• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,957 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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02 Rejections and discoveries of a lifetime

The two stallions had been watching over the unicorn her transformation with care. They had heard the words and they almost froze up in pure fear. Their plan had worked and their queen had returned once more. When the two of them regained their ability to move again, they were unsure of what they needed to do. They looked at the eyes in the clouds of shadow just before going over to one another. “Bow,” the mare within the cloud spoke up in a demanding tone.

“What?” the emerald eyed stallion replied just before he turned back over to the shadows.

“Bow, before your queen!” the entity shouted directly at them. The two stallions obeyed the words almost right away. Which resulted in them lowering themselves through their forelegs. “Good, very good,” the entity said. There was a deep exhale came through her nostrils. “Now do tell me, where have you been stationed all this time? But above all, what are your names?”

The emerald eyed stallion looked up towards the unicorn and made a slow, blinking motion. He could feel the powers that were surging through the body. The powers of the tailor mixed with those of the dark mistress of old were thrown together, mixed together. A very dangerous combination to be messing with. That was exactly what they didn't want to do. “The name, is Shadowfright, your highness,” he brought out before lowering his head once again.

“Shadowfright…you said? Precarious little name you’re carrying there, but it shall do enough. And how about you?” The entity then focused its attention to the stallion with the sapphire eyes. A much broader stallion then the other and was obviously trained for true face to face combat.

“Name’s Shadowblood, my queen,” he replied with a respectful tone towards the entity. Only after that did he dared to raise up from the bow. The full mass of his muscular body was revealed and the being was truly surprised from their names. The eyes showed that at least.

“Curious… most curious,” the entity mumbled to itself before the thoughts drifted off into places where neither of the two stallions had been through. The memories of Rarity’s past all came towards the entity, but it seemed like events from distant times ago.

“If, if I may ask, how do we call our queen?” Shadowfright asked with care. He had also raised up from the bow and looked at her with his emerald gems for eyes.

That question took her out of the flow of thoughts before they could wrap themselves around the entity’s still beating and it turned its cat-like irises over to him. “The very name you shall address me as, will be nothing more but a morphing of the previous Nightmare. So you can call me, Nightmare Rarity.”


Once it spoke the name, the name it would be carrying until the end of time, there was a roar of thunder that erupted above the old castle in the Everfree. A roar that rolled on for a good ten seconds before it became silent again. Not a single creature nor pony dared to make a noise of any kind. That was with the exception of Nightmare Rarity, as its deep exhaling was the only thing to be heard within the ancient room.

The very room where Nightmare Moon once had fallen, housed the very birthplace for the next entity in the line of nightmares. A being that was nopony else then the very element of generosity. With one of the precious six having become corrupted, the other five would be facing a difficult task in using them. But that would be a trouble for later. A lot later.

“Rally the troops, now,” said Nightmare Rarity after the silence had become too much for it. She wanted action and knew just what to do.

“To where are we going my queen?” Shadowfright asked of it with a curious and slightly nervous look on his face.

The entity within the fog looked over to the stallions before a grin appeared within the substance. “To a place far away from here. My former home is unable to carry out the duties nor does it provide a hiding spot for what I've become. No, the nearby woods of White Tails shall be good enough. Safe during the day and trouble during the night. Trouble caused by you two and the other men. The land shall know just what kind of powers are flowing through my body.”

“And then…you’ll cause eternal night over the land, right? Just, just as you promised,” said Shadowblood in a cautious manner towards her.

Nightmare Rarity looked over to him with a dead serious look. It had begun to dig within its mind to find that promise made so long ago. But there was the problem with the plan. For the two stallions wanted to use Rarity’s body as a vessel for the true queen of darkness, Nightmare Moon herself. However, instead of letting her become the dominant force within the body, Rarity happened to have been a lot stronger than they originally had expected her to be.

What truly happened to the once other unicorn, was the fact that she had never died. It was still the Rarity everypony knew and loved that spoke the words. But it was her very soul that had become tainted with the spirit of Moon. That was what caused her to change in the misty form. All because the body wasn't fully developed yet to the new circumstances.

It was true that the two stallions had seen flashes of the changes that were made but those were what they were, flashes. The real transformation would take a lot more time. But that didn't bother the unicorn at all. With the mind mixed of both herself and Moon, it was a truly dangerous combination. Yet the luckiest thing of it all had to be the sheer fact that Moon wouldn't be able to control her body at all.

