• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,953 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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15 Questions arise, but no answers

The purple rimmed eyes of Twilight closed themselves for a moment or two. She released a deep sigh through her nostrils and called upon her magic once more. The magic itself moved the pillow to the back of the bed so that she could lean against it. After that would her eyes have opened up again and went to go over the equipment present in the room.

All that she could see were the heart monitors though. Whoever was doing the things to them, just wanted to monitor them instead of either helping or hurting them. It was something that even caused some confusion in the mind of Twilight. It was something not even she could have ever expected to happen. Yet it also opened up the other questions that were on her mind.

The how’s, the why’s, the what’s and the when’s. All questions she wanted an answer on but from the looks of it, wouldn't be getting one quick. Only after that did her eyes went over the rest of the room and thus over each of her remaining friends. Rainbow, Applejack and Fluttershy all were still shivering for their lives. None of them even have the slightest suspicion of what was happening.

“Girls,” Twilight spoke up in her normal tone. Though the moment she noticed that that wasn't helping one bit, she raised her tone a bit. “Girls!” All of the sudden had she gained the attention of every single pony that was present in the room. All the eyes were aimed at her and it was there and then that she needed to be showing, just how much of a leader she could be in the situations it was needed most.

“Look, I do not know what happened, but judging from each of your actions just yet and what I have been through, we all have been through a nightmare of some sort. But what it caused us to actually end up here and now, I do not know. I have spoken with Pinkie before, and from the looks of it, we are no longer in Ponyville. We are in Canterlot for as far as I know,” Twilight explained to them all. Her eyes slowly went over each of the mares, taking the time to inspect them whole.

It were words that caused each of the three remaining mares to tilt their heads on the bed before they all assumed the same position Twilight laid in. The pillow placed against the back so they could sit upright. “But,” Rainbow started, “you got any idea, of what could have happened to us?”

To that did Twilight just shook her head in response. While it technically could have been enough, the mare still found it her place to speak a few words here and there. “No Rainbow, I’m afraid I do not know anything about it. It could be the queen of the changelings, Sombra, or even Nightmare Moon who brought us to sleep,” she said to each of them.

“If, if I may say something,” Pinkie spoke up after Twilight was done talking. Suddenly was the attention aimed to her. All of the ponies noticed just that her mane were as flat as they could be. Meaning whatever it was the pink coated mare had dreamed through, had to be something really bad. “Each of you four, woke up ten minutes after the other. At least, for my feeling. Not sure if you can work with it or that it was just a lucky coincidence.”

Those words caused Twilight to fall silent and began to ponder in her mind. While all the others just wanted to speak about the things that had happened to them all, they never dared to say a word before Twilight had spoken again. Perhaps it would be a long wait for them, but at the moment they couldn't care less. All they wanted, were answers in some form or another. Though the ones they would be getting, perhaps weren't the best of it all.


In the meantime and back in the dark crystal domain, Nightmare Rarity laid comfortable on the velvet cushioned sofa and snickered deep to herself. She had been watching the dreams of each of the mares with a literal front row seat. Everything that she saw was just more than perfect. “Oh the joy of toying with their fears, hmhmhm. But it isn't enough, they awoke from their nightmares for certain. Perhaps it is time to roll in the second round, or leave it for a third. Third time’s the charm, they always say,” she spoke up to herself in a sinister tone before a grin got formed across her lips.

Without another word had the darkened unicorn stood up from the sofa. She charged her horn up a little bit. Her body had turned itself into the direction of the balcony before the doors swung open. Without a sound she passed through. The cold winds of the Frozen North were the first thing that she encountered. A thing that gave her a small shudder before she simply stood still.

With the light of the moon that fell over the woods of White Tails, it caused the fog to almost dance in every direction she looked. Though it was the silence that truly dominated the entire area. The silence of the night, with almost every being asleep and the shepherds wandering quietly through the woods. Everything seemed to be so peaceful and calm. Though it was her, who controlled the gates of nothing but Tartarus itself. And the floodgates were about to be opened.

