• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 1,364 Views, 3 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Peace once Again

Last time, after a hard and struggling battle against Ebon, Felix gave the magic back to Nightfall who re-awoken his memories of when Ebon was good and combined his magic with the elements of harmony to defeat Ebon for good.

After the defeat of Ebon, the whole group was on the ground unconscious, before they started waking up. They looked up seeing the eight bearers of the elements descend to the ground with Nightfall or Good Ebon the last to land, "It's done." he said.

"Nightfall, or Ebon?" Muse asked in confusion.

"Don't worry. I prefer Nightfall now," he smiled, before seeing Celestia and Luna approached, "Celestia, Luna. I know no amount of apologies can make up for what I did to both you two, and your parents, but when I say this I mean it. I am so-so sorry." he apologized with guilt.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other before smiling, as Celestia answered, "We forgive you."

"Huh? You forgive me, like that?"

"The evil that was inside your heart is gone now," Luna explained, "Believe me I can relate to you, Uncle. But what matters now is you don't look back on the past you have and live for the future." she looked at her sister smiling.

Nightfall/Good Ebon smiled, and shed a tear, "Thank you. Muse, Wildcard, keep looking after my body." the couple smiled and nodded.

"Wait, what's going to happen to you?" Dustin asked in concern.

"My time is over. It's now Nightfall's time. And I hope he turns out better than I did."

"We'll make sure of it." Wild assured him.

"I believe you," he answered, before his eyes flicked, and Nightfall looked around, "Huh, what just happened?" he asked in his normal voice.

"Nightfall!" Muse cried, as she embraced him much to his shock and began kissing him.

"Mom, you're hugging and kissing me in front of everypony!" he said feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm just so happy you're all right." she replied, as Nightfall just hugged her back.

Everyone smiled, until they heard a groaning sound. They looked over and saw Felix on the ground waking up, "Ugh, now that felt weird." he groaned.

The group looked in shock for Felix was no longer a dark warrior, and had regular skin color, and his fox ears and tails were the classic red.

"Felix?" the guys asked.

Felix looked over, "Hey, guys. Did we win?"

"Felix, look at you." Burai said.

"You look different." Omaddon added.

Felix was confused, until he looked at his hands to see they were no longer the dark warrior blue skin tone, and his fox tails were red, "I'm not a dark warrior anymore."

"No. You've been purified by the elements along with getting Ebon removed from you." Twilight explained.

Xever spoke, as they looked down at Felix, "Felix, you've done a lot bad things since you left us. But we always believed in second chances, and we'd like to give you that chance."

Burai offered his hand, "Will you accept the chance and a renewal of all our friendship?"

Felix was shocked to hear the friends he betrayed were willing to give him a chance even after all he did. He reached out and took Burai's hand before he was pulled up to his feet. He looked at both Burai and Xever, with guilt in his eyes, before pulling them into an embrace, "BROS! I'm so sorry. I really am." he shed some tears.

Burai and Xever knowing he meant it, returned his embrace, "Welcome back, man." Xever said.

Valmont and Belmont approached, as Felix went to them, "Guys, I'm sorry I spiced up your lunches that one time."

"That was you?" Belmont asked, as Felix smiled sheepishly. But the twins embraced Felix forgiving him.

Finally Felix approached Mitsukai, "Mitsukai, I was probably a bigger jerk to you than I was to them. I shouldn't have fought Burai for your love. You loved him over me and I refused to accept it. I can only hope you can forgive me for being a selfish jerk."

Mitsukai smiled and pecked his cheek before answering, "I do."

Felix smiled and embraced her, "Thank you," Felix saw the duo approach, "I can't believe you guys joined Ebon just to try and save me."

"Well, we were lied to, so it was for nothing." Johan sighed.

Felix put a hand on his shoudler, "No, Johan. Yours and Omaddon's hearts were in the right place, and in the end you succeeded and brought me back. Thank you both." he hugged them, and they returned it.

