My life is terrible. Its made even worse on days where I get sucked to hellish places via a portal. I recently went to a hellish place called Equestria. It was horrible. This is the documented account of what I went through whilst I was stuck there. I hope you don't enjoy it.

(A FanFic of Grumpy cat going to Equestria. Don't take this story too seriously, this is just silly writing. Also, yes, Grumpy Cat is actually a girl. Don't believe me? Use the magical powers of Google. Don't expect too much from this, but do expect high levels of pessimism and grumpiness.)

Chapters (5)

She could have caught her if she had been a little bit faster....

That's what she tells herself, she could, but she didn't, and as a result, Scootaloo died.

How would Rainbow react to that?

Chapters (1)

It takes a lot of work for little things to happen.

Effort, skill and talent all fall into the same triangle.

High Hat, a magician of his own caliber, is all about talent and finesse. But when he does something that he's never done before and get disapproval, he has to try and handle himself with one of the most dangerous pitfalls life can offer.


Chapters (1)


Love is the foundation of life; the purpose for our existance.

While we toil away our minds and bodies to the harsh realities of life, or heart stays strong with love.

Love for our mothers, our fathers, our sisters, and brothers. Love for those whom return it, and love for those who aren't even aware of the gift.

Love for those we have lost, for those who still stand with us, and love for those who have yet to even stand.

A beings life can easily be determined by how much they love. Believe me, I know.

After all, isn't it fitting for a Changeling to be unable to feel what is so generously given to every other creature?

Chapters (3)

HYDRA had been pushed out of Equestria. Whatever plans they had now died with the Red Skull. Though it is unsure about whether or not the Skull truly perished, one thing is for sure. There would be a time of temporary respite


Now. Gray Mann and his machine hordes seek to invade Equestria. Why?
So they can monopolize on the hat industry! Why else?! And besides! It's obvious cartoon horses want to buy your metallic products that are probably too heavy for their heads!

And then... there's Owlman.
It doesn't matter.

(Cover art... anyone?)

Chapters (16)

The author cleared his throat. “This is a story about a powerful but evil wizard, who plans–”

Rainbow Dash interrupted. "So you're writing a story, huh? Don't tell me - let me guess. Some badpony is up to no good, and wants to get his hooves on some magical MacGuffin. After some thrilling fight scenes and a bunch of danger, we will save the day without any casualties. Oh - and I'm going to be totally awesome. Have I got it?"

The author sighed. "Are you saying you don't want to save the day?"

"No, I still want to look awesome. But mix it up a little, ok? For example, kill me off five or six times. But then bring me back, because I'm just too awesome to stay dead."

"My readers are going to lynch me," the author muttered.

"And have Carrot Top save the day. She's been kind of neglected lately. Oh - and at the end of the story, turn the villain into a pile of ashes. A very polite and reformed pile of ashes, but still, y'know, ashes. That talk."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I really don't have a good feeling about this..."

"Oh, you can trust me! It'll be twenty percent cooler!"

"If you say so," the author said reluctantly.

Chapters (6)

A dangerous dragon causes havoc in Ponyville, so their newly appointed Royal Taskforce enlist the help of the closest thing Twilight Sparkle had to a friend before leaving Canterlot. But hereditary alicorn Amber Aldis quickly reaches the conclusion that Twilight was a poor candidate for Princess Celestia’s new member of the Royal Family, and devises a plan to take Twilight’s place on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration when Nightmare Moon returned…

Chapters (4)

An Ancient creature has awoken from its millennia long slumber underneath the ocean. But is everything as it seems?

One Shot.

Chapters (1)

A strange pony arrives and Rainbow Dash doesn't know what do think, until he takes her back to the changeling attack. I believe the Doctor has a new companion

Chapters (3)