• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Twilight panted heavily, her hooves colliding against the stone below her. She tore through a thin alleyway, hurriedly rounding a corner onto a street and nearly ramming into the brick walls that surrounded her. The blood running into her eye didn't help much, considering it was near pitch-black out. The thick liquid flowed from a cut in her forehead, a gift from her pursuer only moments earlier.

Then again, the laceration on her back right thigh also didn't help. The concussion was frosting over the cake, and the fractures in her front left hoof were the candles on top. Granted, there were more, but the menagerie of cuts and bruises that covered the rest of her body were the least of her worries compared to...

Twilight Sparkle!” Ah yes, HER. Twilight didn't dare stop or slow, for fear that SHE would catch up. Such an act would mean certain death for the young mare. If she fought or stood her ground, Twilight's already dwindling life force would be cut even shorter at the hooves of her nemesis. Her only hope was to escape.

How long can you run for?” A loud BOOM came from behind her. Dust and shattered pieces of brick rained down on Twilight, covering her body in white and red dust. That one had been a bit too close. Twilight turned another corner, not bothering to look behind her. Looking back would just cause her to slow or crash. It's exactly what SHE would want. As soon as SHE caught up with Twilight, the young sorceress would fall to the ground. Only this time, she would never rise again.

The shattered bones of her hoof certainly didn't help. Had she been well and able, the fight would have been rather different, but instead she had to push herself all that much more. The pain was agonizing, and she saw spots in her eyes every time she moved, but she had to press on. She couldn't risk stopping. The brick wall behind her was just the beginning. That had most likely been intended for her skull.

Twilight had run out of options. It was a last-ditch effort, and it would mean that her odds of survival would greatly reduce, but it was her only option. She had nothing. No tricks up her sleeve. SHE had been inside of Twilight's mind, and knew what the mare was going to do next.

Twilight's pursuer would do anything to prevent what would happen next, and Twilight would have to fight for her life. In a sense, the fight had already begun. And judging from the last few minutes of events, the fight was deeply in the opposition's favor.

Twilight looked out across the darkness of Canterlot. There, just down the street. She could see the building in the distance, looming in the darkness. It should have been easier to spot, but the normally full sky was completely devoid of light, making the building barely visible against the pitch-black overhead.

Even the stars were absent, leaving the dark sky completely void and empty. It was... mystifying and terrifying, to say the least. To find the sky so empty.

Well... not entirely empty. The moon was still there, but it was not the moon that guided Twilight when she was lost in the tundra, or gave her hope when she needed it. No. The moon looked down on her, perfectly illuminating her as if it were the sun. She couldn't escape the moon's light. Not outside. If she was to survive, she would need a roof between her and the cruel rock.

Twilight's energy renewed as she tore down the street. It was so close, but she couldn't lose focus. Close or not, if she wasn't there, then Twilight would die a rather horrible death at the hoof of her foe. Inside was her salvation, while outside was her undoing.

As she ran, she began to pass by several well-lit street lamps. Inwardly, she sent a prayer of thanks to nopony in particular. The light would protect her from her foe, whose shadows were quiet nefarious.

Unfortunately for her, that very same foe seemed to sense Twilight's hope. The street lamps that flanked her began to extinguish, one by one. While Twilight had seen this trick used only minutes ago, it still terrified her knowing what it meant. She had been hoping for a few moments of protection, but it was to no avail.

Once the entire street was covered in darkness, the shadows in front of Twilight roared to life, like a great black tidal wave. From the darkness, SHE emerged.

SHE was tall, rivaling Princess Celestia's impressive height. The darkness shrouded HER entire body in a thick wrap as SHE stared down at Twilight with piercing eyes. There was no compassion or glee in those eyes. Only pure hatred.

Twilight Sparkle.” SHE roared once more, with such force that Twilight's mane blew back, whipping in the wind. HER horn glowed black, charging with a mass of dark energy.“This is the end for you.


