• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,957 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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09 The nightmares begin

The defeated unicorn king had recovered from his frights and fears of the one dragon who had managed to beat him. Yet he kept on hovering before the woods of White Tails. His eyes looked over fog covered terrain while a stare of death that could be found deep within them. He had grown a desire in the last few minutes to just watch the utter annihilation of the queen for rather obvious reasons. Yet there was nothing that he could do, because he was nothing more but a spectral. But the burning passion in his darkened heart roared like the fires of the sun.

Anger raced through all his veins while the desires followed it everywhere. Though he couldn't just go about and make any kind of bold decisions just yet. Something like that would probably have ended up in his defeat once more. There was of course the plan to head on charge her and try to manipulate the forces below the queen to only obey him. It was a plan that required timing and that wasn't something he had standing on his side. A growl of insanity and anger was left through the hovering entity that Sombra was. He didn't just pace up and down on his legs though, instead he floated close to the ground while doing so.

It drove him even further over the edge of insanity then he already had been. It wouldn't do the stallion any form of good. Growls and whispers of hatred would have left the mouth of the once so powerful king. Whispers that spoke of plans rather left unknown to other ears were send into the air. Yet there was one that caused him to just stand still and look over the forest with slits of eyes. Something inside of him had been triggered. Something that made him think with a lot more care.

“Yes...” Sombra whispered to himself in a soft tone. What followed was a massive and rather ominous looking grin that formed itself below the muzzle. “Crystal.” It seemed as if all of the sudden there was a bulb of light that was turned on inside of his mind. The fallen king set his spectral hooves on the ground for the first time since his escape.

His smoking eyes continued to look over the woods with a grin before he repeated that one little word again in an even deeper sounding tone. “Crrrystals.” It was just clear to him right there and then. One massive assault against the queen of fear was probably all he could do. Her home had been made out of the same stuff as his and he could manipulate that. So what withheld him from doing the same act again?

A barrier was what stopped him. The white barrier of fog. The sheer amounts of magic that he felt surging through it were on levels he would have expected from one of the three princesses. Not from a unicorn who simply had grown in size. “Bah! This isn't going to be working!” Sombra shouted to himself. He took his eyes away from the fog and laid them upon the one place. He never had expected himself to end up looking at that. The place was one he had gazed over before, just after the events had happened. Perhaps the last place where he ever wanted to be.

“No,” he whispered into the thin air. His eyes were locked upon the only castle he could see. The castle of Canterlot, the very place where his arch-enemies resided. It was a place in which he couldn't just walk in like any other pony, they would capture the king right on his hooves even in his seemingly harmless spectral form. Yet he had something that they obviously didn't have.

“None of them had come to here before… None of them, know just what terrorizes these woods,” the king spoke up in his deep tone. The eyes blinked a bit and he saw the window of opportunity within it. He knew exactly who, why and what was going on in the woods. He could be the key that the royals would have needed into the assault. If they were planning any to begin with.

Though that triggered another thought inside of his mind. They didn't respond all too kindly either when he had conquered the Crystal Empire. That led to his original defeat and thus he had to lock himself away for years and centuries. On the day of his return had one baby dragon prevented him from becoming the almighty king once again. A baby dragon out of all things possible.

Both of those defeats weighed heavy on his mind and the more he thought about them, the more Sombra came to the realization that it would be foolish to go to them. “Knocking at their door, makes me look like a dog with its legs hanging. Making it look like I admit defeat! But there is one thing, I shall never admit. That thing is, my own, defeat,” the unicorn king roared into the air before a powerful sprout of magic was released into the nightly skies as a powerful blast of black lightning.

It was something that certainly cleared out the mind of the stallion before he started to wheeze deeply to himself. The powers of his magic, had drained the spectral form even more than it originally should have been doing. “Let, them, rot,” spoke Sombra through the wheezing of his nostrils. “Let, let them burn in the fires of Tartarus!”

