• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Sweet dreams

Travel through the Dream Scape is normally complicated and full of twists and turns. If any normal pony had the ability to enter the Dream Scape, they faced serious dangers. Losing themselves in the subconscious world, or trapping themselves in another ponies dream or minds were only some of the hazards that Luna faced when she did her nightly duty.

Perhaps it was for the best that only she could enter the Dream Scape. She always had to be sure that she stayed focused or else she herself could become lost amongst the millions of her subjects. However, thanks to over a thousand years of practice, Luna rarely found her self being surprised while traversing the world of thoughts and dreams.

Unfortunately, “rarely” didn't account for 100% of the time.

The inky black world around her, which normally felt as if she was falling through a thick pool, suddenly turned into a straight down drop. Of course, it was not literally a straight drop, but Luna could not rid her mind of the irony of falling from nothing while traversing her own realm.

Instinctively, she fanned her wings out to counter the sudden plunge, only to find that they didn't work in the mysterious realm she now found herself rocketing through. She mentally cursed herself, of course they didn't work. The world of dreams rarely accounted for the real worlds laws of physics. She could, of course, force herself out of the nightmare but in doing so could set herself back further from her destination.

It was best t simply allow the dreamworld to take you in it's flow and let it take you were you needed to go. Much like a river, it was far easier to go with the flow, instead of fighting the current. It was only a few moments later before white stone appeared beneath her hooves. In a second, she collided with the shining stone with a resounding, CRASH.”

Without sparing a moment she looked about her surroundings. Despite her preparations, Twilight's mind was not her own and the twisted creature governing her thoughts could be waiting for Luna.

'Of course, the express ride into dream land was probably a big hint.' She mentally scolded herself. Almost immediately, she she covered her mouth. Her thoughts had been projected outwards around her, as if she had cast a sound amplification spell. Even the rules of the dream world took er by surprise when she didn't expect them, but still. She must stop thinking out loud.

If she didn't prepare herself for any form of attack, then she was just leaving herself wide open. The sudden drop, however, was quite the surprise. Dementis probably knew that she would go into Twilight's subconsciousness, and seemed to want to speed the trip up.

Not the best sign, but Luna couldn't back out now. Not without trying to help Twilight. The fiery orange and glowing silver rings circling her horn gave off a garish light against the white stone beneath her hooves. She looked ahead to see that the path continued for some time, before ending at a set of pearly white doors.

'This seems a bit... easy.' Luna thought suspiciously, her thoughts inside he own head this time. She took a few cautionary steps forewords. Nothing happened around her that she noticed. No falling through a false step. No evil laughter followed by the floor evaporating into blood. Not even any zombies stopping her from moving forewords.

Slowly she continued to move across the white stone. After nearly 5 minutes of walking, she found that she had made no progress towards arriving inside Twilight's mind. The towering door still lie barely within her vision.

Luna smirked to herself. 'Come now, spirit. Do you really think that simple trick would stop me?' That trick was one of the first she ever learned. Sure, it would keep a normal pony occupied. Normal ponies didn't usually have complete lucidity over their dreams. The “never moving” dream trick was quite easy to defeat.

Luna closed her eyes. 'All you have to do,' She reached in front of her with one hoof, her smirk widening when she felt it wrap around cold steel. 'Is reach out to what has been in front of you the whole time.' She opened her eyes to see the towering door standing above her, her hoof wrapped around a large steel ring.

'Easy as 1,2,3.' She thought examining the giant door. I was different from the last time. The tower door, more a keen to the size of a drawbridge, was made of a crude combination of silver and iron. Instead of the two doors, each facing an opposite direction, now there was only one. A cryptic possibility, or another trick? Woven into the metal structure was gross works of violence and suffering. Ponies being murdered. Mares being raped. All kinds of torture, sickness, pain, and suffering imaginable. Even a few that were hideous works of the imagination not even Luna had seen. The sight was so horrible, Luna found herself questioning the plausibility of it all.

No. It wasn’t a trick.

The entrance to a ponies dormant mind could not be altered by a pony. Not even Luna had the power to do such a thing, and this was her realm. Her world. How could the rules that she created be broken. Though a ponies dreams tended to have their own rules and laws, she was still outside of Twilight's mind. The door to a ponies mind resembled their state of mind.

The fact that the two door has adjoined into one only one thing. Twilight's mind has finally joined together once more, but what lie on the other side was the true question. She doubted she would find a filly playing tea time with her stuffed animals.

Luna gritted her teeth. There was only one way to find out. With a strong pull, the heavy door swung open silently. Behind it lay a wall of thick, inky blackness. The kind that absorbed light, swallowing it and spreading cold and evil.

