Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

First published

season 5, means 60 Spike ships shall be featured here, and this time I got this funny guy from Space Ghost Co-hosting with Luna & Trixie

Now that Season 5 is here, I wanted to make a huge comeback, by writing 60 ships in this volume! YES 60, I'm going loco with this one! Anyways, I got Luna & Trixie co-hosting with a special guest star from Hanna Barberra's Space Ghost!

Prologue: The Co-Hostesses and Their Rather Annoying Guest Star.

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It's late at night, we end-up in Canterlot Castle again, yeah it's been a real long time, well, we get 2 mares in Luna's room, the light blue Unicorn in a cute sleeping bag with her cutiemark on it, while the taller dark blue Alicorn was in the fabulous bed.


"Yes, they're back!"

"Hello readers, I am Princess Luna."

"And I am the Great & Powerful Trixie!"

"Welcome back, it's been a while has it not?"

"Now, before the 5th volume begins, we must wait for this mysterious guest star...so Luna, has anyone told you about this guest star?"

"I have no knowledge of this guest star either."

Then there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Oh, that must be him, Trixie shall get it."

Then, as soon as she opened the door...


"OH-NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" they shrieked.

"Okay, I guess I'll sing the song about Buster the bear then!"

Ch.1: Mina wa, atarashī senpaku tame no jikan (Everyone, time for a new ship)

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"Okay, let's seedily deedily, who's the 1st boat to go ashore in this story." Said Brak. "Who's Mina?"

"Oh, she's my #1 fan, and she's a dragon."

"Your number one fan is a dragon? Strange, Spike's #1 fan is a Crystal Pony." Trixie pointed out.

"Well, anyways, let's begin."

"And while the camera man pans over to the story, I'll tell these ladies, some hilarious jokes!"

Spike & Mina have been sending letters to each other back and forth after what happened in Fillydelphia. Spike got to learn a little about Dragon Culture since it was only 2 weeks and a half since it happened. One day, Twilight was curious about Fillydelphia's Dragontown district, so she & Spike decided to head off into Dragontown so she can write books all about dragons, so ponies can finally cast away their ignorance on dragons. Which gave Spike a good excuse to visit Mina at her comic book shop.

"Alright Spike, remember, come-back to the hotel by 7:30 PM."

"I will Twi, also, remember, if you're getting hungry during your studies, Mina told me that the hayburger here is marked on this map."

"I'll remember, have fun on your date."

Spike rolled his eyes then they went their separate ways. Spike found the comic book shop, and popped in without warning.


"Spike! Everyone get out!"

"But we haven't pa..." That's when the pony version of Sheldon Cooper was cut off.

"I said leave!"

"Come-on Sheldon, I really don't want to see you annoy anything besides a pony."

"Fine, and for your information, Zapp is a goddess, evidence in Issue 34 when they introduce Metal Cutiemark!"

Then the door closed.

"Oh my Luna, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here because Twilight wants to learn more about dragons, apparently one letter a day wasn't enough. Though, we were able to do an authentic dragon holiday"

"Oh, and how was Coals to Diamonds last week?"

"Everypony sure enjoyed it. Rarity even managed to get enough diamonds for another one of Sapphire Shores' costumes. Even enough left over for herself. They all got rich from it."

"LOL Spike, wait...your friend Rarity has connections with the pony of pop?"


"Gee Spike, I'm lucky to know someone with connections to Equestria's celebrities and royalty." Her smile then slowly turned to a frown. "I don't get to hangout with famous ponies like it's normal."

"Don't feel sad, you're friends with me, the dragon who rescued the Crystal Empire twice!"

Her head then swung back to Spike.

"Get out, you saved the Crystal Empire?"

"Tartarus yeah. You didn't know?"

"That's so Red Rubies! Sorry about not knowing, guess I have too much of a pony obsession to pay any attention to any other hero...sorry Spike."

"Don't worry about it, it's cool. I didn't get a ceremony for saving them the 1st time."

"What? B-but you brought them back from the darkness...this is unacceptable, come with me." Then she took Spike by the claw.

"Where are we going?"

"To all of the places that I think are so red rubies. Hold-on, I'm gonna write a letter to Twilight Sparkle that You'll be with me for until 10:00."

"B-but I promised I'd be back at the hotel by 7:30."

"Don't worry, at least you got an adult with yah let's go."


So after she sent the letter, Spike & Mina make it to their 1st stop.

"Okay, here's my favorite arcade."

"Wow, they have everything here, wait is that..."

"Yup, it's Angry Videogame Nerd Adventures, someone loved the AVGN so much that they decided to make an arcade game version of it."

"It's amazing what fandom can do."

"I'm sure one of your fans has made a videogame of you. "

Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire...

"Achoo!" Sneezed Atomic Crystal/Neighls Bohr, he's the stallion with the squeaky voice from the Equestria Games episode.

After a few games, they hit the movie theater & saw AVGN the movie, yeah there's a real AVGN videogame, which is currently available for WiiU on the Eshop for just $9.99, and there's an actual AVGN the movie that Nostalgia Critic reviewed.

Then they went to a Sweet Shop.

"Alright, best Sweets in Fillydelphia, Sugar Crystal Corner."

"Sugarcoated Corner? In Ponyville we got a Sugarcube Corner."

"Ooh, I might visit sometime and see what that looks like."

"(I'd rather not have you meet Pinkie)"

"Why don't you want me to meet Pinkie Pie? She sounds pretty red rubies from the letters we've been sending back and forth."

"Bwuh? H-how did you..."

"Come-on, we got lots more places to go before our night is over! Let's go get some milkshakes on the go."

They went to many places that night, such as the street performers drumming their heads off for bits, and the noodle cart making it's rounds, and then they hid under a window listening to an angry comedian talk to himself, then ran away laughing as soon as he yelled at them to looking through the window. Despite not listening to Twilight, Spike was having fun, Mina also took him to a firing range.

"Okay Spike, final stop, this is where we dragons go to practice our shots."

"Bet I could hit more targets than you." Spike challenged.

"You're on hero."

It was a fight to the finish, blasting every last target to bits, Mina was giving Spike a run for his money since she's been here longer, but as the numbers were stacking against him, Spike found a way to pull out a victory, by torching the entire area with the super breath he used to destroy the giant ice cloud back in the Equestria Games! Every target was burnt to ashes, giving Spike every last point he needed to win.

"Wow, I didn't know you had that much in you, you're one Red Ruby kid."

"Thanks Mina."

"You gotta teach me that sometime."

"I might someday, but anyways, let's go back it's almost 10."

"You're right." Then she took Spike's hand again.

"Hey, where do you 2 think you're going? clean-up all of this soot!" the owner of the firing range told them as he pulled out brooms and dust pans.

"Guess we'll be hanging for a longer while." Spike joked.

"Yeah, it's totally."

Twilight stood at the hotel's front door, pacing, and writing autographs to passing by bi-standards.

"Where is he? He's going to get it! Also, I hope he gets here before I run out of ink in these pens. These dragons wont stop asking for my autograph, it's flattering and all, but it's all fun until I run out of ink."

"Twilight." Spike called out from behind.

"Oh, there you are young man! Do you realize how long I've been waiting?"

"Don't worry Princess, I took great care of your boy." Mina told Twilight.

"Well...it's good to know he's safe. You're Mina aren't you?"

"Yes, yes I am, it's an honor to meet you Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Please, just Twilight."

"Nah, that movie sucked. Well, it was great seeing you again Spike. How long will you be in town?"

"Till Sunday."

"Red Rubies, we get to hang out again tomorrow." Then she kissed Spike on the cheek. "I had a great time on our date, I'm gonna close the comic shop early so we can hang out longer, see you tomorrow."

Spike stood there speechless.

"Aha, I knew it was a date."


"Wow, that was a good one, much better when I had a monkey match me-up with that stupid tan blonde last week. My mom was right, guess I still should never trust a monkey." Brak rambled on.

"(Will he shut-up?)"

"Next letter please! Thank goodness there's only 20 chapters."

Then a letter came.

Dear Luna & Trixie

There is going to be 60 chapters this time!


Then Celestia woke-up.

"That's strange, it's not my son's birthday."

Ch.2: The Wedding that Broke the 4th Wall.

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"Doo dee doot doo! Okay, next is..."

"It's my turn to read it you stupid alien catman!" Then Luna read the letter. "It seems that this time Spike shall be shipped with Femanon."

"Femanon? Who's that?"

"Anonymous, except female."

"Whoa! Nathan is shipping Spike with the female readers? How's that for breaking the forth wall? Kinda like how me, Dad, Zorak, Space Ghost, and Sisto went to a bar called the 4th wall & broke everything! Hahahahahahahahaha....oh my goodness we destroyed the 4th wall, hahahaha."

"Yeah...Trixie says it's time for the cameraman to pan over to the next scene."

"Wait, it ended with my Mom being able to pay bail for everyone except Zo..."

The Church was bright, everyone in anticipation of a fantastic wedding. Spike stood with Discord the cleric waiting for his bride to enter. His sweat showed all over.

"Spike, what's wrong? Asked Discord." HEY! Asked Discord was supposed to go after you finished speaking.

"Oh why don't you go suck on my tooth Mr.Narrator? Anyways, you feeling fine Spike?"

"I have feet so cold that you can cut 'em off with a chainsaw."

You, in a wonderfully beautiful dress waiting behind the double doors with your father figure ready to see Spike as soon as the music plays, until you hear...

"Hey boys, Spike's got cold feet, can everyone in relationship, wedding or dating please help him?"

"He's seriously that scared? That chicken told you about how he was a narrator for a play, and the guy who saved the Equestria Games, why is he scared now? I'm not sure I want to give you away now." Your father figure grumbled. Yeah I'm saying father figure because who knows, you might live with other relatives or have lesbian parents, maybe you're living with foster parents, who also might be lesbians.

"Don't worry Father figure, have faith in Spike, he'll get his 2nd wind after his guy friends talk to him."

"Hope you're right because this his 1st strike, 2 more & I break out the spy gear."

"Dad, could you not?"

After Spike had a talking to from the guys, he was now ready.


Then the music began & Spike wore a confident smile, ready to marry you.

"(Wow, my wife is such a beauty, I'm so lucky I got to marry someone like her.)"

Just so you know this isn't the wedding march, it's Serah's theme from Final Fantasy XIII-2. Your father looks Spike in the eyes.

"Here, you take great care of my daughter now."

"I will, you can trust me."

Then with that, your father figure went to their seat.

"I heard what Discord said behind the doors."

"Oh...heheheh...you heard that."

"Yeah, but don't worry, you're going to be my husbando soon, so that'll make up for it."

Then once the music died down, it was time. Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, and Celestia all had tears of joy. Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and a bunch of others, played their New 3DSXLs low, as they held a secret SSB4 tournament. Pinkie Pie, Party Favor, and Cheese Sandwich were readying to be the 1st to get a slice of the cake after the married couple get the 1st slice. Fluttershy and Rarity were standing with other Bride's Maids. Applejack was well, just their.

"*Ahem* We're gathered here today to witness the joining of Spike the Dragon, and Femanon in holy matripony, I believe you 2 wrote vows?"

"Yes, we did." You answered.

Then after you 2 read out loud your vows.

"Spike, do you take Femanon in all of the jive we've heard lots of times in romances?"

"I do."

"What about you Femanon?"

"I do."

"Is there anyone who objects to this?"

"I object, marriage is a huge scam!" Dan from Dan vs. blurted out. That's when all of the unicorns & alicorns threw him out of the church.

"Now that he's out of here, I now pronounce you 2 dragon and wife, you may kiss the bride, or sniff her a little."


"Sorry, I was watching the episode of That's So Raven when Corey's pet rat gets married before I got here, but yeah, go kiss her champ."

Then as you & Spike's lips got closer & closer, the both of you start flashing back to how your story of love made it to this point. You finding him crying on a park bench in the middle of the night. Comforting him, taking him on a night on the town. Feeling care for him because he's the 1st guy you've met with real emotions & feelings. How your feelings transcended further than friendship, and into love. How he managed to reform your Ex-boyfriend and have him apologize to you. Then as soon as your lips touched, all of your loved ones cheered. While you & Spike were thinking about how incredible the future will hold, for you, and your husbando.

"Oh Spike..."


"I love you." You 2 said in unison.

"Woo, I'd really like to give him some dating advice if it was a date episode, but no it's a marriage episode so to bad."

"What pray tell kind of dating advice would you have? Trixie thinks you've never been on a date because of the lack of brain cells, or any grey matter in that head of yours."

"Matter, matter, splatter on the Mad Hatter."

"I'm going to kill this guy!" Luna said, then a letter came.

Dear Princess Luna

You'll be banished to the sun if you do that.

From Trahzo.


Ch.3: Losing Your Head.

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Somewhere outside of Canterlot...Black Kirin, Panzerbrony, Fatboi1000, Blood Brandy, Geoice, Ember Queheran Discordia and Pinkamena meet.

"What are we doing here?" asked Fatboi1000.

"Allow me to explain." Said Captain Veetrix. With Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,00 Mk.2 next to him.


"Next is...the Headless Horse? Isn't she just an old ponytail?" Luna said in confusion.

"What?! The headless horseman from cirrhosis of the liverpool is here? Take the women & children to safety, time for me to summon my lightsaber ponytail!" Then Brak was smacked in the back of the head by Trixie. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Luna said Headless Horse, why are you so stupid?"

"I don't remember, I was told I used to be a formidable foe when fighting against Space Ghost, but something happened, now I'm just a fun loving guy, and I love this version of me, now begin the story as I tell these 2 about my school days."

"Spike, will you get us some firewood?" Asked Twilight.

"Right away."

Spike walked through the woods, picking-up dry pieces of wood, the howling wind meeting the howling wolves, and rustling of leaves throughout the night. Spike saw a note on a tree.

"Please, like I'm stupid enough to do that."

"Aw-man!" Then Slendermane snapped his fingers. "Alright, next one then, ooh, here comes a another mare." Then as soon as she takes the note. "And let the games begin."

Spike had gathered enough wood, and was heading back to the campsite, he wasn't scared of anything, he even waved to Slendermane as he finally captured his pray.

"Haha, game over girl!"

*Rip!* *Crack!*

"Ouch, glad I didn't participate in that."

"Hey, over here!"

"Huh?" Spike looked around.

"Up here!" The voice said.

Spike looked up.

"Um...could you get me out of here? I'm kinda stuck."

"No Problema." Spike put down his wood, don't laugh you dirty jerks. Now anyways, he climbed the trees to where the poor stuck pony was.

"Alright, take a good handle on my head."

"Here we go."

"Watch those claws dragon boy, now tug hard."

"What ever you say princess."

Spike pulled hard, and then harder...until he pulled her out with an audible pop, and they began falling with Spike still holding her head close. They conveniently landed on Spike's pile of wood. Spike was momentarily knocked unconscious. He awoke a second later with her face in front of him.

"Thank you, for freeing me from that stupid tree! I've been stuck up there for years , while my body freely roams trying to replace e with some other mare's head!"

"Wait what?" Spike lifted her head, and realized that's all that was!

Spike shrieked in fear, grabbed half of the wood he had gathered, and bolted!

"Hey, come back here, I need help finding my body...drat! Well congratulations, I'm going to find you then stalk you as my curse! As soon as I find my body that is, then you'll be sorry!"

Spike returned to the campsite.

"Whoa Spike, what happened? Asked Pinkie Pie." Don't do the same thing Discord did in the previous chapter you moron!

"Bite my furry pink flank! Anyways, what happened?"

" *Gibberish, and then German* and then, tree, and then the head, and then pop, and body missings!"

"Body missing?"

"I-I-I found the missing Head of the Headless Horse!"

Then thunder struck across the night!

"You found the Headless Horse's head?"

"Yes, I pulled it out of a tree, and ran like Tartarus when I realized it's body was missing."

"Hmph, you hear that Applejack & Rarity? My story is true." Rainbow Dash said with a smug look.

"Twilight, can we go home now please? What if she reunited with her body and is heading hear right now?" Fluttershy suggested.

"I don't believe you Spike." Twilight said in disbelief.

That's when the Headless Horse, finally reunited with her head arrived with her head being held in the left hoof..

"There you are!"

"Ah! it's her!" Then Pinkie pulled out a remote and used it to catapult the entire campsite back to Ponyville.


"Pinkie...when did you find time to put that there? We've been watching you the entire time."

"I thought we already established the fact that I have the reality bending powers to rival Uncle Grandpa."

"Yep, that's definitely a good explanation."

That's when debris from a bunch of tents were falling apart. "You thought that was enough to..." Then as the Headless Horse took her 1st steps off of the pile, she accidentally slipped off and fell. "Okay this is embarrasing."

"Man, the Headless Horse is much less intimidating than I thought." Rainbow Dash said in unamusement.

"Now then...I'll be moving in with you Spike."


"I cursed you, now I shall stalk you, forever!"

"Now listen here, I'm not going to let you..."

"Welcome to my castle!" Twilight then began shaking her hoof.

""Twilight, what are you..."

Then Twilight pulled Spike close to whisper into his ears.

"Look, you got a free girlfriend now, don't mess this-up, I want grand kids!"

Then after that, Spike spent his life with a girl who sticks to him like glue. Whenever Spike woke-up, he'd awake to a pretty face, despite that face not being attached to it's body.

"I hate to admit it, but you look absolutely beautiful."

She blushed. "Y-you think so?"

"Yep, now I'll be busy freshening-up."

As Spike took a shower, he had a pair of extra 'hooves' to help out.

"Yeah...that feels good, lower if you know what I mean...oh yes, there."

"Yeah, you like that?" She said as she grasped Spike's wood. Now I'm the hippo-campus hippo-crate.

"(Hmph, this stalker deal is alright with me.)"

Then after he exited the shower, Spike made breakfast in bed for Twilight, with help of course and then he left the castle, while he held the Headless Horse's right hoof. As the Headless Horse stalked Spike in plain sight, she then began forgetting about the curse, and went on to thinking that she actually is Spike's lover. Spike didn't mind either, besides, it's like having 2 girls in one.

"And that is why my mom tells me to never trust a monkey, also that was an interesting one."

"Next letter please, we cannot take anymore of Brak!"


"Are you serious?" Asked Ember Queheran Discordia

"Yes, we must brake into Anna's Hotel and rescue a certain somepony whose been kidnapped for she holds a secret to something terrible."

"Can't you and your uncle handle this?"

"My uncle is sick, and he said that you guys are the best choices for this job. Do you really want to take a chance on what that pony may be holding is something of incredible importance that may doom Equestria?"

"Fine, I'll help you." Geoice agreed

Then everyone else agreed as well.

"Great, now we need to meet-up with my Uncle's Mii Swordfighters at the Hotel's front gates, let's move."

Ch.4: Frills on the Fancy.

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"Next is..." Then Trixie looked at Brak who was bound & gagged so he wouldn't do anything else stupid. "...Frilly Skirt...who's that?"

"It's Trahzo's R63 name for Fancy Pants." Said Brak who was standing behind Luna.

"Ah! How did you..."

"Begin the story."

Something like this was very unprecedented, what worries that ran through Spike's head were something completely different.

"How was I so very very very wrong?"

He was so sure of himself about Frilly Skirt. He thought Frilly Skirt had a lesbian crush on Rarity, his crush. He wanted to crush her before she got a chance to take Rarity away from him. He was given a tipoff by Stalkerloo, that Frilly Skirt planned to confess to Rarity tonight, so Spike set his plot (stop laughing you 12 year old) into motion. He would completely destroy Frilly Skirt, by humiliating her in front of Rarity. Now, allow us to flash back to that scene.


"Frilly Skirt, why have you brought moi here in the middle of the night?"

"To tell you a truth."

"A truth? (Oh boy, here it comes, remember, say no, she's nice but you gotta tell her you're not into girls.) What truth would that be darling?"

"(Here it comes, the part where I make her back off!)" Spike thought in his head, as he held a bucket of Nickelodeon Slime.

"You know, when we 1st met?"


"Well, I actually performed that bump into scene on purpose."


"Yes, I heard you were friends with a certain someone that well, I've had feelings for."

Then Spike thought in his head "Zuh?" just like Adam Lyon from My Gym Partner's a Monkey. "(Well, looks like I was worried about nothing, but maybe I could put in a good word for this certain someone Frilly Skirt has a crush on.)"

"And...who might this Stallion be?"

"Oh Rarity, I'm so glad you & I are friends, your jokes are so witty. I never mentioned anything about this someone being a stallion, nor a pony."

"(What? Nooooo...don't tell me...)"

"Oh my...I had no idea you had feelings for.....for......w-w-wait a minute, but he's a child & you're an adult."

"Though love can transcend even age."

Meanwhile in Spike's hiding place, we finally catch up with everything.

*flashback over*

"(Oh-man, what am I gonna do? Rarity is the apple of my eye, but now that I figure out Frilly Skirt likes me, I just realized that maybe she's the golden apple of my eye, I mean she's just much more beautiful than Rarity. W-what am I talking about? I'm not the kind of guy who'd fall for someone else who was much more pretty than their previous crush.)"

"So who're we hiding from?"

"Whuh? Cyborg? Shouldn't you be in the episode of Teen Titans when Beast Boy accidentally pranks Starfire?"

"Who's there?"

"Dang! They found me..."

" Come out, or I'm calling the guards."

Spike stepped out, as the moon light shined down on him.

"Spike?" both mares kept their gasp.

"Hey ladies, I was just taking a stroll."

"Through dark alleys?"

"Batman style?"

"Just admit that you heard everything." Rarity said unamused.

"Fine, *inhale* *sigh* I heard it all...from the beginning."

Frilly Skirt looked away, blushing. "Why were you eves dropping on us?"

"What made you fall for me?"

"It was 5 years ago....surely you remember someone by the name of fairly trousers?"

"Yeah, there was this one masked mare who needed to find an escape from the paparazzi, so I scared them off with my fire breath...heh, I remember the soft feel of the kiss she gave me on the cheek after I spent that very fun day with her."

"Spike...that was me."


"Yes, and since then I've been head over horseshoes for you, you are the 1st guy I've been with who wasn't such a...what's the word, windbag?"

"Y-you don't say."

"Indeed, Spike you are so sweet." Then she turned to Rarity. " So when I heard that you were coming, I thought maybe you could have put in a good word for me when the time came...but I never found the chance to because you were such a charming friend."

"Well thank you, but what about that Stallion you were with?"

"His manager & my manager just wanted us to date for the paparzzi but we were never into each other romantically. I hated the choice our managers made, I'm tired of all the lies they've been printing about me, so..." Then back to Spike. "Spike, will you have me? I want the paparazzi to know who I truly love."

"Only if I could feel the softness of your lips every time we kiss, Fairly." Spike joked,

"Funny Spike, now please embrace me."

Meanwhile in the shadows.

"Booyah." said Cyborg in a hat that had a note with press written on it, as he snapped a photo.

The next day the newspapers & magazines across Equestria spread with the headline...'Frilly Likes 'em Scaley.'

"Man, I don't think there's anyone who likes nachos more than me, careful these things give me some really bad gas."

Then Trixie & Luna magicked gas masks.

"Bring the next let..."

Then a fart came out & it was so deadly that it pushed Trixie & Luna towards a wall, causing them to be knocked out!

"Hahah, never pass out when there are markers about." Then he pulled out a pink marker. "Time to give these ladies warfstaches. Bring in the next letter."

Ch.5: Mouthful of Fusion!

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"Hey, sorry but Trixie Lulawarfstache & Princess Lunarfstache are still sleeping, so I'll be reading the letter, next is...Princess Trflutaraippinkle Spdjacshearkle...what? Oh hold-up, a letter from the author."

Dear Brak,

That is the fusion name of the mane 6, but if you need something easier to pronounce, then her other name is Harmony Seraphine. Also, this will be an anthro story, also Brak if you don't have any idea what anthro means, it means animals who are shaped like humans, like you, yah hilarious alien cat man.

Signed Nathan B. Alcantara.

"Well alright then, begin the story!"

Rarity's coat, Applejack's eye color, Dashy's mane color, Fluttershy's mane style, sporting a pink stetson, Twilight's magical prowess, yet...conflicting personalities. This was what happened after Twilight & her friends defeated Ultra Nightmare Meteor Mecha Satan. The 6 of them fused together as they drew energy from the castles of Canterlot, Crystal Empire, and Ponyville, plus the tree of harmony! permanently bonding them together, as a princess goddess. Everypony was happy that the ultimate evil that blew every other evil out of the water was vanquished by Harmony Serahpine. Everypony but Spike, he wasn't happy about the change, Rarity, as this fusion finally accepted him yes, but Spike didn't like it because she was a fusion of Twilight as well, his fracking sister. Though Spike didn't want to hurt her feelings because let's not forget she'll have the sorrow of Fluttershy and then the rage of Rainbow Dash & Applejack. Spike couldn't find a way out, so he pretended to be interested. Harmony Seraphine never noticed because she was just so taken with him, with the love struckness of Rarity...

"Is struckness even a real word?' Asked Pinkie's personality.

"No, he should've went with adoration. "Twilight's personality answered. "Oh, and if you're wondering what voice I should have, just think about Bobopachiggler, we take turns, not simultaneous."

"When is Spikey-Wikey finally going to appear?" Asked Rarity's personality.


"Scatilly skiddle boopity bopity..."

NOT THAT KIND OF SCAT YOU DUMMY, AND I DON'T MEAN THE POOP KIND OF SCAT EITHER!!! GET OUT OF HERE OR I GET THE SWORD HANGING ABOVE MY INTERNET CONNECTION!!! Then like that she left me so I can continue. So as I was saying, Spike was reluctant to accept any kiss, but he didn't have to worry since he was still in 1st base, which is just at hugging, but the hugs were pretty awkward, on the bright side, it was a fusion of all 6 of their sizes, on the down side that meant he was feeling the boobs of Twilight as well, his sister! He wonders what the people of Ponyville would think once she finally reveals to the world, that they're dating. So he tried his best to shut her up every turn...until one day, something happened that would give Spike a change of heart.

"(Wow, I'm finally turning 18...oh no, that means she might go for those kind of presents...)"

Wait, I gotta change the rating to Teen.

*11 seconds later...*

There we go, now...Spike then imagined Harmony Seraphine wearing nothing but ribbons, a huge red one covering her breasts, and a slightly smaller one covering...down there.

"Happy Birthday, darling."

Then Spike snapped back to reality.

"No,no,no! Dude, she is 1/6th your sister, that isn't right, just because it happens in a lot of anime & everyone is okay with that, doesn't mean it'll be okay in real life!"

Harmony Seraphine was listening to him from around a corner.

"(Aww, is that why he doesn't want to reveal our secret? Is that why he's always looking away when I press the girls against him? His morality on family? Forget morals, maybe I should do something to give him a little push.)"

Spike walked through Ponyville as everyone said happy birthday, except Uncle Grandpa who said Good Birthday. Yeah that's right, I'm U.G. a cameo, big whoop, wanna fight about it? Bring it bitch, I can take you on easily!

"Trahzo, shouldn't you be getting back to the story how Spike finally opened-up to me?"

Shut-up or I'll kill Spike off, now then, Spike was at the park, just enjoying his annual birthday gift of the Sapphire cupcake, made by Party Favor since well Pinkie Pie doesn't live there anymore, as bystanders still waved & said Happy Birthday. That's when Micheal Bay became included in the making of this chapter.


"What in the..."

Then a black fog rolled in...

"You? But the Crystal Ponies destroyed..."

"Wrong! They didn't destroy me, my horn survived the blast & over the next few years, my anger, jealousy, hatred, and desire to kill grew when my horn landed in the dragon valley, and once I absorbed enough from dragons who passed by, I became mush more stronger, allowing me to take over as the new dragon emperor!" Sombra explained. "Now my dragon army, torch this place in the name of Dragon Emperor Sombra!"

"Not so fast!" Harmony Seraphine cried out.

As she charged towards Sombra, he managed to capture her in a black bubble!

"What the?"

"It seems that my dark emotions outweigh your harmony."

"(No! It can't be!)" Spike then began feeling fear in his heart..."(N-no Spike, you're only fueling him with your fear!)"

"Hmm...interesting castle, hope you don't mind if I take it, and also hope you don't mind I use your bones to make a delightful chandelier."

"Spike, help!"

"What can I do? He's to strong that even you lost 10 seconds flat!"

"Don't you remember? He's weak to love, you can use the love you have for your friends and your family, especially me to defeat him!"

"(She's right, I need to use the love I have for her...sorry moral me, but I have to rescue, then kiss my sister.)"

"Yeah right, your love power alone isn't enough to beat me! Dragon Army, scorch this impudent traitor of your species!"

Spike wasted no time charging towards Dragon Emperor Sombra, ignoring the claws, and fire coming at him, he ran through like in one of those final showdowns in a Super Sentai season finale! Spike then grabbed Sombra's horn with both claws.

"Gah! What are you doing?"

"Beating my record time of destroying you!"

Sombra punched, kicked, and fired magic lightning at Spike, but he wouldn't let go! He held on to that long thing! (Quit laughing so hard.) Spike was using all his strength to crack it , and it kept on cracking until it finally snapped off!

"My horn!"

"Yes! We're free of his will!" The dragons cheered, but then realized something else. "Oh dammit, now we gotta follow this guy!

"I'm dragon emperor now! My brand new subjects, destroy the stallion that stands before me! In the name of Dragon Czar Spike!"

The dragons followed his orders and blasted Sombra!

Then the bubble poofed away, and Harmony Seraphine was freed.

"Spike!" Then she pierced through the middle Spike's teeth with her tongue. "Come-on birthday boy, I wanna give you special present that's in my room."

"Taking it a little fast but hey, at least I'm old enough to do that now."

"Ooh, I wonder what their kid would look like? Well, since they're still out cold, get the next letter."


"Alright everyone, we've made it, to Anna's Hotel, time for the rescue!"

Ch.5.5: Actiontermission 1: Breaking Through the Gates!

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"Alright everyone on the count of 3, we hit that door with our best shot!" Veetrix commanded.

Everyone with rapid fire attacks & charge attacks, waited for the ones with charged shot attacks, and once everyone was ready...


Then everyone attacked with all of their might! The resulting explosion caused a big enough hole for them to enter the heroes to enter.

Meanwhile in the Hotel...another group observes a monitor showing then breaking in.

"Hmm...looks like the rescue team has arrived to our hotel, let's give them a grand welcome."

Now back to the heroes who have now made it to the front doors.


They all turned to see an angel.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Wazete, I came here because Princess Celestia told me that I might be able to get my memories back if I come here, to Anna's Hotel. Is it okay if I can come with you guys?"

"Can we trust this guy?" Asked Fatboi.

"Maybe...I wanna see where this goes."

So, Veetrix led Black Kirin, Blood Brandy, Fatboi1000, Spikerules302-a-tron 100,000, Geoice, Ember Queheran Discordia, Panzerbrony, 2 of Deezutra's Swordfighter Miis, Pinkamena and the mysterious Wazete into unknown territory to rescue the hostage!

"Oh, so you've arrived, so glad to make your acquaintance, the name's Fadalaine." said the Rarity re-color. "Point of advice, you wont beat the 1st floor!"

Ch.6: She Aint no Angel!

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Trixie & Luna finally wake-up & then Trixie read the next letter.

"Next-up we have...Angela Bunny, the R63 of Angel Bunny...when opposites attract, that's mostly the reason why Trixie keep on being shipped with Twilight, because Trixie was her 1st personal bad guy, not Nightmare Moon, she was more of a Mane 6 bad guy."

"Begin the story while I have the guards spray my room & Brak with disinfectant."

"NO! Hold-on, the author sent another letter..." Then Brak presented the letter

Dear Trixie,

In this chapter both shall be ponified.

Nathan Bryon Alcantara

"Interesting..." Then as Luna kept that thinking pose..."Oh-no, I'm stuck just like Major Monogram in the episode when Peter the Panda became Doof's nemesis."

"Haha, no disinfectant for me!" Then Brak was held by Trixie's magic.

"Guards, let Trixie handle him."

"Angela, that was unacceptable! Say sorry to Spike."

"No! I that guy is a loser & he knows it!"

"Okay missy, guess what? You're grounded until you say sorry to Spike! Now go to your room!"

"Oh fuck you sis!" Then she ran to her room & slammed the door hard!

"Why did she have to inherit dad's stubborn nature?"


"Oh Spike, why does she keep on doing this to you? I swear I'm going to banish her! She's old enough to be banished now!"

"No Twilight, I keep on telling you, I can do...I can do this!"

Spike was all banged-up after the disaster caused by Angela Bunny.


Spike was enjoying himself at the Grand Galloping Gala, and when he noticed a little ways off that Angela was enjoying herself as well, he thought that it as the night for him to finally relax...and with no distractions, finally ask Rarity to dance with him. Nothing could make the young adult any happier. There she was in the spotlight, Spike swag walked to his crush, as the band played the Comet Observatory theme from Super Mario Galaxy. That's when Angela took notice, she had one of those love literally hurts kind of crushes on Spike, where she'd continuously hit Spike to show she loved him. Spike didn't notice those signs, he just thought Angela was beating him up. So, Angela studied everything getting ready to stop Spike. She tripped a passing mare, causing a disastrous chain reaction, resulting in Spike getting severely injured in 3 areas! The only 2 witnesses to this were Fluttershy & Twilight, who were both furious with Angela's actions. Twilight helped Spike-up and went to Twilight's personal guest room, where she immediately called for some medics.

*Flashback over.*

"The medics said you'll be all better by the morning, just stay here, we're gonna have a lot of fun watching the movies from our childhood, I'm going to Celestia's movie library, don't go anywhere now." Then once she was gone

" *grunt!* H-hey you!" Spike said to a passing by guard.

"What is it young prince?"

"Get a carriage to bring me to Ponyville immediately."

"Yes young master."

Minutes later...

"Spike look, I found Batman vs. Dracula! Spike...? Spike...?" Then she saw the flying carriage. "Go get her Spike..."

Spike made it to Fluttershy's cottage.

*knock* *knock*

"Oh Spike, a-are you okay?"

"I really should be in bed to have the bruises heal, but I need to talk to Angela...I'm going to end this hatred right now!"

"Okay Spike, also take this." Then she placed something in his hoof...it was a condom.

"Bwuh?! Uuh...okay...just direct me to her room."

"Down the hallway & to the right."


Spike knocked on Angela's door.


"It's me you jerk!"


Then she unlocked & opened the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"To talk to you!"

"Geez, I'm sorry okay, now go away."

Then Spike caught the door before it met the thresh hold.

"I can go dragon right now, and torch the entire cottage!"

Fluttershy heard what Spike said & got ready to call the fire department.

Spike then forced himself into the room.

"You wanna fight Prince Charming?"

"Angela Fluffy Bunny, tell me why you had to ruin my chance to finally win Rarity over?"


"Why do you always hit me?"


"Why do you hate me?"

"Who said I hated you?"

"Then why? Why do you keep on hitting me?"

Angela looked away. "I have a crush on you..."


"I have a crush on you..."

"Once more?"

"Grr...I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU OKAY?!!! That's why I keep on hitting you because I'm literally hitting on you!" She snapped. "...That's why I didn't want you to dance with Rarity. *sniffle.*" Then she lowered her head. "I...I didn't know how to express my feelings back then, that's why I hurt you every time." Then she turned her back to Spike & sobbed.

"All this time, you were in love with me, guess I was too blinded by my crush on Rarity that I couldn't notice what was in front of me." Spike told her as he embraced Angela by behind.

"Spike, what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna show you how sorry I am." Spike then closed the door & locked it, then used his magic to levitate the condom to Angela's night stand, then levitated Angela to her bed, then he closed the curtains.


Fluttershy could hear the moans from downstairs.


Twilight burst the front door down.

"Where's Spike?" She then heard noises from up stairs.

"Twilight wait, that's not a good..."

Then Twilight forced Angela's bedroom door open, only to faint from seeing Spike fire his load all over Angela's body.

"Woo-hoo, now that was a good one, now while you get the next letter, I invited my buddy Zorak here to recite his underwear poem."

Ch.7: A Dark Shade of Love...I'm not a Racist, Shut-up!

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"Next is...Queen Umbra................................."

"What's wrong Princess Luna?" Then she whispered. "Is it aftershock from Zorak's horrifying poem followed by Brak's rap battle with Fred Fredburger?"

"Nope...next is Queen Umbra, the R63 version of...*groan* my Ex-boyfriend King Sombra."

"AHA! Mina was right to ship you 2! I gotta text her."

"You'll do no such thing!" Then she took Brak's phone & snapped it in half.

"I got a spare!"

Another snap.

"I got plenty!"

Then Luna began shaking every phone out of Brak, then destroyed his Wii U so he can't call Mina on Wii U chat. Yeah we should pan over to the story while this sorts itself out.

"Huh? Where..where am I?"

Spike had awoken to see darkness, nothing but darkness surround everything, the only thing he saw besides himself was darkness.

"Maybe I'm still dreaming."

"No, I'm pretty sure you're not!" Said a distorted voice that echoed through the darkness.

"Who said that?" Spike spun around looking fro who uttered that response, no-one still, Spike then started building-up a huge fire ball that fire started leaking out of his mouth. "You better show yourself!"

"Very well..." Then 2 eyes appeared, green scleras, red irises, and dark slits, what could make this more terrifying you say? Let's throw in negative energy leaking out, and then let's say whenever she blinked, it revealed she had purple eyelids.

"N...no, those eyes...they can't be..."

"Oh yes they are, killer, my killer!"

"No, no, no, no, no, noooooooooooooooo!" (Family Guy reference for the win mutherfucka!)


"How did I get here in the 1st place?"

"You died trying to stop that robot who detests humanity, he stabbed you in the heart with my horn, sending you to my personal afterlife, and now that you're here..."

"No no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooo!" (Spamming for the win bitch!)

"Oh don't worry, I wont kill you..." Then Sombra revealed himself. "...You'll just become my sex slave for eternity."

"No! Please don't! Fausticorn help me!" Then he saw............................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................her! Yeah I know, betcha can't make a longer pause than that! "What the? What happened to you?"

"Oh? Are you referring to my gender?"

"Yeah! You look so, I mean...just...what I'm trying to say is..."

"Is that it? Do I seem beautiful to you?"

"Y-y-yeah, plus that beauty mark on your cheek is just over kill!"

"Sooooo, you've now become bewitched by my elegant new body...guess making you my sex slave will become even easier, you had friends help you before, but now no-one can save you from this fate!"

"Hey, wait no, please make me your husband, weren't you flattered by my compliments?"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, don't you know that? Though...if you were to get me pregnant, which there is no chance in Tartarus, then I'll stop torturing you, in the meantime..."


"Oh, and it isn't King Sombra anymore, call me Queen Umbra, fits well with my current gender."

Months later after the robot was vanquished brutally by the Mane 6, we go to Canterlot where Princess Celestia mourns over the death of her son...a pain from which she'll never recover until suddenly...a flash of light appeared and shined in front of her! She could recognize this light.

"This light...mother?"

"Yes Celestia my daughter..it's me, Fauticorn, and I've figured out where Spike's soul is!"

"You know where my son is? Please mother, take me there."

"With pleasure, because you'll just love what he did."

Fausticorn tore a hole through space time and went inside, then the hole closed tight.

*Door slammed open!*

"MOMMY..." Then Luna's smile drooped to a sad frown.

Light bursted open within the darkness.

"Sweet Celestia, what is that?"

"Hi son."

"Mommy? Granny?" Spike was so happy.

"(Crap it's Celestia!)" Queen Umbra thought unamused.

"Sombra! Wait a minute, did you turn into a mare?"

"Yes, and also it's Umbra, now shush, you'll the baby." She then revealed that she was cradling a week old crossbreed foal in her hooves.

"Did you just say baby?" Celestia was smiling.

"Yes, why?"

"Congratulations Umbra, you've become my new daughter-in-law, now come with us for your 2nd chance at life."

"Heh, heh, sweet."

It was very awkward for Umbra's new life considering what happened, though everyone became forgiving after seeing the baby, but only by a little, they kept a close eye on Queen Umbra after that...and made sure she didn't do anything evil, this bothered Umbra for she thought she had security watching her every move, on the bright side, she had a husband to do 'things' with...and quite enjoyed her demotion to Princess for it made her feel younger.

"Aaw, no fair! Why did sister dearest see mommy & I couldn't?"

"Send the next letter, while Trixie comforts the Princess of the night."

Ch.8: Dat Hemline.

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"Next is...Prim Hemline?"

"Oooh, a cougar."

"There's a cougar in here? Quick, guards! Help me, you 2 can be bait as I escape!"



"Not that kind of cougar, Luna means a woman who seeks sexual relations with considerably younger men. You know, now that Trixie think about it, Trixie thinks she was once mentioned in one of Trahzo's previous blogs. Wait, the link to that blog should be in the author's notes."

"Ooh, I'm gonna check that blog right now, I'm gonna ask Trahzo if I can use his computer during the story."

Manehattan's men's new fashion line for this season was being displayed on the runway, Rarity only hired the handsomest guys she knew, in order to impress Prim Hemline.

"I don't know about this Rarity."

"Spikey-Wikey, you look dashing, yet why do you feel like dashing off?"

"Well, it's just that I've never done this before you know? What if I fail this?"

"Oh come now darling, you trained so hard to do a perfect strut on the runway, don't lose your confidence now! Soarin just went, you're up next, please don't fail me." Then she did the eye flutter.

"(Geez, I can never resist that look and she knows it.) Roger dodger."

Then Spike entered the stage, flashing lights, talent managers, celebrities, and designers were in awe, they've never seen a dragon do modeling and do such a professional at it, even Prim Hemline herself was impressed, and interested in the drake, then after Spike left the stage, switching places with Shining Armor, Prim Hemline left her seat.

"Marvelous job Spike, Prim sure loved it."

"I didn't just like the fashion, I liked the dragon wearing it." Prim Hemline said from behind Rarity.

"Ah!" They both shouted.

"Rarity, I'd like to pay for your line, but on one condition."


"A date with this handsome young drake right here."

Spike's jaw dropped.

"Oh my, I didn't know Spike was your type."

"I just love handsome young men, so Spike, are you willing to take one for the team & go out with me?"

Spike then saw Rarity use her eye flutter behind Prim hemline.

"(Damn!) Yes."

"Glorious, I'll meet you tomorrow night at my office, when it's closing time, here's the address, have a good day you 2." Then she left.

"(A cougar huh? Wouldn't be the 1st time.)" Spike said while sweating & looking at the business card.

Tomorrow night, Spike met with Prim Hemline in another fashion.

"Spike, it's nice to see you, now, let's go to my apartment, I want to slip into new clothes before the date begins." She said while nuzzling his neck with her forehead.

"O-okay...(Wow, I didn't know someone this hot could do something so cute.)"

Later at her apartment or rather pent house...

"Wait here, watch some TV, I wont be long."Then when the door to her bedroom closed...

"Wow, this place is awesome, if only I had this kind of money...If I could just refrain from eating so much gems then maybe I could." Then he chuckled a little. "Alright, let's see what's on..."

Spike then watched: The 1st 2 episodes of Life is Strange.

"Huh, that was good, so much drama."

"AH! SPIKE!!!"

Spike turned off the TV and ran to her room, he barged through door..."I'm coming in, where are you?" That's when the door slammed shut behind him! Spike turned around & saw Prim Hemline wearing such outrageous clothing. "UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! W-whoa..."

Prim Hemline locked the door behind her, with lingerie revealing her every curve. She gazed upon him with eyes that hunger for the touch of a man. She licked her lips twice around.

"Hey Trahzo can I look at your blog about Spike being shipped with Prim hemline?"

No, get the fuck out or else I'll call Soace Ghost!

"No, I don't wanna go to his jail again!" Then Brak ran off, anyways...

