• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,954 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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29 Friends united, and seperated

The soft sobbing of the dark queen was something none of the ponies had ever expected to happen. None of them even dared to dream about the facts as they were presented to them. But they were at least getting somewhere. They were getting where they needed to be. That was something that gave each of them a little bit more hope than ever in their time in the domain.

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow all sighed in relief to the events while they continued. They believed that he had already done it. They believed in the very fact that Emerald Masquerade had managed to get real Rarity back out of the troubled mind of the beast. And it indeed seemed to be that way from their perspective. Though the things that were going on in the very mind of the dark queen herself, were impossible to actually gather a head around.

“It’s all alright, Rarity, let your tears just go for now. Cry everything that you want to cry.” Emerald spoke to her with a small smile visible below his muzzle. His genuine and honest words caused the ears of the unicorn to twitch ever so softly before the sobbing simply continued. Not even he could never have expected the fact that it would be packing out that way.

From stroking just her cheek he had wrapped both of his forelegs around the neck of the dark queen who held their foreheads together as if she was clinging to him for her dear life. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Emmy,” the unicorn replied to him every now and then through her tears.

“It’s alright Rary, we all make mistakes left and right, now don’t we?” he spoke up as a response. He shut his eyes for a moment. In his mind did the thoughts began to race through him and every wrong he had ever done in his life, suddenly just came back to him and everything could be pinpointed at one point in time. One point where everything went literally to hell for him.

“I should, I should have realized this sooner. You, are the one mare for me. The only one who actually managed to keep me on the straight path and, even if you can’t return to your old self… I don’t care. Even with these looks, you’re still as beautiful as ever,” Emerald replied in a semi truth. In his mind he also wanted to deal the final blow. To literally end everything that was going on in the moment. To end the reign of the dark queen herself once and for all, by his own hooves.

“You, you really think that, Emmy?” the mare asked. She dared to open her eyes for a bit and stared down into his for a few moments. The stallion himself gave a nod to her as he genuinely meant his words. Yet none could actually deny it, for even in the nightmarish shape that she was, Rarity still looked as beautiful as always.

Though there were two beings who weren't particularly fond of the entire operation, let alone the crying of their queen. Both Shadowfright and Shadowblood had been brewing a plan to separate the two of them. They wanted to let the merciless queen be the merciless queen. Though they had hoped that the savages had taken care of him by then. Somehow did those beasts remained silent. They only whimpered to themselves, like they felt the pain that the unicorn felt as well.

“It’s now or never, head on charge on him?” Blood asked almost in silence. He prepared himself to literally crash the events that were going on. Fright didn't reply with words of his own, but instead just gave a nod to them. That nod alone was more than enough for the two commanders to ‘save’ their queen from the fate that he was going to give to her. A fate that she never would be seeing again ever in her life.

With two roars of powers did they charge at the mare and stallion who only had an eye for each other. They didn't even knew just what was going on around them. The two of them seemed to be like a pair of lovebirds madly in love.

“No, no, no, no!” Twilight yelled up. She realized just what the plan of the two commanders was. She was one of the first to have seen it happen and caused the attention of the other four mares to be placed upon the two shadow stallions. Though none of them could be speaking a single word as they began to pray on the sun and the moon for a good ending of it all.

Both Fright and Blood continued with their charge as they had their aims for at nopony else then Emerald himself. They could almost taste his fears that laid locked away in the mind, if not the flesh of his body. With two more roars like beasts had the charge happened. All of the mares first went wide eyed before they closed their eyes again. None wanted to watch over the scenes as they would be happening. They didn’t wanted to know the ending of it either. Good or bad, didn’t matter.

Yet the sounds that fell in their ears wasn't the horrible screams of a stallion in need or a queen who regained her power all of the sudden. Instead it was the sound of something else. The sound of something bouncing off of a brick wall, or, as Twilight would be saying herself, “a magical force field. She, she placed them both… how, when?” The events couldn't be any stranger let alone the scene the mares would be looking at. For the things that they caught in their eyes was something none of them had ever expected to be seeing.

