• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,953 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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04 Experiments everywhere

Huffs, puffs, growls and groans all left the mist that was the dark entity. The being that called itself Nightmare Rarity. The magical aura was even more powerful than ever. Before her was the ground splitting open like it was nothing to her. All of the nightmare forces that were present to witness the events happening, were all just shocked to see how much more power was flowing through her.

They knew that the ivory coated unicorn had her touch for gem hunting, but that what the entity was doing was something on an whole other level. Their eyeless spherical faces just looked over their queen as a set of forelegs could be clearly seen. Two fine lined legs had placed themselves firm against the ground. Yet the clouds and fog of the entity swirled passed them, embracing them even. Though where most had expected to see a pure black set of legs, they got something else before their hooves. For the legs of Nightmare Rarity were more a mixture of both black and white, a very deep gray was the color that they had gotten as a result. And if her legs alone had that coloring and wonderful fine looks, what would the rest of her body look like?

It was a question that each of the nightmare forces asked themselves in the silence of the moment. Another calm before the storm, one might say that it happened to be. That statement was hitting the nail right on the head. Because while the clouded entity stood there, the charge only became more intense after the ground had split open. There was only one more thing that needed to be done. One last thing before the hellish job would have been completed for her. The final straws had to be placed there and then.

With an angry growl in her voice had the entity moved its head up towards the skies. Soon it released a mighty, timberwolf like roar into the skies above. Each of the forces that were looking at her from a major distance, held even their breath in. The tremors returned into the ground again. The earth started to shake once again as out of the hole itself, was something that started to rise.

More and more darkness rose out of the ground. She seemed to be pleased more and more. And more completion there was as a result. For the wall that rose out of the ground was one that was made out of a material called: dark crystal. A gem with the same characteristics as normal crystals, except it was as hard as diamonds and black of natural color. Nopony knew just what created them, but they knew all too well they were a favorite of the dark unicorn king named Sombra. The comparison could be drawn between the two’s love for precious stones. Though other than that, there was little they seemed to have in common.

When the wall was finally high enough and shaped into place had the magical aura disappeared from the clouded entity as the panting continued. The legs of the entity never did set a step in another direction. For they were still placed firm against the ground itself. She wasn't going anywhere and her pants just confirmed the thoughts. It was near impossible to think that she possessed such magical abilities, in order to have created what she had. Each and every single nightmare force was literally dumbstruck by the sheer ability she had.

Though they all knew just what caused her to be so powerful, or so they thought. Because many theories did their turn around them, but none were the right one. She hadn't gained a boost in her abilities after the transformation, nor did she learn a spell to make herself stronger when it comes to the matter. The truth of her power laid in an object that she took from the library. An object that was the size of her very own iris.


With the magical charges gone and the legs retreating back into the cloud of fog, the entity that was Nightmare Rarity looked over to her creation. The very place she would be calling home from there on out. A wondrous sight to behold within the eerie forest of White Tails. Her eyes looked over the clear courtyard and she started to grin like a madmare.

For what she had done –truly had done– was the creation of a domain that was build entirely out of the dark crystals. A fortress one might even say. A place that was easily defensible for her liking and it shared some of her elegance when it came to flair. The eyes traveled all over the place to witness the beauty. Slow glances were taken, she wanted to see every last detail there was.

From the barracks for the forces, to the special forges to create the weapons and armor for her own army. Then she looked over the high walls and their spiky crenels had to be intimidating for any soul who as much thought of coming closer. Even as remarkable as those features on themselves were, it was on the back wall that the three most important doors had been placed.

Three doors that led to three possible dooms. With the grin only becoming bigger, the entity looked up towards the only tower that the place had. A tower that had a view high over the ground that the forest covered. A tower that shone in the sun and casting its black light back to the woods. It caused a nightfall effect on the fog. On top of that very tower, there would be place for her. Her very own bedroom would be located on top of the tower. “Just need a dragon and the fairy tale is complete,” the entity chuckled to herself before her eyes went down once again.

