• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,952 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

  • ...

16 Supreme hierarchy

Lighting was the only thing that covered the four walls of the sealed off room. The terrified screams of a stallion were the only sounds to be heard in the near distance. All of his frights and fears were presented to him in a manner that not even the fog of the woods could have done. All of it just seemed to be so realistic, all of it seemed to be really there for him. Which managed to scare the literal, living daylight out of him.

His soul piercing screams didn't do anything to the attacker though. The attacker herself just remained in the same battle ready position. She had been standing like that for a few minutes in fact. The horn was aimed directly at the stallion’s head and the blast went straight through it and into the brain. It was the worst kind of torture that any pony could be suffering within the dark crystal domain. The worst part of it all, had to be the fact that none of the captives could know when they would be taken. When they would be taken for the testing of the unicorn her powers.

When the lightning eventually did fade away and the horn discharged itself, the head of Nightmare Rarity arose itself again. Her eyes narrowed themselves down to small slits. Almost as if she was trying to figure out if he was carrying something with him. The smoke left her horn while the gem got gently relocated on top of it. That very gem had to be the thing that was the main source that caused her abilities to become as powerful as they were.

Though the stallion in front of her couldn't speak a word nor do a deed. He was completely out for the count and had lost all sense of the real world. Which was just about the thing that the unicorn wanted from him. She wanted to know just how much of her energy it took –when conducted straight to the head– before somepony became blacked out from her magic. With a huff had she turned herself over to the arcane clock that hung over the door and read the time off of it.

“Not even two whole minutes before the mind enters the unconscious state. Interesting, highly interesting,” the nightmarish unicorn mumbled to herself. Then her head turned itself back over to the poor stallion and a smirk formed itself below her muzzle. There would be so many more thing she wanted to do with him, but the time to rest had fallen upon her and him. “We shall proceed another day, at another time, with this session.”

With those words spoken had Nightmare Rarity turned herself around and opened the door of the chamber. On the other side of the door, her most trusted commanders were waiting to bring him back to his cell. “Fright, Blood, I have something special for this particular stallion. Drop him before the inn on either side of the woods with the supplemental message. This is going to be another screamer.”

Both of the stallions bowed their heads to the desire of their queen when she walked by. Though just as they were about to enter the room, the horn of the mare charged itself up and they were both brought right to her face. “Don’t fail me again!” she snarled in a hiss towards them. The charge released them both and they were dropped on the ground.

Fright was the first one to rub his skull while Blood still needed to stand up from the drop. Though the both of them ended up looking to the fact of how the tail of the queen disappeared upon the staircase, before it went out of their view. “I’m telling you, if you mess it up one more time, I’m going to put you down,” grumbled Shadowblood to his comrade after he had gotten up again.

“Oh you just quit your blabbering and do what has been told to you. If it weren't for your stupidity, we wouldn't have been in this mess you know,” Shadowfright replied to him. He was the first to enter the room. He looked over the unconscious stallion. A massive grin formed itself on his face when he saw the stallion. “Oh this is going to be fun indeed,” he brought out in a tone that was filled with venom, but also hinting towards sadistic joy.

When Blood peeked his head into the room, the eyes of him opened themselves widely and he started to chuckle to himself in a manner only a hyena could have been doing that. Something that caused even Fright to raise an eyebrow to him. “…I think I found a new nickname for you,” he whispered softly to the other but it was never caught in the ears.


With the departure from Luna out of the hospital, the deed was resting on the shoulders of Celestia to maintain the order. She had to keep order in the room where the five mares had been brought to come by again. Though it wouldn't have been easy, especially with a pony like Fluttershy. Celestia had conjured a mattress for herself to lay down on so. That way she didn't had to stand all the time or lay down on the cold floor. Though the moment she had been lying down, it wasn't Twilight who was the first to go to her. Instead it was the pink maned, yellow coated pegasus who took that honor.