Luna scowled. She had faith in her sister and her niece. They were protecting while in this vile domain. If they couldn't help her...

Luna stomped one hoof. 'FOCUS' She roared in her own mind. Ever since she entered Twilight's realm, she was barraged by the mare's magic. Even being close to the cursed beast could leave her open to it's influence. Not even her sister's sun could protect her if she didn't focus.

Magic surged through her horn as she ran foreword, plunging her glowing horn into the darkness. Her eyes glowed a brilliant silver as she flooded the doorway with magic. A moment later there was a ripple in the darkness. As if a slid wall had turned to liquid.

Luna withdrew her horn, giving one final, long look to the black wall she faced. There was no going back from here. She closed her eyes once more, The silver and orange halos burning even brighter around her horn.

Silently, she broke into a sprint and descended into the darkness.

“You don't understand. I need in there right now.”

Stormshadow huffed in exasperation. Just what part about, “No pony allowed until the princesses say so” did this mare not understand. He had been telling her the same thing for the 10 minutes.

Rainbow Dash stood in front of the stallion, her eyes wild. Everything about Rainbow seemed wild. Her eyes were bloodshot, her mane was ragged, her stance was a mess, and she looked like a foal trying to walk for the first time. Her wings ruffled nervously at her sides, occasional fanning outwards and flapping at nothing.

“You don't understand, I need to talk to her. Please, you have to let me go.” Rainbow tried again, her voice straining as if she was in pain.

While her distress was odd and sudden, Luna had told the guards that no-pony was allowed into the interrogation rooms without their express permission. Rainbow Dash included. He had known Rainbow for many years now, and he had never seen her in such a state. She was a wreck and was acting like a child, not the prim and proper leader she is suppose to be. If she was going to act like a filly, then she would be treated like one.

Granted, he had to greatly restrain himself in use of both his words and tone. She may have been Luna's student, but it didn't matter. Rules were rules weather or not Rainbow would listen. However, ever since the mare barged into the Tombstone with wild eyes and panic in her voice, she had tried to convince Stromshadow to let her in.

Though he had originally been accompanied by his partner, Moonbeam, now he was assisted by four other guards. Of course, it wouldn't matter. If Rainbow Dash really wanted to get into those rooms, then all the soldiers in the Royal Guard couldn't stop her.

Much to their surprise, however, she never made any attempt thus far to force her way in. Despite her incessant begging and complaining, she had not once made a violent or aggressive move during the whole affair.

Of course, that only accounted for the present. The future would always be undetermined. Stromshadow, along with the others, could only hope that she remain docile. More so, at least. If not, then they would feel the wrath of the furious pegasus.

Luckily, they were spared from the conflict.

“And just what,” Came a voice, gentle and authoritative. “Is going in here?” The guards turned and dropped into a bow for Celestia. She strode through the long hallway, her golden shoes clanking against the floor. The soldiers stood once more, turning towards Rainbow Dash.

“Well you see Princess.” Stormshadow began, his voice low and quiet so that Rainbow would not hear. “Commander Dash has been attempting to enter despite direct orders from you and Princess Luna. We have been trying to tell her to wait, but she refuses to listen.” Storm pursed his lips, beckoning Celestia to come closer. Her spared a glance towards the rainbow maned pegasus.

Rainbow was sat on her haunches, staring at Stormshadow with wide open eyes. Her expression was blank, but the stallion couldn’t help but inwardly cringe at Rainbow's blank stare. It was creepy to say the least.

“At first I thought she wanted to see Princess Luna.” He whispered to the Sun Alicorn. “But now, I think she is trying to get into the interrogation room. Now, I am aware of the current situation an I understand hat has happened to Dash's family, but something seems malicious about this. Rainbow doesn' seem to be herself. She seems... reckless.” He turned once more to Rainbow. Her wide eyes met his, her head cocking to one side as if she was a dog. “She seems like she isn't all there.”

Celestia looked to Rainbow, worry and concerning her eyes. Those purple eyes studied the cyan mare. Everything about Rainbow's body language was wrong. She was sloppy. Rainbow always stood straight, strong, and attentive. Now, she was hunched over, her eyes wild, her mane a wreck, her stance loose and her wings hanging at her sides, occasionally flapping at nothing.

Stormshadow was correct in his statement. She did not look well at all. She seemed almost... hungry. Like she wanted something, but she herself didn't know what it was she wanted. It was rather disturbing for Celestia to see. Granted, she had seen Rainbow when she was sad, or angry, or upset. But this was something else. This was something else entirely.

'It was as if Rainbow had been replaced'. A thought that sent a chill up Celestia's spine.

