• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Return to Equestria

Last night, Princess Luna visited Dustin in his dreams and warned him of Ebon possessing Felix's body, as well as uniting the Serpentine under his command. Understanding the situation, he promised he and his friends would come to Equestria right away.

The morning after, inside Dustin's lab, Dustin gathered his pals Alistair, Elroy, Jade, Jethro, Aria, Alice, Alicia, Eu, Thatch, Topher, Blaze, Zimmer, Dean, Ralph, and the animal familiars. Dustin had just briefed them of the situation in Equestria, and needless to say all of them were in shock, "You have got to be kidding me." Dean said in shock.

"I wish." Dustin sighed.

"So we did all that just for him to possess Felix?" Topher asked in outrage.

"Unfortunately." Dustin replied.

"So what do we do about it?" Zimmer asked.

"What I promised we'd do for the princess. We have to go to Equestria and defeat Ebon and the Serpentine." Dustin explained.

Zyphon wheeled out a mechanical archway, "The portal, master." Zyphon spoke up.

"Good work, Zyphon," Dustin said, as he approached it, "As you know I've worked on this machine for about a year as a way for me and Alistair to ever return to Equestria. And now that it's finally completed we can all go there together."

"Shouldn't we bring along my brother and all?" Aria asked.

"This is something that's not going to take one day, besides your bro still has his job here." Dustin reminded her, and she nodded.

"Besides we're not going to try and go looking for Ebon and the Serpentine," Alistair added, "Equestria is incredibly big and finding him won't be so easy. No doubt the Serpentine have been looking for new hideouts as well since we busted up their old one."

"Shouldn't we hurry and get to Equestria?" Blaze suggested.

"Right," Dustin said, as he went to the control panel on the portal device, "I'll set a course for Canterlot castle. The princesses will be expecting us." he opened a portal.

"Finally, let's go!" Blaze called as he ran for it, but bumped Dustin causing him to throw another switch which in turn caused the coordinates to change.

"Blaze, wait, the portal's coordinates have been altered!" Dustin shouted.

"What?" Blaze called, as he stood too close to the portal and ended up falling into it screaming.

"Blaze!" Dustin called, as Aria spoke up.

"We have to go after him."

"Wait a minute, if we all start jumping in then who knows where we'll end up. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are expecting us." Dustin reminded her.

"Then what do we do?" Elroy asked.

"You all go on ahead. Zyphon and I will stay behind and try and pinpoint Blaze's location." Dustin instructed.

"Are you sure?" Alice asked.

"Yes. We'll meet up with you when we hear word from Blaze," Dustin promised, and turned to his familiar, "Domino, you go with them."

"Really?" Domino asked in confusion.

Dustin smirked, "I'm sure there's a certain feathered friend in Equestria who misses you the most." he winked.

Domino gasped recalling his crush Philomena the phoenix, "Of course!" he flew to Alistair's shoulder and spoke, "Look out, sweetheart. Domino's coming back!"

Dustin redid the coordinates to Canterlot castle, "Coordinates are back in place. Think you can handle things, Alistair?"

"Not a problem, Dustin." Alistair nodded.

"All right you guys, you better hurry." Dustin suggested.

"Last one in is eraser dust!" Topher called, as the warriors ran into the portal followed by the animals.

Dustin closed the portal up and started running a search through the universes for Blaze's whereabouts, "Are you sure you didn't want me to go as well, master Dustin?" Zyphon inquired.

"The reason why I wanted you to stick around Zyphon, is because I got something special for you that I've been working on in case we ever returned to Equestria." Dustin smirked, while Zyphon looked curious.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot Castle in the throne room, Celestia and Luna were going over some notes and documents, until they saw a portal materialize out of thin air, "Sister, look." Luna gasped.

"That must be them." Celestia theorized.

They heard screaming and flying out of it was Alistair, followed by his pals, and the familiars who landed on top of the humans, "Oh I hate not landing on my feet." Jethro groaned.

Suddenly three of the unicorn guards galloped over and pointed their spears at them, "Halt, identify yourselves!" one ordered.

"Guards, stand down." Celestia ordered as she and Luna approached them.

The guards looked at their princesses and back down on the group of humans as Alistair looked up, "Yo." he greeted them.

The guards gasped in surprise, "Mr. Savage!" one gasped recognizing him.

One of them helped him up and spoke, "Forgive us, but we just didn't recognize you."