“Celestia!” Luna screamed. Her body shot up from the padded table she lay on, launching her from her resting spot on the gurney beside Twilight Sparkle's still-dormant body. On her other side sat a once-calm Cadence. Due to her aunt's sudden awakening, all semblance of peace disappeared from the other alicorn's face.

“Aunt Luna!?” Cadence shouted in return, startled. “Are you okay?” The blue alicorn gave no response as she rolled off of the padded table, her hooves colliding with the cold floor with a loud THUD.

Cadence turned towards Twilight, making sure her aunt's loud arrival had not awoken the sleeping mare. While she was safely subdued, there was no point in awakening that demon. Let the sleeping dog lie, at least that way she wouldn't cause the conscious ponies any trouble.

That was the idea, at least. Of course, that plan would have no effect if certain alicorns went about demolishing the floors.

The wide-eyed Luna, however, gave no notice to her niece. She wasted no time rushing towards the door. She grabbed one of the handles, pulling so hard that Cadence thought she would tear the door off of its hinges.

Surprisingly, the door held. It took a few moments of exasperated pulling before Luna realized that the door had been sealed. Immediately, she turned her gaze towards the mirrored panel on the other side of the room.

“CELESTIA!” Luna roared, startling Cadence even further. “OPEN THE DOOR!” There was a long, pregnant silence before Celestia's voice filled the room.

“Luna.” Celestia's voice was calm and quite. Clearly, she was trying to stay calm despite her sister's sudden outburst. “What is the matter, sister? Are you safe?” Celestia's words eased their way into Cadence's ears, instantly calming the younger alicorn.

Though they affected Cadence, they seemed to have no effect on the distressed Luna. The alicorn still looked as if she was about to have a heart attack, and she was panting heavily.

“Celestia!” She yelled again, this time attempting to calm herself. “I need you to open this door. We have little time to waste.”

“Luna.” Celestia repeated, her tone stony and calm. She betrayed no fear or emotion in her tone. It was a sound which intrigued and scared Cadence at the same time. The Love Alicorn began to step slowly towards her aunt. Her horn began to light in an attempt to calm the older alicorn.

“I need to know if you are safe, Luna. How do I know that you are well?”

Luna took no notice of the magic that slowly surrounded her, instead she continued yelling at her sister. “Sister, please.” Luna practically begged. “I don't have time to waste. Didn't you see? Our charms never fell. Cadenza never felt any dark forces, did you, Cadenza?”

Luna turned her head to her niece. Cadence had expected to see Luna with bloodshot eyes and a wild gaze, with her jaw hung slack. While her eyes were wide, there were full of intelligence, though coupled with desperation. She wore a furious and annoyed look, but otherwise she seemed perfectly healthy, except for her sudden outburst and desperation.

Cadence was stunned silent for a moment before she sputtered her response. “Uh... well.. no. I didn't feel any unnatural or malevolent presence. I... I think Princess Luna is safe.” Her caution was evident. She didn't want to be incorrect. To have the demon inhabit Luna would be catastrophic.

Celestia, however, didn't seem convinced. “Luna, I will need something else. Something you could tell me that I would know.” There was a short silence before Celestia spoke again. “Luna, what were-”

“Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity. Now please, Celestia, in the name of Mother and Father open the door.” Luna practically begged. Several seconds of silence lapsed across the room. The quiet was almost deafening to Luna and Cadence.

“Celestia?” Luna called out, her voice softer this time. “Are you there?” Another long silence went by before the door's locks rattled. It swung open to reveal Celestia standing there. She was in her normal regal pose, but she still looked to Luna uncertainly.

The Night Alicorn ignored her sister, rushing out of the room and brushing by the taller alicorn. Luna moved down the hall quickly, her rapid steps aided by quick flaps of her wings which propelled her further down the long white corridor. Celestia had to sprint to catch up with her sister. The door behind her slammed shut with a muffled THUMP, leaving a very confused Cadence behind.