Slowly did the eyes of all the captured mares open again. What they got to see within them had to be one of the most magical moments that they ever would have witnessed in their lives. They were staring at a magical shield that was both sapphire blue and emerald green of color. One where the two shadow stallions had bounced off from.

Yet it was what was inside the shield that surprised the five of them even more. Not that alone though as both the savages as well as the commanders were just as surprised at the situation they were allowed to witness. For inside of that field were the mare and stallion exchanging a deep and powerful kiss with one another.

A kiss that had sparked the magic inside both of their body to create the shield. It was summoned to truly just leave them alone for the time being. Undisturbed and uninterrupted did they kept on exchanging the kiss fully upon the lips of one another.

Applejack and Rainbow had to gag a little bit before they turned themselves away from the scene as they weren't particularly fond in witnessing it. Pinkie and Fluttershy on the other end had just looked at the scene with a smile as it was just so beautiful to happen. Though the only one who managed to keep her head by the situation as it was supposed to be, was Twilight herself.

Her horn didn't irradiate any form of light or anything but it was still doing the readings in between the two of them. She wanted to be absolutely certain that whatever was going to happen –or happening even– inside of that shield, wouldn't terrible for either of them. Though the power of the shield was too much for her horn to slid itself in undetected. Twilight had to charge up her magic if she wanted to penetrate through it and that was just the thing that she couldn't be doing.

So the opportunity was dropped and the unicorn also continued to look at the scene a little bit more with a curious eye. She never paid attention to the stallion but instead to the mare herself. Treason was still a crime that could be committed and that was the very thing she was afraid of. There always was that lingering thought inside of her mind that Rarity could and would return to the manners she had been doing on for months by then.

“Oh no…” Twilight whispered to herself suddenly. She had a better look in the eyes of the unicorn during the kiss for just the fraction of a second. Though before each of them could be doing anything was the kiss between the two of them broken from the mare her side and the shield allowed itself to be dropped just like that.




The two of them looked into the eyes deeper than ever before. It even made the stallion forget just why he happened to be there, not to mention he lost track of her horn. A horn which had started to collect itself with so much magic. Twilight was thinking Rarity would be setting off some kind of bomb. A bomb of a magnitude that would not just destroy the domain, but evaporate the whole thing within a split second if she wasn’t careful. Never had she seen such power from Rarity.

“Love...” Nightmare Rarity started in a bitter tone towards him. A tone that got the attention of each of the ponies almost right away and they all looked once again to the mare. “Is such a dreadful bound. Yet so easily severed.” Within mere seconds had the insanity and hatred been flowing back through the eyes of the nightmarish unicorn as the stallion took a step or two back.

“W-What do you mean?! You can’t, you couldn't! I, I love you Rarity!” the stallion pleaded for his dear life. Even he finally seemed to be noticing just how much power there was stored inside of her horn. It terrified him just how much magic she had collected. He could be getting the full blow.

“You never loved me after high school. You let me there to crack in the gutter for all you cared! Never even a word from you, never a letter. All I had to be doing with were rumors I heard about you in the darkest parts of town. And before you open that pretty mouth of yours, I had figured out a long time what you would be coming to do here. Few here are actually that stupid. Hmpf, those five and then you? Could have meant only one thing,” Nightmare Rarity growled in a tone that seemed to be dripping with just venom alone.

“No, no you got it wrong! …Oh who am I kidding here,” Emerald spoke to her. He released a deep sigh through his nostrils. “Go on then, go and end your miserable love life. Just about the best you could be doing for me to begin with. Do it then, dark mistress of all! Do it already!” The tears then stood in the eyes of the stallion. He was getting more and more afraid that she would have done. He was terrified that she would eradicate him from the land of the living.

“Oh Emerald, I couldn't get rid of you, even if I tried. My heart has still too many scars from you and, you know the sad thing about killing a pony?” the nightmarish unicorn replied to him before her lips curled up to a smirk. “You can only do it once.”

