• Published 1st May 2016
  • 2,648 Views, 22 Comments

All Devouring Black Hole Dark Archon - Morphile

Displaced as Ulrezaj, with extra Story Breaking! May end up with non-chronological order, many problems defused in Suelike manner.

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Learning the AU part four: Rainbow Dash

Author's Note:


This is an odd way of thinking, I know. It's a strange way of depicting Rainbow Dash, but I did say canon had no hold. The butterflies of doom and chaos have screwed cannon so long back that only the loose strands of fate keep things recognizable. All badly done accents intentional, and the accent in question here is the SCV from Starcraft.

Headed off to Fluttershy, I immediately notice a rather large amount of energy coming from the general direction of her home. Surprisingly, it's rather similar to the energy I get from draining life. This means something unusual is happening, given that only Blood Magic gives off that stuff. So, either someone is being a VERY wasteful vampire, there's a strong Blood Magic ritual going on, or someone recreated my life drain at some point. I'm honestly not sure what to hope for... Moving towards the apparent source, I see... Rainbow Dash. With bat wings of aerodynamicly appropriate size for her body. Let's warn her about the power coming off her.

"Oi, get a hold a yerself, ya wasteful harlet!" Thus establishing my utter loathing of politeness. "Wasteful? What do you mean? And I may have a rep for... What's a freaking Darksoul doing in Ponyville? And what do you mean wasteful?" Odd, that's another thing to add to the 'things I probably qualify as but don't want to be called' list. It also includes Demon, Merged Soul and Darkness Elemental. Also, she has black eyes with red irises. That settles it, Vamp Dash is in the house "What ah mean is dat yer tossin' Blood Magics everywhere an' ah kin taste it from 7 leagues away. An' whadya mean Darksoul?" Need to keep strait 'voice' and thoughts. These accents are crazy, yet hilarious.

"Hey, just because I'm a newbie at the whole 'Vampony' thing, doesn't mean I'm that bad at keeping it under control. And a Darksoul, like you, is a soul that's compleatly filled with Dark Magic, hence the name." Yep, definitely fit the discription. Being the origin/inspiration for soulbinding Necromancy makes it obvious. "That's racist. Whadabout them Vamps who ain't ponies? An' ah find the bit about bein' a newbie hard ta believe, given the stuff yer pumpin' out. 'Less ya got turned by one a the oldies who were there when it was made in the first place." Those freaks scared me... One of them looked and sounded like a ponyfied Alucard strait out of Hellsing Ultimate. After I tried to stop him, he wound up acting like Team Four Star Abriged Alucard. Named All Cards, he actually originally was a massive user of the Thanatos Gambit, where EVERY plan helped him no matter how it went. Then I showed up as an outside context problem and he went crazy.

"You know the Elders!? None of them have been seen in CENTURIES! And I'm one of the Pact Born, actually..." How they set that up, I want to know. The somehow made a spell that automatically spread throughout the world, fueled itself on all blood spilled making the use of Blood Magic a lot harder due to an imposed time limit and the fact that it sucks the magic right out of runes. "Bein' Pact Born might explain it, 'cause that sort are stronger the more injured an' crazy they are when that change. An' I actually did know one a them Oldies 'fore they went Vamp. All Card was a crazy good planner, 'fore 'Zaj got 'im." I'm not kidding about the Pact Born, by the way. When it was first set up, there were massive wars everywhere, and so many Blood Knights that there were a few that rivaled the Elders with brute force.

"Zaj? As in Ulrezaj? You were around when that thing was stomping around? No wonder you're a Darksoul, hundreds of the things showed up around the places they went. I'm amazed you're sane, with the amount of Dark Magic there was around. And you know All Card before he was a Vampony? You are OLD." So old that I forgot my real name. I do remember a lot of Ben Ten puns around it... And the number five in Latin for some reason. "Yeah, Ah'm so old Ah've fergotten mah own name. Well, Ah've got things to do and ponies to meet. Ah was serious about the wastefulness, ya need ta get that under control." "Alright, I'll head off and ask that new pony in town. Something doesn't seem right with her, and nopony's seen her Cutie Mark, so she might be able to help with it."

Speaking of Cutie Marks, Vamp Dash's is a black cloud with a fully rainbow colored lightning bolt surrounded by red rain. Looking at her mind, I see that she only got her cutie mark a year ago, when she died and became a Vampire. It started with a bunch of angry gryphons, and ended with an actually lethal Rainboom, with a black edge.

Now, can I FINALLY get to Fluttershy? I swear, if Rarity is some sort of Vampire hunter here, I'm going to just beat the crap out of Loony myself. Alternatively, I could have fun messing with sunbutt if she decides to deal with this herself.