• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Two Problems

Last time, after catching word Ebon took the Serpentine to New York city, Dustin and Alistair took their friends back to their home city to track them. When they went to find them, they unexpectedly ran into Felix's partners Johan and Omaddon. With no other option the group fought the two and the shadow soldiers, only to be interrupted by the appearance of the Serpentine.

The Serpentine surrounded the heroes and the Chaos Duo, "Aren't you snakes a long way from home?" Dustin asked.

"We're on a field trip." a Venomari answered.

"This city is truly a wonder of a place." A Constrictai added.

"But unlike you humans, the others are nothing but sniveling cowards!" A Hypnobrai announced.

Dustin frowned, "Humans may be weak alone, but together they're stronger than any army!"

"That's right!" Twilight agreed, as she stood her ground with him.

"Attack!" Alistair called, as they went on the attack against the snakes with both sides throwing all they had at each other.

In the midst of the fighting, Johan and Omaddon were sneaking into a corner behind a desk, "Johan, what do we do?"

"I don't know. I didn't taken in account we'd get ambushed by snake creatures."

"Pst!" a voice whispered. The two looked over and saw around a corner was Felix, "Over here!"

"Felix?" they asked.

"Come on!" he called, as the two maneuvered around the fighters before getting to their comrade.

"Felix, what's going on here?" Johan asked.

"Don't worry, I'll explain elsewhere." 'Felix' opened shadow portal for them to escape.

As the guys continued to fight the snakes, the Serpentine burrowed into the floor making their escape.

"They're getting away!" Rainbow said.

"They'll be back." Wild assured her.

Applejack looked around, "Where are those duo varmints?"

The group looked around seeing no sign of them. Alistair sighed, "Great, even they got away."

"I didn't expect we'd run into them." Fluttershy said.

"Neither of us did." Muse added.

"Well, looks like we got two problems to worry about." Wild said.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

"Let's go back to my place and think this through." Dustin suggested.

"Good idea." Twilight agreed, as they left the building.

Meanwhile, the duo exited the portal with their friend and were at the abandoned fish cannery Ebon was occupying during his time in Felix's body. The duo looked around as Johan spoke, "Not a bad place for a second HQ."

"Except for the smell." Omaddon plugged his nose.

"Felix, what happened to you?" Johan inquired.

"Yeah, after Ebon's defeat we thought you were gone." Omaddon added in worry.

'Felix' smirked, "Gone? They can't get rid of me that easily." he spoke with Ebon's voice.

"Felix, what's with your voice?" Johan asked.

He turned and revealed himself, "Sorry, guys, but Felix isn't available right now."

The duo jumped back in shock, as Omaddon asked, "Ebon?"

"That's right, Omaddon."

"But-but how, we thought you were..." Johan trailed off, until Ebon answered.

"The details of my destruction were greatly exaggerated."

"So why do you look like Felix now, and where is he?" Omaddon asked.

Ebon sighed at his density, "I don't look like Felix. I am Felix!"

"What?" they asked.

"After you two fled like sniveling cowards, Felix had also abandoned me leaving my body to be purified," he explained, "He then returned afterward and I forced myself into his body. Now you see the results."

The duo looked awkward before Johan asked, "So what now?"

Ebon answered, "I have been looking for you two for quite some time now."

"Well, we were laying low after what happened. But when those snakes showed up..." Omaddon began.

"Ah, I see you've met my new army."

"Army?" Johan asked.

"Yes," Ebon whistled, and burying up from the ground were the Serpentine putting the duo on edge, "Meet the Serpentine. Your new comrades."

"Our comrades?" Johan asked.

"Yes. Now that I've found you boys it's time we got back to our roots."

"Hold up, man. We ain't working for you anymore." Johan said defiantly.

"What was that?" Ebon asked firmly.

"We work with Felix, not you. Remember we quit!" Omaddon answered as defiantly as Johan stated.

Ebon frowned, "You two have not outlived your usefulness to me, and you will follow my lead like before."

"And if we refuse?" Johan tested him.

Ebon smirked, "Then I can't guarantee Felix's safety."

The duo lost their defiant looks and donned shocked ones, "What do you mean?" Omaddon asked.

"This is just a temporary thing. I don't plan on living in Felix's body forever. I just need him as my vessel until I can regain my full magic powers. But I cannot do it with the Serpentine alone. I need you two to help me."

"How can we trust you about Felix's well being?" Johan asked suspiciously.