The eyes of the stallion went wide. He couldn't believe what she just had said and what was actually going on. He repeated the word of no over and over against her. But none of them were heeded by her whatsoever. Instead he was treated with something that almost everypony within the walls of the domain had received by her. The near lethal dose of fear indoctrinating magic.

Screams of pain and agony were released by the stallion. He wanted it to stop more than anything in his life at the moment. The sheer pain that didn't just rush through his body, but through every last vein and nerve as well. All of it was used to make him suffer a thousand deaths almost at the same time in a thousand different manners. The fear of those thousand deaths made his heart race and race and race. Making it beat harder inside of his chest, almost at the point of failure.

All of the ponies that were still held down wanted to help him so much. They weren't even allowed to move a single muscle because of the shadow stallions. They could only be hoping on the fact that somewhere, she would be showing a bit of mercy. Something which she did in one way of the word. When the charge of the unicorn came to a hold, the horn began to smoke before the rest of the magic traveled away over her body, looking like it was a static discharge.

But Emerald, after having suffered the sheer fright of a thousand terribly deaths, just dropped to the ground and laid there unconscious. He was still alive, but just barely. “Fright, Blood, bring him to the dungeon and the same treatment shall be given to him like all the others. He’s going to be, my finest prisoner, my new favorite toy, shall we say,” the mentally twisted unicorn brought forth with a deadly snicker of her own. The two commanders executed the given order.

They both just walked up to the body and took it by the legs before they carried it off. While the others looked away in fright of their own or just not wanting to see the events, Twilight dared to keep her eyes open to see just where they would be bringing him.

Though the opportunity was not given. A beastly snarl was released from the unicorn herself. One that drew each of their attention right back at her. “You five, you five even had the guts to be thinking about a manner in which you could beat me, now didn't you? Well the only problem just happens to be that you are, a bit stuck remember?” The utter insanity and the overall monstrous charisma of the unicorn was a thing that caught them all off guard more than anything else. Yet nothing could prepare them all for the events that were still to come. “Any of you, wanting to speak some words of courage against me? Any of you actually having, the courage to speak those words?”

“Yes,” said Twilight Sparkle in a dead serious tone. She looked over to her friend and gave her nothing then a cutting look. If it were going to be the last words, she would have made them count.

“Then go on, Sparkle,” Nightmare Rarity whispered, “I’m dying to hear your words here.”


It took Twilight some time and guts, but then she came with the words that she wanted to speak. “You, just made the biggest mistake of your entire little and pathetic life right here and right now!” Twilight spewed out. She tried to get out of the hold that was placed upon her at the same time. But she wasn't done with her words yet, far from it even. Instead she had just so much that she wanted to say against the nightmarish unicorn, that she needed to think just how she would be saying them.

“Spoken by the pony who dropped me like a stone,” replied Rarity in a cold tone. She took a couple of steps closer towards the mare with a grin. “You know, you dropping me was just about the best thing that ever happened to me. Makes me think just so much more clearer right now. Including on how to bring each of you personally to an end. But go ahead Sparkle, finish the words of hatred you wanted to speak to me.”

None of the mares even could understand one bit of the things that the unicorn spoke about and against them. They never even recalled that they dropped the friendship with the unicorn. Something like that never actually happened in their books. Perhaps and especially at the time it was better to keep themselves silent until Twilight was done.

Speaking of the mulberry mare, she looked right back in the cat-like eyes of the unicorn. The sheer hatred between one another was released and exchanged. “You just called upon yourself the armies of the day and night. Unstoppable when they work together. They will discover a way to get to you, and you’ll be put to trial for crimes against ponykind itself. The sentence, lifelong in jail. I shall personally make sure it happens, you hear me! For you, are no longer the Rarity we all knew and love to no end. No, you are something much more corrupted like that and I order you, to leave the body!”

She wheezed deep while she tried to fight back her own tears. Twilight gave everything that she had in her arsenal of words to dent the thick skull of the unicorn even for one little bit. “I name thee, Nightmare Moon! Perish from the body you took over and never return to these lands. You have nothing to search here anymore! Never had and never will. Be gone evil spirit of darkness, find another host on a different planet. Or get sucked into a black hole for all I care.”

