• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Back to the city

Moments before Celestia was meant to raise the sun for a new day, at the castle of the royal pony sisters Ebon stood before the Serpentine ready to speak, "Listen up, Serpentine. This world I am about to bring you to is not like Equestria. But I assure you over half the inhabitants of this world are sniveling cowards compared to the spirit and dark warriors. Now then are you ready?"

"YEAH!" the snakes cheered.

Ebon opened a portal large enough for them all to enter together, "Go!" he ordered, as the snakes charged through the portal. When all the serpentine went through, Ebon jumped in before it closed.

Later on when morning came over by Dustin's and Alistair's HQ, the two boys, their familiars, and Zyphon were up and about getting ready.

Zyphon looked out the window, "Ah, what a glorious morning today isn't it, masters?"

"Sure is." Dustin agreed, as he relaxed in the arm chair with Alistair plopping on the sofa.

"So what do you think we should do today?" Alistair inquired.

"Maybe we can check out Sugarcube Corner and see if they got some new ice cream combos?" Dustin suggested.

"Sounds good by me." Domino cawed.

"And me." Fievel agreed.

"Why not?" Alistair asked.

"Well, then let's go." Dustin said, as they were about to leave, until Dustin's communicator started ringing. He answered it, "Dustin, here."

Dean's voice came from the other line, "Dustin, we got a problem here back in New York."

"What problem, Dean?" Dustin inquired.

"The Serpentine have been spotted in New York."

"What?!" he shouted.

"I know, we're gonna need all your help here in fighting them." Dean said.

"We'll be right there," Dustin said, as he ended the call, "Alistair, Zyphon, we need to round up the others."

"What's up?" Alistair asked in concern.

"I'll explain on the way." Dustin said, as he rushed out the door with Domino, and the others followed him.

Soon enough, they found their friends at Sugarcube Corner and explained the situation, which left them in shock, "Ebon and the Serpentine are in New York?!" Twilight gasped.

"Yeah. That's what Dean told me." Dustin nodded.

"To bring the Serpentine to the human world, Ebon must really want to cause trouble this time." Muse said.

"Yeah, so what do we do?" Wild asked.

"The only thing we can do," Twilight began, "We have to go back to New York and fight."

"I'm cool with that." Rainbow answered.

"So am I." Applejack nodded.

"Then let's go!" Pinkie cheered.

"Hold on," Alistair spoke up, "You're all going to need your elements of harmony if you're going to combat them on our turf."

"He's right. I'll go back at the library and fetch them." Twilight said, as she hurried off.

"And I'll be right back too." Muse went off as well.

"How much damage do you think the Serpentine can cause in your world?" Wild asked Dustin.

"Too much."

"Well, just wait till we get there. We'll show them a thing or two!" Rainbow called, while throwing punches and kicks while flying.

"Ya darn tootin'." Applejack nodded in agreement.

"Ok, I'm back!" Twilight galloped over with her bag, "And I've got the elements of harmony right here."

"All we need now is to wait for Muse." Rarity said.

"Already here." Muse said, as she trotted up with Nightfall at her side. The colt was carrying a bag as well.

"Hi, guys." Nightfall greeted them.

"Why's Nightfall with you?" Alistair asked.

"He caught on to where I was going and he demanded to come along." she answered.

"That's right." Nightfall smiled and nodded.

The girls looked at each other nervously, while Wild spoke up, "Look, kid, this world we're going to is dangerous. The Serpentine and Ebon are there, and it's all the more reason why you should stay here where it's safe."

"But this world is a place I've been too before," Nightfall reminded him, "I admit I barely have any memories of it, but still. I want to see more of what is out there. And you can't stop me!"

Dustin rolled his eyes knowing there was no time to argue, "All right. You can come, but you have to stay close to us and not wander off."

"Deal." he nodded.

"Ok, let's go." Zyphon said as he opened the portal for them.

"Here we go!" Dustin called, as he and Alistair jumped in.

"Come on!" Twilight called, as the ponies, and Spike jumped through it.

