• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,161 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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As Dasher set up his fruit stand for the day, he smiled for the first time in months. The storms had cleared, and a new shipment of food would be coming in soon. The townsponies seemed to be in brighter spirits as well; most of their worries were gone now that Render was no longer lording over them.

When Render was in power, he had created a field of magic that prevented magical delivery. As soon as Render was defeated, however, the field broke, and the mail finally sent. Canterlot had sent soldiers to collect Render and his men, assist in the rebuilding, and bring in new shipments of food to help the citizens get back on their feet.

He looked out onto the street. Thankfully, the damage from the battle the other day had been minimal. The only destruction was a large hole in one of the unimportant buildings and the impression of an earth pony thrown into another.

He stared out into the icy plains as he thought about the fight. Despite his smile, he couldn't forget that look she gave him. He felt like she had stared directly into his soul before she disappeared.

Dasher whispered, “That look… Damn. I’ll never forget it. Thinking about it still scares me… She wasn’t in control of herself. She wasn’t-“


He looked over to see a small white unicorn staring at him. She was full grown but only 4’ 3”, almost a foot shorter than Dasher.

“...Oh… Yes, Snowflake?” he asked.

While it was a fitting name, Snowflake despised hers, as her parents were extremely unimaginative, and she thought it was too simple of a name.

She ignored her name and stared at Dasher. “You were staring off, mumbling into space. You also looked pretty scared… Are you okay?”

Dasher put on a warm smile. “Yes, yes, yes. I was just thinking. Anyway... We should get back to work. Come on.”


While many would disagree, Shining Armor actually enjoyed shopping with his wife. As the captain of the royal guard and married to one of the immortal princesses, Shining didn’t get much time to spend with his wife. The young couple spent the last three hours browsing various clothing stores, from the most luxurious stores to the small shops around the corner.

Cadence loved visiting her subjects. She loved seeing their bright faces and smiles. Unlike her aunts, who were given a wide birth at all times, Cadence enjoyed talking to her subjects in private. Simple pleasures.

As they returned home, they were stopped by two of Celestia's royal guards. They were panting heavily and bowed as they approached the princess and their captain.

“Captain Armor... Princess Cadence...” one said in between panting breaths. “The princesses... have called for a meeting. Top priority.”

Shining and Cadence exchanged worried glances before thanking the guards. They left their bags with them before breaking into a sprint to the castle. A few minutes later, they arrived outside the throne room. They stood for a few moments, catching their breaths and preparing themselves for what the princesses had to say.

Shining opened the doors to find a surprised Celestia and serious-faced Luna looking at them. “Shining. Cadence. We were worried. We sent guards out to find you an hour ago.”

Cadence laughed sheepishly. “Sorry. We were shopping and got the message a few minutes ago. What’s going on?”

“Luna has found some interesting information that she is going to share, and I though you should be aware of it, Captain.” She looked at Cadence for a moment before turning back to Shining. “Have you told Cadence about the situation?”

“Yes,” Shining and Cadence replied in unison. Shining visibly wilted at the question, knowing exactly the situation of which Celestia spoke.

Celestia simply nodded. “Good. Now, follow me. We are going somewhere a little more private...”


Dasher looked up from the table. His fur stood on end and warning lights were going off in his head. He looked over at the earth stallion next to him. They both knew in their minds that something was wrong. They met each other’s eyes and walked out of the small building they stood in.

While earth ponies have an incredible strength, they also have an amazing sensitivity to magic signature and weather changes. Very few ponies discover this, but those who do are excellent at recognizing the signs. Dasher could tell when Render was coming, but that sign was relatively minor, and he usually didn't notice as the noise overcame the feeling. This was a massive change.

They looked down the street, to the outskirts of town, and saw a figure walking towards them. The magic signature definitely originated from that figure, but they couldn't see who it was.

“Get everyone inside. This could be bad,” Dasher spoke to the stallion next to him. The stallion ran off while Dasher slowly walked towards the figure. He still couldn't see their face, but he could see a cloak. He realized who it was, and he finally recognized this magic signature.


The unicorn continued walking, and Dasher slowly made his way towards her. As he got closer, he noticed a magical shimmer surrounding the mare. She was only 50 feet away when he got a look at her face. Her eyes glowed and her face was twisted in a piercing glare.

She was not here for a casual visit.

She was out for blood.

Dasher turned and ran. Behind him, he heard the sound of magic being charged. He threw himself on the ground and saw a blast of magic fly over his head. The magic soared past him before dissipating.

Dasher quickly recovered and broke into another sprint, sparing less than a second to look behind him. He saw Twilight walking towards him calmly, her face stone-like and blank. She met his eyes, and while her face didn't change, something in her eyes did. They grew colder, so cold that the eyes looked like they were trying to kill Dasher with just their gaze.

Her horn lit up for a moment, and Dasher turned to look in front of him just in time as a shimmering wall of energy appeared. He tried to turn to the side, hoping he wouldn’t hit it, but his efforts were for naught.

He struck the wall hard, driving the air from his lungs. He lay on the ice trying to recover as Twilight approached him. She looked down at him, but her facial expression didn't change. She cocked her head as if she was observing him.

“Hey, Dasher. Why are you running? Didn’t you miss me?”

Dasher stood up and stared up at the unicorn, his eyes wide with fear. “What do you want, Twilight? Why are you here?” he demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

Twilight kept looking at him with that cold blank stare. She walked right to his side and brought her head inches from his. “Okay, Dasher. Let's not play games. We're both adults, so let’s act like them. You know why I'm here, so don't bother hiding it.”

She stared him directly in the eyes. “I want it back.”

Dasher only blinked. “W-what? You want wha-”

Before he could finish, Twilight rolled her eyes and struck his face using the back of her hoof. The resulting strike knocked him back down to the ground. He brought one hoof to his cheek and spat blood into the fresh snow.

Twilight's expression didn't change. “Now then. That was your one warning hit. Lie to me again, and I will do much worse.” As she spoke, two knives unsheathed. They hovered menacingly at her sides, daring Dasher to lie.

“Where. Is. My. Knife?”

Dasher stared at her for a few moments before sighing in defeat. “A pegasus guard came through here looking for you.”

The calm look on Twilight's face disappeared and replaced itself with a glare. “Damn it,” she cursed under her breath.

Dasher took no notice. “She asked for any evidence, and I gave her the knife, but she left hours ago. She could be anywhere. She went looking for you. Who knows where she is?”

Twilight smirked at the pathetic stallion. “Looking for little old me, huh? Well. It's her lucky day, ‘cause she's about to find me.”

Twilight turned away from Dasher and walked to the edge of town. Her eyes closed in concentration. When they opened, they were pure white. Her horn sparked and glowed brighter before letting off a massive beam of pure white energy. It shot into the sky, shining bright as the sun. Something like that must have cost massive amounts of energy, but Twilight looked unfazed. She walked back to Dasher.

The grin returned. “And now we wait.”


Rainbow had been flying for hours, and she was getting frustrated. She had to be here somewhere. Rainbow had searched all around the town within a 50 mile radius.

Rainbow was a patient mare, but 7 hours of staring at snow would make anypony tired. The good commander had eyes that would make a gryphon jealous, yet she still hadn't found anything. She stopped and hovered in midair for a moment to rest.

She glared at the snow through her goggles. She sighed as she continued flying, scouting for Twilight.

Suddenly, she felt something. A power surge! She spun and tried to find the source. A moment later, a massive beam of light shot up from the ground. It came from near the town. Rainbow's eyes lit up and shot open in surprise. She watched for only a moment before shooting off towards the town.

'I just hope I'm not too late.'

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