Sombra wouldn't even consider it anymore. He wouldn't even decide if he was going to the castle to purpose his plan and kept on wheezing while his spectral legs tightened their muscles in the legs a bit more. His smoking eyes were nothing more but slits while he looked over to the castle with one last, deadly look. “I’m not, going to admit, my own, defeat. Not against the princess of the sun, moon, and her above all…” he muttered to himself.

The ancient unicorn king turned himself around to face the woods of White Tails one last time and opened his eyes a bit further. “You can have all the fun you like, queen of fear, but we will meet again in Tartarus, trust me on that one.” After his words had the king turned himself into the general direction of the Crystal Empire, and therefore the Frozen North.

When he stuck his nose into that direction there was an odd wind had set for him. A freezing cold one that managed to hurt his nose, even in the current state of his being. That could only mean one thing to him, a wind where even ghosts of yesterday got cold from, meant that it was the frostbiting wind of the North. “Empress of Love, we shall meet again. Maybe not this century, but I am certain we will in the next. You will wake up screaming, wishing you left the empire in my hooves, under my rule. Because, when I’m done with you...” And then he was gone. Sombra had just vanished with the winds of the North just like that.

He had returned to the realm of the spirits to continue planning for his grand scheme of all. The one scheme that would make sure that the Empire, would be his and his alone once again. And one that would be the end, for the empress of love.

Though did he wise about not going to the royals of Equestria to share his findings? It left him literally cold. Sombra didn't care for it one bit and he had all of the rights to do so. Yet the calm that usually could be sensed before the storm, was about to reach its highest point.

For it always was the darkest before the dawn. And in the east dared the first rays of the morning sun to look over the hills and tease many sleeping ponies to wake up. A new day had come and it would be that day, many things would be told, revealed and heard about.


The sun rose itself further and further unto the skies was the night would have transformed into the day. In the castle of Canterlot stood Celestia herself on the solar altar. The last bits of her magic faded away after she had pulled the sun up from its slumber. Her one visible eye was just looking over the golden orb with delight. Her magenta red rim almost shined in the light that took its hold over the land and it was something she was truly happy about.

Ever since she had left Astral Chrome in the asylum and had heard the words of her most faithful student, was the princess caught by a force invisible and felt just unbeatable. There was a force out there that was greater than anything that currently lived in the land. A force that didn't share any similarities to her older rivals. It was a depressing thought for the almighty alicorn of the sun, but there wasn't anything that she could do against it. Not yet at least.

Sure she could send herself and her armies towards White Tails but that would end in an all-out war. Waiting too long could have granted the force powers beyond her believes and comprehension. The princess of the day stood before a difficult to cross crossroad. All the ways that it had, led her to different outcomes and thus different, possible futures. Some good, some bad. Yet the outcome was deluded by the fog that covered the dreaded woods.

Celestia had to give her thoughts some rest. She turned herself around to watch the castle she had called home for so long. She knew that Luna was still awake and that they had to discuss the matter by breakfast because they were running out of time. At least, so it felt for the elder sister.

The alicorn of the sun removed herself from the altar. Celestia had begun to wander into the direction of the castle once again. But each step felt like it was another second of a ticking time bomb, ready to blow. There was not a single clue of how much time there would be left. “I can only hope that you are having some good news for me today, doctor,” the mare whispered to herself before she disappeared into the walls of her home.

It didn't took her as long as she had thought to reach the wonderful looking throne room. There where Luna had already taken her place to have her dinner. Even to the present day it was odd for the celestial guards to witness Luna eating a full dinner in the early morning. Of course they knew that she had pretty much the reversed sleeping pattern from what they had, but it still was a curious sight to behold. Then again, the night watch was having the same issues about them.

Once Celestia had entered the room, all of the guards assume their position and remained into it. The alicorn sat down on the table with her sister. Celestia’s singular visible eye looked over the breakfast and dinner. After which she allowed herself a small giggle. It was even funny to her to that very day. Some things just never seem to fade away, that happened to be one of those things.

