• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Insanity from isolation

7 Days remaining

Fluttershy hummed sweetly to herself as she strolled through her home, a small water pot held between her teeth as she moved back and forth between the small plants strewn about her large home. Occasionally an insect or bird would fly through the open windows, searching through the plants or giving their hellos to Fluttershy before going on their way once again.

There were only three things that the buttercup mare's life revolved around: her family, her home, and, of course, her animal friends. Due to Rainbow Dash's prestigious position, Fluttershy was able to stay and tend to their home, and Scootaloo as well. There was no need for her to work, and she rarely had to make trips to the market or otherwise. Though she didn't have room to keep an entire forest full, she still managed to tend to most all of her animal friends in Ponyville, as well as making excursions to the forest and hills below Canterlot.

Occasionally they would take trips to Cloudsdale or to Ponyville to see friends, which she gladly went on, but otherwise she felt most comfortable at home. In Fluttershy's mind, it was where her work was. While her talent was often thought to be communicating with animals, her true talent was helping others, and ponies were no exception. When they had all moved into the house, she had practically declared herself as the homemaker, and did her work with a spring in her step. Her ability to communicate with all creatures was what made her so good at helping every thing she could.

Rainbow Dash was out, probably working despite what Luna and Fluttershy had asked her to do. For such a caring mare, Rainbow Dash was more stubborn than any other Fluttershy had met. She always put Fluttershy and Scootaloo before herself, and seemed to shrug off anything that stopped her, injuries included. The buttercup pegasus chuckled to herself. Rainbow Dash had never heard of relaxation or a peaceful day. She seemed to always find an excuse to stay on her hooves; whether it be for her family or her work, she always found it in her to keep going, and never spent time for herself.

At least when she did come home, she never brought her work with her. While home she spent all of her time playing and talking with Scootaloo, or helping Fluttershy around the house.

Wile the ever-working pegasus went about her business, Scootaloo was away at school. They had tried multiple places for the small pegasus, but she had constantly suffered from problems related to her extremely short attention span. While each of the three tribes had their strengths and weaknesses, Pegasi were noted for the highest count of ADHD- and ADD-positive foals and adults. There was a reason the winged ponies were often called airheads, or told to get their mind out of the clouds, as unfair a stereotype as that was.

Scootaloo, after multiple attempts at multiple schools, had finally settled in an “experimental” school. There foals enjoyed a total freedom to learn what they wanted, provided they at least try each class offered. There were no formal teachers in the sense of classrooms, instead the teachers were called guides, and were the heads of multiple different subjects. Each guide was specially trained to notice learning patterns in young ponies, and was versed in basic foal psychology. They were there to assist and guide the foals instead of teach them, so as to help them stay on track with their learning and growth.

At first it had sounded strange, but after some thought they had decided to give it a shot, and the results were marvelous. Scootaloo, as expected, had a few troubling days when she had first started in the school, but quickly found her “rhythm” as they called it and was progressing wonderfully. She suffered from attention issues as well as a serious lack of confidence, which led to her often zipping around from idea to idea, especially when it came to her cutie mark. Since she started at the school, though, she had finally gained a sense of confidence, and had stopped with her often-ridiculous schemes, now focusing on one “project” at a time and working through her troubles.

Of course she still had lingering troubles and issues, but she was quickly maturing and becoming independent, despite being only 12 years old. Also despite her growth, she and Rainbow still had an excellent relationship, and Fluttershy doubted that it would change anytime soon. Rainbow had a total understanding of Scootaloo, and always helped her when she needed help and pushed her when she needed a push.

As Fluttershy returned to the kitchen, her watering pot still in her mouth, she heard a knock at her door. “Coming.” She called to the pony outside, resting her pot on the kitchen counter.

A moment later she opened the door to reveal the pony waiting outside. It was an earth pony mare. Her coat was a mix of grey and white which reminded Fluttershy of fresh ash in a fire place. She wore a vibrant purple and red vest and a pair of purple slanted glasses. Behind the clear lenses was a pair of piercing green eyes.

The strange mare held an air of confidence that radiated throughout her entire body. Her stance, her expression, her entire body was rigid and straight as she stared down at the smaller pegasus, causing Fluttershy to slink back in fear. Seeing this the mare corrected herself, replacing her frown with a gentle smile.

“Miss Fluttershy,” she said in a clear and confident voice, full of strength and authority, “my name is Pencil Pusher. I have been employed by the Princesses as part of a psychological examination for Commander Rainbow Dash.” The mare lifted a purple and red bag off of the ground and reached inside. Fluttershy hadn't realized the bag's presence until Pencil Pusher had leaned down to get it.

From the bag, the earth pony pulled out an official-looking letter and handed the sheet of paper to the pegasus. Fluttershy unfolded it to see the Royal Guard letterhead and an official stamp at the bottom of the page.

As she read the letter, Pencil Pusher spoke again. “Due to recent events involving Commander Dash, I have been asked to speak with you. Because of her reaction to dark magic, we have reason to believe that she could have, or may receive in the future, damage to her mind.”

Fluttershy stared open-mouthed at the letter, looked up at Pencil, then back down to the letter again. The ashen mare gave her a sympathetic look. “If you would be willing to allow me into your home, I would be able to explain in greater detail.”

Instantly Fluttershy snapped back to reality. “Yes yes, of course. Please, come in.” Pencil stepped into the large home, looking around at the plants adorning each wall. It was quite the uncommon sight, seeing a house turned into a small forest such as the one close to Fluttershy's home.

After a few minutes, both mares were reclined in chairs across from each other. Pencil leaned back in her chair, her forehooves laying in her lap. “Now that we are more properly situated, I can give you a better explanation, as I assume you would like.”

