• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Badder than Ever

The next morning after the incident in Tartarus, at Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville, Twilight was as usual organizing the books on the shelves with Spike helping her. The alicorn was using her magic to levitate one last book to put in a spot, "Finished."

"Finally." Spike said, as he fainted, making the princess giggle.

"Oh, Spike." she giggled.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and entering was Muse, Wildcard, and Nightfall; Ebon's purified self who thanks to an extra dose of his magic and excess energy left over from the elements of harmony have allowed him to age to a colt about the Cutie Mark Crusaders ages within a week or two since they returned home, "Morning, Twilight. Morning, Spike." the three greeted them.

"Morning, guys." Twilight greeted them.

"Hope we're not interrupting anything." Wild said hopefully.

"Not at all," Twilight answered, "Did you need something?"

"Well, as you know Nightfall will be starting classes soon, and we were hoping to get him a school book for beginners." Muse explained, as Nightfall nodded.

"Of course. I got just the one." Twilight said as she started looking through some books, until Spike burped up a letter.

"A message from the princess." Wild and Muse gasped.

Twilight used her magic to levitate the letter and read it to herself before a look of concern grows on her face. She lowered the letter and turned to her two friends, "Guys, we need to round up the girls and get to Canterlot right away."

"What's wrong?" Wild asked.

"Princess Celestia says we got a situation and need to be told face to face." Twilight explained.

"Can I come?" Nightfall asked hopefully.

Muse looked down at him, "Sorry, Nightfall, but this between the grownups."

"Oh." Nightfall groaned.

"Spike, can you watch him please?" Wild asked the dragon.

"No problem." Spike nodded. So Twilight, Muse, and Wild left Nightfall and Spike at the library, and rounded up the rest of the girls before catching a train ride to Canterlot.

When they arrived at the castle, they entered and walked through the hall before seeing Celestia and Luna waiting for them, "Princesses." Twilight greeted them.

Celestia spoke up, "Twilight, it's good to see you and your friends made it here so quickly."

"Well, you did sound urgent in your letter." Twilight reminded her.

"What's the trouble, Princess?" Applejack inquired.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and at them as the Princess of the sun spoke, "I don't know how else to put this, but I'm afraid the Serpentine have escaped from Tartarus."

Suddenly the ponies mouths dropped wide opened as Pinkie spoke up, "Wait a minute," she reached over and took a glass of water and drank it before spitting it out in a shocked fashion, "WHAT?!" she shrieked.

"How'd those snakes escape from Tartarus?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Was it Pythor?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"I'm afraid not." Luna shook her head, confusing the group even more.

"This was the work of another," Celestia began, "One of the guards in Tartarus claimed the thing that knocked him out stood on two legs, wore more clothing that most ponies..."

"Sounds like a human." Twilight started.

"But this creature was reported to have fox like features," Luna continued, "Four tails and ears."

"Four tails and ears?" Twilight asked, as the eight ponies shouted in shock, "FELIX!"

The princesses were shocked at the groups outburst, as Rainbow spoke, "How the hay did Felix get here?"

"Agreed, he doesn't know portal magic to Equestria," Rarity began, "Or does he?"

"I wouldn't be so sure," Twilight replied, "But you mean to tell me he broke the Serpentine out of Tartarus?"

"Apparently so." Celestia nodded.

"You don't think the snakes have joined forces with him do you?" Wild asked.

"It would make sense." Luna noted.

"But why in Equestria would those snakes follow somepony they don't even know?" Rarity inquired.

"We're not sure how he convinced them," Celestia began, "However, as of the Serpent King's defeat the five tribe generals have been lost and their staffs destroyed. Without the tribe staffs the tribes cannot pick another to lead them. They are like a flock without a shepherd."

"Logical." Muse admitted.

Twilight spoke up, "But that still doesn't answer our question as to how Felix could unite them under his lead."

"Yeah, we've seen the guy and I doubt he alone could command those four tribes." Rainbow added.

"Wonder what he's up to?" Pinkie wondered.

Twilight looked at her dryly and gave a sour sounding answer, "Gee, you think it might have something to do with the fact he wants revenge upon us for defeating him?"

Pinkie rubbed her head with her hoof before answering, "Too obvious, Twilight." Twilight could only face hoof.

"Well whatever the reason, we gotta do something about him and the serpentine." Wild suggested.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Celestia answered.