Yet on the opposing side was Luna already eagerly eating. A sign that she had been busy the past night with something. “I hope you don’t mind that I have already started dining, sister,” Luna spoke up with a gentle giggle after she had swallowed what was in her mouth.

“I don’t mind it at all, sister, it seems like you have been rather active last night. Do tell me then, how many guards did it took before you were overwhelmed?” Celestia replied in a teasing manner. With the help of her magic had she spread some butter over a toasted slice of bread.

That question caught Luna by surprise as she shook her head a little bit. “I, I don’t know what you mean, sister. I just took a flight over the land, that’s all,” the younger sister pleaded in her defense before she took her cup of wine and brought it over to her lips.

“Riiight,” replied Celestia with a giggle before she took a bite out of the sugar covered toast.

“It’s true, Tia!” Luna spoke with a little raise in her voice after the cup was set on the table. But she knew it was a lost cause. She had all the powers in the world that she could have ever desired, but there always was boss above boss. And that boss, was nopony else then her sister. “Okay... Twenty,” she whispered softly before continuing the dine.

That number alone was something that was of interest of Celestia. She even rose her eyebrow it as if she didn't believe it at first hearing. “Well, well, well, that’s quite the number, don’t you think?” the mare replied in her usual kind tone. Luna gave a simple nod as a response. A nod that spoke about the fact of it not being good enough for her liking.


The two alicorns kept on eating until their stomachs were full and they could both go either peacefully to bed or spend the day awake. Just after they had stood up, one rather familiar character rushed itself into the throne room. Luna caught the figure in full view as she was heading towards that same door. Celestia on the other end, she turned herself around to witness that what was coming as she caught the panting.

“Do you, know this pony, sister?” Luna dared to ask. She had also turned herself around to watch the figure. A stallion with a lab coat that was literally out of breath stood right in between the two most powerful alicorns of the land. The princess of the moon had a difficult time to identify the pony herself. But the revelations that were about to be made, would be earth shattering.

“I do know him, sister, you even met him once as well, remember? Doctor, if you please tell me why you have arrived here in such a hurry?” the elder sister replied to the both of them but in her heart she was fearing the worst of the worst to happen. Luna on the other end didn't fully understood what her sister meant before she started to dig deep inside of her own memory.

“It’s, it’s mister Chrome. He, he,” the stallion started to ramble. Much further he didn’t come.

“Wait. A-Astral, Chrome?” Luna questioned all of the sudden with a confused look on her face. She knew exactly who the pony was. All of the memories came rushing back to her.

“Y-Yes, him!”

“Well, speak what happened to him, have you managed to get him to talk again?” Celestia questioned the good doctor. But as soon as she spoke the words, the body language indicated that she wouldn't be liking what came next out of his mouth.

“He, well, he died. He died when one of the nurses injected him with a calming syringe but, it may have worked a bit too well. She, she did everything by the books thought! Right syringe, right handling, right amount, she, she isn't to blame for it all. But, once we examined the body, it became known to us, that his eyes were filled with fright. That, was what killed him. A-Almost as if, he lived in another dimension with his mind,” the doctor explained to them to the best of his abilities.

That whole explanation of the night was something that caused both of the alicorns to look over to one another. They both carried the same shocked expression readable upon their faces. Neither of the two could even believe that such a thing could have happened. There were many manners for a pony to leave life for certain, but by fright itself? That was a new one.

The doctor feared what they would be doing to him now that the reality of the situation had been right to light and he could only pray on the fact that they would be merciful upon him. Celestia would without a single doubt. The real question was, if Luna would be.

Celestia just released a deep sigh through her nose before she shook her head and looked over to him again. “Go doctor. You did what you could. My sister and myself need to talk to each other about the matter in private,” she spoke in an oddly calm and soothing voice.