Fluttershy snapped to attention and nodded to the ashen mare. “Yes, please.” Fluttershy called, louder than she had expected to. Pencil nodded to the slightly-panicked mare. In her lap rested a pad of paper with a pencil laying on top of the white sheet. She regarded the buttercup pegasus with a soft expression as she took a breath.

“Recently, Commander Dash has been exposed to a... dark, form of magic, as I assume you are aware. As I have been told, you have been a personal witness to this as well as,” she lifted the pad, flipping through the pages until her eyes rested on one line, “Miss Scootaloo?” She met Fluttershy's eyes again, and the pegasus nodded in affirmation.

“Cases like this are rare.” She continued. “In Equestria's time of peace and harmony, dark magic like this is extremely uncommon, and is almost never seen anymore. Something dangerous and potent as this magic has not been seen by the public since the Discordant Era.” Fluttershy began to sink back into her chair, her wide eyes scared. “Since she was taken back to the castle by Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash has been put through numerous healing processes, some small and others great.”

“Under normal circumstances, Miss Rainbow Dash would be processed, put into a medical ward for a few days, maybe weeks, and released. But this is no normal circumstance. We have reason to believe that not only has she been exposed to potent dark magic, but she has been exposed repeatedly.”

“The Princesses and workers in the medical section of the Palace are quite keen and knowledgeable on the subject, but the problem with dark magic is its ability to lay in waiting. Dark magic has a mind of its own. It takes a pony's mind and not only corrupts it, but sometimes splits it. Fractures it. From what I was informed of the incident, a similar event took place in this very home only a few days ago. This gives us a better look at the severity of the infection, as you could call it.”

Seeing Fluttershy's now-horrified expression, her voice took on a more sympathetic tone. “You have nothing to fear. While the case for Miss Dash may be severe, we have many ways to combat this sort of thing, and I am part of one of the first steps.

“Due to dark magic's 'tricky' nature, it has many ways to disguise itself and stay hidden. Magic like this can recede into a pony's mind, make itself appear as if it has been destroyed or been completely transferred out of a pony. But over time it grows back, and it grows back stronger, similar to a virus or malignant disease. The magic will attach itself to a pony, worm its way through the cracks in a their mind and find a way to grow again. From there, it will latch onto the victim's weakness. Bad memories, bad habits, frustrations, and even everyday situations can help to trigger the black magic. It can grow and grow and grow inside of a pony, festering and building upon anger and other emotions as well as adding to them by twisting and leveraging a pony from their own mind, until it literally breaks. For the subject involved, it would be a gradual and intense process, sometimes running the course of years before the sickness itself is noticeable by outside sources or the pony themselves. Repeated exposure can be a surefire cause for this type of activity, and that is what we are currently preparing for.”

“I don't mean to scare you, Miss Fluttershy, but I can see that my words are currently working their way into your fears.” Pencil motioned to the pegasus. “Allow me to put those fears to rest. As I said, dark magic practically has a mind of its own, but we have spent years studying it and we've found ways to combat it. In the case of Rainbow Dash, we employ a certain system to keep a constant check on the pony so that we can look for signs of increased aggression, frustration, anger, sadness, desperation, extreme depression, and any other symptoms that could act as a catalyst. Part of this is a mandatory psychological examination of a pony's past as well as constant watch by a psychologist, psychiatrist, or any number of other professionals.”

“Each and every pony will personally report to the Princesses any and all changes that are noted in the subject, Commander Dash in this scenario. This process could go on for weeks, months, or even years, but is to absolutely ensure that all traces of dark magic are eradicated from a pony.”

“I am here to begin the first step in this process. Under normal circumstances, one of the Princesses, most likely Princess Luna or leading members of the guard, would personally conduct the evaluation, but due to the close relationship that Commander Dash holds to all three Princesses and Captain Shining Armor, I have been hired to conduct this interview. The close relationship which has been formed by the Royal Family to Rainbow could cause favoritism to come into play, swaying thinking and the thought process of a pony.”

“I need you to, with your consent of course, give a me a detailed history of Miss Dash which we will take into account during her medical and psychological examinations, and will use a base for our findings and reports. The information you give use can greatly impact what we find and do in her case.”

“While the process may be difficult at the beginning, make no mistake that we are doing this to ensure Commander Dash's, Scootaloo's, and your own safety. We can offer any amount of funds to make this process more comfortable for your family, and we will attempt to ensure that we do not interrupt your family life in any way.”

“Now,” Pencil adjusted her position, sitting up even taller and wearing a determined expression, “if you are ready we can begin at any time, but I can wait if you are not yet sure about speaking. If you would like, I can give you a moment to think about my request, but it would be best if we began immediately. I know that this an extraordinary amount of information to receive at one time, and I understand any caution or fear you may feel, but what we learn from this interview will be critical for helping all ponies involved.”

Fluttershy took a long, deep, shaky breath. Pencil Pusher wasn't kidding when she said that this was a lot to be given. Fluttershy wanted to collapse to the floor and cry, but knew that this was no time to do such a thing. Rainbow Dash had always helped them in any way she could. Fluttershy knew that it was time to return the favor by helping her in any way that she could.

“W-where do you want me to start?” Her timid voice faltered at first. Pencil Pusher smiled at her slight stutter, not to make fun but as a sign of understanding. She lifted the pad and pencil which had been laying dormant in her hooves. “From the very beginning, if you will.”

The door swung open gently, revealing a bleak pony standing in the doorway. Shining Armor slowly walked into the pale room, allowing the white steel to slam shut behind him. In front sat a silent Octavia, regarding him with her deep, caring eyes.

Shining froze for a moment. Just like last time, her eyes had immediately found his once he had entered the room. He stood in the middle of the room, their eyes meeting in a long stare. There was a long silence between the two. Slowly, Shining's hooves began to move, shuffling closer to the metal table where Octavia sat, still in her handcuffs.

