• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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12 Days remaining

Silence ran through the hospital wing, as the evening sun set into the sky, spreading it's last light and warmth across Equestria before the cool of night dominated the country. Though it was never busy, as times of distress were rare, all of the beds in the massive room remained empty save for one. It was occupied by a cyan pegasus that everypony in the castle knew as Rainbow Dash.

As she lay on her back, her chest rose and fell with gentle breaths as she slept. Doctors, magic experts, and the Princesses had spent most of the night looking over the pegasus, examining her and studying her mind and body.

Resting on a small counter beside her bed was a basket of flowers. Fluttershy and Scootaloo had brought them earlier for when Rainbow finally woke up and so that they could see their loved one again. Only after Celestia and Luna had repeatedly assured them of Rainbow's safety, did the pegasi return home with promises to return the next day.

The rays from the setting sun shone on Rainbow's face. After she had collapsed in the market, her body had nearly shut down completely. Her heart and mind were running only enough to maintain the most basic of bodily functions, while the rest of her body lay comatose in the bed.

Despite this, the evening rays of sunshine slowly caused the soldier's body to stir and as the light played upon her face, she woke up. A soft smile spread across her features. She nestled herself deeper into her blankets, wrapping the sheets tighter around herself. The warm feeling enveloping her body made her feel tired despite only just awaking moments ago.

Normally it was a feeling she would push off to start her day, but today she accepted this feeling. Despite what she may have said to others, she'd had a stressful few days and wanted to relax.

Suddenly, her smile disappeared. The feeling of warmth seemed to drain from her, as her blood ran cold. The warmth from the sun no longer cast its glow upon her. Suddenly, she was called back to the events of the previous day. Her room, Fluttershy, the market.

And, of course, Scootaloo. Everything the poor filly had seen. Rainbow bolted upright in her bed, throwing off her sheets. Instantly, she recognized the room she laid in as the castle's medical wing. Adrenaline, prompted by the memory of the previous day, coursed through her veins. A heart monitor beside her bed began beeping erratically, following the pegasus's rapid heartbeat.

She grabbed her head on instinct, as if preparing for the thought-shattering headaches from earlier. She was shocked to find that they didn't come. Over the past few days, the pain had seemed to have a routine. As if it had ingrained itself into her memory.

Her attention was snapped to a pair of doors only a few hoof steps from her bed, as they were flung open. Almost as soon as they had opened Princess Luna rushed into the room, her eyes immediately locking onto Rainbow Dash.

Behind her, trailed a light brown stallion in a doctor's coat and a pale white mare wearing a nurse's cap. The three rushed to the bed side, much to Rainbow's surprise. The cyan mare opened her mouth to speak, but didn't get the opportunity as Luna enveloped her in a hug.

It was convenient that she was already in the hospital, as Luna squeezed the breath out of Rainbow's still-tired body. “Celestia almighty, Princess. Maybe you should loosen up on the grip, she's turning an even deeper shade of blue.” The doctor scorned the alicorn as Rainbow gasped for breath.

The dark blue alicorn blushed as she released her student, the cyan mare shooting her a hard look for the hug. The doctor and nurse inspected the mare, pushing the princess out of their way. Meanwhile, Rainbow's brow furrowed at the display before her. “Princess?” She yelled. “What in the wide world of Equestria is going on?”

None of the ponies spoke, however, as the doctor and nurse inspected her and her heart monitor. The nurse tugged at a plastic wire, and Rainbow realized that she had an I.V. drawing blood in her left foreleg, along with other needles and what seemed to be a white magic transfusion I.V. connected to her right foreleg.

A pure white substance, presumably the magic, ran through the tube and into her body. White magic transfusions where mainly used to clean impurities from a pony's body, ridding bacteria, viruses, or any other unclean substances from the body. It could even be used to clean alcohol from the blood stream, but for Rainbow it was much more serious. This magic was being used to flush the dark magic from her body, unbeknownst to the pegasus.

