• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Special Chapter- Recap

Author's Note:

Hello my faithful readers, This is not the first chapter of Homecoming!

I am posting this recap for anyone who is rejoining the adventure after my most recent G. R. R. Martin-esque hiatus, so they can catch up with the current events of the story. If you are just finding this story, please continue onto the next chapter, Know My Name, which is Chapter 1.

To all of my returning or out-of-date friends, I hope this helps you, my many wonderful and faithful readers, and I look forward to delivering you all the next chapter this weekend. So glad to have you back with me for this stories wonderful conclusion!

Much love,

Our story begins as a hooded mare enters a distant outpost-town in far north of Equestria. A fight breaks out and the hooded mare brutally kills several ponies, only as upon leaving identifies herself as Twilight Sparkle. Word of the incident reaches the Princesses, who are shocked to hear of Twilight's involvement. They go to Luna's personal student, Wing-Commander Rainbow Dash, and assign her to find Twilight and bring her to Canterlot, explaining that Twilight Sparkle suffered from intense magical tantrums was a filly. The final one killed a number of other children, and she was thought to have been consumed in the explosion, but conflicting testimonies and witnesses placed doubt in the Princesses mind.

Twilight arrives in a ruined town where she repairs a number of houses with magic, and discovers that the residents are being extorted by a squad of reprobate guards. She recognizes the leader of these guards, Render, and tells the head of the town that she will help them. She sends a letter bound in violet ribbons away via magic, while she waits. When the group arrives, she goads the Render into a fight. She fights in an erratic and frightening manner, defeating the group but knocking herself unconscious as a result. She awakens with solid black eyes and sporting a twisted grin, assaulting a pony who suggests requesting Canterlot for help, before disappearing via magic.

Octavia Van Clef finishes a performance and is overjoyed to receives a letter bound in violet ribbons, stating the Twilight will be arriving in a few days. Wile Rainbow Dash travels north, Princess Luna enters into the dream realm in order to search for Twilight's mind, and is surprised to find the mare's subconscious despite having tried years ago. She finds a hall divided by two doors, entering in the first and being invited for tea-time by Twilight, the same way Luna had seen her when she was a filly. They are interrupted by a golden mare named Benevolentia. The mare chastises the filly, whom she calls Inquio, and requests Luna follow her.

Rainbow Dash makes contact with the town, discovering Twilight had left behind one of her daggers, a strange curved blade imbued with strange designs and magical glyphs which she keeps. She stays the night, hoping Twilight will return on the morrow. Twilight suffers a nightmare, chased through a never-ending maze by a copy of herself who sports solid black eyes and an insane grin. She manages to banish the creature with a spell and escapes the dream. Luna is shepherd by Benevolentia, also called Dawn, through the other door she had seen, being introduced to three other ponies; Judicium, Vindicta, and Saevio. Dawn explains that Twilight's mind was divided into six parts in order to cope and survive what happened when she was young, and each personality represents her core emotions, Kindness, Judgment, Vengeance, Innocence, Rage, and Insanity. Hearing it's name, The psychotic apparition Dementis appears and attacks Luna, feeding on her magic. Twilight appears, banishing Dementis and Luna out of her mind simultaneously.

Rainbow Dash continues hear search, while Twilight awakens inside a luxurious magical-room and discovers that her blade is missing. She she returns to the town, holding a colt hostage and calling Rainbow Dash back to the town with a magical signal.

In Canterlot, Shining Armor tells Cadence about Twilight, and she tries her best to reassure her husband that everything will be ok. They are summoned to the castle by the Princesses as Luna explains what she learned. They are interrupted when the group feel a nearly immeasurable explosion of magic far in the distance, visible from hundreds of miles away, and Celestia realizes that somepony had tapped into the power of her Sun. While they watch, a severely injured Rainbow Dash magically appears next to them before falling unconscious.

After taking her to the infirmary, Rainbow Dash details how Twilight attacked her immediately after landing. Both ponies sustaining heavy injuries. Rainbow Dash had knocked Twilight unconscious, only for Dementis to take control of her body and draw on the power of the sun, nearly killing Rainbow. Rainbow was forced to withdraw via a magical glyph, but managed to swipe a book from Twilight's bags. Twilight was able to recover her missing knife, as well as a slip of paper which had fallen out of Rainbow's armor. Shining Armor recognizes the book as Twilight's childhood journal, and Luna takes it for study and safekeeping.

Rainbow Dash returns home to recover, being cared for by Fluttershy and Scootaloo. Princess Luna begins studying Twilight's childhood journal, pausing only to assist Celestia in tending to Sweetie Bell. The filly suffers from the same disability Twilight did, the Princesses' striving to successfully ensure she does not suffer the same fate Twilight had.