It had taken him some time, but once his anger had left him, his head felt clearer and he felt much better about speaking. Once again he pulled out the metal chair and sat down, the other vacant at his side.

The silence persisted for a moment, before it was interrupted by a sharp intake of air. “I feel that we got off on the wrong hoof.” Shining said, quickly. As if he wanted to beat her to speaking first. He chuckled to himself. “It seems I'm still not doing a very good job. Guess my emotions are still a little mixed up, huh?” He smiled wearily to Octavia, who gave him a polite smile in return.

“Before we begin, would you like anything? Water? Tea? Hot chocolate?”

Octavia's smile disappeared, replaced with a frown. “I'll take nothing.” She returned, her voice cold and calm. “I have the sinking feeling that once the glass touches my lips your partner will walk into the room and knock it out of my hooves.”

Shining Armor chuckled lightly, shaking his head. “No, no, it's just me this time. I won't be playing the good colt/bad colt routine. It was never my flavor of cake anyway. Colt Scout's honor?”

Octavia gave him a doubting smile. “Were you ever really in the Colt Scouts?” She asked, the smile growing more playful.

Shining's smile grew. “No, but that doesn't mean that honesty isn't the best policy. Besides, this is an interrogation. What's that point of lying if I want somepony to tell the truth? It doesn't exactly set the best example.”

Octavia looked to him with a warm smile. “Well, I suppose you are right. But I am telling the truth, Captain. I don't know about Twilight. I know you doubt me and I don't want to cause you pain, I mean it, but I truly don't know where she is and if I did, she could just move on to another pony. If she is as dangerous as you truly think her to be, then shouldn't you have guards patrolling up and down Canterlot's streets looking for her? I don't mean to offend you, but it doesn't make much sense for you two to be spending all of your time on me.”

Shining regarded her with a kind smile. “While I partially agree with you, what else is the point of a prime suspect than a focus point for us? Unfortunately, you are our prime suspect. Like I said not long ago, I brought you here because I have reason to believe that you're involved. I didn't like it, believe me. I find it hard to believe that someone of your stature would be caught up in all of this, but I found significant evidence against you, as well as a marker on your home which links it to an assault which took place only a few nights ago.”

As if a light switch had been thrown, Octavia's posture changed. Her body went stiff and her hardened eyes locked in on Shining Armor's. The earth pony's jaw hung slack for a moment before readjusting. There was a tension in the air so thick it made Shining feel sluggish.

“What?” Octavia said after a few moments. Shock was clear in both her words and her tone as she stared at Shining Armor with wide eyes. The large stallion grimly nodded at her, confirming her fear with a simple motion. For the first time Octavia looked away from Shining Armor, her gaze downcast at the table as she slowly shook her head.

“We have been aware of Twilight's... presence, for almost a month. Even before she got to Canterlot. Just a few nights ago, we had some... soldiers running recon. Not on your house specifically. You only recently became a serious suspect.” Octavia nodded to Shining, beckoning for him to continue. “The following morning, Princess Luna herself came to my door and practically broke it off of its hinges. She brought me and Princess Cadence back to the castle where I discovered that earlier that morning a message had been sent to us by an unknown pony.”

“The message was brought to a royal reader because it was addressed to nopony. You can understand that this is a rare occurrence, and with recent tensions we took it very seriously. We opened the letter to find a cryptic message and a rune which was used to store the body of our reconnaissance member. Luckily, Princess Cadence was able to save him due to the close friendship she had with him, and he is currently comatose in extreme care in the Palace hospital. We are told that he should wake up in the next few days, but we're still not entirely sure.”

“Before he was discovered, he sent a message to his comrades who were out with him. The message was brief, just him saying that he saw somepony who looked suspicious lurking in the alley behind a house, and he was going to follow them. Unsure if it was Twilight, he left a magical marker behind the house. After the incident the next day, I went looking for it, and lo and behold it was your home that had been tagged. All in all, it's why you're here now.”

Octavia shook her head gently, still staring down at the hard metal table. “Captain...” She began to speak but her voice trailed off. The pair sat in silence for another moment. “Captain Armor,” she started again, finally meeting his eyes, “I must say that I truly don't know how to respond. This is... this is quite the thing be told all of sudden.” She shook her head again. “I just can't even comprehend this sort of thing happening. This is not what I expected from a city like Canterlot. You're absolutely sure that it was my home?”

Shining quirked an eyebrow at the mare. “Positive.” His horn glowed, and in a flash of pink magic a file appeared on the table. “But you just reminded me of me of the main reason I came back in.” He flipped through the pages before turning the file and sliding it in front of her.

“While I doubt you will, it's customary to say that there is no point in destroying documentation. We have multiple copies and it would just serve to ensure your guilt AND make you look like a fool.” He said, rolling his eyes as if he was used to saying it.

Octavia scanned the page he had placed in front of her. It was her birth record for when she had grown up in Manehattan. “I don't understand. What does this have to do with anything?”

“Those are your birth records, or at least the ones that we know about. I find it rather interesting, that you were born with no parents and abandoned on the steps of this orphanage which has repeatedly gone under investigation for drug trafficking, smuggling, murder, and falsifying living records.”

Octavia shrugged. “There is a reason I left Manehattan. It's an aggressive, ruthless, and crime-filled city. Easily the highest crime rate in Equestria.” She said, matter-of-factually, as if she said it was going to rain later that day.

“Hmm. That still doesn't explain why the orphanage doesn't have an official birth certificate, which an orphanage can easily get if a foal is abandoned. Not to mention,” he pulled the file back, flipping a few pages before returning it to Octavia, “your school where you apparently, 'Discovered your skill and passion' for playing your prized cello doesn't have any solid history of your existence.”