Finally the yoko looked to the ponies and the younger warriors, "I want to thank you all for freeing me from Ebon's control. Even before that I was still a heartless fool who did nothing but try and destroy you. I know I am asking a lot of you all, but could you ever forgive me?" he asked, as his fox ears dropped with sadness.

Fluttershy fluttered over and patted his head, "Of course we do."

Felix looked up and gasped at her answer, before looking around seeing the ponies and warriors smiling and nodding in agreement, while Rainbow and Blaze looked skeptical, until they were nudged by Applejack and Eu, making them smile and nod as well.

"Guys, thank you."

"Hey, only a true friend could truly forgive." Dustin said,

"And that's exactly what we could be to you," Twilight added, as she sang, "A true, true friend helps a friend in need. A friend will be there to help them see," Dustin and Alistair joined in, "A true, true friend helps a friend in need to see the light that shines from a true, true friend."

Soon enough all the ponies and warriors joined in singing as they paraded into Ponyville causing all the ponies in town to follow along and sing with them.

As they sang the song, Felix, Johan, and Omaddon sang along while feeling as if the magic of friendship had truly changed their outlooks. When they finished singing the Mane 8 joined the warriors in a big hug.

Later that day, the group of ponies stood on opposite side of the warriors, "Well, guys, as always it's been fun. But it's time for us to go." Dustin said.

"As always, we'll miss you all." Twilight said.

"And we will to you." Alistair noted.

"We can't thank you all enough for finally defeating Ebon. Maybe now Equestria can once again have it's moment of peace." Celestia stated.

"Until something new comes up." Blaze whispered to Jethro who nodded.

"And we will have two new apprentice guards to train for such an event." Celestia added, as she and Luna side stepped to reveal Johan and Omaddon.

Johan spoke to his partner, "You know, Omaddon, maybe working for these Princess sisters ain't gonna be such a bad thing, you know?"

Omaddon smiled, "Yeah. Maybe we can learn a lot here?"

"Trust me, you'll learn a lot." Spike replied.

Felix smiled seeing they were gonna have fun while training to be guards for the Princesses, before looking at Shining and the elemental trio, "Take care of those chuckle heads, will you?"

Shining nodded, "Don't worry, they're in good hoofs."

"And we'll make guards out of them for sure." Terra added.

"Though they'll have to change their title of Chaos Duo." Ven said.

"And what's wrong with chaos?" Discord asked, as he appeared, "It's done wonders for me."

"Hey, Disc." Dustin greeted them.

"So you're leaving?" Discord asked.

"Afraid so." Alistair answered.

"What a shame, we hardly ever get to hang out." Discord said with a pout.

Aria spoke, "Don't worry there will be other times."

"Really?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure. Until then, just be patient." Mitsukai added.

"I'll be waiting."

Zyphon opened up a portal for them, as Dustin spoke, "We'll see you all again someday." the warriors entered the portal that closed, as the ponies smiled.

Sometime later back in New York, the guys returned to the Mikael Hotel, where Darius stood before a kneeling Felix in his private room on the top floor, "Felix, you realize that over the last few years you have betrayed us, and tried to destroy us."

"Yes, sir." he answered.

"I have every right to hand you over to the proper authorities for your crimes." he added, while Xever was ready to call Darius out, only for Burai to stop him.

"I understand." Felix answered, awaiting for whatever punishment was in store for him.

"And finally, all I have left is this to say," he paused, as Felix was prepared for the worse, "Welcome back."

The warriors gasped, as Felix looked up at him, "Master?"

Darius smiled, "If my students and the ponies of Equestria could forgive you, then I feel I can forgive you as well."

Felix shed a tear of happiness, "Thank you, master." the two hugged as Darius spoke.

"Welcome back."

The warriors smiled, until Ralph spoke up, "You know what this calls for, guys?" Before any of them could answer, the whole room was decorated for a party with refreshments, decorations, and music, "A party!" he cheered like Pinkie.