"I just wish we knew where they were." Twilight said, until the doors opened and a single guard entered in a rush.

"Your excellencies! We've just spotted Serpentine in the castle garden!"

The group gasped upon hearing the news, "Let's hurry." Celestia ordered as the group galloped off heading for the castle garden.

Meanwhile in said garden, the serpentine soldiers were fighting the castle guards, with the Venomari soldiers using their venom to distort their visions, "We haven't lost our touch." Spitz chuckled, as the serpentine continued causing trouble in the gardens.

Suddenly a bright yellow beam of magic blasted at some of the Hypnobrai knocking them back. The serpentine looked and saw the two princesses, and the eight ponies from before who defeated them approach looking firmly at them, "The princesses!" A Hypnobrai soldier gasped.

"And it's those other eight!" a Fangpyre soldier gasped.

"No sign of the boys." Chunk the Constrictai squinted at the group.

"Ain't you fellas a long way from Tartarus?" Applejack asked, with her eyes fixated on them.

"That place couldn't contain us!" Fang answered.

"Well, you don't surprise us anymore," Rainbow began, "We're much stronger since last time, and without your generals you're not so hot."

"How wrong you are," Mezmo answered, "Because we serve a new master now."

"So we've been told." Rarity answered.

"Where is this master of yours?" Wild inquired.

"Right here." a voice said, as a shadow portal opened up from the ground and rising up out of it was Ebon.

"Felix." the girls began.

"We don't know how you got here, but we're sending you back to New York where you belong." Twilight warned him.

"Very amusing plan, Princess, but with one little problem," he began, "I'm not Felix."

The group suddenly hearing his voice clearer and saw how his eyes looked more menacing than Felix's left them in shock, especially the royal sisters, "Wait a minute, isn't that?" Pinkie asked.

"I-I don't believe it." Applejack gasped in shock.

"But it can't be..." Twilight pondered, as they spoke simultaneously.


"The very same." Ebon answered with a chuckle.

"But how's this possible?" Wild asked in confusion.

"Yeah, didn't we like purify you up extra crispy style?" Rainbow wondered.

"My body perhaps," Ebon began, "But your elements of harmony could not purify my spirit. After you left my remains and took my body away my spirit lingered on. Felix who returned afterward thought I was gone for good as well. But I took him by surprise. Rather than wait again for another large amount of fear energy I took refuge inside Felix and now he is my vessel."

"But what about Felix himself?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"Felix is shall we say taking a very long nap," Ebon answered, "A nap he will not be waking up from anytime soon."

"While I'm not exactly a fan for Felix, but not even he deserves something as this." Rarity admitted.

"The fool had it coming when he abandoned me in the fight," Ebon answered, until his eyes fell upon the two pony sisters and smirked, "Well-well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, you two are looking very well."

Celestia frowned at him, "You should've stayed in the past like all the other evils you brought onto Equestria."

Ebon looked appalled, "Celestia, such rude manners. Is that any way to talk to your own uncle?"

"Save your words," Luna cut him off, "As far as our family is concerned, you are no uncle of ours."

"True, so true," Ebon began, as he started walking around the group in a circle, as the ponies stayed their ground, and the snakes were on standby, "I may not look the way I used to be thousands of years ago, but the truth is I've never looked better. Granted there are still some things I haven't quite gotten accustomed to yet using a human vessel."

"Such as?" Applejack wondered.

"Thanks to his body and Felix's desires I've developed a craving for human food, especially of the meat variety! I've become a cannibal!" he bellowed, making the ponies cringe.

"Well, that does sound unfortunate for you." Rarity admitted.

"Still Felix's lust for such foods is incredibly strong even for me while using his body." Ebon added.

"But how were you able to open a portal to Equestria all the way from the human world?" Twilight inquired.

"I've always known such a spell, ever since I latched onto Alistair and watched Celestia and Luna use their magic to open the portal," the dark king explained, "I've existed for millenia, which allowed me to known a magic spell just by watching others use it."

"So you came back, busted the serpentine out of Tartarus, and are looking for revenge?" Twilight added it up.

Ebon clapped slowly as if mocking her, "You guessed it, dear Princess. And now that the serpentine follow my orders, we'll take Equestria for our own!" he declared.

"No you won't." Celestia declared.