The words seemed to be having an effect on the other unicorn. At the mere mentioning of the force that was supposed to have taken over the unicorn, did Nightmare Rarity gasp for air. She did a couple steps back before she reached for her heart. The thing that happened next within the body of the unicorn was that she seemed to be driving the dark force right out of her body.

All of the mares patiently and horrifyingly looked over to the scene. They heard the bones being snapped places they should have never been. Not to forget that the eyes went completely greenish blue. The pupils rolled to the back of her head which then only left those big empty voids of coloring to be stared at. It were those voids that actually scared the living daylight out of Fluttershy and Pinkie who began to scream in fear.

But then it came once more, that sickening sound where everypony had been waiting on to hear. That one sound that gave them a little bit of hope. The very sounds of the dark entity wanting to crawl out of the body of the unicorn. Yet the unicorn herself seemed to be having a set of different plans for the five of them and herself.

The sounds died down. Though never did the black goo leave the mouth of the mare. Instead she cut off the sounds that she made. Nightmare Rarity grinned towards each of the mares before she erupted in a deadly snicker. A snicker that was the same as the one they heard when the figure appeared on the moon. One that caused all of the doubts to be gone in a moment. Rarity was never truly taken over by anything, she was still perfectly by her mind and knowledge. “What have you become?” Twilight dared to ask. She couldn't believe the things that she was witnessing.

“I have become the very thing, where Nightmare Moon failed,” said Nightmare Rarity back to her. She returned to that smirking grin of hers after that. “And the five of you, should know something. Let the royals call upon their armies. I welcome them with open hooves even before I’ll be crushing them. If they wanted to wage a war with me, they shall be getting it in threefold. But, it requires the five of you to deliver the message loud and clear to the pretty princesses.”

“And what makes you think, we will just be doing that for you?! You just murdered your high school crush in cold blood!” Rainbow replied in a stone cold voice. Nightmare Rarity looked upon her with the grin still visible below her muzzle. A grin that made the pegasus shut up and cower a bit.

“Oh Dashie, that is something rather simple, really. Hold them perfectly still!” the dark mare bellowed. On the command was each of the ponies held firmly against the ground while the charging sounds of the mare her horn could be heard again. “The five of you, will never forget the message I’m going to give you, not until you have spoken them against the princesses themselves while they give you the fullest of attention.”

“But, but, but! If I may here for a moment!” Twilight exclaimed. She tried to postpone the end more than she already had. “What did you mean by, us dropping you like a brick? You never, you never told us that. Nor what you’re planning really.”

The nightmarish unicorn herself released a deep huff in response to the words of Twilight. She did have a point there for certain. But she also knew that telling them her ultimate plans would cause even more commotion. “Simple, I am going to succeed where Moon failed. The land shall never be shrouded in the darkness as she intended it to be. But as I intend it to be,” she then said.

“And what is that?! Ultimate eclipse or something?!” Twilight asked, terrified to hear it.

“Oh no, Sparkle. Think back to your nightmares, the answer lies in them,” grinned Nightmare Rarity. She then released the charge that had been collecting itself within her horn. In those few milliseconds before the impact had Twilight figured it all out. All of their dreams combined created the entire picture of the unicorn not to mention, the thing they were suffering from.

“Fears and frights, that’s it!” were the last words of the unicorn before she got zapped with the powerful and frightful magic of the dark unicorn.


Each of the mares received the same amount of force from the unicorn and the images they would be witnessing wasn't something to be proud of if not being pretty towards. For when the charge hit their heads, they would all be reliving the very moment in which they broke their friendship with the unicorn herself.

Helpless were they all. That was with the exception of Twilight, who had figured everything out. She was prepared for the lies to come and relieved with only a slight headache. The same couldn't be said from the others though. As each of the remaining four ponies relived that day as if it had actually happened. As if that day had actually existed. Though the only reason of just why that spell was so powerful as it was, was only due to the fact that the unicorn believed it was true.