"...So Spike, are you as good as what my friend & colleague Harshwhinny said?"

"Wait, what?!"

"What a twist?" Said M.Night

"Tee-hee, I heard about what you 2 did in that hotel room, and I'd like to have a piece of you now, maybe even beat Harshwhinny's 7 rounds." Then she sauntered ever so closer to her target.


Then we pan outside...


Hours later...

"That was *pant!* *pant!* 8 rounds, great job...*pant* great job."

That was when the door was kicked open!

"I heard across space time that you broke my record!"


"Hi sweet heart, why have you been avoiding me for 3 weeks?"


"Oh hello ol' friend, want to take back your record? Betcha I can beat it!"

"Hemline, call the hotel manager for lots of drinks! Spike, you wont be sleeping till after 3:30 in the morning!"

So the night went on with a pack of cougars fucking Spike's brains out, and turning his brain into sauce.

"Whoa! Didn't expect that to be a sequel to a previous chapter in a previous volume!"

"Hi girls I'm back!"

"It was great while it lasted." Trixie said.

"Yeah, get the next letter."

Ch.9: It's So Fluffy!

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"Next is...Fluffle Puff?"

"An OC? What about Trahzo's policy on..."

Then a letter came

Dear Luna & Trixie,

After Blood Brandy explained to me about Fluffle Puff being a package deal with Chrysalis, I thought, why not just do it?

Signed Nathan Bryon Alcantara

"Thank you Blood Brandy, you have gained the Princess of the Night's Seal of approval. now begin!"

*Yawn*..."Alright, time to start my day." Spike had gotten out of bed to do his chores, as he was sweeping in the kitchen, he saw a note on the fridge. It turns out Twilight & Chrysalis are out helping a mysterious couple named Chris & Elise, forcibly bring Dan back to L.A. the note also mentioned not letting Fluffle Puff out today because of heat season, Twilight & Chrysalis have the spell to calm themselves down, so he didn't have to worry about them. "That can't be good, I better tie Fluffle Puff down before she wakes-up." And Spike did just that, tying down her hooves so she couldn't escape! As he left her room, he couldn't help but smell Fluffy's heat. "No Spike, don't do it, besides, she likes Chrysalis so.........well I couldn't think of anything else but anyways yeah, I'm sure Chryssi can take care of her when they get back, in the meantime, I better lock the doors & windows, also I should stop talking to myself because it's weird."

Spike locked everything ensuring Fluffle Puff wouldn't escape.

"Alright, now that I have done everything in my power to make sure Fluffle Puff cannot escape & find a guy for mating season, I should see if Rarity is availab..." *Squeak!* "What the? How did you escape?"

*Raspberries* "No-one should be allowed to miss out on mating season, so Pinkie Pie assisted in freeing me."

"Dang! No wonder the author keeps on calling Pinkie Pie, the Dumber to Rainbow Dash's Dumb........wait reader, what do you think? Pinkie & Dash in a Dumb & Dumber parodah!" Spike was pulled away before he could finish the sentence. "Fluffle Puff, what are you doing?"

*Raspberries* "I said no-one should be allowed to miss out of mating season."

"I thought you were with Chrysalis!"

*Raspberries* "I saw you practicing to ask Chryssi out before we revealed to everypony our relationship, and just so you know, if somepony tries to ask out Chyssi, you ask out me! I come with Chryssi, so that means you were also practicing to ask out me!" She explained.

"Please let go of me."

*Raspberries* "Oh, come-on, I don't appreciate you as much...this should show yah how much I love yah." She then nuzzled her scaly friend while, smothering him in her huge coat of fur.

"That's very sweet that sincerely care for me, but wouldn't you prefer a stallion's big one, to a baby dragon's small one?"

"Raspberry* "You have 2 of them."


Later Twilight & Chrysalis returned to the castle, seeing a trail of pink fur.

"Looks like Fluffle Puff is shedding." Twilight commented.

"Oh Puffy, Chryssi's home. Hmm? Puffy?"

"Maybe we should follow the trail" Twilight suggested.

The trail led to Chrysalis' room. They opened the door, and in Chrysalis' bed, was Fluffle Puff cuddling an exhausted Spike, and a litter of little puff balls with reptilian heads & claws.

*Raspberries* "Be very quite, or you'll wake the babies from their nap."

"Well, guess Spike's my new mate now, guess I can deactivate my heat spell once he's rested-up a bit."

Twilight didn't say anything, she's just standing in shock because of the terrifying fact that she's now going to expect lots of babies to replace Dan. Oh and just so you know, Fluffle Puff works differently during reproduction, think of Beebo from PPG, except with sperm, and also, let's not forget, Chrysalis excepted being Spike's other mate so that means there will be lots of half dragon half changeling babies as well. Especially considering the fact Changelings reproduce tons of babies like other insects.

*Raspberry* "Look on the bright side Twilight, you'll finally get that army you've been wanting so you can finally go through with that secret mission of overthrowing Celestia."

"Overthrow my dear sister? Not if I can help it!"

"Hey a letter."

"Dear Luna

I plan to sequel this story, but it's only a plan, I'm not sure if I should go through with my own overthrow the tyrant story.

Signed Trahzo"

"Over my dead body, get the next letter, I'm going to have a little chat with Trahzo!"

"Luna wait, we don't want him to rebel again!"

Then when Trixie & Luna left the bedroom.

"Sweet, more marshmallows for me!" Said Brak.

Ch.10: My Enchanted Comic: Harems are Super.

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"Next...the Power Ponies? Why a group Shipping?"

Then another letter came.

"Dear Brak,

I...can't imagine the Power Ponies being seperate.

Signed Nathan Bryon Alcantara.

P.S. Trixie & Princess Luna quickly switched roles because after she convinced Luna to spare me, I thanked her by saying, Thanks yah Cheap Las Pegasus Magician. So, if she returns with a tooth necklace, that's my bicuspid."

"Ouch, well I guess that makes sense, begin the story."

Spike was sucked into another Power Ponies Comic because with the mane 6 gone to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria, and nothing exciting happening in Ponyville right now, he thought why not meet his favorite super heroins, then team-up with them to fight this issue's bad guy, a portly Griffin by the name Dr.Eggmask! Yes...you can tell right away this is going to be a great comic. Spike entered the scene after The Mane-iac was captured by Dr.Eggmask!

"Hohohohohohoh!" Now that I've captured 1 of the 7 chosen ones, I shall return!"

"Minions, stop him!"

The minions fired at Eggmask with their heat dryer guns, but to no avail, he escaped with their leader.

"Just so you know, I wont be leaving you boys alone, Mask bots, attack!"

Then robots crafted after Eggmask's own image fell from the sky, and began attacking! Spike began running through the carnage! It was a losing battle, the Mask bots were far superior!

"Oh-no, it's one of the issues where he's through with playing around! That's where he's at his most vicious! Even though I like his viciousness, I may have entered into a mistake."

"HALT!!!" Cried out a voice.

"Yes, they're here!" Spike said with glee. "Masked Matterhorn, Radiance, Zapp, Mistress Marevelous, Fili Second, Saddle Rager!" They've all entered the scene & quickly dispatched all of the Mask bots. "Girls! Girls!"

"Oh, there you are Humdrum, glad you're safe." Said Matterhorn.

"We let you patrol alone, and this happens? A turf war? See Matterhorn, I told you it was a bad idea to let the little guy go alone. I mean, he's great in bed, but not here." said Zapp.

"What happened here Humdrum?" Asked Radiance.

"Egg Mask kidnapped Mane-iac, and said something about her being one of the 7 chosen ones."

"WHAT?!" They gasped. "But she isn't a heroine."

"Whuh? Why can't you girls ever tell me the big secrets?"

"You can't even take care of a patrol, why should we trust you with this info?" Asked Marevelous.

"Come-on Mistress, he's just a kid." Saddle Rager defended.

"Yeah, at least he's saved our flanks every turn." Fili Second added.

"So what is this 7 chosen ones thing anyways?"

"Legend has it when 7 heroines have been captured, their grand energy of divine can bring about doomsday to the world!" Matterhorn explained.

"Doomsday? We better stop Egg Mask before he gets the last remaining 6! Though, I'm kinda worried that those remaining 6 are you girls." Spike said"I'm just very concerned about your safety this time."

"Don't worry Humdrum, we can take Egg Mask, anytime." Radiance assured while scratching his chin.

Spike then began drooling because of how gorgeous Radiance was, so happy that his waifu was here with him, right here, right now.

"Come-on everyone, Egg Mask couldn't have gotten..." Then Matterhorn was cut off as an electric net caught all 6!

"Hohohohohohohohohoh! I only pretended to leave as I hid in the shadows to capture you girls as well! Toodle-loo Humdrum, next time you see me, I will be king of the world! Hohohohohohohohoho!"

"Humdrum!" The Power Ponies screamed before being hauled away.

Spike had to think fast before it was too late, then an idea hatched in his head! After 10 minutes on the bus, and half an hour of running, Spike arrived to Mane Enterprises, where he'd meet Bruce Mane, AKA Batmane!

"Please, you gotta let me in! I need some Mane tech!"

"Sorry, not even superheroes are allowed in."

"Please! I gotta save me friends!"

"Let him in guards." said Bruce Wayne, I mean Mane as he exited his limo.

"B-but sir, he doesn't even have powers."

"So? Batmane, his many Robins, Catmare, the many crime bosses in Maretropilis, Huntress, and...even that Stallion with the bow and high tech arrows don't have powers, though they've saved the day more times than anyone can physically count."

"We see your point sir, please don't fire us or deduct our pay."

Then before Spike ran in, Bruce Mane gave him a list of recommended tech for him to use. Then after Spike was well equipped, he was off with the speed shoes he was wearing! Then Spike made it to Egg Mask's lair as he fought through the guards and then soon, he was face to face with Egg Mask & his mech, that held the Power Ponies and Mane-iac hostage.

"Hohohohohoh...is this seriously Maretropolis' last hope? Humdrum? Hohohohoh, pathetic!"

"Shut-up Egg Mask, Don't forget he's defeated me once!" Mane-iac defended

"Yeah, he's also helped us defeat that pharaoh guy." Added Masked Matterhorn.

"He also taught us friendship, allowing us to have a stronger & deeper bond of trust." added Saddle Rager & Mistress Marevelous.

"You thinking he's pathetic, is only a misconception." Zapp added.

"Will all of you just shut-u..." Then Egg Mask was interrupted as Spike used something similar to Sonic's homing attack, where he jumped, wrapped himself in the new high tech cape, and zeroed in on Egg Mask, hitting him in the face! "Gack! What in the?" Then he saw the Mane Enterprises logo on Spike's cape. "Of course Bruce Mane, that jerk is dying 1st once I rule the world! But now, let's focus on killing you!" Then an elevator lifted them into a space station! "You like it? I designed this place as my palace once the world belongs to me! Now prepare to die Humdrum!" The Mech then began chasing after Spike as the final boss theme from Sonic lost World began playing in the background! Spike was able to out speed the mech with his high tech boots! His new high tech mask then alerted him to Egg Mask's mech about to use Mane-iac's power, where pointed tendrils came out of the top of the mech, and tried to spear Spike! The Mask showed him all of his options on avoiding the attack, and Egg Mask missed every one!

"Man, we gotta advertise Bruce Mane's tech someday." Suggested Masked Matterhorn.

Then the mech was in front of Spike! Eggmask then was going to use Radiance's power to shoot fire balls at Spike, but he still dodged! That's when his mask told him to attack now! So Spike bounced off one claw, then the other, then once he was in front of Egg Mask's face, bam! and with that attack, burst 2 tubes open, freeing Mane-iac and Radiance, who then hugged Spike.

"Hey, why are the 2 of you flying?"

"No! Radiance was supposed to be the gravity button on this mech!"

"The mech is the remote to this space station?" Then Spike had an idea in his head.

"Wait, which button was I?" Asked Mane-iac.

"The media room...now I gotta get-up and walk to the TV, what if that disgusting shake wait commercial plays as I press the channel button, thanks a lot you jerks!" Then Egg Mask fired giant horseshoes, which Spike dodged, then fired a giant lasso, that Spike avoided as well! Then he tried rushing our hero, but he countered by doing the same thing as last time to strike at his face! Then Fili Second & Mistress Marevelous were free, who gave Spike a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh-no, the snack room button, and the gym button!" Then snacks and soda burst from the left, and gym equipment burst from the left!

"You got him Humdrum, just one last push!" Said Masked Matter horn!

"You think that right now don't you? I got him in my sights!" Then Egg Mask fired a Freeze ray, Lightning, and then the claws on Egg Mask's mech expanded & tried to crush Spike, but nothing still! That's when Spike finally freed the Maked Matterhorn, Zapp, Saddle Rager, who rewarded Spike with, well they didnt have time to do that right now. "No, my library button, greenhouse button, and Staff room button!" Then mini explosion began happening around the mech, as the Final Boss theme phase 2 from Sonic Colors played in the background! "You...you, you YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! YOU HORRID LITTLE HEDGEHOOOG, I MEAN DRAGOOOOON!!!"

"I wield the power of the 7 chosen ones now Egg Mask...and it seems they prefer it that way considering the seductive stares they're giving me, um could you girls not stare like that? I might blush"

"Just finish the nerd off so we can give you an award!"

"Sure! Unlimited Copyright Infrigments: Matterhorn, Marevelous, Saddle Rager, Fili Second, Radiance, Zapp, Mane-iac! Then all 7 formed a ring, targeting Egg Mask! Final Power Blaster!" Then Spike finished Egg Mask off with one last good homing attack, destroyed the mech and defeating Egg Mask. After all of that, Spike was then given a big hug from the 7, then a peck on the cheek followed after.

"Thank you girls, it's been fun fighting along side you, next time we meet, we're enemies again...except for Humdrum in bed, that's where our truce is."

Then they all looked at Spike.


So later that night, the Power Ponies & Mane-iac met at a cheap hotel.

"Oh Celestia, I didn't think the night would end with me getting laid to all of my waifus!" Spike said while sporting a goofy smile.

"How come it took so long to write this chapter?" Asked Brak

"Well, considering the fact that Fimfiction was down for 2 days, I guess that's the reason." Explained Trixie. "Bring the next letter."


"You'll never make it past the 1st floor!"

Ch.10.5: Pinkamena vs Fadalaine

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Fadalaine began the fight by snaring one of Pinkamenas legs with thread, but Pinkamena then cut the thread off with her knife!

"You got this pinks!" Said Panzerbrony.

Then Pinkamena pulled out a party cannon and fired it! Now I know what you'/re thinking, the only damage the cannon can do is if the confetti got in her eyes, well this is Pinkamena, with her cannons it a bunch of knives being fired! Fadaliane used a magic shield to block them, but after she dropped the shield, Pinkamena came running with a huge cleaver! Fadalaine dodged but Pinkamena was able to cut her right cheek!

"My...my....my...MY PERFECT FACE!!!" Then she began using her magic to levitate chunks of wall out and hurled them at Pinkamena, and with great timing, Pinkamena cut the chunks in half, kinda like when Ben Tennyson learned how to use Azmuth's Sword in the final episode of Ultimate Alien!

"Geez you're such a drag. maybe if I were to cut a permanent smile on that face of yours!" Said Pinkamena, as she galloped faster towards Fadalaine!

Then Fadalaine fired sewing needles that Pinkamena blocked with her knife! Then Fadalaine pulled out a pair of knitting needles and readied herself. Pinkamena swung her knife down, but Fadaliane blocked by crossing her knitting needles! Then Fadalaine went for rapid stabs, but Pinkamena blocked & dodged! Pinkamena then went in for the killing blow after Fadalaine stopped! Pinkamena slashed the Rarity reskin's horn off, then with one good swing, cut Fadalaine's head off!

"See? I knew you could do it Pinkamena!" Said Ember Queheran Discordia.

"No, I knew she could win." Panzerbrony corrected.

"Alright everyone, to the next level!" Commanded Veetrix.

Then once they made it to the next level...they were met with a fatass Mii Swordfighter dressed in a blue ninja costume & chicken hat!

"You ain't making it past mii, JohnnyFCock, the fat chicken! Not even you fatso!" He said to Fatboi.

"What? Outta the way friends, I got this guy!"

Ch.11:What a Shim Sham!

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"Next are...the Shim Sham sisters?"

"R63 versions of the Flim Flam brothers...I wonder what they'll do to Spike, begin."

Spike was sitting at a table outside of Sugarcube Corner, he was about to eat a delectable sapphire cupcake until suddenly...He saw ponies & the occasional Cow, Mule, and Donkey walk by.

"Whats going on? AJ?"

"I heard the Flim Flam brothers have returned, and I'm ready this time" she said as she held a crowbar in one hoof. "Wanna help with being an angry mob?"

"Sure, gimme a picket sign."

Then Applejack gave him a sign that said, 'No more Con ponies!'

That's when the stage began playing the muppets show theme song.

"Fillies & Gentlecolts!"

"(Th...that voice.)" Spike & AJ thought. "That's not the Flim Flam Brothers!"

"You thought you'd be encountering the Flim Flam brothers again, but no...instead, you're going to be graced by the presence of us, their cousins!" Then a puff of smoke appeared, and once it died down, twin mares appeared. "I'm Shim & She's Sham, and together we are, the Shim Sham sisters!"

"Relatives huh? Just as bad!"

"Wait, Aj, let's see what they'll do this time."

So the Shim Sham sisters showed off their product.

"Citizens of Ponyville, today we bring you an invention that could change the world!" Introduced Shim.

"That's right, we bring you an invention that can help you relax much better!" Added Sham

"We bring you, the..." Then the unveiling! "...the home security system!"

"This fully automated security system will ensure no-one will break into your home!"

"For just an easy payment of 77 bits, this security system will scare off burglars making them think the house is haunted!"

"You can trust us, why...ask these pony folk."

"Hi, I'm Igenous Rock, me & my family are making cameos in this chapter since we were after all Trixie's cohosts in the previous volume of Trahzo's Pimp Spike's Swag series." *Smack* "What I meant to say was I'm fully satisfied with the automated security, at 1st, I thought I didn't need security but after the incident in Pimp Spike's Swag Volume 4, I thought I should make sure no-one breaks in, but how? I shouldn't get a dog because that would mean I'd have to train it, I can't hire Trixie back since she's you know hosting this volume, but then Shim & Sham came to me, and now here I am on my day off, to tell you how great the Shim Sham Security system is." Then after a long explanation, everyone bought one set, after a few days, it worked.

"Well, it seems that the security system works after all." Commented Applejack.

Then Spike walked-up to Shim & Sham.

"Wow, you 2 are amazing, your product worked! Much better than your cousins' previous attempts."

"Why thank you young man." Replied Sham

"We're quite flattered by your compliment." Said Shim.

"Yes, you're the 1st to compliment us since, everypony doesn't trust us just yet because of the history our dishonest cousins have in this nice village." Added Shim

"In fact, since everything went well here, we'll set our home base here, so we have somewhere to comeback to during our travels."

"Really? That's so cool, I'd love to see what other innovations you 2 have up your sleeves up next." Spike complimented.

"Thanks kid." Then Shim lifted Spike up to her face. "Would you like to help us build our inventive innovative ideas?"

"We'll pay you." Offered Sham

"I guess I can during the weekends after something that happened last week."

"What happened last week?" asked Shim

"I'd rather not." Spike said, as his voice became more sad.

"Aww come-on, talking about it can help." said Sham.


Spike explained that Rarity moved to Canterlot after getting engaged to one of her many suitors, leaving Spike behind, with a broken heart. He told them the sad & heartbreaking story, where Spike struggled to arise from the ashes of his passionate heart that had been burned down from someone who stole Rarity's heart away.

"...And then my friends managed to cheer me up & save me from that darkness." Then once Spike looked up. "W-whoa!"

Shim & Sham were in tears at Spike's story.

"You poor child, you shouldn't have to go through something like that!" They said in unison.

They then hugged Spike. "Thank you girls....zuh?" Spike then was shocked when he received a kiss from both on his cheek, making it look like mirror reflections.

Months later after Spike was employed, Spike began his relationship with Shim & Sham. He'd clean the HQ whenever they were gone, and the twins thought about Spike after a day of selling was over.

"I wonder what Spike's doing?"

"I hope they're thinking of me."

"That was a pretty short one, all well, next letter." Said Brak.

Meanwhile, at Anna's Hotel...

"Gack!" Wazete grunted.

"Whoa, what's up?" Asked Black kirin.

"I...don't know..."

Meanwhile in the top floor...

"This brew to summon the demon should help just in case my cohorts fail me."

Ch.12:Setting Aside the Hate.

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"Next we have...Garbledina, the R63 Garble...Ooh, there's a picture, how come this dragon looks like Titanosuarus?"

"Yeah, for some reason, Trahzo feels like he's the only one who notices that." Explained Trixie.

"Yeah, no-one ever agrees with him for some rea...." Luna was then cut off.

"Hey, I'm The Cameramare, and I'll be starting the story now!"

"Hey, what do you think you're doing you lowly..." Then Trixie was cut off mid sentence as the story began.

Spike was reading his comic book in a field of flowers until...

"Hello Pansy! Hahaha, you see what I did there?"

"Garbledina!" Spike jumped up. "You're not still mad about what happened right? N-no hard feelings? (Please say no hard feelings, I'm at the part where Humdrum saves the Power Ponies & Mane-iac from Egg Mask.)"

"Ank! Wrong kid, you're coming with me." Then Garbledina, lifted Spike, and they flew off! Spike tried to fight back by scratching at her, but it didn't work, her scales were thicker than his, and not that Spike was complaining, but thought they felt smooth as well.

"Wow, for a rough looking lady, you sure have smooth scales."

"Flattery will getcha nowhere midget, alright, we're here."

Then Spike found himself at a cave, as Garbledina dropped Spike with a thud.

"Ow! Huh? Where are we?"

"You'll see."

Then as Spike and Garbledina walked, crowds cheering & booing could be heard & did not stop their increasing volume, he could also hear slamming, and see multiple lights, and a mix of rock 'n' roll & metal music being played. He also heard a couple of announcer's voices call out names such as The Boarder Without a Board vs. Emogon. The Announcers also commentated on things such as how the Boarder Without a Board was able to counter Emogon's Hang-Man Arrow with his Hangtime Slamdown! After putting every last piece together, he realized where he was.

"We're here kid!"

Spike found he was at a Wrestling Federation!

"Wh...what is this?"

"This place my little weakling, is the DWA, the Dragon Wrestling Association!"

"Why did you bring me to this place?"

"To teach you how to fight dude! I mean seriously? Running away?"

Spike looked away embarrassed. "B-but it was 3 teenage dragons vs. 3 ponies & a baby dragon."

"2 unicorns that could have buffed you & the Pegasus up with their magic, and I heard that Pegasus was the one who can do the Sonic Rainboom *snap* just like that!"

"...I guess that would make some sense. (Phew, glad I didn't tell her Twilight & Rarity don't know a spell like that)."

"Anyways, I'll go get seats."

"(What's going on? She's still holding the grudge, yet she's taking me here to learn combat skills? I gotta ask her once this match is over.)" Spike was so confused by all of this, but he didn't complain. "(At least she isn't mauling me...yet.)"

"Spike? What are you doing here buddy?"


"Hey, I'm here with my new friend Mina."

"Hey Spike." Mina then waved.

"(Oh-no, when the crazy pony meets the crazy dragon.)"

"Friends of yours?"

"Yep, friends I didn't want to meet to each other."

"Bummer, anyways, shush, it's time for my favorite wrestler to show you how it's done."

"Ladies & gentledragons, entering the ring, a black hydra who bit off the heads of his siblings to fight alone, standing at *blank* feet tall, and weighing in at *blank* pounds, it's the deadly.....Broken Hope!"

"Oh God, I hate this guy!" Complained Garbledina.

"And in the other corner, we got, the master of stupid faster, a screeching to rally the troops! It's...Prince Dragnuaght!"

"Yeah! GO PRINCE DRAGNAUGHT! Show Broken Hope who's boss!"

The bell rang! An intense fight began between Prince Dragnaught & Broken Hope! It was incredible, whenever Prince hit Broken, Spike jumped-up and screamed. Spike was enjoying himself. He was enjoying being with...Garbledina. After taking a good look while Garbledina wasn't noticing, he realized she looked pretty good, but that's probably just because they're of the same species. Prince was about to beat Broken until Twilight appeared.

"Stop! This sport is a travesty that should be banned from television!" Then everyone began throwing food & shooting fire! "Ah! You'll feel my wrath eventually!" Then she teleported, allowing Prince Dragnaught to use his signature move: Regal Meteor!


"And, after that visit from the Princess of Friendship, Prince Dragnaught once again, defeated his arch nemesis, Broken Hope!"

Then everyone cheered, especially Spike & Garbledina. Garbledina picked Spike-up and hugged him tight, allowing Spike to feel her chest, which was making him hard down there. Garbledina noticed.

"Oh-my...that usually doesn't happen."

"Don't wprry, I'll help you."

Then Garbledina took Spike to the women's bathroom.

"Wh...why am I in the women's restroom?"

"Don't worry, they'll think I'm changing your diaper..."Then she put her mouth to his ear fin. "...baby!"

"Dang, pedophile ending." said Brak.

"I wonder what other Spike villains we'll be shipping him with." Wondered Luna. "Next letter, now."

Ch.13: Babes From Faraway Lands Episode 1: Sparks.

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"Next is...G1's Sparks...from Ponyland?" Questioned Luna.

Then a letter came.

"Dear Princess Luna

This is going to be a trilogy, yes a trilogy which will exclude G2.

From Nathan Bryon Alcantara."

"G3 & 3.5 coming soon...*gulp* begin."

"Now Sparks, remember, the flying ship will be leaving in 2 hours after the negotiations are over, so don't go too far, and have fun, I heard Twilight Sparkle's assistant is a dragon too." Said Princess Ruby.

"Okay mommy."

"Oh, and remember, have fun, me and the other princesses will have negotiations come to a complete agreement." She called out.

Sparks, a pink dragon walked around the castle of Canterlot. Guards, tipped their helmets to her, and directed Sparks to where Spike was. She followed their directions to Spike's bedroom. She then opened the door...

"Check, check, and...check! Finally, now I can goof off!" Spike then noticed Sparks peaking at him at the door. "(Wow, what a cutie.)"

"Oh, sorry for staring." Sparks apologized while blushing.

"That's okay, I just finished checking off everything Twilight told me to do, do you want to play?"


"Alrighty then, you know how to be a pirate?"

"Argh!" Sparks replied.

"Cool, now let's begin."

We see ourselves now on a huge ship, no not that kind of ship like Twidash or Dislestia, I mean an actual pirate ship, and I swear to God, Arceus, and Fausticorn, no not a pirate ship like Luffy x Boa Hancock, I mean the mode of transportation.

"Quit treating us like idiots!" The readers yelled back.


"Captain Jack Spikearrow, leave, and we'll let you rescue your lovely maiden from the sharks instead rescuing her from getting cut!" Said a Teddy Bear Pirate.

"Spike, save me!" Said a tied-up Sparks.

"Then Spike pulled out his toy pistol and pretend shot down 2 ropes holding-up a net of cannon balls, causing the Teddy Bear, and Smarty Pants to be pretend crushed.


"Fine, you leave us no choice! Kill the fool!" Said 1st mate Masked Matterhorn action figure.

Rariplush ran in, but Spike grabbed her, kissed her forehead, and threw the plush pretend overboard.

"Arrgh, he's kicking our rumps, I better get the captain!"

As Spike fought bravely, 1st mate made it to the Captain's quarters.

"Capatin, we're getting our flanks handed to u..." 1st mate was cut off as the door opened quickly and knocked her out!

Spike had just finished off all of the toy pirate.

"You did it Spike!"

"Yeah, guess I..."

Then he heard someone walking up the stairs....it was...it...was....i...t...w...a...s...

"No way..."

It was a Captain Falcon Amiibo!

"Can a Sparrow beat a Falcon? Time to see!" Spike was about to shoot his pistol, but then Captain Falcon pulled out his own gun and shot fisrt, disarming his right arm.

"Well, that's unfortunate."

Then Captain Falcon threw his own gun overboard!

"Oh, I see, a fair fighter, well unfortunately for you, I still got a weapon!" Spike then tried cutting at CaptainFalcon, but he dodged, and gave Spike the...

"FALCON...PUNCH!!!" Spike got decked!

"Spike, are you okay?" Sparks said with worry.

"Yep, I felt no pain from the fire, but..." Then he showed the black eye. "...lots of pain from the punch, but he wont be..." Spike was cut off as Captain Falcon gave him the raptor boost, and the lightning knee combo! Spike was on the docks when he landed. Captain Falcon then crushed a Smash ball! Spike knew this would end him! Captain Falcon called-up the Blue Falcon, but Spike rolled out of the way! Allowing Spike to get to Captain Falcon, swing his sword multiple times, then with one last slash, sent him flying into the stratosphere! Spike then limped to Sparks, and freed her from the ropes.

"Spike, you saved, thank you."

"It was no..."

Then Sparks kissed Spike on the cheek.

"Wow...(Oh man, she likes me too, this is awes)"

"Oh Sparks, it's time to go now."

"Coming Ruby, sorry Spike, guess this is where we part ways."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Sure, we can visit each other during summer vacation."

"Sweet, well bye."


Spike then sighed. "Isn't she just the cutest thing?"

Years later...

"Captain Spikearrow!"

"Spike, help!"

"How come this feels so familiar?"

"Awwww? Isn't that cute?"

"It sure was Brak, now for the next letter."

Ch.14:Darkness Reborn as Love.

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"Next is...Nyx? Another OC?"

Then a letter came

"Dear Trixie Lulamoon.

Deez nuts!

From Nathan Bryon Alcantara

P.S. A certain commentator was very persistent, so I just decided why not.

P.S.S. Deez nuts!

P.S.S.S. Deez Peanuts.

P.S.S.S.S. Deez Filberts, which is the term for a hard shelled nut such as a cashew, which is..."

"Okay fine,I get it deez nuts, just start the story now, jeez!"

There was no doubt about it, but even though Spike loved Nyx as family, he feared if she'd one day become nightmare moon again! In his dreams, Luna would reassure that Nyx wont return to that form. Though, Spike took no chances, he treated her with sincere love, but always recommended sleeping in a separate room even though every time Twilight said no. So Spike was forced, every night, to sleep in fear, risking Nightmare moon's return. He was so scared, but had to suck it up and hoped he survived the night, knowing that right next to him, another bed slept 'her' !

One day, when Nyx & Spike hit adulthood...


"Yeah Nyx?"

"Well..." She looked away shyly. "This is very hard to ask, but..."

"What is it Nyx? You can ask me anything, we are family after all."

"Well...Princess Luna gave me these." Then she presented tickets.

"A...are those...tickets to the Grand galaxy Gala?"

"Yes..." She said weakly. "She told me to take someone I deeply care about, and well..."

"You chose me?"

"Yes, so w-will you go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me?"

"(Maybe some fun can help me take a break from worrying about it.) Of course I'll go with you Nyx." Then she patted Nyx in the back.

Before Spike could turn an leave to get ready for tonight, Nyx spun Spike aorund with her magic and gave Spike a big hug!

"Oh Thank you Spike, you're always so sweet to me!" Then Nyx pecked Spike on the cheek. "I gotta get ready, MOM!"

"You're welcome." Spike blushed.

Later that night...

"Well, it isn't prom, but I'm proud nontheless, I'm even questioning how incestuous this looks right now!" Said Twilight, tightening Spike's tie.

Nyx came down the stairs and listened to Spike's reply.

"Hey, I just had to say yes, come-on, you've never said no to Nyx because of her eyes, but when she finally asks me something serious, I can't say to her either."

"Isn't she just so precious?"

"Yep, cutest little sister ever."

"(Spike still only thinks of me as a kid sister? Well Onii-chan, prepare to see my body in full bloom! This dress has gotta show you how grown-up I am!)" She thought, then she entered the living room of the castle. "Hey everypony!"

"Nyx! Oooh, that dress is just absolutely gorgeous on you."

"Thanks mom." Then after doing a twirl. "What do you think dearest brother?"

"(Damn! How did I not notice her body changing?) You look absolutely amazing Nyx."

"Thanks Onii-chan."

Then a knock came to the castle doors.

"I'll get that." Said Twilight.

Twilight then opened the door.

"Good Evening Princess Twilight Sparkle, we've arrived with our stretch limo, sent here by Princess Luna to escort Great & Honorable Spike the Brave & Gloriuous and his date Miss Nyx, to the Grand Galloping Gala." Explained the guard.

"Spiiiike, Nyyyx, your ride's here."

"Race yah Nyx!" Then they ran past Twilight.

"Take good care of my babies..." Then in grimdark mode. "...OR ELSE!!!"

"Gwah! Y-yes your highness!"


"Hold-on, shouldn't we bring you & your friends as well?"

"Nah, we're waiting for Princess Cadence & Prince Shining Armor."

"Okay, have good night Princess."

Then as the stretch limo wagon flew through the night sky, Spike & Nyx were having fun as well in the limo.

"Wow, Luna must have payed a fortune." Nyx commented.

"Yeah, look at this!" He took the champagn bottle, shook it, then let the cork ricochet around the room. Then lightning struck! AH! What did I do?

"You said the secret word!" replied Pinkie.


"No, cork."

I really wish I could smack you and Rainbow real hard in the face for your lack of intelligence. Now get lost, anyways after the rain stopped, Spike & Nyx made it to the Castle of Canterlot. Spike exited 1st, and then offered his hand, allowing Nyx to exit safely without tripping.

"(Here it is, my moment to make Spike see me as a girlfriend, and maybe one day...a wife!)"

"Welp, here we are." Spike said. "Shall I escort you madam?"

"It'll be my pleasure you Gentledrake."

Both then giggled and went hand and hoof to the front door of the castle.

"Spike, Nyx great to have you 2 here." Celestia Greeted.

"Thanks other mom who isn't a lesbian."

"Thank you for having us Princess Celestia."

Then Spike & Nyx were in the ballroom, as the music played, the ponies talking, they all then took notice of Spike & Nyx.

"Isn't that Princess Twilight's children?"

"I thought he was Princess Celestia's son."

"Celestia with 2 souns?"

"Actually, Princesses Celestia & Twilight Sparkle are sharing Spike, in a non lesbian way."

"So, can Celestia share Nyx as well? Or does she share Nyx with Luna?"

"Hey, you lied to me, you said Nintendo's 2 Monkey Elvises would be here!"

"There's a whole lotta chatter." Said Nyx. "Maybe we should just go home." Before Nyx could chicken out, Spike put his claw around the back of her neck.

"Oh, they can all suck on deez nuts, Come-on Nyx, it's a night for fun, and well, let's show them all our dance moves." Spike encouraged.

Nyx agreed, and they danced in the middle of the ballroom as the spotlight was on DEEZ NUTS! I meant, as the spotlight was on them, everyone was in awe of their skill, style, and form, especially making Blueblood become a gasp!

"(Holy Guacamole! It seemed like only yesterday when we were playing at the playground together, how did she become so elegant?)"

"(He's looking at me, he must be taken by my movement.)" Nyx thought happily.

Then after the dance ended, everyone clapped.

"This seems pretty incestuous."

"Yeah, but it was a spectacular spectacle nonetheless."

"They'd make a cute couple despite the fact they're brother & sister in a strange way."

"Stop complaining, Nintendo's 2 Monkey Elvises are coming soon."

"They better, or else I'm killing everyone here, I don't care if royalty is here!"

"Men, keep an eye on that Unicorn Stallion."

Spike & Nyx then went to the snack table.

"Alright, great that they snack table is finally good."

"Yeah, good thing Applejack was in charge of the food."

"Wanna go to my room, and eat this entire pie?"

"Sure thing Spike."

Then when they were in Spike's bedroom...

"Alright, here's your half, and here's mine." Said Spike.



"1,2,3, go!" They said in unison. Then began their short pie eating contest.

"Ha! I win." Said Spike, who then received the rest of Nyx's half in the face. "Heh, heh, heh, spoiled sport."

Then she puffed her cheeks. "Sore winner."

"Aww..." Then he held Nyx's chin. "Don't pout Nyxie." Then kissed her on the lips..

Then Nyx fainted, well actually that previous line was just in her head. What really happened was this...

"Don't pout Nyxie, a prize will come to you..." Then Spike walked over to his bed. "Nyx, you're the most beautiful mare here tonight."

"That's nice of you to say Spike, but I'm not that pretty."

"Nyx, you used to be Nightmare Moon, despite being one of the scariest monsters ever, she was very beautiful, as in you, very beautiful, in fact I have a present for you."

"A...a present?"

"Yeah, I asked Princess Luna if she could have something made for you, and requested that I'd be the one to give it to you. This is for proving to me that you're not Nightmare Moon, for showing that persona is completely dead."

Then Spike showed her...


"Yes, now come here."

"Okay...." Then once Nyx was in front of Spike.

"Congrats, you're now the brand new Duchess of the night."


"That's correct Nyx, I, Princess of the Night now dub you Duchess of the Night, and you have Spike to thank for convincing us to do this." Said Luna, as she walked out of the shadows of Spike's room.

"Princess Luna?"

"Now I shall bestow upon you the power to enter dreams and assist the troubled children."

Then Nyx began glowing light blue and floating, then after it was over...

"Nyx...h-how are you fee..." Spike was unable to finish that sentence when the lips of his sister were shutting him-up.

"Well, looks like my work here is done until the wedding where you become her matching duke, have a good night."

Then Spike took Nyx's lips off of him.

"What? Wait, Luna!"


"Rats!" Then Nyx began nuzzling Spike.

"I really love you Onii-chan."

"I love you to sis. (oh-no, I see that look, it's the one Twilight has when she's desperate for a guy's d...)" Then Nyx tied Spike's arms & legs to the corners of his bed. "Wait Nyx, what are you doing?"

"Showing just how much I love my brother!"

"It aint incest if they aren't blood relatives." Brak commented. "And that's why I tongue kiss my step-cousin when she comes for a visit despite her always slapping me."

"Okay, we're gonna need to have a loooooong talk about why that wasn't okay, but 1st, could you get the next letter?" Asked Luna.

Then Trixie gave Luna a beating stick!

Chapter 15: She Looks & Sounds so Familiar.

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"Next is...Sunshower?" Brak wondered.

"Trahzo sent us a link to what she looks like." Said Trixie.

"I swear if it's Deez Nuts."

Then they all looked at the link: https://derpibooru.org/882364?scope=scpe3697b4fa1748fd8328c0b1bb43135204c8c65f09

"Oh my stars!" Gasped Luna.

"Dang Hasbro, I didn't think you'd do that!" Said Brak.

"She looks...just like..." Before Trixie could finish the sentence a certain OC from a previous volume entered Luna's bedroom.

"Hello, I'm here with the milk you ordered."


"Umm...was this a bad time? Also, just who is this look alike?"

*sigh!* Spike was well, bored, he was out in the snow hoping his friends would come out & have fun with him, but no, The CMC, and a bunch of others were spending winter break across Equestria. The only fillies & colts who were available weren't even close friends. So Spike just went back in until...

"Exactly, who are you?" Asked a yellow coated pegasus, with a blue toothpaste colored Fluttershy style mane, and, was it me, or does she sound like Buttercream from Littlest Pet Shop?


"I thought your name was Owloicious."



"Where?" asked the bat from Tuff Puppy.

"It's best just to give-up on this bird."


"So, anyways, I'm Spike, Spike the Dragon."

"Hi Spike, I'm Sunshower."


"Shut-up!" They both snapped at.

"You want to walk with me? My friends aren't available today."

"Eh, okay, you sound like I can trust you."

"Good one, come on let's go get some hot chocolate at Sugarcube Corner." Spike suggested.

Oh yeah I forgot, doesn't she sound like she's voiced by Cathy Weseluck? Well, anyways, while they walked & talked, Snowpoint City's theme played in the background.

"So yeah, that's how I got the Dragonfire manga & Apple Bloomers manga to be sold in Dragon Town."

"That's pretty neat."

"No, she's right there." Then Spike pointed to a mare making a snow Triclops. "Yeah, there she is, with You Idiot & Oh Fuck!"


"What's wrong?"

"I'm always doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Whenever I say something, it turns out to be an actual name."

"(Maybe right now isn't the time to point out Actual Name is over there with his tongue stuck to a pole.) Wow, what are the chances."

"Yeah, I had no idea there was a stallion I Hate You! When I broke-up with my boyfriend, I said Oh yeah? I hate you, then I Hate You said yeah?"

" *Snicker* " Then she began smacking him with her wings. "Kah, okay okay okay, sorry Sunshower."

"Sorry for what?" Asked Sunshower Raindrops.

"No, not you, besides, everyone just calls you Raindrops."


"You see what I mean?"

"Yeah, that's pretty annoying." Then Spike looked around making sure Pretty Annoying wasn't in the area, then swept where his eyebrow should be, if he had any eyebrows.

Then Spike & Sunshower made it to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey Carrot Cake, Cup Cake, and Pinkie Pie."

"Ah, Spike, welcome, you're are final customers for the day." Said Carrot Cake.

"You're closing early?"

"Yeah, us, and the babies are going to see my parents, while Pinkie Pie here will be on her own Winter Vacation."

"Yay, I don't have to go to work until Spring!"

"So, what would you & your friend like kiddo?"

"2 cups of hot chocolate please."

"What? You want me? You'll never take me alive!" Then 2 Cups of Hot Chocolate Please ran out the door leaving a trail of frosting. Yeah, that was a stupid joke but hey, you know what? You can suck...DEEZ NUTS!!!

"Why would you want them to suck on the old Stallion next door Mr.Author?" Asked Pinkie Pie.


"Whoa dude, you gotta..."

*Punch!* Don't you dare tell me to chill!

"f-f-f...fine..." She said in fear.

"Whoa Pinkie, how'd you get that shiner?" Asked Spike.

Yes, Miss Pie, tell us. I said as I stared threateningly.


"Oh, you should be more careful next time." Said Sunshower, who then looked around hoping there wasn't anypony named More Careful, then swept her head with her hoof, where her eyebrows should be.

"Y-y-yeah, I should be..."

Then Cup cake gave Spike & Sunshower their cups of hot chocolate. "Thanks, bye!"

"Bye Spike, have fun on your date, Pinkie Pie will close-up shop once you 2 are gone." Said Carrot Cake, then the Cakes all left for Carrot cake's parents' house.

Spike almost dropped his cup, but didn't and just blushed.

"(Did he just get embarrassed from him saying date?)" Then Sunshower thought hard, and then realized. "(Oh, yeah...we've been walking together, talking together, got something, and it's just the 2 of us...it is a date.)"

Then as they drank their hot chocolate...Sunshower finally spoke-up. "So Spike..."

"Yeah? What's up Sunshower?"

"Well, you're a better date than all the other guys I've dated, everyone else never understood my problem."

"Really? That's so mean, why wouldn't they understand?"

"I was never able to show them proof, since there were never any ponies around with the pun names. That's why they weren't able to beleive me, and that's why I dumped all of my boyfriends."

"Poor you, don't worry, I'll believe you, whenever you say something like Motherfucker, or My Fault, I'll tell the ponies who have that name, to get lost!"

"Thank you Spike." Then she hugged Spike, and then finished her hot chocolate. "Well, now that I'm finished with my Hot Chocolate, guess I'll see you around." Before she opened the door. "You know, you're very cute, I'd just love to hang out again sometime."

"Y..yeah, I-I-I g-g-guess I'd l-l-like to hang out again sometime too." Spike was so flustered.

Then as soon as she opened the door, a blizzard broke out, blasting her back into Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh yeah...Rainbow dash warned that there would be a Blizaga that will be blowing all night, guess we'll be stuck here for a while, you know what that means? It's time for a slumber party!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well, guess we'll be here for a while..." Spike said.