And there goes my day of sleep, thanks Tia, Luna spoke in her mind. She watched the stallion walking away just like that. The doctor had one last look over the stern face of the lunar princess before he made his leave. “So, am I correct if I say you are willing to go down there again?” Luna questioned to her sister once the stallion was truly gone.

The elder alicorn simply gave a nod to the words and she was the first one to make the step. The step towards possibly the course of the land’s entire future. And it felt to her that yet another heavy burden had fallen upon her. It was in silence, that Luna started to walk next to her sister as a support for that what has to come.

“Tia...” Luna started when the two royals stood before a place in the castle that was everything but often used. A magical door that would have lead them right into the vault of items too dangerous to see the light of day. “Just how do you plan on attacking this, this fog of inside of White Tails. I mean, that is obviously what is driving them all insane from what you told and showed me.”

“While it is true that the fog drives them crazy, what happened to the souls we don’t see any more after they went in?” Celestia asked while her horn glowed in the golden magical aura. “Who is responsible for such acts?” The beam was released from the horn and unto the door which allowed it to open as a magical portal. “Somepony we know, or somepony new to the fields?”

A portal had emerged that would have led them straight into the depths of the Canterlot mines. To a place that was sealed by the ages. Nothing could get in or out unless it possessed the magic of a princess. “So you’re saying, somepony is creating it?” Luna replied with a tilted head. It wasn't something she had truly expected but almost immediately could point her hoof to a few characters that could be to blame for it all.

Yet she couldn't be more wrong in her life.


Both of the royals stepped through the portal. The darkness of the mines was something that caught the both of them by surprise. For the portal closed itself almost right away after they had stepped through. Yet with a flick of their horns had both of the royals allowed the torches inside of the place to be lit up.

What was revealed to their eyes were the deadly wonders hidden from eyes to see. Items used by previous dark figures to take over the land or places. Wonders that had been used by Celestia and Luna herself. Not to mention almost every single book that Starswirl himself deemed to be too dangerous for the public. Yet the attention of Luna was caught by something that was surrounded by the torches. Something she didn't had expected to see on a place like there.

Something she thought that was long gone by the gears of time. “Impossible,” she whispered to herself before parting with Celestia and the mare of the moon simply walked up to a mannequin with an armor set.

It wasn’t just any kind of armor set was played upon the mannequin. It was a set that she knew all too well. Perhaps even a little bit too well for her liking. The fires of the forges that created it appeared in her eyes for just a split second before one name was whispered. The name of her alter ego. “Nightmare Moon,” was the name that she whispered into the air.

The armor of nopony else then the creature of darkness herself could be found on the mannequin. It was a thing that worried Luna to degrees unknown. Yet on a quick and closer inspection, it wasn't any replica or something, it was the real deal. For the dents, scratches and repair marks were all clearly visible to her. A thing which made it even more dangerous.

“This shouldn't be here, it should have been broken and send to all the corners of the land,” the mare mumbled angry to herself before the ears perked up at a sound. The sound of her sister calling her to come. There wasn't anything she could do than to heed the calling unless she wanted an angry Celestia. “We shall meet again,” the alicorn of the night whispered to the armor set before she followed the voice of her sister.

Luna met up with Celestia who had begun to speak her words of worry. “We need to return the elements of harmony to Twilight and her friends in case something does go deeply wrong. If they need them, they have them right with them instead of having to wait for us.”

“A smart approach sister, I do have to admit that from you, but it seems like you are forgetting one single fact. Rarity is still missing, remember,” replied Luna before she found that little hole in the plan of her elder sister.

Another sigh left through the mouth of Celestia. One that was followed by a nod with her head. “While that is more than true, I simply can’t leave the elements here. Perhaps, they would believe me if I said she would be with them in spirit,” she spoke up, questioning herself even.

That was something that caught Luna of guard as a whole. Her sister was prepared to lie against five of the most important ponies in the whole land? “T-Tia, w-what are you proposing here!? Y-You are out of your mind if you say that!”