With the facts presented as they were and Rarity possibly having taken the path down the road of darkness, it scared Fluttershy. Even more than being smashed as she was being turned to stone. Almost like a lightning bolt did the mare darted over to Celestia, before literally clinging to her side like a foal. A big one that was, but one nonetheless. “S-Sorry,” the pegasus whispered up just before she loosened up the grip against the princess a little bit.

What happened then was something a bit unexpected for them all. The wing against which Fluttershy laid, untucked itself before it was being placed over her. “Don’t be sorry for it little Fluttershy, we are all afraid of something and we all need somepony to comfort us from time to time,” Celestia whispered to her. Almost as a mother could have been able to do. It seemed odd, especially in the eyes of Twilight, but it was what it was.

Speaking of Twilight, she had gained a small blush on her face. She knew pretty much how it felt to be under those big, softly feathered wings of the alicorn princess. Fluttershy had buried her face in both her mane as well as the side of Celestia while she laid under the big wing. Celestia couldn't do much else then to allow a gentle chuckle to her. The nose of the pegasus tickled her side a bit more than she would have liked.

“Loved those moments with you, princess,” Twilight softly whispered in return. She came back to the there and then with a smile visible upon her face. It was something that caused the others to raise an eyebrow to her. Perhaps she did spoke it up perhaps a little bit too loud.

Yet in the time they were awake, each of them had come to terms with the nightmares. They had to admit that they were terrifying to say the least, but it at least was a lot better than actually living through it. But they were what they were, just dreams. The only one who still needed to understand that, was actually Fluttershy. Who seemed to be oddly comfortable under the wind of the alicorn in the eyes of Rainbow.

“If I may speak so for myself here Twilight, I did quite enjoy them as well,” Celestia returned in a soft whisper to her most faithful student.

Even though everything seemed to have calmed down, none of them could ever get the facts out of their heads. None of them could even wrap their heads around the fact that Rarity could have been able to access their dreams. Not to mention cause the wave of terror to have fallen upon them. But they were also quite aware that the ivory mare loved to keep a secret or two when it came down to the core. Even though she was their friend, Rarity still had some unanswered questions for them.

So who was to say that she hadn't been waiting for months already to get them in the manner she did? Who was to say that she hadn't been dealing with shady figures to gain the knowledge she needed in order to make certain that the events walked as they did? It were just some of the question that were racing through each of the ponies their minds. Though none even dared to ask them.

Which perhaps was a good thing. Because neither Celestia nor Twilight herself would have the answers to them. Even they could only assume to the facts as they were and from the looks of it, those facts weren't looking pretty to say the least. The more they thought about Rarity, the more grim everything seemed to have become around her. To a great sadness for her friends in response.

They wanted the answers for the deeds just so badly. Though there wasn't a single thing where they could be pointed it out on. All that they had were speculations and rumors combined with both their thoughts and dreams. Madness seemed to have taken them over and they would probably be given their right as well. However, there always was that hint of her innocence. That Rarity hadn't done it out of free will. But that –as well as her deeds– also needed to be proved.

Once again they were left with only the questions and never seemed to be getting the answers. “Princess, may I ask where your sister happened to be off to?” Twilight said all of the sudden. It was mostly done in order to break the silence.

The question in and of itself was something that caused the alicorn to look over to her student with a questioning gaze. The silence on her side remained intact for a few more seconds before it was broken, and the reply was given. “If I only knew where exactly she has been going off to this time. It can be Everfree, it can be here in Canterlot. I just don’t know where she has been gone to. Perhaps she’s circling the hospital in order to make certain that her head is being emptied from every thought she deems to be ‘not worthy’ on the matter.”

That was an answer that caused the unicorn to tilt her own head to one side and raise an eyebrow. “I’m, not sure whether I follow you here, your highness,” Twilight replied as honest as she could. She couldn’t make anything to the words spoken against her.