Octavia regarded him with a simple frown. “Not all of us get to grow up in wonderful places, Captain Armor. Some have to struggle to achieve greatness.” Shining and Octavia stared each other down, their eyes locked. Shining opened his mouth before a voice called their attention.

Shining, I need you out here right now.” Rainbow Dash's voice called through the intercom. Shining turned to one wall of the room, staring at it as if there was a pony looking at him. It was most likely a window disguised with magic. Shining threw up his front hooves in exasperation. Not a moment later did Rainbow's voice call him again. This time a sense of panic in her voice.

SHINING GET YOUR FLANK OUT HERE RIGHT NOW.” Rainbow demanded, making it clear that she wasn't looking for an argument.

Shining looked at the window, back to Octavia, and back to the window. Standing up from his chair he pointed a hoof at Octavia. “We're not done yet.” He said as he jumped out of his chair, launching himself toward the door. The section of wall glowed in his magic before flinging itself open as he sprinted out. Almost as quickly as it had opened did the door slam shut, plunging the room into silence once again.

“Rainbow Dash and I grew up together on Cloudsdale. Most ponies think of Cloudsdale as the magnificent cloud kingdom, the pegasus paradise, the home of the Rainbow Falls. While these are true, Cloudsdale is indeed a magnificent place, it is not a wondrous place for all. For some, it can be a living hell. And I don't say such a thing lightly.”

“Pegasi take their jobs very seriously on Cloudsdale, more so than any other ponies I've seen elsewhere. Many pegasi live to work in Cloudsdale. Working in the weather patrols, managing the rainbows, assisting with flight school, and weather planning are the biggest and most sought-after jobs in Cloudsdale. The cream of the crop, if you will.”

“But there is a fatal flaw in Cloudsdale. The pegasi there are the strongest. The fastest. The bravest. The smartest. The most cunning. The most daring. Cloudsdale is where legendary pegasi are born, where they are raised, where they master their trade. It's a dream for a pegasus to be remembered in Cloudsdale. But for some, Cloudsdale can be a nightmare.”

“Everypony expects you to fall into a line, find a clique, or find work. For a city of free-fliers, many ponies seem to reject freedom. This was Rainbow's case. She was a free spirit. A roaming soul. A dreamer. A schemer. A loner. She didn't ever seem to fit in or find other ponies like her. She had a pompous attitude, always bragging about her speed and strength. It came as no surprise when I discovered the pain hidden behind her mask.”

“The first time I met Rainbow was when she had saved me from a group of thuggish young colts. While Rainbow was disliked by a few ponies because of her rebellious attitude, I was often targeted for my shyness. A flightless pegasus in Cloudsdale is a sad sight indeed. Often I was greeted with looks of pity, or mockery, or shame. I was a loner, like Rainbow Dash. No friends. My parents rejected me because of my lack of flying skills. My mother was a strong flier, the commander of her own weather patrol. She was a daredevil with a keen eye and a thrill for danger. My father was the same way, minus the glorious position. I'm sure it came to them as a great surprise when their daughter, from whom so much was expected, was nothing more than a shy, grounded pegasus.”

“They rarely paid attention to me, never comforted me in times of distress, never showed any interest my schooling or my life. It could have been worse, though. I had a place to live, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in, but I had little else. I guess that was what made my friendship with Rainbow so strong.”

“Commander Dash did not have a good home life, I'm assuming?” Pencil Pusher inquired. Fluttershy stared silently at the ceiling for a few moments before answering.

“To say that she had a bad home life would be an understatement, I think. Truthfully, I never knew what happened to her behind those doors. It's her closest secret, and it's one I have no intention of attempting to discover, but I'll get to that later.” Pencil nodded, urging on the buttercup mare.

“Anyway, these three colts had been chasing me for some time, throwing insults and hurtful words as I tried to run away. But as usual, their wings were faster than my hooves. They hovered above me after I had fallen to the ground, trying to cover my ears so that I couldn't hear them. A moment later I heard a yell and the sounds of a fight.”

“I mustered up the courage to peek out from behind my mane, and I saw her. Rainbow was zipping through the air fighting the colts, and she was winning. I watched for a few moments until the colts finally flew off nursing bumps and bruises, as well as wounds to their ego. Rainbow turned to me with a smile on her face and said those words that I will never forget.

“Hey, there. Are you okay?” The young cyan pegasus called, ignoring the throbbing in her nose as she faced the small pony who laid in a ball on the clouds. The buttercup mare was tiny, unbelievably thin, and the poor thing refused to even meet Rainbow's eyes.

Rainbow knelt down, causing the mare to curl up even tighter behind her large pink mane. “Hey, it's okay.” She said in a gentle and kind voice, reaching out with one hoof to Fluttershy. Slowly the filly peeked out, regarding the cyan hoof with a nervous glance.

Rainbow's smile only grew wider as she watched Fluttershy. “It's okay. I don't bite, I swear. Besides, I couldn't just let those colts beat up on you, now could I?” Slowly, Fluttershy reached out and took Rainbow's hoof. The said mare gently lifted the silent Fluttershy off of the clouds. The pair regarded each other silently for a few moments, the smile never leaving Rainbow's face.

“So... do you have a name?” Rainbow finally said, trying to break through the awkward silence.

Fluttershy shifted her hooves nervously for a moment, avoiding eye contact with the cyan mare standing parallel to her.

“Um...my name .. is...Fluttershy.”

Rainbow gave her an uneasy smile. “I'm sorry, but I didn't quite catch that.”

“My, um, name... is Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked, earning a small, quick nod from the skinny pegasus. “Nice name. Are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit... timid.”

Fluttershy sniffled softly. “I know. I'm sorry.” Fluttershy started to tear up.

“Well hey,” Rainbow started, “you don' have to feel bad. So what if you're feeling a bit shy, gets the best of all of us. Even somepony a cool as I am.” Rainbow puffed out her chest, with a large smirk. “But hey, I've seen you around before. You don't have any friends, do you?”