Her element had turned from generosity into fear. That was the very thing that fueled her powers. That day, that imaginary day of her friends breaking their friendship with her was the fear that fueled her might. Due to both Fright and Blood, the day seemed to have been the truth of everything. None could believe it, but it felt suddenly just so natural to each of them.

Tears were being shed while some called out to Celestia, cursing her name forever. They thought that it was her who had deleted the entire day out of their minds. If it only was that simple for everything to have gone. It also showed to them all just how feeble the mind was for the indoctrination techniques of the mare. A mare who had wrapped her hooves around their throats in a figural manner.

As gruesome as it seemed to be, it was something that Twilight seemed to be interested in. Though only because of the wishful thought that she could be beating it. Even though she was the only one who didn't actually believe the lies that they were being told, she still had to admit that it was a powerful piece of magic. One that nopony should have ever learned by themselves nor with the help of a dark force of some kind.

“Feel the pain you all have given me, feel the suffering that caused that pony to become this monster. Feel the hatred that is flowing through my veins and tell those good for nothing alicorns that I’ll be waiting for them. I’ll be the devourer of their troops, the cannon that takes out their ships. The fear of the night and day. The shadow in between everything. Nowhere is safe and nopony can hide. You five bear witness to the birth of a new power to rule this land, from behind the scenes.”

Then the charge was simply dissolved into nothing but just static energy again. The nightmarish unicorn released them all from her hold. One by one did the members of the elements lose their consciousness and blacked out on the spot. “Bring them back to their lousy little camp. They’ll be knowing what to do from there,” the mare spoke before she turned herself around. She then just walked away from the ponies without saying any other word or doing any other actions.

Mercy was granted to the five of them. But what cost should they be paying the price for?


Hours seemed to have passed by before the eyelids of Twilight Sparkle began to twitch again. There was a light that shone down upon them. The mulberry unicorn released a soft moan before she turned herself away from the light. Then she felt the soft grass that she was lying in. It was a feeling that caused her to release a deep sigh of happiness and wanted to continue in her sleep. Weren't it for a little voice inside of her head that told her to wake up. Something didn't seem to be right and she needed to actually discover just what on earth it actually was.

The eyes of the unicorn opened themselves wide and far before she turned herself right side up and rose upon all four of her legs. “W-Where are we?” she mumbled to herself as she saw the body shapes of her friends but also took notice that they weren't in the domain anymore. Instead there was the sunlight that shone down proud on her face. “Wait a minute here.”

Without any doubt readable upon her face had the unicorn turned herself around. There she saw it standing in the fullest of glories. The tent that they had set up to spend the night through. So many emotions were flowing through her mind at that point. The mare realized just how lucky they all have gotten that they had actually escaped the grasp of the unicorn. At least, Twilight did that. She wouldn't be having a single clue on just how the others were doing.

But it didn't matter that much for Twilight in the moment. She wanted to let them sleep for a little longer, they would be needing it. So in silence did the mare charge up her horn. She once again had access to her magical powers and it felt just so good for her to actually have that ability back to herself. As it was the very thing that made her unique to the world she lived in.

Minutes simply came and went before the others one by one woke up. Twilight told each of them to sit around the campfire pit. Once they all would have woken up and the things had been packed, the urge of the situation would be explained to them all. Each of them and one by one would have agreed upon the matter. Resulting in them doing what was asked of them.

“Ah can’t believe Ah just dropped her like that,” spoke Applejack to the group. She looked to the three other ponies and they all nodded in response. “Ah mean, we should have remembered the things we spoke against her that day right? ‘Specially Twi, as she got those new saddlebags.”

They were blinded and genuinely confused by the words that were spoken against them, by them even. Though it was all because of the magical charge of the unicorn. None would believe that they just had forgotten the state in which their mind was in. Perhaps they didn't even wanted to remember the horror they had gotten themselves in, just because of that very reason? It was a fact that was actually quite saddening for the lot of them.