Her cat-like irises looked over all the visible land before a deeper grin formed itself below her muzzle. A grin that actually showed her jagged teeth just a little bit. Without a word or command did the four savage shadow stallions came out of the shadows they had been resting in. Each of them shook the liquids off of themselves. After that would they have taken place on either side of the mare. Two to her left and two to her right and standing just a bit behind her.

If anypony had seen the sight upon the balcony of that cursed tower would the shivers have been going down the spine. For the ever so hungry looks within the eyes of the savages was already more than enough nightmare fuel. But it was the insanity, the sinisterness, the determination and the ominous that could be seen in the eyes of Nightmare Rarity, that caused the biggest chill of it all.

Something that only got confirmed the moment her horn charged itself up with more power rapidly and was pointed straight in the skies. Not even two seconds later was there a massive blast of magical energy being shot towards the very moon itself. Much like how Celestia had once caused a shadow to be cast upon the rock, so would Nightmare Rarity have. Minus the banishment of her body that was while she also would be taking her time with it.


Back in the room where the five mares laid, they had been talking to one another. The spoke about just what they could be done in order to make certain that they would be getting out of there. Plans of utter insanity were discussed all of the place but none of them was just clear as crystal. That was until Twilight hacked through the knot they had been talking themselves in. “Enough is enough. Whoever is doing this, wanted to monitor us, nothing else. I guess it is time to find out just who wanted to do this to us,” she said with confidence in her tone.

Not even seconds after she had finished her words did the magical lights in the room came to life. Lights that were simulating a warm and pleasant sunrise, albeit a bit sped up. “Oh, hello,” Twilight chuckled to herself. She had seen the type of magic before. Yet where she was interested and even intrigued, the others couldn't even understand just what was going through her mind.

While the room was being indulged in the warm and pleasant light, each of them had to admit that it did shake off the horrors of their nightmares. It almost felt like if they had been released from their own mental prison in one way or the other. Little did they knew, just how bad the things actually were for them. What other kind of mental prison they were captured in.

The white hospital walls and the beds were revealed to Twilight which meant they were definitely in Canterlot. Yet one other fact was revealed to each of the ponies. That wooden, oaken brown door with the window. How couldn't they have noticed that before? Not even Pinkie knew where it came from. “What in tarnation’s that all ‘bout?” Applejack spoke up while she kept on looking at the door.

Fluttershy wiped away her tears. She only released a small yelp while Rainbow was just dumbstruck. “…It’s, it’s a magical door,” Twilight stated almost in disbelief. “The door that you are seeing there, will only become visible the moment the lights are being turned on. It is usually… Oh for goodness sake! That can’t be it, right? Right?”

“What is it Twilight?” Rainbow asked to her. She had turned her gaze back to the mulberry mare. A mare who was holding her head in both of her forehooves and could almost be heard sniffing. It was a strange sight to see the normally so strong Twilight, broken down like that.

“This, they do that, to make certain, nopony escapes at night,” Twilight sniffled. All the others just couldn't believe it. While it was true that they saw the logic behind it but it wasn't as bad as the mare made it sound. That was until she spoke her next piece. “We’re not in any hospital, we’re in an insane asylum, girls. Canterlot Hospital’s, private insane asylum.”

All of the ponies gasped a bit for air as the revelation caused their courage to be sunken too deep in their hooves. If they truly had ended up in the place Twilight told them they were, nasty and terrible surprises would be waiting for them. “I’m not insane, you hear me!” Twilight cried out before she had raised her head back up and started to wheeze. “I am not insane!”

“Quit it, Twi, otherwise they think you are!” Rainbow spoke up in a hiss towards her mulberry friend. It was something that helped to a certain degree. “And please keep quiet, I heard steps coming, in this direction,” she added with a whisper in her tone.