The group suddenly appeared on an empty basketball court in New York. Dustin, Zyphon, and Alistair looked at their friends seeing they re-assumed their human forms they took the last time they were in New York.

"Hey, you all still look good." Dustin said.

"Oh, yeah! This is awesome!" Rainbow cheered as she pumped her arms.

Spike seeing he was a dog again barked, "I still look cute."

"Uh, what's happened to me?" Nightfall's voice was heard.

They looked over at Nightfall seeing he also assumed the form of a human boy about eleven years old. He wore a blue shirt under a red vest with his cutie mark symbol on the side of it, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. On his back was the same bag he had when he left Equestria with the others.

"Nightfall, you've become a human too." Fluttershy gasped.

"I have?" he asked.

"Very much so." Rarity nodded.

"Take a look." Zyphon held out a mirror for him to look into.

Nightfall gasped upon seeing his reflection, "Is this me?" he asked.

"It sure is." Wild nodded.

Nightfall ran his hand through his hair, "My mane feels funny. And these clothes. I didn't think I'd need so much."

"Well, in this world clothing is something humans need 24/7." Rarity explained.

Nightfall took off his bag, and looked inside seeing all his art supplies, "My stuff's still in here."

"Maybe while you're here you can get some new ideas or settings for your comic series." Twilight suggested. Nightfall nodded, while holding onto Muse's hand.

"But you're going to have to avoid calling Muse mom." Dustin warned him.

"Yeah, a sixteen year old with an eleven year old calling her mom really isn't something people want to know about." Alistair added.

"Right. It's best he doesn't call me that in public." Muse agreed.

"If you all say so." Nightfall went along with it.

Dustin and Alistair looked around seeing the area was awfully quiet, "No sign of Ebon or the Serpentine.

"Maybe they got bored and went home?" Pinkie suggested.

"Doubtful." Alistair answered.

"So now what?" Rainbow asked.

"I'll check in with Dean," Dustin pulled out his cell and made a call, "Dean, we're close to Bleecker, but there are no sign of the snakes or Ebon for that matter. What? Ok, we'll keep an eye out up here." he ended the call.

"And?" Rainbow asked.

"Dean, Thatch, Topher, Jethro, and Jade said the snakes fled to the sewers, and they went after them. The others are still up top keeping an eye out in case they resurface." he explained.

"Then we better keep our eyes peeled as well." Spike noted.

"Right. So come on." Alistair said, as they started off.

As they walked on, they were unaware they were being watched by two figures on top of a roof, "It's them." one of the figures spoke.

"What're they doing back here in New York?" the second wondered.

"I don't know, but knowing them something else must be going down."

"Should we get the drop on them?"

"Not yet. Let's shadow them until the time is right." the two figures vanished.

As the heroes walked New York, they started feeling nostalgia as a pool of memories from their time in the city came rushing back to them. Nightfall however, was taking in all the buildings and such committing them to memory for him to use in another volume of his fan-made comic.

"This city looks like it hasn't changed a bit." Rainbow said.

"Yes, it's still noisy." Fluttershy said, while ignoring all the horn honks from the vehicles in the street.

"That's New York for ya." Domino cawed.

As they continued walking, Alistair looked and saw a figure run into an abandoned building, "Hold up, guys."

"What is it, Alistair?" Twilight asked.

"I think Ebon just ran into that building."

"Are you sure?" Rarity asked.

"Positive. I could feel dark warrior energy radiating in that direction."

"Then let's go!" Rainbow called.

"Hold on," Dustin interrupted her, "Zyphon, I want you to take Nightfall back to my place for safety."

"Yes, master."

Muse got down to Nightfall's level, "Nightfall, I want you to behave for Zyphon while I'm gone."

"Yes, mom."

"That's my boy."

Zyphon placed Nightfall on his shoulder and gave him a piggy back ride all the way back to the Bowers residence.

"Ok, all of you dawn your elements of harmony." Twilight instructed, as the girls and Wild dawned their respective elements.

"Ready." the group said.

"Ok, let's move!" Dustin said, as they headed for the building Alistair saw the figure run into.