Ebon looked at her amusingly, "Oh, Celestia, you really have your father's dedication to his land and those he cared for. Sadly that will be your downfall!" he flew from his position to deliver a spin kick, only for Celestia to duck her head and swat her wing at him. Ebon landed on his feet as Luna spoke.

"It seems the years have not been kind to your own skill."

Ebon scowled but shook it off, "While it's true I don't possess my full power, but this new vessel of mine comes with other surprises!" he extended both palms out and launched blue fire at the group.

Twilight using her magic projected a barrier around them, but it didn't appear to hold much longer. They all got away and Twilight was able to dodge the flames, "Wow, he's a better dark warrior than Felix was." Rainbow admitted.

"And even more dangerous." Muse added.

Ebon chuckled, "Yes. Felix's dark warrior and yoko powers combined with what magic I have makes me a formidable opponent," he got down on all fours as his nails grew long and sharp, and his four tails started waving about wildly, "Here I come!" he took off like a bullet as he ran on all fours right for them.

"Move!" Celestia ordered, as they all jumped or flew up.

"Come on, girls, we still got our own moves!" Twilight reminded them, as they all stood ready and charged as Ebon only for the Serpentine to block their paths.

"Like old times!" Rainbow called, as she flew around plowing through the snakes, while a Fangpyre jumped on her back, "Hey, this ain't a taxi!"

Before the Fangpyre could sink its fangs into her flank, Applejack leaped up and delivered a kick to the snake knocking if off the Pegasus. Wild flew up and tackled two Constrictai soldiers, as Muse was bucking some Venomari soldiers. Felix stood before Celestia and Luna and spoke, "Quite a crop of ponies for the elements of harmony to select as their new bearers. They may have beaten me once before, but this time I will take them down and they can join the previous wielders!"

"If our parents could defeat you, then we can as well." Luna warned him.

"Oh, please. You two have no chance against me even if I'm at half strength," Ebon mocked them, "Your student and her friends only defeated me because your parents decided to take those other two as vessels!"

Celestia and Luna frowned as they crossed their horns and sent a combined blast of light and dark magic at Ebon. The attack nailed him as he was being pushed back before he deflected the blast. Ebon's clothing look rugged thanks to the attack and spoke, "I really like this outfit of Felix's," he sighed, "I suppose this has been a good enough squabble for now," he put his hands to the ground and sent a shadow portal underneath the serpentine that sucked them in, "But make no mistake, I will be back!" he sank into it as well, before the portal closed.

"Great, he got away." Rainbow grumbled as she touched down to the ground.

"He's just as dangerous than when he had a pony body." Twilight stated.

"Everypony ok?" Muse asked all around, as they all nodded in assurance.

"You think the elements of harmony can work on him again?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure," Twilight answered, "The elements even when they evolved were only able to purify his body, but somehow his spirit was able to survive it."

"So what do we do now?" Applejack asked opened for suggestions.

"I think the best thing to do is alert the boys back in the human world," Celestia suggested, but panted as she and her sister helped each other up, "Unfortunately, all that fighting and using our magic against Ebon has worn us all out."

"So what'll we do?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I'll contact Dustin tonight in his dreams." Luna explained.

"For now all of you return to Ponyville and try and take it easy." Celestia ordered.

"Yes, Princess." Twilight nodded, as she and her friend started heading back to the castle.

"Hey our of curiosity do you think we should tell Nightfall about this?" Wild inquired.

"I think it's best we don't tell him right now," Muse answered, "He still has the occasional nightmare about his time as Ebon, and the last thing we need is for him to see his nightmares come to life." the mare's nodded in agreement, as Wild nodded as well deciding not to tell him about it.

So they returned home, and at the Library, Twilight, Muse, and Wild entered and saw Spike and Nightfall reading a comic about the Power Ponies, "And once again Maretropolis was saved thanks to the efforts of the Power Ponies and their sidekick Humdrum!" Spike finished dramatically, as Nightfall clapped his hooves.

"All right, Power Ponies!" Nightfall cheered.

The three older ponies smiled seeing that not only had Spike been able to watch Nightfall while they were away, but also glad to see that at least one side of Ebon was no longer evil, "We're back." Twilight spoke up.

"Hey, guys, how was the meeting with the princess?" Spike asked.

"Oh, you know the same old same old." Twilight answered, while not wanting to bring up what happened with Nightfall present.

"Did you have fun with Uncle Spike, Nightfall?" Muse asked.