All the actions, all the words, would all come directly from Rarity herself, no matter how twisted she would get in form and speech. The kind and hardworking element of generosity had died in a way, to make place for the tyrannical overlord that was her Nightmare persona. Turmoil would shudder the land, but first things first.

“We, shall see about that,” replied Nightmare Rarity to the two of them. It were those words that caused the two stallions to get some suspicion on her. They would play along for the time being. If she wouldn't keep her promises, the blades of fury would slit her throat and they would kill her in cold blood. After which the search would start all over again. Trying to find that one pony suitable for the job of fulfilling the promise made by Moon before she was sent to the moon itself. “Now, be gone you two. We have a long hike to go.”

“As you wish, my queen,” replied Shadowfright to her. The two of them turned themselves around and made their departure. They left the mixed and still mixing entity where she was and the eyes looked all over the place as the memories of the two beings came back. The destruction of Moon herself.

“You’ll never take over my body completely… I can assure you that,” mumbled Nightmare Rarity to herself before the mist started to move away. She was more than ready to leave the old castle behind. She wanted to find her new home somewhere in the ancient woods. The wonderful Carousel Boutique was located right inside of the town of Ponyville. A town for which she had gotten a growing hate. It wasn't something the entity could explain why, but it was just there, deep-rooted within her very mind.

Returning to that town wouldn't be a wise idea at all in her eyes. While it was true that her friends and family lived there, the being was not allowed to think about them for reasons unknown. Every time she tried, it was either locked, crushed or her attention was placed on something else.


Both Shadowfright and –blood found themselves walking through the broken down hallways as they shared the same strain of thoughts in their mind. But it was the much broader Shadowblood who spoke up first and broke the uneasy silence. “You sure that she was the right choice for this?”

“I’m sure, Blood. Have faith in me for once. It didn't took the princes of the night a day either to become our first queen,” answered Fright with his deep sounding voice.

“You can have a point there all you want, but that still doesn't take away that if she doesn't cause the eternal night for us, she’s going down,” Blood then spoke up. He released a deep huff that caused a small puff of steam. “She’ll either make the promise true or perish from this world.”

Those words caused Fright to look up at his companion and he made a motion that would have raised an eyebrow. “Now I remember why she put you in charge of the dungeon,” he then added in a chuckling tone. He then fixed his attention to the task ahead.

When the two of them entered the courtyard of the castle, they released a howl into the air. One that could only be made if a timberwolf and manticore roared together. One that was unique to the land but also terrifying to listen at.

And from out of the shadows they all came. They appeared before them as clouds of shadows. Entities without physical structure or face. Creatures that could float everywhere in plain sight and still be hidden from prying eyes. They left their warm and comfortable homes of the shadows themselves to listen to the words that were spoken by both Fright and Blood.

“Today, my brothers and sisters, today we mark the day that a new queen of our kind has risen up to her potential. A unicorn shall be leading us into the promise made ever so long ago! Eternal night shall fall for the land whenever we go. However, we can not stay here. We are going to move to the woods of White Tails. The time, is ripe. The time, has come. The land, shall shudder under our might. The might of the Nightmare Forces!”

Then it were all sorts of beastly roars and cheers that came from the clouds of shadow. They wanted to make their departure and follow the lead of the queen. Both Fright and Blood smirked like the devils they were. They only needed Rarity –or Nightmare Rarity– to the point where she had caused the eternal night. And after that, they would ‘take over’ the throne from her.


Sadly for the two of them, Nightmare Rarity’s entity had been listening and even watching over the clouds from a location high above them. She had caught every single word that was spoken and her mind made the quick connection that they were conspiring against her. A case in which she was either right, or dead wrong. Either way, the being would make sure that she would stay on top of the board and keep the title of queen Nightmare Rarity.

With a huff she turned herself around and hovered away into the darkness of the castle, wanting to lead the forces to the place of destination. The place that she would be calling home from then onward. Many things had still to be set straight in her mind and body, but with enough time those things would become clear as crystal. The land had never seen a kind of evil that was that glamorous and polite, but neither as insane and tyrannical.


The days slowly had been crawling by and the unicorn seamstress had never made her return to the peaceful little town. And that fact alone worried a lot of the ponies that lived inside of it. They began to think that something terrible had happened to her or even worse. Normally there would be at least one pony that knew where she was, or had gone too. But not even within her own family did they knew where she had been.

Desperation of a mother, father, sister and five of her friends had caused them to go to town’s square in order to speak with the very mayor of it. The eight ponies were walking in a quick pace through the streets as the clouds above their heads were gloomy and threatening to erupt in a rainstorm any second.