All of the mares pointed their ears over into the direction of the doors and heard the steps indeed coming. Twilight managed to wipe her tears away before she took a couple of deep breaths through her mouth and simply started to wait. Wait until the thing they heard, would be coming through that door.

The handle started to move itself and the door was opened up. In the opening stood a pony which none of them had ever expected. It was a gray coated, light gray maned, aged stallion that wore the usual doctor’s coat and he gave each of the mares a friendly smile.

Baffled by the revelation, none of them could even speak a word to him. He walked in further while revealing his crimson red rimmed eyes to them all. The color combination seemed to be rather odd in their eyes. But then again, they had seen many different color pallets carried by ponies all over the land. Though the eyes were a little bit unsettling, to say the least.

“Good day ladies, it is a good thing that each of you have finally woken out of your, shall we say slumber. Before you ask, yes I am aware that you are having a lot of questions and allow me to answer a couple right here and now,” the doctor spoke up before he closed the door behind himself.

“Now, my name is no importance to either five of you. But what is known though, is that you are in a private section of the Canterlot Hospital. This wing, especially this room, is used normally for patients who have undergone some heavy narcotics and been out for the count for days. It was a request of her majesty of the sun herself to have you all transported over,” he added to his words.

Those words struck a truly massive confusion by each of the ponies as they looked at one another before they turned back to the doctor. “Perhaps it isn't my place to tell you all what has happened to each of you. They wanted to tell it themselves before any of you would be knowing it. If you please want to excuse me here for a moment, allow me to do a few check-ups and then I shall tell them you’re ready for them. Or that they are ready for you, whichever version you prefer.”

It was something none of the ponies could be doing anything against. The clipboard was summoned from the inside of his coat, together with a pencil. The board wasn't the biggest and thus could have easily fitted in one of the inside pockets that the coat carried. The standard procedure was being done by each of the ponies. Meaning that he looked at the device they were hooked on before carefully detaching them and looked deep in their eyes.

All just basic check-ups but since he had to do five mares and it took him a little bit longer then actually expected. Though luckily for him were each of them willing to cooperate. Though the silence that followed was something that was just as eerie as it possibly could have been. Something only broken by the occasional mumbling of the gray coated stallion.


When he eventually had left them be, everything seemed to be fine in his book and the mares were left alone. It was Twilight who wanted to know the finer details more than anypony else in that room. All of the questions that were racing through her mind, she wanted and needed an answer on. An answer that should be given to her truly sooner than later, otherwise she could be classified as insane. At least she was already in the right institution should a thing like that have happened.

It was only a few minutes after the doctor’s departure that the door of the room opened itself again and a dark blue coated alicorn stepped inside. Only to soon be followed up by a much larger, white coated alicorn who closed the door. Both of the princesses of Equestria stood in the same room, with the remaining five elements of harmony. The looks they shared on their faces was everything but a good one.

“Oh no, w-what is it princess?” Twilight brought out. She could feel something was wrong. Terribly wrong even. Yet the other ponies kept their mouths together. Knowing what the doctor said, it would be the two of them who would be telling the story. Which was exactly what they did.

Luna moved herself over to the other side of the room. There she would be standing against the wall and gave each of them all a stern look. A look which the ponies were used to by then. The alicorn of the night still had troubles to adjust herself to the way things were done in the time she was living in, instead of a millennium ago. “Sister if you please,” the mare spoke up as she made a small gesture with her hoof to speed up.

Celestia nodded to the words and released a deep sigh through her nostrils. Whatever the news was going to be, it wouldn't be something pretty and they all knew that. “Two weeks ago, each of you were found sleeping in your beds. Two weeks ago, you all were as deep as anypony could have been asleep. But the sleep you all have been going through was everything but natural. Something caused you all to fall asleep. A powerful spell that neither myself nor my sister do have any hold over. Something that ancient and powerful, we couldn't believe it that it was cast upon you,” Celestia explained to all five of them.

