• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,957 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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10 Family reunion with interest

Hours came and went for the pink coated, earth pony mare. She had helped out in the bakery of the Cake family for the entire day once again. But just helping them out there wasn't the only thing she did though, for in between everything, the mare managed to take care of the two foals that the owners of the sweetstore had. All of it combined just seemed like it was the most normal day in the world. All of that energy inside her body kept her highly alert. Long before either of the two foals could do something dangerous, she was right there to make sure nothing went wrong.

Both of the Cakes found her a true marvel every single day. Nopony in the face of the land could as much tip to the energy of Pinkie Pie herself. Nopony even wanted to have that much energy soaring through their body though. Either way was it something that helped the mare going with her duties and every day came to a good end because of just that.

Yet on one particular evening had Pinkie found herself literally exhausted from just about everything. If she had to believe her feelings, she had never worked so hard in the bakery as that she did that day and both of the Cakes knew she needed her rest. It was Mrs. Cake who was the first to actually walk to the mare who still stood in the bakery, watching the ovens. “Pinkie,” she started with a concerned look in her eyes. “Maybe you should take a rest and get some sleep for the night.”

Those words caused the mare to turn herself around with a confused gaze in her eyes, almost as if she didn't understood a single word from what was told to her. It took the pink coated mare a few second to get back to the place where she belonged before giving a nod to Mrs. Cake. “You, you might be right. Goodnight,” she spoke up. She still a bit confused of just why they said it.

Pinkie had lived by the two of them for years. To a certain extent had the Cakes not only witnessing her only as their employee or even the pony who rented their entire attic, Pinkie had become so much more for them. She almost was like the grown up daughter that they never had. They cared for the mare with their heart and soul, they had only the best forth with her and that was exactly what happened.

The pink maned earth pony mare turned herself around before she released a small yawn and left the kitchen as whole. Something that caused the Cakes to sigh in utmost relief. It meant that no more accidents were waiting to happen. Slow and steady would Pinkie have walked through the sweetstore itself and finally went up to the first floor.

She wandered over the darkened hallway to get to the attic stairs, her ears had begun to twitch a bit. They caught a sound in one of the rooms. A peaceful one that was going over everything she could imagine at that moment. Curious but knowing in the back of her head, Pinkie walked up to a door that was slightly open and placed her ear against the opening.

Out of the room it came, the sounds of two foals lying peacefully asleep in their bed. Two foals that made Pinkie shed a small tear of delight every single time she thought back about the happy memories. The events that they shared, were unmatched for the earth pony. Except maybe by those of her friends and true family. A small smile formed itself below the muzzle of the mare as she softly whispered the words that were on her mind. “Goodnight you two, and be nice against one another.”

Only then would Pinkie have continued her way over to the stairs. The very stairs that would be leading her to the attic of the building. The place that was for her and her alone.

The candles were one by one lit again as Pinkie needed some light for herself in order to see just where she was going. Another yawn managed to sneak its way past her lips and she felt just how heavy the eyelids actually were. She was tired unlike any other day and she felt it the moment her body gently powered down. Her mind had calmed down for the night and the eyes looked weary.

“…No, no story tonight,” yawned Pinkie to herself before she carefully changed into a pajama with matching little hat. Gummy appeared from below the blankets and he walked up to the mare, his tail swaying from side to side. Eventually he just rubbed himself against the mare. Who on her own turn gave the little, green alligator a pat on the head and a nuzzle upon the nose. “You have to make way, I’ll be joining you soon,” Pinkie whispered to him before she went on and blew out all of the candles.

Shrouded by nothing but darkness could the mare still manage to find a way through it. She dropped down on the bed with a certain degree of care. The mare would have started to snuggle up against the warm and soft blankets while Gummy found his way up to her chest. There he would stay and fall peacefully asleep against her.