“Come quickly now, these skies aren't looking good at all,” Magnum, the father of Rarity spoke up. He was a white coated, brown maned, tailed and mustached unicorn stallion who held the door of the building open for them all. What followed was a parade of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle and his beloved wife, Pearl. Once they all had entered, he did the same and joined the company inside.

“Where to now, honey?” the purple maned, pinkish coated unicorn mare asked of the only stallion of the company.

“I think… we best head over to the waiting area until we are called. I’ll do the talking to get us in there, Pearl,” replied Magnum. He stroked the cheek of his beloved wife before giving a peck on it.

“Oh you and your silver tongue,” she spoke up before he received a quick kiss on a cheek of his own. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” And then he was off to the desk of a clerk.

The other ponies were guided over by Pearl and all of them took calmly place on a couple of the benches. “Eh Rainbow, yah think it’s gonna rain today?” Applejack asked after she had turned herself around and just looked outside of the window.

“Can’t say. They never said to me to clear the skies or that these clouds would be there. Suppose we best prepare for a wet coat,” the rainbow maned pegasus replied with a playful smirk.

“Ah suppose yar right on that. But, Rares not saying where she’s gone to, left for days on end…kinda suspicious don’t you think?” Applejack continued, trying to make sense of the situation.

“Applejack,” Pearl spoke up, “I have raised my daughter as best as I could. However, her mind is easily confused. Perhaps she thinks she has told it to somepony.” It was a fact that was rather true. Because of all of the business Rarity had in her life, it caused her mind to become a strainer and she had to write down most of her things to done and having done.

“Ah didn't mean to offend any of ya’ll, just sharing mah thoughts on the matter,” spoke Applejack in her defense. Then she decided to keep her mouth shut on the matter before it would be any worse. She realized that her words weren’t as helpful as she first thought them to be.

“I just hope… that she’s okay,” said Fluttershy in her timid and shy voice. The best of friends she was with the unicorn for a couple of reasons. Even though they were completely different in personality, they still had many similarities between one another. That was something that couldn't be said from Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

Twilight on the other end, allowed a deep sigh to leave her nostrils. She thought about the near endless possibilities of what could have happened and what actually had happened. Thoughts that were unspeakable for her as the little sister was also there.

Sweetie Belle –the white coated, pinkish white maned unicorn filly– snuggled up against her mother. She closed her eyes to get some rest. For day in and out had she been thinking about her big sister. Hoping and praying to the princesses that she would be alright no matter what. But it came with the price of a true lack of sleep. For a filly that did as much as she did, it was trouble ahead.

A silence on the subject was being made while the casual chats kept going. None of them wanted to speak about what could have happened, as it were all loose thoughts. But then Magnum made his return to the group. “She can see us, right now.”

Taken by surprise of the speed, all of the ponies rose up from their seating and followed the stallion. He brought them over to the office of the mayor of the town. But with all of them in there, it became quite crowed. It was something they could deal with though.

The company found themselves in an oaken wooded room with the mayor sitting behind her desk and her forelegs crossed over one another. Behind her and a bit too the left stood a grandfather clock that was still ticking and even gave the time on accurately. Much to everypony’s surprise. The mayor herself, looked over the eight ponies and signaled them to speak on the matter.


“So basically,” the mayor started after the story had been done. “What you want me to do, is to organize an entire search party because of one pony who left, without a note, just because you might think she’s gone missing?”

“That’s, about it, yes,” Twilight replied in all of her honesty.

Those words caused the face of the mayor to go sour for a little bit. The earth pony mare removed the glasses from her nose and laid them before her on the desk. “Don’t get me wrong here, but I’m afraid I can’t organize a search party for her. She hadn't been kidnapped or anything the like. She just left. I’m sorry, but in my authority, I can’t do anything else to help you. Just remain calm for the coming days and await her return. She has to come back eventually.”

The answer that was given to them, was nearly the complete opposite from that what ponies originally had hoped to be hearing. But with words of the mayor were final and they just had to take it for what they were. Unfair it might have been but everything has its limits.

Sweetie Belle had taken her refuge on her mother’s back and had been looking and listening the whole time. The disappointment dripped from her face before she just dropped herself on the back. She then simply hung there before a deep sigh was left through her mouth.