Fluttershy responded with a shake of her head, still staring dejectedly at the ground.

“Well now, don't feel bad about it. If it makes you feel any better, I don't have any friends either.” Rainbow said jovially, tipping her chin up with one hoof. Fluttershy finally locked eyes with Rainbow. The mare was brilliant. Her mane and tail were a bit ragged, but she had an impressive pair of wings on her and her body was lean, if a little lacking in muscle.

Her vibrant mane glinted in the sunlight as she gave Fluttershy a warm smile. “I'll tell you what. I don't like it when other ponies get bullied, and while I did scare them off for a while, eventually those colts will come back, and then you'll have to fight them yourself. And I don't think that you would do very well in a fight.” She gestured to Fluttershy's skinny frame. “And since I've never seen you with anypony, would you like to be my friend?” The cyan mare concluded.

Fluttershy stared at her, shocked. First, she had flown in unannounced and fought off three colts, and now she was asking Fluttershy to be her friend. The buttercup pegasus couldn't fight the small smile on her lips. “A friend? Oh that would be wonderful!” She exclaimed, enveloping Rainbow in a tight hug.

For a mare of her size, she was a lot stronger than she seemed, and Rainbow couldn't help but return the loving gesture. As the pair walked together, both Rainbow and Fluttershy could tell that this would be the start of a wonderful friendship.

“From then on, Rainbow and I spent every day together. We were inseparable. We walked together, talked together, and ate together. We were each other's best, and only, friends at the time. But we didn't care about that. We were all that we needed. She was there to protect me from bullies, and told me not to listen to their hurtful words, and I helped to support her in her training and activities.”

“I mentioned earlier about her family or, to be fair, her lack of family. In the seventeen years I've been Rainbow Dash's friend, I've learned almost nothing about her home life, and the little I have seen and heard is enough. From them, I can only imagine. Princess Luna is likely the only pony to whom Rainbow has told her story. I've never pressured either of them to find out more, it's not my place to do so and I consider the matter to go far beyond personal.”

“When we were younger and a few years before Rainbow joined the guard, I decided to personally ask about her family, if she had any that is. Over the next two years, though, I never found the courage to ask. She never talked about her home or her family. She never even told me where she lived, though now that I have an idea of what her home life was like, I doubt she spent much time there. Finally, after two years of working up the strength, I asked.”

“The moment that I did, her entire body changed. We had been reclining on a small cloud, talking and laughing with each other. The moment the question was asked, the laughter stopped. Her smile disappeared and her body went rigid, like a cat that had been startled. She made up an excuse that she had to go and before I could say another word, she flew off, leaving me on the cloud. She will probably still deny it to this day, but as she turned away I promise I saw tears in her eyes.”

“After that, I didn't see her for a few days. When I finally did, to say that she looked terrible would have been an understatement. Her mane was tangled far beyond the way it usually is. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, as if she had been crying non-stop for almost a week. As soon as we saw each other, she came to me and threw her hooves around me.”

“As she hugged me, I could feel tears coming down her face onto my shoulders. Her whole body moved with her sobs. I returned the hug, I couldn't do anything else. It was strange for me. For over two years she had been my protector and guardian, and yet, at that moment, I was the one holding her and telling her that it was okay.”

“I never asked her about it after that. There was no need to. I knew more than I ever wanted to know. It's strange when I think about it. Before the incident, I had never seen Rainbow cry or act like that. Sure, I had seen her sad or angry, but this was something different. But after... after that, it was like Rainbow wasn't afraid to hide her emotions from me. She was never afraid to go to ME for help, or to show me her tears.”

“However, her sadness didn't stop there. It was about five years after that. Rainbow Dash had just turned sixteen, and suddenly got it into her head to join the Royal Guard. One day she came to me saying that she wanted to join, but she didn't want to have to leave me for the twelve weeks of required training. She said that once she was accepted and she became an officer, she could get a small home for us both. Finally we could be free from our families and start our own lives. We talked, and I told her that if it was her dream and she really wanted it, then she should go as soon as possible.”

“The very next day I was helping her fill out the military forms. It took us three to four days before we finally finished them, but in the end we both knew that it was worth it. I went with her when she turned in the paperwork to the recruitment office. Rainbow was so proud, and I was proud of her. She said that it would take a few days before we would find out if she was accepted.”

“It wasn't take long before she was called in for a physical examination and test. Two days later, she found me and told me that she was accepted, and had even broken a few academy records. Not even a week later was she taken away to a camp for basic training.”

“Every day while she was away, I wrote letters to her talking about my day and telling her that I was okay. She would send letters when she could, but I never got more than one a week. Then, one week I didn't get one. Naturally, I assumed that she was busy with her training and understood if she couldn't get a letter to me. That is, until I got the letter.”

“One day it just showed up in the mail. It was a letter with an official stamp from the Cloudsdale Guard, and it was addressed to me. I opened it to find a condolence. It said that Rainbow had been seriously injured during lights-out, and they had yet to catch whoever had attacked her. They said that Rainbow was the youngest pony in training at the time and was top of her class. Apparently, others did not take kindly to not only being outdone by a sixteen year old, but a sixteen year old filly.”

“There were several stallions and one mare who were suspects in the attack, but the guards had gotten little information from Rainbow Dash, as they had her under heavy sedation. As soon as I finished reading the letter, I ran out of my house and all the way to the hospital where the letter said she was being held.”

“Once I arrived, several ponies tried to keep me out of her room, but I demanded that they let me through, and I even showed them the letter which had invited me to the hospital. I had never done anything like that before, but Rainbow was my friend, and I refused to take no for an answer. Once I finally convinced them to let me in, I found Rainbow in her room covered from head to hoof in bruises, cuts, bumps, and gashes.”