“Luna,” Celestia breathed. Irritation was evident in her tone, but she doubted her sister even noticed. The younger mare seemed to be far too preoccupied with her thoughts. “I don't know what's going on, but — ”

“Where are her things?” Luna interrupted, still not looking at Celestia. Instead, she stared forward, her eyes wide and focused on nothing.

Celestia looked to her sister with concern and annoyance in her eyes. “Luna, we have more pressing matters than Twilight Sparkle's luggage.”

“Truthfully, nothing else could be more important than Twilight's items.” Luna responded. Celestia didn't know if Luna intended to come across so flippant, but she found her patience for her sister beginning to wane. “I feel they may contain the clue I need to understand what Twilight is attempting to accomplish.” Luna continued. “I simply have no time for anything else right now, and I am in need of your help as well.”

Celestia stopped dead in her tracks. “Even if it was about Rainbow Dash?”

Luna froze, turning her gaze to Celestia. “What has she done?” Luna asked, her voice carrying a slight tremor. For the first time since she awoke, Luna finally gave Celestia her full attention.

“Your student arrived some time after you fell asleep.” Celestia began, her jaw pulled tight. “I found her trying to convince several guards to let her into Twilight's room. The mare is a mess, sister. Luckily, she retrained herself to begging instead of attempting to force her way in.”

Luna heaved a massive sigh. Her head hung low as she stared at the floor. “I can only imagine where she intended to go.” She mumbled, barely loud enough for Celestia to hear.

The elder alicorn snorted in response. “I don't believe it would be all that difficult. I was there to intervene before she truly got desperate. It took me some time, but I managed to convince her to stay in one of the more comfortable rooms. I left several sentries outside her door, and haven't heard anything since.”

Luna was silent as she stared down at the cold floor. Her ethereal mane flowed around her. As if it had a mind of its own, it snapped and whipped outwardly, seemingly as active and conflicted as her thoughts. Both hers and Celestia's had the tendency to do so.

“How long has has been there?” Luna finally groaned, rubbing at her eyes.

“Close to three hours.”

“Celestia, I have work to attend to, and I need you. What would you have me do?”

Celestia frowned down at her younger sister. “I would tell you to go to your student. Your friend. She needs your help, and she needs it now. She looked like a wild animal, Luna. Something is not right in all of this, and she needs you now more than ever.”

Luna was silent once more. Her sister made a compelling argument indeed. Luna wanted badly to turn her back on her sister, leaving her to care for Rainbow. But what was more important, a hunch, or another living pony?

“What room is she in?”

The room was filled by the sound of a constant, clop, clop, clop. Rainbow had been pacing for so long, you'd have thought she would have worn down the flooring by now. At first she had been thankful to Celestia for her room. While it was still the drab white color that dominated the rest of the Tombstone, the room was equipped with a small couch, some bookshelves, and even a record player so that she wouldn't be bored.

Normally, Rainbow would have been seated comfortably with a book on military history or something else on the subject, and would be waiting patently for her teacher. But much to her dismay, this was far from a normal day.

She had tried for some time to distract herself from the voice, but it was hopeless. Every time she picked up a book, the words would be replaced by the ones that she heard inside her head. She had tried to listen to some of the records that were left out for her, but the voice dominated the music.

Even sleep evaded her. After ignoring the sound for so long she fell into a short sleep, only to be plagued by constant nightmares. Since awakening, she had begun rapidly pacing the length of the room over and over and over again.

She walked until she memorized every tile on the floor and ceiling. Every crack or scratch that hid in even the smallest corners of the room was known to her after a while. She walked until she knew intimately the sound of her hooves beating against the floor with each step.

And then, she kept walking.

Nothing would silence it. Not when the music played. Not when she focused on her hooves tapping against the hard floor. Not when she screamed and yelled, pleading and begging for peace. Nothing would silence the malevolent creature.

'But why would you want that?' The voice whispered. 'I am here to help you. That's all I want to do. Help, Rainbow Dash. You have no reason to fear me. I would never bring harm to you.