They fell on the courtyard and there was something that felt missing. Something that should have been there all of the time but hadn't shown its head towards her. Though she couldn't place it what exactly it happened to be.

She knew that her nightmare forces alone could have a heck of a punch, that wasn't the doubt in the case as it was the detection that worried her. Through the thick fog it would be near impossible to witness just who or what was going through them. Yet perhaps even more important was her own personal guard. If it came to the point where she laid under fires and needed more protection, her personal guards could take care of it.

The entity begun to hover around everything in silence. Gently she allowed her mind to be filled with thoughts of how she would establish her personal guardians. Would she just pick some of them and name them? Or would she do something much more, mind controlling? Questions that had to be answered over time itself. For the matters were of importance indeed, yet she wanted to try something else out.

Nightmare Rarity wanted to test out her newly gained spells in order. She wanted to see just how powerful they truly happened to be. To see how far she could drive a pony to the edge of insanity and beyond. The full strength of her powers would be something that she would show against four unwilling volunteers. Her mind had made the plan up already, all she needed were some of the unlucky bastards.

While she kept hovering, her visible eyes scanned each and every cloud she passed. None them were looking all too strong or bright but by four of them, she just spoke one single word. “You.” And that was it. When the word was spoken, she went on her way again.

Both Fright and Blood had no idea just what she was even planning to do with those clouds. All they knew was that they could become commanders as well. “This is not looking good, Fright,” Shadowblood dared to speak up after the queen had passed them without a word.

“I know this isn't the most ideal situation to be in, but we simply have to wait in her orders to see just what she is actually planning. Perhaps they’ll just be killed off or something. You know Moon loved to do that, right?” Fright replied in a faint whisper to his partner in crime.

The other orb nodded with a deep sigh. “A bit too much for my liking, tell you that.”

Than the queen herself hovered back into the middle of the courtyard. There she started to speak her own words on the matter. “Those four who I have pointed out, I want to have before me as the stallions they can be. For you four, will be send on a special mission,” she said to them all.

All of the forces were taken by the greatest of surprises. Yet the four clouds carefully morphed into stallions the size of Fancy Pants, with half the muscles of Big Macintosh. Four excellent subjects she had chosen for the test that laid ahead of them. Slowly and carefully did they all four moved before their queen and lined up.

Their empty eyes all looked at her with a gaze of wonder, what could she have been planned out for each of them. Scouting mission? Intelligence reconnaissance? They didn't know for certain and perhaps wouldn't have guessed it either. For the plan that she had for them was something that was cruel to say the least. Something so evil, that ever shadow under her command would have been waken up and witness the true power she possessed.

“You four should consider yourself lucky, because you’re the first beings to taste my newly gained powers. That’s right, you’re going to be my experimental subjects for this. Don’t worry though, it won’t hurt as much as you think,” the entity spoke. A mere second later had she erupted in a terrifying and dark chuckle. The magical aura returned in the clouded being and continued to charge itself up to heights that were once again unseen. Sparks of lightning even left the light before they curled back into it. Violent lightning strikes that would only be the messengers for that what has to come.

“This is not good, Fright,” Shadowblood whispered to the other. “This is all but good.”

Fright shook his orb before he returned the words in a whisper. “That it isn't indeed. If she gets the result she wants, things are going to be looking a whole lot bleaker for us if we want to take over. Perhaps even ruining the possibility of doing it at all. We need to play this smart, but we can’t interfere…”

“So the plan is?”

“Simple, there isn't any.”

“How in the name of shadows can you say that?” Blood replied angry all of the sudden. “Years of our existence we have worked on this plan, to get her where she is. And overthrow her to become the kings ourselves!”