“The doctors said that amongst her more obvious injuries, she also had two broken ribs, a fractured hoof, severe tearing of muscles in her wings, concussions, and they had even put her in an induced coma. Right then, there was nothing they could do about the attackers until Rainbow was well enough to speak again. I found out, from one of the guards that had been there when she was found, that somepony had also been spreading rumors about her, and tried to get her kicked out multiple times.”

“To this day, I don't know how they found out, but at least one of her attackers had known about Rainbow Dash's issues at home. The pony had such a grudge against her that they spread the awful rumors and, when that wasn't enough to make her quit, almost killed her. While she was in the hospital, two guards were stationed outside her room to protect her, in case her attackers returned. They were wonderful stallions who were extremely compassionate and disgusted by what had happened. Thanks to them, I learned that there was a full investigation going on concerning Rainbow Dash, and the story was running in most of Cloudsdale's newspapers. They said that it was, 'A disgrace to the Royal Guard, and a blemish on the names of all who serve.' ”

“What happened next was the most shocking out of all of the events. After two days of laying comatose, Rainbow was finally awoken. We were told that a very important pony was coming to personally examine Rainbow Dash, as well as conduct the interview. When I asked the guards who it was, they said that we would see tomorrow.”

Fluttershy met Pencil Pusher's eyes, a large smile plastered on her face. “Imagine our surprise when the very next day, Princess Luna walked through the door.”

“The Princess personally came to interview Rainbow Dash?” The ashen mare asked, one eyebrow cocked. Fluttershy nodded happily.

“The guards and the nurses had known ahead of time, but decided to let it be a surprise for Rainbow and I. Neither she nor I had ever seen a Princess in real life, only in pictures. When she walked into the room, both of us froze. She seemed to glide across the floor towards us, it was like nothing we'd ever seen before.”

Luna couldn't suppress a smile at the fillies gawking at her. Neither of them moved as she stood in the doorway. She let out a gentle laugh which reminded the fillies of tinkling bells as her eyes focused on the bed-ridden pegasus.

“Well, I think it would be a silly question to ask which of you is Rainbow Dash.” She said to the silent room, snapping the fillies from their stupor. Fluttershy dove to the ground in a bow so quickly that Luna was concerned that she had hit her head on the hard floor. Rainbow pointed one hoof at the night princess, her jaw still hanging open.

“Y...you...you're... Princess...here!?” She stuttered slowly only causing Luna's smile to widen. She slowly approached the two fillies, bending down to greet the kowtowing buttercup pegasus. When Fluttershy looked up to Luna again, she was met with that same warm, motherly smile.

“There is no need for that, my little pony. Today you are in the company of a friend, not a Princess.
Worry not with formalities.” Luna stood back again, turning towards Rainbow Dash. “So, you are the young mare I have been hearing so much about. I've heard you have quite a story to tell.”

Rainbow, still in shock, slowly nodded towards the Lunar Princess, unable to find her words. Luna, seeing this in the filly, turned to Fluttershy. “Ms. Fluttershy, could you give me and Rainbow Dash a few moments of privacy? I must speak with her on some... personal matters. Would you wait outside for a few minutes? I promise that I will care for her well.”

Fluttershy jumped to attention. “Oh, um, yes Princess. Of course.” She said hurriedly, causing Luna to laugh her soft laugh once again, bringing an unexplainable happiness to Fluttershy and Rainbow. It was strange, but she seemed to bring light to the gloom that had settled in the room.

“Remember, young Fluttershy, there is no need for formalities.” She placed one hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. “I am here as a concerned mare helping an unfortunate filly, not a Princess blessing her subjects with a visit. All I ask in return is for you to treat me as such.” Her beaming smile only calmed Fluttershy even more.

Slowly, she nodded her head towards the dark blue alicorn. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you, Princess Luna.” She bowed once more before turning and leaving the room. As the door closed behind her, she heard Luna speak again. This time, the happy tone was gone, replaced with one of sadness, anger, and pity.

“We have much to speak about, it seems. Where would you like to begin?”

Fluttershy stared straight ahead, her eyes glazed over as she remember that moment. It was one she would never forget. That was the day their lives changed for the better.

“They were in there for hours.” She began again, her voice tinged with emotion. “I don't know everything they spoke about in that room, but whatever it was, it must have been important. Princess Luna had arrived sometime in the early afternoon, and when the door finally opened again, the sun had already begun to set.”

“As soon as she left the room, I knew something was different. Throughout their entire conversation, not a single word came through the doors or walls. The blinds had been pulled so that nopony could look into the room. When I first saw her, Luna was all smiles, and showed control in her every action.”

“But once she left... once she left, I knew that she had changed as well. She seemed tired. Exhausted, even. Luna wasn't the same as she had been when she entered Rainbow Dash's room. She walked out of the room with a glare so sharp it could have cut through moon steel. She told me and the guards that Rainbow had fallen asleep, and that she had business to attend to.”

“There was no need for me to question her at the moment. I could tell by the way she spoke, the way she walked, and the way she looked, that she had found out everything she needed to know. It was strange, but Luna was so furious that I prayed whoever she was after didn't run or fight her. She, at that time, was not a mare to trifled with. She seemed like a raging storm just barely contained behind the clouds.”

“And yet, there was a touch of sadness to Luna's eyes. It was very subtle, but I've always been good at reading ponies. Her anger seemed to be fueled by her sadness. As if she had taken what happened to Rainbow Dash personally. When we met her, she was just as she wanted to be. A friend coming to the aid of an unfortunate pony. But she left that room an alicorn who looked as if her own child had been attacked.”

“The next day, I came into the hospital and was greeted by the same pair of guards who always stood watch during the day. They met me with smiles and said that Rainbow hadn't woken up yet. I walked in to find quite the surprise waiting for me.”

