• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Of Journals and fillies

Luna sat at her desk. Sitting in front of her was the journal of Twilight Sparkle.

Luna studied the book in front of her. It was a brown leather bound book with a cover flap. It was wrapped tightly by some simple string but was most likely enchanted. Twilight was never one for coloring or decorating, so it didn’t surprise Luna that the book was plain.

She and Celestia were both going to read it, but Celestia had to tend to her student. Luna smirked as she thought back to earlier...


“Let us attend to the evening ceremonies. Then, we will look into the journal,” Celestia suggested as she and Luna walked into the palace. “I am eager to start as soon as-”


As they entered, a servant mare rushed up to them, interrupting Celestia. She was a white unicorn, and she looked flustered. Her mane was disheveled, and she was breathing heavily, as if she had just come back from the Running of the Leaves.

“Your student... gasp... is having issues...gasp...again.” She made sure to put the extra stress on issues.

As if on cue, a shriek came from down the hall, as well as a flash of light and the sound of splintering wood. Celestia heaved a huge sigh before turning to her sister.

“Well, Lulu, it looks like you're on your own tonight. I need to go calm the poor thing down before she blows another hole in her-”

Before she could finish, the palace shook from another blast.

“Damn.” Celestia gritted her teeth. Her horn lit up, and she disappeared in a flash of light.


She had eventually gotten the young filly and her magic under control and repaired her broken room and the hallway outside.

Luna shook her head and turned back to her main focus.

She touched her horn to the string around the book to check for enchantments and was surprised to find none. Nothing was keeping the book away from strangers.

She slowly opened the old cover and began to read.

Moon's day 21, Janus, 1265

The doctors gave me this journal. They said that writing might help me overcome my sadness and stress. I'm not quite sure how this does anything for my magic. Magic flow has nothing to do with writing. I didn't want to, but Shiny said that writing will make me feel better. Maybe...

Saturn's day 27, Janus 1265.

I told them I don't know what to write about, and they said, “Write out your problems, frustrations, or issues. Either for your day or your month.” I still don't want a journal. I like reading books, not writing in them.

Tuesday 6, Februa 1265

It happened again today. It was during class, too. We were just sitting there reading history books when it happened. I just felt a surge of energy, and the next thing I knew, there was a hole in the floor. I'm starting to get scared. The “power surges,” as the doctors call them, are getting more common and more powerful. What if I hurt somepony?

Saturn's day 10, Februa 1265

We were at the hospital today, getting more tests done. The doctors were talking to Mommy about something. I couldn't hear them very well, but I think they said something about the princesses. What could they mean?

Sun's day 18, Februa 1265

It happened again today, but even worse. Somepony actually got hurt. I... I don't want to hurt ponies. I just want this to stop. The doctors mentioned whatever they were talking about last week and said it had been cleared. Why won't they tell me what’s going on?

Moon's day 19, Februa 1265

I can't believe it! Today, Mommy, Daddy, Shiny, and I went to the palace and got to meet the princesses! They were super nice and said that they were going to help me. I'm going to be staying there for a few weeks if Mommy and Daddy say so. We’re going back soon. Maybe they will let me stay.

Luna smiled fondly, remembering the bright faced filly as Twilight met her and Celestia. She had been delighted in meeting Twilight and fell in love with the adorable filly.

Freya's Day 02, March 1265

Today, I move into the palace. The princesses are going to watch me, study my magic habits, and try to find what is blocking my magic and causing it to burst out. Tomorrow is the first day, and I will be with Princess Celestia. I wonder what she will have me do…

Saturn's day 03, March 1265

Today, the princess had me doing breathing exercises. She talked about how we need to make my magic flow. It was pretty boring, but I didn't want to disappoint the princess. I do feel a little better. Maybe it did help. I can't tell yet.

Thor’s day 08, March 1265.

I’ve spent the last few days trying to make my magic flow by doing more breathing exercises with Princess Celestia. Princess Luna has also been trying to find the source of my bursts. They make sure to give me breaks, and they are lots of fun. They tell great stories and are always smiling. I love being with them, even if my lessons can be boring sometimes. Princess Luna has great stories about past sorcerers and magical creatures like humans. Princess Celestia loves to play games and is always fun to be with. And I spend a lot of time with playing with Cadence too. My parents and Shiny come and visit me every few days, and I can tell Shining has a crush on Cadence. He always blushes when she walks in the room.

Luna chuckled at the last couple sentences, thinking about the recent royal couple.

Saturn's day 10, March 1265

Today, I had my first magic burst at the palace. I was doing my exercises with Princess Celestia, then the next minute, I was on my back, and the room had an entire wall missing. Both princesses were there when I woke up. They looked really upset but told me that nopony was hurt. They were able to stop me before anything else happened, but still...

Odin's day 14, March 1265

I had two more “magic attacks,” as Princess Luna calls them. The princesses had a different test today. They had me lay down, and Princess Luna made me go to sleep. I guess they were watching for patterns in my sleep, mind, and magical reservoirs for anything unnatural. I don't think they found anything though.

Odin's day 28, March 1265

It's been two weeks and nothing has changed. I'm having magic bursts every other day now, and the princesses still haven't found what’s wrong yet. Maybe I can't be cured.

Saturn's day 31, March 1265

Today, I went back home. I've been at the castle for a month, and the princesses wanted me to stay with my family again while they try to find a cure for my magic problems. I'll be here for another month or two before the princesses will take me back again. While I love my family, I can't wait to see the princesses again. They showed my parents and Shining a spell, so I can send them letters and talk.