Though where her pet went almost peacefully, Pinkie herself seemed to start having trouble with getting into sleep. She couldn't place her hoof on the matter but something wasn't right. Yet in a matter that seemed hours –but in fact where just minutes– had even Pinkie Pie fallen asleep. The only sounds that filled the attic of Sugarcube Corner, were the winds on the world outside traveling past the building, and the gentle snoring of the mare herself. A mare whose mane had gone flat the deeper she fell into her sleep.


“Pinkie? Pinkie? Can you come down here as soon as possible, please? Something has been delivered for you.” Those were the very first words the mare heard when she woke up from her sleep. Pinkie was taken completely off guard by them of course. It was impossible to tell just who spoke them against her. Either one of the Cakes seemed likely at that moment. Though the light cerulean rimmed eyes opened themselves again. They would be greeted by the wallpaper and the mare almost jumped straight out of bed.

“Huh?!” she spoke up to herself before giving a shake with her head. Something that caused the little ball at the end of her hat to land right against her forehead. “Well that was weird,” Pinkie said before she gave a small shrug and then just went on to do her daily routine. But in the back of her head, she never forgot the words that were spoken by the Cakes. Something was waiting for her which perhaps was a surprise or an order she had been waiting on for such a long time.

Despite not having the will to wait, she still had to brush her teeth, wash herself a little bit and inflate her mane and tail again. The two things almost blew themselves up like a balloon and showcased the mare as she was always known. With a final giggle and smile given to the mirror, Pinkie Pie started to hop out of the little bathroom and down the stairs.

There where she didn't have a care in the world, Gummy seemed to have had different plans for the time of the day. For the tranquil, little, toothless alligator managed to crawl out from under the bed and looked over to the exact same mirror where the mare had been standing. Only he caught something perhaps a little bit more disturbing. For he could swear to have seen an image of a dark mare into it.

Yet then the most impossible thing seemed to have happened right before his eyes. The entire mirror just cracked itself. No force, no nothing. Yet it still cracked. The mouth of the alligator fell open as he couldn't believe a second of what he saw. Not to mention, one broken mirror meant seven years of bad luck. He needed to get to Pinkie, fast.

Though when one speaks or wishes upon the devil, it is usually said that the creature shall appear. And in Gummy’s case, it was more than true. For the clopping of Pinkie hooves upon the stairs could be heard and soon enough, the mare herself appeared back in the attic again. “Hihi, can’t forget you when there is something special going on, Gummy,” she spoke hyper excited on just what the delivered thing was going to be for her.

Though before she picked him up, the creature did manage to point over to the broken mirror. At first his strange and utterly odd leg signals were something that Pinkie didn't understand one bit. It was only after he had assumed the position of the hunting dog, that the head of the mare turned itself over to the small washing area.

The sight came into the blue rimmed eyes of the earth pony. She could only gasp to herself in fright. She couldn't believe the things that she saw with her very own eyes. The mirror had cracked and broken were rather unsettling for her to say the least. I was property of the Cakes and they needed to know what happened. Even if she didn't knew how to bring to them.

With a gulp that was clearly audible had Pinkie managed to take her attention away from the mirror. She lowered her head a bit in shame. Though that way could the gator climb off of the bed and straight into her mane where he would be making his home for the day. “Oh this is not good,” the pink mare whispered to herself. Turning herself around and began to prepare for the worst.

Instead of hopping down the stairs like she did before, Pinkie just walked down from it. Her head was somewhere different and that was something that could cause some interesting moments. Yet everything remained rather calm around the earth pony. Much to her own relief. But the biggest obstacle still had to come in the shape of the Cakes themselves. Their reactions, was the thing she feared the most.


“Uhm, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I, how do I say this..?” the pink maned mare began to speak. Though only after she had joined the four of them at the breakfast table in the kitchen. It seemed odd to have it right next to where everything was being baked, but it was how they ran their shop and nopony complained about it.

“Just say it Pinkie, you know you can tell us everything, right?” Mrs. Cake replied to the words before she took a bite out of her toast. They were reassuring, but she had no clue how they would react to her words.

