• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Ebon No More

One late afternoon in Ponyville Park, the Mane 8 and the warriors were busy fighting the Serpentine, The Chaos Duo, and Ebon. The younger warriors and the ponies were focusing on the snakes, while Valmont, Belmont, and Mitsukai dealt with the duo, and finally Burai and Xever tangled with Ebon.

Ebon fought the two warriors, while noticing Nightfall was taking cover under a bench, "Get out of my way, you fools!" he struck Xever.

"Xever!" Burai called, before he and Ebon went at it.

With the snakes, a Constrictai maneuvered through the ponies and warriors before reaching Nightfall, "Gotcha!"

"Let go!" Nightfall struggled, but to no avail.

"Nightfall!" Muse cried.

Ebon seeing the snake had his former body restrained, smirked, "Yes!" he got past Burai, and appeared before Nightfall, "Come to papa!" he grabbed the colt's head and started assimilating his magic back, "Yes, almost there."

Dustin after punching a Fangpyre, saw what was happening, "Let him go! Spirit gun!" he fired the blast at Ebon's back causing him to take his hand off Nightfall.

"You!" he growled, but before he could attack, Xever swung in and delivered a tornado kick knocking him to the ground.

"You feeling lucky, pal?" Xever asked, as he readied his shadow switchblades.

Ebon frowned before calling out, "Fall back!" he faded into the shadows. Johan and Omaddon hearing this retreated into the shadows as well, along with the snakes burying out of there.

The ponies and warriors went over to Nightfall, "Nightfall, are you ok?" Twilight asked.

"I feel like I'm getting weaker now." Nightfall panted.

"He must be even lower on magic than last time after this." Dustin deduced.

"This is bad." Burai said.

"I know. If he loses more magic he may be depleted." Muse added in worry.

"I'm scared." Nightfall said, while trembling.

Muse comforted him, "Don't worry, sweetie. Mommy's gonna protect you no matter what."

"We better get out of here." Dustin suggested, as they headed back to Dustin, Alistair, and Blaze's HQ.

Back at the Castle of the Royal Pony sisters, Ebon was harnessing the magic he had assimilated, "Yes, I've almost got it."

"What do you mean, sir?" Mezmo inquired.

"My magic is almost fully back to me. If I can get to the colt just one more time and assimilate the magic without any interruptions I'll have it all and be one with my magic again."

"And then Equestria we'll be ours?" Spitz asked.

"Correct." Ebon answered.

"And you'll release Felix?" Johan asked, while crossing his arms.

"Of course. We all get what we want. Now you all go and get yourselves healed up I need to plan our next strike." Ebon left the throne room.

When the snakes took their leave, Johan and Omaddon remained behind, "Isn't it great, Johan? Soon we'll have Felix back, and the gang can pick up where we left off," Omaddon said in excitement, but realized his partner didn't seem all thrilled, "What's wrong?"

"I've had my suspicions and doubts about us going back to work with Ebon." he answered.

"Well, so have I, but once this is over we don't have to follow him anymore."

"That's what's got me concerned, Omaddon. Will Ebon really leave us alone after we get Felix back, or will he just keep us around for his own amusement?"

"What use could he have with us if he's ruling Equestria?" the big guy asked.

"I just have my hunches we shouldn't have joined him again."

"We did it for Felix, remember?"

"I know. But I think there's more to what's going on than Ebon's telling us. And I want to find out." Johan said, as he went off to where Ebon left with Omaddon following behind.

The two could hear Ebon from inside the castle's library and peeked in to see him talking to himself, "Once I have my magic back, all of Equestria will bow to me, and then I'll move onto the humans world and take that for my own as well. Then both worlds will recognize me as their ruler and master. Of course I'll have to get rid of some excess baggage when the time comes. Starting with the duo, they're not as valuable as the serpentine are."

Upon hearing his words, the duo were left in shock. They walked back making sure Ebon did not know they were there. Once they were back in the throne room, Johan spoke in disbelief, "He lied to us."

"He used us." Omaddon added.

