• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

At the Gala

One morning at Dustin and Alistair's HQ, the humans and their pony friends were enjoying a get together since everything was relatively quiet in Ponyville for a change.

"It's been a few days since our last encounter with Ebon and the snakes." Dustin noted.

"Yeah, what do ya think them varmints are up to?" Applejack wondered.

"Obviously, nothing good." Alistair answered.

"You guys worry too much," Rainbow said, as she was kicking back on a couch, "Why don't we forget about Ebon and the serpentine for a day and just relax?"

Muse turned to her with a scowl, "Have you forgotten what happened to my son the last time we faced Ebon?" Rainbow looked at her, noticing her tone of anger, "He assimilated some of Nightfall's magic. And if he did it once he'll do it again if we're not careful."

"I understand that, but stressing about it won't help," Rainbow continued, but noticed Muse's scowl didn't shift. Rainbow looked to her cousin, "Wild, back me up."

"I agree with Rainbow, Muse. I understand how it upsets you, believe me I'm just as upset," Wild laid a hoof on her shoulder, "But we're gonna do whatever we can to protect Nightfall and Equestria from Ebon."

Muse started letting it sink in and sighed in relief, "Yes, we will. Thanks for that, guys. I really need it."

"That's what we're here for." Rainbow answered.

Suddenly Spike belched up a scroll, and caught it, "A letter from the princess." Twilight gasped.

"What does it say?" Burai asked.

Spike unrolled the scroll and cleared his throat, before speaking, "My dearest student and fellow Princess Twilight Sparkle. As you know the Grand Galloping Gala is but a week from today, and I'm writing to tell you that you and all your friends including our friends from the human world are all invited. I understand that the last time you all attended your plans went awry, but I'm certain this time you will all have a much better time as long as you stick together. Your dearest mentor and fellow princess, Celestia."

"We're invited to the Grand Galloping Gala?" Wild gasped.

"Wow." Muse gasped.

"Grand Galloping Gala?" Ralph asked with a raised brow.

"What is that?" Alice asked the ponies.

"A special festivity held in Canterlot every year." Muse explained.

"I would assume Dustin and Alistair told you all what we told them about our experience there?" Twilight inquired.

"Oh yeah, you girls caused a ruckus there!" Dean laughed with Zimmer.

"I was once invited there, but I turned it down on some words of advice from my sibs." Muse stated.

"Well, this time it's gonna be different because we're going together." Pinkie put in.

"Just the way I wanted it to be." Spike added.

"And we're attending to." Dustin smirked.

"Is this a formal gathering?" Blaze asked with distaste.

"Of course." Rarity answered.

"Oye," Blaze rolled his eyes, "Never been one for such things."

"Oh, Blaze, don't be a stick in the mud!" Pinkie gave him a hoof noogie.

"Watch the head." Blaze got out of her gesture.

"Besides according to the princess, she said the girls made the place livelier," Dustin noted, "And if we're going we'll make it ten times as lively." he grinned.

"Dustin, you got that look in your eye." Alicia warned him.

"What look?" Dustin asked, as he was still grinning.

"I'd like to see what this Gala is like." Mitsukai stated.

"Me too." Burai agreed.

"So can we all go?" Thatch asked.

"Well, I don't have a problem," Twilight answered, before looking to the others, "What about the rest of you?" one by one they all started giving their ok of wanting to attend, "Spike, tell the princess we'll be there."

"Right." Spike wrote back and used his flame to send it off.

"Well, then if we're going to the gala then we're going to need to look our best." Rarity said on behalf of the girl ponies and humans.

"I can help if you want?" Mitsukai offered.

"That would be wonderful, Mitsukai," Rarity smiled, "Well, we best get started right away."

Outside the house, Chunk the Constrictai was listening through the window and smirked before burrowing off back to Everfree. Upon reaching the snakes and Ebon's lair, he entered and found Ebon, "King Ebon, I bring news."

"Speak, Chunk." Ebon answered.

"I have overheard the ponies and their human friends talk about attending the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot this week." the snake explained.

A look of amusement grew on Ebon's face, "The Grand Galloping Gala, huh? Now there's something I've never gotten a chance to go to."

"How so, sir?" Chunk asked.

"Well back in the old years I was still a child, and too young to attend such events," Ebon began, "And by the time I had come of age it was already too late. My parents stripped me of my alicorn heritage, and I had ran away. The rest is history. But now that I no longer abide to the rules of my parents, and that I am more than come of age since then. I have no problem with attending."