"Well, I got taller and cut my hair, so it's reasonable." Alistair answered, as the rest of the guys got up and upon seeing the guards gasped.

"Check it out, pony guards." Ralph said.

"Look at this place." Alice gasped, as she looked around the throne room.

"Welcome to Canterlot castle, my human friends." Celestia greeted them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" Alistair gasped, as he motioned the group to bow their heads, and they did so.

After they finished their bows they stood up as Luna spoke, "It is good to see you all arrived here safely," she then did another take seeing they were missing some, "Where are Dustin Bowers and Blaze Shadow?"

The group were sheepish, as Alistair spoke, "Sorry, Princess, but some things happened and Dustin stayed behind with Zyphon to find Blaze. They should be with us shortly... Hopefully." he mumbled.

"So this is Canterlot castle?" Aria asked in wonder.

"Yes, we're honored to have you all here." Celestia nodded.

"Oh, I'm feeling all nostalgia here right now." Alistair admitted, as he walked around with Domino and Fievel on his shoulders.

"I know it's been like forever since we walked through these halls." Fievel added.

"You've all kept it in perfect condition since we were last here." Domino told the princesses who smiled.

"Not a bad set up." Tricera added.

"A splendid décor." McTwisp added.

"I'm glad Dustin was able to brief you all on what's going on," Luna began, "We have important matters to discuss."

"Right." the humans nodded.

"But perhaps we can do this in the parlor?" Luna suggested.

"Works for me." Ralph nodded.

Celestia turned to the animals, "And how would you all like to see the castle gardens?"

"Sounds good to me." Calem admitted.

So the princesses led them through the castle, as the newcomers marveled at the interior design, before reaching outside and into the castle gardens, "So this is the garden in which Fluttershy went insane with the animals?" Alistair asked with a chuckle.

"I'm sure your familiars will find it very enjoyable here." Celestia assured the owners of the animals.

"Hotcha, now this is a garden." Salem said as he walked around the place.

Domino surveyed the scene, before flying onto a tree branch to get a better view, "Where is she?" he asked in confusion, before feeling a tap on his back from behind. He turned around seeing no one there. He suddenly felt another tap and turned back seeing no one. He kept getting tapped all around, forcing him to try and keep up, before he came face to face with the phoenix he was looking for, "Philomena!" he cawed in joy.

Philomena squawked in joy as the two birds started nuzzling their beaks together, "Oh, I missed you. Did you miss me?" he asked her as she squawked back confirming.

Alistair chuckled, "Well, he sure looks happy."

"That's his main squeeze?" Tricera asked Fievel who nodded.

"Yup. He knows how to pick them." the mouse admitted.

"You all play nice now." Alicia instructed them.

"I'm always nice." Salem shot back, while McTwisp and Calem rolled their eyes.

So the humans were in the parlor, and were each having a cup of tea with the princesses, "So you sent a message to Twilight and the others that we arrived?" Alistair inquired out of Celestia.

"Yes. They should arrive soon, and I know they'll be ecstatic to see you all." Celestia explained.

"I can't wait." Aria said in excitement.

"Yeah I want to see this Ponyville you told us so much about." Dean said to Alistair.

"Well, unfortunately I do not wish to return to Ponyville until Dustin gets here," Alistair answered, "It's only fitting that both of us return to the town together that way all of the residents can see us both again."

"But that could take forever." Ralph complained.

"Oh stop your bellyaching." Thatch chided him.

A guard trotted in, "You highness', Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have just arrived."

"Excellent." Celestia smiled.

Soon the group went to the hall of glass windows, as Twilight and her friends entered, "Twilight, guys!" Alistair called.

"Alistair!" The ponies and Spike cheered, as they went over and hugged Alistair. Due to them being ponies again, Alistair's older form was now slightly taller than them.

"It's good to see you girls again after a long month." Alistair admitted.

"Right back at ya." Rainbow agreed.

"Hey, girls!" Aria called, as she and the others went over.

"Pinkie!" Ralph cheered.

"Ralph!" Pinkie cheered, as the two hugged.

"Wow as a pony you look even better." Ralph said, as he hugged her.

"So this is you as a dragon, Spike?" Aria asked the baby dragon.

"Oh yeah." Spike asked as he pumped his arms.

"So Dustin and Blaze ain't with yall?" Applejack asked noting their absence.