A small sigh was released through the nostrils of the white alicorn. That was just before she thought about a manner to make her words sound less complicated to her student. “When a unicorn, or alicorn, reaches a certain level in the arcane arts, that pony can be thought the ability to take thoughts or memories out of its own mind and store them in arcane bottles. It helps to clear out the mind if it is needed but you still contain all the precious memories.”

“Then,” Twilight continued softly, “why haven’t you thought me yet?” It was a bold question and she knew that long before she had even asked it. But with her own abilities and strengths in magic was she almost positive she had been gone past the levels that Celestia spoke about.

Every question that was ever asked, needed to have an answer to it. Yet the one of Twilight was not an exception in the slightest. Though if the answer to it would have been liked by her was a question in and of itself. The princess herself had started to chuckle a little bit. Which caused the other mares to look at her with a questioning gaze. “Take this from me, Twilight, you are far from ready for that kind of spell. Your mind is something pure and unique, no need to work on that now, is there?” the always calm voice of the mare spoke through the room.

Twilight listened to the answer that was given to her. She couldn't even begin to understand of just why Celestia would have said something like that. Though going into an argument with her mentor, especially on the time that it happened to be in the situation they were in, it was better that she kept her mouth shut. Which was almost exactly the thing that she did.

It was a sight that caused Rainbow to chuckle to herself and Applejack to hum some songs of the past to herself. Songs that reminded her of home. Slowly but surely did all of the ponies listen to the tunes that were hummed by the cowgirl and all of them found some parts that they liked into it. Much to the princess her own surprise, even she found a piece or two.


“And there we go,” Shadowfright spoke up with a chuckle in his voice after they had dropped the still unconscious stallion near one of the inns by the forest. “Now we just leg it, everything should be doing its job nicely.” Shadowblood gave him a firm nod. He had dropped the stallion to the ground. When they made their departure, the both of them gave the inn as well as the unconscious body one last look before they turned back into the woods of White Tails.

In the end were the two of them just two mere shimmers or dark blobs that could be seen in the fog. Blobs that ended up merging themselves with the natural darkness that the fog created. It caused them to lose any set of eyes that may or may not have been looking at the two of them.

Through the silent forest did the two of them travel like it was a normal day of the week. They weren't affected by the fog of the woods because it only worked on the minds of ponies and other living creatures. The thing was, that they were everything but living creatures. They were shadows themselves. Shadows that could take a physical form and actually wander around if they saw so fit.

Along their way back to the domain, they encountered a few of the infamous false shepherds patrolling the woods. The creatures left the two of them alone. Mostly because they had smelled the reeking scent of the shadows that covered both of their bodies. Ponies, especially those in terror actually released a scent much different then what the shadows would have produced.

Fright and Blood indulged themselves in a conversation with one another that seemed to be going all over the place. But on one thing they had to agree, that the queen they had then seemed to be a lot better than the original one. But they never could leave it to speak about plans to take over.

A thing that was a massive mistake for the both of them. They could speak about those plans all they wanted of course, but that was inside the walls of the domain. Then they were out in the fog covered woods and literally everything had ears that streamed back to the unicorn herself. A unicorn who became everything but happy as she heard the words that were spoken about her.

“So those two foals still think they can beat me in my own game, don’t they?” Nightmare Rarity muttered to herself. She sat upon her throne with a grin. The darkness that surrounded her had to be one of the purest out there which made it almost impossible to see her sitting upon the chair. Yet at the foot of the whole thing, the four savages sat in a manner that royal guards would.

The eyes of the unicorn lowered themselves down to the guard dogs and she grinned deeply to them. “Find them both, and teach them a lesson for me, would you kindly?” she spoke to them in a sadistic tone. Then there was a howl given off by one of them. In an instant were they off. Off to make certain that the two shadow stallions wouldn't make the mistake again of taking over while they were under her reign.