"And we fell for it like suckers." Johan clenched his fist.

"Should we take him down now?" Omaddon suggested.

"No, if we're going to defeat him we need help."

"Like the serpentine?"

"They won't stand a chance against him. Plus I doubt they'd listen to us. We need the others." Johan answered.

"You mean... Them?"

"It's our only chance." Johan said, as the two walked out of the castle.

That night at the boys HQ, Dustin, Alistair, Blaze, and Zyphon were at meeting, "This is getting dangerous," Dustin began, "If we don't put an end to Ebon soon Nightfall could wind up in critical condition than he already is."

"Why isn't it the girls don't use the elements of harmony on him again?" Blaze asked.

"Because it wouldn't work," Alistair replied, "Last time it only purified his body, but his spirit wandered and forced himself into Felix. If we try again he'll merely be separated from Felix and try to find another vessel."

"Can't we find a way to contain the spirit using magic?" Blaze suggested.

"No dice," Dustin replied, "Either we get rid of Ebon for good or nothing. We can't have any trace of him floating around anywhere so he can find another body to inhabit."

"Quite so, but that goes back to the bigger question," Zyphon spoke up, "How can we ultimately defeat him?"

"I wish I had the answer." Dustin sighed.

"Well, we won't find an answer with lack of sleep. I'm turning in." Blaze said, as he headed for his room.

"He's got a point." Alistair admitted, as he went to his room.

"Coming, master?" Zyphon asked his creator.

"In a minute." he answered, as Zyphon went to power down and recharge. Dustin walked to the nearest window and gazed out it and up at the night sky, 'What can we do?' he thought to himself.

The very next morning at the sister's old castle, Ebon stood in the throne room before the entire Serpentine army.

"Listen up! Today marks the final day for freedom in Equestria. For today we take it for our own starting with me assimilating the last of my magic. Then we will deal with those elements of harmony once and for all!" the serpentine cheered.

"Now let's get going, we have a lot of..." Ebon looked around, "Wait a minute, where are Johan and Omaddon?"

"We haven't seen them, sir." Chunk answered.

"Well, find them!" he ordered, as some of the snakes took off into the castle to retrieve them.

He waited impatiently until the snakes returned, "Sir, there's no sign of them."

"What?" he asked firmly, much to the snakes fright.

"There's no trace of them in the castle." a Fangpyre said.

"Did you check every room? Remember this place is also rigged with secret passages."

"Yes, they aren't here your highness." a Venomari assured him, even though he knew he wouldn't like it.

Ebon's aura started rising due to his anger, and the snakes could see his dark warrior aura surrounding him. He then screamed to the roof, "JOHAN! OMADDON!"

In Ponyville, the three boys, and Zyphon met up with the ponies and Spike at the library, "We have to protect Nightfall at all costs." Muse instructed.

"I know, if Ebon strikes again today and we know he will, he'll try anything to get close to Nightfall." Twilight nodded.

"Yesterday Ebon was fighting twice as hard," Dustin added, "With all that magic he's got so far we're not making as much head weight as we did before."

"So we'll fight even harder than before like always." Rainbow spoke up.

"I don't think that's enough of what to do, Rainbow." Blaze replied.

"Then what do you suggest?" Rainbow inquired.

Before Blaze could give her a response the dark warriors tensed up, as Xever spoke "Guys, dark energy is approaching us."

"And we know who it belongs to." Valmont said, as they went outside and saw Johan and Omaddon approaching casually.

"You two!" Wild frowned.

"Get ready, everypony." Twilight said, as the eight dawned their elements of harmony.

"Wait!" Johan called, as he held his hands up to stop them.

"We mean you no harm. We need your help." Omaddon added.

The ponies stopped in place, as Applejack asked suspiciously, "What exactly do ya mean 'need our help'?"

"We need you to help us take down Ebon." Johan explained.

Pinkie burst into laughter, "Oh, that's too funny. And I wondered if you guys did have a sense of humor."

"We do have a sense of humor, but that was no joke." Omaddon answered.

