• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Ponyville Party

Celestia's sun was risen by said princess to begin the new day. The day that Dustin and Alistair would return to Ponyville to see all of their old friends again. Both Celestia and Luna trotted to a guest room and carefully opened the door to see Dustin sleeping peacefully on his king sized bed, and Zyphon powered down next to it. Domino who was sleeping on a dresser, opened his eyes and saw them before flying over, "Good morning, your highness'. Come to wake Dustin up?"

"Correct." Luna answered.

"Well don't worry, he was about to wake up anyway." Domino answered, as he did a countdown with his feathers before he motioned to a digital alarm clock Dustin brought with him, that he placed on the dresser. When Domino motioned his final feather down, the digital alarm clock activated and played Dustin's favorite song.

Hearing the song play, Dustin groaned before reaching off to the side to tap his alarm, shutting it off. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Oh mornings," he groaned, before looking off to the side seeing the princesses, "Oh, good morning, your excellencies."

"Good morning, Dustin," Celestia greeted him, "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby." he admitted, before slipping out of bed, and put his shirt on. He went over the Zyphon and switched him on.

As Zyphon started up, his eyes opened, and he rose to his hooves, "Good morning, master. Good morning your excellencies."

"And a good morning to you too, Zyphon." Luna replied.

"We've come to inform you the others are awakening as well, and breakfast will be ready." Celestia explained.

"Cool. I'll see them there." Dustin answered, as the princesses left him to get ready.

Soon, Dustin, Domino, and Zyphon were walking for the dining hall, and entered to see the rest of the gang sitting at the table, chowing on flapjacks. Below the table were the animal familiars enjoying bowls of their own food, "Morning, guys!" Dustin greeted them.

"Morning, Dustin!" they greeted him back.

"How'd you guys sleep?" Dustin asked, as he pulled up a chair near Aria and Alistair.

"I slept very well." Aria answered.

"So did I." Dean added.

"They got some comfortable beds." Salem said, as he sipped from his saucer of milk.

"I'll say." Tricera agreed, as he ate his dog food.

"Man, this stuff is good." Ralph said, as he ate a flapjack.

"Well, wait till we hit Ponyville." Alistair said, as he drank some orange juice.

"Yeah. Knowing Pinkie she's already got a party planned for today when we arrive." Dustin added, as he was served a plate of flapjacks, while Domino was given some bird feed.

Suddenly a portal opened up, taking the group by surprise. Exiting from it was Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, Valmont, and Belmont, "Hey guys!" Burai called.

"Bro!" Alistair and Aria called.

"Hey, guys, you finally made it." Dustin spoke up.

"Well, after we got to your lab, we checked the instructions you left us to use the portal and made it here in one piece." Mitsukai explained.

"You're just in time for breakfast." Topher stated.

"Cool, serve me some." Xever said, as he took a seat and was given a plate of flapjacks.

The others took a seat as well, before they were given some breakfast like the others, "Good to see you guys were able to make it." Alistair said.

"And miss out on seeing another world? Not on your life." Belmont answered.

"Well, just remember you guys, there's a lot about this world you'll have to get used to." Dustin reminded them.

"We'll be ready." Valmont assured him.

After breakfast, Xever spoke, "So, should we fly to Ponyville now?"

"Xever, you know it's unhealthy to fly with a very full stomach." Burai reminded him.

"Yeah. I still remember when I flew after having all those short ribs," Ralph began with a shudder, "I vomit like a river."

Elroy chuckled, "I remember you nailed eleven people!"

"Ok, so we walking?" Xever asked the group.

"Of course," Dustin answered, "After all Ponyville isn't the only place for you guys to see."

"Yeah. Canterlot's also a hive of activity." Alistair added.

"But it does have it's share of obnoxious self-absorbed snobs," Dustin put in, "But some of them aren't that bad."

"Hey, can we get this show on the road already?" Dean asked them.

"Dean's right. Let's get going." Alistair agreed.

"Have a good day my friends." Celestia smiled.

"Will do, Princess." Alistair assured her.

"Come on guys, let's bounce!" Dustin called as he led his entourage out of the castle, as the two sisters watched them leave.