"Are you on the list?" Chunk asked.

Ebon turned to him with a frown, "No, you silly serpent! I don't need to be on the list because we're gonna crash it."

"We are?" Chunk gasped.


"But if they're all going won't Nightfall be vulnerable to have his magic assimilated?" Chunk inquired.

"I doubt he will be vulnerable," Ebon said skeptically, "If I know those girls, they won't leave Nightfall unless they had fail safes to prevent me from reaching him. I'll let it slide for this time. Go tell Mezmo, Fang, and Spitz the news." he opened a portal.

"Where are you going?" Chunk asked.

"If I'm going to be attending this gala, I should at least make myself look presentable." he jumped into the portal that vanished.

A week had passed, and during the twilight hour at Dustin and Alistair's place, the boys, Wild, and Spike were getting into their tuxes, while helping each other with their ties, "Boy, guys, we look like a millions bucks." Xever said as he straightened his jacket.

"I'll say." Belmont agreed.

"We should probably get over the boutique. The girls should be ready by now." Spike suggested.

"Indeed." Zyphon agreed, as they were about to head off, until Valmont stopped.

"Oh, man, I nearly forgot!"

"What?" Burai asked, as the boys were confused.

Valmont reached into his tuxedo pocket and pulled out a bottle of cologne, "Wild Fire!" he declared, as the boys minus, Wild, Spike, and Blaze started gasping and whooping, "I was saving it for a good time."

"Good call, man." Belmont admitted to his bro.

"Nice!" Elroy smirked.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"Only the best cologne to ever be made." Dean explained.

Dustin held the dragon close, and whispered to him, "One little spray and Rarity will be all over you." he winked.

Spike's eyes widened as he looked at Valmont, "Give me a spray!" he demanded.

Valmont chuckled, and gave Spike a little spray of the stuff as the dragon whiffed it, "Ooh, not bad."

"Gather around boys, and prepare to smell like kings." Valmont said, as he gave each of the boys a little spray.

"Ok, we look good and we smell good." Ralph stated.

"Now let's get to the girls." Elroy finished as they headed off to Carrousel Boutique.

When they arrived at the boutique, they didn't see the girls outside, "Typical of them to take so long." Topher sighed.

Suddenly the door to the shop opened and out came a red carpet that rolled out. The boys watched as the pony girls stepped out wearing their dresses. Twilight and her friends appeared to be wearing their first gala dresses that were fixed up since they were in disrepair after the first time they were worn at the gala, and Muse was wearing a a gorgeous yellow dress with a touch of Shakespeare to it. Following them were the human girls each dressed up lovely, while girls like Aria and Mitsukai were wearing Japanese styled gowns, and Eu was dressed in a purple medieval style gown.

Boys like Dustin, Alistair, Burai, Elroy, Wild, and Spike were jaw dropping at the sight of their crushes on how gorgeous they looked. The girls stood before the boys, until Alice asked with a faint blush, "Uh, so how do we look?"

"Gorgeous!" Dustin announced.

"Beautiful." Burai added.

"Amazing." Alistair finished.

The girls blushed from their compliments, until Alicia sniffed the air around the boys, "Guys, are you wearing Wild Fire?" the girls wondering what she meant, sniffed the air and caught the stench as well.

The boys smiled, as Dustin answered, "It's a special occasion."

Alicia smiled, "It smells nice."

"Oh, yes very nice." Rarity agreed.

Muse spoke, "Ok, I had Twilight use a protective barrier around my place so it'll be safe for Nightfall to be tonight."

"And I promise you that spell is compliments of my brother and Cadence. It's strong enough to repel even Ebon in his current state." Twilight promised.

"Thanks again, Twi."

"No problem." she smiled.

"So how're we getting there?" Thatch asked.

"Allow me." Eu said, as she used her staff to cast a portal spell.

"Good work, Eu." Blaze smirked.

"Shall we?" Burai asked, as he offered Mitsukai his hand.

"Let's." Mitsukai answered, as she put her hand in his and they all entered before the portal closed.

Watching from behind a tree was Mezmo who spoke, "Yes, now to inform the master." he burrowed off.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, a portal opened up and the group exited it, "We made it." Rainbow gasped.