The darkness seemed to stretch on for miles as Luna shot through the blackness. If there had been a wind, it would have sent her ethereal mane whipping through the air or used her to clench her eyes shut.

But, the strange realm of dreams still tended to play odd tricks on those from the land of reality. The abstract vs the concrete. In Luna's realm, the abstract held the reins and even the Lunar Princess would find herself subjugated to the ever changing “laws” and “rules” of the dream world.

She found those “rules” taking affect as she was whisked off of her hooves not long after entering. She floated lazily through the blackness as she was pulled into Twilight's mind. Her legs dangled below her as if she had been resting on a small cloud.

There was no real way for her to arrive at her destination of her own accord. Instead she would simply have to wait and see where the realm would take her before she would arrive. If she happened to pass through a few nightmares or childhood memories, then so be it.

The darkness surrounding her began to ripple around her, like a great beast disturbing dark waters. Luna braced herself, she was about to arrive somewhere and she had no idea where she may be taken.

Suddenly, through the darkness came great white crescents. The darkness stretching on around her was soon dominated by the suddenly arriving moons. Moments later, there was scarcely a spot of darkness that didn't share a space with the strange moons.

Luna quirked one eyebrow at the sight around. 'Crescent moons? What is this perversion of my moon doing here?' The crescent moon was a rather grim trick played by Discord long ago. During the war between Order and Chaos, long long ago, Discord chaos reached far and wide to strike fear and terror in his enemies. Thus, during the night, he blotted out the moon to demoralize Luna's soldiers.

Of course, it was an illusion that held no real negative effects, but it served it's purposes for the Mad God. For Luna to see such travesties in Twilight's mind was deeply insulting to her. Luna treasured her moon and stars just as she treasured her sister. To see such a mockery made of her glorious moon was a perversion unlike any other for the Night Princess.

Suddenly the scene around her changed. The Darkness and the moons remained, but the shining crescents changed. They grew wider and more misshapen. Lines ran down each crescent, separating them into rectangles. The Crescents split open an shut as laughter filled the blackness around her.

Luna glowered at the grins that filled the sky. 'So the trickster reveals herself.' Luna cursed in her mind. Dementis's laughter still flowed through the darkness that surrounded Luna. The giant grins that filled the sky opened and shut like an audience laughing at a fool. The evil cackling that surrounded Luna only enraged her further. 'The she-demon mocks me further.'

Despite her anger, Luna knew she couldn't let it show. Dementis only wanted to anger her. In doing so, Luna wold lose focus and become more susceptible to Dementis's influence.

Suddenly the laughter stopped and Luna slammed to halt. The screen around her changed. She found herself outside yet another door. She was in a glowing white hallway with no real distinct features, but the door in front of her is what caught her attention. And yet, she found herself confused.

'Another door? This makes no sense.' Luna thought to herself. She wore a confused frown as she stared at the door in front of her. 'How could there be a door within another.' It was as if she was being given a warning to flee. As if Twilight's mind truly was warning her from entering. However, despite her confusion, the “door” that stood in front of her fully captured her attention.

The door was two fused together, like someone had cut each door down the middle and jammed them together. Luna had no trouble recognizing the doors. When she had last visited Twilight's mind, there had been to separate doors. One that led to Twilight's pure and innocent mind. The other that led to where her fragmented mind rested. There Dawn, Dementis, and the other fragments dwelled.

But there was one difference. Now, both sides of the door were enveloped in pitch black vines. The blackness pulsed like ugly veins and seemed to slowly crawl foreword. The horrible things seemed to grow outwards from underneath the wood of each door and moved farther outwards from the splintered and aged wood. There were once separate. The Ugly and Filthy. The Pure and Innocent.

But now, it would seem, that they had finally joined together. Twilight's mind was whole once again. What lay on the other side would be horrible. It would be Dementis's playground most likely, and Luna would have no control over what she would see. It would be terrifying and evil and would be used to scare and infuriate her. It would be enough to make her flee Twilight's mind once and for all, and what she saw there would be with her for the rest of her life.

And with a deep breath, Luna opened the doors.

Author's Note:

Well, despite my promises, this chapter almost didn't get to come out tonight. It is currently storm season here in Orlando Florida and for the second night in a row we lost power. Luckily, it came on not long ago and I was able to submit this. (ARE YOU HAPPY NOW SHADOWACURUAS!?)

Anyway, next chapter is already finished and I am hoping for it to be out next Sunday, but due to my editors current work situation, his connection is a bit rough at times so it might be delayed a day or two (or even a week again) but I will try my best to help out with the process.

See you next week.

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