“So, with all due respect, yar saying we've been asleep for, two whole weeks?” Applejack spoke up with a raised eyebrow. It was a fact that could hardly be believed.

Celestia nodded to confirm the words of the mare. “That is exactly what my sister is saying, yes. However, that doesn't solve everything. It merely shines upon just one aspect of the puzzle presented before us,” replied Luna. She calmly walked over to the middle of the room. “What we need to know, is exactly what you have dreamed about. As tough as it is going to be, we need to know exactly what happened in those.”

It was something that rose even more controversy to the mares. The mare of the night asked them, to tell about their dreams. “Hold on a minute right here!” Rainbow suddenly brought out. She began her interruption. Luna turned herself around in response and gave the cyan coated mare the full audience, something she couldn't have ever dreamed of. “Can’t you just look into our dreams and morph them to your will? Who’s to say you weren't to blame for what we ended up here.”

That did it for Luna. The words caused the trigger to be squeezed and the charge to be flown through the room, in the figurative sense. “Milady Dash, you do have a point that I can morph dreams to my own will, yes. Why do you think you hadn't had nightmares in such a long time to begin with? But that’s not the question here. The question is why. Why was I kicked out every single stinking time, I tried to look into your dreams? All I caught was this insane laughter of long ago. So you all need to be telling us exactly, just what happened in those dreams, and well now.”

The words caused Rainbow to gulp deep before Luna turned her attention back away from her. She would have returned to her place on the opposing side of the room. The time of talk was there. There just was no other way for them to do it. They had to be telling the royals exactly what they had been dreaming about. They all had tell everything to the fullest of detail.


Which was the very thing that they did. Both Luna and Celestia listened with great care and attention to the words spoken by each of the mares. They tried to find the things they had in common and just two things seemed to be coming together when comparing each dream together. That they were a fear from each of the mares but also that they saw something for just the fraction of a second. The mysterious head and figure that floated around seemingly everywhere and nowhere.

“Could it be...” Celestia started. She allowed her own mind crack the facts as they were. “That Nightmare Moon has been returned once more? For whatever reason, through whatever reason?” It were words that caused Luna to raise an eyebrow to her sister. For everything that it could have been, she had to say the name she had been despising for so long by then.

Out of everypony was it Fluttershy who shook her head in response to those words. “No, it, it couldn't have been her,” she spoke up in a gentle whisper. One that was just loud enough for each of the ponies to hear it. Which was much to the relief of Luna. It meant that her alter ego wasn't the prime subject in the case. “The face, much too refined, hints to it yes, but not her exactly.”

“I thank you kindly for your input here, Fluttershy. But it still doesn't take away that we are dealing here with an ancient form of magic and threat, I’m afraid,” Celestia returned to her. She spread her wings a little bit in order to prevent them from going stiff or fall asleep. “But I am also afraid that it opens up a new question here. One of which the answer might be, different.”

“And that being?” Pinkie returned to her. She had removed a strand of mane from out of her eyes. It was a question that was well placed and each of the elements looked over to both of the princesses. None of them were certain, just who was going to answer it for them.

Though where most thought it would have been Celestia, it was in fact her younger sister who took the responsibility upon her. Once more she walked to the middle of the room and looked at each of the mares present, including her own sister. “The sheer question of just who else it could possibly be. Discord is stuck in stone, nopony has heard anything from king Sombra after his defeat and the changeling queen roams somewhere on the western forests,” she brought forth.

“Maybe, maybe it is a force left undiscovered until now?” Twilight added to the train of thoughts. It happened to be something that seemed unlikely. Yet at the same time, it appeared eerily plausible. A new force to threaten the lands of Equestria as they knew and loved it. Information became pretty much the most important weapon that they had at the moment. The need to exchange it with one another, was right there. Which was just the thing they would be doing with one another.