Like predators hunting for their prey had they rushed up the stairs to the ground level of the domain. They then galloped out of the place through the front gate. Nightmare Forces who happened to have seen them going the way they did, couldn't believe the things that they saw in their eyes. Never had they seen the savages so angry and thirsty for something. None of the forces could determine just what it was they were after, but they wanted it badly.


Time came and went before the gray coated doctor knocked upon the door once again. Celestia was the one who opened it for him. “Good day, doctor, I hope you’re having good news for the patients I have taken under my care?” Celestia spoke to him in her calm and serene voice. Something that caused all of the other mares to tilt their heads. The princess wanted to know just what was going to happen to them. What could be happening to them, in fact.

“Yes your highness. I have analyzed every last bit there is and everything seems to be in order. Some odd readings when it came down to the fact of the magic in their bodies, but from what you have told me, you might want do what your proposed earlier today,” the doctor replied to the words of Celestia. Who on her turn nodded her head. She quietly thanked the stallion for all his help.

Though it was Twilight who couldn't keep her curiosity together. So she just asked the question that was flowing on her mind. “What was that all about princess?” Upon hearing the question could Rainbow Dash almost crash her hoof through her face. She was at the point of wanting to scream the answer straight into Twilight’s face. Though somehow she managed to calm herself down. Either that, or she didn't wanted to break in violence in front of the princess of the sun.

“What it means, my faithful student, is that you will be fired from the hospital and brought over to the guest wing in the castle. While also protecting your heads from the magic that still lurks inside of them. Because if you would be falling asleep now, it is uncertain when you would be waking up. It’s for your own safety,” replied Celestia. All the mares could understand the concern that was given off by her.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack all left the beds and awaited the instructions of where they needed to be going. Much to the surprise of the princess herself who gave of a gentle chuckle. “You really thought we would be walking over the streets, out in the open where everypony can see you? Even spy on you? I’m afraid I can’t allow that. Not with the threat on the world outside still out there. Twilight, I am quite certain that you will be known just what is going to happen next, so I ask you to say what I always say,” the princess spoke to them all.

Twilight gave her mentor a gentle nod before the smirk grew upon her face. For she almost exactly knew what was going to be happening. “Girls, hold on tight. This might get bumpy.” All of the mares looked at one another, before they clinged to each other and Twilight herself. Celestia released a small chuckle at the scene before her horn charge itself up in the signature golden aura.

“I thank you, doctor, for everything and perhaps in time, we meet one another again,” the alicorn spoke up to the good stallion with a friendly smile upon her face.

“Oh I do hope that as well, your majesty, I do only hope it is under more favorable circumstances.” the doctor replied before he started to wave at all of them. “Au revoir.” Then it happened, under a massive burst of energy from Celestia were all six of the ponies engulfed in a sea of golden light as the surroundings tore itself to pieces. Shreds of reality were falling around them like pieces of torn apart paper.

Applejack screamed murder and fire as she had not a single clue of what was going on while Twilight rolled with her eyes. Rainbow and Pinkie simply looked their eyes out while the signature puff in the mane could be heard. But where the old world was torn away, in the gaps created appeared a new one.


It took them only seconds in reality, but it felt like minutes until the golden waves of energy seemed to be stopping and they all stood in a space they knew. “Well this is interesting for certain, Canterlot guestroom?” Twilight asked to the skies. To which Celestia gave only a simple nod in response.

With a certain gentleness did the alicorn stood up again. She let Fluttershy lay carefully on the ground though. “This is indeed the guest room yes, but during the teleportation I also protected her mind from the magic that has invaded it. See it as a virus becoming contained by your body. You won’t feel a thing, but might become a little bit sleepless. Just a fair warning.” The horn of the mare charged itself up again and would have levitated the body of Futtershy over to one of the beds.

“But what ‘bout her? She’s already asleep,” Applejack claimed while she watched the body travel by. Then she looked back to Celestia herself. All the others had to stand by the cowgirl once again. She did ended up having quite the good point for each of them.