"Yeah...I guess we will."

So Spike & Sunshower spent the night cuddling while roasting Marshmallows at the fireplace.

"Wow, I'm such a 3rd wheel right now." Remarked Pinkie Pie.

Don't worry Pinkie, I'm a 3rd wheel whenever my dates runs away from me during the a double date, no really, just one look and they head for the hills, then they come tumbling after their brother breaks his crown HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Oi vey, you're just too much!" Said Trixie.

Ch.15.5: Fatboi1000 vs. JohnnyFCock!

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Fatboi began the fight by firing a flurry of fox fire! JohnnyFCock, despit being so fat, dodged & ducked!

"Go Chicken hat. attack!" Then the flat chicken on his head popped off of his head, and rocketed at Fatboi, but Fatboi then countered by setting the chicken ablaze!

"Buck Cock!"

"Now that's some fried chicken!"

"No, my pet Chicken!"

Then, as he held his poor chicken in his hands, he then began becoming angry!

"Now you've done it, you stupid fox!" Then JohnnyFCock rapid threw shurikens, then Fatboi defended by hitting back the shurikens with his sword, then shot lightning out of the sword, and then JohnnyFCock blocked the shots, and ran at Fatboi, JohnnyFCock was so slow because he was so fat, that Fatboi then pulled out a wood chip gun, and began rapid shooting wood chips! JohnnyFCock then blocked all of the wood chips!

"Ha! Was that the best you got? What was the point of those wood chips anyways?"

"Look down."

"So? There's wood chips all over me, so what?"

"Tell me, what burns easily?"

"Wood! So?"

"What are fox demons known for?"

"Illusions & Fire, why?" Then it struck him! "Uh...ooooooh...oooooh my, ooooooooooh my goodness, this isn't good!"

"Now you're toast!" Then with one tiny fireball touching one piece of wood, caused a chain reaction, burning the entire floor! The ninja screamed in agony! Then once the fire stopped, they all continued forward.

"That oughta make everyone think twice before calling me: Fatso!"

"Dang Fatboi, didn't know you had it in you." Said Spikerulez302-a-tron Version 2.

"Hey, people can be deadly whenever they want." Replied Blood Brandy.

Then, once they made it to the next floor...They were greeted by a cyclops wearing a Hawaiian short & black jeans.

"Eye, am Gash Cash, my riches shall Destroy you! Especially the red Stalliion over there! He said while pointing to Blood Brandy! "I wonder if your blood will be black & blue when I'm done with you!"

Then everyone stepped behind Blood Brandy.

"Son of a bitch." He said

Ch.16: The Flames.

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"What in the? Where's that loud and ominous orchestra & choir coming from?" Asked Trixie.

"It must be the next letter." Replied Luna.

"Hmm...Who's Solar Flare?" Asked Brak.

"Well...imagine Nightmare Moon, but instead of me Luna, it's Princess Celestia."

Then the Ominous music played even louder as the story began.

It was so hot, the plants all dried-up and died, the water was...there wasn't any water left, it was soooo hot, there was no civilizations for miles, it was ...wait a minute...oooooooh never mind, we're in a desert, heheheh, my bad everyone. Now then, where's Ponyville?

" *Dry Yell!* Mr.Narrator, this is Ponyville!" Said a pony just before dying from dehydration!

Wait a minute, this is Ponyville? Wh...what happened to this place? Hmm...surely Princess Celestia wouldn't allow this. Yeah, let's just see Canterlot. Alright, everything seems fine, the castle seems okay...Oh, there's Spike, walking through the hallways.

" *sniffle* " Spike was crying, reminiscing about all the adventures he had with Twilight Sparkle & the gang. The party after they turned Nightmare Moon back into Luna, the 1st time they defeated Discord, the time he defeated King Sombra, the time Twilight became an alicorn, the time when they gave-up the elements of Harmony, the time they defeated Tirek, the time...whoa...Spike just flash backed to the time Sombra's vengeful soul joined forces with Tirek, and their combined power ended the mane 6's lives, which filled Princess Celestia with so much rage, that she transformed, into Solar Flare! She then destroyed the monster known as Tirombra, by taking off a piece of the sun, used it's orbit to suck up Tirombra, and destroy him! After that, Solar Flare couldn't take the sight of Ponyville, and decided to burn it to ashes because it reminded her too much of the deceased heroines! Then, in order to help her forget the mane 6 even more, she buried the stain glass windows in a secret room, where only Spike has access. She felt so sorry for Spike's loss. She tried all she can do to make Spike feel better. Sure Spike enjoys everyone's company, though only Solar Flare knows that it was a false smile. She knew everything since she did raise him after all. So, in order to snap him out of his depression, she decided....

"Spike?" Asked Solar Flare.

"Yes, Celes, I mean Sol...I mean..."

"Just call me Solar Flare."

"Okay, so what do you need Solar Flare?"

"Can we go somewhere private to talk?"

" *sigh* So, we've come to that part now huh? Sure thing."

Then, she teleported them to the sun.

"Spike, it's been months since their deaths, it's time to let go, forget them, and move on."

"How can you say that about your own student?"

"She'd want us to move-on and live our lives! Didn't she tell you herself?"


"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! With the Elements of Harmony gone forever, no-one shall oppose my wrath!"

*Stomp* *Stomp!* *Stomp!*


"Spike...please, I....have...*cough* one order left, my wonderful assistant."

"What is it Twilight?" Spike asked as he choked on his tears of sorrow, while cradling Twilight's head i his claws.

"Don't feel that you can't continue on without us, I need you...*cough!* *hack!* I need you to, move-on once we die, just move-on, just let us go Spike."

"What do you mean? I can't let any of you girls go, you're important to me, you all taught me the magic of Friendship!"

"Well, then as my true final decree, Spike, You must continue our mission to spread the Magic of Friendship all across Equestria, and to continue our legacy."

Then like that, the last of the light in Twilight faded, and she finally...

*flashback over!*

Spike's tears evaporated as quickly as they appeared. Solar Flare came to comfort him. A warm hug that had become even warmer by the sun.

"Oh Spike."


"It's been a while since I was last called that." She then kissed Spike's forehead. "Don't worry, you still have me Spike."

Then we pan out of the sun scene, phew, I was sweating so much that I think I lost all of my pounds from that scene. So yeah, as the years went by, so did all of the heroes & heroines Spike & Solar Flare got to know, Spike even convinced Solar Flare to make a hall of heroes, so their memories will always be honored, he even managed to push harder for the Mane 6, and his determination payed off. Seeing how commanding Spike has been since the years, she was feeling something warmer within in her heart. Spike noticed the beauty of Solar Flare, how more elegant her fire mane was compared to her 4 colored one as Celestia. How the red added to her white coat matched the summer's heat. He loved the stronger compassion she feels for the citizens, with the operative word being passion. When Spike got sick, she took care of him personally. Then one day...

The new captain of the royal guard, was being instructed by Alicorn Prince Shining Armor...yeah, just because I killed off the Mane 6 in this one, doesn't mean I killed off Twilight's bro. Spike was standing with Shining, until Solar Flare appeared.

"Good day."

"Oh, good day Solar Flare, our Queen." replied all 3.

"Spike, may I see you for a while?"

"Yes, my Queen."

Then once they were alone in Princess Luna's Bedroom, wait what in the, why are they in Luna's room?

"Shouldn't we be talking in your room?"

"Don't worry during the day, Luna is out like a light." Then she punched Luna 5 times really hard. "See? Besides, the soundproofing of this room, shall prevent us from being heard."

"Okay, I see your point, so...why are we here? (I really hope Luna is okay.)"

"Spike, I know that you've been developing a crush on me."

" *Gasp* W-w-well, I umm..."

Then she put her head under his head.

"I'm actually quite flattered by that."

"You are?"

"At least, when I'm with you, I'll have a guy who'll last forever." Then she kissed Spike's cheek.


"Hey, what am I? chopped liver?" Asked Discord, who transformed into chopped liver.

"Haha, suck it, that's why Disco is dead!"

"No-one can kill Disco!" Said Trixie while she smacked Brak.

"Why would sister hit me like that? That was mean, get the next letter." Said Luna while crying, aww, give this poor gal a hug reader.

Ch.17: A Bright Fire!

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"Another fire chapter?" Asked Brak "What's going on here?"

"Must be the next letter." Then Luna read the letter. "Next is...Flashfire, a super heroine dragoness who sends evil monsters back to Tartarus, she appeared as a comic book super heroine in Friends Forever Issue 14. Huh, okay, another dragon for Spike, begin the story."

Spike, in his adult form was put in charge of guarding Tartarus while Cerberus was given his bath.

"Okay, let's see here...we got...Grogar, check. Tirekt loser."

"I'll kill you once I get outta here boy!"

"Check. The Headless Horseman from Cirrhosisof the Liverpool."


"Miley Cyrus."

"Let me outta here!"

"Check. Alrighty, everyone is accounted for, except..." Then Spike saw that Nick the Cage had escaped. "Damn!" Then Spike hit the alarm, which put the entire dark realm of Tartarus on lockdown. "I hope she hear's the distress signal!"

So the living cage heard the signal, and then began walking while watching his back.

"Okay Nick, just calm down, just hope she doesn't find you, come-on, don't stress know, your creating condensation on your bars!" He said to himself until he bumped something! He turned around.

"Hey." Said the red scaled dragoness. She wore a yellow mask, and had spines styled like hair. Her piercing blue eyes, intimidated Nick the Cage.



"Hey security stud."

Then she threw the living cage on to the ground in front of Spike.

"Thank you Flashfire."

"How come they made a handsome young man such as yourself watch Tartarus?"

"How come you're real? A...are you just like A.K. Yearling? Writing exciting adventures from your life that really did happen?"

"Maybe..." She teased. "So boy, feel like taking a break?"

"Well, I guess since everyone is accounted for tonight...I guess I can clock out for the night."

"Sweet!" Then Flashfire & Spike teleported in a spiral of flames.

"No-one noticed me, Hahahahahahaha...HAHAhahahahahah...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH."

"Oh boy, a floor bean!"

"Wait, stop, I've been on the floor for more than 5 se..." Then one of the many guards assisting Spike ate Hannibal Bean, I mean seriously, a talking bean as a bad guy? Well anyways, after the Pegasus who looks like Pit from Kid Icarus ate Hannibal...wait a minute, the Pegasus version of Pit? Of course he'd eat food off the ground! Well, I shouldn't really be criticizing, since In real life, at age 16 I ate pringles out of the trash, at age 17 I ate a muffin off the ground & a halloween kitkat off the floor (shared it with a cute girl who knew it was off the ground), then at 18, I ate cookies out of the trash. Then when my bitch of a sister told my dad about it, I was given a talking to that if I'm hungry, then I should just tell him. Well anyways, we see Spike & Flashfire ended-up in Dragontown.

"*Gasp!* It's..." Then Flashfire took off her mask. "Oh, it's just another hot chick I'll never get with." Said the nerdy teenage dragon holding a toy sword.

"Wow, that reminded me of Nostalgia Critic's review of Zorro." Spike said, then face palmed.

"So boy, where would you like to go 1st?" Asked Flashfire while putting her finger to Spike's chin.


That's when the teenage dragon came back.

"Wait, you're Scaley Sue, the writer of the Flashfire stories, OMG I am such a huge fan!"

"Would you get lost? I'm with someone much hotter than you!"

Then the heartbroken fan walked away.

"Wasn't that just to harsh?"

"Yeah, but I really don't want fans just jumping at me, trying to interrupt this date." She replied.

"D-date? I-I thought we were just hanging out."

"Ha ha ha, I was just teasing you kid, now come, I know this one fun place where it's open 24/7." She said then took Spike to that place.

Later...Spike covered his face.

"Come-on kid, what'sh wrong?" Asked a drunken Flashfire.

"I'm 20, I'm not allowed in these kind of places until I'm 21."

"Yikes, this guy really needs to lighten-up." Said the stripper dragoness.

"Thatsh shwat I keep on telling him!" She replied while her arm that was not holding the bottle of beer was around Spike's head. "Come-oooooooooooooooon, you're a big boy now, you get to shee naked ladiesh."

"No, I don't like seeing stuff like this!"

"Sherioushly? What's with all the damn moralsh? Thish ish the plash where you can shay fuck moralsh! Go-on, here'sh 10 bitsh, give it to the nice lady who's been giving us quite the show."

"F-fine, here." Spike said while looking away. The stripper was about to get the bits from him until...

"Drakes alike, prepare for the surprise guest appearence of..."

Then fog cannons fired as the anounncer said..."Stripsie!"


"Time for Stripsie to show you boys, the elegance of a pony's body."

That was it for Spike, he bolted out of there.

"Sheesh, what a coward." said the stripper dragoness.

"I know right? Don't worry, I'll calm him down."

Outside the strip club.

"Hey Spike, you okay?" Flashfire asked while sober.

"Why did you bring me there?"

"So you can finally have some fun, look here's the truth...about Cerberus, the reason why you're guarding Tartarus."


"Here boy, get the stick!" Then she threw the stick, Cerberus jumped & caught it, but then he fell and got impaled by stalagmites!

*Flashback over*

"Then after that I hid the body, but then killer whales ate the body, also I threatened the monsters not to say anything or they'll be in Tartarus with multiple things shoved up their ears, noses, and anuses, and vaginas for the female monsters."

"So you're the reason why I can never take a day off?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that but I really wanted to make it up to you tonight!"

"You bitch! I missed Twilight's wedding, I missed the weddings of all of my best friends, I missed the funeral of Granny Smith, I missed Rainbow Dash becoming an official Wonderbolt!"

"I know, but..."

"I couldn't talk Celestia out of dating Discord, I never finished building Peewee his own bird house, I never..." That's when the Sorrowful Spike was silenced with a kiss.

"Listen, I'm really sorry for doing that to you. I know I can't fix what I've done, but I want you to know, you're the greatest guard I've ever met."

"And that's all I needed to hear!" Said a voice.

"Who said that?"

Princess Celestia then appeared.


"Hey son."

"What are you doing here Princess Celestia?"

"I've been watching you Flashfire, wondering then you'd finally confess your sin, and now that you have, Spike, you wont need to guard Tartarus anymore."

"What but what about the..."

"Don't worry about it, All I have to do is fuse a Chimera & Orthros, and bam, a brand new Cerberus Puppy! Yeah, training a new Cerberus is hard, 3 times as hard as an Orthros, but on the bright side, I can just send him or her to Fluttershy. Now then, bye-bye son."


"Wow, what are you gonna do now that you're finally free from those asshats?"

Spike was crying tears of joy. "So I can finally go home to Ponyville...I CAN FINALLY SEE MY FRIENDS AGAIN! THANK YOU FLASHFIRE!"

"All in a days wo...Mph!" Spike kissed Flashfire right there in front of everyone.

"Damn, that guy's so lucky, I wish I could kiss a comic book writer." Said a teenage drake.

"Wow, now that was an unusual one, what's next? Shipping him with Spidermule?"

*SMACK! or rather BITCH SLAP!*

"Ow, what was that for?"

"For saying one of the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Also it's because The Author Despises Peter Parker X Twilight Sparkle."

Ch.18: Spike's Favorite Gemstone.

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"Next is, the Pony of Pop, Sapphire Shores!"

"Eh, Trahzo is more a metal guy."

Then a letter came...

"Dear Reader


"Yeesh, the Author is very ticked today." said Brak.

"That's because an asshat on Youtube is confusing his positivity for Dragonball GT, for a mentally destroyed head full of denial." said Luna.

"Wow, can't people just learn that there are people in this world who are just fine from watching something that everyone else thinks is bad? Seriously, I bet a bunch of you guys reading this right now, are saying, what the author likes GT? God, I better unfollow. Hey it was one of his 1st animes, along with Pokemon, Digimon and classic Yugioh, it has a special part in his heart, I'm sure when you guys were kids, you enjoyed an anime despite everyone saying it sucked, and they thought there was something wrong with you even though you're just fine. He hates it when people cannot just accept the fact that it happened. Just like Micheal Bay's TMNT, he didn't think a thing about the turtle's designs, the only disappointing things in the movie in his opinion was that April was not a red head & no Casey Jones! He enjoyed the movie in general because he's an unjudgemental fan of TMNT, just like how he's unjudgemental of DBGT. If you got a problem with that, go ahead & unfollow, go ahead and dislike this story! You're only proving you are a person who cannot accept change, whether it's canon or not, just like when Twilight became an alicorn, gained a love interest, then got the cool castle."

"Wow Brak, I...didn't know you can be that deep." Trixie said in awe.

"Begin the story, it's not like there's anyone reading anymore."

Sapphire Shores was singing an exhibition concert in Ponyville, courtesy of Rarity, we know Applebloom & Scootaloo were especially happy of that. Diamond Tiara was very apologetic of Sweetie Belle & her friends because of their connection to Sapphire Shores. Spike loved this most of all because she was named after Spike's favorite gem, the Sapphire! Sapphire Shore sang her songs such as Serves Her Right, Get Your Pony On, and...well the show never said any other titles, so I'm going to have to go with etc. After the concert was over, Sapphire decided to stay a few days in Ponyville. Well, only the few select citizens plus the Mayor knew about her stay, so as to avoid the fans & papparazi of course. So while she walked the streets of Ponyville incognito, nopony knew it was her, in front of their eyes, except the one who spotted her was not a in fact a pony! Sapphire was just heading to back to the hotel, until...

"Oh my gosh, I know who you are!" Said a random teen mare.

"No, no, no, don't you scream." She pleaded.


As she was about to blurt out her name, a fireball got her in the flank!


"Ah, my tail!" Then she began running to towards the fountain.

"That was a close one Sapphire." Spike said in a low tone. "Go, run, don't let anyone else recognize you Ms.Shores."

"I don't know how to thank you for this kid. Maybe if we were to meet again later somewhere?"

"I'll see you at the castle later, but for right now, find another disguise, and go!"

So once Sapphire got back to her hotel room, she got a change of clothes, but not made by Rarity, as to not stand out. That's when she bumped into Rarity who was in a black cloak herself.

"Rarity? What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to keep this outfit clean while at my Grandfather's funeral."

"Dark, but anyways, see you later, and oh yeah, remember to make me some new clothes after the funeral."

Then after their chat, Sapphire Shores made it to the castle.

"Oh, you must be Spike's guest, come-in, come-in."

"Thank you Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"No problem Pony of Pop." Twilight said before leaving.


"Have fun with my boy he just loves Sapphires." Then once the doors closed.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

No answer, then Spike exits his bedroom.

"Oh, hey Sapphire Shores, see you avoided more fans to see me."

"Spike was it? I think that's what Princess Twilight said your name was."

"You don't remember me?"

Sapphire then began thinking back & realized that there may have been a little purple dragon when she came back to Ponyville after 'A Dog & Pony Show'. she thought the dragon was a little cutie.

"Oh yeah, you were that cute little guy who was waiting for Rarity to give you any spare gems left over from the dresses she made for me." Then she picked Spike-up. "You are the most adorable creature I've ever seen, sorry you never got to properly introduce yourself."

"Don't sweat it, I knew you were busy, just seeing you happy was enough for me, since after all, I did help with gathering those gems."

"You did? That's awesome baby."

"Heh thanks." Spike said while keeping the drool in his mouth. "(Spike, calm down, she's not a real Sapphire, it's just her name.) So, you feel like seeing the pool? You're looking a bit sweaty & I think maybe taking a little dip would be a good idea."

"Hmm...yeah it was quite the walk here from the hotel." She agreed. "...and this isn't just an excuse to see me in the nude is it?" she teased.

"What? No-no-no-no-no, there are in fact some spare swimsuits for guests who feel like swimming but weren't prepared."

"Oh, I see, you wanna take perverted photos of me in a skimpy bikini?" She teased again.

"Whoa, no! (Then again, you're able to rival Rarities beauty without her mane.) It ain't like that."

"If there is no ulterior motive then why're you getting so defensive about it?"

"Look, let's just get to the pool, you're making me uncomfortable."

"Fine, cool with me pervert. Heh heh heh. (Ba-bam!)"

"(Wow, I didn't know celebs could embarrass you so hard like that.)"

Sapphire Shores was looking through the bikinis of the guest's closet, and picked out the 2 piece with the dolphin pattern. "Now this one should give me some good luck."

Spike was swimming like a Sea Snake in the pool, then like a caimen, then like Steven Magnet.

"Hey Spike what do you think of the swimsuit I picked out?"

As soon as Spike got a good look at Sapphire Shores, his eyes made the broken glass sound effect! Spike's jaw was agape with his tongue drooping down. "Delish, I-I mean, you look so gorgeous in that."

"Thank you Spike-baby, you can clearly see my Cutiemark in this." Then she turned her flank to Spike. "You see?"

This was some sort of dream come true to the boy, not only is he at the pool with a celebrity singer, she was letting him take a good look at her flank. I'm more of a boobs person myself but this is Spike's story not mine.

"(Go down boner, also thank you our lady & savior Fausticorn!)"

Meanwhile at the McCracken residence.

"You're welcome Spike." Said Lauren Faust.

"What was that dear?" Asked Craig McCracken.


"(Looks like she might be having those imaginary friends as well.)"

"Hi Craig."

"Not now Wander."

"What was that?"


Now back to Spike, who watched as Sapphire Shores entered the pool. Her swimming had the elegance of a dolphin. She swam circles around Spike. Spike felt nervous when ever she swam near him because she might see his twin towers. Then continued for a few more minutes until it they got tired. The gentleman Spike was let Sapphire exit 1st, which was a huge mistake, because once she got out, she had the sexy wet mane on, and then she slicked her mane back to get the water out.

"Well, I better give this back." Oh, now this isn't helping Spike at all, because despite ponies being normally nude, there was something about her removing the bikini very hot, Spike rushed out of the pool and ran back to his room.

"Well Spike, guess it's time for your treat for hanging with me today...I really shouldn't be talking to myself, that's when celebrity singers begin going crazy, just like all those teen girl celebs who began on the Disney Channel."

Later, we see Spike holding in his moans as her jacks off to that display from earlier.

"(Damn, what kind of good luck do I have today?)"

*Knock!* *knock!* *Who's there?*

"What the? Did I break this door? I'm pretty sure there should have been a 3rd knock."

Spike opened the door.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be on your way back by now."

"Well, for having fun with me today, I thought we'd have a little more 'fun'. The Princess did say you loved the taste of Sapphires."


"Care to let me into your room Spike-baby?"




"*Gasp!*" went Sapphire Shores

"Dang, despite sapphires being Spike's favorite, it looked hard for the author to do that ship." Said Brak.

"I think it's because Trahzo prefers rubies." Then Trixie put on her sunglasses. "Omega Rubies!"


Ch.19: Sky's the Limit, a Ship I can no Longer Avoid!

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"Next is...wait, where's the letter?" Asked Luna.

"Princess, a message from the author."

"Dear Princess Luna

This one is a surprise, A ship I can't stop avoiding, so please, allow me to introduce her.

From Nathan Bryon Alcantara"

"Very well, you got this one Trahzo..."

Ah, the Crystal Empire, such a cold place...wait a minute, oh oh-no, we're facing the wrong direction, wait....there we go, the Crystal Empire, such a vibrant city of light & love, and speak of the devil, here comes the princess of love & her husband right now, heading to the park for a little picnic. They were just absolutely loving each other's company, finally a break from duties, and nothing bad happening in Ponyville, and no one saying the famous last words, you know the ones.

"What a perfect day, food, sun, the sounds of happy citizens."Then Prince Shining Armor turned to Princess Cadence."My lovely wife." He said with bedroom eyes.

"Oh stop, you're making me blush."

"Hey, it's cute when you do that."

Then Cadence turned her head while smiling a very big smile.

"I didn't predict you'd do this though."

"Well, you've been complaining about how things have been predictable, in other words boring."

"What? I'd never..."

"Whoa, calm down, I was just joking around. Relax babe, it's just the 2 of us, and don't you see the light our citizens are glowing with? It's all completely peaceful." Shining told her.

"I guess you're right...so...you think anypony would attempt getting money out of a picture of us kissing?"

"Oh, aren't you sly?"

Then as they were coming in for a kiss, the ponies hiding behind the bushes were at the ready to snap that photo, but that's when in the sky, a circle of lightning began forming, and 12 numbers plus the second, minute, and hour hands formed, a filly shaped being began forming! The lightning stopped as the silhouette finished materializing, and began falling, and just as their lips touched, the filly landed on Cadence's muzzle, and the mare kissing Shining Armor was replaced by a filly kissing Shining Armor, I'm sure you guys get the Sailor Moon reference right?

"What the?" Said Cadence, who's head was touching the picnic blanket.

"Whoa!" Shining Armor gasped.

"That was cool. Just like in Sailor Luna!" Said a nerdy pony who was flying his RC helicopter.

"Who are you?" Asked the royal couple.



Meanwhile at Ponyville's Castle...

"And I was like, dude, that's not the Dragonball alphabet, it goes: Z S and sometimes GT, get it right moron! Hahaha."

And the 2 other guys he was talking to laughed as well.

*Ring ring*

"Hold, I gotta take this." Then he answered the phone call."

"Yo, you're talking to Spike...what's that? What do you mean they destroyed the Deathstar? Who's they? What the Tartarus is a Millenium Falcon? You've been flying through space for 5 months straight just to get a signal? Why didn't you just fly back here? Oh man, you're just a living list of failures aren't you? Get back here right now, so I can explain even more why you suck ass! You pathetic speck in the galaxy who'll never find a girlfriend, you *BLEEP* *BLEEP* of the motherf*BLEEP*ing *BLEEP* from planet stinky a-hole- *BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*!!! You got that, or should I explain it to you again slowly you retarded cheap cunt?"

The 2 colts he was talking to had their mouth open agape.

"Oh Celestia, he's crying." He said with a chuckle. "Look, look, just come back, it's okay, alright, we can build another one, got it? I just need you to come back home.......good, I...I love you to, bye."

"Well, I better get going now, mom is making dinner now." Then Button Mash left.

"Yeah, and my date with Scootaloo is in 30 minutes, I gotta get ready." Then Rumble followed after.

"Alright, see you dudes later, and Rumble, remember, Scootaloo is afraid of thunder, so when it begins raining, make sure your arm is around her when a bolt cracks!"

So Spike was left alone in his bedroom, playing Super Smash bros. on his NEW3DSXL, he was Yoshi, and was kicking the stuffing out of this one guy playing as Meta Knight!

"Yeah! Eat it Terry!"

Then he burped out a letter! It was from Cadence, and was urgent! Spike bolted out of his room, and tried to find Twilight, and there she was, sampling the new flowers Roseluck had gotten from a faraway land.


"Oh, hey Spike, what do you need, my #1 Assistant ?"

"An urgent letter from Cadence has arrived!"


"Yeah, she needs all of us there pronto!"

Twilight, Spike, and friends took the next train to the Crystal Empire! They rushed to the castle, but were a little side tracked when everyone accidentally crashed into a bell boy carrying all of Suri Polomare's luggage.

"Ow, I think I broke my lasagna." Said Pinkie Pie.

"What? Lasagna is not a body part!" Said Twilight, who's face was kissing a suitcase.

"Actually, I can explain what the lasagna body part can do, but that's another story, we must arrive to get to the throne room immediately!" Said Princess Celestia.

Later in the throne...we see Cadence covering her face with her hair, and Shining Armor comforting her.

"Cadence, what's wrong?"

"Twilight, Spike, auntie, everyone......." Then they both smiled, and Cadence moved the hair away from her face, they seperated from each other, and then pointed their hooves at the pink filly with the Cadence style mane from before! "Say hello to our daughter from the future!"

"Say what?!"

Twilight & Luna were holding a fainted Celestia, Fluttershy & Rarity couldn't hide their smiles, AJ & Rainbow Dash were just confused, while Pinkie was still rubbing the areas that were in pain.

"Hi, I'm Princess Skyla, I come from the future."

"You're soooo cute!" Said Fluttershy.

"I missed hearing you saying that whenever you babysit me."

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Everyone here dies!"

*Slamming on the piano!*

Skyla explained the situation, and are now ready to fight the oncoming threat! Skyla then was welcomed to stay for until the threat was defeated, though she was told to live with Twilight & Spike. She admired Spike, the hero of her kingdom, the kingdom that she'd takeover one day. her admiration soon turned to love, but unfortunately it wouldn't last long because Spike in her time is an adult, and she cannot stay there or Cadence & Shining Armor will never create the baby version of Skyla.

" *sigh* "

"What's wrong Skyla?" Asked Spike.

"I want to be your girlfriend Spike, but I can't stay here in this time."

"Well, why can't I just go back with you to your time?" Spike suggested.

"Wont your friends miss you?"

"They'll still see me, it's just that they've gotten much older."

"But, what about Rarity?"

"That's a lost cause Princess Skyla."

"Spike, why are you agreeing so suddenly?"

"Why not? You've been so nice to me, I'd do anything for a devoted fan."

"You...you really mean it?"


Then they hugged. months after the disaster was avoided, Skyla had to go back, but as everyone was distracted watching her, Spike suddenly began rushing through, and grabbed Skyla's foreleg, sending the both of them to the future, and while they were in the time stream they began giggling.

"You did it Spike!"

"Yep, the plan worked."

Then Skyla kissed her hero and they both made it back to the future!

"There you are Skyla and Spike." both parents said with angry stares.

"Sorry mom & dad, I just wanted to..."

"No need to apologize Skyla, Spike came with you because he didn't want a repeat of him & Rarity." Then Spike put an arm around Skyla's back.

"How'd you know?" Asked Spike.

"Twilight read your diary."

" *sigh* of course."

"Spike is what mom said true? You didn't want to break my heart because of our age differences?"

"Yep, and besides, you're so nice to me, that I didn't want to let you go."

"Oh you..."

So Spike & Skyla would one day become the new rulers of the Crystal Empire & their love helped keep the kingdom running for years to come.

"Whoa! Didn't see a toy to enter this series..."

"There's probably a reason why Cadence isn't pregnant yet, maybe it's because fans hate it when a toy enters the show." explained Trixie.

"Get the next letter."

Ch.20: POWELL Right in the Kisser

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*Warning: Grimdark*

"I don't like the sound of that." Said Brak.

"Next is...Corey Powell? But she's one of the writers of the show." Said Trixie.

"Her OC is a dragon." Replied Luna.

"Really?" Said Trixie.

"Check out this link: https://derpibooru.org/224562?scope=scpe026806d8e4edfb53b9408f2f01f0a200be5b76be " Luna presented.

"Also...that warning doesn't sound good to me." Said a worried Brak.

"Yeah, since she's labelled as a Spike hater, I guess it's time for Spike's revenge." Trixie explained.

"Reader, look away if you must! This will not end well." Said Luna.


"YOU'RE RIGHT!!! FUCK YOU BITCH!!!" Shouted an enraged trio.

"Well aren't you a cutie?" Said a dragoness holding Spike.

She was a beauty a tall, slim figure, light green scales, strangely.....long blonde hair, indigo eyes, a black women's button up shirt, and well...a big ass, did I forget to mention she wasn't wearing any pants, skirts, or even underwear? Spike enjoyed getting nuzzled by this stranger, until...


"Oh, hey Twilight."

"Excuse me, but what are you doing to my assistant?"

"Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself." She told her.

"Come-on Spike!"

"Bye Ms. Powell."

"B...how did you know my name?"

"Pinkie Pie told me you're the jerk who got rid of Peewee, not to mention putting the final nail on Sparity's grave with that Inspiration Manifestation episode! So, as a reminder..." Then Spike's eyes & smile turned cold & dark. "...you're going to feel my brutal revenge you Fausticorn damned Spike hater!" Spike Threatened.

Corey then felt violent shivers.

"Spike, why are you 2 whispering? Come-on Pinkie told us she'd be on TV at 6:30 for a game show called Hole in the Wall."

"Coming Twilight!" Then as Spike & Twilight were walking away..."I know you live next door to Lucky Clover."

Corey decided to leave Ponyville, if Spike knew about Corey Powell's address,what else did he know about her? Then maybe if she were to move then he couldn't find her. She was sadly mistaken, as soon as she felt safe...one day she was walking down the street until suddenly a sack was put over her head! Then she heard a van begin moving.

"(No.............I'm gonna die, won't I?)"

Hours later, the van stopped...

"Alright bitch, outta the van!"

After that, Corey Powell was hand cuffed to a bed. Then the bag was ripped off of her head.

"We meet again Corey Powell." Spike said with a greedy stare.

Corey's make-up had run from the tears.

"Spike, please don't do this, I'm sorry."



"SHUT UP YOU BITCH!!! You took away my pet, then you ruin my love life!" The he tore her shirt off, revealing her bra, covering her C-cup chest.

"No Spike, don't do this!" Corey pleaded.

"No panties, yet you wear a bra? how contradictory."

"Spike! No!"

"Don't worry, you'll be paying me back. I'm gonna train you to become my loyal pet who shall bare my children!" Spike briefly explained.

Spike then transformed into his muscular form.

"Ready for this?"



(dark epilogue)

Corey was sitting on Spike's lap, meanwhile the sounds of kid's playing upstairs.

"So my pet, what would you like to do today? Pinkie volunteered to babysit."

"Whatever you want master." Said Corey, who's face indicate her mind has been broken beyond repair.


The 3 had no comment, now for what has been going on in Anna's Hotel.

Blood Brandy & Gash Cash stare each other down as this plays in the background! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3Dqanj4ThI&list=PL6DE46501C08E0D9F&index=33

"Alright you one eyed freak, prepare to see why they call me, Blood Brandy!"

"Yeah, there'll be tons of blood gushing from you once I'm through!" Gash Cash replied.

Then both ran at each other to begin the fight!

Ch.20.5: Blood Brandy vs. Gash Cash!

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Blood Brandy & Gash Cash collided fists!

"What in the?" Gasped Wazete.

Wazete then felt one memory come back to him. One where him & someone else clashed fists.

Gash then shot an orange ray at Blood Brandy, but he dodged to left, and began running at Gash, then jumped & finally bucked Gash's face! Gash stumbled back, then caught Blood Brandy, he held Brandy tight with his grip, and was about to squish Blood Brandy with the other until suddenly Brandy caught the fist, stopping it from hammering down! Then he popped himself out of Gash Cash's hand and began running-up his arm to hit him once again!

"You Bastard!"

Then Blood Brandy begins using the Falco Phantasm like he did in the previous volume!

"Hmph, I can totally beat everyone here." scoffed Fatboi.

*Bitch Slap!*

"Ah, what was that for?"

"You already fought, get over it already." Said Veetrix.

Blood Brandy then tripped Gash Cash over with the Falco Phantasm! Then pulled an entire tooth out of Gash Cash!

"Ah! My tooth! That's it! Gold ray!" Brandy dodged, and the spot Gash hit turned to solid gold. "(Hmm...if I were to steal that eyeball, I'd be rich!)"

"Bit Shurikens!" Then he threw bits with pointed sides.

Then Cash fired an emerald out his palm, Blood Brandy hit the emerald out of the way, then he hit a Topaz out of the way, then he turned his hands into diamond claws. He slammed both claws down, Brandy jumped! Then Gash Cash went for the Gold Ray again, but then he used the Falco Phantasm to zig zag at Gash Cash! Then Blood Brandy crushed the Smash Ball & used his Final Smash to defeat Gash Cash!

"Time to end this! Ragnarok!"


"Great job Blood Brandy." Spikerules302-a-tron commented.

Then the group entered the next level. This floor had Native American trinkets decorating the walls, and not tom mention a bunch of slot machines...they found the casino!

"Alright, now this is more like it!" Said Black Kirin.

"Excuse me, but dead people are banned from the slots!" Said a voice.

"What the?" They turned to see an Owlursus, a bear owl crossbreed.

"Bonjour, I am Moshiri-Apache, and all of these machines are mine! In fact I'm going to turn that robot into my next slot machine!"

"What? You best take back that comment mon ami!"

"No prepare to die and be rebuilt you metallic batard(bastard in french)!" Then he looked at the reader. "I love recycling."

Ch.21: Babes from a Faraway Land Episode 2: Princess Rarity.

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"Who's next? I don't wanna read it!" Said Luna.

"Please Brak, read it for us."

"D'oh okay! Next is...Princess Rarity from G3, ooh back when everyone was as happy as me!"

"Begin the story, we're going for Aspirin." Said Luna.

Spike was running away, and hid behind a bush.

"Oh Spiiiiiike...*giggle* come back here fiance."

"(How'd it get so bad?)"


To ensure the ponies from the G3 kingdom do not visit the G4 kingdom, Princess Twilight & Princess Cheerilee came to an agreement where they promise each other's kids to one another. Twilight will regret having 'them' as In-laws, but if it helps her save G4 from G3, then giving Spike to a sorta Rarity could in theory solve the problem between Spike having a crush on Rarity, even if it is the wrong one. So Twilight & G3 Rarity were introduced to each other & Spike didn't like her at all. Spike didn't enjoy the wall put over his eyes. Though, he did pretend to like her. He was that guy, the jerk who smiles on one side, but looks disgusted the other. He didn't want to hurt her feelings until they day they both become adults. Then one day during adolescence, he made a huge mistake that'll make G3 Rarity's love for Spike become stronger.

"Ooh, Spike is going to love these matching flower crowns." The young Princess of Rainbows said as she skipped along the road.

"Okay Spike, you got this!"

"Hmm?" She wondered,

G3 Rarity heard Spike talking to himself and decided to follow the voice.

"Spike?" She whispered to herself.

"Okay Spike, your confession of love has to be perfect!"

"(He's practicing his confession for me? I thought he already does love me...well...he didn't exactly say it...)"

G3 Rarity looked back & realized, that Spike actually did never say I love you to her. NOw she sits & watches Spike practicing his confession of love...for G4 Rarity.

"(Okay Spike you can do it, you've made sure to not let that girl take your 1st kiss that I've been saving for a true woman like the true blue Rarity despite the fact the only blue on her is her eyes.)"

Spike took a deep breath, and once he exhaled...

"You are the greatest woman I've ever met, you make me smile whenever I see your smile shining in Celestia's son."

"(Ooh, that's so sweet.)"

"As long as I'm with you & you're with me, you are all I need. Your presence gives me meaning, we were destined to meet each other, fall for each other, be with each other forever."

"(You make me happy too Spike.)"

"You're so beautiful that you rival Princess Celestia in looks, you're so generous that you don't even need to pay for charity, they'll just get the money from you in the mail."

"(Thanks Spike, I like how you're generous enough to spend some of your own time with me. You're a looker yourself as well.)"

"You're the one I want! I cannot live if you don't accept my love..."

"(Come-on Spike, say it! These things you're saying are nice and all, but where is it?)"

"I love you Rarity!"

"(And there's my que!)"

Then G3 Rarity popped outta the bushes. "I love you too Spike!" Said G3 Rarity while charging at Spike.

"Gyah! Princess Rarity? (Crap she thought it was for her!)" Then Spike began running like bitch, or douche, you know what let's go with Markiplier's term: Bouche!

*Flashback over*

Spike then hid in the bushes.


G3 Rarity noticed Spike's tail sticking out of the bushes, then had a clever idea.

"Wow, that dragon can really run. Spiiiiiiiiike..." She then made her voice more & more lower until Spike thought it was safe. Then once Spike crawled out of the bushes, he got tackled! Just like Bayleef & Ash. And just like that, his 1st kiss was taken by the wrong Rarity.

"(NO! I was saving that for not this Rarity!)"

All of Spike's plans were all ruined because of this. "(Guess you'll have to do for my very own Rarity.)"


"Oh Kenbroath I never knew we had so much in common." Said G4 Rarity

"Why yes Rarity my dear, it is rather enjoyable to know." Said G3 Spike

Awkward silence as they stared into each other's eyes, then rushed to Rarity's bedroom to fuck!

"Whoa, what a twist!" Said Brak making his best M. Night Impression.

"I prefer Persona 4 & Persona 3 meeting." said Luna, while playing Persona Q.

Ch.21.5: The Death of Fatboi & the Rebirth of Omnifox!

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As the fight waged on between the cyborg dragon & the owlursus, it seems that a slot machine had crushed Fatboi!

"Oh-no! Fatboi!" They all cried!

But that's when 9000 vixens used their magic to revive this brave hero into...

"Haha! I have been reborn! Thank you my lovely harem!"

Then the vixens left.

"Wh...what happened to you Fatboi?" Asked Ember God Discordia Querehan who couldn't believe it.

"No my friend, I am Fatboi no longer, for now, call me Omnifox!"

Then the battle between Spikerules302-a-tron 100,000 & Moshiri Apache continued!

Ch.22: Before She Lost It.

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"Next is Tresemme?"

"Yeah, she's what Mane-iac used to look like before imitating the Joker's transformation." Trixie Explained.

"Well that makes sense, begin the story."

Ponyville was being burnt to the ground by the powerful force that had arrived! The Mane-iac found a way to exit her world & attack ours with her advanced tech! Flamethrowers, battle armor, laser cannons, hyper enhancement steroids! An intense war that seemed to have no end, but still showed that the dark side was winning! Spike decided that the only way to stop this all from happening, was to save Mane-iac from falling into the experimental chemicals! He entered the comic book world Maretropilis to save her!

"Okay! Here I am as Humdrum! Next, I gotta make it to her hair products factory!" Then Spike rushed as fast as he could.

He made it to the front doors.

"Hey look it's Humdrum."

"Beat it men!" He then pushed through them.

"Hey wait, we were wondering if you could take these pieces of paper & give 'em back to us with Zapp's kissmarks on them!"

"Not in this lifetime!"


Spike was rushing to find her! He finally made it to the unsuspecting mare! She had her hooves on the railing, but that's when...



"Gotcha!" Spike caught her by the tail & began pulling her back.

"Th...thank you Humdrum, you saved me."

"Why thank you Ms.Tresemme."

"How can I ever thank you?" She said while her face was too close to Spike's face.

"Um, you're a little too close to my face."

"Oh? Is that a problem?"

"Well, no I was just..."


"Thank you for rescuing me Humdrum, who knows what could have happened?"

"Yeeeeaaah...who knows what could have..."

That's when everything started fading away.

"(Oh that's right, Mane-iac is the most ruthless bad guy in the Power Pony Universe, without a true challenger, this world will fall apart!)" Then he saw Tresemme trembling from the world shaking. "(I'll rescue you!)"

Spike made it out of the comic along with Tresemme.


Then like that, Spike & Tresemme both witnessed the comic book de-materialize!

"Yes! I saved my friends! I saved Ponyville!" Then he looked at her. "Best of all, I saved you."

"Humdrum, what will I do now that I don't have my business anymore?"

Spike then took her right foreleg in both of his claws.

"You can live with me, in my castle."

"You live in a castle?"

"Yes, we get 10,000 bits a month, I'm loaded, I can help you recreate your business."

"You're just rescuing me all the time, aren't you Humdrum?"

"It's Spike, also...could I possibly save you from being single?"

After that, Tresemme's hair care product company became the most successful across Equestria, Rarity even bought Tresemme's new products every time in bulk. Though, she didn't rule the world with her hair care products alone, there was a king to this queen, and his name...was Spike. Also after that, the writer of the Power Pony Comic was getting his flank sued for the creation of Mane-iac

"I have nothing to say." Said Trixie.

"Me neither." Said Luna.

"Well look at my luxurious hair! That Tresemme sure has brilliant ideas, no wonder she's the Power Ponies' arch nemesis!" Said Brak with amazing hair. "Hahahahaha, next letter please!"

Ch.23: Then I Got High!

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"You know, we could finish this mission right now if my 9000+ harem was here right now to assist us." Said Omnifox.