The truth indeed happened to be that a new force had taken its grasp in the lands of Equestria. A force that was once hatred had returned and made its home in the body of generosity. A mixture that seemed to be toxic to the core. Both corrupting one another and thus creating a monster with a state of mind that was sharp, skilled and ever so deadly. A mind that still stood on the balcony of the dark crystal domain hidden deeply in the elusive woods of White Tails.

On the golden horizon it appeared slowly and drifting within the currents of the wind. An entire city that was built out of nothing but clouds drifted by. A city that was always on the move as if it had something to run away from. On the horizon appeared the mighty pegasus city of pride: Cloudsdale. It was a sight that was worth to kill for, especially with the shadows that it cast on the ground. It was still miles away on the horizon but with the rising sun in its back, the largest building of the city cast a shadow that stopped literally at the forehead of the unicorn.

It was a sight that made it all worth to her for standing out there for so long. A sight that she wouldn't forget any time soon either. The sight for perhaps her next plan of attack. Deep inside of her mind had both the plans and schemes been forged to make certain that even the city of pride knew that they shouldn't be as much try to capture her. She wanted to show them that they weren't even safe inside their own city. That nopony was safe within their own city or homes.

Though the plans had to wait. Other deeds needed to be done first. With the wind that blew the way it did, the city would just pass by over the horizon. Floating settlements and especially the city of Cloudsdale weren't allowed to float over forest areas by law. The massive shadows they could cast would be a true and massive disruption to the self-sustaining ecosystem that the woods had.

The hooves of the nightmarish unicorn walked down the spiraling staircase, all the way down until she stood once again in the courtyard of the domain. The queen gave her eyes the time to look over it. The savages had returned to the shadows where they thought to have belonged more than anywhere else in that very moment.

Nightmare Rarity’s lips once more curled themselves up to the grin. One of the false shepherds walked past the open entrance of the place. Without a warning given of anything, Nightmare Rarity merged herself with the shadows that surrounded her. She began to slither down another staircase. The very one that would be leading her over to a place she loved to come. There where she could toy around with the feeble minds of others, the dungeon itself.

The day wouldn't be any form of exception to make certain that each of the remaining prisoners would become lab rats for her sickening tests. She never ceased the testing her magical abilities and just how far she could be going. The storm that had been produced was only a small percentage of the true damage she could be doing. The subjects down below in the dungeon, they would just be perfect to receive the full mental blow without too much backlash.

Another day, another poor soul who would literally be touched by the worst fears and frights that it ever had. That was the manner in which the unicorn worked, almost sadistic some would say and most would agree. Though there was nothing they could be doing against except to spread the warning about not going into the woods. The only mistake happened to be, that some still dared to enter the haunted places. Only to end up paying a price far higher than they would have ever wanted or had expected.


In the hospital of Canterlot was all of the information that was known exchanged between the royals and the mares. Everything was being discussed over and over again, up to the point where it almost had not a single point of going further anymore. It didn't matter where they would be going, it all ended up in nothing but a massive dead end. A dead end which was like a brick wall. One as high as they eye could see.

Moans and groans left the mouth of Twilight. She tried to find the thing that she had been forgetting somehow. There must have been something that she didn't saw the first time. One connection that could change everything they knew about the situation as a whole. Though her mind either didn't wanted to admit it what it knew or she genuinely didn't know it. The towel was thrown in the ring and she leaned back as deep as she could. “It’s hopeless, we will never figure out just what caused us to fall asleep this deeply. You sure it wasn't a joke of somepony, princess?” she said.

“The deeds done against you and the things my sister saw, were not a joke Twilight. The matter should be taken seriously whether you like it or not. Even if this was a joke, somepony really doesn't have a sense of humor,” Celestia replied to her. She was still standing on the exact same spot as to when she entered. Only her wings had been tucked back against the body.

Luna on the other end, was still leaning against the wall and looked over to her sister with a cutting glare. “Pretty much like yourself, you want to say?” she whispered just loud enough so that only Fluttershy could hear it. Who in response released a small giggle and cracked the lunar princess a small smile.