"Not a moment to spare." Rarity added, as they saw more and more guests arriving.

"Well, guys and girls, this is it." Dustin said, as they started their way up to the castle and entered.

As they walked through the entrance they saw multiple ponies of Canterlot roaming around. They then noticed Celestia and Luna walking about greeting everypony, "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" Twilight called.

The two sisters looked over and saw their fellow princess and her friends, "Ah, welcome everypony." Celestia greeted them.

"We're glad you all could make it." Luna smiled.

"Like we'd miss this." Dustin chuckled.

Suddenly the two sisters took a whiff of the air surrounding the boys, "That is quite a aroma you boys are emitting." Celestia admitted.

"Indeed, what is the source of that odor?" Luna inquired.

The boys looked at each other before looking back, and answered simultaneously, "Wild Fire!"

The two princesses were confused, until Aria spoke up, "Never mind, listen we're gonna go and enjoy the gala."

"Right, I wanna get to the buffet and quick." Ralph added.

Celestia smiled, "You all go on ahead."

"We'll meet up with you all later." Luna added.

"Until then." Xever said, as the group pressed on.

They approached the entry of the ballroom and saw the ponies were all gathered. Before any of them could enter, Xever stopped them, "Hold up there, amigos. If we're gonna attend this party, first thing we need is a grand entrance."

"Xever, what're you getting at?" Burai asked suspiciously.

"Come on, Burai. Don't you remember Junior year at Homecoming?"

Burai and the Balitons thought back and realized what he was getting at, "Clever." Belmont smirked.

"What're you guys talking about?" Applejack asked.

Mitsukai giggled and hushed them, "This is them trying to make a first impression."

Dustin peeked into the ballroom and looked to Domino, "Alright, Domino, go!"

Domino nodded and flew up to the ceiling seeing some spotlights were set up. He managed to turn one of the lights to aim at the entrance, and let out a number of loud caws to grab the the attention of the ponies below.

When the ponies were confused by the cawing sound, they suddenly saw the spotlight aiming for the entry way. Suddenly running into the room and sliding to a halt was Xever who did some finger pointing gestures. Coming in next was Burai, who skidded to a halt next to Xever, followed by Valmont, and Belmont. Finally the younger boys ran in each before skidding to a halt next to the older boys. First was Dustin, Alistair, Elroy, Jethro, Blaze, Dean, Ralph, Topher, Zimmer, and Thatch.

Once all the human boys were in the center of the ballroom, Xever spoke up, "Hello, Canterlot!"

Alistair spoke up next, "We're here to party hard!"

The ponies looked at them questionably, while the boys felt awkward. Valmont finally spoke up to break their silence, "Jeez, our high school class had more sense of humor than all of you."

The ponies said nothing, and continued to go about what they were doing leaving the boys feeling awkward. The girls walked up to them, "Bet you guys feel pathetic after that?" Jade asked amusingly.

Elroy retorted, "No, just feel bummed we wasted a perfectly executed entrance out on these guys."

"Relax, my man," Dustin began, "The night is still young, but we'll turn this gala into a regular party one way or another."

"Until then, why don't we just relax?" Twilight suggested, and they all agreed.

And so they were at a table, gossiping and such, while Ralph was at the buffet table sampling stuff. When he returned he got in on the conversation, "So you're saying Ven was willing to jump out a window and not fly off because he was so bored at the Gala?" the big guy asked Muse.


"Well, I hope it doesn't come down to anything like that." Burai stated.

"Not unless I get bored out of my skull here." Blaze said in irritation from all the formal and old school style of a party.

"Not to worry, I got it all planned out," Dustin assured him as Zyphon approached, "Is it all ready?"

"Affirmative, master." he answered.

"Good, Octavia and her crew are on break. So let's get started." Dustin said as he, Zyphon, and Alistair went to the stage.

Zyphon activated a horn to grab all the ponies attention, as Dustin took a cordless mike from Zyphon, "Good evening, everypony. Hope you're all enjoying the Grand Galloping Gala. But if I must be honest with ya, I'm finding it bo-ring!"

Alistair took the mic, "Don't get us wrong, we're not insulting the old style of this wonderful occasion. But we feel for the current generation it deserves something more modern. And we'd like to liven it up by sharing with you real entertainment."

"You know just a little cultural exchange, if you will?" Dustin added, before turning to his robot, "Zyphon."