Though Fright was tired of the words that were spoken and instead of giving him a reply in words, the orb just head-butted him to silence. “Don’t you think I know that? Remember, backstabber, it was through me that you could become a co-ruler of the nightmare forces. If I hadn't dragged you out of your pit, it could have been you who stood there!” the orb spoke in a whispering snarl.

Clearly he wasn't happy with the sheer manner in which Blood spoke to him and he needed to know his place. Long was assumed they stood equal to one another, but it was in fact Fright who was the mastermind behind the whole operation.

Blood was still recovering from the head-butt and groaned a bit towards him before a hiss was released. “I’ll remember that for the next time…” His tone was just filled with the purest of venom, hatred and diabolical insanity. With another growl he just turned back to the show that was being presented before them.

Fright on the other end just witnessed the play with a different set of eyes. He knew what she was going to attempt, or so he thought at least. Because there wasn't a thing in the world at that moment that could prepare either of the scheming stallions to just what she was planning out. What kind of powers were racing through her veins and perhaps above all, there was nothing that could predict the fate of his brethren.

What could the orb of shadow do outside of just witnessing the events as they played out before him? Of course he could interfere all he wanted, all of them could if they desired, but that meant they had to face the fury of the queen. And that was never a mild punishment whatsoever. Ruthless and merciless they were. Punishments designed to make sure they would remember their place the next time they wanted to interfere.

True that those were out of the time that Moon still reigned over them, but with Rarity in charge, not much of that would have been changed. Fright simply looked over the stallions as they stood there completely still. They were simply waiting for that what could come their way. He knew for certain, that their little plan was something that could be flushed down the toilet. For the sights as they looked like, were just somber. “It’s over,” he whispered quietly to himself.


Then the moment of truth was there. With the magical charge in the maximum of available powers, the hum almost sounded like a roar of thunder that ravaged through the skies. Lightning lashes made their departure from the aura before they returned back into it. The sheer power that she was irradiating was something all of the nightmare forces could be careful of. Those who tried to oppose her, could receive such a blast right in the face.

“The power of the mind, is wonderful thing. Yet its destruction, can help me out in more than one way,” the entity mumbled to herself before it happened. All of the stored energy was released under a roar of pure, dominant power. Four lashes of lightning traveled in a second over to the four unfortunate stallions. Of course they wanted to run away from the light but if they did, they would truly anger their queen and she would accuse them for deeds against her crown. So instead, they tried their best to remain in that one spot.

Then the lash of lightning hit them. Each of the bolts had made contact with the forehead of each stallion. They were immobilized almost immediately. All of their muscles went into lock and the only thing that moved were the pieces of cloud and fog from their mane and tail. For the rest, nothing at all. The lashes of blue lightning created an interesting play of light on the ground as they cast the shadows of the shadows on the wall, revealing something rather unique.

For what played out on the walls were each of the nightmare forces in shapes and forms unknown to any living creature. Horrified disfigured bodies that could only exist in the dreams of a foal. The eyes of the queen looked at the four subject with a stare of insanity, these figures could be seen in the corner of her eyes. Intimidated, frightful, merciless, those were the best words to describe their looks. That was what gave her an idea. A horrible one that was, but one nonetheless.

Howls of agony left the stallions while more of the magical lightning entered into their brains. They never got the required amount of it though. Instead had she given them an overdose beyond the believes of any mortal and immortal creature. The lightning they took to the head and to be more precise, the brain itself, changes were happening at a rate it never should have.

Yet the entity that was Nightmare Rarity didn't care about their howls one bit. She wanted to know just how powerful she could be. If they had died during the process, she wouldn't care less. Yet there was little that could actually have prepared herself on the matter she had actually created. For the circumstances the shadow stallions were in, could be the base for new life.

“This is, this is insanity at its finest,” Shadowfright whispered while he looked over the games before him. “The powers she’s putting out, on four at once for the first time.” Countless ideas and thoughts raced through his mind. He wanted to know more about it, so he could use it against her. With care he started to hover a bit more forward in order to get a much better look at the games.