Dustin kicked the door open, and they entered seeing the whole building was deserted and abandoned with debris and such lying around. Rarity looked around in repulse, "Ugh, they really need to get somebody to clean this place."

"See anything?" Applejack asked the others.

"Nothing yet." Dustin answered, as they searched around.

As they continued to look around, they heard a call, "Hey, down there!"

The group looked up and saw standing on a railing from an upper level was the Chaos Duo; Johan and Omaddon. The two jumped down and landed on the level the group was on, "Been a long time, hasn't it?" Johan asked the group.

"Johan and Omaddon?" Twilight gasped in surprise.

"Rakka, rakka, rukka, rakka!" Omoaddon called.

The group looked confused as Applejack spoke to Johan, "What'd he say?"

"It's a catchphrase he came up with." the dark warrior answered.

"What does it even mean?" Wild asked in confusion.

"Nothing, but it sounds cool." Omaddon boasted.

"Only you would think that." Twilight said dryly.

"Hey, I think it sounds cool too." Pinkie spoke up.

"Finally someone who appreciates my phrase." Omaddon said.

"So it was you two I sensed come in here." Alistair squinted his eyes.

"Who did you expect?" Johan asked.

The group decided not to inform them of Ebon's return, as Dustin spoke, "Never mind, now what're you two doing back in New York?"

"We figured after how long it's been since Ebon's defeat we could finally come back here and hook up with Felix." Johan explained.

"Problem is we haven't seen or heard word of him." Omaddon added.

The girls looked at each other nervously, as Applejack spoke, "Ya don't say?"

"Yeah. Now what brings all of you back here?" Johan asked suspiciously.

"And why are you wearing your elements of harmony?" Omaddon added in equal suspicion.

"No reason." Wild answered.

"Oh, keeping secrets huh?" Johan asked, "Well, we have ways to getting others to spill the beans," he snapped his fingers and summoned some shadow soldiers, much to the good guys surprise, "Get 'em!" Johan ordered, as the shadow soldiers went into battle with the two dark warriors.

"Hope you all still know how to fight in human form." Dustin said, as he and Alistair went into battle.

"That training Burai, Xever, and the Balitons put us through doesn't go away that easy!" Rainbow answered, as she joined the two in the rumble.

"Let's take them!" Pinkie cheered, as she joined in.

"Let's go!" Twilight called, as the rest of them joined the fight, with Spike, Domino, and Fievel taking cover.

And so the good guys went into battle against the duo and the shadow soldiers. Rainbow threw a punch at one of the soldiers, and spun kicked another, "Oh, yeah! Just like old times!"

"We don't even need our elements against these varmints!" Applejack added, as she fought two shadow soldiers.

"That's for sure." Wild agreed, as he dodged an attack from one.

Dustin and Alistair went to fight the two dark warriors. Dustin and Johan fought as the older dark warrior spoke, "You don't fool me one bit. I know your friends are here for a reason, and Omaddon and I will be getting the information out of you one way or another."

"Over my dead body!" Dustin answered, as he fired a spirit gun at Johan knocking him back.

Suddenly Omaddon appeared behind him and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, "Sounds like a plan." he said.

"Can't breathe!" Dustin cried.

"Hang on, Dustin!" Alistair went to help, only for Johan to block him.

Wild seeing Dustin was getting the life squeezed out of him had to do something. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out some dice. He flicked one as it was flung at Omaddon's head like the speed of a bullet. The impact to Omaddon's head made the big guy recoil, allowing Dustin to headbutt him with the back of his head causing him to let go.

"That really hurt!" Omaddon rubbed the side of his head.

"Come on, Omaddon. Let's show them that we're not going down without a fight!" Johan ordered as the two stood together ready to fight.

Suddenly popping out from the floor were the Serpentine, which sent them all into surprise, "What the hell?!" Omaddon gasped.

"The serpentine!" Muse gasped.

"Here of all times?" Twilight asked.

The snakes started swarming around both the heroes and the Chaos Duo, "Johan, maybe we should've stayed away from the city awhile longer?" Omaddon suggested, while Johan could only nod.