• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,161 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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The Letter

Welcome travelers...

The sign was worn down and barely readable. It was originally longer, but it seemed like the rest of the sign had been smashed off.

Twilight adjusted her saddle bags as she walked into a town. It wasn’t very welcoming – the town was dirty, and, with the exception of a few half-dead beggars, the streets were empty and littered with rotten garbage. The buildings were moldy, and some had caved in from the snow.

As she walked through the streets, some of the beggars looked to her for a moment before turning their eyes back to the ground. 4 of them were huddled around each other to stay warm. They were covered in mud and looked like they hadn't eaten in days, since their ribs were showing through their coats.

Twilight walked over and kneeled in front of the beggars, a warm smile upon her face. She levitated a few bits in front of the beggars.

“Go on. Take them.”

The beggars’ faces lit up. Their eyes shone with gratitude.

Using her magic, she divided up the bits between them. They each took their share and thanked her. One even stood and embraced. She was surprised for a moment, but returned the embrace with a tear sliding out from underneath her eyelid.

The beggar released her and ran off with the others to find food and shelter. Twilight followed behind them to do the same. As she walked, she noticed something strange - ponies were peeking out at her from inside their homes. Pairs of eyes were staring out at her through doors and windows. Whenever she made eye contact with them, they would slam their doors shut.

“If I have learned anything, it's that this is not a good sign,” she muttered to herself.

As she continued walking to find the local market, the eyes followed her. She grew slightly uneasy as she felt their stares upon her.

She finally arrived at the market. A lone earth pony stallion, lazily reclining in a chair, looked up to see her coming.

Moaning, he stood to meet her. He looked extremely bored and wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“Wha da you need?” he asked flatly.

Twilight gave the colt a stare so cold it could have frozen the sun, an unamused look on her face. She asked, demanding answers, “What is wrong with this town? Why is everyone so scared?”

“What do you mean?” I just sell the produce,” the colt stammered, clearly unnerved by the young mare in front of him.

Twilight glared at him. She spoke in a deep voice, “What is going on here? I visited this town almost 8 years ago and it looked nothing like this. Who is in charge?”

He began to shrink back, a worried look on his face. “Look. I don't want any t-trouble. I-I just sell the...” He suddenly froze, not unlike the way the others at the tavern had.

Twilight almost glowed with anger. She asked again, “Who. Is. In. Charge?”

Eyes wide with terror, the colt responded. “C-captain Render. He is in charge. He comes every week to collect his 'protection' money. If we don't pay, the creatures come back.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “What creatures?” she asked skeptically.


“What?” Twilight asked, confused. “Manticores? This far north?”

“Y...Yes. They are very common around here,” he stated, sounding very unsure.

Twilight stared at him in disbelief for a moment. “Just like Render. Scaring others with his lies. I hate to tell you this buddy, but there are no manticores this far north.”

“Yes there are. One attacked last week and destroyed half the town,” he said, motioning with his hoof to the broken buildings.

Twilight looked with disapproval at the wrecked homes. “Where can I find Render?”

The colt looked at her with concern. “Please don't do anything you'll regret. Render and his men are fearsome warriors. They don't take kindly to those who stand in their way.”

The colt froze again. Twilight’s glare returned. “Where. Can. I. Find. Him?” Her voice was eerily calm.

“He'll be in town later this evening,” he cried, his voice filled with panic. “He comes twice a week for his payment. If he doesn't collect, he comes back 3 days later and gives another chance.”

Twilight angrily looked around. “That's fine. I'll wait for him. I need some supplies anyway.” Using her magic, she floated a list of winter fruits and vegetables out from one of her bags and showed it to the salespony.

She turned away, walked over to the nearest house, and kicked open the door. The ceiling had caved in, and so much snow had piled up that the snow was taller than the building.

Twilight looked around the building for a moment before setting her jaw forward in decision. Her horn began to glow purple, and she pointed it towards the pile of snow. Flames shot from her horn and began melting the pile.

Seconds later, only puddles of water, broken boards, and broken glass remained. She lifted the broken pieces with her magic, repairing the window, the floor, and the ceiling.

She went to the next house and continued. For almost an hour, she went from house to house, fixing and cleaning with her magic.

As she worked, the people of the town gathered in the street to watch as helped them. Twilight was so caught up in her work that she didn't even notice the crowd until she had finished the final house. As she emerged, she was met with huge applause from the ponies of the town.

She was taken aback from the sudden gratitude. She smiled uneasily at the crowds, but as they clapped the smile became more genuine. The crowd gave her a respectful space as she walked into the street, but still looked on in wonder.

Twilight smiled back and began making her way to the food carts when she was stopped by a little unicorn filly. She gazed at Twilight in awe for what she had done.

“Th-Thank you miss...” She began, but trailed off as she didn't know what their savior’s name was.

Twilight gave a warm smile to the filly. “You can call me Dawn, young one. The dawn represents a fresh new start. The beginning of a new day. Always remember that.”

The filly beamed at Twilight. “I will, and thank you again.” Twilight watched her run off to her parents.