Twilight dreams of a massive serpent whom she refers to as "Master". She demands he take Dementis from her due to the personage using all of her magic, but he berates her for allowing her mental-wards to drop. After some discussion, he gives her a portion of magic to quicken her recovery, and says "Caretakers" are waiting for her. The dream ends as Twilight awakens in the Changeling Hive, assaulting one of it's members before Chrysalis arrives to chide her for her violence. Nearly crippled from the failed invasion of Canterlot herself, the queen invites Twilight to stay and recover, but the the unicorn insists on leaving. While collecting her things, Twilight is horrified to realize her journal is gone.

Luna pours over the book, discovering Twilight had been suffering from strange dreams, hallucinations, black-outs, hearing voices, and visitations from an unknown master who promised to help heal her and give her magical power. Twilight and Chrysalis combine magic to send a powerful projectile to Canterlot before anypony can uncover the book's contents. Luna discovers that Dementis was planted into Twilight's mind, and was the cause of the disaster fifteen years ago. Before she can finish the journal, she is forced to flee as Twilight's spell destroys both the journal and Luna's personal chambers. Luna is unharmed, but Twilight is exhausted from the spell and agrees to spend another night in the Hive.

Luna calls a meeting to explain what information she could gleam, and to plan for Twilight's potential arrival in a few days. Shining Armor struggles greatly with the information, suggesting that perhaps Dementis, the "gift" this master had given Twilight, was to blame instead. He and Rainbow argue over the point, and the meeting is adjourned with the princesses unconvinced by his arguments, noting that Twilight and Dementis seem to interact independently of one another. Octavia reflects on another letter she received that morning, notifying her that Twilight would be delayed a few days, while she walks through the market with a Twilight Velvet. The mare invites Octavia to a gathering with the promise of a surprise announcement, but the pair are interrupted as Shining Armor and Cadence arrive.

Twilight awakens to Dementis pressing for control, but maintains her mental barriers. Chrysalis is concerned, but Twilight promises she has a contact waiting in Canterlot to help stop Dementis permanently. She bids farewell to Chrysalis and departs with a changeling guide named Ersatz who guides her through the changeling tunnels. Luna and several mages detect traces of changeling magic at the the remnants of her tower, and she informs Celestia that she will try to locate the Hive for answers. In the tunnels, Luna encounters Twilight and the changeling, sparking a short chase which ends in Ersatz capture, he and Twilight having swapped identities during an intentional cave-in. Frustrated by Twilight's escape, Luna storms into the hive to personally question Chrysalis. The queen initially is combative, but laments that even she doesn't understand entirely why Twilight has arrived. Chrysalis urges Princess Luna to stay out of the way and let her accomplish whatever she is setting out to do. Twilight manages to find her way out of the hives through a small tunnel that emerges into the castle itself. She knocks a guard unconscious, disguising herself with his armor as she triumphantly returns home.

Although his injuries are minor, Luna is furious to discover Twilight's assault on the guard and subsequent escape through the castle. Later that night, Octavia finishes a performance and discovers a golden unicorn named Dawn awaiting her. The two return to Octavia's home, where Twilight drops her disguise and the pair unite in an elated kiss.

The following morning a terse meeting is called at the Palace between the princess and heads of the Guards. The decide to place the Guard on high-alert, but not announce the reasoning to the public, worried that after the Changeling attack it may cause a panic during the Hearths-Warming Season. During an argument, Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash nearly come to blows. Luna places Rainbow Dash on leave, concerned that she or Twilight will kill each other if they meet again, while Cadence sneaks off to her room. She secretly enlists the help of three changelings, Mirror, Switch, and Chip, who she found and helped after the failed invasion, as they will be able to identify changeling disguises and spells.

Twilight spends the morning with Octavia, learning about what she's missed and inquiring about her family. Twilight tells Octavia that Dementis had taken control twice in the last week, prompting Octavia to play a song on her cello which puts Twilight peacefully to sleep. In a dream, Twilight's master scolds her again for using up her magic and tells her to rendezvous with another "Child," who will help her. Twilight uneasily inquires as to who this "Child" is, to which the Master states it is an old friend of her. Despite Twilight's revulsion towards the pony, The Master warns her she has 20 days to finish her mission. Meanwhile, Luna apologizes to an irate Rainbow Dash, stating that Rainbow is motivated by revenge and jealousy from losing her fight, and that Twilight may respond similarly if they meet, and reasserts that Rainbow Dash will be taken off the mission for now.