“There is of course…” Applejack started before she shook it off again. “Nah, can’t be.” Though whether the cowgirl liked it or not, she had managed to get the interest of everypony in the room. All of the eyes were suddenly aimed right at her and her own started to go from left to right in a nervous manner. “Oh boy,” the mare yelped out before a gulp was released.

It was Celestia who then took a step forward. She looked almost stern into the eyes of the cowgirl. “Applejack, if there is anything you want to tell, please do it now. Any input on the matter might be of great help,” the princess brought forth, hoping for some good news for a change.

The orange coated mare gulped once again deep. She formulated the manner of speech in her mind before exhaling long and slow. “Right then, but ya’ll ain't gonna be liking it. Ah've been thinking ‘bout just what happened to us all, and Ah think it is all connected to one thing. Call it farfetched or a hunch if you like, but Ah think that Rarity’s behind it all,” she brought to the table.

Those words alone caused all the ponies to start mumbling to one another already but Applejack was long from being finished. “If Ah may again!” she huffed out to each of them and gradually the attention was turned back to her. “Thanks. Y’all wanna know proof, right? Well, think ‘bout it. Rarity’s gone missing to who knows where, suddenly the fog in White Tails drives ya crazy and all those strange disappearances. Ti all a little convenient, ain't it? Ah mean, just look at the facts given here and tell me that it ain't Rares. Want even more proof? The face in our dreams, too refined for Moon, and the only mare Ah know that’s refined like that, is Rarity.”

“So, Applejack,” Luna started after she finally turned herself away from the wall and looked over to the cowgirl with a truly interested gaze in her eyes. “What you are saying is that Rarity is the source of this all? That she somehow is caught up as either the suspect or another victim?”

“Ah ain't saying she’s the main subject aloud. Not yet at least, yar highness, but the facts and figures do point in that direction,” Applejack returned with a certain confidence in her tone. A confidence none of the other mares could possibly even understand just how or why she could speak in. “Ah’m just saying it here, ‘member?”

Celestia was the only one who gave a nod to the words spoken by the cowgirl and released a deep sigh through her nose. She had the idea already that there was something wrong with Rarity. The necklace of generosity had been darkened for all that time, but that fact was never shared to any of them for their own good. If they would have discovered it in that way, that it was one of their beloved friends who had taken down the dark path, who was to say just they wouldn't follow? Rarity was known to be able to persuade ponies into doing her bidding. The thought of doing it to each of the mares in their dreams was one that always stuck to Celestia no matter what.

Though the accusation of Applejack caused an uproar of emotions by each of the ponies. None of them could even believe the fact that it was Rarity who did it, or that she was found guilty of doing so. Yet the more each of them thought about the status of the events as they happened to be, none of them could deny that it all walked in nicely over one another.

Uncertainty was the emotion that filled the hospital room for the moment. All of the sounds died down and only their breathing could be heard. If there was one thing Luna hated more than anything, it was that cursed emotion. Whether the others liked it or not, she so had her own thoughts on the matter and wouldn't have been afraid to speak them.

“You know, I think that Applejack here is right. Everything she says does make sense when you place it behind everything. The disappearance, the fog and the attacks. I’m sorry but, Rarity is the one behind it all for some reason not even I can figure out. Somehow, she must have gotten the powers to do those things. Perhaps she is possessed by the remains of Sombra. We do not know the reasoning behind it. But what we do know, is the fact that she is the one causing the trouble,” spoke Luna while she had each of her hooves firm against the ground.

Another uproar was the thing that she had expected from the ponies and was almost exactly the thing she would be getting. For each of the six mares, almost shouted against her that it wasn't possible for Rarity to even consider such a thing. But during all of the sounds, two ponies went into a different conversation with one another. One that couldn't be heard by the ears of the other ponies. For both Luna and Celestia opened up a mental connection to one another.