Blood on the other end remained in the position as he was still trying to get his head back around the matter. The head-butt hadn't done him good at all. His own brain still laid in shambles. So silence was his best partner in order not to spill out any important information about their deeds.

While it was true that other forces knew the two were up to something, it was never quite certain just what they were working on. None of the forces even truly cared just what they were planning. They had a collective mind to a degree, but were still individual enough to think for themselves and act on their own.

“Fascinating,” whispered Fright to himself when he had managed to hover at the first row. In his eyes he looked over to the pain each of them was in. Yet they were still standing on their hooves. A remarkable sight that would be written inside of their memories for as long as they lived. That was one of the very few things that was just a certainty. The sounds, the sights, both of them would be printed on their retina.

While the lashes continued to do their work did each of the stallions disappear into an orb of blue magic. They would be locked away from the world outside. It was uncertain just what was going to happen to them. It wasn't something the entity had truly the desire off of doing but for her feeling it felt like she had to do it. The power she was putting out against them was too high and she could feel that in her ghost-like body. Though that never stopped her from not continuing her deeds. Even she was uncertain just what might happen when all of the charge is finally gone up in smoke.

Just how well would the experiment have gone once they were finished? How well would their behavior be? And possibly above all, how insane would they have become after lashes of lightning cast right into their brains? There was still much to learn for the young queen. A queen whose very body hadn't even been seen by any of her subjects she ruled over. Mysteries piled themselves up around her but so did they do in the quite town of Ponyville.


For it was within the famous Golden Oak library that Twilight herself was working her flanks off once again. With all of her scientific equipment ready, she was willing to a rather daring experiment. She wanted to tear through the time and space continuum in order to look into other universes. A daring undertaking that had Spike worried for months. But every single time had Twilight said that she had the situation under control as it were. A fact that he first had to see in order to believe it.

It was because she could persuade him rather easily with her motherly charms. A fact that he loved and hated just about equally about her. Nonetheless, when the experiment was going to a start, the baby dragon was peacefully asleep in his basket within the bedroom. His innocent little mind was unaware of the situation in the basement, which was a massive relief for Twilight herself.

The librarian unicorn allowed her horn to charge itself up with her magical powers and aimed it towards a generator. “This has to work, too much of my time has been wasted on this. Come on, come on,” she mumbled to herself while the sounds continued to face. The humming of her magic and the device as the blast was released were deafening.

Shocks were being sent through the whole building. They caused the basket of the dragon to gently move up and down. But he didn't wake up for whatever reason. His snoring continued like nothing had happened and he just turned himself back around.

But downstairs there was something happening. With the beam still hitting the generator, the Tesla-coil-like devices started to launch lightning at one another. Sweat broke out on Twilight’s face while she continue to push out the power. She would succeed upon her little quest, no matter what. Moans and groans left her body and soul until the beam from her horn just stopped.

Without a warning or anything had she ran out of her magical reserves. The smoke that came from the horn was as black as tar. The unicorn didn't even dare to touch it. Her horn felt hot whenever her hoof came close to it. “That was… different,” she mumbled before blew some air up to her horn, in the hope to calm it down.

The coils themselves were still transmitting the lightning to one another in a loud, almost singing manner. Once the ears of the unicorn caught the play of sounds had she turned her head around to witness the sheer size of the apparatus. A device that was bolted on a steel plate which housed both of the coils, the countless wires that were hooked up to her scientifically readers and the generators. An enormous device had been made just to have a peek into a universe different than hers. Not even princess Celestia knew that she was executing the experiment. So it resulted in Twilight sailing a blind ship into a storm.

The lightning covered both of the coils from top to bottom as the mare was taken by the play of lights and dared to take a step or two closer towards the device. “It’s, wonderful,” she whispered to herself. Even though it wasn't even close to her goal, she did manage to create something of beauty. Something that even she could consider, a true beauty.