“You and I, haven’t sensed the essence of Rarity since the day she was lost, remember!” Celestia returned in a snarl towards Luna. “Nopony knows what happened to her, she has just vanished from the surface of the land to heavens high know where.”

That outburst alone made Luna take a couple of steps back before she shook her head. She couldn't believe the facts as they were played out before her. She couldn't believe that Celestia, her own flesh and blood, was willing to do such a horrible deed.

Little did she knew, or they even, that the real terror still had to struck them.

When the two alicorn reached the place where the elements were stored safely, Celestia charged up her horn once again and opened another, hidden door. Under the rumbling sounds of stone being moved and even crushed had the walls just split themselves open. And forth came the glass cabinet with the mythical and mystical elements of harmony. And another shock went through both of their bodies, making them literally frozen on the spot.

Both of the alicorns just couldn't believe what they witnessed with their own eyes. Five elements that were intact and bright flowing from their jewel. While the sixth wasn't glowing anymore. It had turned into just a dark gem that was frightful to even look at. “G-Generosity… R-Rarity...” Luna spoke up while she looked at the darkened necklace and couldn't believe her eyes.

“And that marks, Equestria’s darkest day,” Celestia managed to speak. She made a couple of steps back in utter disbelief to the events that played out before her. If she looked closer upon the necklace, sparks of dark magic sprouted from it, touching the metal of it before disappearing. “How could we, have been so blind..?”

It took neither of them a long time to just figure out what on earth had happened to the beautiful tailor from Ponyville. All of the puzzle pieces slowly fell on their place but it also brought one devastating revelation with itself up to their minds. “S-So Rarity became, the creature that haunts, White Tails? But, how does that work?” Luna dared to question. Not even she had the slightest of clue of how it happened. All she knew was that it happened.

Celestia looked even more stunned towards the elements as in her mind, the revelation was made as first. “I, I wish I knew, sister dear. But, this is the worst of the worst. I can’t believe it.”

Those words caused Luna to look over to her sister with a worried expression. Celestia didn't back down for much in her life. But the way she spoke the words were something that caught her attention. It almost sounded like she was back to the decisive moment where she got banned to the moon. “W-What, how, how do you mean?”

“They’re all just, useless now.”


“The elements are useless. There is nothing that can be done with them. Somehow, something had managed to cripple the most powerful force in the land with the clap of a hoof. Something that we both haven’t seen before or have forgotten in the gears of time itself,” Celestia explained with care. The disbelief of it all still was readable upon her face.

“I, I can’t, I won’t!” Luna almost shouted to the elements but the reality of the situation was there given fair and square. The element of generosity was corrupted and finding a new one wouldn't be all too easy because of the fact that Rarity was still alive. Corrupted for certain, but she was alive and kicking.

“You have to accept the facts as they are presented for us, Luna,” replied Celestia while she tried to calm her little sister down. Though the facts were too great for their minds to understand. Five necklaces and one tiara of ultimate power from the thing ponies represent were transformed into nothing more but some kind of fancy wear for a rich mare or something the like.

Neither of the princesses wanted to believe the situation but Celestia was the first one to actually accept it. Yet even though she accepted it, she still just couldn't believe it in her heart. It felt wrong on all the levels to her. Over the course of her time, nothing had been able to cripple the elements and now, now they were. The two princesses were faced with a situation of a magnitude that was unknown to them. And that something in and of itself.


There wasn't much use for the elements to even remove them out of their cases. It was unknown whether the lightning sparks that were released from the necklace of generosity could actually in fact other being but if that would be the case and either Luna or Celestia touched it, all hell was truly going to be there. “Luna, could, could you leave me alone here for a bit. I’m going to clean up a bit here,” Celestia then spoke. She could have only hoped her sister accepted the request made.

Uncertain of what her sister meant but not wanting to figure it out, Luna just heeded the call and she made her departure. She would have walked back to the portal’s archway but not before having looked at the armor set of Nightmare Moon.

