• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Meeting place

“And why should I listen to you, let alone bring you into my home?”

Rainbow Dash hovered in the doorway of her home, her front hooves crossed in front of her. From there she glared at the visitor. Meeting her gaze was Princess Luna, her expression one of mild frustration.

“Because I am your teacher and friend and because I said so,” she said matter-of-factually.

Rainbow's expression didn't change. Behind her, she knew Fluttershy and Scootaloo watched them silently. She felt no reason to invite her longtime friend in her home. Why should she? Luna took Rainbow off the trail of her biggest challenge yet. As if putting a steak in front of Diamond Dog, she tore Rainbow away from her chase.

“I'm still not hearing a good reason,” Rainbow retorted flippantly. She heard Fluttershy give a small gasp from the other room at her remark, but neither her demeanor nor her attitude faltered. Her glare persisted.

Luna, rapidly becoming tired of her student, returned Rainbow's glare. It was almost enough to make Rainbow back down, but Rainbow held her stance in the mental showdown.

Luna sighed, shaking her head. “I came to ask to speak to you, but now I going to talk to you whether you want me to or not.” Rainbows glare turned into a scowl.

“Well?” Luna asked impatiently. “Are you going to invite me in?”

Rainbow stared for a few more moments before moving aside, sweeping her hooves in an exaggerating manner. She stepped inside quickly, looking around the home and giving a quick nod hello to Fluttershy and Scootaloo.

Without stopping Luna began climbing the small staircase, Rainbow following closely. As they entered the room upstairs, Luna closed the door with her magic. She stared out of the open window and into the city, one hoof outstretched towards the bed where Rainbow promptly but grudgingly sat.

Still gazing towards the city, Luna let out a sigh, shaking her head softly. “Never in my life have I met a more difficult pony than you,” she mused. Rainbow Dash scoffed, glaring at the floor boards. Luna finally turned to her furious student.

“I'm serious, Rainbow Dash. You are one of the most loyal, strongest, and kindest ponies I have ever met. But you are also childish, rash, and above all, single-minded.”

“Hold on just one damn moment,” Rainbow almost yelled in reply. “You took me off the hunt for my biggest challenge yet, treat me like a child, and then criticize me?”

Luna growled. “You see, that’s what I mean. She isn't your prey. She isn't some trophy to be won, and yet you treat her that way. Why do you think like that?”

“Because it's who I am,” Rainbow retorted, throwing the words in Luna's face. “It’s how I was brought up. Besides, you never had a problem with me being competitive. You taught me, for Celestia's sake.”

“That may be, but you can't just treat a pony like a wild animal. Have a sense of decency, at least. Not everything has to be a challenge.”

Rainbow threw her hooves in the air. “Why the hell are you DEFENDING HER? She is a monster and savage. She attacked me without a thought, almost killed an innocent stallion, and nearly caved in the skull of one of the guards. Let’s not forget the fact that we found out about her because she sliced almost a dozen stallions to pieces and injured over a dozen others. I know they weren't exactly angels, but come on! If I was going to treat anypony like an animal, it would be her. You weren't there. You didn't see the look in her eyes. It was a look of hunger. It was a look of savagery. It was the look of a wild animal.”

Luna was silent.

“WELL? Say something!” Rainbow demanded.

Luna took a slow, deep breath. “Do you know why I took you off this mission?”

“Well apparently, you just listed a few reasons, so if those aren't the reasons, then by all means, tell me.”

Luna sat on her haunches. “Listen to me, Rainbow Dash.” She placed one hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I stopped you because you don't want to find her simply for the greater good. You don't want to do it because it would keep ponies safe. You don't want to do it because it would give Shining Armor, Celestia, and I peace of mind.” Rainbow met her eyes.

“You’re chasing her because she beat you. She hurt you. And most of all, she got away. You want revenge, Rainbow Dash. That's why I can't have you after her. If you saw her and attacked, you wouldn't stop until she was either in your capture or dead. Or if you were. The most dangerous thing in Equestria is someone with a grudge, and let’s not forget about her.”

Luna stood, still staring into Rainbow's eyes. “She lost that battle as well. Neither one of you emerged victorious. You both lost. You both survived, yes. But without the life or capture of the other, there was no victory. She holds just as much of a grudge against you, Rainbow Dash. And I'm worried about what would happen if you find each other.”

Two navy hooves nudged Rainbow's head closer to Luna’s. “I don't want to lose you over something as stupid as wounded pride.”

Luna moved away. Rainbow looked away, still silent. “I want to make you to make me a promise, Rainbow Dash. I want you to promise you won’t do anything stupid. I want you to promise me you will be safe.” Luna walked towards the door. She took a step through when Rainbow turned, finally speaking. “Well, what do you want me to do? What can I do?”

Luna paused. “Spend time with your family. Go to a movie. Black Veil Bridles is in town. Go do anything to take your mind off of Twilight Sparkle.” And with that, she left, leaving Rainbow sitting in silence.


Twilight felt like she was floating through a peaceful sleep, one she hadn't experienced in years. It went on for what seemed like hours, until she opened her eyes and she realized she was floating.

She looked around at her surroundings before sighing in mild annoyance at the misty garden.

“The first peaceful sleep I have had in nearly six years, and you have to call me now. The world had better be bucking ending.”

Dark laughter came from all directions. “My, my, aren't we in a fitful mood.” The laughter abruptly stopped, replaced with a deep growl that seemed to travel through Twilight whole body. “It's best you keep your tongue in check before I get angry.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Please. It's not like I'm replaceable. Now explain why I am here before I have to wake up. I was thoroughly enjoying myself.” As she spoke, she turned in mid-air and landed gently on her hooves.

The deep voice growled once again. “You have a deadline to meet. You're on the clock, Devin, and I expect you to deliver. You don't seem to be in the best spot right now.”

“It's fine,” Twilight said, a little too quickly, a bead of sweat rolling down her neck. “It's just a minor setback. I'll be fine soon.”

“Completely running out of magic isn't minor. You'll need almost all of it when the time comes. I granted you extra to help with the rejuvenation process and you wasted it.”

“I understand that. I just need to push back the final day. Just a few weeks.”

“YOU WILL DELIVER ON TIME!” the voice shouted. “Your magic won’t be a problem. I've set a rendezvous with another child. You will meet him there. He has something that will help.”

“And which child would this be?” Twilight asked, a slight amount of fear creeping into her tone.

The voice cackled. “An old friend of yours.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “Do not tell me it's-”

“Yes. Yes it is. And I expect no trouble from either of you before, during, or after the exchange.”

Twilight gritted her teeth. “I'm fine! It's him who is the problem. Him and that damn silver tongue.”

“I don't care if he tries to rip your throat out. There are many other pieces on this chess board. Do I make myself clear?”

Twilight glared at the stone floor. “Fine,” she spat. “Where and when are we meeting?”

“The Church of the Heavens. Today. At noon. I would make sure to be on time.”

“Oh, and Devin?” Twilight lifted her head. “You have twenty days. If everything goes according to plan, you will be rewarded well. But if you are late...” The threat hung in the air as the world disappeared and Twilight fell back into the darkness.

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