“But… why would we be doing that? I know she has an attitude, but that never was the cause of me wanting to break our friendship,” shared Fluttershy after she had gathered her courage again. She would have wiped away a few of her tears not much later.

“That’s because of the fact, we never spoke those words to her,” Twilight then spoke to them. She was just done with everything and joined herself with the group once again.

Though almost right away did she got weird looks from each of the mares. They couldn't believe the things that were spoken to them. “Explain yourself here, Twilight,” Rainbow asked of her. She didn't had a clue of what was going on and most likely wouldn’t understand it either.

“Yeah! Do it Twilight!” Pinkie then added before the unicorn released a deep sigh of her own and charged up her horn for something none of them even knew.

“Alright then, but the words I’m going to say may not make much sense to you, as they do to me,” stated Twilight before she took a deep breath.

“Beats just sitting here in the dark,” Applejack mumbled. She was willing to give it a shot.

“The charge that Rarity gave us all, wasn't something to make us remember something we had forgotten. Instead she implemented an entire new memory at the cost of another. All the events that happened during that day, are destroyed and replaced with the ones you have now. Truth be told, I need to extract that very memory for Celestia. It is as Fluttershy said, she had an attitude, but that never was the cause of breaking our friendship with such a wonderful pony. Now, hold still,” said Twilight before she prepared her horn.


Neither Pinkie Pie nor Fluttershy struggled against Twilight while Applejack and Rainbow Dash formed the little problem. They didn't wanted to have the mulberry mare messing with their memories. In the end did they allowed her to do it. The very thing that came next was that Twilight’s magic was being released upon their minds and as they thought about the events, it would be taking them carefully from the mind.

Following up to the spell, she conjured a small container into existence where the corrupted memories would be placed in. A container that was locked with five magical locks to which only Twilight had the keys from. Even if one of the royals tried it, they wouldn't have been able to open it. “Alright girls, you should be safe again,” she said to her friends with a smile.

“What did ya just do with the lot of us?” Applejack asked. She rubbed her head a little bit.

“Simple memory extraction spell. She can play it dirty, but so can I. And that container is to hold them for Celestia to review them. We have been closer to her than anypony else and we have to bring it back to Canterlot as fast as we can,” Twilight returned to her.

“But, what about Emerald, Twilight?” Pinkie asked to her. She wanted to know the finer details for the stallion. Though in response had the mulberry mare released a deep sigh through her mouth. She had not even the slightest of clues on what she could be doing. Or even how they would have been able to help him within the situation that he was in.

“There’s only one thing that we can be doing girls. And that is tell the message to the royals. To go to Canterlot and tell both princess Luna and Celestia that we are at war with a former element of harmony. I’m sorry, but it is the only thing that we can be doing and the only thing that we should be doing,” said Twilight with a defeated tone. She wanted to do more, but couldn’t.

“And just how do you want to do that smarty pants?” Rainbow huffed out to her. She then crossed her forelegs over one another with a cutting glare towards the mare.

“I still believe that bits and pieces of Rarity have survived the merging. Nightmare Moon hadn't just taken over the body of Rarity like she did with Luna. Instead they seemed to have merged with one another. Two souls that became one at the cost of half of theirs. That’s why there are no wings and steamy mane. Oh she’s good now that I think of it. Still, even if we manage to get Nightmare Moon out of her, it means we only have half a Rarity as we knew and love her. The only question is, which half we would be getting?” explained and wondered Twilight at the same time.

“So basically, what you’re telling here is that, Rarity needs to die?” Rainbow then returned straight back at her with a raised eyebrow. It was madness itself that spoke. It couldn’t be right.

“Depending on which side of her we get, perhaps. Look, I’m still working things out here even as we speak and not even I have all the answers even if I would have liked them,” Twilight replied before she stood up. A deep sigh that left through her nostrils. “All that I know for certain is the fact that somehow, somewhere, both Nightmare Moon and Rarity have merged together instead of taken over. And that means the danger is more imminent than ever. Think what Moon can do with Rarity’s mind for warfare. That creative mind of hers can be used to make plans to capture hundreds and weapons of mass destruction. War is coming, one way or the other. Whether it be big or small, I honestly can not say against any of you. Now move it!”