"Huh?" the ponies asked.

"Why do you guys want to take down Ebon when you've been more than eager to fight us while at his side?" Dustin asked suspiciously.

"Because he lied to us." Johan answered.

"Lied to you?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Yes. He promised us if we helped him reclaim his magic he'd let Felix go." Johan explained.

"And you believed him?" Muse asked in outrage.

"Well, he did let us talk to Felix for a moment so we thought..." Omaddon trailed off, until Twilight spoke.

"He deceived you. I think he only pretended to let Felix communicate with you."

The two looked at each other feeling more ashamed of themselves, until Johan continued, "And we walked in on him claiming once he's conquered Equestria he'll take our world as well, but intends on disposing of me and Omaddon before that."

"Oh, dear." Rarity gasped.

"Wait a minute, how do we know this isn't some trick of Ebon's?" Rainbow inquired, while glaring at the duo.

"Our loyalty was never with Ebon this time, it was for Felix. We care about him the same as these guys here did." Johan explained, while motioning to the older warriors.

"He broke us out of juvie and gave us another chance at life. Even if in your eyes it wasn't the right kind of thing, at least we made new images for ourselves." Omaddon explained.

"We'd do anything for our friend just as you all do for each other." Johan concluded.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash's element of harmony began glowing, "Hey, what's going on?" the pegasus asked in confusion.

"Your element of harmony seems to be responding to their claim." Twilight explained.

"And if it's loyalty, then it's true what they say." Muse caught on.

"Johan and Omaddon truly are loyal to Felix and not Ebon." Burai finished.

They looked to the duo who stood proud letting them know they were telling the truth, "Well, I'll be. Looks like these two do have some goodness." Applejack smiled.

Pinkie jumped and embraced the two, "It's so touching to hear how much Felix means to you."

"You're hugging us in public." Johan said, feeling awkward.

Pinkie let go of them, as Twilight spoke, "All right you two, we believe you. Now how can we stop Ebon?"

"By taking the fight to him." Johan answered.

"And we know where he is." Omaddon added.

"Where?" Wild asked.

"This castle located in the Everfree Forest." Johan answered.

Spike and Twilight gasped and spoke simultaneously, "The castle of the Royal Pony Sisters!"

"Yeah, that's the one." Omaddon nodded.

"He and the Serpentine have been there the whole time?" Rainbow asked in outrage.

"Why didn't I see it before?" Twilight asked in embarrassment.

"Well, now we know where to go." Mitsukai said.

"And this time, we'll get the drop on them." Belmont added.

"Then let's go!" Blaze called, until Twilight stopped him.

"Easy, Blaze. Barging into battle without a plan never ends well."

Zyphon looked over with his eyes acting as telescopes before speaking, "Princess, I don't think we have enough time to formulate a plan of strategy."

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm seeing serpentine approaching us." the robot explained.

"Uh-oh." they gasped.

"Guys, I got the feeling this could be our last battle with Ebon." Alistair said.

"If that's the case, then we better make this last battle count." Blaze stated.

"Let's go!" Burai called, as the group charged in the direction the Serpentine were coming from.

When the two sides met, they stopped in place, as the snakes cleared a path for Ebon who took front, "Well, good morning, everypony. Lovely day isn't it?" he asked. The ponies frowned, until Dustin spoke.

"Today's where it all ends, Ebon."

"I agree. And come tomorrow Equestria will have new order, my order." the former King answered.

"Not if we can help it." Johan answered, as he and Omaddon approached.

"You two. I should hope you led them here to their demise." he asked, while knowing it wasn't the case.

"No. Actually, we've joined them." Omaddon answered.

"And what in the wide world of Equestria would you do that? Don't you care about Felix at all?"

"Of course we do, but you lied to us." Johan said, as he summoned his shadow whip.

"You tricked us into following your orders." Omaddon added.

Ebon hearing that couldn't help but smirk, "So you finally figured it out. I guess you two aren't as stupid as I thought you were."

"We'll show you who's the stupid one!" Johan cracked his whip.