Pinkie swallowed once before she gave a very gentle nod. “Well, okay. The mirror in my room, broke itself this morning. I, I don’t know who did it, or how, because when I left it, it was still in one piece and when I got Gummy, it was just broken,” Pinkie confessed against the Cakes. Who on their own turn looked first a bit shady to the earth pony before cracking a smile.

“Our little Pumpkin might have caused it, he did release a small charge of magic when the diapers were being changed. Luckily nopony got hurt, unlike the last time,” Mr. Cake replied before the both of his eyes turned from left to right. Those words, those exact words, caused the pink mare to sigh in relief as a weight fell off of her shoulders. She wasn't held responsible for it in any way, but still decided to pay half of the price for a new mirror.

“Which then leaves us at the big delivery for you, Pinkie. Here you go dear,” Mrs. Cake added just before she passed the mare a sealed letter. A letter that was appeared dusty and some sand and gravel fell off of it as it was given to her. A set of curious eyes were given to it as the inspection began on the outside. And almost immediately the mare started to shake on her seating.

“But that’s, but that’s impossible. This, this can’t be from them!” the mare replied in an instant. She dropped the letter on the table and removed her hooves from it like it contained a plague of some kind.

They were confused by the words that Pinkie had spoken. Both of the Cakes looked at her with a questioning gaze while the foals brought some gibberish forth. “W-What is impossible, Pinkie?” Mr. Cake asked her. In his voice he betrayed the fact he was concerned about it.

Pinkie’s head on the other end just lowered itself down before the eyes closed themselves. “And it was going to be such a fantastic day,” she spoke up softly to herself. The mare knew she had to gather the courage that was still somewhere inside of her body. A courage to face the facts as they were and read the content of that cursed letter. “It’s, it’s my father's hoofwriting.”

Those words alone caused both of the Cakes to gasp. Pinkie had told them that her father was a stern stallion who did have his heart on the right place but almost never showed it. A hard and honest worker who mostly kept everything to himself. And if he wrote directly to Pinkie Pie, the Cakes could only guess just what he wanted from her.

“If, if he asks about bi-” Mr. Cake began before almost receiving a slap from his wife. “Okay, okay, I’ll shut it.”

There was nothing that could be done, the thing was delivered and it was up to Pinkie to decide just what was going to be done with it. Of course she could just send it back to them, or burn it in the fires of the fireplace. But that chewing feeling of it being something important was still present inside of her body. It could have gone literally into every possible direction.

Pinkie was uncertain of what to do. Though her hoof managed to take a knife that was laying on the table. The head of the mare rose itself back up as she looked straight into the eyes of both of the Cakes. “When, was this delivered?” she asked them both with a serious tone.

“Uhm, it, it arrived this morning. Not even half an hour old, I dare to say,” Mr. Cake replied while his wife could only nod. In response would Pinkie release a deep sigh before she opened the letter with the clean knife.

The content was removed and it consisted out of just a single letter. A letter that was written literally from top to bottom in the same hoofwriting. Without a word spoken to anypony present, Pinkie read through the whole thing and the further she went, the more unbelievable the story became. “No, they, they can’t do this to me,” the mare mumbled to herself as the letter was flung over the table.

They knew it wasn't their duty but they couldn't help themselves. Both of the Cakes scanned the letter for anything that could be of a rather great importance of what happened to Pinkie. Because in their ears they heard the deflation of the mane. And whenever something like that happened, it was bad news for everypony.

The three of them had looked over the letter and came to a rather horrifying conclusion. While Pinkie knew everything, the Cakes only knew bits and pieces. Though they had figured it out fast. The mare needed to go back to the rockfarm where she had grown up. The how’s and why’s were unknown to the bakers but from the tone of the letter she needed to come home fast.

