Bloom made her way into the Chop Shop, only to be greeted by Ironhide and Chromia, both of whom were wearing knowing smiles.

“You two are so adorable.” Chromia squealed as she stepped forward. Apple Bloom began to blush as she nervously asked, “Uh, how much did you see and hear?”

“Enough.” Ironhide replied. “Luckily for you, I trust Astrotrain enough to know that you got rid of all that graffiti he found.” Apple Bloom then said, “Ah know. Hope you didn’t mind.”

“Well…” Ironhide began, a mischievous smile growing on his face. “I suppose I don’t mind. Besides, Chromia is right. You two have to be the perfect pair.”

“Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom said, her face now fully red with embarrassment as she ran towards the kitchen and up the stairs towards her room, hoping to get some privacy as she came to terms with some now confusing feelings.

Ironhide and Chromia, however, could only stand by as the latter kissed her husband as she said, “Young love.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom catches up with Rattrap.

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