Rainbow realized where the warmth that had spread throughout her body had come from. “Princess?” She began, slower this time. “What in the hell is going on, and just what am I wearing?”

Before Luna could speak, however, the nurse cut in. “Oh, do be quiet, Ms. Dash. Give us a moment will you?” Normally it wouldn't have bothered her, but in her confusion and annoyance with the situation she glared at the nurse. She opened her mouth to give the flippant nurse a piece of her mind, but was cut off by Luna this time.

“Rainbow Dash.” The Alicorn of the Night called sternly, silencing any words from the cyan pegasus. “Please wait a moment.” Her tone was warmer in the second statement, but the stare she gave Rainbow was one which stated that she wasn't in the mood to argue. Rainbow had no choice but to lay back in silence as the medical staff examined her.

After a few minutes of silence, the doctor spoke again. “Well Princess, everything checks out. She seems healthy. Her body is suffering from some exhaustion, but other than that, she's fine.” The stallion disconnected the tube feeding the pure magic into her body as well as others while the nurse pulled the blood I.V. from Rainbow's other leg.

She moved to cover the needle hole with a cloth, but Rainbow grabbed it away from the mare, applying the cloth herself. After a glare towards the cyan mare, both the nurse and doctor exited the room, leaving the teacher and student alone together.

The door closed behind the pair of medics with a resounding BANG. The remaining pair regarded each other with concern. “So now that we have some peace and quiet, would you mind telling me what happened?” Rainbow asked, her tone coming across more inconvenienced than angry. “At least tell me if anypony was hurt. Shining Armor, Cadence, Fluttershy? What about-”

“She's fine.” Luna spoke up. “So are the others. Fluttershy and Scootaloo are suffering more from wounded hearts then anything. Shining Armor took Cadence home yesterday. The events from the other day caused quite a stir around Canterlot.”

Rainbow stared down at her sheets. The light, now rapidly falling, reminded her of the one responsible for this whole ordeal. The one who was in the market when she had collapsed. The one who had planted the... whatever it was, in her head.

Twilight Sparkle had it out for her ever since they had met in the snowy wasteland only a little over a week ago, and now her actions could have gotten Rainbow's family hurt, or even worse. Rainbow glared at the sheets, her hooves trembling. Nopony could hurt her family and get away with it.

“Rainbow Dash.” Angrily, Rainbow turned towards her mentor. The alicorn had sadness and compassion in her eyes. “I know that look, and it never leads to anything good. I know what you're thinking, and I want to set it straight before you do anything rash.” The cyan pegasus sighed, her body sagging. She knew what Luna would say.

“I know, I know. I can't go after her, because now it's “personal” and I would be blinded by my anger and desire for revenge. That's why you're still going to keep me on leave.”

The alicorn laid a gentle hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. “Yes, and I'm sorry, Rainbow.” She said, her tone matching her feelings. “I don't mean to make you angry, and you know that I only want what's best for you.” The alicorn huffed. “You know, it's strange. When I was younger, Celestia used to say that to me so much it was almost a daily occurrence.”

Rainbow looked up to the musing alicorn, a small smile on Luna's lips as she stared off. “I always fought her, and yet I followed her anyway. Looking back, I realize how much of naive little filly I was. So full of gusto and pride.” She looked down at Rainbow Dash. “That's why I took you in. I saw so much of me in you. Your generosity and loyalty are overwhelming, and it shows by how much you care for Fluttershy and little Scootaloo.”

“But be warned, Rainbow Dash. Don't ever, EVER, let your anger get the best of you. I let mine get the best of me, and I nearly paid dearly for it. And our entire kingdom almost paid for my mistake, as well.” Luna wrapped her hooves around Rainbow. The cyan pegasus was shocked, but after a moment she returned the hug. “Please, Rainbow Dash.” Luna whispered into the mare's ear. “You are so strong and can do so many great things.”