Zyphon nodded as an amp emerged from his torso, and started playing some hip hop dance mix. The girls recognizing the kind of beat from the dance club Techno Dome from the boys world started getting into the beat like before. Soon the humans and their friends went to the floor and started busting the moves out. The other ponies were concerned and confused by their display, until Valmont took the hoof of a mare and brought her onto the dance floor, while Jade brought a stallion out as well.

The two started showing the two ponies some moves, and the two equines made an attempt to mimic their moves. Eventually the ponies started giving it a try with the humans showing them how it's done properly.

Dustin, Aria, Alice, and Alicia were dancing close, as Alicia spoke, "Now this is a party!"

"Ya got that right." Aria agreed.

"A jolly good one indeed." a voice said, as Fancypants was dancing with Fleur like all the other ponies.

"Fancy, Fleur! I didn't see you two there." Dustin smiled.

"This is such a moving sound to move your hoofs too." Fleur admitted, as she shook it up.

"Quite so," Fancy agreed, "Is this the kind of music you dance to in your world?"

"Well, it's one of the types." Alice admitted.

"Well, I find it charming and fast." Fancy admitted.

"You mean it?" Dustin asked in surprise.

"Of course. While we enjoy the Gala and its traditional style, we have been wishing it would change up a bit. And it looks like you and your friends have done just that."

"It's what we do." Dustin admitted.

"Look at Xever!" Aria pointed, as they looked over seeing Xever break dancing with many ponies and his friends cheering.

"That Xever, always a show off." Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Hey, it's his specialty." Alistair reminded her.

Eventually the music ended and the party goers cheered, before they decided to relax and catch their breath from the big dance sequence. The group of friends went back to their table, "Whew, that was intense." Elroy panted.

"I'll say." Rainbow agreed.

"If I danced any harder I think my feet would've fell off." Jethro joked.

"Then we'd have to drag you home." Zimmer added.

"I'm gonna get me a drink." Mitsukai said, as she went for the refreshment table.

"I'll come too." Dustin went with her.

"Wait for me." Alistair followed.

As they enjoyed themselves, Rarity looked over and to her shock found Prince Blueblood walking in the direction of the refreshment table, "Oh, no."

"Oh, no, what?" Belmont asked her in confusion.

"It's him." Rarity said with distaste in her tone.

"Who?" Burai asked.

"Prince Blueblood." Rarity frowned at the memory of what he put her through.

"The Princesses nephew?" Wild asked.

"Unfortunately." she sighed.

"I remember you telling us what he did to you," Muse added, "Even Terra, Aqua, and Ven didn't like him, because he'd order them around like a pack of dogs. He once had Ven make the weather around him outside not rain on him by making a trail in the clouds so the rain wouldn't land on his coat."

"So typical." Rarity rolled her eyes.

"He made Aqua use her own unicorn magic to feed him, since he himself can barely use his magic." Muse added.

"It's a little known fact that when a unicorn royal spends so much time making others do work for them they never learn to use their own magic." Zyphon put in.

"What'd he make Terra do?" Pinkie asked.

"He'd just stand around and criticize his performance even when Terra wasn't on duty."

"What a jerk." Dean said with a frown.

"He's exactly why my sibs were really overjoyed to be transferred to the Crystal Empire." Muse added.

"And if he's walking right to those three who knows what'll happen." Rarity said, fearing for her three human friends.

"Yeah, the first time Dustin and Alistair met Blueblood here at the castle during the serpentine incident he dropped the insults on them like a ton of bricks." Spike added.

"Insults?" Xever asked, seeing his brother was insulted.

"Oh, yes," Zyphon added, "He called them monsters and freaks because they weren't ponies and said they should be kept in cages. He even called me a toaster with legs! It was so demeaning." The humans started frowning upon hearing how their pals were insulted.

"We'll go keep an eye on them." Burai said, as he, Xever, Valmont, and Belmont left the table.

At the refreshment table, Dustin, Alistair, and Mitsukai after getting some water, were about to leave until Blueblood approached, "Oh, you two are back?" he asked the two boys.

Mitsukai was confused, while Alistair scowled, and Dustin spoke, "Well, nice to see you too, Bluey." he said sarcastically.

"That's Blueblood to you." the prince huffed.

"Am I missing something here?" Mitsukai asked.

"Mitsukai, meet Prince Blueblood, the nephew of the princesses." Alistair said sarcastically with air quotes.