'In fact, you should be grateful I am here.' Rainbow moaned loudly. How could she be grateful for this? Nopony is ever happy to be afflicted with a plague such as she was.

'A plague?' The voice called, seemingly offended. 'You're not a good listener, are you, child? I am no plague. If you truly want me gone you could just wish me away, but you don't. You just try to convince yourself you want me gone, but deep down you know the truth.'

'I am here to help.' It repeated. As it spoke, Rainbow's fear melted away slowly.

'Maybe she's right.' Rainbow thought to herself, finally ceasing her pacing. 'Maybe I don't want her gone.'

'No. What is wrong with me?! I can't listen. I won't. She just wants to hurt me like she's already done.'

'But she says he can help. We can find Scootaloo... We can kill Twilight.'

'Yes. Go now. Go while she is trapped. Feel her bones turn to dust between your hooves. Feel the blood spill from her body. Feel her life drift away, and let her soul rot in Tartarus. Go now, brave warrior. KILL HER!'

“Rainbow Dash?”

The cyan mare turned to face the door to her room. There, in the entrance, was Luna. She hadn't even heard her teacher come in. Was she distracted by something? Rainbow could have sworn she was thinking about something, but... she couldn't quite remember.

Well, it couldn't have been all that important if she just forgot it like that.

“Oh... hey, Princess.” Rainbow said plainly. As if she was seeing Luna on a normal day. Luna looked to the mare uncertainly. This was not how she had expected to see Rainbow. From what her sister had said, Luna was prepared for a desperate pony. Rainbow Dash looked perfectly normal.

The cyan mare carried herself in a strong and confident manner, as she always did. She didn't slouch or sag. In fact, she looked well-rested and clean. The bandages that wrapped around her waist were slightly crumpled, but the burns on her hind legs were mostly healed.

“Um, Princess?” Rainbow asked with an inquisitive stare. Her hooves shuffled nervously as she looked at her friend and mentor.

“Yes, Rainbow?” Luna answered, still not taking her eyes off of the smaller mare.

Rainbow seemed to shy away from Luna, as if she was trying to escape the alicorn's teal eyes. Every time she tried to meet Luna's eyes, she felt they were staring into her. A rather uncomfortable feeling indeed. “Princess, are you okay? You're looking at me like you were expecting somepony different.”

Luna was silent. 'That's because I was.' She thought to herself, still wary of the mare in front of her.

The silence persisted, covering the room like a thick layer of fog. Anypony else in the room could have cut through the tension with a knife. Though the Princess was too preoccupied to notice it, Rainbow Dash could definitely sense the stiffness. She tried to approach Luna, but felt as if the alicorn had restricted her with her mind.

Finally, she couldn't take it any longer. “PRINCESS LUNA!'” Rainbow shouted at the top of her lungs, effectively snapping the alicorn out of her stare and causing her to stumble back a few steps.

“What!?” Luna yelled back. “What is it?” Rainbow stared at her for a moment, her eyes beginning to water. Luna's eyebrows crossed. “Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?”

The cyan mare raised a hoof to cover her mouth for a moment, staring back at her teacher. Finally, she couldn't take the pressure any more. Falling backwards, she let out a torrent of giggles. She clutched her stomach as she rolled back and forth, laughing so hard that she thought her bandages might burst.

This only furthered Luna's confusion, yet she herself could not resist cracking a smile at the ridiculous scene before her. Soon she was chuckling along with the pegasus. “Rainbow Dash,” she said, shaking her head, “just what in Equestria is so funny?”

It took several moments before Rainbow's laughter finally subsided. Eventually the mare found her way to her hooves, still chuckling to herself. Luna still stared at her, but the tension was long gone from the room. Instead of a cautious grimace, a warm smile dominated Luna's features.

“I'm sorry, Princess.” Rainbow finally spoke in-between gasps for air. Clearly the laughing fit had taken its toll, as Rainbow cradled her aching stomach with one hoof. It did not, however, detract from the humor of the situation. “It's just... You should have seen yourself. I've never seen you look so surprised. When I shouted at you...”