"Yeah, then the plot of the side story would be ruined! Besides, I heard there's gonna be a surprise bad guy in the last Actiontermission!" Replied Panzer.

"Fine! Though...where is my harem?"

"They're down at ground level waiting to catch us just in case we're sent falling to our doom." Said Black Kirin. "(When am I going to have a chance to fight dammit?!)"


"Next is...Tree Hugger?"

"She's the hippie pony who appears in Make New Friends But Keep Discord, as Fluttershy's new friend." Explained Luna.

"Let the stoner jokes begin." Said Trixie.

After the Grand Galloping Gala, Fluttershy & her friend Tree Hugger decided to have a slumber party with Discord & the hated Smooze! Yes I personally hate the Smooze, I hoped it would never come back, or became a comic book villain! Seriously, there's something about Slimes that disgust me, the only exception is when they turn to hot babes in hentai doujins! Anyways, even though Discord & Tree Hugger became friends, Discord still felt that he was the best friend, and she was 2nd best! So, he told her about a certain dragon in Ponyville who can get her all the crystal meth she wants...please don't do anything you read here kids! It's bad, you'll develop an addiction then die! You know what? I betcha the writers were smoking something when putting Smooze in the show! Now anyways, after Tree Hugger heard of this, she became curious and asked Fluttershy for directions to the castle.

"Oh, allow me friend."

*Snap!* *POOF!*

"There, now then..." Discord then looked at Fluttershy, and she looked at Discord back with seductive eyes. "Ready for your 'punishment' my dear?"

"Oh ye..."

WAIT A MINUTE!!! I JUST REALIZED...THAT DISCORD & SMOOZE ARE MLP'S VERSION OF MAC & BLOO!!! It makes sense now! but I still hate the Smooze!

"Oh yes master, punish me for making friends with some pony else. You're the only friend I need." Fluttershy continued after I rudely interrupted her.

So Tree Hugger found her self reappearing in front of Twilight Sparkle's Castle.

"Wow, what a trip...hopefully I could get tons more with this dragon boy."

Then she got a good look at the Castle.

" *sigh* I sense a positive aura around this castle, a perfect place for friends to meet." She said. You know, I betcha her main is Luacrio, and her starter is Riolu, and maybe she could train to become an aura guardian.

*Knock* *Knock*

The door opened, and Twilight answered.

"Oh, hello there Tree Hugger."

"Good morning Princess, your castle is absolutely glowing with positive energy."

"Why thank you, that's very nice of you."



"I heard you had a dragon living with you?"

"Yes? What of it?"

"I just want to study is aura."

"You wanna study his but not mine?"

"I never studied the aura of a dragon before, please this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Hmm..." She looked closely at her stoned eyes. "Fine! I gotta go to Canterlot anyways." She said while levitating a stack of missing posters of Owloicious. Seriously, where did he go after the library blew-up? Did they just write him out to balance the pet ratio between Twilight & human Twilight? "Tell Spike I wont be home in a week, gotta go!"

"Fare thee well Princess Twilight Sparkle." She said while waving.

Tree Hugger went into the castle & smelled the smoke.

"Hmm...the meth is clearly that way." She pointed out, and followed the trail. She found the dragon's bedroom & then knocked on the door.

Meanwhile, Spike was happily sucking away at his bong until a knocking came to the door.


"W-w-w-w-wait! I'm not decent!"

"I can smell the Crystal meth kid, and I want in!"

Then he opens the door, and in front of him was a green mare with red dreadlocks.

"(A hippie huh?) Sure come-in, plenty of crystal meth for everypony, but please don't tell Twilight."

"I Promise little dude."

Then Tree Hugger entered the room.

"Oh yes, the flow of this room, is as good as the serenity of a lake surrounded by blooming Sakura trees."

Then Spike handed her his extra bong.


"Thanks duuuuuuude..."

Then the meth was doubled, the crack was doubled, the pot was doubled, the smack was doubled, the reefer was doubled, the horse was I guess tripled, the shrooms were doubled, the dust was doubled.

"In my neighborhood? I don't think so!" Said Peter Griffon, a round of applause for his guest appearance!

Anyways, in the middle of the haze, you can see Spike sitting against his bed next to Tree Hugger.

"Dang, I've never met a hippie who could take so much." Spike complimented. "You're a real hard core mare, dude."

"Oh thanks............................................."


"Yeah thanks Spike, you're pretty radical yourself."

"Thanks Tree Hugger."

"So, anything you feel like telling me anything juicy about your friends?"

"Yeah, I got some juicy details."

"Do tell." She said while lying her head on Spike's legs.

Spike told her everything.

"Whoa, AJ really did that?"

"Yes, *snicker* she beat-up Twilight for turning all of the apples into oranges, it was sweet orange acres for a whole week & I refused to tell Applejack where Twilight was hiding until she made a porno movie of her & Rarity......" Then Spike began feeling sad.

"Is Rarity special to you?"

"Yes, I never saw it coming." Then tears began forming.

"Aww, come here little guy." Then she embraced the poor dragon.

"Thank you Tree Hugger, no wonder you're friends with Fluttershy, you're so sweet." Then he hugged her back.

"You know, I think I wanna stay with you forever, not just because of all of this stuff we can get high on, but I wanna hang with you, you're such a cool dude you know that?"

"You're pretty cool too."

Then they nuzzled.

"So, you wanna know what a hippie feels like?"

"Oh, I see where you're going with this!"

Then the stoner duo got on Spike's bed & rocked the castle!

"Brak, are you always that high when we talk to you?" Asked Trixie.

"My family & Zorak ask the same thing, but it's always no."


"Still think it would be better with my harem."

*Bitch slap!*

"Get over it!" Everyone shouted!

Ch.24: Spike's Easy Victory.

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"Hey, Vixen #8329 just texted me." Said Omnifox

"So?" Said Veetrix.

"They just said they have evolved into Succubus half breeds."

"Don't care, they were ordered to stay OUTSIDE to catch us just in case we are sent falling out of the building!" Then Veetrix pulled out the devastation barrel. "Now quit complaining!"

"gnuuuuuh..." Wazete said while looking at Veetrix yelling at Omnifox.

Then Wazete saw a flashback of a scientist.

"You okay Wazzy?" Asked Pinkamena.

"Y...yes, I'm fine, just another memory."



"Next is...Starlight Glimmer, okay begin."

Starlight Glimmer has returned with ultimate power! Allowing her to steal everypony's cutiemarks! And with all of these talents, she attained enough power to over throw all 4 Princesses! Discord was unavailable because he was on vacation. All of Equestria would have been doomed, if it weren't for a certain baby dragon!

"Now my subjects, obey me erect a status in my image!"


"Oh? And who says they will?"


Everyone looked to see...


"You...you escaped my revenge!"

"That's right, now that I'm a teen...sorry it took that long, I'm now ready to stop you!"

"Get him!"

That was a bad idea, considering they're stats all get reduced to average, they lost to Spike's enormous power! They all got rekt, as Spike got closer & closer, Starlight fired off beams!

"Get away damn you!" Then she fired a big one, but Twilight flew just in time to block it with a force field, yet it was destroyed in 10 seconds, sending Twilight back.

"Don't worry Twi, I got this one!"

"Kick her flank Spike!"

Spike flew, avoiding all of the beams still! Then once he was face to face with Starlight Glimmer...

*Bam!* He kicked Starlight Glimmer out of the way, and then used his flames to torch all 8 of Meadow Brook's enchanted items!


Then all of the Cutiemarks flew out and return to everyone all across Equestria! Then Discord came back from his Vacation just in time to see the flying lights.

"Did I miss something?"

Now back to Spike & Starlight.

"You...I'm gonna!" Then the Spirit of Meadow Brook appeared!

"Starlight Glimmer, you tried using my powers for evil, so as punishment, your ultimate irony!"


Then Starlight Glimmer's Cutiemark turned to an equal sign!

"No! I'm limited now!"

"Serves you right." Spike remarked

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?" Shouted Starlight in her mannish voice.

"Now that you're average." Spike then picked Starlight up.

"Hey, let me go!"

"Hahah, if you weren't equalized, that'd probably hurt."

"It's all because of you, you jerk!"

"I'm not the jerk here, you're the one who tried to take over Equestria. Now why don't you just give-up? You've lost all of your power now."

"Why shou..."

Then Spike silenced her with a kiss.

"You'll easily be raped & beaten out there, I can't let you leave."

"...you're right." Starlight agreed while blushing.

"So, would you be willing to stay with me & spend the rest of your life apologizing to every pony? Or would you rather get raped in prison showers?"

So Spike got himself a housewife...or rather castle wife, who had to apologize to everypony because Spike was OP. Seriosly, wouldn't you agree he'd be OP if he was in the Season 5 Premiere? That Hoofball Minotaur Shit was just so it wouldn't be easy for the Mane 6. Anyways, for Starlight it wasn't so bad feeling such irony smack her in the face. She got a big strong husband, and she's living in a castle, screw losing all of your abilities, if your life is like this, then who cares if you're no better than anyone else? Despite a cramped bed, it just allowed her to snuggle her husband more, as thanks for giving her a life better than what she's been doing.

"That was short, like Trixie horn."



"Serves you right!" Said Trixie.

"Mind if I join in on zapping him?"

"Stop, I'm not animated to expl...*BOOM!*"

Ch.25: Age Appropriate Nurse.

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"Next is...Nursery Rhyme? Who's that?" Asked Brak.

"Aww, she's the filly nurse from the episode: Read It & Weep." Luna answered.

"This will be cute, begin." Said Trixie.

Spike ended-up in the hospital after being emotionally scarred by Discord.


"Good day my precious Spikey-wikey, my true love."

"R-rarity? (Am I really her true love?)"

"Come here, so I can give you a big sloppy kiss."

"(Can't resist) Right away my marshmallow angel!"

Spike was about to go in for the kiss but that's when Rarity turned into Discord.

"Haha! Gotcha!"


*Flashback over*

So now Spike is in a hospital bed, because now, whenever he sees a hot babe, they'll all have Discord's eyes! Unfortunately, only one nurse was able to help him out because she's not hot, she's kawaii.

"Hello patient."

"Good morning Nursery Rhyme."

"So, how're you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling fine, just as long as I know he who should not be named is present, and that you're here to nurse me back to health, I'll be just fine."

That last word echoed as adult Spike awoke from the hospital bed!


It had been years since Spike & Nursery Rhyme last saw each other. Whenever she came for a visit, she'd bring Spike get well cards from his friends, sure the pain of Discord finally went away from Nursery Rhyme's warmth...but...Spike didn't want to leave, he had fallen for Nursery Rhyme, and would visit her everyday, sadly, when they day came that Spike would confess to her...


"(Oh dear.)" Thought Nurse Coldheart.

Spike entered with a bouquet of Nursery Rhyme's favorite flowers.

"Hello Coldheart, have you seen Nursery Rhyme anywhere? I'm ready to confess my feelings to her."

"Kid...I don't how to tell you this..."

Spike smile then began falling. "What's wrong?"

Then Dr.Horse entered.

"Doc...please tell him."

" *sigh* Spike..."

"Wh-what happened Horse? I-i-i-i-i-is Nursery Rhyme okay?"

"Spike...she left to study abroad to learn how to be a doctor."

"WHAT?!" Then he dropped the flowers.

"I'm sorry Spike, please understand, she didn't want to tell you because it would've been painful for her."

Spike then fell to the floor weeping hysterically, he became so depressed, that his next time in the hospital would be much, much longer. Nursery Rhyme was so buried within her studies he couldn't even see her on the holidays.

*Flashback over.*

Spike saw his friends less & less, he was too upset, he wanted Nursery Rhyme so badly. Spike then looked at the letter she had written to him.

"Dear Spike,

I'm sorry I left for university without telling you, but it would've been very depressing, I just couldn't tell you, please understand that I love you with all my heart. No-one would want me as a nurse when I was little because they saw little use in me, but when you appeared in my life...I finally used what my mentors told me. I was so happy, you made me so happy. But one day when I reached age 21, I received a letter of recommendation to the most prestigious college in Equestria, I just had to take it. I'm sorry Spike, please remember...I love you.

With so much undeniable love:
Nursery Rhyme

"I miss you." He said as he looked at the picture of him & Nursery Rhyme together as kids.

Then the door opened.

"Doctor, I thought I made it clear, I don't want to leave unless Nursery Rhyme is here."

"Well, guess you'll finally be cured then."

"N-Nursery Rhyme?"

"Hi Spike...look, I'm now officially a doctor."

"So...after all this time, I can now leave?"

"Not just yet, you need to pay the hospital bill."

"What would the fine be? I'm sure Princess Celestia would..."

"The fine is so great, not even she can afford it."

"What? What exactly is this fine?"

"Your claw, in marriage Spike."

Spike's jaw hit the floor before he gained a smile.

"Nursery Rhyme, you always know how to make me feel good."

"Why of course, now that you've agreed to marry me, you get your own personal doctor."

Then, Spike got out of bed, though he did wobble, it has been years, and he refused everyone telling him to get out of the bed, but he still knew how to walk.

"Guess I'm a little outta practice with my legs, heh heh..."

"Oh Spike, you silly dragon." Twilight said as she viewed Spike through Celestia's all seeing device. "Finally, you get to come home..." She couldn't fight back the tears of joy. "...Nursery Rhyme, thank you for performing your 1st miracle...*sniff*"

*Sniff* *sniff* All 3 were touched deeply by the story.

"Next letter, and will someone get me a tissue?"

Meanwhile in Anna's Hotel...

"Why are you still fighting me? You've died 2 times already in the Pimp Spike's Swag series!"

"Hey, you know what they say, 3rd time's the charm!" Said Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000! "This time, I shall finally win a fight! Please tell me I'm gonna win this one!"

Meanwhile on the bottom floor...

"Okay, now to activate my flight mode in order to give them my back-up." Said a familiar looking red robot, if you've read the comments in this story.

Ch25.5 Part A: Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000 vs. Moshiri Apache!

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Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000 then fired a bullet storm, but then Moshiri Apache pulled one of the slot machines in front of him to block the shots with it's bullet proof metal.

"Time to hit the slots!" Then Moshiri Apache put a bit into the machine. "I always win these, hon hon hon!" He then whispered.

The slots then stopped on mortar! Then Moshiri Apache won a mortar, then fired the one rocket that came with it!


"What the?" Then Spikerulez302 jumped back and fired a rocket punch! Hitting the machine out of the way!

"(Wow, really?)" Thought Geoice.

"(THAT IS SO COOL!)" Black Kirin yelled in his head.

Hahahahaha, TFS reference. Then Spikerulez302 activated his speed mode, and then in a flash punched Moshiri Apache! Slamming him onto another slot machine! Then Spikerulez302 shot out a torrent of emerald flames! Moshiri Apache then put another bit in and this time won a bazooka! And then fired it!


Spikerulez302 then dodged to the left!


"Gambling is bad already, fuck you I'm a cyborg in this series!" Then he fired a lasers from his eyes! "Also, what does secousse mean?"

"It's french for jerk you abomination mécanique!" Then put another bit in the slot machine, winning him a grenade! He threw the grenade, but then was thrown back at him! Moshiri Apache dodged a second to late, and was sent flying by the explosion! "HOW AM I LOSING!?! YOU'RE THE GUY WHO'S ALWAYS DYING!!!"

"Guys, haven't you noticed it by now?!" Said Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000

"What do you mean?" Asked Panzerbrony.

"His main weapons are the slot machines! Take 'em out, and I can finally pound the stuffing outta him properly!"

"Oooooooh, we got this!" Said Veetrix.

Then everyone began destroying slot machines, then Pinkamena began stealing all of the money out of the slot machines.

"Hey, that's my money you thief!" Shouted Moshiri Apache.

Then everyone began following Pinkamena's example.

"H-hey! Pardon moi, why did you all begin stealing as well?!"

"(His guard is down because of the confusion! Now's my chance!)" Then Spikerulez302 hit him with a giant spring boxing glove from his chest!

"Aie!" Then he was sent flying again! "Crafty jerk! But now it's time for my ace in the hole!" Then he began dancing. "All of my slot machines, please come together!"

Then all of the slot machines started floating in mid air, and then flew at each other, slamming into a humanoid form!

"This is one bizarre fight, wish I had one of my gals with me." Said Omnifox

"Yeah, over 9000 succubi whom's diet consist of semen sharing one dude!" Remarked Blood Brandy.

"Bloody, I have multiple dicks and lots of beer!"

"TMI Man!"

That's when a light flashed! Then a giant robot with a slot machine for the torso appeared!

"Greetings, I am TMI Man 2000!"

Then Blood Brandy face palmed.

"Now face my metal wrath!"

Then TMI Man 2000 threw a punch at Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000!


"Gasp! It's the new main character who's OP! Like in Power Rangers!" Said Panzerbrony.


"Hey there robot friend, the name's Lance the Unicorn!"

Ch.25.5 Part B: Robots Unite!

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"Another robot? That's not fair, I'm the robot of the group!"

"You used to be the robot of the group, now you're the cyborg of the group!" Then Lance's hand turned into a drill, and fired it at the middle spinner of TMI Man 2000's body! Then Spinner came to a halt at boom! "The author told me to help you guys out."

"What the?" Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000 saw the halted spinner.

"(Oh-no, ze figured out how to blow-up my robot!)" Then he made a run for the fire alarm! "Hon hon! How do you like zis?" Then he pulled the alarm, causing a water to come out of the sprinklers!

"Um, we're water proof!" Said Spikerulez302.

"jes, but are you lightning proof?" Then he pulled out a staff! "I cast lightning!" Then he shot lightning at them, but then Lance the Unicorn blocked with a force field!

"Go! Moshiri Apache is your opponent!"

"Thanks for the assist!"

"No problem, now go!"

Then Spikerulez302 continued his fight!

"Non! This can't be 'appening to moi, how am I losing to the guy who's always losing?!"

"Would you give it a rest already?!" Then with one last punch, sent Moshiri Apache flying outta the hotel, and into the sea! "Adieu!"

Then Lance successfully destroyed TMI Man 2000!


The explosion caused it to rain bits! Then after everyone swam out of the coin ocean, went to the next floor.

"Brr....that's cold! We must be in the food storage." Said Black Kirin.

*Stomp!* *Stomp!* *Stomp!* Then a Snow Golem stood before them!

"Prepare to die by the icy force of me! Terraice!"

"TERRAICE?! MAN, YOU SERIOUSLY RIPPING OFF MY NAME?! Oh, you're gonna feel my wrath now!" Said a raging Geoice!

Ch.26:A Literally Huge Klutz!

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"Next-up we got...Troubleheels Clara, the r63 version of Troubleshoes Clyde."

"Hey, isn't Troubleshoes the the tallest character in mlp so far?" Asked Brak.

"Indeed, and also this letter from the author said this'll be an anthro chapter." Replied Trixie.

"Anthro, whoa, that's gonna be a huge ass and huge tits on one huge lady, now begin this story!"

Troubleheels Clara was thought to be a criminal, until the CMC showed everyone she's just unlucky, giving her a career in comedy, entertaining everyone at rodeos as the biggest clown out there. She even dressed-up as Godzilla and knocked over piles of barrels and hey as she chased after the clowns dressed as people & american actors. When Twilight enjoyed her performance at the Ponyville rodeo, she wanted Troubleheels to do a private performance for her & Spike at the castle.


"Oh, my sides are burning!"

Then the 2 began applauding.

"Troubleheels, you'e genius comedy, know no bounds."

"Yeah, I love the part where you slipped on a pie and grumbled like Dan from Dan vs...also, where did the cream come from? There wasn't any on the pies, how'd it end-up on your chest?"

"Oh, my apologies, whenever I do a slip and fall on my face, the impact sometimes causes milk to come out of my breasts."

Spike then looked down in embarrassment

"Okay Spike, I think you've had enough candy for today." Then Twilight led Spike to his room. "Enjoy your stay in Ponyville."

"Thank you kindly princess." Then as soon as Spike & Twilight left. "(Hmm...I wonder if that shorty would like a very 'private' show.)"


"(Now that I think about it, she did have a huge chest didn't she? I was just distracted by how funny she was!" He was so distracted with wanking off that he didn't notice that the door was opening. "How is it that a clown could be so sexy?"

"Harley Quinn?"

"Well yeah, there's h..."He had paused as soon as he realized someone had entered his bedroom, his dragon's den if you would. "Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Spike quickly zipped his pants back up.

"Howdy little prince."

"Oh please, I'm no prince, if anything I'm a princess."


"Achoo!" sneezed G3 Spike.

Now back to G4.


"Yeah......there's gonna be an episode called Princess Spike."

"Weird, but heck, can't stop the writers of the show." Then after an awkward pause. "So, you think Imma a sexy clown do yah?" Then she honked her nose.


"I'm mighty flattered by that."


"No doubt, now can I come in? It's kinda awkward standing at the doorway."

"Oh yeah sure, close door while you're at it."

Then Troubleheels Clara tripped, Spike went in for the catch!


It ended with Spike's face being smothered by something......................................................................................................................................................................................................something HUGE!

"Whew, thanks for catching me...uh, Spike?" Then she looked down and saw Spike being suffocated by her chest. "Whoa!" She got off of him swiftly.

"Sorry, Cutiemark, cannot escape destiny, hah."

"It's fine.......................that was very fine!"

Then 2 things made contact with Clara's belly.

"Gwah! S-sorry!"

"It's a natural reaction, though I wasn't expecting you to have 2 shafts." Then Troubleheels got up and closed the bedroom door.

"The bed may be too small, but hopefully we can do it adequately."

The next morning, the rooster was sounding Spike was half buried in one whole woman, while his bed partner was snoring loudly while her arms and legs were drooping down to the floor. Both awoke from the crowing.

"Morning, Troubleheels."

"Morning Spike."

"Could yah get off so I can make breakfast?"

"Sure, that performance last night sure worked up an appetite."

Then as they opened the door, the castle showed plainly that it got damaged from what had occurred last night.

"Just my luck as usual."

"Man, you're just as destructive as someone else I know."


"Achoo!" sneezed Derpy, sending her back and destroying the barn! AGAIN!!! "That always happens whenever I pick-up Dinky for slumber parties

"Shoot! (Ah should have said no to letting Dinky come sleep over, but I just couldn't say no to a face like that!)"

"Hahaha, this was pretty funny now that I think about it, reminds me of when Zorak and I got jobs as sushi packers."

"That's Drake and Josh." Said Luna

"Reminds me of when me & Space Ghost tried to find a TV to watch the monster movie marathon with Zorak."

"That's Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy." Said Trixie

"Well, reminds me of when I created the Darvog."

"That's the Looney Tunes Show!" Shouted the both of them.

"Well, guess it doesn't remind me of anything, get the next letter!"

Ch.27: The Other Onee-Chan!

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"Next is...Gleaming Shield, the R63 Shining Armor." Said Luna.

"Wait, but doesn't Trahzo hate infidelity?" Brak pointed out.

"Doesn't count for R63." Said Trixie.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Brak.

"Yes, now begin the story."

Spike was invited to the Crystal Empire's Comic con to show what true heroism looked like. His 1st stop was the castle to see his big bro Shining Armor, and sister-in-law Princess Cadence.

"AH!" A scream came as soon as Spike opened the door.

"Take these to my room you monkey!" Spike ran as fast as he could to the thrown room. "Shining, Cadence! What's wro..." Spike then saw a shady unicorn stallion, and a mare version of Shining Armor.

"Spike! Excellent timing little brother!" Said Shining Armor.

"What's going on here?"

"Well..." Cadence began.


"Shining Armor, great to finally meet you!" Said an enthusiastic fan.

"What about me?" Asked Cadence.

"Eh...anyways, Shining Armor, I'm so glad to finally meet you, so I can finally do this!" Then the stallion used his magic to create a mare version of Shining Armor!

"What the?"

"Now I can finally marry my darling Gleaming Shield!"

"Hey, get back here you creep!"

Then the door opened!

*flashback over*

"And that's what happened."


"Now if you don't mind, I need to be bring this guy to jail...if that mare wakes-up, I want you to hang out with her Spike."

"Roger dodger big bro!"

Some time passed until the mare woke-up.

"Finally, you're awake!"


"Yep, how are you doing Gleaming Shield?"

"Gleaming Shield? Spike, you know my name is Shining Armor."

"Oh-no, you're a genderbent clone of Shining Armor that was almost taken away by a creepy fan."

"What?!" She looked in the mirror.

"What the Tartarus? I'm a genderbent clone?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"What about Cadence? Is there a Prince Bolero?"


"Oh..." Then she looked down.

"What's wrong Onee-chan?"

Then she blushed. "It's just that, I can't kiss, hold, or love someone."

"Don't be silly sis, you can kiss & hug me, also I'll love you lots!" Then Spike hugged Gleaming Shield.

"You're so cute little brother, but not that kind of love, a special kind of love that only true lovers can feel."

"Hey, I'm not that little, I had the *shiver* talk with Twily."

"She should've waited till you were 16."

"It's fine though, I don't remember what those books look like anymore now that the Golden Oaks Library is gone, but upside I finally got those images outta my head, it was so awkward."

" *Giggle* That's good to hear, when mom & dad had the talk with me, it was very awkward as well, Twily was your age when Mom & Dad gave her the talk also, which was just as awkward."

The 2 talked for what seemed like hours, both sides enjoying the other's company.

"Finally, a mare who doesn't groan when talking about Hockey."

"What about Dash & Scootaloo?"

"They're always busy, so whenever I go to a game, it's usually a sausage fest with Big Mac & Thunderlane."

"That's disappointing, I'd love to go with you Spike." Then an idea popped outta her head. "You know, since 'I'm' not the leader of the Crystal Empire, maybe you could take me home with you."

"*Gasp!* Oh my Fausticorn, you're right!" Then Spike hugged Gleaming Shield tighter.

Gleaming Shield hugged back, then kissed Spike on the forehead, leaving a white kissing mark...that is strange, even though they have no lipstick on, they can still leave a mark with the color of their coat...well except for Rarity, you think someone can make a theory on that?

"I love you cooler Onee-chan."

"I love you too little bro, but don't tell Twily I'm the cooler older sibling."

"Just another secret I keep from her, like how I fart in her coffee when she's not looking."

"Or like how I lied to her about the tuna & told her that the fish were gonna have for dinner was stolen by a cat, when really Dad tripped and dropped it onto a skateboard that went down a tall hill!"

"Or when I said it was that neighbor we had for a few weeks was the one who took the book she was reading, when really, Rainbow Dash & Applejack whom splashed apple juice all over it...though I wondered why the juice they splashed did not smell like apples."

"Um........that was a special kind of juice that comes from a mare."

"Really? Since you're a girl, could you tell me?"

Hey, it's not cheating, Gleaming Shield isn't married to Princess Cadence, it's the Stallion version who's married to the Princess of Love! Fuck everyone who says otherwise!

"How about I show you in your room."


"Man, this guy really does know no bounds, I mean, no one expected incest in this chapter didn't they?" Said Brak.

"Don't worry, at least it wasn't a canon married character with the appropriate gender...that's some strange criteria isn't is?" Said Trixie

"Sounds like want him to be shipped with the R63 Night Light, the mare version Twilight & Shining's dad!" Said Luna.


"Are we gonna have a fight here?"


Then all 3 got into a fighting cloud, then The Pie Family & Iron Will joined in on the battle as well!

Ch.28: Tumble, not Tumbler!

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*POW!* *SLAM!* *BAM!* *WHAM!* *KA-POW!*

"The title of the chapter says who Spike's getting shipped with, the R63 Rumble, now begin! We're still in the middle of this tussle that I'm obviously winn...OW!" Said Brak. "Who's the jerk that kicked my head?!"

*POW!* *BIFF!* *ZAP!*

"Hey, don't use magic, you cheating princess & washed-up magician!" Pinkie's mom yelled.

*Heavy Breathing!*

This filly was feeling so very nervous. She stood at the doors of a huge castle! She was about to confess her feelings to the guy she likes.

"(Come-on Tumble, do not chicken out! You got this!)" The filly said to herself.

"Spike is your friend, you've had no problems talking with him before, why should confessing to him be any different?"

Tumble then straightened her wings, put one hoof on the door, and pushed! Spike was busy pasting pictures of Owloisous onto missing posters.

"H...hi Spike."

"Hey Tumble, I'm almost done with these last 10 posters."

"Need help?"

"Oh yeah, that would be just great, here take 5 of these."

Then after finishing the posters...

"*Groan* My back is killing me."

"Maybe some playtime will fix it."

"Well, it sounds better than...that time at the spa."


"Ow! Argh! Eek!"

"Yeah! YEah! YEAH!!!"

"It hurts so much!"

"Now for the butt!"


*Flashback over!*


"Are you okay?"

"Don't worry I'm just peachy. Hey Twilight, I'm finished with the posters!"

"Good, me and our friends will be setting them-up around Equestria, you got the day off okay?" She yelled back from a distance.

"Good look finding him Twi, I'm gonna be playing with Tumble." He replied loudly. "Come-on Tumble, let's go see the arcade, then watch Jontron's 1st episode of Starcade."

"*Gasp!* This castle has it's own arcade?"

"It has much more than just an arcade!"

"Really? I've never been here before."

"Guess I'll have to give you a tour after watching Starcade."

"That would be great! Thanks Spike. (Dang, guess my confession has been delayed.)"

So after the games, Jontron, and the tour, it was time for Tumble to say it! The 2 of them sat at the stairs to the front door.

"*Sigh!* I sure had fun showing you around today Tumble."

"Thanks for having me buddy."

"The sun is setting, your brother Thunderlane must be getting worried."

"He wont mind, anyways I gotta tell you something."

"Yes? (Here it comes, her crush on me is obvious.)"

"Well, please don't hate my brother! I know he stole Rarity from you but please, as an apology, m-maybe you can take me?"

"Use you to spite that jerk?"


"Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, I had a crush on you since the time the pegasi were transporting the water to Cloudsdale. There was something that drew me too you, and I decided not to reject it, in the hopes I could embrace you! That's why I'm always hanging out with you and the guys. So, would you give 'us' a chance?"

"Thunderlane is my frenemy, and dating a friend's sister will just make him angry." He said as he swept Tumble off of her hooves. "I guess I can give this a try." He said with a charming smile.

Then Tumble hugged Spike, while Spike had a sinister smile.

"(Thunderlane, get ready for my revenge.)"


"I sense a disturbance in the bros before hoes force." Said Thunderlane.

They are still fighting, but Pinkie's dad was the 1st one to lose the fight! So yeah, can someone get the next letter? Also where is Deezutra?


"ACHOO! I'm sick, that's why I'm not in this volume!" Said a sniffling Shogun Deezutra. "Now get the next letter! Zerena my wife, I need you pleeeease."

" *Giggle* Coming with the soup my darling."

Ch.29: I Hope I Don't reGreta this.

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"We're still fighting! The title's pun should explain who's next! Ow, that's smarts!"

Spike decided to take a visit to Griffonstone, as a request from Twilight to see how Gilda was doing with spreading friendship across the kingdom. But, it seems that the dragons took more kindly to him than they did his pony friends when Pinkie & Rainbow Dash 1st visited. Spike enjoyed their hospitality, but had to go and find Gilda. Gimme Moore directed where she is, free of charge.


"Oh sweet, if it isn't that kickass dragon from Ponyville, who're you doing...umm..."


"Oh, right, Spike. Sorry squirt, we weren't really introduced."

"Yeah, you bumped me outta the way during your welcome party just to get pranked by Dashie."

"Yeah, looking back, it was pretty funny."

"I know, so how's things here? The buildings are looking pretty decent."

"What can I say? It has been 2 weeks, takes time to rebuild, it took years to rebuild Konohagakure didn't it?"

"You got a point there."

"Hey Gilda, have you met the cool baby dragon yet?" Said a Griffon.

"Yeah Greta, he's right here."

Spike turned and saw a gorgeous catbird! Greta had light green plumage around her eyes, light blue eyes, wore a dark green scarf with a cresent moon design.

"Hey there little dude, how's your visit? You need anything?"

"I'm great, I don't really need anything at the moment. You guys are much nicer than what Rainbow & Pinkie told me."

"Okay, but when you need something, you know we're ready."

Then once Greta left.

"She was Gorgeous!"

"W-whoa, you like Greta? Yeah, she is pretty hot, no homo."

"Um...think you could hook me up?"

"Of course."

"Thanks Gilda!" Then he gave her a hug.

"No sweat, we're still new to this caring thing, but we've managed to find a way to use it."

Later that night.................at Ponyville, oh come-on, where would they go in Griffonstone for a date? Huh?! Anyways, Spike was waiting for Greta to arrive to the castle, and boy was he sweating & pacing.

"You can do this!"

"Bye Spike, I'll be heading home now." Said Fluttershy.

That's when the door opened.

"She's here!"

"What's up Spike?" Said Gilda. "I got Greta here, you better help her around, she's new to Ponyville."

"Hey cool guy." Greta said to Spike.

"Hi Gilda, I see you've finally mellowed down since the last time." Said Fluttershy.

"I see you're beginning to put on weight." Gilda remarked, which caused Fluttershy to runaway crying.

"Alright Greta, have fun, but not too much, you're my only friend at Griffonstone so far."

" *snicker* He might look awesome, but he's not at that age just yet."

"I know, I was just kidding, I'll be catching-up with my pony friends, have a good night Spike."

"Please apologize to Fluttershy later."

"No promises."

So Spike & Greta were finally alone. Spike gave her a sun to go with the crescent on her scarf and their 1st stop was, Sugarcube Corner. They were sitting at one of the tables & began talking about stuff.

"You know, Pinkie, and our new King are discussing selling griffon scones here."

"Are they now? That's awesome, I tried some Griffon scones during my visit to Griffonstone, and they tasted delicious...wait a minute...Griffonstone's Griffon Scones, that is clever now that I think about it!"

"Yeah, it really is. I wonder when all of Griffonstone stopped having fun, besides using Dungeons & Dragons dice for gambling."

"Oh, the Author of this story really wants to play that game, but knows no-one who has it, and he cannot think of anything on the fly, it takes time for him to make-up something."

"Hey Spike, who's your new girlfriend?" Asked Carrot Cake.

"We wont know that unless this date goes well Mr.Cake."

"Well, I hope it goes well, she's gorgeous!" Then a knife zoomed past Carrot Cake's head, almost making contact with his ear. "Uh...so what would you like to have?" He asked while sweating.

The both of them ordered and then Carrot Cake disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Why can't I have equal rights? I saw how you looked at that stallion last week, why can't I call that griffon gor...*Smack!*" Carrot Cake exited the kitchen with Spike & Greta's orders. "Excuse me you 2, but I gotta do some rough baking! You're the last customers for the night, just put up the closed sign before leaving!" Then Carrot Cake went back into the kitchen, took his angry wife to the bedroom, and they began making-up for their infidelity! Wait, that's Pinkie's bedroom! So, Spike & Greta didn't say anything, and had their sweets in silence, though, they looked into each other's eyes while doing it.

"(This guy is so cute.)"

"(Greta looks so great with the sun I gave her. *Peter Griffin Laugh* Greta is Great.)"

Then after Spike & Greta finished their food, they left Sugarcube Corner.

"That really hit the spot."

"Yeah, a little sugar to give us more energy for the night."

The 2 had a blast for the rest of night, because there was a fair going on to celebrate the coming of summer! After the fireworks display, the fair closed, and they headed back to the castle.

"That was fun kid."

"I know, I was impressed by your skill in the goldfish catching game." Spike complimented.

"I was even more impressed by your skill in the balloon game." Greta complimented.

Spike & Greta made it back to the castle laughing all the way, meanwhile in a tree.

"Looks like the date really did go well." Said Pinkie looking through balloonculars, yep I went there with the puns!

"Yes, not only did I get 2 of my friends together, but also established a relationship between Griffonstone & Ponyville."

"So guest beds are down this hall."

"I'd like to share the bed with you."


"Yes, but promise, no funny stuff."

"O-of course, let's not go too fast with this relationship."

Later in Spike's room, the 2 were hugging while in bed.

"Good night Spike." Said Greta.

"Good night Greta." Said Spike

Then Greta gave Spike a good night kiss on the head.

The fight continued with Trixie losing the fight now! I'm sure someone will get the next letter.

Ch.30: Origins.

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The fight continued with Pinkie's mom losing the fight! Then, we get the next story...a Generation Zero pony from My Pretty Pony. Do not be mistaken, this isn't part of the Babes from a Faraway Land Trilogy, this is simply an Ultra Unique shipping between Spike & My Pretty Pony's Retro Leap, at least that's what she's called here: https://derpibooru.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sbq=Retro+Leap

"A long time ago, we ponies were attacked by creatures that Celestia and Luna had trouble fighting against! These creatures would have dominated the Kingdom of Equestria until they caused something to incur mother nature's wrath!" Said Applejack.

"What did they do sis?" Asked Applebloom.

"Can't say, but mother nature sure was angry that it sent out something to protect us all! A giant that towered over even Troubleshoes Clyde!"

"Really? Even over Troubleshoes?"

"Yes, twin titans emerged from the Everfree Forest!"

"What were their names?"

"One, was known as Retro Leap, and the other was Romance who come to think of it, looked like Fluttershy. They fought against the creatures with the leadership of an ancient Alicorn known as Bonnie Zacherle, an alicorn older than Fausticorn herself."

"An alicorn older than 'the' creator?"

"Yep Sugarcube, after they vanquished the creatures plaguing Equestria, they returned to the Everfree Forest, and Bonnie Zacherle left. It is said that she turned old like Granny Smith, the 1st mortal alicorn."

"Wow, that was a great story sis, you think I can see one of them someday?"

"Can't say, they've been gone since a time known as G1, although, they are out there, to represent the anger of Mother Nature."

Years later, Spike had grown to be taller than Troubleshoes as well, he worried that he couldn't find anyone who wouldn't get ripped apart by his huge dick. He felt he could find another dragon in the Everfree that he could take back to Ponyville, but Applebloom knew he was into ponies, so she told Spike about the legendary giants. Spike didn't believe Applebloom as 1st, but then one day as he traveled through the Everfree, this happened...


Hahaha, I was waiting to say that! Didn't feel like making it rain nuts, I just waited the perfect time to say it! Anyways, Spike then found one of them, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"(She's so pretty.)" He thought, well Gen Zero is known as My Pretty Pony after all. "(AB, I'll never doubt you and the CMC again!)"

He sat behind that bush, clenching a fist, while crying tears of joy.

"And how are you doing?"

"Ah!" Spike jumped. "Oh, w-well, hi I'm Spike the dragon. I was just passing by, trying to find a pony mate." Then he blocked his face with his claws. She stood before Spike, she looked something like this:


"I'm Retro Leap, it's nice to meet you....wait a minute, pony mate?"

"If I was raised by ponies, then I want to start a family with ponies, and there are only 2 ponies as big as me!"

"One actually..."


"My dear friend Romance..."


Retro Leap and Romance under the leadership of Bonnie Zacherle fought the creatures causing harm, but when they made it to the emperor of these invaders.


The Emperor killed Romance, but allowed Retro Leap to defeat the Emperor, finally stopping the invasion.

*Flashback over.*

Retro Leap looked down crying, mourning her friend. "I loved her as a sister, she was my best friend!"

Spike comforted her. "There, there, at least you saved all of Equestria from evil."

"Yeah, but losing her was very hard on me, I just can't forget her."

The love she had for her lost friend attracted unwanted attention.

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

"What the?" Retro Leap looked up.


"Why are these creatures here?"

"Probably the love you had for your dead friend, Romance. These things eat love." Spike explained to her.

"Creatures that devour love, kind of like those creatures millennium ago who devour compassion!"

"You still know how to fight?"

"Of course!"

Then the fight began! Spike blasted fire, causing a wall of 30 Changelings to be burnt to a crisp! Then Retro Leap kicked back 40 Changlings, breaking their exoskeletons. Then 50 Changelings flew in a drill formation, but Spike countered with even more fire! Retro Leap was impressed by how Spike fought, it reminded her of her time fighting alongside Romance. Then Retro Leap fought off 60 Changelings! Spike fought off 70! 80, 90, 100! Their numbers depleted, even though they kept on coming with 10 more each wave! All of the changelings were beaten by these 2. Retro looked at Spike with admiration for his fighting skill.

"Spike, you were an incredible fighter."

"Thanks, you did amazing too."

The 2 smiled each other while panting from the battle.

"Now kiss." Said an old voice.

"Huh?" They looked around, and then an old white alicorn with a blonde mane and glasses appeared.


"You heard you leader right Retro Leap? I said now kiss."

Then Retro listened to her leader and gave Spike what she asked for, which were not in fact deez nuts, but a big kiss on Spike's lips. Spike returned it.

"(Thank this old hag I met this big beauty!)"

Then the 2 hugged each other within the silence of the forest.

Pinkie's sisters lose the fight next! Now let's see what's been going on in Anna's Hotel!

"I'm going to encase you in permafrost then bury you in your grave!" Said Geoice!

"Not if I squish your spider body with an ice boulder!" Said Terraice!

Ch.30.5: Geoice vs. Terraice!

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Terraice fired icicles at Geoice, but Geoice blocked with an ice barrier! Geoice then shot frozen water at Terraice, but Terraice countered with and ice block that he then turned into an ice sword! Terraice then swung the ice sword but Geoice blocked with an ice wall again! ICE ICE ICE ICE AGE ICE ICE BABY NICE NICE BABY ICE ICE ICE SIMON PETRIKOV ICE and even more ice!

"Take this!" Then Terraice fired a boulder at Geoice, but Geoice then blocked with an earth shield! Then Terraice began unleashing an onslaught of attacks, while Geoice put up tons of walls, while spinning his web. Then the last wall was destroyed, but Geoice countered with a web net! Like the Ogre faced Spider! Geoice then began wrapping Terraice in even more web rapidly like a red back spider! Terraice managed, to get the web off, but that's when geoice used his fangs to inject venom int...


"I'm a golem! Your poison wont work on me!" Then Terraice grabbed Geoice and threw him across the floor! Terraice then jumped and tried to stomp on Geoice, but Geoice dodged, and then shot frozen web balls at Terraice's face to no avail! Terraice then turned his hands into hammers, one of ice, the other of earth!

"Hold still so I can squish you!"

"Giving enemies orders wont work you idiot!"

Then Geoice jumped up and began spinning rapidly to deliver and flurry of kicks to Terraice's head!


"Oh-no, my head came off! Please stop the fight, I gotta get my head back on 1st."

"You'll never learn will you?"

Then Geoice began wrapping Terraice's body with webs, tripping it over! Then Geoice used all of his strength the rip one of the arms off, and then crush Terraice's head with the earth hammer!

"That should teach you not to rip off someone's name!"

Then the heroes continued up the stairs to the next floor, but when they got to the next floor...

"Huh? Why is there only a mirror?" Black Kirin wondered.

Black Kirin's reflection was on the mirror, but that's when the colors went inverted! The mirror flashed brightly!

"What the?" Veetrix said as he shielded his eyes.

Then as the light faded...

"Hey there."

Everyone gasped in shock.

"The name...is White Kirin!" Said the newcomer with fire flowing from his body!

"Evil counterpart huh? Bring it!" Black Kirin said, as lightning began generating out of his body.

A Kirin of Electricity, and a Kirin of Fire, this should be a great fight in the next 5 chapters!

Ch.31: Damnit, Can't Think of A Pun for High Heel!

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Trixie and Iron Will lose the fight! Now it's just down to Brak & Luna.

*Grr!* *Mrow!*

"What the? Did you just go mrow?"

"Duh, don't I look like an lien cat? I thought living in space for 1000 years would teach you about aliens Nightmare Moon!"

"IT'S LUNA!!!"

Then the fight reignited!