You know just as well I know that Rarity is behind this all, so why don’t you back me up in this sister, thought Luna in a growling tone. Though she never missed a single word that was spoken against her. “Look Rainbow, I’m also just going by the words that I have heard and placing everything on a line, it does make sense. I know it is hard to accept for you, for you all actually, but you have to if you want to understand everything that’s going on here,” she replied to the pegasus.

Oh now you have gone too far Luna! We are supposed to keep it all a secret for their own good. If they discover now that Rarity has been corrupted by any sort of force, they want to organize a search party and I am not going to risk the remaining elements, replied Celestia in thought. She was the only royal who actually kept herself quiet. Next to the conversation, she was also pondering her mind in order to get some clearance out of it all.


Enough!” Twilight suddenly yelled in the middle of the argument. Her voice literally rose itself up far above every other voice in the room and slowly the silence took over again. All of the eyes looked to her before the royals broke their mental connection. Everypony wanted to know exactly what it was Twilight thought about and what she had to be saying. “Look at all of you, bickering like chickens without a head on the assumption, on the assumption, that one of our friends became this dark mistress. We have been asleep for two weeks and this is the first thing we are doing?! Bickering like we do?! Are all of you sane in your heads? Maybe we should be placed in the asylum of this place just to make sure, none of us does anything stupid!” the mare said before she finished with a huff.

The words that Twilight spoke to every single pony came straight from the heart. They were shot like arrows to those of the others. It was painful to listen to for certain but the truth was always a hard thing to accept. Slowly did each of them lower their head in shame. That was with the exception of Luna and Celestia. The royals themselves just released a deep sigh. Though where Celestia showed compassion for her beloved pupil, Luna seemed to be caring anything less.

Twilight looked over all of the ponies as a single tear slowly left her eye and streamed over her cheek. “We, we’re supposed to be friends who support each other through thick and thin. And not be fighting in the manner as we did. Maybe, maybe we all just need another good night rest. Two weeks asleep is all fine and such, but if you live a nightmare, it becomes everything but.”

All of the mares gave a nod to the spoken words of Twilight. Though none of them even dared to speak against her. Everything that she preached actually hit them right where she wanted it to be. Her goal was achieved, but another one was broken.

Princess Luna had the feeling that none of the ponies took her words serious, especially after having witnessed just where her words had been leading to. Matters took her mind over again. Matters that couldn't be expressed in any way to the mares as they couldn't understand it for one bit for certain. Luna needed some time for just herself. That was almost exactly what she did.

Without a single words spoken by her side had the alicorn of the night left the room for the trouble that it was. She barged passed her sister and closed the door behind her. Once she was on the hallway, did she shook her head a couple of times. It was in the faint hope to get everything straight again but it didn't help out one bit. That meant that there was only one more way she would possible be getting any peace in her skull. A way that seemed to be unorthodox to say the least.

Luna would have started to wander through the building until she had reached the exit. Sometimes ponies spoke up against her, but they were ignored all the time by her. Her mind needed to focus on one matter at the time and the matter that she had chosen was one she felt personally affected by. Whatever she would have been planning in her mind, it couldn't be done in the hospital.

Minutes later did the alicorn stand out by the entrance of the hospital and she allowed her wing to spread themselves. “There must be proof, of any kind,” Luna whispered to herself before she rocketed off into the skies above. The same morning skies in which the nightmarish unicorn watched Cloudsdale travel by on the horizon.

Soaring through the skies like a comet, Luna traveled away from Canterlot and with a massive loop in her flight patterns. She seemed to be heading towards Ponyville. Or to perhaps be a bit more exact, the abandoned building where the unicorn of generosity once lived. She wanted to find the evidence she needed. The only place she could be doing that was right there in Ponyville. Right within the walls of the abandoned Carousel Boutique. Questions had been raised from every single side. But that place, that very place could be having all the answers she needed. If not, only more questions would arise.