It was a literal slap in the face for each of them without a doubt. As much as it was true that Pinkie loved to visit the farm, she never truly belonged there anymore after she had gained her cutie mark. Yet it seemed like the chains of the past weren't as easily undone as she thought they were.

There was only one thing that Pinkie could be doing on that particular moment. It was something that devastated her a whole lot more then that it did the Cakes. She had to say her goodbyes to them. It was uncertain whether or not she would be able to return to the place or live the rest of her existence upon that farm that had been in her family for ages.

In order to keep things a little bit civil, they did first finished up their breakfast before planning the route for the saddened earth pony. Mrs. Cake couldn't help herself but to continue to stroke the flattened made of the mare. She felt sorry for her, truly and utterly sorry. As the moments drew nearer had the mood turned into that of a funeral and the foals felt it clearly.

For they started to cry and both Pinkie and Mr. Cake tried to comfort them. Encouraging words were spoken by each of them, but it was the pink coated mare who eventually also fell out in tears.

She didn't wanted to go, but she had to. “I, I will miss you all just so much.” she whispered as a tight hug was given to the two ponies who had taken care for her for so long.

“Never forget, Pinkie,” Mr. Cake whispered while his wife cried upon the shoulder of the mare. As much as she didn't wanted to go, she had to and they knew it. “It, it will be alright.”

“I can only, hope that,” answered Pinkie in a soft voice. She broke the hug and sighed deep. “I, I’m going to pack my bags okay?” And in response gave the Cakes her a nod.

The minutes passed by like they were nothing before Pinkie finally was ready to hit the train. With the day still in the early morning, she managed to get on one of the first trains that would be going into the general direction she needed to be. The more time she spend packing, the less she could believe that she had to go. She had to go away from Ponyville, to return to her home, forever.

One last but massive hug was given to the mare by the Cakes before they heard the rumbles in the skies. A thunderstorm had come moving in, almost as if it wanted to add to the already sad mood. “Go, go now or you miss the train,” Mrs. Cake whispered softly before Pinkie broke the hug.

With a nod given to the family, the pink mare sighed deeply while she took her bags. “Goodbye you all,” was the only thing she spoke before entering the train. Not a moment too soon either. After she had entered were the doors closed and the machine came to life. Then it went on its way. It left the station behind in order to bring the pink mare back to the home she was born.

The Cakes started to weep upon the station while Pinkie sat in a private compartment and looked out of the window. The rain falling against it like mad and the lashes of lightning here and there seemed like a signal of bad news. But the more she stared out in the distance, the more she noticed the faces of each of her friends upon the window itself. Flashes of them smiling and laughing were seen for the fraction of a second.

Friends who she didn't even got the chance to say goodbye against in person.


In the end of things did she stood there. She stood at the entrance of the rockfarm and looked over it with a saddened look. Nothing had changed over the time she had been gone as everything was kept just the same with one massive exception. It had aged with time itself and not for the better. A sigh was released through the mouth. Pinkie made the descend down the path and towards the house where her family lived. The courage was nowhere to be found and having Gummy for support wasn't there either. For one of the few times in her life, she was having to face something alone.

The little gator was left in Ponyville, left in the care of the Cakes so that they at least had some memory of Pinkie that wasn't going to be old. A thing she had come to regret the closer she came to the door. Though it were her ears that perked themselves up as the wind brought an all too familiar sound with it. The sound of pickaxes hacking in against cold stone.

All the feelings of her first few years rushed back to her and gulped as she stood before the door. Her head lowered itself and caused some of her mane to fall before her left eyes. Trembling was the hoof brought up to the front door and gave a few knocks upon it. The sounds seemed to travel through her marrow and bone as she felt her fate being sealed more and more.

When the door was finally opened, she caught a brown coated stallion in her eyes. The moment was there and then. She found the courage to raise her head back up but closed her eyes along the way. It was only after she had come to the stallion’s eye height that the eyes opened themselves.