Of course it was hurting to see for the mayor mare as well, but she couldn't do anything else. And so the company of eight ponies left the room for what it was and they separated their ways into two groups. Pearl, Magnum and Sweetie returned back to their home, whereas the other five mares would go to the Golden Oak library to discuss further matters.

They spoke their thanks and goodbye’s to one another before the went their separate ways. The family remained in silence up until the door of their house was closed behind them. Then the arguments broke loose about what they possibly could be doing.


Meanwhile in the library itself was a similar kind of conversation was going on. Each of the five friends had been seated in the living part of the library and they all spoke about the facts as they knew them. “But does anypony know something from the day she left? Who had seen her as last?” said Twilight. She wanted to have a clear state in her mind before any conclusion was drawn. “Who?”

Everypony shook their head to the question that was asked with the exception of Fluttershy. The timid and shy pegasus spoke up about their last meeting. “It, it was about a week or two ago, we had our weekly spa trip and we just did what we always do. Nothing strange, really,” she spoke up towards all of the other mares.

The words themselves caused the ponies to release thoughtful moans and groans. “Oh, oh, oh!” Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke up, capturing the attention of everypony. “Maybe she’s in one of those major cities like Manehatten, she has always dreamed of going there, right?”

Twilight was caught a bit off guard by the words. Yet she grinned at them through her own mind and experiences with Rarity. Only to come to the shocking conclusion that Pinkie could be right. “Now that you are saying it. I think, I think that we indeed better wait for her return. Just a few more days and then we start our own search party.”

While the words of Twilight were a hard hit for them all, they had to agree with them because of the facts they had not even the slightest of clue to where Rarity could possibly be. In a major city, in a wood relaxing, or buried in a ditch after some creature had attacked her. Loose speculation was all the confirmation they had.

They couldn't even go into the boutique itself to look for clues as the only key was always in Rarity’s possession and teleporting inside would be seen a breaking in. Let alone the fact of just what kind of magical defenses the unicorn had put on over the years. It was a tough package for the five friends but the cards laid open for them. Yet they weren't favorable to say the least. “Ah think you’re right, Twi. Suppose it’s better to wait just a bit longer before pulling on the bells as they are.” Applejack said before she placed her signature hat back on her head. “If ya’ll excuse me, the farm need me.”

“I think it is better for us all to leave,” said Rainbow before she too made her preparations. And so they went their one way. One by one did they leave the Golden Oak library for what it was. Twilight was left alone in her home and allowed a deep sigh to leave her. Her mind was troubled, her body aching and her soul tainted. Where in the world, could that unicorn possibly have gone to?

Questions, theories and plots all went through her mind faster than anything else as the mulberry unicorn had taken her position back upon the couch and just laid on it with her belly facing up. She had been wanting to read and let her mind drift off of from the matter, but it was simply impossible. Rarity meant a lot in her life, in all of their lives and just putting her aside was something unthinkable and unheard from. Though times it were for her as well as her friends. Time would tell when the unicorn of generosity would make her return into the town.

The mare closed her eyes and soon enough fell asleep. Her mind had exhausted herself because of almost everything that went through it. Uncertainty was the abyss she stood for and it had to be crossed one way or the other.


The many clouds of shadow had left their home in Everfree. They were already on the march towards White Tails under the command of Nightmare Rarity. Though both Fright and Blood had so their own agenda to keep. The two stallions shook off their physical form and became clouds themselves. They than simply merged within the group and in a convoy of darkness they went after their queen.

At the head of the entire convoy was the queen herself. Leading her forces through trunks and branches. Because they didn't travel over the known roads. Instead they traveled through the vegetation of the forest to keep a low profile. Even though there were no others walking on the paths in Everfree, the creatures it housed never dared to attack them.

Fear had filled their brave little souls and they rather stayed away from the clouds of shadow. Mostly for the fact that they could morph themselves into copies of the predators the forest was rich. Fight of flight, often resulted in flight. Something that all of the forces could understand.

Day turned into night and night into day when the passed the border of Everfree and White Tails. Muttering among the forces had been heard, but both Fright and Blood spoke of calm. Time had to be given to their new queen before the plan was set into motion. Nightmare Rarity had different plans on that though. Yet she decided to play dumb for the time being. That gave her an advantage to an unknown degree over the two that had created her.

They wandered deeper and deeper into the woods had a thick fog been crawling up to them and it reminded not only the queen, but every other nightmare force as well, as tails waving in the wind. “What do you know, that’s how the name came to origin,” whispered Fright to himself. He glanced over the scenery in his clouded form.