Rainbow trailed off, losing herself in her laughter once more. She had such a sweet laugh. You wouldn't think it from her coltish demeanor and tomboy attitude. It was the one time that her true side showed. The innocent, carefree, and happy side that she only showed around her family. Luna considered herself lucky to be included in the mare's family. Much like a parent, it pleased her to no end when she saw Rainbow happy and aloof.

“Well, I was having a bit of a rough day. Do you think it showed?” Luna teased back at her student, a small smirk taking its place on her features. Rainbow Dash ate it right up.

“A little bit?” She snorted. “Princess, you looked like you were going to a funeral and I was the one in the basket. Hell, you looked at me like I had just sat up in my coffin. And you didn't even say hello?” Rainbow turned her head up and away, similar to how the nobles of the castle did. Her sense of playfulness was not lost on Luna, however.

Luna approached the pegasus, wrapping one wing around Rainbow's midsection and giving her an affectionate nuzzle. “Well, according to my sister, you did almost get into a fight with several guards who were standing out front. I wasn't sure how you were doing.”

She looked into Rainbow's eyes as the cyan mare stared back. Luna's heart shone with a motherly love as she met her student's gaze. “I was so caught up with what I was doing that I had nearly forgotten about you. It was rather selfish of me to not even bother checking up on you. Once again, I have my sister to thank.”

Rainbow nervously rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah, I guess I did kinda lose it out there for a few. The funny part is, I really don't know what happened. One second I was fine and the next... Well, you know.”

“Well,” Luna began, drawing her friend even close to her, “I wouldn't say you were 'just fine.' In fact, none of us have been very clear-headed as of late. We all make mistakes, it seems. Not even the 'Legendary Alicorn Sisters' are cured of misfortune and perfect emotional control.” She swept her hoof out in front of her, as if she were reading off of an invisible sign.

“I guess I have you to thank, Commander Dash.” She untangled herself from her student, standing to attention. She raised one hoof to her brow, her eyes close and her head raised dramatically. “You have done me a great service this day by curing me of my sadness. I am in your debt this day, soldier.”

Playing along, Rainbow straightened her pose, mirroring her Princess and flashing her a quick salute as Luna lowered her own. It felt as if they hadn't shared a moment like this in years.

Bu as all else in life, the good times had to end.

“Well, I had been with Fluttershy since she was taken in and since... Well, your meeting with Ms. Sparkle. I was wondering if you found anything out about Scootaloo and Sweetie?” Luna looked down at her student. She was surprised to see that Rainbow showed no signs of anger or fear. Simply, a quiet solemness for the situation. She had even referred to Twilight as Miss, something which surprised Luna.

The alicorn sighed loudly. “I'm afraid that the situation deteriorated rather quickly once I entered the room. We still do not know where either of them are. I entered Twilight's mind, but its splintering has made it difficult to see into her thoughts and dreams. Instead, I must speak with those damned fragments, and I'm afraid that turned up nothing concerning the fillies.”

Rainbow nodded sullenly. It was the answer she had both expected and dreaded. She was silent for a moment. Luna could swear she saw the gears in Rainbow's head turn. She knew exactly what the mare's next question was going to be.

“Luna... I think we both know what I am about to ask, but please. I beg of you from the bottom of my heart, please let me go in there.”

Luna's face was a stone wall. Silent, unmoving, and unreadable. She betrayed no emotion as she looked down on her student, though inwardly she cringed. 'And we had been having such a wonderful time.'

“Rainbow... You know what I have to say.” She said coldly. She didn't intend for her words to sound so harsh, but her voice betrayed her. Rainbow seemed to understand, however. She slumped forward as she sighed, and looked as disappointed as a foal who was told that they couldn't have a toy.

“But... you could go with me. You could put a field between the two of us. Hell, you could let me talk to her over the intercom.” Rainbow pleaded, her voice remarkably calm despite her begging.