"Their nephew?" she asked.

"Indeed, and you are?" Blueblood asked.

"Mitsukai Tendou." she answered.

"And you know these two?" he asked.

"Yeah, I once babysat them." she admitted.

"I see, well I can imagine it must've been hard to watch two ruffians like them." Blueblood spoke while looking at the boys.

"Hey!" the two called.

"That's uncalled for wasn't it?" Mitsukai asked, "Granted they were a handful, but ruffians is a harsh word."

"Don't bother reasoning with him, Mitsukai." Alistair warned her.

"Yeah, Blueblood's the type who just writes you off the way he sees ya without even bothering to understand ya." Dustin added.

"You accuse me of such an act?" Blueblood asked in shock, "I am a prince and that far outweighs the both of you."

"You may say you're a prince, but what have you done to deserve such praise?" Alistair challenged him.

"All you do is stand around and sneer like you're the real ruler of Equestria." Dustin put in.

"I am just as right to be identified as that coming from the long line of royalty." Blueblood argued.

"That's a sack of guts!" Alistair growled, "If you stepped into the royal hall and looked at the windows on display you'd see far more fitting ponies or in this case us who deserve real praise unlike you."

"Yeah. How many window do you have dedicated to you for whatever you did?" Dustin questioned him, "Zip. Us on the other hand, we got two, and our friends have more than that."

"Face it Blueblood, behind that title of Prince you're just a narcissistic pain in the ass who can't do anything for himself." Alistair concluded.

Blueblood's eyes tightened into a glare, "I think it's time you beasts learned to respect your superiors."

Mitsukai let out a laugh, "I hope you're not talking about yourself."

Blueblood turned to her I equal disgust, "How dare you speak to me that way, you filthy little tramp!"

Mitsukai was burning with anger at what he called her, but before she, Dustin, or Alistair could do anything another voice shouted.

"HEY, DOUCHEBAG!" they turned and saw Burai approaching with Xever, and the Balitons behind him. When they reached the group, the ponies at the party and their friends knew something was going to go down.

Blueblood scoffed, "Oh great more of them."

The four boys confronted the prince, "You called my brother and his friend beasts and monsters that should be kept in cages? That's where you tick me off." Xever began.

"But when you insult my fiance like that? Well, you're just asking to be punished." Burai frowned.

"And that's no way to treat a lady." Valmont put in.

"And if that's how you treat all the mares then you're just a lousy pathetic excuse of a stallion." Belmont finished.

Blueblood frowned, "I'll see to it you fools are locked in the dungeon for life." he threatened them.

Burai frowned, "I detest threats."

"So why don't we show him what happens when you make threats against us?" Xever suggested with a smirk.

Burai smirked back, "Not a bad idea."

The four boys surrounded Blueblood from all sides, "What're you doing?" Blueblood asked in dread.

"Get him!" Valmont ordered, as the four charged and held the prince up and over their heads.

"Put me down! Release me you foul creatures!" Blueblood demanded.

"What should we do with him?" Belmont asked his pals.

Burai looked around and spotted a huge punch bowl on the refreshment table, "Over there, boys." the three saw it and smirked, before carrying the prince over to it.

"I demand you release me this very minute!" Blueblood ordered, but the four paid no mind.

When they were close to the bowl, Xever spoke as they swung Blueblood forward a bit, "One."

"Two!" The Balitons continued, as they gave him a second swing forward.

"Three!" Burai announced, as they finally threw Blueblood forward and he landed in the punch bowl getting his coat covered in the stuff.

He struggled to get up only to fall off the table with the punch bowl landing on his head. The ponies surrounding him laughed in amusement, while the four boys high fived, "Oh yeah, just like in high school!" Xever chuckled.

Blueblood growled as he stood up with his coat covered in punch, "My aunts will hear of this!"

"We're already here, Blueblood." A familiar voice spoke, as Celestia approached with Luna.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" The boys gasped.

"Aunties!" Blueblood cried like a baby, "Look what those horrible boys did to me for no reason whatsoever."

"Man, that's a damn lie!" Xever shouted at the prince, only for Celestia to hold her hoof up to silence him.

"Blueblood is our nephew and as blood we are to listen well to his words." Celestia began, while Blueblood looked at them smugly.

"However," Celestia continued, "We also expect him to tell us the truth."