"Unfortunately." Alice sighed.

"But they should be with us shortly. I can't imagine them taking too long." Eu said.

"Well, as long as you're all here how about we show you something?" Twilight offered.

"Lead on, girls." Alistair answered, as he and the others were interested in what they had to show.

Soon they were in the hall of windows seeing all the ones Alistair and Dustin saw when they were last in Equestria, "Look at all these windows." Eu gasped.

"Each one tells a legend of Equestria," Alistair explained the same way he and Dustin were told, and stood in front of one, "This is my favorite." he motioned up to one that was the window that depicted Dustin, Alistair, and the girls defeating the Serpent King.

"Whoa." the boys gasped, as they saw Dustin's and Alistair's images in the window.

"That is so cool." Jethro gasped.

Eu studied Alistair's image in the window and turned to her guy, "Your chin looks a little big."

"I knew it." Alistair said feeling the image made his chin look bigger.

"You should see the last one they added here." Rainbow said, as they motioned to another window.

The group of humans looked over and gasped in surprise. The window they were now looking at depicted King Ebon in the center being defeated, while they, Twilight, and the other ponies in their human forms surrounded him, "That's us." Ralph gasped.

"We're in a stain glass window." Jade gasped further.

"We're legends!" Elroy cheered.

"Oh, Dustin would love to see this." Alice smiled.

"See what?" a familiar voice asked.

Everyone turned and saw Dustin standing before a portal, "Dustin!" they cheered.

"And me." another voice spoke. They saw stepping out of the portal was a robotic pegasus about the size of Princess Luna. It's body was silver, had blue eyes, its mane and tail were royal blue color, and its wings resembled small airplane wings that were pointed upward.

"Wait a minute," Twilight gasped, "Zyphon?"

"In the metallic Pegasus bod." Zyphon answered.

"Oh, this looks so awesome!' Rainbow cheered as she flew around Zyphon, liking his pegasus look.

"I'll say." Wild agreed.

The group went over to Dustin as Aria spoke, "You made it."

"Where's Blaze?" Alistair asked seeing the portal close.

"Did you find him?" Zimmer asked.

Dustin looked sheepishly, "Well, I found him, but ya see guys..." he trailed off and flashed back.

(Dustin's lab hours ago)

Dustin was tracking Blaze's location through the portal generator that was hooked up to the monitor, "Come on, Blaze, where are you?" he asked, as he continued his search before he saw a blinking dot on the monitor, "Zyphon, I found him!"

Zyphon in his pegasus body slowly trotted over and looked at the monitor, "Are you sure it's him?"

"I'm positive," Dustin confirmed, "Now to make contact," he typed on the control board and the portal projected a viewing image that was hazy at first, until he saw Blaze, "Blaze, can you hear me?"

Blaze hearing his name called, looked over and saw the portal with Dustin in it, "Dustin, is that you man?"

"Yeah, it's me. Are you ok?" Dustin asked in worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought we lost you there." Dustin replied in relief.

"Blaze, who're you talking to?" a voice asked as Dustin looked to see a long dark blue haired short girl come into view with Blaze.

"Blaze, who is that?" Dustin and the girl asked him together.

Blaze spoke, "Wendy, this is my friend Dustin. Dustin, this is Wendy my... new girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?!" Dustin shouted in outrage.

"Yeah, see I've been here for about a week now." Blaze began, only for Dustin to interrupt him.

"A week? But you've only been missing for a few hours!" Dustin replied.

"Hours? Whoa time seriously moves slow back home compared to here." Blaze noted.

"Blaze, I got to get you back so we can get to Equestria." Dustin reminded him.

"Right. Dustin, I really hate to say this, but I don't think I'll be joining you guys." Blaze answered.

"What?" Dustin asked in confusion.

"I know I said I'd be looking forward to going there, but this place has so much for me. And these guys probably need me more than you and the others," he explained, "I know this sounds selfish of me, but I think I may have found where I'm needed the most. I know you went through so much trouble to find me here, and I appreciate that. But this place has become like a home to me."

Dustin was shocked to hear how much Blaze meant about this world he landed in seeming right for him. He couldn't bring himself to order Blaze to come back against his will, and if the people of that world needed someone like him, who was he to say otherwise, "Well, Blaze, if this is really what you want."

Blaze nodded, "This is what I want."

"Then I'll support your decision." Dustin answered.