Celestia gave the mares a gentle smile before the horn discharged itself as a while. The pegasus had been placed upon a bed with care. “It’s rather simply actually. You’ll have to understand that it was me who also brought her to sleep. She seemed to be the one who needed it most given how her and Rarity have been so close over the years,” the princess told to them.

It was an explanation most of the ponies could get behind and rather left go by then to question it. “Though if you will excuse me, I’m afraid I have to be leaving you for the moment. If there is ever anything you require my help with, simply visit me in the throne room or ask the guards that stand on either side of the doorway. May you enjoy the time here in the castle and it’s gardens,” said Celestia before she turned herself around to make her departure from the four of them.

“Princess, wait!” Twilight called up. “Where can we go and where can’t we go?” The question was something that had been bobbling on her mind for the moment since she became aware just what Celestia had done to each of them.

“Don’t go out of the boundaries of the castle and you should be safe, my subjects. Now if you will excuse me, there are other things that I have on my mind as well.” With that had Celestia just left them on their own to discuss the matters that were on their minds.

All four of the ponies were a little bit baffled by the fact that the magnitude of the operation did came as far as it indeed had come. Each of them dropped themselves down on a chair or sofa that surrounded the fireplace in the middle of the room. “Ah still don’t get it, how Ah could have been alive in that dream. Ah mean, Ah was wandering through the house without any idea and only after Ah found mah own gravestone, the house seemed to have burned down,” Applejack brought out. She could have only tried to wrap her head around the facts as they were.

“Dreams are a powerful thing, Applejack, it is something that you know perhaps even better than I do. But then again, that flexible dimension window seemed to be quite the achievement, even in the dream that I was going through. It’s like, every last little attention to detail was truly given to our dreams,” Twilight replied to the three of them as she started the fire.

“Not to mention, how Fluttershy encountered those gorgonies, are those even there, Twilight?” Pinkie questioned. She just wanted to be certain of things at that point in time.

The mulberry unicorn looked over to the pink mare before she gave a nod. “I’m afraid that their race truly exists, or still exists shall we say. Myself and Rarity once went on expedition through the woods in the hope to find them. Or at least what was left of their culture. Ran into a bit more trouble than we bargained for, especially Rarity,” Twilight said to them, remembering the events.

Those words alone caught Rainbow to do something she normally didn't. Which was to think deep about everything. Something just didn't seem to be adding up in her mind and she wanted to know exactly what that happened to be. “Hold on a minute here, Twi. You said you and Rarity went out to find the gorgonies? Doesn't that support the theory of Applejack in the least bit?”

Blinks were being made by the three remaining mares suddenly. They didn't fully understood the words that were spoken by Rainbow for a bit. “I mean, think about it for a second here, the levels of detail placed inside of our nightmares, your meeting the gorgonies with Rarity, it can only me-”

“Quit your babbling Rainbow, it ain't solving anything,” interrupted Applejack interrupted without a warning. “Just ‘cause one of the dreams comes over to one another, ain't proving anything,” the cowgirl explained before she huffed deeply. “Ah don’t wanna be a gamebreaker here, but think ‘bout the dream of Pinkie, Twi and mahself here for a moment. None of us ever even spoke about those subject with Rares. So how exactly would have come to know the things we have dreamed about?”

It was a direct slap in the face for Rainbow who crossed her forelegs over one another and huffed deeply towards the cowgirl. “Well you aren't helping much either.”

“Cause Ah only speak when Ah’m asked, ‘member partner?”

“Element of honesty everypony, kiss my flank,” muttered Rainbow to herself, a bit too loud.

“Ah heard that.”



All the way over in the woods of White Tails were both Shadowfright and Shadowblood wandering through the thick fog. They didn't seem to be having any problem to either lose one another, or to lose their heading. They were blinded by the fog though. Not a single form of life could be witnessed up to a couple hoof in front of them. It was something that both caused some concern in their minds, but also satisfied them. It meant to them that the place was still as secure as they always had it.