"The best, mom." Nightfall smiled.

"Good boy." Muse rubbed his head as he giggled.

"What say the three of us grab some ice cream?" Wild offered, as Nightfall jumped up and down all excitedly.

"We'll see you later, Twilight." Muse told the princess.

"Bye, guys." Twilight bid the three adieu, and once they were out of the library she closed the door and spoke to Spike in a worried tone, "Ok, Nightfall's gone. Now I can talk."

Spike noticing the shift in his friends tone knew something was up, "What is it, Twi?"

"There was much more that happened while we were seeing the princess." she explained.

"And that is?" Spike asked wanting her to get on with it.

"The serpentine have broken out of Tartarus." she stated.

"What?!" Spike gasped, "But how?"

"Get this, Spike. Ebon had survived our last battle and took over Felix and is now using him as a vessel." she explained.

"Wait, 'who' is using 'what'?" Spike asked in shock.

"Just as I told you, Spike. Ebon's back and is using Felix's body as a vessel and is now leading the serpentine." Twilight replied.

"I thought that's what you said," Spike said, before fainting. He recovered and got up, "No wonder you didn't say anything with Nightfall in here."

"Yeah. Princess Luna is going to contact Dustin tonight and brief him on what's going on." Twilight added.

"Does that mean Dustin, Alistair, and the rest of the guys will be coming here?" Spike wondered.

"With any luck, yes," Twilight answered, "So we need to be ready and await word for tomorrow." Spike nodded, as they continued the rest of their doing their normal duties.

That night in the human world, Dustin was relaxing in a huge luxurious jacuzzi tub with Alice draping herself over his left side, Alicia draping herself over his right side, and Aria was sitting while draping herself over his chest, "Ah, this is the good life." he sighed in delight.

"Oh, Dustin, you're so good looking." Aria cooed.

"Very hot." Alicia added, as she nibbled his ear.

"And so daring." Alice finished, as she was nuzzling onto his shoulder.

"Yes I am," Dustin smiled to himself, as he enjoyed himself until steam from the jacuzzi started forming. He looked ahead seeing something approaching from it, "What the?"

Suddenly coming through the steam was Luna standing in the water, "Dustin."

"GAH!" Dustin shouted in surprise, as the three girls lost their hold of him, "Luna, are you nuts?!"

"I apologize for my interruption. You clearly seem to be enjoying yourself." Luna said, as she noticed the position he and the three girls were in.

Dustin looked at the three and sighed, "It's no big. I can have this dream any night," he answered, as the girls suddenly vanished along with the jacuzzi signaling the whole thing was a dream. Dustin was no longer in trunks but in regular clothing, "So to what do I owe this unannounced visit?"

"I'll cut straight to the point. Equestria is in danger." the Princess of the Night began.

"Danger?" Dustin asked, as he gave her his full attention.

"Yes. Have you heard word of Felix since our last encounter?" Luna inquired.

"No. Alistair and the rest of the guys and I expected he's laying low." Dustin explained.

"Well, I'm afraid he isn't," Luna began, putting a look of confusion on Dustin, "He's come to Equestria."

"Equestria? But how?" Dustin asked in outrage.

"Perhaps I should show you the truth?" Luna suggested, as she reached up with her horn touching Dustin's forehead.

Suddenly Dustin started seeing all that transpired between them, Ebon, and the serpentine that day in the castle garden. When she stopped showing him the memory, Dustin was left in shock, "You've got to be kidding me."

"I wish I was." Luna admitted wishing it were the case.

Dustin sighed, "I knew this was too good to be real with Felix in hiding, but this was not what I expected."

"Well, it's true. Ebon is using Felix as a vessel and his powers for his own benefit," Luna explained, "And with the serpentine under his command Equestria will be in for another time of despair."

"Well, I can't let that happen," Dustin answered, "I'll call up the gang tomorrow and tell them of the situation. The good news is my portal generator which I promised to finish will serve as our transportation to and from home and Equestria. After all we can't have you using your magic every time. Saves you the trouble."

"I will return and inform my sister of your answer." Luna bowed her head.

"You do that, and we'll be in Equestria soon enough." Dustin assured her.

"Until then, Dustin Bowers!" Luna faded away, and Dustin woke up in his bed seeing all was well.

He got out of it and looked out his window and up at the moon, "Looks like we're going back." he said to himself.