“That was the first time Rainbow escaped a hospital without anypony knowing.” Fluttershy said, rolling her eyes. “While she is loyal, she is also stubborn beyond belief, and refuses to be held down. The guards outside reported her missing, and soon a full-fledged search was under way. It took less than an hour before they found her waiting for bunk inspection back at her training camp. I must say it was embarrassing how many soldiers they needed before they could drag her, kicking and screaming, back to the hospital.”

“Not only were most of her visible injuries reopened, but she even had more tears in her wings, and fractured two more ribs.” Despite the grim telling, Fluttershy chuckled to herself whilst shaking her head. “Honestly, I don't know how she does it. She never did let herself rest.”

“And what happened with her attackers? Judging from your interaction with Princess Luna, I assume that they were discovered?” Pencil asked, breaking her long silence. Fluttershy nodded quickly.

“Oh yes. Princess Luna had them arrested the same day she visited Rainbow Dash. They were three stallions, and they were all taken away by the Princess herself. After Rainbow was officially released from the hospital, she testified at the trial where the stallions were, of course, found guilty, and banished from Equestria for the rest of their lives.”

“Such a punishment had not been given out for some time, as we were later told. Princess Celestia and Luna both acted as judges during the trial and came up with the sentence, instead of relying on a jury. This in itself was rare, but under the circumstances was considered acceptable.”

“Luna and Rainbow spent much of their time together, both before and after the trial. I can't describe it, but they seemed to connect with each other, even more so than Rainbow and I did. I took care of Rainbow as best I could, but the Princess still tried to visit every other day, whenever she had time to spare.”

“Within days, both Rainbow and the Princess had an extraordinary bond which surpassed friend-to-friend. If I had to to describe their relationship, I would call it a mother-daughter one. I have no doubt in my mind that Luna knows the whole story of Rainbow's childhood, and personally stepped in. I believe that she took responsibility and tried to correct what happened to Rainbow as a foal.”

“Not long after the trial, maybe two weeks after, Luna came to visit as she usually does, but with a happiness which neither Rainbow nor I had ever seen in her eyes. That was the day Luna invited Rainbow to become her personal student in Canterlot.”

“Rainbow accepted on one condition: that I be allowed to come with her to Canterlot. Being there myself, I was shocked. Rainbow was a wonderful friend who was full of care and loyalty, but even I would understand if she had accepted the Princess's invitation and left me. For her to say that showed just how much she cared for me.”

“Luna said I was allowed to come if my parents were okay with it, to which both Rainbow and I said it would be. Luna seemed wary at first, but it wasn't a week later before the three of us were together in a carriage to Canterlot.”

“Finally, Rainbow Dash and I could have a life of our own. We were headed to a new world, full of possibilities and wonder. Rainbow had escaped her past once and for all and finally found a true parent, while I now had a place where I could care for animals and not have to worry about being judged for my flying.”

“For five years we lived our own lives. Rainbow quickly rose through the ranks in Luna's Night Guard, while I stayed home with my critter friends and managed our home. It was sometime around then when we made the final addition to our family.”

“In 1278, there was massive storm in Cloudsdale. A rather large one was required due to a drought they had been experiencing. Unfortunately, the storm got out of hoof and went on a rampage across the city. There were a few injuries and deaths, but luckily not that many, and most of the military forces of the city were scrambled to assist in rebuilding certain areas.”

“Rainbow, of course, offered to go and spend a few weeks in Cloudsdale helping out with the rescue efforts and rebuilding. She sent me a few letters while she was away, and more than one mentioned a small filly she met there. Apparently the poor thing had been trapped with a few others inside the remains of a house, the layer of clouds too thick for any of them to break through.”

“That was the day that Rainbow had met Scootaloo. Rainbow was there when she was pulled out, and spent much time with the filly while doctors examined her. She was an orphan who had been spending time at a friend's adoptive parent's home when the storm hit and trapped them all together.”

“Scootaloo asked Rainbow to stay with her, since she was too afraid to sleep alone in the tents, and she agreed. The whole time Rainbow was in Cloudsdale, she and Scootaloo spent all of their free time together. She helped the filly adjust to what had happened, and pretty soon Scootaloo was looking to Rainbow for guidance and companionship.”

“A few days before she was supposed to come home, Rainbow asked the ultimate question. The one that truly showed how much she cared for the filly. She asked if she could bring Scootaloo to live with us in Canterlot, essentially adopting her.”

“At first I wasn't sure, but I believed that if Rainbow was willing to go this far, then it wouldn't be for nothing. Less than a week later, Scootaloo was sitting down with Rainbow, Luna, and I for our first family dinner. After one evening together, I knew that Rainbow was right in her decision to bring Scootaloo home.”

“That just about ends the story, up to the present of course. Rainbow is cocky, hot-headed, and hates to lose, but she is also loyal, loving, caring, and selfless to her core. She's a student, a daughter, a sister, and a mother. I don't know much about what she's been doing, but they must be bad if they've managed to hurt Rainbow Dash this badly. I couldn't think of another pony more undeserving of such a thing. For all that she had to go through, I can't imagine why anypony would do all of these things to her. All I can hope for is that the pony will admit their mistakes and come forward.” At this, Pencil furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.”

“What exactly do you mean, Ms Fluttershy?”

The buttercup mare smiled at the earth pony. “I mean that it's never too late for anypony to apologize.” She said simply, as if she was saying they were expecting rain later that day. “If somepony really means it, they can ask for forgiveness, but the longer they take, the harder it can be for them to be forgiven. I'm always ready to forgive ponies for their mistakes, even my own parents.” She smiled at the mare across from her, as Pencil stared down with a slightly sullen expression.