What they revealed were two cerulean blue rimmed eyes with a watery line as if she was going to erupt into tears. Her eyes looked straight into the stern, yellow rims of her father. He looked like he hadn't aged a single day and it was something that bared the mare even more concern. Without a word spoken he pointed over to a pickaxe that stood against the side of the house.

The signal that was given was one that the mare knew all too well and never had forgotten in her life. Though as much as she had tried, it never left her. In response gave Pinkie a simple nod as her eyes asked him if he could take care of her luggage. Even though the eyes remained rather unchanged, the answer was given to her. A faint smile cracked its way upon her lips before she picked up the pickaxe and went around the house.

Only to find her beloved and younger sisters, Inky and Blinky. Even though they had aged for years, the looks remained unchanged from their filly time. It almost seemed like Pinkie had never gone away from home at all. Something that came to a much needed relief. “Hey you two!” Pinkie spoke up happily to see at least her sisters again. Though the happiness was gone soon enough. Neither of the mares even as much even glared over to her. She removed the strand of flattened mane out of her eye and placed it behind her ear. Then it was the smile which dropped itself again.

It seemed that they were a bit too busy working and the pink mare shrugged it off as it wasn't something new. Even in her younger days, the two could be completely deaf to spoken words that weren't about danger. So the only thing she could be doing was done again. And that was nothing else than farming rocks.

But in order to do that, she had to splice some first. That was exactly where the pickaxe came in quite helpful. Despite the fact of having worked in a sweetshop for years, Pinkie didn't forget the techniques that were used by her family. Though as soon as the very first hack was being made by her, the reason of why she left the place became apparent almost immediately.

It was everything but a life for her.


Minutes turned into days which turned into weeks. For weeks on end Pinkie had been farming the rocks she was ordered to from her father. Yet every single day seemed like there wouldn't be coming an end to it. Pinkie didn't like it one bit, she wanted to go back to Ponyville, back to her beloved friends and job. But instead, she was stuck there. Despite her stern father, the sister had started to speak with one another again. Their relation was the only thing that managed to pull Pinkie through.

They had lived through Pinkie’s departure. Their sister become almost an alien to both Inky and Blinky. Something that wasn't a considerable good thing though. Mostly because of the fact that the other two Pie sisters were having trust issues with her. Despite the fact that they never showed it to their pink sibling, it hung almost in the air when they were around one another.

But Pinkie herself, she was completely oblivious to the atmosphere that was hanging around the place. It was because of her own issues which she had to sort out. Issues that may or not have been a bit more bigger in dilemma. Though it wasn't the right time to think about them, one wrong cut on a rock, meant the difference between farming and unfarmable. An unfarmable rock was about the last thing Pinkie wanted to present to her father, even after all the weeks that had gone by.

Hours went by before the sun was traded back in for the moon and stars. The day had been like every other day for Pinkie. The last thing she wanted was to talk about it to any of her siblings or parents. Because they all knew just how tough the job actually was. But Pinkie herself, went to bed early in the evening. She didn’t have the energy anymore to do anything else.

Just before she stepped into the bed, her eyes had a look through the window to the world outside. To the bright and beautiful world where she once walked around on. Though she was reduced to the cage that was her home. It caused her to sigh a bit deep before the transition was made into a yawn. A deep yawn that was the signal for her to turn around and fall asleep upon the bed. Not even the blankets were placed over herself as the physical exhaustion managed to catch up with her again.

Everything seemed to be going fine in the first few hours of her being asleep, but the mare bared a rather dark secret with her. One that haunted her each and every night behind her closed eyelids. The desire to just end the life, of the very pony who brought her back into the hellhole that was the rockfarm. She had the actual and sickening desire to end the life of nopony else then her father. During the night she had, there didn't seem to be any kind of exception to the rule.