"Then I'll give you a moment with him." Ebon answered, and suddenly Felix's body gasped, and out from his mouth came Felix's voice.

"Huh, what? Where am I?"

"Felix, is that you?" Johan asked.

"Johan, Omaddon, what's going on?"

"It is you!" Omaddon cheered in relief.

"Felix, listen close. Ebon is inside your body." Johan explained.

"He's what?!"

"Calm down, but we're gonna help him in order for you to get your body back." Johan calmed him.


"By helping him getting his magic back. We don't know how, but we're gonna help you no matter what." Omaddon said.

"Oh, guys..." he strained, before Ebon's voice came out of the mouth.

"Are you convinced now?"

Johan scowled, "All right, Ebon. We'll help you again. But we're doing it for Felix, not for you."

"It makes no difference to me. So long as you help me."

"So how can we get your powers back?" Omaddon asked.

"By absorbing it from my former body."

"Former body?" Johan asked with a raised brow.

"Yes. The elements of harmony purified my body leaving my spirit to wander. It contains a half of my unicorn magic. I've assimilated some of it so far, but I need it all to reach my full power."

"So where can we find your old body?" Johan asked.

"It is here in the city. I can feel it," the dark king answered, "In this world it would have the appearance of a small child roughly ten to eleven years old."

"And how are we going to find a kid like that among the millions of kids in this city?" Omaddon asked.

"Keep an eye out for the humans and the girls, find them with a child and we've got him."

"We understand." Johan answered.

"Good. Now get going on patrol. I have my own stuff to check out." Ebon said, as the two vanished.

When Ebon was along with the Serpentine, Mezmo spoke, "Very clever of you to pretend you let Felix take control over his body. They're playing right into your hands."

"Yes. And as long as they help me gain my powers they will have served their purpose."

"Sir, how could you have been so sure they would go along with you?" Fang wondered.

Ebon smirked, "Because Felix is their best friend. He's always been since he busted them out of juvie and gave them their dark warrior powers. He gave them a new lease on life. They would do anything for him just as the girls and the human warriors would do for each other. So in a sense they are no different from our enemies. But just like them, their emotions and care for their close ones will be their undoing." he snickered.

Back with the heroes, they just arrived at Dustin's place. They entered to see Roswell Bowers and Zyphon watching Nightfall sketch. Muse whispered to them, "He's in the zone now."

Nightfall did a few more touches, before sighing in relief, "Finished."

Nightfall, Zyphon, and Ross saw the group at the entrance, "Oh, welcome back, Dustin." Ross greeted him.

"Hey, dad."

"Mom!" Nightfall ran to Muse as they hugged.

Zyphon spoke, "Did you find Ebon?"

"No, but we did find something." Alistair answered.

"What's that?" Ross asked.

"Johan and Omaddon are back in the city." Dustin explained.

"Oh, dear." Zyphon gasped.

"As if things weren't bad enough with the Serpentine running amok in New York." Alistair said.

"We need to consult this with the others." Twilight said.

"Agreed. I'll call up everyone and meet at the training hall at Mikael Towers." Dustin said, as he went to make some calls.

Sometime later at Mikael Towers training hall, Dustin, Alistair, and their friends were gathered to discuss the current events. Ralph spoke up, "The duo is back in the city?"

"That's jacked up." Dean said.

"So who do we go after now?" Alice asked.

"Well, the logical thing to do is to split up." Xever answered.

"Maybe, Xever," Burai retorted, "But Ebon is still very powerful even if he doesn't have all his magic."

"And with all four Serpentine tribes under his command he's even more dangerous." Mitsukai added.

"Point." Xever admitted.

"So how do we decide who to go after who?" Belmont asked.

"Perhaps we can help." a voice said, taking them by surprise.

They looked over seeing a portal open up, and stepping out were three figures about the same age as the older warriors. They were two boys one older and one younger and one girl. The older boy had short brown hair with matching eyes, wore black DM shoes, dark brown pants, and a gray shirt with the image of a sword stuck in a rock on front.

The girl had short aqua blue hair, sapphire color, and her clothes included, black sneakers, black knee stockings, a short blue skirt, a purple top with a magic staff in front of an ocean wave on front.

The final boy who was the youngest of the three had blondish spiked hair, and blue eyes. His outfit was composed of black cross trainers, golden earth pants, a black short sleeved shirt, and a white short sleeved unbuttoned shirt over it, with an image over the breast pocket of a shield with wind blowing around it.