After a moment, Pencil lifted her writing pad off of her lap and placed onto the chair arm next to her. She leaned forward in her seat, her expression serious. “Well, I do believe that adjourns our meeting. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, and you have my most sincere apologies for your loss.”

Fluttershy laughed lightly. “Oh, don't worry about it. Rainbow is strong and I know that she'll fight through this. Soon, we'll have our old Rainbow back.” She glanced back to Pencil, looking down at the small couch. Something caught her eye. She turned her gaze towards Pencil Pusher's writing pad. It was blank.

She looked back to the ashen mare, about to ask why she hadn't taken notes on their conversation, when she saw the piercing gaze from the earth pony. Pencil let out a dark chuckle as she fixated her gaze on Fluttershy.

“You misunderstand me, Ms. Fluttershy. I wasn't speaking about Rainbow Dash.” As she spoke, with one smooth movement, she removed her glasses. In an instant her eyes changed from bright and clear to solid black, as she fixed Fluttershy with a maniacal smile. The small pegasus was frozen as the mare's body rippled, as if it was distorted by a change of the light.

In a moment, the earth pony in front of her disappeared and was replaced by a lavender unicorn, an insane smile plastered across her face. Her head snapped to one side, sending out and audible crack, as if it had been broken. The sharp sound pulled Fluttershy out of her trance, as she stumbled from her chair and away from the dark unicorn. The movement only causing Twilight to laugh again.

“Silly little pegasus,” she said in a raspy voice, her smile growing painfully wide, “just where do you think you're going?” Her voice was layered with tones and subtle undercurrents, causing Fluttershy to instantly feel dizzy and sick. Fluttershy was no expert in magic, but even she could feel the power flowing from the unicorn's body.

She found now that not only could she no longer move, but her body was being levitated a few inches off of the ground. She watched helplessly as Twilight slowly walked forwards, standing on her hind legs as she almost casually moved towards the frozen pegasus. Her saddlebags hovered towards her, as she now stood next to Fluttershy.

Once again, Fluttershy's body moved against her will, this time leaning backwards as if she were laying on a floating mattress. Twilight stood over the small mare as a wicked blade and a crude-looking pair of clippers floated out of her bag. The giant scissors looked similar to the tools gardeners would use to trim bushes, but Fluttershy was fairly sure that fauna was the farthest thing from the mad unicorn's mind.

“Don't do this,” Fluttershy screamed, desperate, “don't do this, please! I beg you...” She began crying now, desperate tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. “You don't have to do this. You're not well. We can help you. Nopony else has to be hurt. Please.” She sobbed, trying desperately to move from her invisible shackles.

Twilight's smile lowered, now more sympathetic. She patted the pegasus with one hoof while wiping away her tears with another. “I truly am sorry, Ms. Fluttershy. But Rainbow took somepony I loved. I am just returning the favor. I cast a quick sound-proofing spell before I came in, so nopony will bother us. If it makes you feel better, the pain won't last long.”

Fluttershy's lip trembled as Twilight took hold of the crude clippers, opening them over one of Fluttershy's wings as the pegasus let lose another torrent of sobs.

“Now then.” She said, her twisted smile returning in full force. “Let's begin.”

Rainbow shook at the four guards standing before her. Her hooves trembled as she stared at them with an open mouth and tear-filled eyes. They had entered the room quickly, shutting the door behind them. From the moment they came in she knew that something was wrong, their grim expressions giving it all away.

Once they had told her the news she fell silent. Both Princesses had sent them to deliver the horrible words. She stood silent for what seemed like an eternity, what she had heard so terrible that she didn't even know how to react.

She flailed one hoof to the side, striking a large button laying dormant on the console next to her. “Shining, I need you out here right now.” She croaked, her breath catching in her throat. Suddenly, she found it hard to breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Shining gesture with his legs in obvious confusion.

She hit the button again. ”SHINING GET YOUR FLANK OUT HERE NOW.” She screamed into the microphone, voice shrill and full of panic. She pulled off of the button and collapsed to the floor, unable to contain her sobs and screams.

As Shining emerged from the room, his eyes locked onto the other guards standing with grim expressions. They then switched to Rainbow, laying on the ground crying loudly. “Just what in the name of Tartarus is going on right now? What are you doing here?” He asked worriedly.

The one in front, a pegasus Shining Armor recognized, spoke. “Captain,” he said, his voice uneasy, “we regret to inform you that less than an hour ago, Twilight Sparkle gained access to Commander Dash's home and brutally attacked Ms. Fluttershy.” Shining's jaw fell open at the words he heard.

“But, that is not all.” Another guard spoke. He pulled a slip of paper from a pouch on his armor and handed it to Shining Armor. “We recovered this at the scene of the crime. It was on the floor next to Ms. Fluttershy's body. She is currently at the Palace medical ward, getting emergency blood transplants. Next to her body was also a message written in blood, most likely Ms. Fluttershy's."

The soldier gulped as he handed the picture to Shining Armor. As soon as the Captain laid eyes on it, his face paled. “It said, This is the last straw. No more warnings. Give her back.” The soldier spoke again. “That was it. The Princesses have been searching for you both for over an hour, and have been terrified that you were missing.”

With a look of horror, Shining looked up from the picture. “What about Scootaloo?” He asked, panicked.

The guard nodded. “Once we found out, we scrambled several guards to her school to escort her back to the Palace. I haven't heard anything since then.”

Shining was silent as the picture slipped out of his hooves and fell to the ground. The sounds of Rainbow's sobs rang in his ears. The picture was from her graduation. A crude, bloody X was pasted over Fluttershy's face. A bloody circle was around Scootaloo's face, seemingly indicating that she was next.

Shining stared forward in silence, understanding what the message was. He had taken Twilight's friend. Now, she had done the same.

Author's Note:

I hope it was worth the wait.

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