"Thanks man, and hey it's not like we won't see each other again. We can still keep in touch." he showed his his communicator that Dustin gave him after the events of Ebon trying to take over New York.

"Right. Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now." Dustin said.

"Until we meet again, Dustin Bowers." Blaze smiled as they ended their link.

(Flashback End)

The guys and the ponies were surprised, "So, Blaze isn't joining us?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid not." Dustin answered.

"What a bummer.' Rainbow said in disappointment.

"Yeah, he would've been a big help to us like he was last time." Applejack added.

"True, Applejack," Dustin agreed, "But it was clear that place needed him more than we do. And as his friends we should respect his choice."

"You have a point." Twilight admitted.

"So what's with Zyphon and the pegasus look?" Dean asked looking at the robot.

"I felt like putting this new body I made for Zyphon to the test. And this world is the best place for it." Dustin explained.

"Agreed, and behold my new style of flying." Zyphon began as his plane like wings folded down and were spread out. Suddenly the soles of his four hooves opened up emitting rocket boosters which allowed him to fly off the ground, and jets emerged from his wings and he started flying around in a circle above them.

"Whoa, look at him go!" Rainbow cheered.

"Excellent work, Zyphon. Your flight function works perfectly." Dustin clapped.

Zyphon touched back ground and his wings folded back into place, "That felt good." he admitted.

Dustin smiled, until he looked around seeing someone wasn't with them, "Where's Domino? And for that matter where are the rest of them?"

"Incoming!" a voice shouted, as Dustin turned as saw Domino fly right into him knocking him off his feet and onto the floor.

Dustin pulled the crow off him, "Domino!"

"Dustin, you're here!" Domino wrapped his wings around Dustin's face, as he laughed joyously.

Running down the hall were the rest of the animal familiars. When they halted they saw Dustin and the ponies, "Dustin, you made it." Tricera said.

"Hey, girls!" Fievel cheered.

"You all look like you're doing well." Twilight noted.

"Indubitably." McTwisp answered.

"Hi, guys." Spike greeted them as the animals eyed him.

"Is that you, Spike?" Calem asked, curiously.

"Yeah, Calem, it's me." Spike admitted as Tricera and Salem circled him.

Tricera took a few whiffs of him and smiled, "Well, how about that? It is him."

"I gotta say, kid, the dragon look suits you better than the dog look." Salem admitted.

"Thanks... I think." Spike replied, while not sure how to take it.

"So where's Blaze?" Domino asked.

"He's decided to sit this one out." Dustin answered.

"Really, that doesn't sound like him." Domino noted.

"Surprised me too." Dustin replied.

"This is great!" Pinkie cheered, "Now that Dustin's here, let's have a party!"

Ralph's smile brightened, "Ya took the words right out of my mouth, Pinkie."

"Well, then let's party!" Dustin called, as the humans and ponies cheered.

And so a party was held in Canterlot's great hall for the group, where the guys were either dancing, talking, or in Pinkie's and Ralph's case munching on party sweets. Dustin was off to the side talking with the princesses, as the rest of his pals continued enjoying the party, "So I'll put in a word to Burai and the others back home and have them come here as well. They should see Equestria as well, and if the ponies accepted me and Alistair, I'm sure they'll accept the rest of our friends too."

"We hope they do." Celestia agreed.

"Though I hope your friends are up for the challenge of taking on the Serpentine." Luna spoke up in worry.

Dustin gave her a dry look, "No offense, Princess Luna, but if me and Alistair could take them on as pre-teens, I think they're more than capable of handling them as well. Plus their generals aren't among them, so that's less of a threat."

"Even if the generals are not among them, there is no telling how much stronger they are while under the command of Ebon." Celestia warned him, with a hint of distaste for his overconfidence.

Dustin nodded, "Well, then we'll be prepared for the worse." he went back to the party as the two sisters watched the group.

"Do you think they're all ready for this task sister?" Luna asked the elder sister, "They are after all taking on the former dark king of Equestria and the former minions of King Sombra. Such a combination of threats is something not even we would ever imagine."

Celestia nodded, "I believe as long as they stick together and help each other, I feel they will do us proud as they have before." Luna watched them, and knew she had to believe in them as her sister did. Eventually after the party ended, they were all stationed into their own guest rooms and were able to catch some winks knowing tomorrow was gonna be quite a day.