• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,162 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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After the fact

All the way to the hospital, Celestia could tell that Luna was very distraught. Luna was very discreet in what she did, but Celestia always knew what bothered her. As the night princess frowned and stared at the ground on the trip there, Celestia could see the gears turning in her head. She knew it was a problem when Luna initially suggested they walk. She wanted more time to think.

Celestia knew Luna was upset about losing. She was a master chess player and an amazing strategist. Losing, to Luna, was like having a piece of her taken away. The loss was small, but the shame was great. The fact that she was taken by surprise left her scarred. Celestia tried, but she knew she wouldn't be able to cheer her sister up. Thousands of years together had taught Celestia when to leave her sister to her thoughts.

Eventually they arrived at the tall white building, already housing Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, and Cadence. As they entered the room, the three occupants turned towards them, their eyes lit up in the excitement of learning about the journal.

As the two alicorns approached, however, the others quickly saw that something was amiss. They saw the night princess's head hang as she walked towards them.

“Princess? Is there a problem?”

Luna lifted her head and finally met the eyes of the others.

“The journal is lost.”

The group was silent. Rainbow Dash was out of bed and pacing, a scowl across her face. Luna's head dropped down again, and the royal couple remained silent.

The silence remained until Rainbow bucked a cart full of medical supplies. It clattered and broke everyone out of their stump. The all turned to the pegasus, who now stood, her expression calm.

“Come on! Are we sit around and mope, or are we going to solve the problem?”

The room nodded in answer, and Rainbow sat on the floor, ignoring the pain in her flank.

“Now, then, what happened? I heard there was an explosion at the castle, and minutes later, we received messages telling to meet back here? So would you kindly explain what in the hell is going on?”

Luna was silent for a moment. She finally took a deep breath and spoke, “Twilight Sparkle found out the journal was missing. I just don't know how she found out where it was though. Maybe it was luck, but I'm not sure. I didn't detect any wards, runes, or spells on or in the book. She could have hidden one, but I should have been able to detect it. I don't understand how she is doing all that she does.”

“Well, I've been with you for years, so tell me.” Rainbow leaned forward. “How much of the journal did you read?”

Luna sighed deeply again. “I may have a lead. Her journal entries mentioned a cryptic figure later on. Some pony who was teaching her. She said that it was helping her. She mentioned it gave her a gift. When she described it, it literally sounded as if it gave her insanity.”

The four ponies around her looked at her confusedly.

“The gift,” she continued, “describes, very well, the... creature I saw in her mind. She said its eyes were pitch-black, and it had a smile, a smile that made her afraid. Around this time, she was having blackouts. Shining Armor, do you remember her saying anything about that?”

Shining Armor sighed as he thought back to when he still had Twilight.

“I...Maybe. I'm... not sure. I think she... YES. She would talk to me, and end a conversation abruptly and walk away. She would come back a minute or two later all confused, asking when we stopped talking. She hadn't been getting sleep, so I thought she was just sort of... sleepwalking.”

“Hmm. The point is that there is a chance she isn't completely in control. Hopefully we could get through to her.”

“So what about the explosion? Care to explain that?” Cadence asked.

“As I said, she found out the journal was missing, but what was interesting was that the rune used very little of her energy. There were two more energy sources. The first I have an idea about. The other…”

Luna turned to her sister.

“…was solar.”

Luna looked back to the others. “What hit the tower was a rare rune that draws from an energy source once it's started up. Starting it up requires either multiple sources or one extremely powerful magic source. Clearly she is weak from your battle,” she said, pointing one hoof to her student, “as she had help. Another magic source to activate the rune. The power source was the sun.”

“Yes, Luna, but unlike earlier, I didn't feel her take control of the sun. If she is as weak as you say she was, and she would seek help, then she couldn't have anyway. Unless she-”

“-Took excess energy and converted it. That is exactly what she did*.”

Shining Armor spoke up. “She was smart. Brilliant even, as a filly. The way you describe her is borderline genius.”