"But, Aunt Celestia, they..."

Luna spoke up, "And they had every right to do so after you insulted our honorable human knights of Equestria just as you did in the past."

"And more so insulting the fiance of one of their trainers with such words is not befitting of a prince." Celestia added.


"You will remain in your room for the rest of the night." Celestia ordered as she and Luna teleported him away.

Seeing it was taken care of the ponies went back to the gala. The sisters approached them, "We are terribly sorry the way our nephew treated you." Luna apologized.

"Hey, we put up with his smart mouth three years ago, we could handle it." Dustin admitted.

"Mitsukai, are you ok?" Burai asked his fiance.

"Yes, I'm fine. And it looks like you boys beat me to him." she noted.

"Yeah, we know you could've given him an ass kicking, but he wasn't worth you dirtying your hands." Valmont stated.

"Thanks, guys." she smiled.

"Come on, let's get back." Belmont suggested, and they all went back to the table.

When they sat down, Ralph spoke, "We saw what happened from here."

"Are you guys all right?" Twilight asked in concern.

"Never better." Alistair admitted.

"That was hilarious what you guys did to Blueblood!" Rainbow laughed.

"Super funny." Pinkie laughed with her.

"I'll say." Alicia smiled.

"Thanks, you know that wasn't the first time we did it." Xever noted.

"It wasn't?" Muse asked.

"Oh, no. You see we did that in our Junior year at Homecoming." Valmont explained.

"Why?" Applejack inquired.

Mitsukai spoke up, "You see I was dating this guy, Shane Grundler. We went to Homecoming together, but I eventually saw he ditched me for another girl. I felt humiliated and used."

"So the four of us ganged up on him, took him out back and dumped him in one of our school's dumpsters." Burai finished.

"Guy deserved it." Wild admitted.

"Exactly." Xever replied.

"You could also say that was when I decided that Burai was my true love." Mitsukai said, as she smiled at Burai who smiled back.

"How romantic." Rarity swooned.

Everypony continued to enjoy the gala, until a shadow portal appeared on the floor below some of the ponies, and started increasing in size. When a mare looked down and saw the portal she screamed in fright causing all the other ponies to notice it and back away from it, as it continued increasing in size.

The warriors and pony group looked over and saw it, "A shadow portal." Thatch gasped.

"You know what that means." Dean said.

Suddenly jumping out of the portal was Mezmo, Fang, Spitz, and Chunk followed by more of the snakes, "The serpentine!" Alistair gasped.

"And they didn't come alone." Burai noted, as a fireball shot out from the portal and fell to the floor revealing to be Ebon wearing a red zoot suit.

Ebon smirked and spoke up, "How's the party, everypony?"

"Ebon!" Celestia and Luna declared.

Ebon seeing the sisters smiled, "Celestia and Luna, judging from the way the guests are you sure know how to host the gala. You know this is my first time ever attending such an event. Wasn't able to because of certain events. What can ya do?"

The warriors and ponies approached, "I don't remember getting your RSVP, Ebon." Dustin began.

"Yours or the snakes." Alistair added.

"Well, I would've sent ours in, but since I am this lands King I figured why bother?" Eon asked.

"You are no king of Equestria." Celestia replied.

"And we demand you and the serpentine leave at once." Luna added.

"But I waited a whole week for this occasion," Ebon began, before motioning to his attire, "I even dressed the part."

"Where'd you even get an outfit like that?" Rainbow asked.

"I got it from Felix's wardrobe I scrounged up from our old lair."

"Felix had that in his wardrobe?" Burai asked with a raised brow.

"You'd be amazed at the outfits he's got." Ebon answered.

"Well, while I'd love to talk fashion, I agree with the princesses that you must leave." Rarity insisted.

"We'll leave when we feel like it. Right, boys?" Ebon asked the snakes who hissed with snickers.

"Then I guess we're gonna have to drive you party crashers out." Blaze said, as the warriors and ponies stood ready.

Ebon snickered, "I hoped you'd say that. Attack!" And on the command, the serpentine engaged in combat.

"Spread out!" Xever called, as they did so and took on a faction of the snakes.

Dustin and Alistair summoned their weapons and started striking at the snakes, while all the guests took cover behind tables, "So much for a calm party." Dustin said.

"What can ya do?" Alistair asked rhetorically.

