• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,952 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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Rarity had passed away by the blade of nopony else then Nightmare Moon herself. That much was known to the land. It was something that could be seen as a devastating blow to the entire nation of Equestria, as well as neighboring countries. It meant that nopony in the land was actually safe from the malice of the dark alicorn. While they could have been right, it was still better than to live in the constant fear that Nightmare Rarity could be attacking somepony anywhere and anytime. The necessary thing had been done, whether or it not it was appreciated or not by the citizens.

Though after the death of the unicorn, the land had managed to divide itself up in multiple parts surrounding the subject. One part was actually happy that the mysterious queen of fright was gone and that the woods of White Tails. Combined with the fact that the lands were safe once more thanks to the actions done. Another part and the majority of the land mourned about the death of Rarity herself.

It was never revealed by the princesses nor her friends that Rarity had been turned into the nightmarish appearance she carried to her day of death. Perhaps it was a secret that was better kept just among the ponies for who it was meant to be. That sadly enough also included the family of the once so graceful ivory coated mare.

Explanation after explanation had been given to the family. All in the hope that they would ever understand that if Rarity continued to live her life the way she did, there would only have been more trouble and chaos would have been there. Which happened to have been just about the last thing either of the royals wanted. The binding of the two souls together was something that killed the innocence of the unicorn a long time ago and that her death was the only way to truly end it.

A heartbreaking fact for the family it indeed happened to be. Though if the royals said that there was no other way it could have been done, none dared to protest against it.

A funeral was given for the unicorn just as she would have wanted it. Everypony appeared in their most beautiful outfits, though the mood on the site was everything but joyful. In the coffin laid the body of the friend who had gone. It was truly heartbreaking for all of them. Friends and family alike shed their tears as the tales did their turn. Eventually she was slowly lowered into the ground and each of the ponies present gave their last goodbye’s to Rarity. Only then was the funeral itself over and the dark chapter in each of their history could be closed with a tear instead of a smile.


Though it would have been a couple days later that the group of friends would be having collected themselves upon the balcony of the Golden Oak Library. Each of them sat upon the hunches and gazed over to the infinite stars. Though there was one little gap in between Twilight and Applejack. For in between them didn't lay Spike, he was actually napping in his basket after having turned back by Luna. Instead there was another pony who had claimed the spot. A pony who had taken the role of the element of generosity upon herself out of honor. A pony who actually was deemed to be worthy to be the element and –more or less– kept a family tradition.

In between Applejack and Twilight sat nopony else then the younger sister of Rarity. The little Sweetie Belle had the necklace of generosity around her neck and she looked over to the other mares before her eyes also turned up to the skies. A sky that was as clear as it could be with not a single clue visible in the air.

All the stars shone both bright and powerful, almost like the state of the elements. That among the darkness that was cast over them, there was a light that could be found. The more the ponies watched to the skies, the more they wiped away their tears of sadness. They remembered their favorite moments with the ivory unicorn. They didn't wanted to remember her as the queen of fright she portrayed herself to be, but as the wonderful and generous friend she was to all.

Though the sniffing was caught by a set of white ears that stood in the door opening of the library. Ears that turned and twitched softly in response before the words left the mouth. Words that were spoken in a tone and tongue all too familiar to each of the ponies. “Well, what’s the reason for this sadness if I may ask? Did somepony die?” was asked in that refined and lady-like tone without anypony actually knowing where it truly came from, until they perked their ears.

All of the ponies then turned themselves over to the doorway and saw the impossible just standing there. None of them could believe their eyes for what they saw. None wanted to believe it actually yet the proof was right there. “Sis!” Sweetie Belle almost yelled up. Tears of happiness filled within her eyes at the very sight of it.

She happened to be quite right on the matter. Because in the doorway stood an ivory white coated, purple maned and sapphire blue rimmed unicorn mare. “Sweetie dear,” the mare spoke up just before Sweetie had ran up to her and wrapped both of her forelegs around the neck. One of the unicorn’s forelegs wrapped itself around the back of the filly and a sisterly hug was given to the both of them.

“Rarity?!” all of the other mares exclaimed pretty much at the same time. None of them could even believe the things that they were seeing. It seemed to be just so impossible to them that unicorn just stood there but she did and she was alive. It had to be, without a single doubt the happiest moment in their lives.

“Though, what happened to yar mane, that, white streak into it. Latest fashion?” Applejack asked with care. She had noticed the white streak of mane running through the purple hairs easily.

“Well Applejack, is it a crime if I change my style every now and then? Besides, you have to admit that it look just marvelous,” replied Rarity just before she nuzzled upon the nose of Sweetie with her signature warm smile.