But then there were the voices that began to echo through the room. Voices that spoke in haunting tones and tunes against her. Languages that were unknown to any soul in the world. What did they wanted from her? Where did they spoke from? Fear had begun to rise inside of her body and mind. The unicorn tried to find the original place of the sounds as best as she could. Though the place happened to be, the space that was right between the lightning flashes.

“No way,” Twilight softly mumbled against herself. She couldn't believe it, but the facts where there. The flashes of lightning were conducting with another universe. Yet they didn't create any hole into it. Nonetheless, it was a breakthrough.

Sadly enough, it wasn't one that could have been lived for long. The voices became more and more eerie and haunting, the whispers came so close that it sounded as if somepony actually was talking right next to her. That little thing was becoming a bit too much of the good stuff in her eyes.

Twilight had to close the experiment in order to make the voices go away. It was a rough decision but it had to be done and she knew it. Still uncertain what the voices spoke, she pulled the plug out of the generator and the flashes of lightning almost stopped right away. Something that relieved her a lot more than she originally had thought.

With the shivers still going down her spine, had the unicorn dropped her body into a chair and closed her eyes. Her head was hung backwards in order to clear her brain from anything unnecessary as she rethought the events that happened. The voices and tones still echoed through her mind as if they would be haunting her. But the words they spoke weren't in any language she was aware of that existed.

No, it was more of a mixture between multiple languages combined mixed with something else. A factor that was unknown to even a mare like herself. “Goodness me, what, what could they have tried to tell me to begin with? But how…did I hear them right next to me? I was supposed to just make a window to look…” Then her eyes sprung open as she looked terrified towards the ceiling of the library. “But what if I accidentally opened that window?” she said to herself as everything started to make sense.


The unicorn jumped out of her chair and galloped over to the desk with all of her calculations. “There has to be a mistake that speaks about the monocular levels. There must be something that became penetrable instead of having to be rock solid. Urgh, there has to be!” Twilight muttered to and about herself. The unicorn went over all the calculations she had made three times. Seconds turned into minutes and she still didn't had her desired answer. She couldn’t discover what had gone wrong.

Each of her made predicament and calculation was correct to the eighth decimal. But then it hit her, then she discovered the very mistake that she had made. “You stupid mare that you are!” the unicorn almost yelled against herself. Twilight planted her face against the hard wood of the desk. “How could you have missed that fact!? Never go to the eighth decimal, but go to the tenth. It’s the most impossible thing we’re talking about here and you still… Ugh. Back to the drawing board…”

And so said, so done. Twilight fell back into her chair. She began to make the new calculations for the next test. A test in which she would make sure the window remained closed no matter what. Though she could never get the voices and whispers out of her mind. It felt like if they were warning her to not continue on the madness. To stop it while she still had the time to do that.

Whether she would actually do it, had to be a question answered through the gears of time itself. A question which perhaps was best unanswered for her very own wellbeing.

With the moon still standing high in the skies above the town, had the unicorn given up on the matter for the night. Instead of keeping herself tortured on the matter, she went to bed. Twilight needed her sleep at the moment more than anything and felt herself in heaven once she dropped herself on the mattress. Exhausted beyond belief, the mare would have fallen asleep almost right away without having placed the blankets over her body. There was a moan that left her body before it turned into a snore. A snore loud enough to make the baby dragon turn and wiggle himself around in the basket due to the annoyance levels that were being created.


When the sun had risen up once again over the magical lands, the apple farm just outside of the quiet and sleepy little town was in the need to hurry up. The farming season had fallen upon it and in each of the near thousand trees the Apple family had, were at least a few dozen ripe apples ready to be plucked and transported. But the days were short and light wasn't easy to come by unless there was a unicorn with them or something. But with the family being earth ponies, they called in the help of a pony who might held the answer for them.