Alice and Alicia were fending off against some Fangpyres. One was about to take a bite at Alice, until she caught its jaw and held its mouth opened. She looked at its teeth and looked repulsed, "You need a dentist!" she threw him over her shoulder and it landed on a table.

Blaze pulled out a chain weapon and spun one end, "All right, boys. Come and get me." he started swinging it around nailing some Constrictai.

When one of them got hit in the head, he groaned, "Ow, that hurt!" he rubbed his head.

"Uh, that's the point." Blaze said dryly.

"Blaze, look out!" Eu called, as a Fangpyre was about to land on him with its fangs ready to bite him, "Wind!" she aimed her wand at the snake releasing a blast of wind that blew the snake into a wall.

"Thanks, Eu." Blaze said.

"No problem." she answered, as they got back to fighting.

While the younger warriors and ponies were handling the snakes, Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, the Balitons, and the alicorn sisters dealt with Ebon. Xever and Burai fought him head on using their combined martial arts skill, while Ebon was evading them, "Both your skills are truly impressive. Such a shame you two waste it on these meaningless fools."

"Meaningless to you, but we'd gladly fight by their side." Xever answered.

"Then you can fall with them!" Ebon declared, as he released the four fox tails from his behind, and powered up his flames. He extended his palms and fired flame shots.

"Look out!" Celestia called as she used her magic to protect them.

Ebon charged and threw a punch, only for Valmont to catch it and the two fought before Valmont jumped away. Belmont struck next while wielding his throwing disks and threw them. Ebon dodged one, but the other managed to cut some strands of fur from one of his tails.

Ebon growled before jumping all around them while finger motioning to them powering up with dark energy, "Shadow gun!" he fired his blast, only for them to hit the floor to take cover.

Ebon chuckled, "Now this is a party!" Suddenly a cream pie nailed the back of his head, "Who threw that!?" he looked back only to get pied in the face this time.

Down on the ground, Pinkie had her party cannon loaded with cream pies, "Hungry for pie?"

"I'm hungry for vengeance!" Ebon declared, as he flew down for Pinkie.

Pinkie jumped aside as Ebon landed on the floor while on all fours, as he surveyed the scene around him, seeing the ponies had surrounded him, "You crashed the wrong gala, Ebon." Wild warned him, as he and Rainbow Dash flew around to distort him.

Ebon got back on his legs before flying up to strike the two, but was knocked aside by Ralph, "Eat floor!" Ralph slammed him into the floor face first.

The former dark king knocked Ralph off him, and got up to dust his suit off, "Enough of these games!" he summoned a sword made from dark energy and started striking at Ralph who was dodging.

"Guys, I could use some help!" Ralph called.

"Hang on, buddy!" Thatch called, as he summoned his shadow Claymore and blocked Ebon's strikes.

The snakes continued to fight the warriors, until they saw just about every guard in the castle arrived and looked ready to fight, "Uh, Ebon?" Mezmo spoke.

Ebon looked around seeing more help arrived. He groaned, but brushed it off, "Well, this was a very nice party. We should do it again real soon. Boys, time to go!" he turned into smoke and flew back into the shadow portal. The serpentine ran from their positions and jumped into the portal before it closed up.

With Ebon and the snakes retreat, the ponies and the humans calmed down to catch their breath, "Well, glad that's over." Dustin said.

"Oh, no, look at this place." Aria gasped seeing the ballroom looked like a mess.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Celestia began, as she and Luna used their combined magic to restore the ballroom to be good as new.

"Nice." Eu gasped.

"All right, now this party is back on!" Dean called, as the guests returned to the party while finally being able to overcome what just happened.

Soon it was getting late, as most of the guests had cleared out, "So shall we get going?" Dustin asked.

"Where are Mitsukai and Burai?" Jethro asked, as they all looked around.

Aria looked out to the dance floor and smiled, "Well, it looks like they're getting one last dance in."

And indeed she was right. Mitsuaki and Burai were waltzing as Octavia and the band was playing a song, by request of Burai himself.

Dustin smiled before turning to his three girls, "Shall we, girls?"

Aria, Alicia, and Alice smiled before obliging as they went to the dance floor and danced together. Alistair offered his hand to Eu, and the two joined them. Wild offered his hoof to Muse who accepted it, as did Rarity to Spike's offer. The rest of the group watched them dance while Blaze smiled, but deep down thought about his own true love, 'Wendy.' he thought with a sigh.