Everyone was partying, while off to the side, Dustin, Alistair, Eu, Blaze, Alicia, and Alice were enjoying some soda, "So what happens now?" Alice asked.

"We get back to enjoying summer, of course." Alicia replied.

"I hear that." Dustin agreed, before he groaned and started scratching his leg.

"What's with you?" Blaze asked.

"Sorry, but ever since we left Equestria my leg's been getting these itches that come and go." Dustin said, as he scratched his leg until the itch passed.

"Weird." Alistair admitted, before shrugging it off.

"So, Blaze, what about you?" Eu asked.


"Yeah, now that you got these new powers, what'll you do next?" Dustin asked.

"I think I'll use your portal and go back to see Wendy and the guild. They're going to be shocked to learn I lost my magic and all, but hey at least I can still fight." he joked and they laughed.

"You think you'll be staying there for real this time?" Alistair inquired.

"Not sure. Things have a way of taking an unexpected turn, right?"

"Yeah." Alistair nodded.

Later on after the party at nighttime, Dustin was the last one to lock up before leaving the room. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere on the floor of the room was mini Pythor who was still white scaled.

"Yes, I finally made it," the former Serpent King said with pride, "After so many months of traveling and survival in the wild I made it back to Ponyville. And that Dustin had no idea I hitched a ride on his leg. He thought his leg had an itch, well he was sadly mistaken." he chuckled.

"And Ebon, he thought he could commandeer the serpentine and take Equestria? Well, the last laugh was definitely on him," he looked over and saw the display case containing the Orochi Sword, "Hello, old friend."

He slunk across the floor before scaling up the table leg and latched onto the side of the case, "If I can get a hold of the Orochi Sword it can restore me to my former glory." he dove his fangs into the glass, and carefully dragged them through it forming a circular outline.

The outline fell onto the carpet underneath the table and case giving Pythor an opening. The former general jumped from the opening and landed on the sword's hilt. He wrapped himself around it and the power started coursing through him.

"Yes. Yes. I feel it. It's coming back to me!" he cheered, as the sword levitated out through the hole in the case with Pythor still holding on.

Suddenly the room was illuminated by a blinding light, and when it died down Pythor was lying on the floor groaning. He got up and saw he was his normal size again, and his scales were all purple and black again like before, "My body, it's back to normal!" he cheered, before hearing more groans.

He turned around and saw his fellow serpentine generals, Skales, Acidicus, Skalidor, and Fangtom on the floor as well, having been separated from Pythor, "Skales, Fangtom, wake up!" he slunk over and shook them, "Wake up, all of you! Get up!"

"What?" Acidicus groaned.

"What happened?" Skalidor rubbed his head.

"Where are we?" Fangtom asked.

"Pythor?" Skales asked.

"Yes, it's me. It's all of us!" Pythor cheered.

"We're free?" Skalidor looked at each of them.

"Yes. We're five again," Pythor explained, "All thanks to the Orochi Sword." he held the sword.

"But where are we?" Fangtom asked.

"We're in the world of those human boys, Fangtom." the Anacondrai general explained.

"What, them?" Skales hissed in anger at the memory of the boys.

"Yes, but we'll worry about them later. Right now we have bigger things to do." the Anacondrai general said.

"Like what?" Acidicus asked.

"For one thing, this." Pythor held the sword up that glowed and suddenly five new serpentine tribe staffs reappeared and landed in each of the generals claw.

"My staff!" Skales hissed in delight.

"I never thought I'd see it again." Acidicus held his close.

"And this is just the beginning," Pythor said, as he slunk in between the four, and put his claws around Skales and Fangtom, "Those ponies and the boys better watch out, because we're back." he snickered, as he camouflaged himself and his fellow generals leaving their snake eyes to be the last thing showing before they completely became invisible.

Author's Note:

And there you go. I can tell this wasn't the best out of my Equestria Warrior's series but I still went with it for the sake of the cliffhangers. And I still have a final one planned for those of you who're interested. I'll see you all then as I continue to work on my better fics.

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