"Trixie says that the next character is High Heel, a villainess from a official Power Ponies Comic Book. What's with all the villains? So far we got: Headless Horse, Queen Umbra, Shim Sham Sisters, Garbledina, Solar Flare, Starlight Glimmer, and now High Heel?"

"*Pant!* Iron Will says do not question it."

"Exactly." the pie family agreed.

"Enough of this prattle, just begin the story and after that we see who wins the fight. Brak or Luna. Come-on Luna!"

Spike was in another adventure in the Power Ponies Comic, as Humdrum........who had just been kidnapped by High Heel, a villain who likes to always be in style, kinda like Rarity, except an evil bitch...oh wait, what am I saying, she is a Rarity copy, except with a Catwoman like feel. Okay, so here's the description, well the best I can before you decide to see what she looks like on Derpibooru. She had on a red jumpsuit with a ribbon tied at the front, she wore a light blue head band to hold her mane up. she had the boots with tied ribbons on the black sleeves as well, but the shoe part was a light blue. Her mane & tail were 2 shades of dark purple, oh, and speaking of her tail, it was tied-up in a..........come-on, I know you can guess this...........her tail was tied-up in a....ribbon! Her eyes were yellow with dark purple eye shadow, finally, she had a cream colored coat. If you're wondering how she's kidnapping Spike, I'll tell you, if you read the comics, you'd know her getaway vehicle is a car shaped like a red heel! Fili-Second tried to catch-up but High Heel pressed a button, dropping miniature bombs all over! Fili Second had to stop and run away from the explosions!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Later bitches!" Then She boosted ultra fast back to her lair!


"(Okay, sounds like she'll go for a ransom, I've never read this comic yet, but I bet the Power Ponies are gonna refuse the ransom and then kick her ass!)"

Spike was sitting on a chair, tied-up still. "Geez, it's so dark, can someone turn on a light?" That's when 2 candles lit up. "Not exactly what I was thinking but okay thanks."

That's when a door was kicked open, then out stepped High heel, in a red dress, her mane was down, and wearing black heels.

"What in the?"

"Oh, yeah I kidnapped you for a date."


Yeah, you should have read the comic before going in blind as a...is there anything besides a person who's blinder than a bat? If you know, thank you. Anyways, this was in fact a spin off comic series of the Power Ponies known as Bigon Lovers, and Spike thought it was just another Romeo & Juliet situation, but no! He had no idea he entered the 1st issue a spin off comic starring Humdrum & High Heel.

"Yes, Humdrum."

"Why though?"

Warning, stupid reasons for shipping, and I mean something as stupid as shipping Gilda with with Matilda just because both of their names end with 'da' and no Matilda will not be in this series because I refuse to ship anymore canonically married characters, and for those of you who don't know, Cranky & Matilda will tie the knot in episode 100, sadly it's too late for them to have a kid because of Cranky's search for Matilda and that disappoints me. Anyways...

"You see Humdrum, our names both start with an H and our names have 2 syllables."

I told you it was going to be stupid reasons for shipping fuel! I TOLD YOU!!! So anyways...


"Just kidding, the reason was when we had our little showdown."

"(Oh yeah, in issue 23 High Heel said...'You know, I'd definitively date you if I wasn't such a clever girl.')"

"You remember what I said right?"

"Yeah, it was back in Maretropolis's sister city when G.Q.V.F the Black Chimera was trying to takeover, you used the confusion to try and steal the Metallic Ruby Sun Gem."

"Which would have been worth millions on the Black Market, but then you me by accidentally dropping the Ruby and breaking it to pieces, b-but I have no grudge against you, didn't you notice I did not take back what I said after the showdown was over?"


"So, here we are, I kept my word, except for the clever part, but I still kept my word."

"Hehe, I guess you did...could you untie me now please?"

"Sure thing, then the date can finally get started."

So after Spike was untied, he decided to just stay and go through with the date, after thinking it over, High Heel is very beautiful, and she actually wants this from a guy who'd normally have no chance with her, who's also a kid! As the date went on, he was wondering, what was taking the Power Ponies so long to save him.

"Oh, if you're wondering why you friends aren't here, I summoned Giga, Gigi, Gaga, and Gagi to wreck havoc, and you know how many hours it takes them to send those destructive children back to their home world, so we can have as much fun as we can."

"Oh, great idea, I'm actually having fun."

"Speaking of which..."


"If we were to have kids, would you want kids?"

"*Voice crack!* Uhm, yeah, are you planning something suspicious to end this date?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Then she got up from her seat, pushed the candles out of the way, and then put her fore hooves on the table, then put on a seductive face. "Though, I hope we can get married once you're an adult."

"I hope so too."

"Then again, that's a word I don't feel like keeping."


That's when High Heel jumped over the table and got on Spike & did pedo sex to him, ignoring the building burning down. But that's when Spike & High Heel were kicked out of the comic just in time to avoid burning, so they had sex unaware of the surroundings changing from an evil lair, to the Castle of the 2 sisters.

Brak then gives Luna a finishing uppercut!

*Bam* *Echoed Bam!*

"Haha! I win, Brak, the champion of the hosts! Also, what were we fighting about? All well, get the next letter."

Ch.32: Another Ninja?

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"What does the title mean by another ninja?" Asked Brak.

"Well, in volume 4, Chapter 18, Spike was shipped with Mulia Mild, and as you all know, in Mmmystery on the Friendship Express, in Pinkie imagination, she was a ninja." Explained Trixie.

"Oh, cool, so who's he getting with now?"

"Another villainess from the Power Ponies comic, named Shadowmane, she definitely has that mysterious and silent feel...........like the Mysterious Mare Do Well, who will be in fact featured in this volume." Added Luna. "Also, the Wikia says she's Ninja-themed, so I guess that's okay, now begin the story."

It was a dark night in Maretropolis, the perfect night, for a heist! As the guards flash their lights around, and helicopters and robot turrets where watching the perimeter as well, all to make sure the HDG (Huge Damn Gem) from being stolen. What the? Why is there a lasagna next to the exhibit of the HDG? Grr...Ride Along better not be eating on the job! Anywyas, somewhere on a rooftop, over looking the museum, a hooded mare watches from them, She had a black cloak, her top part of her face was covered by the shadows of the hood, her eyes glowed yellow, her coat was purple, and she had metal bracelets on all 4 hooves, at least what I think they are, no wonder she temporarily stole the powers of Mistress Marevelous, with those kind of bracelets she can go WONDER WOMAN!!! Sorry, I just love that song.


After a quick analysis, she disappeared! A light ran past a wall, then Shadowmane dropped the camo blanket! Then she snapped the neck of an unsuspecting guard! Then she threw a grappling hook onto a helicopter, and just like that, she was on the roof. Then she went for the power box on the roof, and shut down all of the power! Then after that, she entered the floor holding the HDG. She was about to steal it, but then the back-up power went on and Spike as Humdrum appeared!

"Shadowmane! My hunch was correct!"


"Yeah, with the Power Ponies busy helping the Justice Circle of Friends, I'm the best this city's got! Now take her men!"

Then the guards and turrets began shooting and running at Shadowmane! Shadowmane then threw down a smoke bomb and escaped, or so she thought!

"Heh, pushover! Now that the Power Ponies are gone, time for us bad guys to..." That's when Spike stood before Shadowmane. "What the?"

"Thought you'd escape me huh?" Then she was surrounded by cops, turrets, and helicopters!

"Drat! Beaten by the sidekick."

After that Spike became her parole officer! Shadowmane was happy not to be arrested but now she has to be good or else she will go to jail.

"Uh, I'm gonna be the laughingstock of the Maretropolis Underworld! No one will let me live this down!"

"It's your own fault for being a criminal."

"Also, where are we going?"

"You'll see..." That's when they exited the comic book!


"Welcome to another world, I'm Spike the dragon."


"Oh, yeah, sorry but I forgot to mention, you're a comic book villain."


"You must be pretty shocked, I kn..."

"I was not shocked, a Ninja is never alarmed, well except those teenage mutants & the 7th Hokage of Konohagakure, but most Ninjas are never alarmed."

"Oh...well anyways you'll be serving your parole in this dimension, don't worry the mayor allowed it."

"If you say so Spike."

"Now, let's get these cuffs off." Spike un-cuffed Shadowmane, then gave Shadowmane her metal hoof bands.

"So...what do need to do to serve my time?" She asked looking suspiciously at him.

"I'll show you..."

Later at the castle.

"Your job is to service me by day, and guard the castle by night."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, come-on, I'll show you to your room."

Spike then led Shadowmane to her room marked 'guest room 012'.

"This is where you'll be sleeping."

"Is this okay with your princess?"

"She's spending time with the parents...without me..." Spike then looked down, but perked right back-up. "B-but that's okay, besides..." Then he began hugging her & nuzzling her side. "My ninja waifu is here."

"WHAT?!" Now Spike had managed to shock her.

"You can't runaway because I'm you parole officer and will go to jail for trying to escape me."


"(Crap, now I belong to a freaky fan!)" She thought angrily while resting her head on a hoof, and sitting at a table.

It was lunch time & Spike was preparing lunch for him and his 'waifu'. Spike entered the dining hall with a freshly cooked meal.

"Here you go sweetheart."

"You can eat my..."

"Uh, uh, uh, no bad mouthing, only mouth filling."

"Do you realize what you've just said?"

"Yes, now shut-up and eat."

Shadowmane took a bite of the food in front of her, and felt extravagant bliss from the taste. She made a cute face, but realized what she was doing and returned to a straight face, she looked-up and hoped Spike didn't see.

"That was cute."


"I knew you were gonna enjoy it here." Spike said with a big goofy smile.


They then continued eating and she couldn't hide her joy from eating the food. After the meal was over they were sitting at the couch watching Persona 4 the Animation.


"Hahaha, that scene cracks me up all the time, what do you think of this show."

"Well, since it's based off of a video game, *Blah* *Blah* *Blah*." Then outta nowhere, Spike scratched Shadowmane behind the ear, and Shadowmane began thumping her hoof rapidly. "Wha...what the?" Then she snapped at Spike. "How dare you treat a kunoichi shuch as myself like some dog?"

"I like making my waifu happy."

"(If only I could hit this jerk!)"

Later after the show was over, Spike and Shadowmane went out to the balcony, and looked on to see every pony going on their lives.

"Wow, so these are the citizens that rely on your master?"


"It looks so peaceful."

"Yeah, Twilight and our friends are always saving the day, and it soon led to this castle."


"This is what you can witness if you were on the good side."

The 2 watched on until sunset. Shadowmane liked spending doing this, she got to see many sights, but never paid attention to the beauty since she was always stealing something. Now, she has a better appreciation for the scenery. Shadowmane then, smiled being here with Spike, who cares if she's on parole, she's having some fun in the castle.

" *Yawn!* I'm getting tired, I'm gonna go get some sleep, you go get ready to protect the castle from any intruders."


Shadowmane hid in the ceiling, waiting for an intruder. 1 hour later, and someone in a black ninja suit entered, and Shadowmane sensed the presence!

"(And the hunt is on!)"

The enemy ninja walked cautiously sensing the presence of Shadowmane as well, until the silence was broken! Shadowmane jumped down and nearly crushed the enemy ninja with her punch! when her fist hit the floor, the floor the cracked

"Hello intruder, ready to get your head mounted on my wall?"

Then the ninja pulled out her sword! "Let's go young lady, I'm on a schedule."

It was Mulia Mild! She jumped at trying to cut Shadowmane, but she blocked with her metal wrist band! Then grabbed onto the sword with both hooves, and as Mulia was busy with the struggle, she kicked Mulia on the side, hard!

"You degenerate! Why are you preventing me from fulfilling my mission of kidnapping the little dragon who lives here?"

"You mean Spike?"

"Yes, my master told me specifically to kidnap him in order to end the Pimp Spike's Swag saga, so no-one can see anymore brand new Spike couples."


"Yes, now get outta my way! You're only here because you're the next Spike shipping of this chapter!"

"I don't know what in the Tartarus you're saying, but I intend on making sure Spike is safe! Despite being on parole, I actually did enjoy the time I had here, even if it was a short while!"

"No, we can't let war of the 200 ships happen!"

Then Shadowmane punched a wall, giving her a razor sharp shard! Then she and Mulia Mild ran at each other then jumped and swung their weapons! There was a silence until Mulia Mild fell!

"(There's someone out to get Spike, and I gotta stop that person from getting to Spike!)" Then she looked and Mulia Mild. "I'll be taking this, I'm sorry."

The next morning, Spike woke-up to find that Shadowmane was gone.

"That cheat! Oh, I'm gonna burn her to a crisp!" That's when he found the dead Mulia Mild, and found a note attached to her body. "What?"

"Dear Spike,

Sorry I left, but there's someone trying to end you, please wait for me until I get back, when watching the sunset, think of me.

With love

Spike understood what she had to do, he smiled knowing that he had reformed her. So, he waited, and as the saying goes: "Good things come to those who wait."

"Now that's one way to reform a bad guy." Said Luna.

"Yeah, though let's not forget, he's gotta ship the villainesses somehow." Said Trixie.

"Bring the next letter as I set off fire works in Celestia's room."

Ch.33: No, Not the Vampire Slayer.

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*This chapter will contain anthro.*

"Next is...Buffy Biceps? Isn't she a vampire slayer?" Asked Brak.

"No, that's just Buffy, this Buffy is the R63 Version of..."


"I don't want to say it."

"She's the female version of who?" Insisted Brak.

"Trixie, if I whisper it into your ear, please blurt it out in astonishment."




"What? Eh, we need at least one buff chick, begin the story."

Spike & Twilight were at the...hold-up, before I go any further, Twilight has been in so many of these chapters, should I make her one of the main characters of the story? Anyways, Spike & Twilight were at the spa while their friends were busy. Spike had left to see how the Castle renovation was going and then rushed back to Twilight. Rarity begged Spike too stall with her charms (bitch) then he agrees, then when he returned he was introduced to Punklight. It was time to go but Spike said he wasn't ready to go yet, because he wanted a massage, she agreed to this, but Spike's choice was less than favorable.

"Did someone say massages?" Asked Aloe Blossom.

Then bursting through the walls like the Kool-aid man...

"YEAH!!!" Yelled the buff Pegasus mare! Whom then jumped over Spike, to end-up behind him.

"LET'S DO THIS LITTLE DRAGON!!!" She then crouched down, grabbed Spike with her muscly boobs and off they were to a massage room.

"Oh, I hate it when she does that, right this way Princess." Said Aloe Blossom.

Meanwhile in the separate room.

"(That is so cool, yet horrifying!)" Spike thought loudly.

What he was talking about was the hulking muscles of Buffy, her chest was huge to be sure, but they were bulging like the big pectoral muscles of an average body builder.

"Alright, strip down."


"Well, we can't have your clothes in the way while I'm trying to fix that flesh of yours."

"Oh, yeah."

"YEAH! Indeed."

"Umm, could you turn around?"

"Don't worry, I wont care in the slightest if you're small."

"I...if you say so."

So Spike then stripped down while Buffy Biceps watched him. He got his jacket & shirt, off then, he got his pants off, and finally, when he took off his boxers.

"Whoa! Sweet, twin towers!" Buffy remarked.

"Don't say stuff like that!" Spike said with a cracking voice.

"Ooh, embarrassed are we?"

"Let's just do the massage now."

"Oh Yeah."

So Spike, AKA a victim of a voluntary beating took in all of that pain for Twilight's sake. Powerful Arms bending his back into a lasagna shape, at least he was able to endure the hot stones, sadly he felt his deep tissue begin to feel so much pain.

"(Ooh...this better be worth it...)"

"Yeah, now your back feels as amazing as shit! NEXT!!!"

So Spike with his pretzel back and Twilight with her Punk Rock hair, then continued their day, seeing the Golden Oaks Library, buying Spike a bed, then getting to see the success of his friends, and let's not forget, his brand new bed in his brand new room.

"Yes, now I can do 'boy stuff' without hoping Twilight doesn't come-in and catches me, then begins an annoying lecture about tissues."

That when he heard a knock on his door.


"Hey, I forgot to give you a happy ending." Said Buffy Biceps. "I could have broken down the wall, but yeah know, I want this ending to be private."


"YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!"

"Brak would you not yell so much?"


"Brak, shut-up!"


"I'll cascade flames, you flow the flames!"

"Agreed." Trixie Agreed.

Cha-cha-chapter 34: Something I Started.

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"Next is Gimme Moore, but what does he mean by something he started?" Asked Trixie

"In this picture: https://derpibooru.org/902489?scope=scpeb4cb6a69778b9b4f37cb93aa220f659cac472f1f In the 2nd page of the comments, he wanted know this one's name, and the fandom established a name for this Griffon, and her name became Gimme Moore."

"Really? That's awesome, like when he wrote the 1st Sunsetspike fic, with the 1st Sunsetspike pic, and then wrote the 1st CocoSpike fic, or when he wrote tons of new Spike Shippings with this series!" Brak said happily.

"Yes, and if it was him who caused Gimme Moore, then it will be him who writes Spimme!"

Spike went to Griffonstone to check-up on Gilda, and as it turns out she was doing pretty well considering the buildings have become something cleaner.

"Wow, Gilda had been doing pretty well, Twilight will be pleased to see all these happy faces, socializing, singing & dancing, eating scones."



"What're you doing here kiddo?"

"I came here because Twilight wanted to see how you're doing with the whole friendship thing. And after just coming in, this is amazing."

"Thanks, you feel like staying for a while?"

"Yep, I wanna see what your culture is like, now that you guys don't hoard bits anymore."

"If you wanna know what our culture is like, you can gimme some bits." Said a voice.

Spike turned around.

"Oh Spike, this is one of my friends."

"Hey, the name is Gimme Moore."

"Best Griffon name ever." Spike commented.

"Heh, thanks." Gimme said with a smirk.

"Alrighty, so here we go, some bits for you to teach me about the culture of Griffonstone."

"I was just joking."

"Yeah, I know you guys aren't that greedy anymore." Spike joked.

"But, I will buy a griffon scone before you take me on a tour."

So Spike bought a scone from Gilda, then Gimme Moore's tour began. Spike was riding on Gimme's back, learning, taking notes, amazed by the history, taking in the views, learning about the enemies they fought! He was amazed by the majesty of the kingdom.

"And, that ends our tour......"


"Oh right, sorry, I didn't get your name since it was only said once."

"Don't worry about it...though, I wish I should have asked Gilda if I can stay with her for the weekend."

"Say no more, you can stay with me."

"For a fee?"

"Nah, for free."

"Sweet, you know, with that blue hat, you remind me of this griffon that my friend Rainbow Dash told me about."

"Was she the cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane?"

"Always going into things blindly without as so much as a thought?" Spike added.


Then the both of them shared a laugh.

"Yeah, I kept on asking her for bits whenever she wanted something from me, if she were here now, I'd give her a refund for my services." She then began laughing at her own shenanigans.

"It's good to laugh at yourself." Spike said.

"Yeah, if you can't laugh at yourself, then you're us before we got friendship." Gimme replied.

They laughed again.

"Spike, you're fun, maybe dragons should gain friendship next."

"Well, the dragons in Dragontown know what friendship, but yeah, the giants we'd usually see should know about the importance of friends as well."

"There's a Dragontown?"

"Yeah, a district in Manehattan."

"Cool, I should visit some time."

"You gotta check out the comic book shop, great selection...well, considering if you do read comics."

"No, I don't."

"Nevermind then."

"Maybe if I go to Dragontown you could teach me about your culture."

"I don't live with dragons, I live with ponies."

"Nevermind then."

Then both felt a slight giggle from both of them both saying Nevermind then. Spike and Gimme then made it to her home.

"Wow, what a nice little shop."

"You should've seen what it's condition was like before, I didn't even pay a single bit during the reconstruction."

"Cool, so what do you sell? I forgot during Rainbow Dash's story, you learn to tune out someone who rants and raves."

"I learned to tune out anyone like that by not caring."

"Good one."

Spike looked around. He liked this cleaned-up version of the shop, all the rope in one pile, but not together because it'll get tangled. The headlamp helmets were on a shelf behind the counter, other supplies in another shelf, pickaxes hanging on the wall.

"I'd like to go spelunking one day."

"Don't you live with a Princess? Don't you get lots of money?"

"I don't go into the mountains that much after the dragons kicked the Diamond Dogs out of their territory."

"Now that just isn't right. So I guess you can't get anymore gems to munch on since the dragons now own those mountains"

"Yeah, I miss eating a bowl full of gems everyday."

"Well, I think I may have some gems in my treasure pile. Wait here, I'll get you some."

Spike loved spending time with Gimme Moore today, offering to show him around, teaching him about Griffonstone, making fun of Rainbow Dash behind her back, laughing together, offering him a place to stay for the weekend, even accommodating to his natural diet.

"Okay Spike, it may not be a bowl full, but I got you some gems." Gimme said while holding them in her talon.

Spike's lit-up, it had been a while since he last ate gems because of those jerky dragons.

"Gimme, please." Spike said while salivating.

"Okay, okay, here, didn't think you'd go nuts."

"Sorry, mineral withdrawal."

"It's okay, here."

Spike then swiped the gems from Gimme Moore's talon and savoring the flavor. "*Sigh* So good."

"Wow, you definitely did miss eating gems."

Spike then hugged Gimme.

"Thank you!" Spike then kissed Gimme's beak.

Gimme then blushed harshly from the sudden kiss. Spike then let go, and stepped back.


Gimme's mouth was agape.

"Gimme, are you okay?"

"...Give me more." Then they began making out.

"(Well, this'll be a fun weekend.)" Spike thought.

"Yeah, this is why the author hates it when there's a hiatus, he wants one girl per episode, but these damn hiatuses just force his hand...why June 13th for the 100th Episode anyway? Hey, I know, maybe for the season 5 finale, we'll get a hiatus until the day the author finds a date!" Brak remarked.

Then an anvil fell on Brak, but then Brak cut the anvil in half with his light saber ponytail.

"Phew, hate it when that happens, get the next letter."

Ch.35: The Mare Who'll Do Well.

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"Next is...Mare Do Well?"

"Yep, but in this one, we'll get a strong alicorn behind the mask." said Trixie. "Trahzo's letter said so."

"Yes, now begin the story."

"Why are you 2 speaking in an epic sort of fashion."

It was a silent night in Ponyville, Spike was walking down the park, kicking a pebble...thinking...


"Everypony, may I make an announcement?"

"What is it Rarity?" Asked Applejack.

Then she stood-up.

"Well...me and this gentleman here..." Then she began twiddling her hooves.

"(NO! DON'T TELL ME!!!)" Spike thought loudly.

"We're getting married!" She and the stallion announced.

*Flashback over.*

Spike walked down the dirt path, sure everyone said it was never meant to be, but he was persistent to the end. Sadly, his efforts to win her over were all smashed to pieces. Meanwhile, in a distance, a masked heroine watches him with a pair loving eyes.

"(Poor Spike, I hope I can fill the void in his heart, but I gotta wait for the Funny to arrive with her goons.)"

This unknown super heroine had fallen hopelessly in love with Spike, biding her time for when Spike after he helped her normal self with moving on after her boyfriend dumped him ruthlessly, shamelessly, and painfully. Spike was just getting everything ready for the summer sun celebration until as soon as he passed by Mare-Do-Well's house, he heard her crying. He cheered her up, and told her not to give-up on life. Spike was his hero. Then one day, after seeing the Mare-Do-Well costume in the trash, she decided to become the new Mare-Do-Well, and then repaired it into something more amazing than what Rarity had made. So night after night, she'd fight the secret evil of Ponyville where some would try something that might ruin the peace of Ponyville. Making enemies, but making friends as well. That's when the Funny and her minions arrived and stood in front of the sad dragon.

"What the?!" Spike was very surprised to see a gang of clowns standing before him.

"Step-aside kid, we're taking control of this park."

"No, this is a public park, no-one can own it!"

"(Oh crap!)"

Then the Funny pulled out a knife, she was about to stab Spike but the Mysterious Mare Do Well flew in just in time to get her & Spike outta the way.

"Mare-Do-Well, always stopping me at the right time!"

"This guy's just gotten his heart broken, he doesn't need anymore of your crap!" She said while charging her magic.

"What?! How'd you know that?"

"I was staking out, I heard your sad words you were saying." Then she hugged Spike. "Don't worry about her anymore, you can move on! Isn't that, what you told me when you convinced me not to give-up on life?"

"How did you..."

Then she took off the bottom part of her mask to kiss Spike momentarily.

"Alright the Funny, you're going down!"

Then an epic brawl broke out and ended with the Funny and her minions getting hauled off by the cops.

"Wow, *Random name* you were awesome!"

"Thank you Spike, I really want to spend more time with you, but there's lots more to do for the night. So this is where we part ways." Then she flew off into the night, but not before throwing down a rose and paper heart next to Spike's feet.

Spike smiled. "What do you think of my girlfriend officer?"

"Dang, your girlfriend is a super heroine." Said a cop.

"Yes she is."

"I am the Cucumber, I am the Eggplant, I am the Pizza...I am...BAT BRAK!!!" Brak yelled in a batman costume. "Bring the next letter,or I throw a Brakarang at you."

Meanwhile in Anna's Hotel...

"So what? You're just gonna stand there and stare all day or do I need to make the 1st move?" Said White Kirin.

"Heh, let's go!" Then Black Kirin & his evil counterpart White Kirin charged at each other.

Ch.35.5: Black Kirin vs White Kirin.

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Black blasted an orb of electricity and White, but White blocked with a firewall! Then White disappeared with a smokescreen, a cigarette smokescreen! Then reappeared behind Black, where White then tried to slash him with his flaming claws, but Black blocked with a light screen made out of lightning! Then Black countered with lightning claws!


"Gah!" Then he fell on his back. "Nice, but I'm not done yet!"

White Kirin then Blasted fire from his mouth! Black Kirin countered by firing plasma from his!


Then they both collided again, blocking and countering each move!

"Wow, they're really going at it!" Said Panzer

"What an intense fight" said Lance Blazer.

"Will the author put in a Deez nuts joke, or a lasagna joke in this one?" Asked Blood Brandy.

Then Black Kirin pulled out his twin machetes! Then White Kirin pulled out twin hooks!

*Shing!* *Shing* *Shing*

White then caught Black's machetes, during the struggle, both charged their beams, so much energy charging-up fora destructive point blank blast! Then as soon as both beams collided, they both were sent flying back to the walls!

*Crash!* *Crash!*

"Oh!" Everyone went.

Both Kirin got back up and the fight was back on! Black then managed to bite White's neck! Blood, gushing from his neck!

"Gah!" White was shrieking in pain!

Then Black dug deeper, causing him to final bite into a vital part of the neck, killing White Kirin! Then once White Kirin landed on the floor, he disappeared in a burst of light! Black Kirin then spat the blood in his mouth out.

"Where's the bathroom? I gotta wash-up."

Then Black Kirin went to the bathroom, and after a quick wash and brushing of the teeth later, Black Kirin exited the bathroom squeaky clean and went on to the next floor, and when they got there, in front of them was a giant anthromorphic butterfly wearing armor!

"YOU!!!" Veetrix yelled. "I thought I wiped out your tyrannical kingdom years ago General Saneve!"

"I survived the carnage you and your army did all those years ago, and now that you're here, I was really hoping for a rematch!"

Then Veetrix gritted his teeth, as he switched his gun's standard barrel for a flame barrel! And like that, took aim!

"What good can that gun do?"

"You'll have to figure out in the next 5 chapters!"

Ch.36: Wedding Bells of the Color Blue.

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"Next is...*groan* Princess Bluebelle, the R63 Prince Blueblood." Said Luna.

"Hey, isn't that sorta like incest?" Asked Brak. "I mean, Celestia is Spike's mom & Bluebelle is Celestia's niece?"

"Trahzo has shipped Spike with Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Celestia, myself, Cadence Crystal Clarity whom is a oc offspring of Spike, the oc Nyx whom is the adoptive sister and even Gleaming Shield the R63 Shining Armor, he only has a problem with canonically married or dating characters being shipped with Spike, he has no problem with incest shipping."

"Oh, well begin the story now."

It was the Grand Galloping Gala, and Discord managed to make it fun with the hated Smooze, if only if Spike could completely evaporate that hideous thing! Spike socialized with everyone, reconnecting with others he hasn't seen in a while, which included...Princess Bluebelle, he didn't want to but his mom Princess Celestia wanted the 2 of them to get along. Sure Bluebelle didn't hate Spike, it's just that Spike didn't appreciate how his cousin expressed her affection. So, after Discord learned his lesson and the night was still young, Spike snuck away to meet Bluebelle somewhere in the deepest areas of the private garden, the place where me & Deezutra had an epic one on one rap battle! Anyways...

"Spike, how are you this night cousin? I trust you've been keeping all of those worthless mares off of you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Good, because as you & I both know very well, that you belong to me and especially me only."

"Uh-huh." Spike didn't care.

"It's good to know you agree."

Princess Bluebelle then picked got down and hugged Spike while lying on the grass.


"What's wrong Bluebelle?"

"Well, even when all is said and done, even if we do finally get married."

"(Which is never.)"

"What would our subjects think of us? 2 cousins as a married couple, just like that filly from Fillydelphia who you said married to her cousin Big Mac. Even though no-one hated them for doing it, will anyone in Canterlot hate us for getting married here?"

"Well, we're not related by blood, I mean you're even a blue blooded relative."

"*Gasp!* Good point cousin, we wont be ridiculed since we aren't blood." Then she kissed Spike, causing him to cringe silently.

"(I wish you wouldn't do that.)"

The 2 stared at the moon as they continued to talk, Fluttershy got help from Tree Hugger to have the creatures come out and introduce themselves.

"Cousin Spike?"

"What is it Bluebelle?"

"Do you think I'm a jerk?"

"Whoa, where did that come from?"

"It happened back when I met that Rarity character, she seemed to be very angry at me for some reason. I think I may have been very rude to her."

"Let me guess, it was spoiled brat Bluebelle who was at last year's Gala?"


"What? Did you think you were gonna have a fan who'll do anything you wanted? Have you seen your fan base?"

"Yes, I..."

"Have you seen your female fan base?"


"You see? You can't let fame go to your head."

"You're right, I'm quite the as you'd say jerk."

"Eh, you're not that much of a jerk."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, you just get on pony's nerves sometimes."

"Glad to hear that from you especially, my dear cousin." Then she gave him a hug.

"Aww, I love it when the 2 of you are getting along." Said a eciov I mean voice.



"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know about how nice you really are to your cousin."

Then Celestia sat down between Spike & Bluebelle.

"I'm so proud of you Spike, finally getting along with Bluebelle."

"Indeed, he was quite the grump around me whenever we were together auntie, even before he moved to Ponyville."

"What?! You knew about how I didn't like you?"

"Yes, but I decided not to let that stop me from loving you." Then Bluebelle gave Spike a kiss on the forehead, and a hug.

"(You know, getting kissed by a princess, isn't all it's cracked up to be.)" Spike thought with an un-amused face.

"Spike, how come you're not kissing back?" Asked Celestia.


"Yes, you did say after all that we're not blood relatives." Then Bluebelle puckered her lips, and closed her eyes.

"(Now I really regret coming to the Gala instead of going with Big Mac & the guys to watch WWE.)"


"So, is that it with the incest shippings?" Asked Brak.

"No, someone might ask for Spike and another one of his OC offspring, or maybe the R63 Night Light, or maybe even ship him with one of Twilight's OC offspring, Celestia's OC offspring, My OC offspring, Cadence & Shining Armor's OC offspring or maybe Princess Skyla...and now I've just now realized that chapter 19 featuring Skyla is an incest shipping as well!" Then Luna face hoofed.

"Wow, the twilight family might get more incest shippings than the apple family if we keep this up. fans, we encourage you, more OC offspring of characters in the Twilight Family, and less shippings & OC offspring of the apple family!" Brak said to you.

"No, do not listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he is saying because he's an idiot!" Luna & Trixie said to you.

Ch.37: Babes From A Faraway Land Episode 3: Whimsey Weatherbe.

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"Good News, we're at the final chapter, bad news, it's G3.5." Brak announced.

"At least it ins't Newborn Cuties."

"Yeah, what the hell Newborn Cuties? Those effects were incredibly cheap, and what was with the bad movement of the characters? Was Hasbro beta testing on computer animation or something?" Brak ranted.

"So, who's the last of this trilogy to be shipped with Spike?" Asked Trixie.

"Hmm...we got a dragoness named...Whimsey Weatherbe?"

"Oh, where she lives, she has the ability to make the weather hot & cold." explained Luna.

"You're hot & your cold, your yes & you're no, you're in & you're out, you're up & you're down!"

"NO! Quit singing Brak!" Both yelled.

"Ahem!" Said a very bitter voice.


"I'm trying to get some good night's sleep because I have a meeting with the Saddle Arabians & Maretonians tomorrow, and your constant yelling is keeping me from that! So, either keep it down, or I cancel the Pimp Spike's Swag Series!" Celestia threatened with eyes that burn like quadrillion red stars. "Do I make myself clear Luna?"

"Yes dear sister."



Then Luna began shaking in the fetal position in the corner.

"Begin the story while we try to calm Luna down."

Spike and his friends were visiting the G3.5 world to study their living wishing star: Twinkle Wish. Spike was told of a dragon in the mountains, and decided to see what she is like. He took a hot air balloon with Twilight because she was curious about her as well, a dragon who controls weather. Spike & Twilight had made it to this dragoness' cave and entered.

"This should be the place." Twilight said. She then knocked on a wall. "Hello? Whimsey Weatherbe?"

"Who's this voice? I thought I met every pony in Ponyville." Then emerged from another room...an orange dragon with blue eyes, brown curled hair, yellow spines and belly, a blue bow, and purple angel wings. She was taller than Big Mac. "Oh, you're definitely different to all of the ponies I've met so far, I'm Whimsey Weatherbe."

"I, am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship." Twilight introduced.

"And I am her Number one Assistant Spike the Dragon." Spike introduced.

"Ooh, a Princess, and a dragon." Then she curtsied.

"Oh, there's no need for that, your friendship is enough."

"Oh, hahahaha, thank you Princess."

"Twilight will be fine."

"As you wish you highness." she joked.

Then all 3 laughed.

"And hello to you little baby." Then she picked Spike up and lifted her to meet her face. "Boy, your parents must really approve of this journey to a land across the seas." She said.


"Yes, I did approve of him coming along." Twilight said.


"I'm adopted." Spike told her.

"Must have been pretty difficult to raise him during the toddler stage." She replied while still holding Spike.

"Nope, my teacher took care of him for a while before making me the mother." Twilight said.

"Well, that was nice of her, to take care of the terrible 2's." She joked.

"Please, don't say that, I've devoted my life to extinguishing every last baby picture." Spike said embarrassed, while puffing his cheeks.

"Aww, your son is so cuuuute." Then she hugged him. Then when she broke the hug, Spike stared deep into her blue eyes, and there was something he felt in his heart from looking into those eyes, that he hasn't felt since the day he saw the blue eyes of another, and speaking of dragons and blue eyes...did you know that Blue Eyes White Dragon was originally a woman?! Yeah, a woman with blue eyes possessed a statue the statue came to life, and became Blue Eyes White Dragon. Anyways, sorry for going off on a tangent there.

"(What was that? Those eyes...just as cute as Rarity's...maybe even...NO, NO, NO, not that, I'm not falling for another dragon, that is just cliche...though Porky Pig, was stopped mid sentence when he met Petunia pig at an old friend's wedding.)"

"What's wrong little guy? You seem uncertain about something."

"What? No, I'm fine."

Then she put Spike down.

"So Princess, what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

"I want to study your breath."

So the day went on with Twilight studying the heat & frost power of Whimsey's breath, impressed by the complete climate change. Spike staring awkwardly at Whimsey.

"(Come-on Spike, do not fall for another dragon!)"

As the day went on, Twilight & Whimsey had finished their study.

"Alright, I'm finally done with my research, come-on Spike, let's head back....Spike?"

*Snore* *Snore* *Snore* Gimme Moore* *Snore*

"Huh, well we are in a cave. Whimsey, could you watch Spike?"

"Okay, have a good night Twilight Sparkle, I'll be bringing Spike with me 1st thing in the morning."

"Glad to hear, make sure he's safe."

What? You want a sleeping baby dragon to slip off of her back while she's flying down the mountains? Spike shared the bed with Whimsey.

"Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bug yah." She whispered.

"Gna...don't fall for another dragon, you like ponies...nya mya...*snore*"

"Don't fall for another dragon?" She said to herself.

Whimsey then lied on her back, and looked up to the ceiling.

"(Wonder if I can have my very own baby like Twilight has.)" She then looked at the clock.

*Snore* "Whimsey is so cute...no, Spike, you love Rarity's blue eyes, not Whimsey's...nyum num...*snore*"

(He likes me? I knew it, I really do have the cutest bluest eyes, wait, I really shouldn't kiss him, but...)" Then without thinking to lower her voice..."THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO GUYS HERE!!!"


"Oh, Spike...sorry if I startled yah."

"No problem...wait, why are we in bed together?"

"You fell asleep, and I guess Twilight didn't want to carry a sleeping child her back."


"Yeah, we'll be down there in Ponyville 1st thing in the morning."

" *Yawn!* Oh, that's good to know, so what were you yelling about? No guys or something?"

"Yes, no drakes, no stallions, not even a creature of the male gender! What?! Are they all magical lesbian spawn?"

"Some theorize that each stallions do the same thing the G1 stallions do, migrate and then come back once a year before migrating again."

"Bullshit! E-excuse my language Spike."

"It's fine Whimsey, my friend says it a lot."


"Achoo!" Went Rainbow Dash.

"Oh Spike, I wish at least one guy could live here in this land, at least one!" She complained.

"Well, maybe I could live here once I'm all grown up."

"You really feel like living here?"

"Yeah, the ponies all stared at me because they have never seen a male in their life before. I can begin making that Ponyville a co-ed society."

"I like the way you think, maybe you could even find a gal your age."

"Oh-no, ever since I came here, I..."

"You were considering me?"

"How did you..."

"You talk in your sleep."

Spike then darted his eyes away.

"Oh, then you heard me talk about...you?"

"Yes, but are you okay with older ladies?"

"Yeah, I've been in love with one for years, but she'd never look my way for some reason."

"Well, the fact that you're a sweet guy makes me look your way."

"You really think so?"

"I'm sure about it..."

Spike was about to go in for a kiss, but a claw was put to his lips.

"Grow-up into a handsome drake 1st, alright?"

"Heh heh, okay." Then they hugged.

So as the years went on, Spike became an adult, and finally decided that it was not time for him to return to Whimsey Weatherbe. His friends approved of this choice. Though Twilight was having trouble letting go of his foot, but everyone helped ease her pain. So Spike flew back to the one waiting for her. When he returned the ponies welcomed him with open hooves, and Spike moved in with Whimsey. Though they did have to move to a much bigger cave which fortunately was closer to Ponyville because Whimsey was in heat when he came back and they needed the big space for kids.

"Not a very good story, but hey, at least Spike doesn't have any competition when he goes to G3.5, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO DICKS IN G3.5...wait a minute...no guys? A land of only women waiting to feel the warm seed of a guy? Aw-man, I want that kind of kingdom!"

"Bring the next letter while we beat-up fappy Brak." Said Trixie.

"No wait, have mercy!"

Ch.38: I'm Great With Doggies.

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"Next is...Zippoorwhill?"

"Her cutiemark are dog paw prints, you know what that means don't you?" Asked Luna with a smile.

"It's time for Spike the dog to make an appearance!"

"Open the portal to that version of Canterlot!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! OOF! I Fall and land on my wallet! Anyways, let's see what's going on Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah, heyayay, what's going on? Deez nuts of course! Hahaha, okay, enough of my schtick, so Spike the Dog was being given to human Zippoorwhill for the week.

"Think you can keep an eye on my Spike?"

"Why yes, you can trust me Twilight Sparkle."

"Okay, come-on girls, let's stop The Gourd & Timber the Dark Shard from killing Ed Edd 'n' Eddy!" Then off they ran to the bus to help them reach the Cul-de-sac.

"Oh, you're such a cutie wootie." She cooed while holding him in one arm and petting his head with the other.

"Heh, why thank you."

"I love how you're a talking dog."

"Thanks again."

Then they walked back to her house and she brought all of the dog stuff Twilight had in as well.

"Hey Zippoorwhill honey, you really think you can take care of a dog?" Asked Pegasus Dad.

"Yes daddy, and after Twilight comes home, I'll be ready for my own dog." She bragged.

"We'll just see Zipporwhill, we'll just see." Then Pegasus Dad walked up the stairs.

Yeah, apparently Pegasus Dad is his name in the script of Filli Vanilli, what?

"So I suppose your mom is Pegasus Mom?" Hey, how did Spike know I was going to make that joke?


" *Giggle* "

"Yeah their names are pretty funny when you hear them."

"I know right?"

Spike and Zippoorwhill sat on the couch watching Ben 10,000 Meets 7th Hokage, a crossover movie meaning it isn't canon, and The Last Naruto the Movie is the last movie starring Naruto that is because Boruto is starring his son.

"Wow, Naruto is very good with aliens." commented Spike.

"Hey, after teaming-up with Goku, then Superman & Martian Man Hunter, Duck Dodgers, Yoda, Men in Black, E.T. Pet Alien, of course he's good with aliens." She said while one hand was on Spike's head.

"Whoa Kurama & Way Big teaming-up! So awesome!" Spike barked while getting-up.

"Okay, okay, calm down Spi...Whoa, Way Big grabbed 2 tailed beast bombs & slam dunked them onto the enemy! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

Then Spike & Zippoorwhill jumped in excitement!

*Rumble* *Girlgul*

"Looks like some doggy is hungry."

Then she paused the movie and went to the kitchen to get the food & water ready, and when she returned, she had a bowl full of kibbles & bits and a bowl of water for him.

"Here you go Spike."

"Thanks Zippoorwhill." He said while wagging his tail.

What the? Why are they looking at the win...


"Get my gun!"

Crap, time for me to run! I'm outta here! So I hide behind a building in the city.

"Alright, I think he's gone."

"Thank you daddy." Then she kissed Pegasus Dad...God dammit that is not a name, just like how Weegee is not a kid's name!

"You're welcome Zippoorwhill, also it'll be 9 in 15 minutes, after that, bed."

"Okay daddy."

Then after the movie was over...

"That was a good movie." Then she got-up to let Spike go to the bathroom in the backyard.

Then after Spike cam back, she took him up to her room.

" *Yawn* It's been a good 1st day Zippoorwhill, hope your dad gives you a doggy one day."

"Yeah, now for your good night kiss..."

"Aww, thank you Zippoorwhill."

Then she put her lips on Spike's snout, but didn't let go...

"(Umm...Okay Zippy, you can let go now.)" He struggled to let go.

"Here's the reason why I want a dog!"


Then she began stroking the little part down there!

"No, let go of me, or I'll scream..."

Then Zippoorwhill gags his mouth with her blanket...you know what's gonna happen next right?

"Dang, raped by another human girl!" Said Brak.

"No comment." Said Trixie.

"It's always the sweet ones isn't it?" Said Luna.

Ch.39: The Sweety from Apploosa!

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"Next is...Bailey Sweet from Appleloosa. No wait, since this is the R63 Braeburn, then I gotta do it right, *inhale* APPLOO*Gag*Shu"

"Idiot, my sister is planning to cancel the whole thing if we aren't quiet, so shut-up!"

"Bogus, just start the story, also your sister is a B-I-T-C-H, put it together, and we get Bit..."

*Bitch slap!*

Spike was on the train to Apploosa to assist with what had happened since Troubleshoes was relieved of all charges.

"WELCOME TO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The golden mare's voice echoed throughout the desert. "Well, well, well, howdy Spike, what brings you here little feller?"