"No way!" Wild and Pinkie gasped.

The older boy cracked his neck, "Well, that was a fun travel wasn't it?" he asked the other two.

"I'll say." the younger boy answered, as they looked at themselves.

"Well, the transformation between worlds worked." the girl said.

"Guys?" Muse asked.

The three looked over and smiled, "Hey, there's our sis." The older said.

"Guys!" she cried as she ran to hug the three who the elements of harmony wielders, Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon recognized based off the images on their shirts were Muse's sibs.

"Hey, sis. The human look really does suit you." Ven said.

"Likewise, but what're you three doing here?" she asked.

"Princess Celestia sent us a letter stating you could probably use our help here." Terra explained.

"So we came right over to Canterlot where she explained the situation." Aqua added.

"She used the same portal magic she used to send you all here, and well we made it in one piece." Ven finished.

"Wow, look at you guys." Twilight gasped.

"You three look simply fabulous." Rarity added.

"You think so?" Terra asked, as he flexed one arm.

"We know it." Dustin nodded.

Aqua giggled at their compliments before turning around and was face to face with the Baliton brothers, "Uh, hi." she said awkwardly.

"Hello." the greeted her in lovestruck sync.

"Who're these three?" Xever asked Muse.

"Right, this is your first time meeting. Everyone I'd like you to meet my three older siblings. Terra Quake, Aqua Blue, and Ventus Hurricane. The elemental trio of guards from the Crystal Empire."

"You of course know Dustin and Alistair's friends from what we told you about." Twilight said.

"Right, it's nice to meet you all." Terra greeted them.

"A pleasure." Aqua agreed, before her hands were each taken by Valmont and Belmont.

"Please, the pleasure is all ours." Valmont said, as both brothers kissed her hands making her blush.

"Oh, brother." Rainbow rolled her eyes at their display.

"Uncle Terra, Uncle Ven, Auntie Aqua!" Nightfall ran to his surrogate uncles and aunt.

"Hey, Nightfall!" Ven said, as he hugged him.

"How's our little nephew doing?" Terra asked, while ruffling his hair.

"I'm doing great." he answered.

"Looks like this human world makes you look all the more adorable." Aqua rubbed his head.

"Has Ebon managed to assimilate more magic from him?" Terra asked Muse.

"No. In fact we haven't seen him except for the Serpentine." Muse answered.

"He can't be too far from them." Applejack believed.

"Well, when he comes out of hiding we'll be ready for him." Dustin said.

"And we'll be there with you." Terra said.

"I'm confused, though," Alistair said, "If the princess sent you three, why didn't she send Blaze as well?"

"Blaze is still controlling his new powers and was requested to stay put in Canterlot castle." Aqua answered.

"Bummer." Dustin replied.

"Well, guess we'll just have to make do." Elroy said.

"Agreed, but it's late now and we should all return home and get a good nights sleep." Burai suggested.

"Right." Xever nodded.

"So how will we handle it this time?" Dustin looked at the ponies now humans.

Aria spoke, "They can stay at my place. Burai and I have more than enough room. Besides they could use a new change of living quarters."

"Agreed. No offense Alistair and Xever, but after your place I'd like someplace more cleaner." Rarity said.

"Hey, I'll have you know I've improved on my housekeeping." Xever responded, "I started using my hamper."

"Well, it's a start." Rarity sighed.

"We'd be honored to stay with you for the time being, Aria, Burai." Twilight said.

"Great, I'll get the rooms set up." Burai said. Soon they all took their leave.

That night out in the city, on top of a skyscraper ledge was Johan and Omaddon, "Do you really trust Ebon, Johan?"

"He's got Felix's body. What choice do we have?" Johan asked.

"Well, I thought he'd be madder at us for abandoning him like Felix did." the big guy said.

"I know what you mean. I thought he'd incinerate us like that."

"Why don't we just eliminate him ourselves?" Omaddon suggested, "He doesn't have his full magic now. We can easily take him."

"Don't be stupid, Omaddon. If we try destroying him, we'll only destroy Felix in the process."

"Oh, right." he remembered.

"For now we'll have to play his game, until he frees Felix from his control."

"I hope you're right on this, Johan." Omaddon said.

"So do I." Johan answered, as both let their heads drop feeling so confused.

Omaddon spoke, "Because if Ebon goes back on his word I'll smash his head into rakka-rakka-rukka-rakka!"

Johan nodded, "Agreed."