“We shall meet again, soon enough,” the alicorn of the moon whispered to herself. It was just before she gave the helmet a stroke and felt the massive dent in it. A dent that was created by a force of long ago. “So very soon indeed.”

Then she made her departure from the vault. Her horn charged itself up as she closed the gap between herself and the massive stone archway. With one simply flick of her horn was the portal opened and she walked back through it as if nothing happened. Once her magical charge had been vanished, the portal closed upon itself again. That sound was enough to warn Celestia back in the vault that Luna was truly gone. That she was truly alone in the moment.

Celestia had fought to keep something back for the longest of times. Though the time was there. She was all alone, she could safely allow herself to let it go. That was exactly what she did. The mighty alicorn of the sun closed her eyes. Below the visible one, there was a small watery line that appeared. A line that traveled away from it, over the cheek and down to the chin before it fell over to the ground. It was in the moment that the tear and the stone made contact with one another, a small rainbow was being created with it.

“I’m sorry, Rarity, I’m so sorry,” she whispered to herself before the horn managed to charge itself up with magic. The glass cabinet of the elements was pushed back into its place while the stones slid back into their respectable and original locations. And then it was her turn to just leave the vault and start praying to the heavens high that everything would become alright in the end. But a feeling in her guts spoke that that wouldn't become the case at all.


Back inside of the castle itself was Luna walking down the sun filled hallways towards her wing of the castle. Perhaps the only place in the land where the night would be lasting forever. Time and time again had the sisters argued about the facts but eventually came to an agreement for it. Much to Luna’s own personal delight. It was a quick thought that came to her mind as she saw how the transition was made from day to night at the end of the hallway.

Though the more she walked in her wing and headed towards her chambers, there was something that kept on bugging her. Something inside of her mind caused her to look at the events differently. Almost as if she recalled them like a faint memory that had lost a lot of bits and pieces. Something that went back to the times she rather didn't even thought about.

Luna opened the door to her very own chambers. The mare would have drop herself on the bed in order to gain so much needed sleep for the day. “How can you do anything with that sun always burning in your eyes, Tia?” the younger sister mumbled to herself. With one last charge of her horn had closed the doors again and had her face buried in the pillow.

Even though she was a tired as she possibly could be, there still was the feeling ahead of her that was caused by the faint memory. Something deep inside of her mind and brain just kept on hammering on the facts as they were and that little moment in time from ever so long ago.

Seconds turned into minutes and those became a set of two hours before Luna’s eyes sprung open and a spark could be seen in the blackness of the pupils. “Oh no, no, no, no,no!” she mumbled to herself before the mare left the bed as a whole and dropped herself in the chair before her desk.

A piece of paper and a quill were being brought before her and she simply started to write down the facts as she remembered them from both the tailor and a self from ages ago. Once that was done, everything the two didn't had in common was scratched through until two words remained. Two words that stood by both Rarity and the older self. “N-No, it, it can’t be! You, you were destroyed by the elements of harmony!” she stumbled out of her mouth.

Then it hit her like tongue against a clock to bang it. She knew –or thought she knew– exactly who had managed to get a hold on the unicorn and thus corrupt her. “Impossible that it was you, you were only an aid to my mind. How could you have, taken over a… Oh goodness me,” Luna simply fell silent before she leaned back in her chair. The devastated look in her eyes was as clear as day.

It was widely known to the ponies of the land that Luna of course once was the ever so feared Nightmare Moon. But she got both banished and cleansed from her ‘evil’ counterpart. Many thought that the sheer entity of Moon was destroyed, but that didn't seem to be the case whatsoever. It appeared to have waited in her eyes, waited for the right pony to come and become her. Use her as a vessel to carry on her duties. “This is not good...” Luna spoke to herself. Then the choice was given to her. She could either go to her sister and tell her findings, or simply wait a bit longer until the true confirmation had come to them. Speculation or fact, both would be equally strong enough to open something.

