• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 1,062 Views, 96 Comments

Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! - trahzo

season 5, means 60 Spike ships shall be featured here, and this time I got this funny guy from Space Ghost Co-hosting with Luna & Trixie

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Chapter 50.5: Panzerbrony vs Model VVL8, Also the Truth of Wazete!

The robot began the fight by firing Gatling lasers! They came at Panzer, but then Panzer was shielded by his tank! Panzerbrony then entered his tank and then began shooting at VVL8!

"Dang, that robot is one big target!" Said Lance Blazer. "WAIT, WHAT THE HELL?!"

"What's wrong Lance?" Asked Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000.

"I have not gained a line since tour battle! What the hell Trahzo?!"

"There, there, he just forgot about you for a while, that's why you didn't say much." Comforted Black Kirin.

"Yeah, and I'm still waiting for him to confirm my invincibi..."

"Shut-up, he has to nerf you like that because of the plot of the side-story." Explained Blood Brandy.

Model VVL8 then grabbed the tank, and put it to his face charging a mouth laser. Panzer then turned the turret to the face, and shot at the laser! It was no use, the charge was too strong, so he jumped and entered the cockpit of a fighter jet! Then he began firing bullets and dropped bombs, and then fired missiles! VVL8 then fired a chest missile at the jet, he dodged but it was a heat seeker! Panzer then flew to the back of VVL8, putting the robot in the heat seeker's path!


VVL8 then fell over!

"Yes! Now to unleash my new technique!" He announced.

"New technique?!" They all questioned.

Panzerbrony then got out of the jet & raised his arm into the air! Then his jet turned into a laser cannon!

"Take this! Hyper Jet....." Then he pulled the trigger. "FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!"

Then the head of the laser turned into a dragon head, chomping the robot before turning it to ash, and the laser was so powerful that created a giant hole in the wall!

"Umm, guys, if you would refrain from destroying the building, this is rescue mission remember?" Said one of Omnifox's vixens.

"Don't worry, tell the ladies we got this." Omnifox replied while winking.

" *giggle* Okay master."

Then, once they made it to the final floor, they saw a shaman and his cauldron...

"You! Give us back the one with the secret we don't know about!" Veetrix demanded.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! You're too late! Once I drop this pure essence of evil into this mix of savage emotions, you're all doomed once I summon this nightmarish demon to the battle!" Then the shaman dropped it in!

Then the cauldron began firing smoke upwards!


"Wazete, what's wrong?" Said Lance Blazer.

"I...I....I remember everything."

"Really? What do you remember?" Lance Blazer asked.

"That I was created to kill every last living being in the world!" Then Wazete had a sinister smile & an evil grin."


Wazete jumped back and darkness began entering him! Then giant letters spelling his name appeared! The lower case t turned to an uppercase X, the uppercase W turned to a lowercase m, the z turned into an n! Then the name rearranged itself into...

"Xeenam?" The group said.


The angel they came to know as Wazete turned to the terrifyingly powerful demon! The angel wings became demonic! His white long sleeve shirt became became a black no sleeve shirt! The fingers became claws! The human teeth sharpened and became feral. The golden eyes they were used to became red & with no pupils! And finally, he had no pants, he was wearing his briefs!

"Yes, my summoning worked! Now creature of brutality & death, end these foo..." The Shaman was then killed by Xeenam!

"Now that he's out of the way, who's up 1st to die?"

"How did this happen? I thought my uncle killed you!" Said Veetrix.

"Muahahahahahaha! Hilarious! I have no set home world! I was simultaneously thought up, and simultaneously created! Even if you kill me, my energy shall be given to every other me & empower them! Plus, even if you do kill me somehow, I'll just beat every demon out of the way so I can tear apart the gates of HELL!!! It may take a while to sync back with the other versions of me on the energy flow, but what the heck, it's worth it seeing my enemy's surprised face! You shall all die! But..." Then he looked at the reader. "I'd prefer to let the reader see how I became that faggy Wazete in chapter 60!"

Author's Note:

HA HA!!! Didn't think I'd put Xeenam in there did you? Well you thought wrong! Also if you don't know who Xeenam is, he's been featured in a bunch of my other stories, I mean it'd be pretty hard not to know him.

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