It was true that the clouds had no visual eyes to look around but they could still see the world as it was. Unique beings they were and the perfect troops for almost any situation. A thing that would come in rather helpful when the time would be there for them to shine. But as they kept walking, there was a blue aura that went in the shape of a horn. Almost as if it was being charged with magic.

Some of the forces looked up with baffled motions but the queen herself had no idea just what was going on with her magic. It appeared to be tugging her to something if not somewhere. Without any word mentioned she made a sharp turn to the right and then went straight again. “What in the devil’s name do we get now?!” she spoke up to herself while trying to figure out where she went. But with the thickness of the fog, that was harder than it looked.

“Where are we going now, Fright?” Shadowblood spoke up to his partner. They almost blindly followed the queen to wherever she was leading them. With their direction unknown, who knew just where they would end. They could enter into a trap set up by Celestia for all they knew.

Yet little did they knew was that the place the entity was heading towards, was something none could have ever dreamed about. The very place where all hell would break loose. The very place that would become the base operation for Nightmare Rarity and the place where probably the greatest and worst discovery would have been made.

Hovering and floating through the trees and ground, Nightmare Rarity eventually came to a wide open spot. One that was just clear. But when her eyes went up, they caught the ceiling of fog. “A chamber..?” she questioned herself before following her horn again. With the magic acting like a receiver. she went over all of the open field. All of the forces that had followed her just waited at the side lines. They all would have looked at that what was going to happen.

They had no clue, but it looked rather funny to see their queen go up and down like that. Though to some it was crazy talk. Yet none dared to speak a word against her and her actions. “This is most unusual," the being mumbled to itself before it came to a standstill by one particular area. The magical pull was a lot stronger at one part of the fogless chamber.

Just to be absolutely sure of her business, the queen continued to walk around a bit. None of the forces had even an idea what she was doing. Fright and Blood muttered something against one another while all the other clouds simply kept watching. Lines were drawn within the soil and out of them, there was a square that came.

Nightmare Rarity realized it was a structure under the soil that called her and the magical aura became even more powerful than it already was. Both of the clouds that were muttering on and against the other fell in silence when they heard the glass being torn to nothing but dirt.

What they caught was the shrouded entity who had picked up a large bit of grass, dirt and whatever else there was and threw it off to the side, inside of the fog and the bark of a tree could be heard snapping. Some of the clouds had to make way as the top of the tree came dangerously close to their location.

“What is it that you kept hidden before me?” Nightmare Rarity mumbled to herself. Her eyes stared down the gaping hole. Yet what she caught within her eyes, was something she could have never even dreamed about. A stone entrance with a thick seeming door that was literally in the middle of nowhere. Though the worst thing was, that it was calling for her.

It was something that she couldn't have dreamed about. But it also was something similar. For the ivory coated Rarity had found her cutie mark by being guided with her magic towards a single rock filled with gems. Perhaps it was a, considerable sick, way of history repeating itself.

She wanted to find out just what laid behind the doorway. The aura had become even more intense. Then it shot powerful beam right at it. Stone started to fly around while dust came forth. Yet the entity that was Nightmare Rarity remained in her position. Pieces of debris flew through the fog that was her and landed on a couple hooves before the clouds of the nightmare forces.

When the dust cleared up and the rain of stone ceased, the entrance into the mysterious structure became clearly visible for her. Satisfied with the hole created, she turned herself around and spoke to all of her forces at once. “Each and every single one of you shall remain here, I think I might have hit a gold mine here.”

After the words were spoken, it was Shadowfright who rushed forward and he dared to reply with words of his own. “You sure, my queen? Many things could be hidden within there that could easily end your life.”

A deep sigh left through the mouth of the entity with a growl following it. “I said, you’ll wait here! What part you don’t understand of it!? Go back to them now! If trouble arises, you’ll hear it soon enough,” Nightmare Rarity snarled to him.

Defeated by her words would the cloud of shadows return back to its original post. The creature turned itself back to the hole to see what came next. With water that entered her mouth and the magic only becoming stronger, she made the descent into the gaping hole.

Shadowblood on the other end, just shook himself from side to side before he spoke up. “You know, Fright, I start to doubt about this queen, truly doubting.”

“And would you as well shut that mouth of yours! I kinda got enough crap on my head if you don’t mind alright,” Fright returned in a snarl to him. Blood dropped himself to the ground and remained silent for the rest of the time being.