Applejack herself stood on a hill to a large blade of grass in her mouth. Her green eyes kept looking to the morning skies in the hope to find that one thing she needed. Her, literally, big brother was already working on hauling the carts filled with apples from the previous day to the barn for storage. “Where’s she?” the cowgirl mumbled to herself before she spat the blade of grass out of her mouth and wanted to give up.

But then there was a rainbow that appeared above her and soon followed a trail of wind that rushed passed her. The blonde maned mare had to keep her hat tightly against her head, otherwise it would have been send flying through the air. “That in tarnation!? Rainbow!” she yelled to the mysterious events. Although they weren't as mysterious as she thought they would be, as there was only one pegasus who was able to make them. And that was nopony else but Rainbow Dash.

The agile pegasus mare chuckled in her signature cocky tone before landing just in front of Applejack. “Sorry I’m late, woke up a bit too late, but, what’s the plan?”

“The plan is,” the cowgirl started after having fixed her hat, “that we harvest as much apples as we possibly can. Apple Bloom has drilled up Scootaloo as well to join, but Sweetie can’t come for some reasons Ah haven’t heard.”

The cyan coated, rainbow maned pegasus nodded to the words as she understood them. “Sounds easy enough, but Sweet’s still in on that matter with Rarity. Heard from Twilight that she can’t have peace with it, much like Spike now that I think about it,” she answered just before they started to walk through the morning sun lit trees.

“Fell hard on us all, Rainbow, ya know that better than any. But she’ll come back. Rares isn't that stubborn or weak. That trick on the diamond dogs, was a golden one. She can blabber herself out of it if she needs,” replied Applejack before a silence fell between the two. They didn't wanted to admit to one another, but they hadn't been able to have placed the disappearance of the unicorn either. Making Sweetie Belle not the only one.

But due to their posture of being two of the toughest mares around, they couldn't tell anypony. “Hey Applejack, how about a good sports competition? Who can farm the most apples until the sun goes down?”

Those words, were caught up by the two fillies that were walking towards them. One being the little sister of Applejack and the other the energetic little pegasus. “They aren't really going to… are they?” Apple Bloom asked aloud. But not loud enough to let the mares hear it.

“I don’t hope so,” the pegasus filly replied. She could only predict where it would come to.

Applejack on the other end just gave the daredevil of a pegasus a shady look that was followed up by a grin. “Ya really want to challenge me on mah own land? Ya want to battle this on mah own turf? You got guts,” she spoke up towards her, thinking it was just a little game of hers.

“Oh no AJ, I’m serious here. You and me, most apples when the sun sets. You in, or out?”

On that very moment did the fillies knew that they had to retreat. Because when those two were at it, everything was pulled out of the closet to win.

“Tis a deal, Rainbow, but the apples can’t be broken and need to look perfect. Yah think ya can handle that with that speed of yars?” the cowgirl teased with another grin before she fixed her hat. The deal had been made, the stage been set. All that needed, was for the pegasus to accept.

“You betcha!” the pegasus returned before she spat in her hoof. The cowgirl did the same and they bumped the together. “It’s on. It’s on like...”

So it happened that the two of them were off to deal with the bet set up by the other. Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo all searched up a nice little place to watch the events for the coming hours. Neither of the three dared to place bets on any of them, but they had to admit that it was something fun to watch. Two physical strong mares that were going at one another. “Ah hate to admit, but Rainbow made a mistake. She knows the Acres as well as the back of her ponytail.”

“Which one?” Scootaloo asked as she turned around to look at the stallion.

The gentle giant released a single chuckle through his mouth before he spoke his reply for her. “Both.”

That was something that was hard to believe for her. So her eyes looked back to her friend who only nodded to confirm his words. “Rainbow’s going to be in big trouble.”

“Told ya,” Apple Bloom chuckled before she leaned further against the fence. She wanted to enjoy the orange and cyan show. “Only advantage Rainbow has though, is her speed.”