"I came to see how Troubleshoes is doing."

"Well, despite a few things being broken by accidente, he's been pretty fine, though there have been a few near death experiences from laughing so much & so hard at him."


"Hahahahahahaha! Hack!"

"At least the docs get lotsa work from dealing with the ponies & buffaloes almost dying from laughter."

"Good to know."

"He should be the 3rd option, Guillotine, Gallos, and Gaggin' on laughter."

Then they began snorting.

"Good one, well I'll be leaving once the next train to Ponyville arrives, maybe we can hang out for a while?" Spike asked.

"Sweet, just like mah name, come-on Spike, I was just heading to practice mah performance at the next rodeo, I gotta get back in shape after my leg healed."

"Great plan."

So Spike sat somewhere with the buffalo behind the fence to watch Bailey's practice.

"Dang, I just love it when she's sweating, her heavy breathing and shaking off of the sweat is just so hot." Mumbled one buffalo.

"I know, what about when she's doing that one event with the rope? Don't you just wanna do some bondage play?"

"Yeah she's so good with it!"

Then both Buffalo began laughing...until their girlfriends pinched their ears and went back to their tribe.

"(Oh-no, after they said that, now I'm gonna look at her differently aren't I?)"

Spike watched as Bailey got even sweatier as she trained hard for the next rodeo, seeing sweat begin to drip from her body, watching Baily fan herself with her hat, her panting from hard work was making it even worse for Spike, he couldn't get the thoughts from those buffalo out of his mind as his jaw slowly fell and began drooling. He didn't want to leave because he'd look like a jerk, he tried to think of things that'll calm down his twin towers, but nothing worked.


"Sounds like the train little feller."

"What? O-oh yeah, better go, see you later."

"Wait, want a ride on my back?" She offered while walking closer.

"No, I'll run."

"No, I insist." She then picked up her pace.

"It's fine!" Then he began running!

Then Spike began doing Sonic's Spindash to speed faster to the train station, then he reformed to his regular self while still being pursued.

"Hey, why are you running from me?!" She then began getting annoyed.

"I just need to get to the station that's all."

"Which is why I'm trying to get you there faster!"

"No, you need to train."

"A few minutes wont hurt, just let me help."

Then Spike rushed into the train door, which quickly closed!

"Hey you tiny bastard, know I'm gonna get you on the next train! Mark my words!" She yelled.

Spike swept his brow. "Phew!" He whistled. "I'm safe, for now. *Gulp*"

Hours later...

Spike barricaded the door, and boarded up the windows.

"Alright, now that she isn't trying to kill me."

But he forgot his fireplace.

"There you are!"


"Why were you runnin' from..." Then she saw the peaking twins. "...I turned yah on didn't I?"

"Yes." Then Spike looked down ashamed.

"It's fine, in fact, I'm flattered."


"Yeah, I know I have admirers, but dem cowards don't wanna confess to me. Also, good work on the barricade, complete privacy."

"Yeah, just the 2 of us" Spike then darted his eyes away, fake smiling, because he's not ready for adult things!

She was about to kiss him, but Bailey took off her hat so the audience couldn't see it, I hate that, don't you?

"Hey Omnifox, just so you know, Bailey Sweet isn't the only member of the Apple Family being featured in this volume." Brak said.

"Hey, don't tell them that, they're in the middle of saving who ever they need to save."

Meanwhile in the top floor of Anna's Hotel...

"Shoova, decule vala! Essence of rage, enter the cauldron! Vedo, nahstuj, velgea! Essence of hatred, enter the cauldron! Gyiolf Wequisck meshiguy vagan! Essence of malicious, enter the cauldron! Sheruuoo, M'graevihn! Essence of madness, enter the cauldron! Kuzsharr, marata, galtum! Essence of viciousness, enter the cauldron! Hortah-meru, gravutrock fidsuma lovalf! Wishes of the end, enter the cauldron!"


"AH!" Wazete grunted.

"Wazete, you okay?" Asked Blood Brandy.

"Yeah, I just feel a sharp pain."

"Good to hear it."

Ch.40: Now This is Going to be a Weird One.

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"Next is...Tina."

"You mean that blue bird Spike fist bumped with in the comic books?" Asked Luna.

"Wow, are we running out of ideas?" Asked Trixie.

Then all 3 thought about it while the story began.

Spike was running through the Everfree forest, gleefully having a spring in his step, while his friend Tina, was flying beside him. Then Spike stopped at a high ledge.

"*Tweet* *Chirp* *Tweet* Spike, why are you so full of energy today?"

"I don't know, my body just feels that way Tina."

You know what I said in the Greta chapter's notes right? I Spike has a close bond with birds. One day he asked Fluttershy if he could help him learn to speak with birds, and he became a natural at it.

"Tina, it feels like such a good day today."

"I know, I wanna sing high to the sky." Tina agreed.

"May if I join you?"

"Of course friend!"

Then they began singing a high note, but that's when they angered a goblin!

"Hey! Cut that shit out! I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Go for the eyes Tina!"

"Hell yeah!"


Then the blinded goblin ran off a cliff!

"That was awesome Tina!"

"I'll gladly peck the eyes outta anyone for you Spike, even Rarity, no really, if you want me to eat her eyes, I'll do it! She must have horrible taste in guys if she can't see your affection!"

"Maybe later, but for now, I just wanna enjoy this day."

"You'll give me the word when I can right?"

"Of course Tina."

So Spike & Tina continued their day together, Tina blinded many goblins in the Everfree Forest, which then incurred the wrath of the Goblin King, but Spike & Tina worked together to claw out an eye each! You know, there's something about her name... Tina is a bird, Mina is a dragon....Tina, Mina, Tina, Mina, Tina, Mina, is it only a coincidence that Spike would make friends with female characters in the comic books that have 'ina' before the 1st letter in their 4 letter name? Can someone have a theory of that? Wait what am I doing? We're completely off topic like Dan vs the Animal Shelter! Anyways, Spike & Tina played and played in the forest that might kill them, then again, they haven't found a predator who doesn't rely on sight yet, so I guess they're fina, I mean fine! Soon, it the sun began to set.

"Aww, the sun's going down."

"I'll take you back Spike."

"Thank you Mina, I-I mean Tina."

"No problem."

Soon, Spike made it out of the Everfree Forest.

"See yah later Tina." Then he kissed her cheek, making her blush. "I had a great time today, hope to see you again!" He said as he was walking home.

"I think Over the Garden Wall fans are jumping outta their seats now." She said while still blushing.

"Dang, who knew even Spike would be the one to be the Zoophile?" Said Brak.

"Well, for some reason it's mostly human woman getting some from the handsome furry guy, not a lot of human man giving it to furry girl." Luna said.

"Yeah, why can't Trahzo find a picture online where an anthro pet is being given some extra special love by 'her' male human master?" Asked Trixie.

Meanwhile at Anna's Hotel.

"I shall avenge all of the troops you killed years ago Veetrix!"

"Oh go suck a flower, bug! You tried taking over my city, but I stopped you!"

Ch.40.5: Veetrix vs Saneve!

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Veetrix took the 1st shot! But Saneve's armor was...


"What the? What did you do?" He asked while his upper half was stuck in the floor.

"Weight Barrel! Makes you twice as heavy! Now, switch to Flame Barrel!" Then his gun began shooting a torrent of flame all over the giant armored butterfly.

"Aaaaaaaah! That really hurts!" Then Saneve slipped out of his armor!

"Eww, he's naked!" Said Pinkamena.

"Shut-up you living glob of glue!" Saneve shouted, but that split second let his guard down as Veetrix threw a grenade!


"There, that should...wait, why isn't there a huge corpse at my feet?"

Then as the smoke cleared...

"What the?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Saneve laughed. "Just in case you're confused, this is what happened!"


"I saw your grenade coming and then used my titanium flesh ability to make my entire body hard as titanium!"

"So, it's just like CP9's Iron Body?"

"What? No! See? I can still move while using Titanium Flesh!"

"Lucci does that!" They all said.

"What?! Damn it, sorry everyone but I'm not at the Luffy vs Lucci fight yet!"

"You're that behind on One Piece?"

"Hey, that's only for Toonami's eng dub, as for the japanese dub, I'm always updated!" He explained, but then was hit in the wing by a dart! "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"


"What was that?"

"Numbing dart! You can't fly anymore!"

"Okay, now take this!" Then he generated tornadoes in this hands. "Vacuum blast!" Then twin spiraling winds were shot at Veetrix.

"Barrier Barrel!" Then she fired a shield, blocking the attack! "Now, switch, dragun barrel!" Then when he pulled the trigger the barrel tried to slash Saneve, but Saneve used Titanium body again!

"Here I come, wind edge!" Then he tried slicing Veetrix with a karate chop! But Veetrix caught his arm, and judo threw Saneve over his head!

"Water Barrel!" Then he drenched Saneve in water!"

Saneve's wings were all wet and dripping!

"Blade Barrel!" Then his gun became a gun sword! Then he cut off the wings of the giant butterfly!

"Ah! You jerk! I can't fly anymore, without those wings, I'm just butter!" Then he actually turned into butter!

"Okay, this is getting really weird!" Said Ember God Queheran Discordia.

Then Veetrix, returned to the flame barrel!

"Nooooooooooo! How was I beaten so easily? Maybe I shouldn't have talked a lot & focused on the fi.....*blubber* *blubber*

"Yeah! Don't mess with the gun!" Said Veetrix, as he raised his weapon in the head. "Let's forge on ahead!"

Then, once they make it to the next floor...

"Eww...this floor is slippery!" Said Black Kirin!

"Hey, don't you dare make fun of my room!" Said the huge slime standing before them!

"A slime? let me take care of this!" Omnifox said!

Omnifox tried to evaporate the monster, but nothing happned!

"Get back, this thing is living liquid, my shocks should kill it!" Then Black Kirin tried to shock the creature, but it was still okay.

"If you guys can't beat it, then how about you let a god handle this?" Said Ember God Queheran Discordia.

"Ha ha ha! What can a Sonic the Hedgehog OC do to me?"

"Lots, especially a god!"

Ch.41:Limestone Marbles.

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"Next is...Limetone Pie & Marble Pie?"

"Well, Trahzo sent this letter saying he cannot imagine having them in a separate chapter, so that's why they are sharing Spike in this chapter." Trixie explained. "You may now begin the story."

Pinkie Pie was so angry at Spike for what he had done to the map version of her parent's rock farm. So, as payback, he was to show her sisters Limestone & Marble Pie around Ponyville because she has to babysit while the Cakes are in Canterlot delivering a huge order of assorted pies, cakes, and ice cream.

"*sigh* (Why do I need to do this? I keep on telling her I didn't mean to do it, and it wasn't even the real version her parent's rock farm.)" Spike thought.

Spike was at the Train Station, waiting for the 2 sisters to appear. He then looked at where the Golden Oaks Library used to be.

"Wow, such beautiful flowers replaced where our old home once was, I should put in a do not touch sign, it wont feel right disturbing the peace that was made there." He said to himself. "Alright, 12:30 AM, the train should be here right about...


"Bwah!" Spike jumped, he turned to see 2 mares with Pinkamena style manes. "Where did you 2 come from?"

"Pinkie, our sister teleported us here." The light mare with dark grey mane, and purple eyes explained briefly.

"Had any luggage with you?"

"Oh don't worry, Pinkie sent those to our guest rooms in the castle." The mare with a light blue light purple coat, I have no idea what that shade is. Well, she also had yellow eyes & grey mane.

"Oh, that's good to know, I don't have to do any heavy lifting. So hi, I'm Spike, I'll be your guide." Spike said while holding out his claw.

"I'm Marble Pie." Said the yellow eyed one.

"Limestone." The purple eyed one said.

"Huh, when Pinkie said our guide would be a dragon, I though you'd be a huge guy." Said Limestone.

"Me too." Said Marble.

"Yeah, when my friends talk about me to their friends & family, they fall under that impression, don't worry."

"You know...you look like that cute little dragon at the Equestria Games." Said Marble.

"Yes I am."

"Ooh, so a hero is leading us around huh?" Said Limestone.

"That's pretty cool, you're pretty cool." Said Marble.

"Heh, stop you're making me blush." Spike then began rubbing the back of his head.

"That is co cute." They both said.

"O-oh come-on, let's just begin the tour."

"Whatever you say hero." They agreed.

So they began the tour, Spike blushed the whole time because the sisters kept on holding him, petting him, giving him unnecessary praise. He really enjoyed it, he thought that he'd be able to give a simple tour, but no they keep on making him blush. Then suddenly...

"Hey Rumble."

"Oh-no, not you to!" Said Rumble.

"Where's your babysitters Flitter & Cloudchaser?"

"I'm trying to avoid them right now, Spike, get away from those 2 mares now, or else! Having an adult harem at age 10 isn't all it's cracked up to b..urk!"

"There you are Rumble lumble!" Said Flitter while nuzzling him.

"Come-on, the white balloons are waiting." Said Cloud Chaser.

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Please don't!" Then Rumble turned to Spike. "They aren't holding you down, run now!"

Spike looked to his left, then to his right...

"Uh...10 second head start?"

"Okay." They agreed.

Then Spike booked it for the castle! The sisters kept on popping up from under rocks! Spike then finally escaped, and locked the doors of the castle.

"Phew! That was..." Then Spike turned around. "...AAAAAAAAAH!!!"

"If you're wondering how, it was Pinkie." Said Marble

"Her only request was to name our babies after her." Said Limestone.

"We also got some spare white balloons from Flitter & Cloud Chaser."

Then Spike covered down there with with his claws as the 2 of them began giggling.

Yeah, I couldn't think of any after thoughts for Brak, Luna, and Trixie, I'll just see you in the next chapter.

Ch.42:And Blood Brandy Thought I'd Really Leave These Girls Out!

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"Next is...Garbledina's Gang, and this is a sequel to the Garbledina chapter."

"Really?" Asked Trixie with no amusement.

"Yeah, I mean if the Prim Hemline chapter is a sequel to the Harshwhinny Chapter in another volume, and Deezutra's story is the sequel to the Pinkie Pie chapter in another previous chapter, Then R63 Spot & Fido are gonna become the sequel to the Spike x Rova story, and since the Fluffle Puff chapter in this volume is getting a sequel, why not?" Said Luna while making a jontron face.

"Wow, that is weird." Said Brak. "Begin now."

After what went down in the wrestling cave's bathroom, Garbledina wanted her friends to get a piece of Spike as well. So now, Spike's life in the castle, is a life with concubines. Though for Twilight, she thinks she can manipulate Spike's swag to gather an army of dragons, one day Twilight received a letter from Princess Celestia for a big week long meeting regarding something that includes the deliberation of all the leaders of Equestria plus Cherry Jubilee, yeah wasn't that strange in Equestria Games? I mean, how did Cherry Jubilee, the owner of a cherry orchard get her own VIP seat, yet the Elements of Harmony don't? Betcha she was filling in for the real leader of Dodge Junction. Anyways, Twilight felt she may need some muscle, and what muscle is better than a dragon? So she & Garbledina head off to this meeting while Spike & the other 5: Beff(R63 Baff), Pat(R63 Clump), Dart(R63 Spear), Fizzelle(R63 Fizzle), and Vixen(R63 Vex) stayed behind. Spike didn't really enjoy that idea, because...well after watching Rosario + Vampire, he's realized that soon he has to make a choice on who he'll marry.

"(Why did I have to get a harem? I was hoping I'd get one girl but no!)" He thought while in the bath.

"What's wrong Spike?" Asked Pat, the Brown dragoness.

"Whoa! Hey Patty, what are you doing here?"

"I felt like joining you in the bath."

"No, I'm fine."

She didn't listen and got in the huge bathtub, and her...girth caused the water to come out of the tub.

"And there goes my rubber ducky & Toy boat." Said Spike.

"Don't worry kid, we can 'play' in the tub for a whole 7 hours." Pat said seductively.

What? Fat chicks need love also you know, umm....hey Quagmire, could you come over here?

"Hey, what do you need?" Asked Glenn Quagmire walking over.

Could you explain to them why fat chicks need love as well?

"Yeah, it's true. You can whore yourself out for 1000's of fat & really fat chicks, they need the love you know."

Is that why you were with that fat chick in 'And then there were fewer'?

"Shut-up, shut the fucking hell up! I don't want anyone to mention her again!"

"Hey Quagmire, your fatty girlfriend had flowers on her undies!" Peter called out.

"PETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!" Then Quagmire began chasing after Peter & Brian.

Wow, that was weird. After Spike's 7 hour bubble bath, what they hell? Why 7 hours? Does lots of filth really get stuck in between those scales? Any who, Spike then walked down Ponyville with a shopping list in one claw, and Vixen's claw, in the other. Vixen was the purple dragoness with the big lower jaw.

"Mommy, I want to meet the dragon girls." Asked a filly.

"Maybe, but only if you mind your manners." The Mom replied.

"Wow, you think these girls wanna be friends?" Asked a Stallion.

"I guess so if they're with Spike." Replied his brother.

"Hey, this isn't lasagna you idiot!" Yelled an angry Stallion to a store clerk.

"They're staring at us." Said Vixen.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure Pinkie will throw you girls a party for being new citizens of the town, everypony will welcome you soon, don't worry about it." Spike assure her.

" *Smooch* Thanks Spike."

"No problem, anything for you and the girls." He said with a tsundere face.

"Dang, get some Spike!" commented Featherweight.

"Shut-up please."

Later that night...

Spike & Dart, the purple dragoness with blonde hair covering her eyes were listening to Vinyl & Octavia's concert. Banging heads to the music.

"Woo! Great that you & I came, this is amazing!" Spike said.

"Yeah, a fusion of Cello & Dubstep, who knew it'd be this awesome?" Replied Dart.

"Exactly, what other fusions do you think music can do?"

"Well, Trahzo the author is hoping for a fusion of Heavy Metal & Videogame Music."

"Oh, I hope that actually happens!" Spike said, while everyone was fist pumping. " *Gasp*Look at that dude!"

Then they saw their faces on the jumbotron.

"Why are our faces on the..." Then it turned into a kiss cam. "What the? I thought only baseball had kiss cams!"

"That is very weird man." Said Dart.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The audience chanted.

"Guess we better give 'em what they want." Then Spike took Dart by her cheeks & then kissed her.

Then everyone went d'aww, then they began running away in fear when it was time for Dethklok to begin their concert.

The Next day...

"I love the feeling of lava on my scales in the afternoon." Said Beff.

"It feels so warm." Spike said. "Shouldn't we tell some pony about the volcano in the outskirts of Apploosa?"

"Don't worry, I've been to this volcano for years, this volcano has never erupted, if it wont now, then it wont for years." Beff assured Spike.

"Well, if you say so." Spike then went to an edge, then cannon balled into the lava, making a splash, which got in Beff's face. Then Beff gave Spike a 10 out of Deez Nuts, okay fine, Ben10 outta Kevin11! Okay, okay, okay, 10 out of lasagna.

"Author, would you quit the shtick and just say 10 outta 10?"

*Slap!* Get lost Pinkie Pie!

"Nice one Spike."

"Thanks Beff." Then Spike swan towards Beff and was around one of her arms. "*sigh* I love you for bringing me here, it was very fun."


"Umm...what was that?"

"Nothing." She said.

The next day...

Now, for my favorite of the R63 dragons, Fizzelle! Oh yeah! Fizzelle had the best body outta her friends, a little on the shy side, she managed to help Fluttershy destroy her fear of dragons because of their similar shy status. She was in fact the Marie Kanker of the group, the only hot one!

"Hey!" The other 5 wined.

H-how did they know I was here................PINKIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!

"No, It was me! Peter Griffin! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Okay, anyways. Spike was being carried by Fizzelle, and Spike really liked it. Spike nuzzled her even.

"*Giggle* A little friendly, aren't we Spike?"

"Sorry, it's just that, you're so beautiful!" Spike then embraced her, squishing her huge chest to his face. "Hmph, Hmph, I love your body, so sexy!"

"Heh, oh stop, I'm not that sexy."

"Hey, some of the girls got the ass, then some got the tits, but you Fizzelle, you've got both!" Spike then began fondling her chest.

"Oh, Spike! Not now, not until we get to your bedroom." She said.

"Sorry, I just wanna get into you right now!"

"Well, the others wont be back until later...guess we can get kinky in the hallway, if you're fine with it, I guess I'm okay with it also."


Then Fizzelle got on her knees to begin the foreplay, in the hallway, hey that rhymes.

The Next Day...

Spike was walking down the hallway thinking about all that had happened in this week. Could he choose just one of them? Why can't he be greedy and claim them all? It's not like it's illegal in the dragon community, I mean it is hoarding right? Wife hoarding that is...Spike entered the media room where the girls were watching a romance anime.

"Spike!" They all said with smiles.

"Hey girls." Spike said with a caring smile.

All the girls flew to Spike, picked him up, and hugged him.

"(Hmm...maybe I should hoard them...yes, for now on, these girls, will be my hoard.)"

"*Sniff!* *Sniff!*"

"What's wrong Brak?"

"It's just that, the author's annoying Step-Grandparents are coming home from their vacation!"

"Dammit! Now his Step-Granny shall nag him to no end about being on the TV, Videogames, and Computer all day again, driving him to cut his own back hand with a sharpened pencil! He doesn't want to give the 3DS during the school week! He doesn't want to be yelled at, he doesn't give 2 shits if he's only a little deaf! He hates the constant yelling, and nagging!!! That's not even the end of the shit he has when they're at home, he now has to share a room with his step-brother again, meaning that the WIIU on his TV will be replaced by XBOX, which he really really hates! You know something else? A lot of times during meals, she'll FUCKING Nag as well, which makes the author so angry that he speed eats, causing him to burn his mouth & get fat, you should see what he's like right now! He gets so annoyed at her that it makes him punch the wall of his bedroom real hard during the night!HE DOESN'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU EXPLAIN HOW IT'S DONE!!! HE DOESN'T WANT TO MOTHERFUCKING HEAR IT!!!" Luna explained

"Dammit, our author's freedom is now limited by reality's idiots!" Trixie said.

"Hey knows the world doesn't revolve around him, but please shut up bitch! He wishes he could say that! He even plans on flipping his family off one day as he drives his moving van!"

"On the bright side his suffering is coming to an end because he's going to attend community college, so after college, he can move out, and finally be away from them."

"Didn't his step-mom say to get married 1st?"

"He will not listen to that!"

Ch.43:Those Are Some Hard Knuckles.

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"Next is...Brass Knuckles? Ooh, I got some!"

"No, not the weapon Brass Knuckles, the R63 Iron Will named Brass Knuckles...Spikerulez302, please do not sue us!"

"Why do I feel someone is gonna sue us?"

"If someone does, then they're gonna feel my knuckles, which are hard as brass!" The pink minotaur cow said while walking with Spike.

Brass Knuckle, the female minotaur is on a week + weekend break from her inspirational seminars. She decided to visit Fluttershy, but Fluttershy received a from Tree Hugger about the Breezies being in trouble and they'll only listen to her.

"Sorry Fluttershy couldn't make it." Spike told her. "The Breezies really needed her help."

"I understand, trying to help them little creatures is what she does, but in my opinion, I'd like to see them do stuff for themselves!" Brass Knuckles said while tightening her knuckles.

"Please don't go Super Saiyan Hulk on us, the town wont be able to survive it!"

"Hah, good one little man." Then she patted him on the back.


"Oh, sorry, forgot about my mighty strength."

"*Wheeze* It's okay, *wheeze* my lungs & voice box will find their way back to their appropriate places."

"Good to know." Then she made extra special care not, to hurt Spike while she pet him in the spines.

Spike then began purring.

"What the? That's never happened before."

"That was cute." She commented.

"It is not! I hate when I'm being treated like a pet, well as a dragon, but as a dog I guess I'm fine."

"Yeah, look how embarrassed you are, you're a searing shade of red!" Brass Knuckles pointed out. "Kukuku, cute."

"Sh-shut-up jerk!" Spike said with tsundere.

"I know you like being called cute, so doggy, would you like a gem?" Then Brass Knuckles pulled out a gem.

"Not if you're calling me a dog! As you can plainly see, I'm a dragon!"

"Nope, she's right! You are a sniveling dog!" Said a douchey voice.


"Hey babe, after we pound on this dude, wanna get some ice cream?" Garble argued.

"Confident aren't you?"

"Heck yeah!"


Like that, Garble got to take a nice long nap on the ground, but then the nap became a nap under the ground because he got buried up to his neck in dirt. Also, to add insult to injury, painted his head to look like a soccer ball, and taped his mouth so he couldn't breath fire,

" *Groan* What happened?"

"Hey mommy soccer ball!"



"HAhahahahahaha!!! That was awesome Brass Knux!"

"Thank you, when being harassed by a jerk, show them how you work!" Brass Knuckles explained.

"Sounds like the kind of words I'll listen to friend."

"Heh, since I'm taking a break, I'll give you a discount."

"Thanks Brass Knuckles."

"So, I had an ulterior motive for coming here."


"Well, I came here to find a guy, to do something, and I was wondering since lots of guys really like Fluttershy, maybe she could help find a guy who isn't repelled by muscle girls."


"Yeah, you see my udders?"

"Yep, I do."

"Once I find that guy, I was wondering if he'd drink my milk."

Then Spike's jaw dropped like AVGN!

"Yeah, before she left on her trip, she told me, that you'd be willing to suck on my udders."

"WHAT?!" Spike said in shock.

Spike then thought back.

"(This must be her getting revenge on me for what I did to Angel, damn!)"

"So, will you?" She said while biting her lower lip.

"(Okay Spike, saying no to someone like her, is like saying 'fuck you, yah ugly piece of shit vomited from a chicken that smells like ass to' Gilda. So swallow your pride & just do it.) Sure."


Later at the castle, Spike had Brass knuckles lay down while he drank her milk from her udders, he then realized that minotuar milk tastes extraordinary, and he felt his own muscles expand by a whole centimeter. Brass Knuckles was feeling great as well, she moo'd so hard that it caused every cow in Sweet Apple Acres to jump over Princess Luna.

"Oh Spike, that felt incredible!"

"Well, that was the most weirdest thing I've ever done, but at least your milk tasted great."

"It did?" She asked.

"Yeah, mind if I can have more the next time you come back?"

"Why not squirt." Then Brass Knuckles kissed his forehead, and left.

So now, whenever Brass Knuckles would go to Ponyville, she'd have Spike in a position that looks like fellatio!

"Huh, what's that noise?" Twilight wondered. "It's coming from Spike's room." She saw the door a little bit opened. She peaked and caught them in the act, Spike on his knees, sucking on the udders of Brass Knuckles while she sat at the edge of Spike's bed. "*thud!*" Twilight fainted.

"Did you hear that?" Asked Spike.


"Alright then." Then Spike went back to sucking on Brass Knuckles' udders.

"Dang, in Spike's Gals, it was a threesome with Fluttershy, in this one, Twilight fainted while Spike sucked off her udders." Brak compared.

Then this played in the background:


"Please don't sue us Spikerulez302, you're the one who inspired our author to create this series! In a way you are his mentor! Such as how the creator of Mario is the mentor to the creator of Pokemon, and how the creator of DBZ is the mentor to the creator of Naruto!" Said Luna.

"Spikerulez302 please forgive Trahzo for killing you off twice in the series, when he saw Spike's Gals for the 1st time on Fanfiction.net, he truly believed he could make something he can be grandly proud of, and this series is that, because of you." Explained Trixie.

"Even though you'll never put the Headless Horse in your story, he'll still hope for that day because he believes in you! Thank you for listening if you're reading this."

Ch.44:When Spike Meets the Past & Present.

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"Next is...both Young Granny Smith & Old Granny Smith?"

"Sounds like our guest can explain this one." Said Luna, as she pointed to Dr.Whooves who was sipping tea with Trixie.

"Yes, I can explain how it works, you see...."

What? The story began just as the Doctor was about to explain how this time paradox works? Dammit! So yeah, the Young Granny Smith was in the kitchen making some apple pie, when suddenly...a vortex opened-up out of nowhere! Young Granny held on tight to the counter as everything was being absorbed, even some hair from her mane, tail, and coat! Then once the vortex stopped...

"What in the sam hill was that?" She said.

"Mama?!" Then Granny Smith's Son/Daughter came in, yeah we don't know if she gave birth to Applejack's mom or dad, hence the '/'.

"I'm fine youngun."

Then in the time stream, the picture of Young Granny Smith, mixed with the hair, apples, and the scream in terror! All of it then spent 10 billion years forming, even though to us it was just throughout Granny Smith's life up to this point...

Years later...

Current Granny Smith was in the middle of making Apple Pie, and she was being assisted by young adult Spike, since Apple Bloom went off to college in Manehattan.

"Sorry for asking yah to do this(not really, I just wanted a strong handsome man here with me, hee hee hee!)" Granny Smith lied.

At this point, Big Mac married Cheerilee, but the divorced, then moved in and married Cheerilee's sister Cherry Blossom, but then they had a falling out too, then he moved in with Fluttershy, but yet another falling out! Big Mac tried going out with Macareina, but it was very awkward. Then Big Mac found true love with his cousin Bailey Sweet and moved to Apploosa! With AJ left, production went way down! So Spike decided to volunteer. Every day he'd come over and help with the work, Rainbow Dash would assist too, but only if she gets one cup of cider a day, that bitch! Spike & Granny Smith became close friends.

"It's fine Granny, you let AB try to perfect her Cutiemark for art & carpentry. Though letting Big Mac move to Apploosa was a bad choice, why couldn't Bailey Sweet move here?" Asked Spike.

"Hey, I'm old! Don't argue with my wisdom! (I agree with your sleek pecks handsome!)"

"Hah! If old people are so wise, then why did Splinter give Michelangelo the most complicated weapons? Why doesn't the perverted Jiraiya or Roshi learn? Then there's also Bumi, Herbert the Pervert, Mr.Waddles why is an old guy hosting funerals? He's gonna die soon also!"

"Okay, fine! (Sorry for snapping at yah handsome.)"

That's when a time portal opened up in the middle of the kitchen!

"Ah! Again?!"

"What do you mean again?" Spike yelled while holding onto both Granny Smith and the counter, while anchoring himself down with claws!

"Back when I was a mama, when my family was out, and I was making Apple pie, a vortex opened-up to suck me-up! Guess this thing came back now that I'm old & wont matter to anyone if I died!"

"What do you mean it wont matter if you die for being old? Your family will care, your friends will care, historians will care, I'll care! So don't you give-up Granny Smith!"

Then a tear rolled down her face. "Spike, thank you."

Then the vortex disappeared again, leaving a young mare in it's place.

"Granny Smith, you okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Said a young voice.

"Huh?" Then they both looked to see...

"*Gasp* It can't be..." Said Granny Smith.

"Is....is that who I think it is?"

The mare then looked back at them.

"Ah! A dragon in my house!" The young mare then jumped onto the top of the table and held up a chair. "Don't worry old timer, I'll save you!"

"Old timer?! Young lady, I'm you from the future!" Granny Smith snapped.

"What?! Th-that can't be!"

"It's true, see this scarf?"

"We may have the same scarf, but I still don't..."

"Come with me, I'll show you where that Bonnet is in my room, and I'll show you where our swim suit is!" Then Granny Smith took young granny by the ear and walked up the stairs. "Wow, pulling your ear is actually hurting me also."

"This is so weird. (Yet, this version of Granny Smith is so very hot!)"

Meanwhile in the orchard...

"What's wrong Applejack?" Asked Rainbow Dash, I sense a young guy just called Granny Smith hot!"

"Gross! Though hey, many will have their fetishes, remember when we walked in on Pinkie while she had Cheese Sandwich, Party Favor, and Bubble Barry spray whipped cream all over her face? That was weird!"

"Especially that stallion version of her."

Now back to inside Granny Smith's room.

"See?! The same red bonnet! The same swimsuit! and that hair tie?" Then she took off her's letting her hair down. "I got it too!"

"Wow..." Then she looked at a family photo of the current Apple Family. "Am I really a great granny?"

"What?! No! All 3 of them are my grandkids."

"Really? I thought this red stallion & orange mare had this yellow filly."

"But that's just everyone's theory." Spike joked. "A game theory!"

Thanks for watching! Just kidding! Ha ha ha, suck on deez nuts man!

"Spike, quit being a comedy duo with the author and focus!"

"So, what's Ponyville like?"

"I'll show you."

"I'll go with you 2 to ward off the creeps." Spike said.

"Thanks Spike. (This is very convenient! If I play my cards right, then I can have this version of me, get it on with his dragon dicks!)"

Yeah, Granny Smith just confirmed that she ships herself with Spike! Anyways, Spike & the smiths walked around Ponyville, showing Young Granny Smith how it's grown over the years. All the guys instantly turned their heads towards Young Granny Smith.

"Wow young me, your milkshakes are definitely bringing all the boys to the yard."

"STOP!!! PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE!!! WHAT WAS THAT JOKE?!!! What the Tartarus Trahzo! What the Tartarus?" Luna complained.

"Resume." Brak announced.


"Oh, I yeah, that song didn't come out yet during your time."

"Sorry we can't have Dr.Whooves bring you back to the past, since he moved back to his human time after Cranky & Matilda's wedding."
Spike explained.

"Well, I don't mind. At least I gave birth to the pony who'd have Applejack was it? Before I ended-up in this time."

"Yeah." Spike said. "Wait, are you really okay with not being with your husband in this time?"

"I'm gonna miss him, but since I don't have a stallion anymore, I guess I can search for love again." She said. "(I bet old me is taken with him, I certainly am.)" She then thought.

"(Sweet! Now I can hit on her!)" Spike thought with perverted intent!

So after Spike & Granny Smith showed Young Granny Smith all of the changes in Ponyville, it took her only a minute to take in all of the changes.

"That was mighty amazing, something me & my family began, I love how it grew into something incredible!" Young Granny Smith said while they were walking down the fence back to Sweet Apple Acres, that's when...

"Hi Applejack." Young Granny Smith said.

"Whoa, I guess the doc was right, I'll drink less booze."

"Nope, I see them to." Spike said.

"Well, at least we got a little extra help with harvesting again...you are gonna help & not take naps right?"

"Hee hee hee! Of course grand daughter..."

"*Shiver* It feels so weird hearing that from a young mare."

"You'll get used to it." Said Spike.

Yeah, just like how everyone got used to The new castle...okay fine I'm the only one who's gotten used to the castle! Mostly because I'm pretty sure I'm the only brony is this neighborhood I'm living in. I got cool older friends who play Pokemon, watch Digimon, play smash bros. I'm sure only one of them has kids. I mean, the guy with kids even has a Pikachu edition Nintendo 64 & the Gold & Silver Pokemon Manga, and the friend with twin pitbulls has classic Pokemon on the classic game boy! I managed to impress them though when I brought my wireless Gamecube controller for a few rounds of Brawl, though I did lose a lot! Anyways...

"It might take a while to get used to it." Said Applejack.

"Hmph, I betcha all the guys in Ponyville have gotten used to it already." Said Rainbow dash.

Then Rainbow, both Smiths, and Spike began laughing while Applejack left for Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey AJ, where are you going?"

"I need lots of sugar!"

"Lemme come with you." Then Rainbow Dash & Aj were gone.

"Is that my granddaughter's boyfriend?" Asked Young Granny Smith.

"No, that's her sorta girlfriend." Granny Smith answered.

Then all 3 shared yet another laugh.

Later that night...

"So ladies, Twilight will be at the Crystal Empire for until tomorrow, so feel like letting me stay over night? I got no chores to do at home."

"You've helped me since Big Mac & Applebloom left, you're welcome here anytime!" Said Granny Smith.

"(Yes!) Thanks."

So Young Granny Smith decided to sleep in Apple bloom's room, while Spike slept in Big Mac's. Young Granny Smith woke-up and decided to go to Big Mac's room to see Spike.

"Spike, you awake?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well...I was wondering..." Then she removed her bonnet & scarf."...If we could rut?"

Spike grabbed Young Granny Smith and then put her on the bed & they began making out! His tongue sliding around her mouth, and her tongue being squeezed by his! Their mouths pressing harder & harder, as sweat came off of them & their kissing became even more passionate!

*Knock* *Knock*

The both of them saw Granny Smith standing at the door.

"Feel like letting old me join in?" <-Yes, this is a reference to That's My Boy starring Adam Sandler!


And that night featured a bizarre threesome that transcends Space & Time.

"No comment." All 3 said.

Ch.45: Chasing Clouds, Yeah That Pun Should Explain Who's next Already.

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"Next is...Cloud Chaser, the twin sister of Flitter."

"Ooh, I wonder what Trahzo's got up his sleeve for this one." Said Luna.

Spike was walking down the path, ready for a play date with Rumble. Twilight told him to go out and play with more ponies his age, and Spike obliged, he wondered who'd want to hang out and like a speeding bat mobile, Rumble asked Spike if he can come to his house to play. Spike thought of Rumble as his best kid friend. If he went to school, Spike would hang out with him more! What, you think he'd hang with Snips & Snails to be the puppy dog's tail? No! I'd smack those dumbasses, and they proved that Pinkie is the dumbass of the Humane 7 with that rap song in Rainbow Rocks! Oh, moving on, as Spike walked down, he felt something, but he disregarded it as a tiny itch. Spike stood at the front door of Thunderlane's house. He then rang the doorbell.

"Just a sec!" Said a female voice.

The door then opened, and was met with Cloud Chaser

"Hey Spike."

"Hi Cloud Chaser, is Rumble there? I promised to play with him today." Spike said while holding out his Rasengan looking ball.

"Oh yeah, Rumble told us something like that, HEY RUMBLE, SPIKE'S HERE!" She called out.

Rumble then stood at the doorway with Cloud Chaser.

"Spike, sweet! Now we can play ninjas!" He said with his Naruto headband & paper shurikens.

Then as Spike & Rumble went to Rumble's room...

"(Finally, now I can have fun.)" Cloud Chaser thought.

So after doing a reenactment of Naruto vs. Konohamaru from Naruto Blood Prison...

"Yeah! That was awesome!"

"Yeah it was." Rumble agreed.

"Oh boys, I gotcha some piping hot ramen." Flitter said.

"Thanks Flitter." Rumble said, while eating.

"Just put the bowls in the kitchen when you're done."

"Aw yeah! It's just so freaking awesome when your babysitters are here! They make us delicious snacks!" Spike complimented.

"Yeah...Spike, when you're done, you need to get out of this house right now!"

"Huh? Why's that Rumble?" He asked with worry.

Then Rumble pulled Spike's earfin to his mouth.

"There's something you do not know about Flitter & Cloudchaser!"

"What's that?"

Then the door slams open!

"Too late!"

Flitter & Cloud Chaser were in dominatrix clothing.

"Hey boys, ready for some fun tonight?" Asked Cloud Chaser.

"No! we're not, please spare him!" Rumble pleaded

"Finally, 1 each for the both us." Said Flitter, who then just grabbed Ruble and left for the living room couch.

Spike wanted to run, but his legs were frozen in fear.

"Oh yes!"

"No Cloud Chaser! Don't do this! I-I-I-I can help you & Flitter get some guys, I know a lot of the handsomest in Ponyville! I can even help you get into bed with a celebrity, I'm that connected!" Spike pleaded.

"The only one I feel like connecting in bed with, is you Spike." Then she took Spike by the front spine, and threw him to the bed. Spike got-up and tried to run, but no, Cloud Chaser held him down. "Finally, now I don't have to take turns anymore! After this, I'll be offering my babysitting services to Princess Twilight, so I can have all the fun I want with you."

"No! I'm too young!" Tears began forming

"Sorry Spike, I needed this."

"Oh yeah? I need an adult!"

"I am an adult!" Then she licked Spike's earfin.


"Well, since Spike raped someone already in this volume, I guess it's okay for Spike to be raped back." Then Brak shrugged.

"Next Letter." Said Trixie.

Ch.45.5: Baadingea vs Ember Queheran Discordia!

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The fight began with Ember Queheran Discordia rapid firing mini suns at Baadingea!

"HAHAHA!!! Your attacks have no use on my defense!"

"You sure!"

"Course I...hey what are you doing?"

Then Ember Queheran Discordia lifted Baadingea into the air and flew out of Anna's hotel! They flew out of Earth and into space!

"Aah, where are we going?"

"To the sun!"

"No, not the sun! My slime can't protect me from that!"

"Sorry, but you decided to let a god fight you, and our absolute power shall make everyone get rekt!"

Then he threw Baadingea into the sun!



Ember Queheran Discordia then returned to Anna's Hotel.

"That was quite the one sided fight." Panzerbrony joked.

"Well, when you challenge a god, it'll be the hardest fight in your life!"

"Great job Ember." Said Black Kirin.

Come on everyone, just 2 more floors!" Veetrix announced, and once they made it to the 2nd to last floor...They were met by a giant robot!

"Well, since everyone else got to fight! I guess it's finally my turn!" Said Panzerbrony.

"Greetings, the one I shall make dead in the next point 5 chapter! I am Panzerbrony! The most powerful fighter in Trahzo's army of followers! Who is it that I am addressing? I'd like to hear a the name before the death!"

"I am designated as Model-VVL8! Reatreat or there shall be trouble!" Then one of the giant robot's hands turned into a gatling gun!

Ch.46: A Blossoming Love!

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"Next is Cherry Blossom A.K.A Clover Leaf!"

"Wait, a wrestling superstar? Enter out special guest!" Said Trixie.

Then the song began playing in the background, you know which one.


"'Sup! Begin the story for the members of the Cenation reading this because they cannot see me!"

Spike was so pumped for this fight! He came to see Clover Leaf, AKA Cherry Blossom, who is also Ms. Cheerilee's comic book twin sister! He wore a shirt to show his support for Clover Leaf!

"Aw yeah! I'm so ready to see some crushing by your sister Ms. Cheerilee!"

"You & Big Mac both." Then they turned to see Big Mac in his Cloverleaf Shirt, soda drinking hat, and holding a Cloverleaf flag.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, the 1st to enter the ring..........The Boarder without a Board!"

Then everyone booed and hissed.

"Now, for his challenger before she goes on a vacation, may I introduce.......Cloverleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaf!"

Then everyone cheered for Cloverleaf!

"Yeah! You go Cloverleaf! Woo hoo!" Big Mac cheered.

"Yeah, when Cherry Blossom goes to Ponyville, can you watch her? I don't trust her with my Schmoopie."

"Yeah, anything to crush a creeper fan's perverted & dark fantasies."

"Aww...B-but what about our son? He'd be disappointed if..." Then everyone began sneezing while saying that someone must be spouting bull crapping shit!


"And the winner is...Cherry Blossom!"

Then everyone cheered.

"Thanks for supporting me & career! I promise I'll be bucking flank as soon as I return from my vacation! I love you all!"

Then the crowd roared in delight of her announcement, telling her to have fun!

The next day...

"Morning Cherry." Said Cheerilee.

"Morning Cheery." replied Cherry Blossom.

"Mor..." Big Mac poked his head back into Cheerilee's room as the twins glared at him.

"So, ready to meet Spike?"

"I've met him already."


"Yeah, he knows EVERY Celebrity!"

"You never told you 2 already met."

"Yeah, he's a good date."

"Y-you 2 dated?"

"Yeah, though after thinking it over, I was sad a little that it was a one night stand deal, though his fan mail does make me feel better that he isn't sad about it being a one night stand." Cherry explained. "I was even thinking of kissing him during our date."

Then Cheerilee closed her bedroom door.



"Schmoopy woopy pie? Are you alright?" Asked Big Mac as he put his unconscious wife on the bed. "Hmm...heh heh heh..." Then Big Mac pulled out his comb for Smarty Pants and then began combing Cheerilee's hair to look like Cherry Blossom's...I don't like where this is going, do you?