Little did they knew just what was racing their way. Both of the shadow stallions were just chatting with one another had dropped the subject of taking over the domain from the unicorn herself. Yet where they dropped it, the unicorn hadn't. Through the eyes of one of the savages was she following the events on the hooves. Her eyes literally linked to that one of them, she was almost part of the action. “Make sure they won’t forget it, who is really in charge of this all,” Nightmare Rarity spoke up with a sadistic tone in her voice.

In response to the words would the savages have released a howl through the air. One that announced their coming before the galloping was pushed even harder. Both of the shadow stallions almost came to a standstill as soon as they caught the sounds in their ears. It seemed to be unreal that those creatures had been sent out to get something in the dreaded woods. Whatever it was they were out for, it was close to the both of them. Perhaps even a little bit too close for their liking.

“What do you think they have been send out for this time?” Blood spoke up. He pressed his body against one of the tree trunks to get out of the way. His eyes looked over to Fright with the questioning and uncertain gaze in them. There wasn't much they were afraid of, but the four of them were right on the number one spot.

“How the hell am I supposed to know that?! I am not sniffing her flanks all the time!” Fright returned in hisses towards the other stallion. He also had taken his position against one of the trees. Both of their ears heard them coming in the distance. That insane clopping of hooves. Hooves that were stomped into the ground as if the hunting season have been opened.

“Don’t kill them though. I need them whether I like it or not,” spoke Nightmare Rarity as the final command given to her personal guards. Who on their own turns began to bark like a rabid dog to one another. They would have separated in groups of two after that. The charge was almost there and the prey had been located through the fog.

Both Fright and Blood kept themselves quiet against the trees. The hooves seemed to be disappearing out of the air. Though the time of celebrating wasn't there yet. They knew that every last moment, they could strike out and walk in their paths. Their hearts for as much as they had them, were pounding straight in their throats. Their breathing animation had almost stopped.

They wanted to merge with the shadows so badly. Though that action would be noticed straight away by any force that was in the nearby area. The both of them closed their eyes and kept on waiting for thirty agonizing seconds. It was only after that, that they heard the sounds they didn't wanted to hear.

Each of the savages jumped straight out the bushes behind them and landed in front of either of the shadow stallions. The commanders were surrounded by the beasts and Fright actually dared to open up his eyes and look straight into one of the beast’s eyes. “P-Parley?” he asked them in a low tone that was almost inaudible for any creature to be heard.

All the way back within the borders of the domain, high up in the tower and on her sofa laid the darkened unicorn with the smirk upon her face. “And, teach them the lesson they are required to know,” the mare instructed to the savages through the mental connection. Which in return caused each of the creature to roar like a timberwolf.

The eyes of both Fright and Blood opened themselves wide while they pleaded for their lives. Though they were unable to prevent the beasts from jumping on top of them. Screams of agony had begun to fill the woods of White Tails. Screams that originated out of the two commanders themselves.


Applejack grumbled a little bit after the words Rainbow had spoken. Her nightmare was of course still fresh in her mind and the fear that was located behind it was a thing that she never wanted to experience herself. Though in order to get the accusation of Rarity out of her mind, there had to be coming a new theory around the block which would help to get the train of thought off of her. “But what ‘bout that changeling queen? Chrysalis was her name, right? She’s seen around certain places, but who’s to say it was really her? Perhaps she had assumed the form of Rarity and it are actually her changelings, that wander through the woods of White Tails as we speak. Ah mean, those buggers can change into everything, now can’t they?”

The mare had come up with a likely theory, but it seemed that the support of Rainbow Dash had fallen already. After the mockery a mere couple minutes ago, they couldn't be caring less about what the other thought. “It’s a likely theory indeed,” Twilight replied before she gently rested her eyes on Pinkie. “But just like those legs of her, it is riddled of holes. I do not think we can actually discover just what is going on, who’s to blame and over all, by the way that we are doing the things. Not just yet though. Well, except making our time here as least dreadful as possible. With that I mean the both of you. Your screaming and hollering doesn't really help all that much,” the mare added to her words. She pointed to both the pegasus and the orange earth pony.