All that she needed was nothing more but a spotting of the creature that had taken over White Tails woods. It wouldn't and wasn't something many ponies wanted to do and that was something Luna caught immediately after the thought itself had popped up in her mind. Yet she needed to be doing something because they were running out of time.

Who knew how many were in the army if this elusive pony that had used Rarity as a vessel of some kind? Who knew just how ready they were to wage war over the lands and cause both havoc and trouble for every soul that lived there? But the reality of the situation was that the royals were already running out of time.

Even stronger, they were already out of time but didn’t realize it. The death of Astral Chrome meant that there weren't any other survivors from any assault in White Tails so they had no idea what the menace looked like. But his death also called in the storm. The magic that the storm carried, stood on the point of revealing itself to the ponies in Ponyville.


Deep inside of the woods of White Tails, after having continued her sleep that was rudely interrupted by the defeated unicorn king, had Nightmare Rarity woken up a bit later than she originally had wanted. A grumble left her mouth while she rose her body from the bed and set the hooves on the floor. Her mane and tail looked like an absolute mess and she wanted to do something about it.

The only thing she knew on how to deal with it, was to take a long, steaming shower for an hour. That was thus exactly what she did. The streams of water worked like a true refresher for her body and mind.

Both of her commanders on the other end, they had been up for hours. And as per usual, it was Shadowblood who watched over to the ponies in the dungeon. The mentally ill, shadow stallion looked over the prisoners with usual crazed stare to further intensify the fear they had pulsing through them. Nopony even dared to speak against him as the muscles looked like he could literally snap a pony in half if he wanted.

Shadowfright just floated around the courtyard of the domain. He was watching if everything was going to schedule in his eyes. Though the day was quiet. Not much would have happened during it. Not even the false shepherds that guarded the woods had something to say. It felt everything but good inside of the cloud’s mind. Almost as if it was too good to be true. But he couldn't predict or say anything about the matter there and then, because the kind of days they had, had made their presence known in the past. Calm days in which nothing happened.

Which was a major relief in the eyes of the unicorn queen. She could take it easy and just enjoy the day for what it was. Something that mostly meant her toying with the subjects that were caught instead of doing actual experiments upon them. As sickening as it was, she loved seeing the frightened looks upon the helpless faces. A little something that both of the commanders also seemed to be enjoying with her.

While the day continued on like it always had been doing, the nightmarish queen found herself residing inside of her chambers, waiting for something special. Dinner was about to be served and after it, possibly one of the most crowning of achievements was about to start for her.

The mare laid once again on the sofa while a small table was set in front of her. On the staircase she heard the the hoofsteps of a being coming up. The waters already filled themselves up inside of her mouth. On the menu would be something she had loved ever since the transformation had been completed and actually looked forward to it.

In the opening appeared a stallion who was carrying a sealed plate and set it upon the table with a bow. And without a word he also left again. Leaving the queen behind to enjoy the prepared meal. The scents that were filling the room caused her to moan softly to herself. For she smelled the scent of freshly and finely prepared meat. The flesh of animals caught in the woods of Everfree always was just so tender and that made for some delicious dishes in her eyes.


Once the dinner was over and the moon stood high in the skies, the nightmarish unicorn found that it was time to grow the seeds of her labor. The mare could be found in the late evening and on the balcony of the domain while both of her commanders stood in the courtyard of the place. The horn of the nightmarish unicorn charged itself up and the blue aura covered both the horn and the gem. For a few seconds she kept on building the power before eventually just releasing it into the air.

One powerful blue beam was shot into the air. Most of the nightmare forces looked up towards it. The beam kept on going and going before it eventually exploded into many different sparks that traveled over the skies. It was the starting signal for everything to come. Her plan would be advancing over to the next stage of it and a massive grin of delight formed itself upon her face. She had patiently waited for the moment and it would be finally there.

“And here we go,” the unicorn whispered in silence to herself. She looked over to raining sparks of blue magic before they disappeared out of existence.