Saturn's day, 07 Aprillis 1265.

I went back to school, and I'm still getting made fun of. It used to be just a few mean words, but now they follow me and won't leave me alone. I'm not special because the princesses are helping me. Why do they keep saying I'm “special?” I just can't use magic. Shining says it's because they’re jealous, and that I should ignore them, but... I can't ignore what’s always around me.

Moon's day 09, Aprillis 1265

I had nightmares the last two nights. I guess they weren't really nightmares, but they scared me anyway. I was in a foggy garden, and there was a voice calling me over and over again. It was a colt’s voice, and he just kept calling my name and laughing. I finally called back, but he just laughed even harder and said, “It's time for you to wake up.” I'm scared because I can still hear it clearly. It's still echoing in my head, but I don't want to tell anyone. If I do, they'll say I'm crazy.

Thursday 12, Aprillis 1265.

He's still calling me. Every night, he is calling my name. I want to go to him. I want him to stop. Every time I walk up to my parents or sit to write a letter to the princesses, something stops me. It's like I physically can't tell anyone. My voice will just stop or my hoof will freeze. I keep waking up and sometimes I won’t go back to sleep. I want to answer him. I want him to stop calling for me.

“I think it's story time, Lulu,” Celestia called.

Luna looked up from the book. Standing in the doorway was a smiling Celestia and a small white unicorn. Her face was bright and young. She was only about seven years old. Her soft pink and lilac mane circled around her and bounced as she ran over to the night princess.

Luna smiled warmly. “Very well.”

She turned to the young filly. “Let me talk to Celestia for a moment. Then I’ll read to you, okay?”

The filly beamed. “Okay. I'll wait, but hurry back!” she called.

Luna exited the room and turned to her sister. “How is she?”

Celestia gave a proud smile. “She's making progress. We were able to conjure a few sparks after I calmed her down. We found out singing is the key. She can use magic through music. So far, it's very little, but little is better than nothing.”

Luna smiled. “That's wonderful to hear. I've been reading the journal. Everything seemed fine when she was staying at the castle, but when she left, she began writing about something in her dreams. Something had been calling her, and it was taking a toll on her waking life. I will investigate more tomorrow, but... sister?”

“Yes, Lulu?”

Luna's tone grew serious. “We can't lose this one. We will try for decades if we have to, but we will not let the same thing happen to your student that happened to... Twilight. Whatever happened to her, we can't let it happen again.”

Celestia drew a deep breath. “I know, Luna. Trust me, I know.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Luna reentered her room and saw the young filly lying on the bed. She put back on her smile and jumped up next to the filly.

“So, Sweetie Belle? What shall we read today?”


While Rainbow would never admit it, she was happy she got to sleep. Even she would realize when she pushed herself too hard, but even then, she still would do nothing to stop or change it. If Luna hadn't kept her in the hospital, she probably would have collapsed in the street.

She lay in bed, her hooves folded on her chest, thinking about her la--
“RAINBOW DASH!” the young orange filly screamed before jumping into Rainbow's arms.

She buried her head in Rainbow's neck. “I'm so glad you’re okay! When they said you would be in the hospital for a few days, I knew it must have been bad…”

Rainbow returned Scootaloo's hug. She chuckled softly.

“You shouldn't be too worried. I'll be out of here in three days. Princess Luna wanted me to stay, so I agreed.”

“Yeah, well, I wouldn't rush it. Some guards came and told us you wouldn't be coming home for a while, and Fluttershy is pissed.”

Rainbow winced. “Really? How bad is it?”

“She's cleaning her cast iron pots.”

“Well, damn. Scoot? Imma need you to tell Fluttershy I died, or she will make sure I do.”

The two laughed in each other’s embrace.

“So, what did you do today?” Dash inquired.

“Not much. I mostly helped Fluttershy, and I got to play with Sweetie Belle, but that's about it. She's pretty worried. Every time you leave, she starts mumbling to herself about how you’re too reckless. Now that you’re in the hospital, she's especially worried.”

“Hey, now.” Rainbow hugged the filly even closer. “She knows better than that. I will never leave you two alone. I never have; I never will.”

“But Rainbow…”

Scootaloo sat up, looking down at her big sister. “You left today and didn't even say goodbye. What if something had happened, and we never saw you again?”

“Listen, Scoots.” Rainbow sat up and met the filly's sad eyes.

“Growing up was hard for us. All three of us. I always took it upon myself to make sure you guys always had food and a safe place to sleep, even if it meant I didn't. I would sooner give up my wings and never fly again if it meant you two were safe. I will never leave you and make sure you never get hurt, and if you did... If you do, I would make sure whoever hurt you paid dearly for it.”

Rainbow sighed. “That's why I push myself. I do it for you two.”

Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around Rainbow again.

“But you’re no use to us if you’re dead. Please be more careful. I couldn't bear to lose you, but imagine what it would do to Fluttershy. When the guards showed up, she almost had a heart attack, thinking they were here to deliver the bad news.”

“Alright, I'm sorry. Didja bring any books with you?”

Scootaloo rifled through saddle bags that Rainbow hadn't even noticed before. She pulled out a thick book with an adventurous mare on the front.

“New Daring Doo, if you're interested.”

“No way! Really? Come on over; let’s read it together…”

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