Each of the mares was heartbroken by the words that Twilight spoke to them. Yet they could always clearly see just where she came from with them. It were words that frightened them more than anything they could have ever imagined.

Though they did the thing that was asked from them. Each of them took their saddlebags before the massive sprint and gallop towards Ponyville would be made by the five of them. From there they would be going unto the train to Canterlot. “One way or the other, danger never seems to cease here in the land of harmony,” Twilight whispered to herself. She was at the head of the convoy of mares and led them away from the woods with a powerful gallop. “Funny, when you think of it.”


In Canterlot it seemed that the two royal sisters were still bickering against one another. They were still in the matter of what seemed to be the most potential plan of attack against the threat. They were oblivious to the fact that the elements were already coming their way, together with the terrible news they carried with them. Though it was Celestia who looked over to Luna with a stern look clearly visible upon her face before the huff was actually released. “If you speak that name one more time, I will personally make you shut it for the rest of your life,” she spewed to her sister.

“Did you forget, I’m still immortal like yourself, sister,” replied Luna with a sharp tone of her own. The two of them stood before the window and looked at the rising moon and the lowering sun. The both of them were completely coated in the aura of her magical charge as the ancient ritual was done once again. The ritual of the day turning into the night.

“Oh I didn't forget that sister, not one bit. Would be quiet though, maybe a little too quiet if you ask me,” Celestia replied to her. She released a deep sigh and gave the conversation a hold to it. She didn't even want to speak further about it whatsoever. Everything had become clouded for her.

“Seems like I got you check once more. I would choose my next words very carefully if you don’t want to be set mate,” added Luna with a small grin. The aura disappeared from her body and she stared at the beginning of a new and beautiful night.

A night in which almost everything could happen. “The calm before the storm is approaching upon us all. Soon enough the end of everything shall begin, if it hasn’t already,” Celestia spoke all of the sudden. It were words that caught Luna off guard. Perhaps more than she ever could have expected. The lunar alicorn of course wondered what was being meant by them, but the question was never asked. It wasn’t the place to have done it, not yet at least.


In the meantime and deep in the domain of the nightmarish unicorn, Nightmare Rarity found herself standing before a place that she had added recently to her home. A place that laid even deeper than the dungeon itself. If the prisoners looked down from their cells, they could see it in the fullest of glories already. Escaping was made impossible for them from that moment onward.

Nightmare Rarity stood before the door that would be leading to the place and inside she heard the oddly peaceful snoring of a creature. One that was many times bigger than her alone. A creature that would have been her new weapon of mass destruction. One that she knew just so well and had the full control over. With great care and silence was the door being opened. She slipped through it before closing it again. She wanted to be alone with her greatest asset.

And there it then laid while being chained up around the neck and peacefully asleep. One of the very few pure crystal devourers. A race of dragons that were told to be the most legendary of them because of their ability to not just find gems, but also consume them and use the color to gain elemental powers. He was most dangerous and supposedly the last of its kind, yet she had one. “Spikey, Wikey,” the unicorn spoke up with a sickening grin. “It’s time to wakey wakey.”

Since she managed to get her hooves upon him, she had corrupted the baby dragon and let him grow into the monster that was lurking beneath the domain of the mare. An always hungry and greedy dragon that would only be doing the bidding of her mind. One of the deadliest combination and most valuable assets that unicorn would have had in the upcoming war to be waged.

She walked up closer to the massive dragon. With care did she began to stroke one of the massive fangs that stuck out from the lips. The unicorn would be having him to her aid in the siege on Canterlot itself. While she stroked his fang, the words in the tongue of the dragon were whispered to him. Only seconds before she gave one of the scales of the upper lip a small kiss. Then her own lips curled up into a sickening and twisted grin. “You know what to do.”