In Canterlot's city, Dustin and Alistair were strutting around while feeling good to be back, while their group followed from behind. They all observed their surroundings feeling amazed as how beautiful a city could look, especially when populated by ponies. Some of the city's residents took glances at the group, making them feel awkward, "I feel so out of place." Alice said in worry.

"Relax, Alice. They're just curious." Dustin assured her.

"Yes. If you think these looks they're giving you are overwhelming, you should've seen the looks they gave us when we were first here." Zyphon added.

"Well, I get where you're coming from." Alice admitted, as she tried relaxing some more.

"Trust us, when you get to Ponyville you guys are gonna be in for a lot of attention." Alistair stated.

"The way you put it makes me feel uncomfortable." Ralph said nervously.

"It won't be so bad," Dustin chuckled, until they saw coming around the corner were two of Canterlot's most sophisticated of ponies Fancypants and Fleur de Lis, "Hey, Fancypants and Ms. Fleur, it's good to see you two."

"Been a long time." Alistair added.

Fancy and Fleur studied the two who greeted them, before they realized who it was, "Is that really Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage?" Fancy asked.

"The very same." Dustin answered in confirmation.

"My goodness, what have they been feeding you boys?" Fancy asked curiously.

Fleur spoke up, "Yes, last time we saw you both of you were much shorter, and you Alistair had longer mane."

"Well, puberty does a body good." Dustin explained.

"And I felt the long haired look no longer suited me." Alistair added.

"Well, in any case it's wonderful to see you boys again." Fancy spoke.

"Likewise," Dustin replied, "And please allow us to introduce to you some of our own friends from our own world." he made way for them.

"First off this is my older brother Xever," Alistair began, as the older boy bowed his head, and the younger continued, "Then we got Elroy, Dean, Ralph, Aria, Alice, Alicia, Jethro, Jade, Eu, Mitsukai, Topher, Zimmer, Thatch, Buria, Valmont, and Belmont."

"Guys, meet two of Canterlot's sophisticated of ponies, Fancypants and Fleur de Lis." Dustin introduced them.

"Nice to meet you both." the humans greeted the two unicorns.

"And jolly good to meet you all as well," Fancy began, as he inspected them, "My don't you all look like such refined gentlecolts, and delicate ladies." he took Aria's hand into his hoof and kissed it, making the girl blush.

"Agreed. You boys look like you're in such fine shape." Fleur eyed the Baliton twins, making them blush.

"So what brings you fine lads here?" Fancy asked the two.

"Well, we're here on business." Dustin answered.

"And right now we're on our way to Ponyville to meet up with the rest of our old friends." Alistair added.

"Well, that sounds like loads of good fun. Be sure to give Rarity and her friends my best regards." Fancy replied.

"Will do, Fancy." Dustin assured him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all, but we better get going." Alistair added.

"We hope to see you boys again." Fleur waved a hoof.

"I think you may very well get that wish." Dustin replied, as they said their goodbyes and continued on.

"Those two seemed real nice." Belmont noted.

"Oh, yes. Unlike other of the overly sophisticated type in the city, those two have no problems with those of a lower class." Zyphon explained.

"Well, there's the station," Alistair noted the train station up ahead, "Come on, guys."

Soon they were let on board and given their own train car by order of Princess Celestia. They enjoyed the train ride along with the animals as Salem spoke, "So is there anything we should know about before we arrive in Ponyville?"

"Well, for one thing don't mention about eating meat products." Dustin began, as they all nodded knowing where he was coming.

"Second, don't feel awkward if you try and speak their language," Alistair continued, "Like they use the words somepony or anypony."

"Though some of them can be a bit eccentric and such..." Dustin continued, as he thought of how he and Alistair first met unicorn Lyra, the pony was so fascinated with feeling up their hands, "They're still good ponies."

"And most importantly, don't embarrass us." Alistair warned them, and they playfully smirked.

"He's not kidding," Dustin replied, "We have nothing but the citizens respect and we don't need you guys making us look like fools."

"Since when do you need our help for that?" Alicia asked, making Dean, Aria, and Jade laugh. Dustin and Alistair could only face fault at her humor.

Eventually the train pulled into the station of Ponyville. The guys got off and entered the town seeing it looked deserted, "Not quite what I was hoping for." Jethro noted.

"Yeah. The place is so deserted." Jade added, as she looked around seeing the place was like a ghost town.