“Hey sis, I think this is yours,” Sweetie spoke. After that, she gently managed to charge up her horn in the green aura. With a raised eyebrow did Rarity look up to the charge and before she knew it, was the necklace of generosity back around her neck. As it originally was intended to be. Even though the power once more surged through her, it didn't matter to the unicorn at the moment. What really mattered to her was the fact that Sweetie successfully managed to perform a levitation spell. Out of everything that had happened, was that the true beauty of it all.

Speaking of those spells in general, it was the same spell used by the purple maned mare to bring them back over to the group without much of a hassle. Once she had settled herself in the right position was Sweetie kept close to the chest of the mare, whose head turned over to look at the five remaining mare.

Five remaining mares who couldn't believe what they saw and were still wiping away their tears. “So, any of you willing to tell me just what happened that causes you all to be so sad, or is this one of those moments it is better left untold?” Rarity spoke up with a chuckle as she carefully laid a hoof over Twilight’s shoulders.

“Trust me, Rarity, we’ll tell you one day. Sooner or later,” returned Twilight to her in a calm manner. After those worse, they all looked back over to the stars. The stars that seemed to be shining even brighter when the group was complete once again, as it always should have been.


“Just for this one time, I allowed you to use this spell Luna. This, one, time,” said Celestia against her sister. The both of them had been engaged in a duel of chess. “Next time they will all be asking for that favor and that is a thing I will not be having.”

“I heard you sister, I heard you. Besides, you know just as well as I that Sweetie Belle isn't capable to stay the element of generosity. Perhaps at a later age, but not at the age she is,” Luna replied with a foalish grin that was clearly visible upon her face.

“I suppose you are having a point there, sister of mine,” returned Celestia. There was a deep sigh that left through her mouth. She tore her eyes away from the game for just a little bit.

“Check, mate,” Luna added in a bit of a seductive voice. She placed her hoof against the king of Celestia, before she toppled him over on the board.

Comments ( 12 )

Hmm, sweet ending.

Awesome ending.

I might read this story since I've finally finished Blood Curse Boutique.

Black Hoof I couldn't agree more. :heart:

Coming back to finally finish reading this story, been following it since this story was more or less half written

Resuming from Ch27 now :)

Oh! I think I think I got what happened here!

What happened was that Luna used the memory alteration spell that gave the Mane 5 (and Celestia) the memory of Nightmare Rarity dying but what really happened was that Twilight did manage to cure Rarity. But how that scene was wrote and this theory is just only a thought.

But, another theory I had was that Luna resurrected Rarity and that she came back with the white-streaked mane. Rarity also had no memories of the entire ordeal. Or maybe she remembers just some part of it.

Just basically ideas here XP

Also, wow. Finally finished the story. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for this story and good luck to you in all your future stories. I'll always keep an eye out for more Nightmare Rarity fics ;)

Maybe i'm a sadist :pinkiecrazy:,but, i would have prefered that Rarity won:raritydespair:, it could have been awesome, i mean, look, NMR is like the best villain ever.:raritywink:
Anyway i loved your story, i had a great time reading it. (it's still sad it can't be one of my fav because of this ending)

7064924 There are certainly a lot of aspects that I could have done in order to do that, to have NMR rule the land with eternal fear, but doing it this way leaves a bit of an open ending. Which in return can mean that (if I ever find the drive for it) there is still an adventure waiting to happen. And I know exactly what you mean, NMR is one of my favorite ponies to begin with, hehehe.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the tale for what it is darling. (Well, maybe you can let it slip by, because of what I said, and make it one of your favorites, perhaps?)

7067230 Yeah i can do that, for the loves of Blood curse boutique, which has a good ending (and really need a sequel :raritywink:), at least for two stories.

7067290 Much appreciated! As for the sequel to BCB... I can't really say anything about where that is heading.

This was a good story and I liked it. You really need to improve on your grammar however because you made very many grammatical errors. The biggest error and the one I saw the most was the incorrect usage of the word would. It does not describe the past tense like you used it instead it describes something that didn't happen or happens in certain circumstances.
Another thing is that you had Sombra appear early on in the story but it has no effect on the plot at all if you were to remove it nothing would change which means you should have left it out. I don't know if your writing has improved since this story but you should still check your grammar.

7369213 Glad to hear that you like it even with its grammatical errors! And I'll certainly put it to use (or keep it in the back of my head while writing). I like to think that my writing has improved, since this story was written whole before it's first chapter was even published, which makes it over two years old. I've learned a couple things during that time.

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