She pulled away, looking into Rainbow's eyes. “Don't let your anger get the best of you. It will cost you so dearly. I couldn't stand to see you like that. It would destroy me.” A tear leaked out from Rainbow's eyes. Luna pulled away, still gripping the mare's shoulders. Her eyes watered as well, tears threatening to spill over.

“Please, Rainbow Dash. Please.”

The crackling of fresh logs encompassed in flames came from the fireplace as shadows danced across the living room, bringing a dim light and warmth to the dark and cool house. In one corner of the room a record spun on its player, old hearth's warming carols drifted from the device and into Twilight Velvet's ears.

The white and purple striped mare laid back on a large recliner, her eyes closed and a large smile on her face as she enjoyed the peace and serenity. Night Light had left her company some time ago to 'hit the hay' early that evening, leaving the older mare alone to her thoughts. A book was spread open on her chest. She had put it down expecting to pick it up again, but found the darkness beneath her eyelids even more attractive.

The serenity was interrupted by three rapid knocks on her door. Her ears perked up at the sudden interruption. She sighed to herself before rolling out of the chair. Slowly, she made her way to the door after pulling the needle away from the still-spinning record. Stifling a yawn, she opened the door to see Shining Armor.

Through bleary eyes she made out her son's distressed expression as he met her eyes. “H-hey mom.” He started. “Are you busy right now?” The mare studied him for a moment before shaking her head. “No, I was just reading.” She said, this time failing to suppress a yawn.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?” He apologized quickly. “You know what, never mind. I can come back later. I shouldn't have bothered you, you've probably been busy. I'll just g— ”

“Shining.” Velvet interrupted her son. It didn't take a mother's intuition to understand that he was rather upset about something.

Shining's eyes were blood shot and his mane was a rats nest. It looked as if he had laid on it all day and didn't bother to straighten it out. He also looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep.

The fact that Cadence wasn't with him made Velvet even more curious. He never came alone unless he needed to talk about something serious. “It's fine. Please, come in.” She continued, ushering in the panicked stallion. With his head held low, he entered his parent's home, taking in the atmosphere Velvet had enjoyed only moments ago.

He took a seat on a parallel recliner as Velvet walked into the kitchen attached to the living room. “Would like a cup of tea, Shining? Coffee maybe?” The large stallion nodded in the affirmative. “I'll have coffee, thanks.” A few minutes later, Velvet returned with two steaming mugs, a tea bag still nesting in one.

Shining gratefully accepted the other. He held it between his hooves, not drinking while Velvet stirred hers. There was a long silence between the pair, mother and son. The only sound was the clinking of Velvet’s glass and the snaps and cracks of the fireplace.

During this time, Velvet studied her son with great interest. The large stallion shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He constantly moved his hooves and glanced around the room. His gaze often flickering to the mantle piece above the fireplace. On it sat a collection of family photos. In the center was a stand holding multiple pictures of Twilight Sparkle. Two lit candles stood on each side of the piece.

Velvet smiled sadly to herself. It made sense now that she saw him. Even after all this time she still had nightmares about the day she lost her daughter. The day those guards showed up at her door, she knew something was wrong.

“There has been an incident.” The said to her, their deep voices cracking and full of sadness. “I'm afraid you need to come with us.” She and Night Light had followed them to the park where it had happened. She knew the park well. They had often gone there as a family. Cadence had often taken Twilight there herself. Celestia and Luna were there themselves, their expressions stone cold.

The hill side had been charred and burned badly, leaving ugly scars across the park. One area which had previously been a sand pit for younger foals had been turned to glass. Broken and cracked shards were scattered across the entire hillside, but that wasn't even the worst part.

Medics were scattered around, some of them leaning over fillies and colts. Some of these were crying, some were hurt, and others were... Velvet hated thinking about it. Their broken bodies, so frail, being carted away by soldiers. Velvet even recognized some of them. She had seen them bully and shun Twilight before. She had met with their parents before telling them to leave her daughter alone.

She had been so angry, but never would she wish something like this upon them. Some of them just laid there on the scarred hillside. Medics surrounded them, trying to ease their pain, while they could only lie there in agony. That was something no child should have to go through.