"Agreed. Serpentine, attack!" Ebon ordered, as the snakes went into battle.

The warriors and ponies charged and both sides were in a brawl like always. With Johan and Omaddon fighting at their side this time, they were knocking the snakes down better than before."

"You know, fighting these snakes are a lot better than fighting at their side." Omaddon admitted.

"I feel that way too." Johan admitted, as he used his whip to ensnare a Hypnobrai's foot and tripped him.

Ralph and Blaze struck at some Venomari, before they punched the earth to release a fissure that messed with the snakes balance.

Alice and Alicia aimed their index fingers side by side creating a bigger spirit gun, "Spirit gun, combo shot!" they released it as it knocked the Fangpyres off their feet.

Rainbow flew around some Constrictai, before tackling one into another, "Totally awesome!"

Pinkie was jumping around on top of some Hypnobrai one by one while announcing, "Rakka-rakka-rukka-rakka!"

Omaddon who heard her, called out, "Hey, that's my line!"

Pinkie landed at his side, "I know, but I've wanted to try it ever since I first heard it."

"Well, you said it perfectly." Omaddon admitted, with a smile.

"Thanks." Pinkie grinned, until they went back to fighting.

Johan was dodging some Venomari spit, only to get restrained by a Constrictai from behind, "Let go of me!"

"Hang on, partner!" Applejack called, as she bucked the snake off Johan.

"You saved me." he gasped.

"That's what a friend does, don't ya know?" she asked.

"A friend?" Johan asked.

"Sure. I mean you'd do that for Felix, right?"

Johan hearing that couldn't help but smile, "Yeah."

Dustin, Burai, Alistair, and Xever fought Ebon, who was managing against all four, "Take a look around, Ebon, your forces are dropping." Dustin warned him.

"And with the Chaos duo fighting along side us you don't stand a chance." Alistair added.

"Don't sell me short just yet, you fools!" Ebon answered, as he released his blue fire on them to push them back, "I was merely stalling for time so I can do this." he held out his hand concentrating his magic and suddenly Nightfall appeared hovering with him at his side.

"Mom!" Nightfall called.

"Nightfall!" Muse cried, as she tried to get to him but the snakes wouldn't let her.

"How did you?" Burai asked in shock.

"With enough magic I developed the ability to just transport him straight to me. And now I shall take it all!" he grabbed Nightfall's head and started assimilating the magic out of him.

"Nightfall, no!" the ponies and warriors cried, as they struggled past the snakes.

Ebon smirked as he could see the color in Nightfall's eyes fading, and his own cutie mark disappearing. Finally the magical aura surrounding Nightfall was depleted and he was left without a cutie mark, and fell unconscious and onto the ground.

Wild flew past the snakes before reaching Nightfall, as Ebon gained his distance. Wild inspected Nightfall, "Nightfall, come on, buddy. Wake up." he pleaded.

"It's too late for him, Wildcard," Ebon began, in a sinister tone, "He's lost his magic, making him nothing!"

"No!" Muse cried, as she held onto Fluttershy.

"Oh, yes. And finally after so many attempts to assimilate it from him. I am finally complete!" he powered his full magic up and started blasting at the ponies and the warriors, while even the serpentine were getting caught in the crossfire.

"Hey, watch it!" Mezmo called.

"We're on your side, remember?" Fang reminded him.

"I do not need you snakes anymore. I have all I needed, and now I shall take Equestria for myself!" Ebon declared, as he continued blasting at the guys, who were taking cover.

"Come on guys, like before!" Burai called, as every spirit and dark warrior, along with Blaze flew at Ebon attacking him, but fell one by one.

"Come on, ponies!" Twilight ordered, as they tried attacking as well, but Ebon dominated them all.

Twilight tried blasting him with her magic, only to get brushed off, "Your magic is impressive, Princess. But still on a rookie's level compared to me." he sent a lethal blast aimed at her.

"Twilight!" Everyone cried.

Suddenly Twilight was shielded by a magic dome. They all looked up and saw Celestia, Luna, and Cadence descend from the sky with their magic activated.