Dustin, Zyphon, Domino, Alistair, and Fievel looked to each other amusingly before they did a count down, "Five, four, three, two, one..."

Suddenly the sounds of party poppers, horns, and noisemakers were heard, as confetti, streamers, and balloons rained down all around. Suddenly they saw banners open up connected to some buildings reading 'Welcome back, Dustin and Alistair!' and 'Welcome to Ponyville, friends!'. They looked around seeing the whole town was suddenly cluttered with ponies ranging from all three standard types, and of all ages. Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, and their familiars smiled expecting this, while their friends were in shock.

Suddenly a red carpet was rolling out right for them and when the end folded out, it revealed Pinkie Pie wearing a party hat and blew into a noisemaker, "Welcome back to Ponyville, guys!" she put party hats on their heads.

"Thanks, Pinkie, we expected you'd throw us a welcome back party." Dustin chuckled.

"It's more than a welcome back party," she began, "It's also a welcome party for the rest of the guys!" she cheered and put a party hat on each of them.

The rest of the girls, Spike, and Wild came over, "Hi guys so glad you made it." Twilight greeted them.

"And we didn't come alone." Dustin motioned to the older warriors.

"Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, Valmont, Belmont!" Wild called.

"It's so good to see you guys." Muse greeted them.

"Well, it's great to see all of you as well." Burai added, as his friends had to look down at the friends of their younger students.

"You all look so cute as ponies." Mitsukai smiled, as she hugged Fluttershy.

"And you look good as a young dragon, Spike." Xever admitted.

"Thanks." Spike smiled, in pride.

Suddenly they heard the mayor speak on a mic, while on a stage, "Good morning everypony, and welcome to this momentous occasion. As you know it has been nearly a whole month since the departure of our dear friends Dustin Bowers, Alistair, Savage, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel. But today I'm proud to announce that our beloved friends from another world have come back to see us!"

The pony residents applauded and cheered, as Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, and their familiars went on stage to stand before everypony, "Yes. Hello Ponyville!" Alistair proclaimed.

"The prodigal sons have returned!" Dustin announced.

"And we're delighted to see you all again." Zyphon added, as the ponies cheered.

"But this time we didn't come alone." Alistair spoke up, as the ponies listened.

"We have brought with us some of our own friends form our own world we'd like to introduce you too." Dustin explained.

"And we hope you treat them well as you've treated us before." Zyphon added, as the group motioned for their friends to join them on stage.

Alistair spoke as he brought Xever over, "First off I'd like to introduce to you a guy I am proud to call my big brother. Meet Xever Savage!" Xever walked to the center of the stage and waved at the crowd of ponies who cheered for him, as Alistair continued, "He taught me many of the things I know to this day, and girls he's single!" he winked to them.

"Al!"Xever cried, as he looked at several of the mares giggling.

"Couldn't resist." Alistair chuckled, while Xever grumbled.

"Next allow me to introduce to you two other older warriors who also taught me and Alistair a majority of what we know, and engaged to be wedded... Burai Sanzo and Mitsukai Tendou!" the happy couple approached and waved to the ponies who were excited to meet them and hear about them being engaged.

"Next allow us to introduce a duo of adventurous/explorers Valmont and Belmont Baliton!" Zyphon introduced the older twins who smiled and waved for the ponies in respect of their cheering.

"And now to introduce to you to the other students we trained along side with in our classes," Dustin began as he pulled Elroy over, "This is Elroy Zoil; one of the best martial artists in our age group. You try starting a fight with him, and he'll leave ya with a cleaned clock."

"Got that right!" Elroy called, as he waved at the cheering ponies.

Jethro followed, and Alistair spoke up, "Meet Jethro Scott; our renowned expert in the field of sci-fi and paranormal. If something is indeed out there that's not of this world, excluding us. He will be the first to find it."

"Nice to meet you all." Jethro greeted the ponies who applauded.

Zyphon went next, "Now let us introduce to you a girl with the skill and acrobatic stunts of a trained performer, Jade Wallace!" Jade ran to the center doing a few acrobatic jumped and flips before posing.

"Stick it!" she announced, as the ponies applauded her performance.

Dean followed up as Dustin introduced him, "Dean Colt here is our cool guy and ladies man."

"And that's a fact." Dean added, as the ponies chuckled.