Still Luna stood adamant. “Rainbow Dash. Look at me.” At first Rainbow refused, knowing that she wouldn't like her answer. With one hoof Luna tipped Rainbow's head up, forcing the mare to meet the alicorn's eyes.

“Rainbow, I know you want in there. You have every right to do so. But my little pony, I cannot allow you in there.” Rainbow tried to turn away from Luna. She didn't want her teacher to see the tears that were brimming in her eyes.

“You may think me cruel for denying you, but there is a reason I must forbid you so. When I entered that room, Twilight set her words upon me. She... she showed me something I didn't want to see. Something that would only serve to cause me harm. If you enter that room, she will only do the same to you.”

“It is not for her safety that I don't allow you to see her. It is for your own.” Luna brushed one hoof against Rainbow's cheeks and whipped away her tears. “I can't bear to see you harmed more than you already have been. If it was Twilight in that room, maybe. Just maybe I would allow you to enter. But that is not Twilight Sparkle. It appears that her demon has finally set itself upon her mind. Who knows how much longer she has left, before we can no longer help her?”

Luna hugged Rainbow tightly against her chest, stroking the young mare's mane. “Many think us to be invincible. Undying. All-powerful. And yet here we are, unable to help a single lost filly. Who are we to rule a country when we could not save just ONE of our citizens?”

“That, my dear, is the cost of immortality. Having to be reminded of your mistakes over and over and over again. It is my greatest pain, and it will only grow in time.” She pulled away from Rainbow. “That is why I cannot allow you entry. I cannot bear to lose another whom I hold so dearly. If I did, I would not be able to live with myself.”

Luna released the pegasus, turning towards the door. The white barrier swung open, but Luna paused before she left. “Would you like to come with me? There is still something I am interested in learning. My last resort, you could say. I wouldn't mind your company.”

Rainbow refused to look to her teacher. “No thank you, Princess. I just need to be alone for a little while.”

Luna nodded gently before allowing the door to close behind her. Silence filled the room once more as Rainbow stared bitterly at the floor. She sighed to herself, a quiet, sad sound that did nothing more than bring her down even more. Maybe she should have gone with Luna. It wouldn't do her any good to just sit here on her own.

'But you're not alone, little bird. I am still here.' The voice spoke in her mind once more. There was something different about it this time. Instead of panic, Rainbow felt even more calm. The voice washed over her like a soothing wave. It was there for her, even when she felt nopony else was.

'Of course I am. Where would we be without each other? I cannot exist without you, nor can you without I. It is as simple as that. Now tell me, little bird. Why are you so sad?'

“What? Don't you know? Luna is worried about me. She says it would be dangerous to go in there. She thinks that Twilight will just use me. Bend me. Break me. Who am I to argue with Luna?”

'No, that is not the question you should be asking. The correct one is, 'Who is Luna to question me?' Can you not handle yourself against a mare in chains? Does she think you to be so helpless?'

“What? No. Of course not.” Rainbow responded, scoffing at the question. “She herself has said that I am the strongest mare she has ever known. She wouldn't think I was weak. Would she?”

The voice chuckled darkly. 'Are you so blind, that you do not see through her lies? She is controlling you. You could fight through an army of Twilight Sparkles. What is one mare in chains to you, hmm? Go. Prove to Luna how strong you are. Show her that you can tame a wild beast.'

Rainbow felt as if she was being raised up. At first her hooves resisted, but with each step it became easier and easier to move forward. Soon, she had swung the door open and was peering down the long hall. The voice was right. What is one mare in chains to the strongest warrior in all of Canterlot?

Author's Note:

Happy Tuesday, everypony.

*Edit: I almost forgot to mention, one of my avid readers Norden whom I love to death wrote an amazing in-between chapter for Homecoming. You can find it below and you should know that it is rated Mature, but contains no actual sexual content. It's a bit difficult to explain, but see for yourself and decide if you are interested or not but I would absolutely recommend reading up on it.

Thank you once again Norden for your great job. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/198895/erotributes

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