"The Princesses." Dustin gasped.

"Twilight!" A voice called, as Shining Armor arrived with the elemental trio.

"Shining Armor." Twilight gasped.

"Everypony ok?" Aqua asked.

"We're all good." Rainbow answered.

"But Nightfall..." Fluttershy trailed off, as they looked upon Muse comforting her unconscious colt.

"Your reign of terror is over, Ebon." Celestia declared.

"Over?" Ebon laughed, "I think not. It's only beginning! And now that all four of Equestria's princesses are gather together. I can really make some destruction," he was about to power up his magic, but jerked, "What? Impossible!" he groaned, as a familiar voice came out of his lips while struggling.

"No. You won't use me for this!" Felix's voice came out of the mouth.

"Felix!" Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, and the Balitons gasped.

"Is that really you this time?" Johan asked hopefully.

Felix struggled before looking back at everyone, "It's ok, guys. It's gonna be ok. I've got him. But we don't have much time. Bring the kid over." he motioned to Nightfall.

"What?" Muse gasped, as she held Nightfall closer.

"I can help him, but you need to trust me." Felix pleaded.

Terra turned to her, "Muse, bring him over."

"What?! Terra, you can't possibly..."

"Muse!" Wild argued, "It's for Nightfall."

Muse torn between whether to truly trust Felix, swallowed her fear and brought Nightfall over. Felix reached down to put his hand on Nightfall's head, but jerked it back, as Ebon's voice came.

"No, you fool! What do you think you're doing?!"

Felix struggled as he grabbed his hand to force it back to Nightfall's head, "I'm giving back what you took!" he laid it on Nightfall's head and started transferring his magic back to the colt.

'You fool! Stop this!' Ebon's voice echoed in his thoughts.

"Just about finished. Yeah!" Felix called, as the magic died down and was suddenly repossessed by Ebon.

"I have to get my magic back!" Ebon tried to assimilate it back, only to be repelled by a force field surrounding Nightfall with the magic from it emanating from the colt's horn.

"Nightfall?" Muse gasped, as the whole group watched Nightfall levitate above them. Suddenly his cutie mark reappeared and his eyes opened up with a glow.

"I have awoken!" he announced in a voice similar to Ebon's only it sounded pure.

"Did his voice crack or something?" Dean asked.

"I don't think that's the reason." Ven answered.

Ebon looked up in shock, "No, it can't be!"

Nightfall looked down on Ebon, "But it is. I was the true Ebon that existed long before jealousy overtook me. I was the side that cared about my brother Dusk, until I let petty jealousy consume me."

"No! You are nothing but a shadow of my former self!" Ebon declared, as he tried blasting Nightfall, who repelled the blast.

"Correction, you are the true former self. As Nightfall I have been reborn with a chance to make things right. And I will start by eliminating the evil that once plagued my heart!"

"You're bluffing, you cannot defeat me without my spirit wandering." Ebon called.

"Maybe not alone, but with my magic and the elements of harmony we can do the impossible. But first," Nightfall looked down on all the Serpentine, "Back to Tartarus for all of you!' he sent a magical shock wave that when washed over the snakes, caused them all to disappear into thin air.

"The serpentine!" Ebon gasped, knowing his whole army was sent back to Tartarus.

"Now, elements of harmony. I shall share with you my power so that together we can finally vanquish this evil!" his magic glowed from his horn, and a beam was released before splitting into eight separate beams that entered each of the elements of harmony.

With the elements powered up, the eight ponies levitated up to Nightfall as the magic of the elements surrounded them. Ebon tried to escape, only for the pony sisters to use their magic to hold him in place. Ebon looked up seeing the rainbow beam aim for him.

"NO! NOT AGAIN!" Ebon cried.

The beam of magic covered Ebon, as he screamed before his eyes glowed and mouth opened out. Out from the mouth came a cloud of black smoke that materialized into Ebon's real head as he screamed before the cloud disappeared into nothing while the area was illuminated with light.