Twilight made her way back to the food stalls. The sales colt from earlier was looking at her with a look he had rarely given anypony before, a look of respect.

“Do you have my order finished?” Twilight asked.

The colt looked at her for a few more moments, stunned. He finally gained control of himself and gave her the bags of her food.

“I can't believe what you did for these ponies. This is both good and bad. The houses are fixed, but when Render sees them, he will think we are withholding his payment.”

Twilight grew serious. “Listen. You let me deal with Render. I have a score to settle with him. For now, though, I would like to rest.”

She trotted over to a porch covered by a small roof. Using her magic, she levitated a small white enevelope out of her saddle bags. She held it in front of her, smiling softly, before her horn lit up, and the envelope disappeared in a white flash. She sat down in a rocking chair and pulled her scarf over her mouth and her hood over her eyes and she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Canterlot was the place to be. The place where you can be anypony you wanted to, whether it be a rock star or a Wonderbolt. Canterlot was the place was the place to go.

Octavia wanted to be a soloist. She was an amazing cellist and had been told many times that she was an amazing player. What she could do with her cello could make just about anyone fall in love with her and her music.

She was standing upright with her large instrument leaning against her. As she pulled her bow across the strings, her long dark mane flowed over her shoulder. The deep music and melodies brought peaceful thoughts to the judges as they listened to the young performer.

Eyes closed in concentration, she continued the long slow pulls across the strings, losing herself into the music as she always did when she played.

She finally finished her set and lowered her cello. She turned to the judges, awaiting their response.

The judges sat in silence for a moment before one of them finally spoke. “That was absolutely beautiful. I have never such an amazing tune from a soloist.”

Another spoke. “I agree. I believe you are perfect, Madame...” The judge paused as she realized she didn’t know the mare’s name.

“Octavia. My name is Octavia,” she replied with a slight British drawl, her voice smooth and deep, just like her music.

The stallion responded, “Well, Miss Octavia, I would say you are ready. We have an opening for the Gala in a few weeks, if you are interested.”

Octavia bowed low. “Thank you for this opportunity. I will not disappoint you.”

She packed her cello as the judges left. She slung her case over her back and walked out of the theater into the winter afternoon. Often she would get a strange look from carrying the massive instrument on her back, but it wasn’t a problem for her, since she was an earth pony.

It took her only a few minutes to get from the theater to her home. It was a large duplex which she shared with her friend Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl, like Octavia, wanted to be a performer, but of a different style - Vinyl was a talented DJ who went by the stage name DJ P0N-3. She worked at night and always slept through the day, so Octavia thought the house would be quiet.

She walked in and went to her room where she set down her cello and removed her winter layers. Her room was nothing grand, just a small bed and some shelves. She walked into the kitchen, and put on a pot of water for tea, when a voice called out from behind her, causing her to jump a little.

“Hey, Tavi. Did you get the part?” Octavia turned to face Vinyl. Only she called Octavia by that nickname.

“Good afternoon Vinyl. I didn't expect you up this early. It's only 2:30pm.”

Vinyl snickered and adjusted her trademark violet glasses. “I have an earlier show tonight, so I’ll be home around 11:00. That way, we can spend some time together tonight.” She smiled seductively as she finished the thought.

Octavia just smiled and rolled her eyes. “Well, if you must know, yes I did. They offered me a spot in the Gala. Naturally, I accepted.”

Vinyl raised her eyebrows in a mock playful sense. “Oh, wow, the Gala. That’ll definitely get your name out there. Now be honest with me. Mares or stallions?”


“Okay, okay,” Vinyl chuckled back. “Oh! By the way, a letter came for you.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Really? I never get letters unless they’re invitations or solicitation. Who sent it?”

Vinyl dug through a small pile of envelopes, and pulled one out. “Here it is. There was no name, but it has three violet ribbons around it. I wonder what they aAAAAHHHH--”

Before she could finish her thought, Octavia rammed into her and took the letter from her hooves, sending her flying into the next room.

“You could just say thank you,” Vinyl called back from the next room.

“SorryVinylthisisreallyimportantI'llbeinmyroom,” Octavia yelled as she ran into her room and slammed the door shut.

Vinyl slowly stood while rubbing her head. “What’s her problem?”

Octavia sat on her bed staring at the letter. 'Does this mean what I think it means? Is she really coming? It has to be her. After, all she promised.’

She tore open the letter and looked at the page.

Dear Tavi:

I have missed you dearly, and can't wait to see you again. I am on my way and will be in Canterlot in a few days. It has been a few years, and I am so excited to finally see you again. I've heard you are becoming quite popular, and I can't wait to see you perform.

Yours truly, T.S.

PS: Remember, you mustn’t tell anyone about this.

Octavia sat for few minutes staring at the letter. 'She is coming back. She is finally coming back to me.'

She sat in silence for a few more minutes. A knock at the door broke the silence.

“Hey Octavia. Are you okay?”

Octavia continued to stare at the letter for a few more seconds. She smiled to herself.

'I am now.'

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