In the middle of the night had the earth pony woken up. She was covered in sweat and panted deep on her bed. She couldn't believe what she had seen in her dream. The very moment in which she stabbed her father with a knife, all to end the torture she was suffering from. “N-No, I can’t do it! I can’t and I won’t!” Pinkie whispered to herself. She held her head with both of her forehooves and shivered deeply from the frights that she had.

Everything before her eyes turned to nothing but black the more she forced her eyes closed. Little did she knew, that those motions were the exact same ones used to open up the door to her much more insane side. A side which her friends had only to witness once when she wanted to throw a party, but they couldn't come. That insanity beyond belief had returned to her again. It did that in full force. “But I, can,” said Pinkie in a much, much more sinister tone.

Without thought or word did she left the bed and turned herself over to the window another time. Her shrunken, blue rimmed eyes looked over to the full moon that was visible from it and grinned like a devil. The insanity was flowing through her body vividly. It meant that she was capable of doing anything and everything. That Included ending the nightmare she had been living for weeks. “I think it is time I go and have a little talk with my beloved father,” Pinkie brought forth before she let out a sickening giggle.

Yet the giggle wasn't enough to wake up the other two ponies with whom she shared the room. Both Inky and Blinky still laid peacefully asleep in their bed. Pinkie moved herself out of the room and entered the hallway. The door to their bedroom was closed as quietly as she could do it. After which the eyes started to stare through the darkness.

Not much could be made out of it all, with the exception of the door that led to her parent’s bedroom as well as the staircase that went down to the floor below. “Might be needing something, pointy,” whispered Pinkie to herself before she started to walk over to the staircase. The plans of insanity itself were being forged deep inside of the mare her twisted mind. All logic and reason, for as much as Pinkie had that begin with, were crushed and shattered into nothing but bits and pieces scattered across the brain.

It was only her insane side that was still a whole piece and that was something that the earth pony could live with. As an entire new personality had taken home in the body of Pinkie and not to mention her being fully aware of her actions. Which made it an all the more dangerous combination to have.


When the pink mare stood in the living room of the building, she noticed a couple of pickaxes that were standing in the corner. Their hefty weight and the sharp tips would definitely be a massive force to be reckoned with. Though they would also be too messy if she wanted to bash in the skull or chest of her father. Nonetheless, she walked over to them and picked on up. Raised on her hind legs had Pinkie tested the thing out a couple of times as if she was actually considering bringing it along.

It would be been a rather sick irony if that was the way how her father would have gotten to his end. Bashed in by one of his own pickaxes, but it also would make things a lot more obvious for others to figure out. And that was about the last thing that the earth pony wanted to happen to her. So the pickaxe was laid back against the others and she turned herself around.

The glare in her eyes irradiated the inanity alone as she meant to saw a face in the window where the moonlight shone through. “H-Hello?” she softly whispered to the sight before it was being shrugged off. Though the mare could have sworn that she saw the face of a dark coated mare with cat like irises. Perhaps she was going crazy, perhaps her own insanity had a much deeper effect upon her then she could have ever imagined. Perhaps she was even hallucinating already. All the likely theories but each shrugged off. None of them had the intention of helping her anytime soon.

The mare left the pickaxes and went over to the kitchen. She was hoping to find the very thing that she needed in order to bring the tyrant of a brown coated stallion down. Even though he was her own father, she felt like him as a slave driver to the entire family. And the only want to end the torment she was suffering, was to end the life of the one that caused it.

In the kitchen had Pinkie slowly opened all of the drawers until she found the thing she was looking for. In the drawer with all the cutlery, she found the very thing she was looking for. A long, slender and sharp knife. With tension in her hoof had she picked it up and looked at the blade along with a grin that could send the shivers down the spine of any pony. The end of her torment is pretty near, she could almost smell the fresh air again.

Though the price that needed to be paid, was one larger than she could have ever imagined in her entire life. She had never taken the life of somepony before. She always wanted to them happy and then, then she stood at the brink of killing somepony she knew and loved.