"It's great seeing you again Spike."

"It's great to see you again also champ, you were so awesome last night!" Spike complimented.

"Oh stop."

"No really, how you took down the skate boarder with no board, proves you have what it takes to defeat a dragon with your own bare hooves!"

"Oh come-on you........I said come-on."

"That'll be enough for now Cherry." Spike said, quoting Twilight.

"So, where are we going today on our 'date'?

"Don't care, every guy will put me as #1 on their kill list or worship me for spending the day with you, and then go back home to my castle!"

So, they decided to stop by the bowling alley.

"Alright, Cherry, ever went bowling before?"

"A few times, I even took on Sapphire Shores."

"Heh, I beat Prince Shining Armor."

"Really?! Me & Sapphire tied."

"Hmph, guess I'm better than you at bowling."

"Oh!" Everyone went.

"You think so huh? Okay Spike, if you beat me, then I'll give you a prize, if you lose then I get to pound on you."

"What would this prize be?"

"You'll see."

So the game began! Spike started off with a strike! Cherry Blossom with a strike as well! Spike & Cherry Blossom's epic clashed went on & on! Cherry's fans & Spike's fans visiting from the Crystal Empire were cheering for both! And it seems Pinkie Pie is gonna post this video on Youtube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo. Eventually we made it to Spike & Cherry's last turn.

"Cherry's got this!" Said a Cloverleaf fan

"Are you kidding me? If she doesn't get a strike, then she loses & Spike wins!" Said a Spike fan

"I'm planning on playing FNAF4 on Halloween night." Said that one drag queen.

Spike then focused...then he threw it! It rolled real fast into the pins and then! A strike!

"Can you beat that? No pressure."

Then Cherry Blossom threw her ball!

"Ooh, now she's gotta hit the 7-10 split in order to win this." Pinkie commented.

Then once Cherry threw her last ball...she only got the 7!

"Hmph, to see everyone's heroine, lose to everyone's hero."

"Looks like you were wrong Spike."


"This competition proved that I was unable to beat a dragon, even a baby dragon."

"Oh, well..."

"It's fine." Then she looked to her fans. "Get your cameras ready for this."

"Ready for what?"

"Spike...I'm sorry for being a one night stand, so here's your prize for beating me, and still being a good date after 2 years apart." Then Cherry Blossom kissed him, and everyone just started going OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH while snapping tons of pictures! Then when she broke the kiss...

"Wow, your lips tasted just like cherries."

"That's my lip balm. *giggle* Anyways, feel like trying again? You're a really good date."

"You really feel like trying again?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll give us a 2nd try."

Then they hugged, making everyone go aww.

Meanwhile in Big Mac's room.

"Please Shmoopy! Forgive me!" Pleaded Big Mac who was tied to the bed.

"Nope! You wanted Cloverleaf, and well, you asked for it!" Then she looked at Big Mac's crotch. "Hope you can still give me a kid after I crush these cubes!"

*Bash!* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" A girly scream echoed throughout the orchard.

"Oh, that's gotta hurt!" Brak commented.

"Yeah, but that's what you get for hitting on your spouse's sibling." Trixie added.

"Only have a 3 way if your spouse & the in-law both want it!" Luna advised.

"Betcha Twilight had a 3 way with Shining & Cadence, then once Twilight & Flash get married, she'll invite Shining Armor over, or maybe a 4 way." Brak joked. "Any fourway, get the next letter."

Ch.47: A Gale in the Night

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"Next is Nightingale, captain of the Shadowbolts, wow we're really going into the obscure aren't we?" Commented Trixie.

"Yeah, didn't think we'd put in a villain with such a small role."

Spike was in the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night.

"How did I get here?!"

Spike then saw a note on the floor.

" Dear Spike,

Let's play a game, you better find a way out of the Everfree Forest now or else!

Signed, Nightingale the Captain of the Shadowbolts."

"What the?" Spike was confused.

"Come-on Spike, let's try to remember what had happened before ending-up here."

Spike thought hard...


"Why do we need to go to the Everfree so late in the night?!" Complained Rainbow Dash.

"The story Granny Smith told me about the dark lingering will of Nightmare Moon is gonna appear at this exact time! I need all of you to help me finish this thing off." Twilight explained. "We can't let any remnant of Nightmare Moon survive or it'll take over & corrupt one of us, or worse, Princess Luna!"

"Why do I have to go?" Complained Spike.

"In case the lingering will takes over Rarity, you can destroy it!"

"So, I'm bait as well?" Complained Rarity.

"Girls quit complaining, we gotta..." Then a hoof hit her in the face!

"Twilight!" Her friends gasped.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, remember us?"

"Nightingale!" Rainbow Dash said with an angry look. "Come on everypony let's take'em down!"

And that was all he could remember.

*Flashback over!*

"Guess we lost that fight, crap! Now I got someone trying make a game of hunting me down."

Spike then searched for the path back to Ponyville.

"Twilight? Dash? Flutters? Pinkie? Rarity? AJ? Where are you girls?" He called out. "Man, it sure is spooky."

Then he jumped out of fear after hearing wind blow on a leaf.

"Oh, it's just a leaf & the wind."

He returned walking through the forest until...


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Then Spike shot a stream of fire!

What ever he bumped into jumped out of the way and was now flying!

"Don't hurt me! I'm an honest to goodness nice kid, I can make you famous since I'm so connected! Just don't kill me!" Spike pleaded.

"Hoot hoot!"

"Oh, it's just an owl." Then Spike swept the sweat off his brow. "Come-on Spike, you really gotta..." Then when he turned around. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

He got on both his knees and begged the silhouette not to kill him!

"Don't kill me, I'm living proof that not all dragons are evil & can be friends with ponies! I just wanna grow-up to live a long happy life with a wife, 2 or 3 kids and my pet phoenix Peewee!" Spike pleaded.

"..." No response

Spike had both hands locked, hoping this silhoutte would have mercy on him.

"You're doing it wrong!" Said Nightingale.

"What now?" Spike said unsure of what she meant.

"You're supposed to get down on one knee, and put both hands in a opening of a small box sort of fashion, I don't care if you don't have a ring, but that's fine." She explained.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"You said you wanted a wife and kids right? Well, I'm trying to help you propose right, now do as I say or I'll have my bot beat you up like they did to your friends."

Spike did as Nightingale said.

"Alright, now that you're doing it correctly, sure I'll help you start a family." Then she picked Spike up and they flew off to the Castle of the 2 sisters.

"Where are my friends?"

"At the castle being corrupted by my dark master's power, but hey, once they kill Celestia, Cadence, and Luna, I'll convince them spare you."

"Yay...." Spike said with fake enthusiasm.

So Spike married Nightingale, and she gave birth to 3 kids like Spike wanted, and lived a happy life even though everyone else became miserable!

"Phew, Spike dodged a bullet with that!" Brak said.

"Indeed, there was no way he could've backed out of that." Said Trixie.

"Not to mention if he did then he'd have the Nightmare 6 & the Shadowbolts to worry about, whom are actually my personal aerial acrobatics team, look outside, they're practicing right now." Luna said "Get the letter while we watch this." Luna commanded.

Ch.48:Like the Color of his Flames.

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"Another OC?" Brak questioned

"Don't worry, there's a higher Canon to OC ratio, one last OC wont be to bad, plus this one's a dragon!" Luna explained.

"Okay, so this time we got...Jade by Queencold." said Brak.

"Oh, here's a picture of her:

She looks so cute! Begin!" said Trixie.

"Goodbye." Went Jade, the green baby dragoness with horns and wings.

"No, not goodbye, it's more like a see you later. You can come over to Ponyville & visit anytime, and once you're an adult, I can show you this cave that's close so we can see each other everyday! Promise me Jade." Said a very confident Spike.

"I'll hold you to that promise Spike."

Then the 2 connected pinkie fingers & shook, and Twilight readied the teleport back to Ponyville.

"See you again Spike."

"See you soon Jade."


"He seemed pretty cute. You 2 kiss?" Joked one of Jade's siblings.

"Oh shut-up."

Years passed, Jade would visit a few times, and would play with Spike, but then as tweens they started becoming hostile towards each other, not seeing each other until they reunite to apologize at ages 15-17! Yes, all of that was the dynamic of a the childhood friends in school romance anime! Close friends in elementary school, despise each other in middle school, then forgive each other in high school. Anywyas, yeah, Spike showed Jade the cave that used to belong to Basil, until Fluttershy stared him straight! Spike & Jade would hang out either in her cave, or at his castle. Spike & Jade would have a lot fun talking, fighting evil monsters threatening the safety of Equestria, and fighting over gems! Even so, it was just a whole year, and what Spike wasn't prepared for, oh boy, you've seen mares in heat right? Well, what if a dragon was to go into an estrus cycle & you were the only dragon with no wings?! Well, let's just see...

Spike was walking through New Ponyville, yeah after the disaster of the stallion known as Hurt, the village was destroyed & then rebuilt by the citizens. The size of the village was able to accommodate Spike's current size. So yeah, Spike was minding his own business until...

"Aaaah!" Went a stallion.

"What the?"

"AAAAAAH!!!" Went another.

"Huh? What's going on? Who's in trouble?" He looked around, saw nopony until he saw a handful running for their lives from mares in heat!

"Spike, run! It's mating season & I saw Jade coming this way, and she's coming for you..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" went an earth pony stallion before getting scraped up by a pegasus mare!

"Mating season?!" Spike booked for the Everfree Forest, hoping to hide within the the tall trees.

"Phew!" Hopefully she wont cat..." Then Spike was cut off mid sentence as a gust of wind blew away the trees!

"Spike!" Jade yelled with heart eyes!

"Crap! Uh, hey look it's a boy band!"


Then Spike ran like a bitch!

"Fine, prepare for an exciting game Spike, just like back then when we were kids."

Spike hid behind a mountain.

"Spiiiiiike? Come-on I'm horny and you're the only drake I know!" She saw Spike's tail sticking out from behind a mountain. "Spiiiiike? Guess you aint here." Then she pretend stomped away.

"Phew, that was..." Then Spike bumped into Jade. "Ah!"

Spike & Jade then stared each other down, with Spike making enough sweat to make a waterfall.

"I'll give you...10 seconds to run! 10..." Then Spike began fleeing. "9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 Time's up!" Then she used her wings to rush at Spike & tackle him from behind!


"Ha ha! I gotcha!"

"That you did (DAMN!)."

"Now come with me Spike, I'm ready to give my womanhood to you." She said while dragging Spike back to his cave.

"Umm, mom, can you help me please?" Then he burped out a letter.

"Dear Spike.

Sorry, busy dealing with my own heat.

Love Princess Celestia."

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" He screamed as he was dragged all the way back to Jade's cave. "(Why couldn't Reginald have smelled her heat & take care of it?)"

Then once they made it back to Jade's cave.

"Spike, I want to have your babies!" She said while nuzzling Spike's cheek.

"Wait Jade, this isn't really you, it's the heat."

"Nah, I'm sure it's me." Then she began kissing under his chin.

"Ooh, th-that tickles."

Then soon Jade stopped kissing his chin then picked up a humongous boulder!

"What's that for?"

"To make sure you wont run away, duh!" Then she sealed the entrance. "Only way out now is to pay the toll." she said while sticking her ass at him.

"Dammit! How do I get into these situations?" Spike said as he prepared to put his baby gravy in her.

Can't think of anything for them to say.

Ch.49:Sweet, Yet Cold Hearts.

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"Next is...Nurses Sweetheart & Coldheart, oh those 2 are pretty hot! They took care of me during my visit to Ponyville, sheesh that Fluttershy can't take a joke."

"That's what you get for saying such a thing to Fluttershy in front of Bulk Biceps, Discord, Big Mac, Iron Will, and Angel Bunny." Explained Luna.

Spike was in a hospital bed, him & his friends were just in the middle of winning against another big threat! Spike fell just as Twilight & her friends banished the beast all the way back to Pluto! This epic fight resulted in Spike getting leg casts & arm casts.

"Spike, I know this is adding insult to injury...but, before we all ran off to battle against Zataxio, Rarity...promised to marry a certain stallion...heh heh heh."

Spike looked at Twilight with anger.

"Hey, on the bright side you get to be taken care of by 2 nurses..." Spike was still looking at Twilight with those angry eyes. "Okay love you, gotta go help Rarity & her fiance with their wedding plans gotta go bye!"


" *Groan!* Now I wish I was dead."

"That is no way to speak here little prince!" Said a voice that sounds like it needs a lozenge.

"Sorry Nurse Coldheart." Spike told her in sadness.

"Aw, don't be like that, Twilight ordered us to help you feel all better." Said a sweet voice.

"Thank you Nurse Sweetheart." Spike told her with a weak smile.

"Now, now Spike, I want to see a big smile on your face." Sweetheart said while tickling him.

"Cut that out Sweetheart, he needs some rest."

"Oh, my apologies, but be sure to call us when you need some assistance."

"Will do..."

A while later, Coldheart came in with lunch.

"Lunch time for Spike."

"Thanks Coldheart, now will you please feed me? I'm kinda..."

"Don't worry, I'm on it." Then she took a spoon scooped some food from the plate. "Here you go..."

"Aaaah..." Spike went as he opened his mouth.

Spike ate the food that entered his mouth, and crunched it while smiling.

"Wow, why are these gems tasting much better than other gems I've had before?"

"Because Sweetheart chose certain gems outta love."

"Liar! You picked those gems because you think he's cute." Said Nurse Redheart while walking by.

"Is it me, or is Coldheart feeling a little warm around the cheeks?" Spike joked.

""Sh-shut up and eat your lunch, I gotta go see how Nursery Rhyme is doing." Then she left the room.

"Hey wait, I can't eat because my arms are broken! Hello? Hello? Drat!" Spike went.


"Here I come Spike, sorry my colleague left you."

"Was it true about her getting me these gems because she likes me?"

"Yeah, she has trouble expressing her feelings, and her coldness is what repels many stallions." She explained.

"Wow, that is sad."

"Well, her coldness did save me from this one jerk back in highschool."


"Yeah, I used to date this guy named Teddie, but as the years went by, he started becoming worse and worse, the more other students hazed him and took his anger out on me, Coldheart saved me from him and his family moved to Manehattan to find a better environment for poor poor Teddie. I'm not angry with him for beating on me, I was angry with the students, but Coldheart told me to forget about him, but I still decided to remember him because I am a forgiving pony, but I wont forgive the students for treating Teddie wrongly."

"Wow, you're so nice Nurse Sweetheart."

" In fact, Teddie's the reason why I wanted to take care of you, I've seen how you're treated by your friends, I don't want you to become another Teddie." Then she looked at Spike with a pleading expression.

"Don't worry Sweetheart, I promise to never end up like your ex. Cross my heart & hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Sweetheart laughed then gave Spike some gems.

Later, Coldheart came in.

"You wanted to see me Spike?"

"Yes, Coldheart, do you really like-like me?"

She looked down."Yes Spike, the moment I saw you, I could feel your warmth counter my cold, and it felt so good I wanted to feel it more!" Then she looked away. "Now I bet you're going to reject my feelings aren't you?"



"Yeah Coldheart, you don't need to be so cold towards guys, I love how you've helped me while I'm recovering."

"You do?"

"Yes, you have a hidden beauty to yourself, would you mind removing your hairnet?"

"Okay Spike." Then she took off her hairnet revealing the long silky hair.

"What's wrong Spike?"

"You've probably took his breath away, don't worry, I'll take care of it." Then Sweetheart gave Spike CPR.

2 weeks passed, and Spike's limbs were back to normal, and Rarity & her stallion fiance got married and went off to a honeymoon in SanZebra where they both died of something that is not Ebola! Spike was standing outside of the hospital.

"Oh yeah, getting some from 2 nurses!" Brak commented. "I once tried asking some nurses for special treatment, and then they slapped me!"

"Probably because you're always doing what you usually do to piss everyone off." Said Trixie.

"Hey, she liked the compliment & knew it."



Ch.50: Sirens, Dazzlings, Doesn't Matter to me.

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"Next are...the Dazzlings/Sirens?"

"Those 3 talentless hacks? Ha!" Went Trixie.

"Your song is repeatedly singing one sentence over & over!" Luna remarked.

"Oh! Snipped!" Said Brak. "Ahaha!"

"Princess Celestia your highness, with all do respect, I don't think I'm appropriate to do this."

"Nonsense Spike, I'm sure you'll be able to reform these 3 (And add to some more shipping fuel) Now good luck!"

Celestia then left Spike to the mercy of the Sirens! Adagio Dazzle the yellow leader, Sonata Dusk the blue idiot, Aria Blaze the purple bitch!

"Ugh, so you're like our parole officer? What a drag." Said Aria.

"Oh I don't know, I think he's cute." Said Sonata whom then hugs Spike.

"Yeah, we're not gonna deal with you, come-on girls, let's destroy Equestria!" Adagio commanded.

"Whoop de fucking do." Aria said as she followed Adagio's lead.

"How do you expect to do that with broken gems?" Spike told them.

"Oh please, as you can see, the gems are just fine since we came back to this damned world, so now that they're back to normal, we can ruin everything!" Adagio explained.

"Wanna bet? Sing..." Spike tested.

All 3 sang, but what resulted was the sound of cats having a battle royale!

"I was right!" Spike then danced victoriously.

"Beginner's luck!" Adagio said, very annoyed.

"Too bad, but on the upside, we still get to hang out with this cutie wootie dragon." Then Sonata began squishing his cheeks.

"Alright, now come with me."

"Where are we going? As if I even cared." Aria asked.

"Geez, you really need to work on that attitude Aria Blaze."

"Talk to the hoof!"

"Moving on, come-on, let's go see the grave of Starswirl the Bearded."

"What?!" They all gasped.

"What's so alarming about him being dead? Of course he's dead, he was a unicorn, not an alicorn." Spike told them.

"Sorry, it's just that we haven't been back to Equestria in a long time, we didn't think that Starswirl would be dead." Adagio spoke.

"Well, that's the thing about time & space, going to other worlds will also warp time." Spike tried to explain. "Now come-on, let's go see him."

Later at the Canterlot Graveyard...

"Here he is." Spike pointed at the tomb, which read...

'Here lies the body of Starswirl the Bearded, a powerful & wise stallion who showed great courage, always going it alone to save us all! Staring into the face of danger to ensure our safe future! One of the greatest, maybe even best hero of all. He shall be missed.'

They then began feeling genuine sadness.

"He was a great rival." Commented Aria.

"Together, all 4 of us created many genres of music & invented many instruments." Commented Sonata. "It was fun actually."

"In a way Spike..." Then she looked up to the sky. "...Starswirl the Bearded was our best friend."

"Well, here you go girls, take a rose and place it on his grave."

All 3 took a rose and placed it on Starswirl's grave.

"Good bye forever Starswirl..." Then after paying their respects.

"That really helped cutie." Sonata told Spike.

"Yeah, I feel much better now that we've seen Starswirl." Said Adagio.

"Yeah, I feel happy."

"YOU DO?!" Gasped Sonata & Adagio.

"Yeah, I do. After thinking about our competitions with Starswirl, I feel that maybe we didn't need everyone to adore us, maybe we need to adore our selves and better ourselves. We can all better ourselves and succeed without causing other's harm, but instead offer our hoof to help." She said philosophically.

Spike, Sonata, and Adagio all had their mouths agape.

"Wow." They said astonished.

"And we have you to thank Spike." Sonata praised, then she kissed his cheek, allowing fish scales to meet dragon scales.

Spike turned bright red from this. "Come-on girls, kissing this guy is pretty fum." Sonata told them.

"It's not fum, it's fun." Adagio corrected.

"Well if you 2 agree with me, then come on."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"What? This is your reward for helping us turn away from evil." Said Adagio.

"Fair point." Spike agreed.

So Spike let them cover his entire face with blue, yellow, and purple.

"Hey, how come my color went last?" Complained Aria Blaze.

Because it went in my order from most favorite to least favorite of you 3.

"Jerk!" Aria then went back to her usual bitch mood.

Now, let's see what's been going on in Anna's Hotel.

"You all shall be eliminated for my dark master!" Said Model-VVL8 the giant robot!

"Don't worry guys, I can do this!" Assured Panzer Brony.

Chapter 50.5: Panzerbrony vs Model VVL8, Also the Truth of Wazete!

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The robot began the fight by firing Gatling lasers! They came at Panzer, but then Panzer was shielded by his tank! Panzerbrony then entered his tank and then began shooting at VVL8!

"Dang, that robot is one big target!" Said Lance Blazer. "WAIT, WHAT THE HELL?!"

"What's wrong Lance?" Asked Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000.

"I have not gained a line since tour battle! What the hell Trahzo?!"

"There, there, he just forgot about you for a while, that's why you didn't say much." Comforted Black Kirin.

"Yeah, and I'm still waiting for him to confirm my invincibi..."

"Shut-up, he has to nerf you like that because of the plot of the side-story." Explained Blood Brandy.

Model VVL8 then grabbed the tank, and put it to his face charging a mouth laser. Panzer then turned the turret to the face, and shot at the laser! It was no use, the charge was too strong, so he jumped and entered the cockpit of a fighter jet! Then he began firing bullets and dropped bombs, and then fired missiles! VVL8 then fired a chest missile at the jet, he dodged but it was a heat seeker! Panzer then flew to the back of VVL8, putting the robot in the heat seeker's path!


VVL8 then fell over!

"Yes! Now to unleash my new technique!" He announced.

"New technique?!" They all questioned.

Panzerbrony then got out of the jet & raised his arm into the air! Then his jet turned into a laser cannon!

"Take this! Hyper Jet....." Then he pulled the trigger. "FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!"

Then the head of the laser turned into a dragon head, chomping the robot before turning it to ash, and the laser was so powerful that created a giant hole in the wall!

"Umm, guys, if you would refrain from destroying the building, this is rescue mission remember?" Said one of Omnifox's vixens.

"Don't worry, tell the ladies we got this." Omnifox replied while winking.

" *giggle* Okay master."

Then, once they made it to the final floor, they saw a shaman and his cauldron...

"You! Give us back the one with the secret we don't know about!" Veetrix demanded.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! You're too late! Once I drop this pure essence of evil into this mix of savage emotions, you're all doomed once I summon this nightmarish demon to the battle!" Then the shaman dropped it in!

Then the cauldron began firing smoke upwards!


"Wazete, what's wrong?" Said Lance Blazer.

"I...I....I remember everything."

"Really? What do you remember?" Lance Blazer asked.

"That I was created to kill every last living being in the world!" Then Wazete had a sinister smile & an evil grin."


Wazete jumped back and darkness began entering him! Then giant letters spelling his name appeared! The lower case t turned to an uppercase X, the uppercase W turned to a lowercase m, the z turned into an n! Then the name rearranged itself into...

"Xeenam?" The group said.


The angel they came to know as Wazete turned to the terrifyingly powerful demon! The angel wings became demonic! His white long sleeve shirt became became a black no sleeve shirt! The fingers became claws! The human teeth sharpened and became feral. The golden eyes they were used to became red & with no pupils! And finally, he had no pants, he was wearing his briefs!

"Yes, my summoning worked! Now creature of brutality & death, end these foo..." The Shaman was then killed by Xeenam!

"Now that he's out of the way, who's up 1st to die?"

"How did this happen? I thought my uncle killed you!" Said Veetrix.

"Muahahahahahaha! Hilarious! I have no set home world! I was simultaneously thought up, and simultaneously created! Even if you kill me, my energy shall be given to every other me & empower them! Plus, even if you do kill me somehow, I'll just beat every demon out of the way so I can tear apart the gates of HELL!!! It may take a while to sync back with the other versions of me on the energy flow, but what the heck, it's worth it seeing my enemy's surprised face! You shall all die! But..." Then he looked at the reader. "I'd prefer to let the reader see how I became that faggy Wazete in chapter 60!"

Ch.51: A Fan Favorite.

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"Next is...Sugar Belle, oh snap!" Brak said.

"Oh, so she's the Fan Favorite of this chapter...well her popularity did let loose when she debuted, begin." Said Trixie.

*Crunch* *Munch* *Chew*

"Mmm...this is so good Sugar Belle."

"Thank you Spike, want some more?"

"Yes please!"

"Okay, sheesh calm down." Sugar Belle said before going back into the kitchen.

Spike was sent to...well we don't know the name of the village, so why not call it Ourtown, like the song! So anyways, Twilight sent Spike to our town to see how things were going, so he met with the friends The Mane 6 made, such as Double Diamond, Night Glider, Party Favor, and you guessed it, Sugar Belle. As soon as Spike met Sugar Belle, he wanted to taste the amazing treats Pinkie Pie mentioned to him from there adventure.

*Munch* *Crunch* *Chew*

"Oh, these are so good, that they're addicting!" Spike complimented.

"You like? I may be good back then, but after gaining some guidance from Pinkie Pie, I became much better, unleashing an even higher potential!" She bragged.

"Cool, Pinkie sure knows how to bring out the best in others I gotta tell her that once I get home! Also, how much do you want for all of the treats I have just eaten?"

"Oh, it's fine, keep eating, I'll tell you what you'll owe me."

Spike didn't stop eating until his belly was full...he laid on the ground like a lump.

"Phew, that was awesome! Ha ha ha, *inhale* *exhale* Sugar Belle? Can you help me up?"

Then Sugar Belle came in with more treats.

"Oh, no thank you Sugar Belle, I'm good."

"Oh-no, eat more!" Then she began suffing them down his throat!

*Cough!* *Gag* *Hack!*

"S-Sugar Belle?!"

Then she pulled him into her home!

"What's the meaning of this?"

"I want to be even more unique than these ponies, so if I had a husband who wasn't a pony, and a half pony hybrid! I can be more unique than any other pony! So that's why I'm fattening you up, so you don't have the energy to run, and by the time your draconic metabolism brings you back to your original shape, it'd be already to late, I'd have your baby inside me!"


"No, no, no, not in my house."

Yeah, when Sugar Belle mentioned she got some help from Pinkie, that also means help from Pinkamena as well! So after Spike became so fat that he couldn't get-up...

"Now that you cannot move anymore, my sack of sugar..." She then levitated him to her bed, and put him down gently.

"Sugar Belle, *pant* *pant* you don't need to*Exhale* *inhale* do this, there are plenty of ways to stand out!"

"But why should I reject a excellent chance like this? Now let's do it!"

*transmission lost!*

"Huh?! What happened?" Brak wondered.

"We lost the transmission!" Said Trixie. "Bow, get it back!"

*Transmission lost!*

"What's going on?" Luna wondered.

"Princess, there's something coming through.




"Hello Luna, Trixie, Brak, could you please not finish this story? I mean we all know how it ends already, with a Yandere Sugar Belle!"

"Uh...what the?"

"How do you know of our existence? Explain now!" demanded Trixie.

"Nah, I don't feel like telling you...but there is someone I want to warn you about."


"A dragon named Thorn, he wants to kill Spike so Trazho can't ship anymore, just to prevent the war of 200 ships."

"We saw Mulia get killed in a previous chapter and mentioned something about it."

"Oh Mulia Mild, don't worry we managed to revive her and are trying to get any info out of her...but she can't remember anything past a guy hiring her for her ninja skills."


"Yep, now if you'll excuse me...oh Spiiiiiiiike..."

*Transmission lost!*

"Wow, this tale has now taken a turn for the strange, I sense a story arc leading up to this War of 200 ships."

"Someone is trying to stop me from making brand new Spike ships? Oh, whom ever this Thorn is, I'll ensure you guys I'm the one who'll take him down!" I said while walking towards them.

"Trahzo, go back to your room."

"I want a soda, I'm thirsty, there's a 6 pack of Shasta in my mini fridge." Said Luna.

"Thanks." Then I take the soda and return to writing...

Chapter 52:Sterling Golden Lilies

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"Next is...Princess Sterling & Princess Gold Lily, wait but those 2 are toy exclusive alicorns!"

"And are apparently close friends with Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy." Said Trixie.

"Man, Trahzo is really going for the obscure isn't he?" Said Luna.

And you better believe it!

After the Rainbow Power defeated Tirek and everyone returned to normal, the positive power created 2 more princesses! (Actually they're more like Celestia recolors, but eh, I already shipped Spike with 2 recolors of Twilight in previous volumes, AKA her mom & Blossomforth.) The mare with a pinkish coat, wings that go from blue to pinkish, indigo eyes, pink eyeshadow, a yellow orange and blue mane, a purple & orange tail, golden shoes and crown with a purple jewel, and cutiemark that looked like a white rose with a white diamond was Princess Sterling. The mare with a golden coat, wings that go from pink to gold, the purple pink and blue mane, purple and pink tail, purple shoes and purple crown with a yellow jewel, light blue eyes, and finally the blue target looking cutiemark with 2 heart bull's eyes was Princess Gold Lily. Sterling & Gold Lily had no idea what there purpose was. (If they appeared on the show, then it'd be to make Hasbro a little extra moolah.) So they've been taking-up residence in Ponyville. Gold Lily really connected with Pinkie so she moved into Sugarcube Corner, while Sterling made a connection with Fluttershy and moved into her cottage. The 2 didn't mind one bit, they just hope if Tirek returns and destroys their homes, that their homes would be replaced with castles. (Yeah, and in my douchiest sarcastic voice so far, it's not link M.A. Larson is gonna capital on this idea to make that deniro!)! Even though Sterling & Gold Lily enjoy the respect the citizens of Ponyville give to them, there's something missing in their lives. After reading a bunch of the bed time stories that Fluttershy & Pinkie read to the kids & animals, they realized that they're missing a dragon and a knight, a dragon to capture them, and a knight to save them, but since they're not aware of stereotypes just yet, I mean come-on they've just become sentient, they don't know about the independence of women just yet. So the both of them decide to get captured, but the there were no dragons besides Spike around, and they don't see any guy who'd be perfect for the role of knight, they decide to give up.

" *groan!* " They both went.

"What's wrong Princesses?" Asked Spike.

"In every princess story, there's a villain, hero and damsel, we're supposed to be the damsel yet it doesn't look like we're in any danger, no bad guys around, and to be honest we don't think any of the stallions here are attractive." Explained. Gold Lily.

"Indeed." Agreed Sterling.

"Awwww..." Then all of the single stallions walked away throwing their presents for the princesses in the trash.

"Ouch, you just demolished the manhood of so many guys!" Then Spike grabbed them by the chins. "But cheer-up, that whole damsel in distress thing is just a stereotype."

"It is?"

"Yeah, sure Celestia & Luna mysteriously vanish from time to time, but hey, they are not useless, Celestia makes sure we are all safe, Luna makes sure we're asleep so we don't feel cranky the next day, Princess Cadence over at the Crystal Empire makes sure her citizens are safe as well, as for Twilight, she tries to make sure everyone can cherish the magic the friendship brings us." Spike explained to them. "So being independent mares isn't so bad, I know you 2 can do it."

"Spike, you're right! We don't need a a knight in shining ar..." Then they were taken away by a giant eagle! "We spoke too soon!"

"Ah! Help, someone!"


"B-but guys, this is your chance to be a hero!"

"No! Mario & Link may be able to do it, but not us."

"Celestia dammit! Okay, guess I'm going alone since Twilight and the gang are busy in the Crystal Empire..."

So Spike followed the eagle all the way to the mountains, slowly he'd walk, making sure not to alert the the giant beast! Eventually he made it to the nest, which was empty except for a few bones, feathers eggs, and princesses.

"Girls, I came to save you both." She whispered.

"Spike, get us out of here, we'd fly out but that winged demon is fast enough to catch us and bring us back here!"

"And those thick feathers seem to create some sort of magic resistant force field."

"Don't worry, I got..."



The eagle was about to peck but then Spike shot smoke in it's face, causing the eyes to tear-up! The eagle halted to blow the smoke away with it's wings and in doing so caused all 3 to fall out of the nest!

"Gold Lily, you catch Spike, I'll distract her!"


Gold Lily caught the falling dragon! Sterling was caught by the eagle's talons!

"Sterling! Gold Lily, get me close! Get me to the eagle's back!"

Gold Lily did as Spike said and dropped him onto the eagle's back!

"How's about this for fried chicken?!" Then Spike blasted fire, causing it to spread all over the eagle's feathers! The monster then let go of Sterling from the horrible pain! The eagle then ended up as a green meteor streaking at the mountain! Spike then hopped off and landed on Sterling, and they all watched as the burning eagle crash into it's nest and blow-up the mountain!

"Phew, glad we don't need to deal with that thing's babies am I right?!"


Then all 3 flew back to Ponyville.

"Thanks for saving us Spike." Said Gold Lily.

"You're welcome girls, well I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait Spike."


"Even though this a female stereotype..." Then Sterling looked at Gold Lily & they both nodded. "...We'll make the exception."

Then they both kissed Spike on both cheeks, causing Spike to blush.

"Well, bye Spike..." Then Gold Lily & Sterling go back home.

Then all of the stallions look at Spike with jealousy.


Yeah, I got nothing for after the chapter ended.

Ch.53:Not Such an Old Pony Tale as Everyone Thinks.

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"Next is...the pony of shadows? Isn't that a ghost story?"

"Oh God no!" Luna groaned.

"What's wrong Luna?" Asked Trixie.

"I thought I already taken care of every last remnant of Nightmare Moon, where is this Pony of Shadows?"

"The Castle of the 2 Sisters."

"Begin the story while I head out."

"Spike, come back!" Shouted Twilight.

Spike didn't listen, he just kept on running!

"Girls, and Mr.Goblin, after him! You stay here Rarity, we're gonna have a big talk!"

Spike ran into the Everfree Forest. After running for so long, Spike found himself walking down the path to the Castle of the 2 sisters. A while later, he made it to the castle. As he entered, he was unaware of the dark ominous presence. Spike then went to Celestia's old bedroom.

" *sigh* Why? Why didn't she pick me?! I've done so much for her, and that's what she does to me?! She says she's been dating that damn lazy Thunderlane?!" Then Spike laid down on the floor and began blasting fire our of the open ceiling! The mysterious entity then hid as she watched Spike vent out his rage! Then after Spike finished...

" *Weep!* *Weep!*"

"You poor creature, Celestia's creatures of the light sure are horrible aren't they?" The creature asked.

"Ah! Who are you, are you a ghost?"

"Ghost? No-no-no, I am the Pony of Shadows, the true last remnant of Nightmare Moon."

Spike got up, and readied himself! The only exit was being blocked by this pitch black mare with blank yellow eyes that glowed with much intimidation! Spike shot a fireball, that was streaking towards the Pony of Shadows, but the attack just went through her, doing nothing to her at all!


"Fufufu, it's cute how you think you can hurt a creature made out of pure darkness!"

"No...(It can't end here! I don't want to die!)" Spike then closed his eyes...

The Pony of Shadows then surrounded Spike with her body...but as the seconds ticked by, Spike wondered why he's still alive.

"Huh, why aren't you killing me?"

"Because, I always wanted company, and you've been coming by here lots, I wanted to talk to you but you were either with those creatures of the day, or it was day time all together." She explained. "So now that you're here at night alone...can you please just live here with me? You're just so cute!"

"Really? You think I'm cute?"

"Yeah, just by how you cower is cute, and how you survived death by this castle twice is so courageous."

"Wait, I almost died twice here?!"

"Yeah, by that comic book & by the death trap for inspiration manifestation."

"There was a death trap for that book?!"

"Yeah, but hey at least you didn't die, but if you did, then your ghost could stay here with me."

"Yeah....thanks for the reassurance." He said sarcastically.

"Spike, is it?"


"Please stay here, I'm so lonely, and I don't like your friends."

"I'm starting to not like them too."

"Yeah, just stay here! Become a creature of the night, it's fun." She told him.

"Indeed it is." Said a voice.

"Who's that?"


"Princess Luna? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be hosting?"

"Well, originally I was going to kill this remnant of Nightmare Moon, but as I flew I thought, maybe instead I'll go ride the trap door slides. Now if you will excuse me..." Then Luna left to find the trap door slides. "Weeeeeeeee! I missed this place!"


"See, even that pathetic looking version of me says to do it! Live with me & I promise you'll get all the love & respect that these lighties don't give you." Then she hugged Spike tighter.

"Sure, but on one condition Pony of Shadows."

"And what's that?"

"Will you promise to never leave my side?" She asked with a smile as bright as the moonlight.

"Sure, as long as you promise the same, I shall become your new shadow!" Then she merged with Spike's shadow, becoming his shadow. Then she emerged from the floor, and gave Spike a peck on the nose. "Aww, you're blushing, you really are super duper cute."

"(Okay, not the idea of dating I was thinking of, I mean she's literally gonna stick to me like glue, but at least I wont be alone after.)"

"Yay, isn't this great Spike? We're now living together like a married couple, which reminds me even though we don't like them, should we tell them about us?"

"Yeah...heh heh, married."

"Exactly, maybe we should do that one night." Then the Pony of Shadows nuzzled him while they sat on one of the old thrones.

"(If I could get a girl with just my mere presence, then why didn't Rari... oh forget it, besides this one in much sweeter to me.)"

"Aww, I want to go on the trap door slides! Lucky bitch." Said Brak.

"What was that?" Asked Luna.

"Oh boy."

Then Brak got beat-up by Luna!

Ch.54: The Ignored Spa Sister.

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"Next is Vera, the 3rd of the Spa pony sisters...yeah, we don't see her a lot do we?" Asked Brak.

"Yeah it's mostly her other siblings we see." Said Trixie.

"But this time, she's got the spot light, now begin the story." Luna announced.

"*Sigh* I needed this." Spike said while sitting in the spa's hot tub.

"How are you enjoying yourself little prince?" Asked Vera.

"Please do not call me that."

"Sorry Spike, it's just that, my sisters get so many costumers while I don't get as much, so being respectable to my clients makes up for my lack of them."

"Wow, just like me, getting the short end of the stick so much."

"Yeah, it sucks." She agreed.

"Well don't worry, H-hey! Aloe, Lotus."

"Yes Spike?" they said at the same time.

"Is it okay if Vera spends the day with me?"

"Sure, she's worked harder than the both of us even though we get most of the costumers..." Then they turned to Vera. "Sister, take a break, you deserve it."

"Thanks girls, and thank you Spike."

"It was nothing, now come-on, get in with me."

Vera blushed, then got in, then was surprised to see Spike had put his arm around her.

"Oh-my Spike, what are you doing?"

"Hard work probably means you've never had a guy before, and I just wanna help you."

"Um, you know maybe I better go." She got up but Spike pulled Vera back in.

"Uh, no, stay...you wouldn't want me to ask the CMC to ruin that mane of yours again, do you?"

"Ah! No, don't worry I'll relax!" Then she put the back of her head to his chest.

So, after the spa, Spike & Vera left for the castle.

"So Vera, you know I was joking about the boyfriend thing right?"

"O-oh, you were joking."

"But seriously, does work get in the way of your love life?"

"You don't know the full story Spike."

"How about we get some food at the restaurant just up ahead & talk about it."

"Great idea."

So Spike & Vera chat about how many times they've been given the short end of the stick.

"No way, so Aloe & Lotus had you take care of the Smooze?"

"Yes, and I hated every minute of it, but at least I had a happy client."

"Girl, I gotta say that is sad!"

"Not as sad as when Princess Twilight ignored you during that day off with Applejack."

"Yeah, that was pretty heartbreaking, I should've known she'd be in her read coma."

"Yeah, but even though we've been neglected by our friends at times, we still get the job done."

"Yeah!" Spike agreed

"YEAH!" Bulk Biceps was on the seat next to them.

"Bulk, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Then he ran away.

"Yeah, he's getting fired."

"Hahahahaha!" They both laughed.

"Wow, aside from that creepy prank, I'm having fun now."

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"Oh, it's fine, I actually liked the feel of your scales, maybe you could come over for a part time job, I betcha the girls would just love getting a happy ending from you, I mean I know I would."

Then Spike's jaw dropped.

"So, feel like heading to your castle so I can have my happy ending now?"

"Sure, this chapter is pretty short anyways since Trahzo's brain is burning out of ideas..." Then Spike turned to the reader. "Don't worry, even though this is his last chapter for the day, he'll be back to normal & ready to write tomorrow, also check out Spike's Gals, he's been assisting Spikerulez302 with a few chapters." Then he lifted Vera from her seat and brought her to his room for the happy ending.

"I love that kind of happy ending."



Ch.55: Rova's Friends.

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"Next is...Fluffy & Sophie, the R63 Fido & Spot."

"Diamond Dogs?" Asked Trixie.

"Yep, now begin the story."

After what happened in: 'Spike's Loyal Pet' Rova decided to call her friends Sophie & Fluffy over to have a taste of him as well.

"Wow, with all these diamond dogs you're inviting, maybe I should pay these girls as guard dogs." Twilight joked

"Hey! That night was a misunderstanding and you know it!" Spike snapped.

"Suuuuuure it was....and I certainly wont be getting dragon puppy hybrids anytime soon."

"Oh shut-up!"

Spike didn't really enjoy how his life was heading, ending-up banging a bitch by accident. Now he has to deal with the entire gang. Speaking of whom were eating their food in the kitchen like actual dogs.

"I wish I'd never become a dog back in that version of Equestria." Then Spike drank Twilight's Coffee.

"Well, fortunately for you, I'll be taking Rova with me to the Crystal Empire as muscle to listen to an important meeting for all of the leaders plus Cherry Jubilee." Twilight told him.

"Yeah, take one and I have to deal with 2, I feel muuuuuuch better Princess Twilight Sparkle." Spike sarcastically said.

" *Giggle* Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to raise me a huge army of Diamond Dogs one day."


"Oh no, I didn't say that to cheer you up, I said that to cheer me up." Then Twilight finished her breakfast, magicked a leash, and left. "See you tomorrow Spike, also come on, Rova's friends are cute." Then she closed the door.

" *Groan!* Bitch!"

"You called master?" Asked Sophie & Fluffy.

Yes, there are going to be bitch jokes in this story.

"No I didn't."

"Oh well, we finished our breakfast anyways, we we'll just sit and watch." Said Sophie while she wagged her tail.

"Yeah, just pretend we're not here while eating." said Fluffy while wagging her tail as well.

"(Trust me, I do that every time we're in the same room!)"

Spike ate his food in silence, he didn't even care or notice that Fluffy & Sophie were gone until...

"Ah!" Spike then got up from his chair. "What the fuck?!"

"Sorry master Spike, but in the middle we decided to suck your morning wood without asking."

"Oh Geez you bitches! Sophie, Fluffy, just go!"

"Sure master." Then they both licked a cheek before leaving.

"*Groan!* Why me?" Spike complained while lying his head on the table.

Yeah I feel the same in the morning too when my step granny & blood sis are awake, I hate them! Anyways Spike finished his breakfast then went to his room to play some SSB4 on the WiiU!

"HA! That's what you get for being the Duck Hunt Dog!" Spike gloated. "Yeah, suck it you stupid bitch!"

"Did you just ask us to suck it?"

"What?! N-no! Stay away I said no!"

They didn't listen...


An hour later...

"(Why again?! These bitches!)"

Then Spike decided to take a little walk after feeling that puppy love. He didn't appreciate though how they decided to tag along.

"You 2 bitches really need training!"

"Oh come-on, you loved it."

Then the citizens began making jokes.

"Hey Spike, taken your harem for a walk?" Thunderlane called out.

"Mommy, can Kelly be my girlfriend?" Asked a colt.

"No Sweetheart, you're a pony, and she's a regular dog." The colt's mother said.

"(Damn! Why?)" Spike then made it to Sugarcube Corner.

"Tut tut tut, no pets allowed." Pinkie pointed to the sign. "Just kidding, sentient creatures don't count as pets, come-on in Fluffy & Sophie."

"(If I owned this restaurant, then I'd ban dogs in general!)"

"So, what would you 3 like?"