Some of the forces that had been standing and hovering next to them heard the words of course but gave them little to know attention. They only lived to serve their queen of darkness and at the moment, that being had made her departure into the underground building.


Inch by inch she floated closer towards the door. Inch by inch she felt the air intake becoming more and more powerful. With the aura still around her horn shining ever so proudly, it would act like a torch for her to see in the darkness.

“This better be worth it, you stupid horn,” Nightmare Rarity spoke up to herself before she crawled passed the entrance. When she had passed the stone archway, there was the feeling of it closing in behind her. But the way she came, would become her exit as well. There was nothing that would fall or roll before it. Nothing that she could see at least.

“Suppose that’s lucky for the day,” she mumbled up to herself. The eyes were turned back into the distance. What they saw was something that was thought to be lost throughout the ages. Shelves high and rich spread themselves before the entity and it was clear just what had been found by her. “Unbelievable…” For she stood in one of the lost libraries of nopony else then the strongest and wisest unicorn of his time, Starswirl the Bearded.

An entire library that had been hidden under the ground, but why would it have been doing? What caused the stallion to be so afraid to seal it off for the world? Curiosity struck the unicorn and she went over a couple of the books.

All of them were tomes for spells that were unlike anything else she could have ever expected. Tomes of decay, darkness and death did she all found, just standing there. The infamous library of the dark arts was what she had discovered. The tomes she was looking at, weren’t a thing that suited her behavior nor nature. For all of those tomes were used by the very first Nightmare and the unicorn, tyrant king that was named Sombra.

Yet she couldn't resist it to look through the books. The eyes carefully went over each of the pages as she read the tomes of the mind. Only to quickly figure out they weren't for her liking. Too loud, too flashy and too unpredictable. She wanted something else. Something more subtle, equally as dangerous and perfect for a unicorn as she once was.

Seconds turned into minutes who on their turn became hours. She spend all of that time inside of the revealed library. But her magic hadn't given up the location if there wasn't anything of true value for her there. So she placed most of the books back where they belonged and continued on with her path down the main hall.

Her aura lit up the areas next to her bright so that she could see everything better. When Nightmare Rarity had reached the back wall of the place, she found something of her true interest. For against the back wall, on a desk that hadn't been moved in ages, there were a couple of scrolls sealed with the ancient celestial sign and above all, a gem that stood under a glass bell.

It was that gem alone, that had triggered the magic in the horn. It called for her, wanted to merge with her. “So very soon,” the queen mumbled to herself before she gathered more strength. With the aid of her magic had she molten the glass. Once all of it was just a liquid and hot mess, the gem remained unharmed and it was being levitated before the face of the foggy entity.

Even though it had been days to no end, the merging and transformation still hadn't been fulfilled as a whole. That, or they had been but she preferred her more spectral manner of traveling. It was truly impossible to tell from her thanks to the way she behaved. Everything about herself was kept hidden for the most part. All that was truly known was the fact she never liked to being reminded to her life as it was before the transformation.

Sometimes at night there were forces that heard her moaning softly in pleasure for whatever reason. None spoke about it as every force thought they were both normal for her and that all of them knew it. But the fact was that not every single force knew it and it was best kept that way.


When she looked over to the gem itself, Nightmare Rarity’s interest grew only more and more towards it. It was shaped in the exact same one she wore as her cutie mark. A picture perfect gem in her eyes yet there was something else with it. For every time it came close to the horn, she felt herself stronger. Almost as if that little gem, one that was as high as her eye and wide as her pupil with iris, was some sort of amplifier of her magical powers.

It was something she had never even heard about before. Probably for the best of reasons there were. And then the whole gem just disappeared within the fog that was her. Gone for the eyes to witness. But then that she had taken it and her eyes looked all over the back wall to see if there were any defense mechanisms activated by it.

Nightmare Rarity turned herself even around to witness anything. But there simply was nothing. Much to her own relief. “Right then,” she said to herself and turned back over to the mysterious looking scrolls. With the celestial sign upon them, they were marked as truly dangerous but why they were just laying on the desk was something as a riddle for the entity.

With her magic she picked up one of the scrolls and broke it the seal without any form of honor. She rolled the scroll open from top to bottom. With her eyes she began to read more and more from it. Information beyond her wildest dreams was being processed within her brain and slowly came the lips of the entity forward.

Lips that were of a dark grayish to black coloring and they curled themselves up into a teeth revealing smirk of utter madness and malevolence. Whatever it was she was reading, she apparently liked it. A lot. A lot more than she should have been doing.