“Not borderline, Captain. She is a genius. Though the situation would bid the title 'evil mastermind,' but as we stated she might not be in total control. And that may be our, and her, saving grace. She was guiding the rune, and I met her head on before it destroyed the tower. She wasn't just aggravated. She was panicked, frightened, even desperate. There was something in that journal she didn't want us to find, or she didn't want us to find anything out about her. We now know that when put in a dangerous scenario, she may act recklessly. That is her weakness, and using that, we might be able to draw her out.”

“But that could be dangerous, couldn't it?” Shining asked, concerned. “Aggravating her to the point where she will make desperate moves could be dangerous. What if she doesn't? What if she's smarter than that? She could have made this move knowing you wouldn't be able to find her… yet.”

The room was silent yet again. “That,” Luna started, “is also a possibility. But she is currently leaving bodies and a wake of destruction everywhere she goes. We need to find her, and we need to stop her, maybe even try to help her.”

“But what if she doesn't want help?” Rainbow asked, earning a sneer from Shining Armor.

“We'll just have to try.”

The room was silent again. It persisted for what seemed like hours. “Well on that note, we have to go,” Shining Armor spoke up, motioning to his wife. “We promised we would visit my parents, and we had better go to make our appointment.”

“Well then, It's time we prepare, don't you think? How long do we have?” Rainbow inquired after the couple had left.

“I would wager only a day or two. I have the feeling she is getting close.”

“Understood. Well, I'm not staying here another night. I'm going to do something,” Rainbow said, moving towards a shelf with some things Scootaloo had brought.

Luna sighed deeply. “Very well, but at least go and see your family. They are still worried. Seeing you come home will make them feel better.”

“I was planning on it.”


Dear Octavia:

‘This seems wrong. She normally calls me by her pet name. I always hated it when others called me “Tavi,” but when she did it, I liked it. It always sounded so much cuter coming from her…’ Octavia thought as she remembered Twilight’s second letter.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I won’t be there for a few more days. I know you're looking forward to seeing me, as I am too. It will only be a day or two. No more than that, I promise.

‘I would wait a hundred years. A thousand, if I knew I would see you again.’

It has been so long and I can't wait to see you again. I will see you soon.

With all my love, T.S.

‘Only a few more days. I can deal with a few more days. I have been patient and I can st-‘


The musician snapped her head to the side as she was pushed to the side, just missing a small food cart. She looked to where she was pushed, an apologetic smile creeping up on her face.

The light blue mare next to her stared with a confused look on her face. Her mane was white and light purple striped, the same color as her 3 star cutie mark. Her ice blue eyes stared into Octavia's in concern.

“Are you okay, Octavia? You were just staring off and almost ran into that stallion's cart.”

She looked behind her, waving an apologetic hoof to the glaring stallion. As she did, she took a quick glance around the market square to see if anypony had seen her. “I'm sorry Velvet. I was just staring off. What were you saying?”

Velvet smiled. “I was saying, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight. I have an announcement to make tonight, and I wanted to see if you were available. It will mostly be family, but I wanted some of my closer friends as well.”

Octavia considered it for a moment. “I don't know. I have a show tonight at Canterlot Theater. If I get out early enough, I can come over, but I don't know. I also have a... guest coming soon and I have to get ready for her.”

“I see. Well, if you are available, come on over. You’re always welcome.”

Octavia gave her a warm smile. “Thank you, Velvet. You've always been wonderful.” She watched a head before turning back to Velvet. “Speaking of which, isn't that your son and daughter-in-law?”

Velvet looked where her friend pointed. “Ah. So it is.”

The two mares watched as the couple approached them. “Hello, Mother,” Shining started, his face drooping from what seemed was exhaustion.

“Well, it was lovely seeing you, Velvet,” Octavia quickly called, seeing this was most likely a personal matter, “but I'll leave you to your family. Until next time!” Octavia called as she walked away.

As she did, she felt a pang of guilt in her chest.

'The poor thing. If only she knew.'

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