“Ah’m not placing mah bits on either. For in the end, they’ll just collapse like two or three seasons before,” Big Mac replied. He placed both of his forelegs on the fence and leaned on it from behind. He too would have watched, but with a different set of eyes then the fillies.


Back in the domain of the entity had the lightning had stopped and the smoke was still coming from the clouds of shadow. What truly had happened inside of the spheres was unknown to any being that was present. All they knew for certain was the fact that it was something terribly bad. Something that never should have seen the light of day or the darkness of night.

Each of the spheres had begun to crack down from the top like an egg. The fault lines continued to travel down and all of the forces did steps back or disappeared inside of the shadows as a whole. Even Blood was more willing to return back into the shadows than to remain present. Though it was nearly impossible because of Fright, who never left his position. Even though they had their argument before, he wouldn't let him be destroyed or anything like it. They would have stuck together, no matter how desperate their situation would have become.

The cracks became bigger while the sheer fright for the results rose in all of the forces. But the entity hovered a couple of steps back. She just glanced over the spheres once again. Then it happened. It was in that moment that the revelation would have been made. Each of them broke and exploded. First into sparkles but those quickly turned into the black tar like substance that was liquid shadow and there they stood. Standing still and solid, as if they were The four stallions who received the blow, lived in a torn apart world. A world where the thin line between mind and reality didn't exist anymore and their worst fears were their preys. The entity that was Nightmare Rarity looked each of the stallions in the eyes. She could see the changes they had been through. For the first one being the obvious one, the fact they actually had eyes.

But that was only the first problem of many.

For these stallions about half a time bigger than both Fright and Blood were when they encountered the insecure, little unicorn. Their mane waved as if they were standing inside of a storm but there wasn't any wind that blew at the time. Their tails had the same principle. Unbelievable as they already happened to be, one of them started to bare its teeth towards the queen. A mouth that was filled with sharp, jagged teeth and fangs ready to tear flesh of the very bones.

All over their bodies could the pack of muscles be found. They were just one hunk of muscle, teeth and eyes. These weren't the shadow stallions as Rarity remembered, they were something different. Something that was perhaps a lot better than she could have ever imagined them to be. The changes made to them were probably a one in a million shot for certain. Yet there was something she wanted to try. Something that came almost natural towards her when she saw them.

“Sit,” she spoke in a demanding tone. And then the tension rose whether or not they would follow her command. Not only for Nightmare Rarity but also for both Fright and Blood. If those beings would obey her, it would be over. If they didn't, there would be a chance for their plan.


Seconds passed as the tension was to cut and she repeated the order, but louder and even more demanding. “Sit!” she snarled to them. But once again there was no true reaction from them. Her eyes started to look even sterner at each of them as her breathing calmed itself down.

“Come on, come on,” whispered Fright to himself. The orb of shadows wanted to see her fail to gain dominance over them. If she would have gotten dominance over those four, things could turn out nasty, very quick. Blood on the other end had hovered next to the other remaining orb of shadow and didn't speak at all. He was more skeptical on the matter that was played out before him.

Though against their will, against their own intuition, all four of them started to lower themselves on their behinds. Each of the changed stallions eventually sat down as the mare had ordered them to. And words couldn't express how happy she was with that. “This, this pleases your queen more than you four can think,” Nightmare Rarity spoke to each of them. She had just discovered, her personal guards by creating them through the unknown.

She didn't saw them anymore like true shadow stallions. Instead she viewed them as dogs that could do her bidding. They had become her lapdogs and she loved it. But deep inside the psychic of each of the stallions had they lived on the ultimate edge of her powers. The sheer power of the beam they were hit with, caused them to morph into the appropriate circumstances. And as it was her who controlled that terrible pain, they would simply listen to her in order to never feel it again.

In her words it was nothing else but, “perfection.” In the eyes of both Shadowfright and Blood, ultimate disaster. “The guards of the queen, the savage shadow stallions,” the entity that was Nightmare Rarity whispered to them. She then erupted in a dark laughter of satisfaction.