Alistair brought Ralph over, "Ralph Booker here may be big and intimidating to those smaller than him, but the only thing bigger than both his appetite and strength combined is his heart."

"Aw gee." Ralph blushed feeling embarassed.

Zyphon nudged Alice and Alicia over, "Meet the Kingsley twins Alicia and Alice, though they look to be polar opposites, they are in fact devoted and caring siblings." Alicia and Alice waved to the ponies while smiling.

Dustin brought Aria to his side, "Aria Sanzo is not only Burai's little sister, but a very skilled musician to boot."

"I'm glad to meet all of you!" Aria greeted the ponies.

Zimmer walked up with Alistair who introduced him, "This is Zimmer Mendez; our video game wizard who uses video game logic to determine the best strategies."

"And they say playing video games is a waste of time." Zimmer added, as the ponies laughed.

Topher walked out with Zyphon introducing him, "This young man is Topher MacLeoud, who is an expert painter and drawer."

"Put a brush or pencil in my hand and I'll paint you a dream." Topher explained, as the ponies looked interested.

Thatch approached as Dustin introduced him, "This is Thatch Cragger. He studies Egyptian history. Why just wait he may be the direct descendant of a pharaoh and he doesn't even know it."

"That'd be cool." Thatch admitted.

Alistair finally brought Eu over, "And this adorable little sweetie is my main squeeze, Eucliwood Belthio!"

"Call me Eu, and it's nice to be here." Eu greeted everypony.

"Eu here is a sorceress meaning she has a lot of magical spells at her disposal." Alistair explained, as the crowd of ponies cheered.

"Well that about wraps up our friends..." Dustin began until he heard someone clear their throat. He looked down seeing Tricera, Salem, McTwisp, and Calem looking crossed, "Of course how foolish of me, and also with us are Domino and Fievel's fellow animal friends, Tricera, Salem, Calem, and McTwisp." the animals smiled as stood proud before the ponies.

"We hope you treat our friends with the same level of respect and dignity as we've received from you." Dustin said.

"But for now let's get this party started!" Alistair announced, and the ponies cheered as the party commenced.

As Dustin and Alistair stepped down from the stage, they were approached by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Alistair smiled ans he squat down to their level, "I know how much older we look."

"It's just we remember you when you boys were shorter." Sweetie Belle stated.

"It's good to see you girls." Alistair hugged the three fillies who looked up to him, while Xever watched with a smile.

And so the party took off with each of the guys getting to know the resident ponies of the town. Elroy was demonstrating some martial arts moves for some of the younger ponies, who were applauding his performance. Jade was showing off some of her gymnastics abilities, as some mares watched her in admiration. Eu was doing a few magic tricks for the fillies and colts, while Twilight watched seeing she wasn't anything like her former rival Trixie in terms of showing off. Dustin and Alistair continued to reconnect with some of their old friends from Ponyville. Aria was doing a little violin performance, which impressed the more music loving ponies, and even Octavia the cellist was captivated by her performance.

Ralph was having a sweet apple cider drinking contest with Rainbow Dash, with the two chugging round after round, "How can they drink so much?" a stallion known as Time Turner asked.

Suddenly the two put their last rounds down before both let out a huge belch which nearly shook the area, "Excuse me!" the two said together.

Jethro was telling a story to some of the ponies starting off in a mystic voice, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far-far away..." he then began doing a one man role play of his favorite sci-fi movie, with voice mimicking included.

Topher was painting a picture of a scenery as the ponies watched him work. When he finished he unveiled it to them, and they looked in wonder, "Voila."

"Wow, that so amazing." Bon-bon gasped in amaze.

"You really are good with the brush." Lyra added.

"Hey, these hands were made for painting." he showed them his hands.

"Yes." Lyra said in awe, as she took one of his hands in her hooves and marveled at it. Topher watched feeling awkward at an equine having such a fascination for something so simple as hands.

Zimmer was helping a young colt known as Button Smash who was also a video game lover play one of his games, "I see where you're going, but you should stop in that one dungeon and search it inside and out for the key. Only then can you reach the next room." Zimmer instructed.

Button taking his advice did so and gasped, "You're right. I found it! Thanks, Mr. Mendez."

"Hey call me Zimmer." he ruffled the colts mane.