“Well excuse me, princess.” Rainbow spoke up in a nagging tone before she stood up.

“Where are you going?” Pinkie suddenly spoke up, proving herself to still be wide awake despite her unusual silence.

“Gonna be stretching my wings a little bit here. Yes, I will stay in the borders given by Celestia, bla, bla, bla, I am not a filly anymore,” replied Rainbow to all the mares before was just gone. Her hooves carried her over to the door and from there, she flew away into the skies.

Twilight shook her head a little bit and stood up herself as well. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m going to get some shut eye as well. Maybe I can think a bit more clear afterward on this entire mess. Let’s face it here girls, we have gone from the frying pan into the fire.”

Pinkie and Applejack wished the mulberry unicorn goodnight. They kept on sitting by the fire and ponder their minds in silence. With Rainbow soaring through the skies above the castle, calm had returned to the room given to the five friend. Yet the peace was far from present. It was nowhere to be found actually. Perhaps it was to the sadness from some of them, but at the moment and in their bitterness, they couldn't care.

The unicorn dropped herself upon her bed and turned herself away from the fires, facing the shadows. A deep sigh was the left thing that left through her nostrils before one tiny tear traveled down her cheek. A tear of questions left unanswered and events happened.


Celestia may have said that she was going to be doing one thing, but she ended up doing another. The mighty alicorn of the day never had returned to the throne room. Instead she was wandering through the hallways of the castle without any actual aim to her legs. It caused some of the guards to gain a bit of confusion and suspicion but when they looked into her magenta rimmed eyes, they could actually read the genuine sadness and own confusion inside of them. And that was more than enough for them to back off again.

Though the atmosphere within the castle itself wasn't the one that Celestia was looking for. She had to get out and get some fresh air, as well as a few fresh intakes in her mind when it came down to the matter. A deep sigh was released through her mouth while the gears in her mind were just stopped. The tunes of times long forgotten were remembered by her. Calm and peace was the thing that she needed at the moment. It was the thing she hoped to get as well.

Perhaps there happened to be just one place where she would be able to get such a thing for herself. A place wide in the open yet that could be as personal as her bedroom. With hurry in her hooves did the alicorn wander through the hallways of the castle, until she came to a set of doors. A set of doors that she knew all too well and smiled upon them. The horn allowed itself to be coated in the golden aura as she looked at the very markings of the door itself.

Markings that went back to the time where she was still a filly and her sister a foal. The castle they lived in was ancient and every last bit showed it. Though despite the age did everything work like a charm. The doors opened without a hitch in their hinges. The sight that was revealed to Celestia was that of the setting sun over the statue garden.

Before her laid a garden where she came perhaps more often than not. Especially if her mind had something that troubled itself more than anything. It was perhaps the one place where she could relive history to the best of her abilities without actually going back in time.

Out of all the statues that could be found within the garden, those of great unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies from past times, there was one that stuck out pretty much like a sore thumb. One statue that was actually an ancient enemy of her. A statue that belonged to a mish mash of different creatures in a pose as it wanted to avoid something or block it.

“Discord,” spoke Celestia in a whisper. She sat down on her hunches before the statue. The statue which held the chaos god his rightful place. It allowed him to hear everything that was going on, and sometimes return the words. Though the history between the two of them went much, much deeper than just that. It was a history that ponies didn't need to know, and never would either.

In whispers that were just barely audible through the winds themselves, Celestia spoke every last little detail against the statue. Everything that she knew with the exception of the element being turned to dark was told against him. It was all in that vague hope that she somehow would be getting an answer of the maniacal madman.

Unfortunately was she out of luck. The statue himself remained silent for all of the time. Much to the sadness of the princess herself, who had reached the edge of desperation.