Two guards covered one filly with a black tarp. Thinking it to be Twilight, Velvet rushed forewards. knocking them aside, tears in her eyes. She through the tarp aside to reveal, not Twilight, but another. The unicorn filly had almost been as small as Twilight. A red and grey filly she had seen Twilight with before. She was an outcast just like Twilight was, and was often picked on by her brother who also targeted Twilight.

Short Sight was her name, and she was nearly unrecognizable. Horrible burns covered an entire side of her body. Her mane, coat, and tail were charred and burned, revealing pink flesh which had been mostly cooked. Her eyes were wide open, forever stuck in her last horrifying gaze.

Velvet brought a hoof up to cover her mouth. She threw herself away from the broken filly's body, a scream of horror escaping her. She threw her hooves around Night Light. Horrible, broken sobs, full of hurt, unleashed themselves as she cried. She looked to the princesses. They looked down, refusing to meet anypony's eyes. Velvet's vision went red when she saw them. She launched herself away from her also-crying husband. She screamed and screamed at them. She screamed until her husband and son wrapped their hooves around her, pulling her away from the alicorns. She fought and kicked at them, still wanting to scream. “You promised. You said you would help her. You said she would get better. You lied. You lied to me.” She screamed and screamed at them.

They couldn't even find her body after “the incident” and they doubted they would. “She was most likely destroyed in the explosion,” is what they told her later. “Her magic exploded outwards and she was right at the center of it. I'm sorry to say that we have still found no trace of her.”

Velvet was crushed. It had been harder on her then anypony else. Nothing can compare to the pain a mother feels when she loses a child.

“It's about your sister, isn't it?” Velvet began. Shining tensed up, still not meeting his mother's eyes, confirming Velvet's suspicion. “You've been thinking about her lately?” Shining took a deep breath, his throat feeling tense. “You could say that.” He whispered.

Velvet smiled sadly at the stallion sitting across from her. “A bit more than just thinking, then.” Shining nodded in the affirmative. Velvet took a drink from her still-steaming mug. The tea soothed her and helped with the sadness which had crept up on her.

“I know how you feel, Shining.”

The stallion snorted. 'I doubt that' He thought to himself, while his mother continued.

“Some days it's still hard to cope. Still hard to sleep at night.” She mused. “No pony could ever replace Twilight.” Velvet turned her attention back to Shining. “Is there anything you want to talk about, or did you just come for the company?”

Shining stared off into the space next to her. “Truthfully, I haven't decided yet.” He breathed, finally meeting his mother's eyes.

Velvet sat up in her chair. “Well, since you're here I think I should spill. Night Light, could you come out?” She called to her sleeping husband, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Shining's brow furrowed. “Mom?”

The smile broke free, dominating the older mare's features. “We were hoping to wait until you and Cadence were here together, but you have been busy so I figure this would be a good time.” Night Light rounded the corner and entered the room, looking down at his family members.

“Ah, is it that time already Velvet?” The stallion chortled. His wife nodded in response. A small smile tugged at Shining's lips as well. “What on earth are you two going on about? What's going on?”

Night light placed a hoof on Velvet's shoulder. “Son, we know that we didn't have much time to spend with your sister before her death. But we are proud to say-” The pair looked to each other before Velvet said: “I'm pregnant.”

The smile which was beginning to grow on Shining Armor's face disappeared in a flash. He brought a hoof to his jaw, which hung slack. “What?” He called, shaking.

Velvet still smiled. “You're going to be a big brother again, Shining Armor.”

But her words reached deaf ears, because Shining hadn't been speaking to them a moment ago. Last night, when Twilight had come to his home, she had said something to him as she left. 'Tell mom congratulations for me.' That was what she had said. Somehow, someway, Twilight had known about Velvet. An idea popped into his mind.


Velvet smiled at the stunned unicorn. “Yes, darling?”

Shining swallowed heavily. “Who else have you told?”

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