Alice and Alicia were being doted and fawned over by several mares and stallions about how cute they looked. Alice feeling flustered, spoke to her twin, "Are you enjoying this?"

"Just bear with it." Alicia answered, as she tolerated it.

Dean was mingling with several ponies telling them about how he fancied himself a ladies man in his world, and how all the girls wanted a piece of him, while some of the stallions who were amazed had started asking him his secrets. Burai, Xever, Mitsukai, and the Balitons were also conversing with the mane six about what was going on, "So just how good was Ebon using Felix's abilities?" Burai asked.

"Too good I'm afraid." Applejack answered, still recalling how they witnessed his display of power back at the castle.

"And these serpentine, are they really that tough?" Xever asked.

"Well, if Dustin and Alistair could handle them, I'm sure you guys should have no problem." Wild noted.

"And you have no idea on their whereabouts?" Mitsukai asked Twilight.

"I'm afraid not." she answered regretfully.

Burai sighed, "Well, don't worry we'll be coming here every chance we can to help you in locating them and defeating them."

The girls, Wild, and Spike smiled, "Thanks, guys. This really means a lot to all of us." Twilight thanked them.

"Hey, you helped us save our world." Valmont began.

"Now it's time for us to do the same." Belmont finished, as the ponies smiled.

Soon after the party ended, the mane eight, and Spike were showing Dustin and Alistair to their former HQ they had set up in Ponyville, "Well there it is." Spike said.

"Whoa! You guys lived here while in Equestria?" Dean asked Dustin and Alistair.

"That's right." Alistair answered as they approached the front door.

"Hey, buddy, ya miss us?" Dustin asked the house while patting the door.

"Just as we told you, we've been keeping the place in perfect shape." Rarity explained.

"And it's been our meeting point." Pinkie added.

Dustin pulled out his old key and unlocked it before they all went inside. Dustin, Alistair, their familiars, and Zyphon looked around seeing the old place, "Looks just about the same as we left it." Alistair noted.

"Yeah, but I think maybe it's time we did a little renovation," Dustin suggested, "After all now that we're bigger the place should be bigger as well."

"Just say the word and we'll rally the folks to help you in making it better than ever." Applejack stated.

"Thanks again girls." Dustin said as they decided to give the guys a grand tour.

When nighttime came, the mane eight, Spike, and Dustin and Alistair's friends exited the place, "Are you two sure you'll be fine here on your own?" Xever asked his bro and Dustin.

"We've been here without contact from you guys for weeks three years ago, remember?" Alistair reminded him.

"Just making sure." Xever replied.

"Don't worry about us." Dustin assured them.

"So we'll be back tomorrow so we can get to know more about Ponyville and the rest of Equestria." Aria stated.

"Right." the two agreed.

"Portal's ready." Zyphon spoke up, as he activated the portal for the other warriors to get back home.

"See you tomorrow." Burai bid the two adieu, as the warriors and the rest of the familiars entered the portal before it closed.

"We better get home too." Fluttershy added.

"Yeah, we'll see you boys tomorrow." Wild told the two.

"Until then." Alistair said, as the ponies and dragon took off.

Dustin and Alistair looked at each other, as the spike head spoke up, "Well, Alistair, let's catch some winks."

"Yeah tomorrow's gonna be another day after all." Alistair agreed, as they and their familiars went back inside and locked it up.

Suddenly popping up from a nearby bush was a Constrictai soldier who gasped, "Oh! They're back!" he burrowed into the ground.

Meanwhile far into the Everfree Forest, at the ruins of the former castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, the Constrictai soldier popped out of the ground. He went up the stairs and started running through the hall ways of the old castle. He finally entered the old throne room, where many of the serpentine were lying around sleeping, while Ebon was sitting on Celestia's old throne that was next to Luna's throne, "King Ebon! King Ebon!" the snake called as he ran for the throne.

"Easy yourself. What is it?" Ebon asked the Constrictai soldier.

"I've just been to Ponyville and have made a discovery." he began.

"Go on." Ebon insisted him.

"The boys known as Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage have returned to Equestria, and they brought more humans with them." he explained.

Ebon after hearing that smirked, "I knew they'd come."

"What should we do your highness?" the snake asked him.

"Tomorrow we'll pay Ponyville a little visit." he smirked mischievously.