It didn't feel right to her, it never had felt right to her. But the insanity that was flowing through her body caused everything to become blur. The lines of reality and madness were no more or crossed one another. She was off of the world with her mind while the body remained. There wasn't anything that could be done outside of a few powerful wheezes above the sink as if she wanted to puke out.

All manners of caging the insane side of the mare again were blocked and locked back up. Something she wasn't powerful enough to do, not with the events as they were played out before her. And it was that madness, that would be costing her a lot more than it was dear to her. For with a powerful turn, Pinkie looked back into the living room with the grin before she whispered her words. “Oh father dear, soon you will have nothing left to fear.”

It would have been with those words that the pink earth pony would venture on towards the stairs. Only to climb them up again. With the knife in her hoof and her walking around on her hind legs, there was another strand of mane that had fallen before her left eye. In the light of the moon that fell through the window on the other side of the hallway, Pinkie almost looked like a demon that came up the stairs. Almost as if the ghost of the house had possessed Pinkie Pie herself. The blue rimmed eyes almost gave off their light as she never removed the grin from her face.

With quiet steps would she have walked over to the door. The one that would be leading over to the bedroom of her parents. The mare opened it with the greatest of care. The opening itself was just enough for her to slid through and then it was closed once again. There she then stood, in the room of her parents with the target locked in her eyes. The salvation was just so close but for a moment she could physically taste the blood and metal in her mouth.

Something that caused her to shudder slightly on her spot, but the plan would be continued no matter what would happen to her. But she wasn't all without reasoning of course. Despite the madness that was flowing through her sadistic mind, Pinkie first made the way over to her mother. A mare who had always been there for her in every time of her life. The rising light of her life, she was often called.

Gentle strokes through the mare her mane were being made by Pinkie before a kiss upon the forehead was given. “Forgive me, mother, and thank you for everything,” she whispered to the mare before backing away from her again. It would have been there and then that Pinkie looked at the moonlight that fell through the curtain of the room, and release a deep sigh.

There was no way back for her. Not anymore and there never would be. With all the power in her body and soul, couldn't Pinkie stop what would be happening next. One side screamed that she should have stopped, while the other screamed back by saying it needed to be done. Sadly enough for her, the other screamer won.

With the same careful steps made over the floor, had Pinkie made it over to the side of her sleeping father and rose the knife already to cut the stallion wide open if she needed to. Silence was her biggest ally at the moment as she used every last tiny bit of it to her advantage.

The gentle snoring of the stallion entered her ears and it somehow managed to fuel her anger even more and further. With the blade still raised over her head, one massive thrust downward would have been more than enough to make an end to the life of the stallion. And that was pretty much where she was aiming for. “Night night, father,” whispered Pinkie in a tone that was just sinister and cold. Water vapor actually left her mouth before her foreleg thrust itself downward. Downward to the body of the stallion that had taken care of her since the moment she was born.

There was a shock that went through her body the very moment the knife made contact with the flesh of the stallion. A shock that caused everything before her eyes to become nothing but white of color. All the sounds, all the screams in her mind, everything became fainter until there was nothing left to hear. Nothing outside of a constant beeping of something. Something that didn't seem to have been her own heart.


The eyes of Pinkie Pie opened themselves violent. She was almost blinded by a massive white light that shone upon her. Something seemed to be out of place within the first minute she was awake. The sights that fell in her eyes confirmed it. The earth pony released a massive screech from her lungs as she was truly terrified by the thing that she saw before her.

Pinkie laid in a bed but not one that was her own and she seemed to be hooked up against some sort of magical device. Yet perhaps the worst part of it all had to be the fact that her friends laid in the same room. Friends that were fully asleep and hooked up to those devices as well.

“W-What is going on here?!” Pinkie managed to ask as she had gathered the guts to do so. “S-Somepony help me!” Never in her life had she been so terrified as that she was then and knew only the royals could be standing by her aid if it was something bad. Which from the looks of it, seemed to be that way.