"Got any cakes with beef in it?" The bitches asked.

"I'll get some chocolate cupcakes."

OH! Spike, really? Eating a dog's poison right in front of them? What a little bastard! Sophie & Fluffy didn't really care though but loved how Pinkie had Beef flavored cake with them just for pet birthdays. Spike ate his doggy death cupcakes slowly.

"(I'm so glad I'm not a dog. Never getting to taste the delectable scent rich creamy chocolate would be a nightmare.)" Spike thought, and yes I made a reference to Foodfight! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Ah, that hit the spot. Hey Fluffy, Sophie, feel like licking off the crumbs?"


"It's only a little chocolate."

Then they become nervous.

"You 2 seemed to like licking my face, what's wrong now?"

"Ok........okay Master Spike." They then licked his face.

"Good girls, now I'll let's go home, here are the bits I owe you Pinks."

"Thank you Spike." Then she whispered in his ear. "Hey, I know you hate these 2, but that was so mean!"

"I'm sorry Pinkie but I really wish they'd leave me alone."

"You didn't even give 'em a chance!"

"I didn't give one to Rova either!"

"Do you really despise us that much?" Asked Fluffy.

"How did you..."

"Our dog hearing of course."

"Yeah, if you didn't like us, you should've just told us!"

Then they walked away sad.

"Spike......Spike, Spike, Spike, you know it doesn't sound like a dragon name, it in fact sounds like the most generic...."

"Don't you dare say it Pinkie!"


"You bitch!"

"Yeah, call me a bitch while you acted like one to the actual bitches! Spike, when are you gonna learn that the girls who you'll pursuit will treat like a dog!"

"Pinkie, how dare you?"

"Spike, it's time to stop running away from the girls who crush on you and accept them!"

"Who's says I'm running away?"

"I did! Now go after them, apologize, and name one of your puppies after me, Gummy, and Deez nuts!"

Then Spike was kicked out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Okay Spike, guess it's time to swallow your pride, many respectable men have done it, for example Mung Daal when he needed a Smindgeabread house so Chowder could have at least one good Kanishmas, or when Vegeta had to swallow his pride in Battle of the Gods and sing that Bingo song for Beerus." He said to himself.

Fluffie & Sophie were sitting at the front porch, in curled positions crying like dogs, then Spike walked up to them with his head down.

" *sigh* Sophie, Fluffy, look, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I-I-I regret it."

"You do?"

"Yes, you 2 & Rova are actually very pretty dogs, and I feel lucky for having you 3 live with me, I don't feel all that lucky since you've caused many citizens to consider beastiality though."

"Did we really cause citizens to turn to beastiality?"

"Uh...point being, you're pretty hot dogs."

"But why were you so cruel to us?"

"I don't want my own servants, and also after running into Winona as a dog in that other world, I...I developed a hatred for dogs because of it, but after seeing how devoted you 2 and Rova are...I guess all dogs aren't that horny." Then Spike held out his claw. "So, are we cool?"

Then they licked his face.

"I'll take that as a yes, now come-on, you 2 wanted to see that furry beastiality romance starring that boy and his anthropomorphic dog right? Well I got the the tickets right here."

"Thank you Spike!" Then Fluffy & Sophie kissed Spike on the lips.

"It's a good thing those girls aren't here because I'd lose one of my 9 lives right now just by the shock!" Said Brak.

"They're here!" Trixie called out."

"Ah!" Then Brak fainted causing his 1st life to go to heaven.

"Hey, don't do that! Great, now I need to get 100 coins to replenish that! Go to the next chapter while I go out & mug people!"

"Oh-no you wont!" Luna spoke.

"Try me!"

Then Luna chased Brak.

Ch.56:She is the Night...Glider!

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"Next is...Night Glider."

"Hey, she's the pegasus from the Season 5 Premiere." Trixie pointed out.

"Yeah, even though we never heard her name, someone figured it out somehow, I bet it was the toys and twitters, begin the story."

It was night time, Spike stood on top of Starlight Glimmer's former home. He stood there watching over the town, that's when something zipped by from behind! Spike barred his claws & fangs and that's when the creature came at Spike & was almost slashed by Spike's claws! Spike then jumped off the roof onto another roof then ran across the left side of the town! The unknown creature kept on trying to strike Spike, but Spike then jumped off the roof and ran across the rope of flags like a ninja! Then the figure cut the rope! Causing Spike to fall onto....a stunt mattress?

"Cut! Print! Set! That's a rap everyone! See you tomorrow for the next scene!" Announced a movie director.

Spike became the stunt double to a very famous drake known as.......wait what's this guy's name?

"Thanks for hiring me Thorn." Wait his name is Thorn?! Um......Luna, Brak, Trixie, he's interacting with his target!

"No problem, you're very good. (I can't kill you now because of these witnesses, but I will soon! I'll continue to bide my time until my master tells me so!)" Oh phew, he's not gonna ki...master?! Who's his master?! "Well, the next scene will be in Manehattan, so I'll be seeing you later." Then he & the crew left.

"Wow Night Glider, we rocked that!" Spike said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see the movie, we may not be in the movie, but we'll definitely be in the hardest stunt!" She replied.

"Hoof bump!"

Then they bumped hoof and claw. Spike and Night Glider began hanging out a lot after meeting each other. Spike was sent to that town to make sure someone can one-shot Starlight Glimmer as soon as she re emerges, and the 1st friend Spike made was Night Glider. All the ponies welcomed him because they are all about diversity & since Spike isn't a pony, makes him the most diverse of them all! So the new mayor had Night Glider watch Spike during his stay, and well, it was a great idea. Spike watched her flying skill & encouraged her to try out & become a Wonderbolt. So she studied hard and managed to catch-up with Rainbow Dash! Spike had made her life much more amazing. That after recording was done, Night Glider decided to treat Spike.

"Alright Nighty-Night, we're we going?" Spike asked while blindfolded.

"You'll see later, okay? Now quit fidgeting." She said while pushing the blindfolded dragon. "Also Nighty-Night was my dad's name, you think I look like my dad?"

"No, sorry."

"It's alright, my dad was pretty good at channeling his feminine side."

"Okay, now you're just confusing me Night Glider."

"Sorry Spike."

Then after a while...

"Alright, here we are Spike." Then Night Glider removed the blindfold.


"It's a candlelit dinner for 2, I know that you've haven't been relaxing lately since you moved here...and considering how much you've done to help me excel at my talent, that..." Then she began to blush. "...I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

"I really mean a lot to you?" Spike asked while tears began forming.

"Yes, you mean a lot to me Spike, and after all we've been through, it broke my heart knowing you had no-one to hold because you were too busy focusing on protecting us, I just wanted to say..."

"I love you too."

Then Night Glider blushed, making her dark blue coat turn dark purple.

"Wow, even though you don't have time for ladies, you sure are smooth." Said the waiter who was waiting for them to place their orders.

"Doesn't he?"

Then Spike took Night Glider by the hoof and went to the table for their date.

"Well, that was rather short..."

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"Oh-no, it's sister, we weren't quiet enough." Luna panicked.

"Relax, let's just see who's at the door."

Trixie opened the door to see a beaten Shadowmane tied up and with a note.


"What is it?" Asked Brak.

"It's Shadowmane!"

They then untied Shadowmane.

"Thank you, now I must go, Spike's waiting for me!"

"You're in no condition, one of you camera men, go get a medic!" Luna commanded.

Then they read the note.

"Dear Brak, Trixie, and Princess Luna,

This foolish bitch thought she could stop us all alone, so we decided to beat her & send her back here! We could try hypnotizing her, but that didn't work so well considering how it went in her chapter, so for now, we'll just bide our time.

From: Thorn, the one who shall kill Spike!"

Then the note burst into flames.

"I don't like this!" Brak said. "It scares me."

"Have faith, Trahzo wont let this guy end Spike's life." Luna assured. "Now get the next letter while we wait for that medic."

Ch.57: I Can See Clearly Now!

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"Next is...Clear Skies." Luna announced.

"Another Pegasus after the previous chapter?" Brak Questioned.

"Yeah, but I sure hope for no Abbot & Castello in this one, I mean they're funny but please one chapter is enough." Trixie told them.

Spike was feeling so happy today, let us flashback to how it happened...


Spike & friends were fighting a giant monster who was threatening Cloudsdale! They fought hard! The monster refused to back down! Cloudsdale's Weather control even came in to stop the monster! The Monster blasted 5 ponies away with every punch it threw down! Then when it saw one lone pegasus, she was in the 'clear' sort to speak. The monster than 'cleared' a path & made for the mare! This poor mare was known as Clear Skies, a pink coated pegasus with a purple mane that was curved at the tips, and purple eyes. I'm not sure what her cutiemark is, it's the sun a cloud & I guess the 3rd thing is a breeze? Anyways the monster was about to attack Clear Skies & she was shaking in fear until Spike pushed her out of the way and took the punch, sending him through someone's cloud home! Spike made a safe impact, and got back up to fight again!

"Thanks for the save there little dragon." She thanked.

"You're welcome, now if you could excuse me."

The mane 7 all grabbed a hold of the huge creature's left arm!

"Together!" Twilight announced.

Then all 7 judo threw the monster over them! Then for the finishing blow, Spike wrapped himself in flames & rocketed at the beast! Blowing it up! It was a victory to say the least, but then Spike realized he was falling! Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy & Twilight could've saved him but the citizens just had to show their thanks! Luckily Clear Skies saw Spike falling and rushed after her hero to return the favor! Spike was falling fast, worried if this his last day, well it was okay, I mean if he died then he could move in with his granny Fausticorn, but that didn't matter now, he was gonna die and his friends were no where until...

"Spike!" Clear Skies called out.

"Catch me!" Spike cried out.

Spike was belly up, reaching his claw out! Clear Skies was reaching for Spike with one of her hooves, but that's when...........Spike stopped falling, yet he didn't hit the ground.

"Wh-what in the?" Clear Skies was speechless!

"Huh?" Spike looked around, he wasn't in any magic aura, he wasn't a cloud, he then put his claws on his back. "I...I have wings?"

"Spike, you can fly!"

"You bet I can! Woo hoo!" Then Spike darted into the sky, and Clear Skies followed after him.

*Flashback over.*

Spike flew so high into the sky that everyone in Ponyville looked like ants! Then he looked to the sky.

"Just look at those beautiful clear skies."

"Well, I must admit am cute, but not much of a beauty." Clear Skies scoffed.


"But hey, we escaped death together, you know what that means right."

"Uh, I'm confused."

"It means we can get married."


"Yeah, my buddy Open Skies is more my friend Sunshower's type..."

"Excuse me but I have no idea what you're saying..."

"Don't worry, it'll be all 'clear' to you once we've tied the knot."

Then Clear Skies took Spike back to Cloudsdale.

"Uh, wait, no, this is vulgar love!"

"No it's not, we can spend our married life getting to know each other." She explained.

"(Damn these bridezillas!)"

Spike's friends couldn't see Spike being safe because of the victory party, so are now crying over the loss, but then Spike appeared with Clear Skies, they hugged him & then became surprised to know of the wedding. Years passed, and well, Spike & Clear Skies actually did get to know one another. Clear Skies really liked Spike as they got to know each other, and Spike did as well in vice versa. Their vulgarity eventually turned to real love.

"So Spike, how's the weather?"

"I see some pretty clear skies today."

"Hah, you always know how to make me blush."


Then the 2 sat at the porch to enjoy the sunny day.

"Man, I wonder how long it'll take someone to make a fan animation of Clear Skies, Open Skies, and Sunshower doing Abbot & Castello." Brake commented.

"Eww, why would you want them to have sex with dead comedians?"

"I wasn't saying that I was, heh, I know, I was just fucking around." Trixie told him.

"Trahzo hates trolls, so by Trahzo logic...Falcon Punch!" Then Trixie was sent through the wall! "Yes!"

Ch.58: Doughnut-07!

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"Next is Donut Josephine, the R63 Donut Joe."

"Well, looks like we now know certainly well that Spike is gonna enjoy this one." Said Luna.

"Yeah, I mean once I saw that little guy eat more food than every Shonen Jump hero combined!" Trixie told them. "Oh, and Trahzo told me that this will contain anthro."

Tonight in Canterlot, it was the Grand Galloping Gala and some things never change, Spike's friends had abandoned him. So he goes to his favorite doughnut shop alone, meanwhile, at the doughnut shop, a lone mare is just waiting for her to close-up shop, that's when...

*Vibrate!* *Vibrate!*

The counter was vibrating.

"Talk to me Celestia."

"Good evening Agent Conmare."

"So, what's my assignment today?"

"You are to protect Spike from ninjas."

"Really? You want me to babysit your son?"

"He's coming to the shop right now!"

"But didn't he go to the Gala?"

"He was abandoned by his own friends, he needs some comfort!"

"Okay, but I'm warning you, chance I get, I'm becoming the princess of doughnuts."

"Fine, I don't care, me & Luna would spend time with him but we're busy making sure the Gala goes as planned, just make him happy okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" Then she saluted.

"Good, dismissed!"

Donut Josephine was part of Celestia's secret espionage organization, the EIO (Equestrian Intelligence Organization.). She was given the cover of being a doughnut shop owner, since it was her special talent. Yeah she was good with doughnuts, but Josephine was secretly drafted into being a part of this, and was a natural, one of Celestia's best spies. She would retrieve intelligence on anyone & everything, which included trying to commit treason against Celestia & Luna to trying to start a civil war against Equestria! So, after many hard missions, she was given a comfy one, but she'd rather go through hardcore stuff, but instead she was requested a break, or rather forced to take a break. So here she is, sitting at the shop, waiting for her boss's son to arrive.


"Ah, well, well, well, Spike, your buds abandon you again?"

"Yeah, gimme some doughnuts, and put it on my tab, I don't have a lot of bits with me tonight."

"That's fine Spike, tonight it's on the house, all you can eat."

" *GASP!* Really?!" Spike said while wagging his tail.

"Yes, tonight I'm your sugar mama!"

"Thank you Donut Josephine!" Then he began crying, while he hugged Josephine from across the counter.

"Alright, alright, so, which doughnuts would you like for your 1st batch?"

"Surprise me."

"Got it."

So Donut Josephine got Spike a random assortment of doughnuts. Spike scarved down the strawberry doughnuts, churros, beignets, eclaires, whole wheat(not bagels, there's a difference!) even apple fritters, and used hot chocolate with extra marshmallows to wash it down. Spike was crying with happiness, hey I'd be pretty happy if I got food for free!

"Feel like connecting 3 of them? I got this idea when I visited a place called Beach City." Then she pointed to the new special, called the dognut.

Spike's open mouth smile and tongue sticking out was the answer. So she got him the dognut with ketchup & mustard bottles.

"Whoa, calm down Spike, you'll get the hiccups if you eat so fast."

"I know, but you just put me into sugar high heaven! I can't stop!"

That's when a smoke grenade was thrown into the window!

"What the?"

"Spike get down!" Then Josephine threw Spike under the counter with her magic and joined him under there!


*Vibrate!* *Vibrate!*

"What is it now Celestia?"

"Someone has sent assassins to kill Spike!"


"Yes, protect him with your life! The tile under you contains your spy clothing, heat seeking goggles, & gun! Dismissed!"

"What in the? Why did my mom talk to you through that screen?"

"Spike, just sit tight!" Josephine told him.

"Okay." Then Spike made his way for the broom closet.

After Josephine adorned her sexy black dress, she then pulled out this pistol:

Then she put on her heat seeking goggles and began killing assassins left & right!

*Silent bang!* *Silent bang!* *Silent bang!*


"I'm hit!"

"Who's killing us?!"

"It's not the target, we'd be able to see his fireballs, and also he's too young to be packing heat!"

Then soon, all of the assassins were killed and the smoke cleared.

"Phew, that was a close one."

Josephine was about to get Spike, but then, some one broke down the front doors.

"I'm guessing you're the one who's gonna pay for new windows, and a new lock, am I right?" She said as she turned her head.

She was met with a buff robot stallion!

"Hmph, child's play!" Then she jumped over the counter & began the martial arts brawl between mare & machine! The Josephine blocked & countered, but the robot was able to anticipate her attack, and countered faster!

Josephine jumped back then began shooting! The robot stumbled back by a bit! Then he retaliated by shooting a grenade! She caught it and threw it back as fast as lightning! It struck the robot's chest before exploding!

"Ha, hardly a chall..." Then he dodged the rocket punch! "Okay, this guy's a lot tougher than I thought!

The robot's armor had been opened up by the explosion, giving Josephine the edge she needed! She took aim at the opening and shot like there was no tomorrow! Then the robot exploded!

"Finally, now to get Spike."

She opened the broom closet. Spike was sitting down, but he was introduced to the most wonderful sight! It started with Donut Josephine's sexy slender legs which have always been covered by her work uniform pants, then as he trailed higher, she got a good look of her waist, the dress revealed a perfectly curved waist, which her work uniform didn't reveal, then she went higher. He knew her apron made her chest pop, but, the dress made it pop even more!

"Enjoying the view kid?"

Spike didn't say anything as he drooled all over the sight of this sexy version of the doughnut shop girl!

"Hello? Spike?" Then she had an idea. "Come with me Spike, I got something special for you."

Spike got up, and followed Josephine.

"Alright Spike, hold still, and don't eat this doughnut until I tell you to, can you do that?" Spike only nodded his head. "Good. (Get ready to make me a princess. Princess Celestia.)" Then she put a glazed doughnut around Spike's muzzle. "Now, close your eyes." Spike did as she said.

Then she stuck her tongue into his mouth! Spike was surprised about this, but that's when Josephine said he could eat the doughnut & began making out with her while eating the doughnut, just like Bender if he were human! Spike was feeling so lucky tonight! Doughnuts & a Boobyliscous babe!

"I love you sugar mama!" Spike told her.

Then Josephine saw the clock."Hey Spike, it's past closing time, you know what that means?"

"I need to go?"

"No, all the doughnuts are yours."

Spike's eyes sparkled, and then he licked some glaze off of Josephine, tickling her. So the night went on with Spike having some of his own fun, all night long!

"Now that chapter was..."

"Don't say it Brak!"


"*GROAN!!!*" Trixie and Luna went.

Ch.59: Errors Have Been Made!

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"Next is...Princess Erroria, the Filly Princess of Errors!"

"What does Erroria look like?" Asked Trixie.

"Like this:

She was an animation Error that the fandom adopted, just like Derpy and that one cyclops error from Best Night Ever."

"What does this Cyclops error look like?" Asked Trixie.

"Sorry, it's too creepy for Trahzo to allow."

"Okay, just begin the story, I'll look for it myself of Derpiboo...Oh my Fausticorn that is scary!"

"What direction did my life go? Oh yeah, it went the wrong way because of Twilight!" Spike complained.

Spike was questioning his life as him & an accident prone filly were being chased by a Beebear!

"Come-on Justin, he didn't mean to mock your singing." She said to the Beebear.

"No, I was being honest Erroria!"

"Oh come-on, he worked hard to tune his instrument."

"And yet his singing voice sounds more like Princess Celestia's pet phoenix: Philomena close to death!"

Then Justin Beebear staring flying faster! That's when a missile blew-up Justin Beebear!


"Wh-where did that missile come from?"

"Must've been another error that countered this error." Erroria said.

"I'm gonna run before your bad luck rubs off on m..."

Then the ground collapsed under them! Causing Spike & Erroria to fall down!

"Don't worry Spike, I gotcha!" Then she used her magic to lift Spike & put him on her back. "Alright, let's get outta he..." Then a bolt of lightning struck! Making them fall. It was Derpy jumping on another cloud again!


"Out of all the accident prone girls I've met, you truly are the princess of them all!"


"That was not a compliment!" Spike shouted.

"I'm sorry Spike, maybe I can try something! I know, I'll try to levitate us bo..." Then they landed on bottom of the whole. "Ow..."

"Out of all the fillies, why'd I have to run into you?!" Spike complained.

"Please don't be mad at me Spike, it's what my cutiemark is telling me." She pleaded with sad eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not that mad at you, but I'm still mad, but it was something before I ran into you."

"Feel like talking about it?" Asked Erroria. "I'm sure talking about it will make you feel better."

"Well, if you wanna know..."

So Spike told Princess Erroria the whole sad tale of how he was painfully rejected by Rarity, dissed brutally by Diamond Tiara, and told the most painful truths about himself by Pinkie Pie even though she didn't mean it. He began questioning his life until he ran into Erroria & Beebear. He was so full of self hatred that when he had heard Beebear's song, he mocked his singing, and then Beebear got angry, blah blah blah. Missile kills the Beebear, blah blah and even more blah blah blah and now here we are, 2 kids stuck in a hole.

"That's so sad!" She then tried to hug Spike but she just tripped over and ended up on top of Spike. "Oops, sorry sometimes I hate my Cutiemark!"

"Did a Princess just say she hated her cutiemark?" Asked Starlight Glimmer.

Then Spike incinerated Starlight Glimmer!

"AAAAAAH!!! It's sooooooo hooooooooot!"

"Yay, you saved me Spike!" She tried to hug Spike again, but stopped her.


"Okay, but still I feel so sorry for you."

"Don't pity me, I don't need it."

"Aww, don't be like Usopp. What you just said is eon's sadder than my unlucky life!"

"Hey, you're the Princess of misfortune and I guess I'm one of your subjects. Look, can we walk down the path Starlight Glimmer made for us."


So Spike & Erroria walked down the dark path, Spike lit the way by consecutively breathing fire.



"I'm sorry about the day you've been going through."

"I told you, I don't need pity."

"But I want to, if it were up to me, I'd say yes if you were to ask me out, I'd defend you from Diamond Tiara, and I'd unintentionally say such mean things, or say such horrible honesty in general." Then she leaned on Spike's side.

"You sure are sweet Erroria."

"Thank you Spike."

Then they saw a light.

"Hey look, the exit!"

Spike & Erroria were about to exit until...


"Who said that?"

"Us!" Called out the ashes of Starlight Glimmer who was standing next to the blown-up remains of Beebear.

"Okay, when did this story start becoming Toilet in Wonderland? Oh, hey! Reader, you should totally play Toilet in Wonderland it's very funny! Nicob did a playthrough of it." Spike advertised.

"Spike, who're you talking to?"

"No-one, but I got an idea to stop these 2!"

"Really? Yeah! Stand back."

Then Spike kicked the ashes of Starlight Glimmer into the nearby pond! Then threw the remains of Beebear into a nearby mud puddle where pigs played, but when they saw the remains and considering pigs eat anything, yeah this was a one sided fight!

"Wow Spike, thanks for getting us out of that one! You're my hero!"

"All's I did was throw away their remains that were somehow able to still speak."

"Yeah, but I have always wanted to say that."

"Eh, it's okay."

Then they saw the sun setting.

"Well, I better go, bye Princess Erroria."

"Wait, Spike!"


"I want to see you again."

"Okay, I'll ask Twilight if you can come over to the castle tomorrow..."

"No, not friend see you, I mean date see you!"

"You really want us to see each other?"

"Yes, even though I can be the biggest klutz, you're someone for life! I may not be as pretty as Rarity, but would you be willing to give me a chance and maybe when we're adults I'll be prettier."

"Okay, but please don't change yourself."

"I wont Spike, errors are my destiny."

So Spike & Erroria began dating after that day, Erroria never stopped being so sweet to Spike, reminding him that he matters. Spike showed Erroria how exactly how to not be such a klutz, and you know what? They both became each other's good luck charms, because Spike's misfortunes & Erroria's errors began dying down. So now, we end it off with Spike & Erroria sitting at the balcony of the cast......


OH-NO! Ponyville just suddenly collapsed! Eh, maybe we'll get to see the next retcon, Gen 5.

"Uh, you can accommodate for that many citizens, oh I'm just kidding that's a one shot! It's not like that chapter will have a sequel, unless Trahzo decides to give it one." Brak joked.

"Indeed." Luna agreed.

"Now, it's time, bring in the final letter!"

"Oh boy, let's see who last but not least, in the next chapter!

Ch.60: Sūpā Mahō Shōjo Appuruburuma (Super Magical Girl Apple Bloomers!)

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"Next is...Apple Bloomers, the anthro anime version of Apple Bloom from that April Fools Day Prank!"

"*Gasp!* Th-that means..."

*Poof!* *Poof* *Poof*

Everything and everyone in the room then turned anime!

"Begin the last story while I prove to Trixie & Luna how bad ass my Chakra Mode is! Please Senpai where ever you are, please notice me in this battle!" Brak said with one hand over his heart as he looked to the night sky! "Let's go Kurama!"

After dinner was eaten, the children and their anime fan father had gathered around the couch.

"Alright kids, final episode!"

"Yeah, I'm worried dad." Said the son.

"Don't worry bro, their friendship shall prevail!" Said the daughter.

Then the TV announced the show.

"And now, for the climactic finale of Super Magical Girl Apple Bloomers!" the announcer said.

Then the screen showed the recap!

"Last time on Super Magical Girl Apple Bloomers." Said Scootaloo.

"Apple Bloom, don't kill yourself!" Said Spike.

"But Scoots & Sweetie Belle..."

"Me & Rumble are going to the Wonderbolts Academy!" Echoed the voice of Scootaloo.

"I'm going to Manehattan Wii University with my boyfriend Button Mash!" Echoed the voice of Sweetie Belle.

"My Lasagna is in so much pain." The Author's voice echoed.

"Nothing matters anymore!"

"Apple Bloom!" Then he grabbed Apple Bloom by the hand! "Don't take the selfish way out!"

"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MU...?!" Then she was silenced by Spike kissing her, then she kissed back while giving Spike a hug.

And now for Trahzo's fan made theme song!

Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Scootaloo!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Sweetie Belle!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Spike!
These are the heroine's brave friends!

Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Applejack!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Big Mac!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Granny Smith!
Her family is here as well!

Super magical girl Apple Bloomers GO!

Here she comes, Ponyville's protector!
A flat as pancake guardian!
After chanting the magic spell, she transforms!
But this aint stereotypical since under that skirt isn't panties but BLOOMERS!!!

Now Kiss!

Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Apples!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Pineapple!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Other fruit!
Apple all the time!

Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Diamond Tiara!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru Chimera!
Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Piru other villains!
She kicks their asses all the time!

Ultimate Power of the Pi Piru Beam!
Apple Bloomers GO!!!

Episode 60: Diamond Tiara's Final Stand!

It was the day before graduation from Ponyville high, and wicked scientist Diamond Tiara was in the middle of creating her most diabolical monster!

"Yes, with purely evil emotions, I have now created a monster who shall finally kill that damn Apple Bloomers allowing me to finally take over the world! Hahahahahahahaha! Xeenam! do my bidding and destroy Ponyville!"

Xeenam then exited the huge tube, and then killed Diamond Tiara!

"You don't give me commands! But hey, destroying this Ponyville place sounds like loads of fun!" Then Xeenam left the laboratory.


Apple Bloom was in her boyfriend's room, with her boyfriend Spike. They were making out, then Spike began taking off Apple Bloom's shirt, while she did the same to Spike. Apple Bloom had an a cup chest, while Spike had well chiseled abs. They were about to remove their pants & the nerdy dad was about to cover his kids's eyes until...


"Really? Just when I was about to give my virginity to the guy who's cheered me up when my friends were unavailable?!" Apple Bloom complained.

"Just kick his butt, then get back here." Then Spike kissed her cheek.

"Well, you already got my shirt off..." Then she held aloft her magic staff! "Pi Piru Piru Piru Pi Piru Beam!"

"Apple Bloom transformed!" Then Sweetie Belle appeared & gave Apple Bloom her super heroine outfit!

Then Apple Bloom donned her clothing, transforming her into Apple Bloomers! Then like that, she was off!

"So Sweetie Belle, how's my boy Button Mash, I haven't seen him in a while?"

"He's doing the God of Conquest Mode again."

"Of course." Then he face palmed.

Meanwhile...Apple Bloomers walked down the town, the carnage scared her.

"What could have done this?" She wondered until she heard a high pitched explosion! "Whoa!"

"Yes, run! I'll give you a 5 second head start before killing you all in .5 seconds! 1, 2, 3, 4..." Then that's when Xeenam was blasted in the head! "...Gah! Who did that?!"

"It's Apple Bloomers!" cried Diamond Mint.

"We're saved!" cried Carrot Cake.

"Eh, I'd rather have Princess Twilight & her friends rescue us." Said Caramel.

"So, you're the heroine of this small town?" Xeenam asked.

"Yes, I am Apple Bloomers! Who are you?"

"I am Xeenam! I was a demon, or rather a devil created by a scientist who wanted to know what a creature who lived purely for killing! Heh, she died shortly after creating me!"

"(Diamond Tiara, what have you done?)" She then became angry!

"Ha ha ha! Even if you do kill me...I have no set home world! I was thought up of & created by a scientist at the same exact time in every world! I may die here or there, but I'll be back!" Xeenam explained. "Now, prepare to die!"

Then the fight began! An epic battle between light magic and dark magic! It was intense! But this demon knew martial arts! He then destroyed Apple Bloomers' staff!

"AH!!!" Then she was sent flying through a building.

"I told you guys it should have been Twilight Sparkle!" Caramel persisted. "We need her friendship pow..." Then Xeenam killed Caramel with his spear tongue!


"Ha ha ha ha ha! Is this seriously the best this world has to challenge me?! Well, looks like I've now won!" Then Xeenam looked to Canterlot."I wonder if there's someone more worthy of me up there!"

"(Oh-no, he's gonna destroy the world if I don't think of something fast!)"

"Apple Bloomers!"

"Huh?!" She turned and saw her friends.

"Dare mo, naze anata wa kimashita ka? I mean....Everyone, why have you come?"

"We came to apologize!" Said Scootaloo. "I'm sorry I didn't keep the promise of always being together!"

"Me too, please Apple Bloomers, no matter what, we'll always be friends."


Then a light flashed!

"Apple Bloomers!"

"Princess Celestia?!"

"Yes, here take this new wand, and new spell and then defeat this monster!" Then Celestia left.

"Um, rude! Seriously, you guys just ignored me!"

"Shut-up! You demon!"

Then Xeenam flew at Apple Bloomers! And then with her new wand, Apple Bloomers casted the spell!

"Piru puru upu ipu piru pi pi! Forget and purify!" Then a pink beam hit Xeenam! "You shall forget you were ever evil in the 1st place and go from demon, to angel!"

Then Xeenam transformed.

"Huh? Who am I?"

"Your name is Wazete, and you live to help everyone." Apple Bloomers told him.

"Well, if you say so, bye." Then Wazete flew off.

"Now then, where were we Spike?"

"I know where we were."

Then Spike & Apple Bloomers teleported back to Spike's bedroom and had sex! Then the ending theme played, while all of them graduated from highschool to college, well Apple Bloom didn't she got pregnant during the summer and had Spike move to the farm. And then well, it was time of piece, Apple Bloomers hanged-up her clothes and retired from super hero work, which would eventually be, the fate of her half pony half dragon daughter!

NEXT TIME: Apple Leaf, the Heroin in a Hula Skirt! Then the family turned off the TV! Coming this Fall here on not Hub yet not Discovery Family

"Alright, great finale. Time to write my final review." Said the dad.

"I'm excited to see the story of Apple Leaf." Said the son.

"Me too, she looks so cute." Said the daughter.

"Wow, now that's a final chapter!" Brak commented. "Well, see you next time!"

"Thank you for reading this entire volume, hope to see you again next time!" Said Trixie.

"Thank you for reading." Said Luna.

Meanwhile in Anna's Hotel...

"Alright, now that they've read chapter 60! I'm going to tear all of you to shreds!"

"Why didn't we attack in the last 10 chapters?!" Asked Lance Blazer.

"I don't know, plot convenience maybe." Replied Omnifox.

"Enough! Tonight you die!"

Ch.60.5 Part A: Xeenam Kicks Everyone's Ass!

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"Wait, why is the title saying he kicks all of our..." Then Omnifox was punched real hard sending him through the wall! Then his vixen caught him.

"Phew, thanks lad, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Then Xeenam fired a black laser beam!

Then as Panzerbrony began fusing his tank and jet, Xeenam flew at super sonic speed slashing the fusion bot in half! Sending Panzer through the wall! The vixens caught him but he was blasted as well by black fire! Then Xeenam grabbed Black Kirin & Blood Brandy by the necks, squeezed hard while blasting them with hyper laser eyes! Even a god such as Ember Discordia Queheran had is fire burn out after Xeenam beat him to sleep! Pinkamena charged Xeenam, but then he regurgitated a huge black blob of some substance that hit her legs and then hardened like cement upon impact!

"Ew, what is this?"

Then he regurgitated more of the substance and formed it into club! Then he went for the home run! Then as Pinkamena was sent flying she was slashed by Xeenam's super sharp claws! Then Spikerulez302 & Lance Blazer fused and came at Xeenam, who blasted them as well!

"Dammit, are we seriously getting Yamcha'd?" Said Geoice who was stomped and thrown off the building after!

Veetrix fired his ultra chaos barrel but Xeenam then beat up Veetrix & threw him off the roof! Then Xeenam flew down and decimated Omnifox's harem of 9000+ vixens in only 13 seconds. It was brutal, twitching bodies, bodies that have been torn and bit, corpses! The brave team were on their knees.

"You know, if you let this fight drag on, you'd be dead eventually, see that huge black orb up there in the sky?"

"Yeah, what of it?" Asked Veetrix.

"I like to recycle! After I use my energy based attacks, the energy doesn't disappear, rather it gathers up in the sky!"

"So, you're gonna kill us with a spirit bomb?" Asked Black Kirin.

"Hah, I can bring down a huge beam, then drop it on you and then have you desintagrate from the inside, then with one snap of my fingers blow it up before that energy becomes unusable!" Explained Xeenam. "And now then, this has been fun but I really must..." Then he was hit by a bolt of lightning!

"Whoa, Black Kirin, nice!" Said Omnifox.

"*Cough!* It wasn't me."

"Then, who..." Then Pinkamena was interrupted.

"Look!" Spikerulez302 pointed out!

"What?! Seriously, why you?!" Complained Xeenam.

What stood before them, was a man with electricity running through is spiky blonde hair, his head floated above his body, he wore an orange sleeveless shirt with a yellow zigzag X going through it, he had an antennae sticking out of each of his back hands, he had blue jeans, and white Jordans.

"Who are you?" Asked Blood Brandy.

"Hey, you're the guy who killed then restarted Uncle Deezutra's heart!" Said Veetrix.

"He's also the guy who's killed me the most!"

"We meet again Xeenam." Said the Superhero.

"God damn you...ELECTROMAN!!!"

Ch.60.5 Part B: Electroman vs. Xeenam!

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"Electroman? You mean like that Megaman boss?"

"No, that's Elecman, I am Electroman."

"You mean like that Spiderman villain?"

"No, that's Electro, I am Electroman."

"You mean like Peter Griffin in that one episode?"

"That's Electricman, I am Electroman." Then he started getting annoyed.

"Who cares what your name is, what I wanna know is how'd you enter this world?!" Xeenam wanted to know.

"Some stupid looking Pink Pony told me that these guys were in trouble." He said.

"Hey, that's mean." Said Pinkamena.

"That doesn't matter! What matters now is me killing you!" Said Xeenam.

Then Electroman & Xeenam battled! Lightning colliding with darkness! Then they ran at each other! Electroman began charging electricity in his hand while Xeenam started charging darkness in his hand, then their fists collided!


"Wow, just like Naruto vs Sasuke!" Said Blood Brandy.

"Which time?" Asked Panzerbrony.

Then Electroman & Xeenam began kicking at each other!

"Now that's what I call playing footsies!" Said Lance Blazer.

Xeenam then created a blade of energy and tried to cut off Electroman's head but after he failed, Electroman headbutted him!

"Argh! I thought your neck was invisible! What stupidity is..." Then Electroman kicked him in the stomach causing him to regurgitate but Electroman blocked the black substance with a barrier made of electricity then pushed it towards Xeenam, making the liquid get all over Xeenam! Then Xeenam was encased in the hardened substance.

"Yeah! You..."

"Shut-up red pony in hawaiian shirt! It's not over!"

The substance then began heating up and then exploded! Freeing Xeenam!

"Okay, that's it! You asked for this!" Then Xeenam flew up to the giant black orb then absorbed all of the energy!


Then Xeenam became even stronger! His eyelashes then turned to sharp teeth! He grew a pair of 2 extra arms! He grew a tail with a razor sharp spade tip! And his skin turned from sickly pale white to crimson!

"Xeenam, Alpha Predator mode!" Then he fired a huge beam decimating Anna's Hotel!

"Oh-no, the captive!" Veetrix pointed out!

"I'm gonna kill you! Then he fired another beam at Electroman!


"There! He's dead!"

"You really think so?!"


"Hey, things changed the last time you saw me! As you can see." Then Electroman pointed to his 4 wings, and the lightning bolt X across his face!

"No...you attained a Super Form?!"

"Yes, I did!"

"Super Saiyan?" Lance Blazer questioned.

"No, Super form."

"Like Sonic the Hedgehog?"


"Say hello to my Super Form, Electroman X-mode!"

"How do you fly with 4 wings?" Asked Panzerbrony?

Then Electroman began rotating his wings like propellers, yep his back became 'that' much double jointed! Then he flew upwards creating a tornado!

"THAT IS SO COOL!!!" Everyone shouted.

Then Electroman & Xeenam matched each other blow per blow! Almost as if they were each other's mirror! Thunder roared loudly as the fight continued! That's when Electroman struck faster sending Xeenam flying back!

"Now to end this!" Then Electroman's aura began glowing black, white, and gray! "Time for my finishing move!"

Then Electroman began generating even more power!

"Super Overdrive: Chaos of the Storms!"

Then Xeenam was caught in a tornado as countless lightning bolts struck him! Then after the lightning was done striking him, Electroman sliced Xeenam down the middle!


Then Electroman transformed back, the gang then went over to him and complimented him.

"Thanks, now I must be off, my world needs me." Then a portal opened up, and Electroman went inside it, then the portal closed.

"That was awesome and all, but we lost the capti..." Then Pinkamena was cut off as soon as she heard moaning.

A hand popped out of the pile of debris that used to be Anna's Hotel. Everyone hurried to get the person out! Everyone gasped at the sight!


"No...I am the evil that removed from Brak after our latest battle with Space Ghost, but now that I'm free, I shall return to my body and make him evil again!

Then Brak's evil side flew off!

"Don't pursuit!" Comanded Veetrix.

"But what if he..."

"Don't worry, he'll get his in the Epilogue!" Veetrix assured.

Epilogue: Spike & His Harem vs Brak!

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Spike & I were playing SSB4 on the Wii U! His Harem in this story was cheering him on! I was Mario while he was Captain Falcon! I was about to defeat him until...


"What the?!"

Everyone exited the castle to witness the horror!

"HA HA HA HA HA!!! The evil space pirate Brak is back! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" He announced while standing on the front of his ship! Then a beaten, bruised and burnt Trixie emerged from the bushes with Luna on her back.

"We...we tried to stop him but his evil was just too much!" Trixie said before passing out.

Brak's fleet of battleships flew over Ponyville! His ground forces marched towards us!

"Trahzo, you take care of the army down here!"

"Okay, but what are you gonna do?!"

"Me? Me & the girls are gonna punch Brak's stupid cat face!" Then they all jumped into the air! And I did something similar to the Sora vs 1000 Heartless fight in KH2, KH2FM, KH2FM+, and in KH2.5 HD Edition. Then Shogun Deezutra came in.

"Author, after feeling fine from my sickness, I am ready to follow you into battle!"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Then we ran into the army with nothing but fists & a magical talking sword against 1000's of guys armed with laser rifles and light sabers!



Then Spike with his harem behind him rammed Brak! Then they all fell into a grass field!

"Argh! You bilge rat! You and your army of transient wenches die here!"

"Wow, what a pirate language!" Spike said.

Brak pulled out his sword but Spike shot a fireball at the sword, disarming him!

"Now girls!"

Then they all came at Brak with a hard fist! Everyone got a chance to punch him! Mina, Femanon, Headless Horse, Frilly Skirt, Harmony Seraphine, Angela Bunny, Queen Umbra, Prim Hemline, Fluffle Puff, Masked Matterhorn, Radiance, Saddle Rager, Zapp, Mistress Marevelous, Fili Second, Shim, Sham, Garbledina, Sparks, Nyx, Sunshower, Solar Flare, Flashfire, Sapphire Shores, Princess Skyla, Corey Powell, G3 Princess Rarity, Tressemme, Tree Hugger, Starlight Glimmer, Nursery Rhyme, Trouble Heels Clara, Gleaming Shield, Tumble, Greta, Retro Leap, High Heel, Shadowmane, Buffy Biceps, Gimme Moore, Mare-Do-Well, Princess Bluebelle, Whimsey Weatherbe, Zippoorwhill, Bailry Sweet, Tina, Limestone Pie, Marble Pie, Beff, Dart, Pat, Fizelle, Vixen, Brass Knuckles, Granny Smith, Young Granny Smith, Cloud Chaser, Cherry Blossom, Nightingale, Jade, Nurse Sweetheart, Nurse Coldheart, Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, Aria Blaze, Sugar Belle, Princess Gold Lily, Princess Sterling, Pony of Shadows, Vera, Fluffy, Sophie, Night Glider, Clear Skies, Donut Josephine, Princess Erroria, and Apple Bloomers!

"Yargh! Hah, punches from you lasses aren't enough to beat me!"

"Then how's about we join in the fray?!"

That's when me & Deezutra along with the team arrived!

"We have dispatched of your ground troops, and the team sent to Anna's Hotel have dispatched your airships!" Deezutra told him!

"Now here we go!" Then we all ran!

Meanwhile within Brak's head...

"Hey!" Said a voice

"What? Why does the idiotic version of me still linger?"

"Because this is the version everyone accepts! I managed to have tons of tun without you, yah fuddy duddy!"

Then a battle began in his head as everyone else continued to beat on his actual body! Then everyone began glowing black, white, and gray!

"Here we go everyone! Together!" I said!

"SUPER OVERDRIVE: Giant Fist!" Then everyone formed a giant hand and then finished off Brak with one last punch and good Brak did it at the same time to evil Brak within his mind!

The Evil Brak was forced out!

"I got this!" Then Deezutra threw a magic talisman at the soul of evil Brak! Sealing the evil side for good!

Brak then got up.

"Thank you everyone, thanks for having me guest star in this volume of Pimp Spike's Swag, now if you'll excuse me I'll be heading back to Canterlot." Then he whispered to the audience. "I'm gonna be assisting with stopping the guys who are trying to kill Spike, see you next time."

Everyone was happy to know that the great threat was gone. Spike's harem then all began kissing him in the middle of the grassy field while the side story characters all went their separate ways.


"Thorn, report!" Said a buzzing voice.

"Master Nerzo, we've failed to assassinate Spike once again!" Explained Thorn.

"Don't worry, we'll kill him soon! This war of 200 ships is too dangerous to the safety of Equestria! Why can't everyone see that?! No matter...let's just send in someone to spy on him for a while...Frank!" He called out.

Then a walking hot dog entered the scene.

"You rang?"

"Keep a close eye on Spike for us Frank! Once Spike get's to the 190 mark, you must signal us!"

"Gotcha." Then Frank ran back into the darkness.

Then lights shined down upon a few familiar characters. Thorn, Narutaki from Kamen Rider Decade, Dr.Eggman & Metal Sonic, Ghetsis, Malshina from Akibaranger.

"Alright, now that you're all present and accounted for, please allow me your leader to introduce our newest member, this is Hexo." Then Nerzo pointed to the man with black hair, black sleeveless shirt with a white X on it, white pants, and black Nike's. "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

"What more is there to say? I'm a warlock, and the son of Xeenam."

Then the screen turned completely black!

The End.