Twilight begrudgingly meets her contact, a stallion with solid black eyes named Penumbra, whom she shows extreme contempt towards. He gives her a Mana-fruit, an extremely rare plant that quickly restores magic. Despite the gift, Twilight threatens to kill Penumbra if she finds him in the city after today. Later that night, Twilight is working in the caves below Canterlot, carving magical runs and markings into the stone. She returns to Octavia's home, hearing an odd clicking that seems to follow her in the night. While trying to fall asleep, she sees Dementis staring down at her from the ceiling, but is saved as Octavia appears and helps her fall asleep with music. Later, Twilight tells Octavia that she was careless, and should have known Dementis would try to fight back against Octavia's "Power." Octavia suggests Twilight come to the market with her the next day. That night, Twilight Velvet confesses to Octavia that she is pregnant, which the earth pony relays to Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow Dash begins suffering night terrors and intense paranoia. Fluttershy runs for help after discovering Rainbow's eyes turning black. A voice whispers to Rainbow Dash that her friends will betray her, before the entity tries to seize control of Rainbow's body. As Fluttershy arrives at the castle tells Luna what happened, while Rainbow Dash finds Shining Armor in the marketplace. As he runs off to find Cadence, Rainbow Dash feels compelled to follow a golden mare she'd never seen before. The voice returns, causing her to hallucinate and panic in the crowd as Shining and Cadence arrive. Cadence tries to calm the growing concern in the crowd, senses Twilight's presence in the crowd. The disguised unicorn attacks Cadence through mental magic and flees as Luna arrives and pulls the group to safety.

The Princesses examine Rainbow Dash and discover corrupting magic in her body. Luna is disturbed to find the source of the corruption missing, and opts to keep Rainbow Dash for observation while placing guards at Fluttershy's home for safety. Shining Armor tells them he may have seen Twilight in the market place, and takes Cadence home after being dismissed.

After arriving home, Shining Armor is stunned to find Twilight waiting for him. After a tense meeting, she tells him that her "Master" saved her, and that she can guarantee no-pony will be hurt if he and the Princesses stop searching for her, telling him to congratulate their mother for her, before vanishing. Disoriented by the encounter, Shining Armor visits his parents and is stunned to discover that Velvet is pregnant. Before he leaves, he asks Velvet who else she had told. Shining Armor spends several days investigating several of Velvets friends, but strange records and inconsistencies lead him to ask more questions about Octavia. Cadence discovers this, but promises not to inform the princesses, passing the information to her changelings in secret. That night Chip discovers Twilight leaving Octavia's house, marking the building and trailing her, but is discovered and captured by her shortly after.

The Princesses summon Cadence and Shining Armor to the castle after receiving a letter from Twilight. As they open the letter, a severely wounded Chip magically appears. Cadence is barely able to save him with a flood of love magic, and afterword confesses what she'd done. Cadence is unwilling to leave Chip alone while he heals, and Shining Armor offers to inform the changeling's brother and sister what happened. After earning their trust, he asks them if Chip gave any indication of where he had last spotted the unicorn. He finds the mark Chip left and goes to Rainbow Dash for help, which she agrees to. While Octavia is at a performance and Twilight is away, they sneak into the house, capture Octavia, and take her away for questioning.

Octavia awakens in an interrogation building called The Tombstone Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor, but she feigns ignorance. Twilight returns home, confused by Octavia's absence. She investigates the house, discovering a small spatter of blood and the remnants of magic on the door, promising revenge as she departs.

Fluttershy receives a visit from an Earth Pony named Pencil Pusher who states she is on business from the Royal Guard, and is compiling a psychological evaluation of Rainbow Dash, a necessary step of working through ponies exposed to corrupted magic. Fluttershy recounts the story of Rainbow Dash's growing up, their friendship, and how Luna offered to become her teacher, sparing no detail regarding both of their sordid upbringings. As they conclude, Twilight drops her disguise as she stuns the pegasi and withdraws a pair of shears from her bags. Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash are found at the Tombstone by the princesses, and are summoned to Rainbow's home. They find the barely living Fluttershy, her wings having been clipped. As Shining Armor confesses what he and Rainbow Dash had done, another guard arrives to inform them that Scootaloo was picked up from school by an unknown guard and was missing. The teacher was placed under an enchantment spell with instructions to give them a letter from Twilight. Upon opening it, an illusion of Twilight appears and demands they return Octavia to her. The group realizes that Twilight is speaking directly too them, as she threatens that any harm done to Octavia will be returned to both her prisoners, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. As the spell ends, Luna demands to see Octavia. Twilight sleeplessly returns to her work in the caverns.

Both Princesses speak to Octavia, and she tells them about Twilight, though cryptically states that something restricts her from answering all of their questions, before explaining that Twilight is slowly dying from Dementis's influence. After an outburst from Luna, Celestia realizes that Octavia is using magic to calm their emotions. She states, surprised, that she can calm emotions through her words, but the effect is amplified by her music. She and Twilight met years previously, and she used this power to restrain Dementis, but her recent attempts have been unsuccessful. Octavia concludes the meeting by telling the Princesses that the only way to stop the violence is to let Twilight complete her mission, or to kill her.

They find Twilight's waiting at the arranged spot, Twilight carrying an unconscious Sweetie Bell in tow. Luna rushes in and pummels the unicorn into submission. Moments later, Dementis seizes control but a suddenly appearing Rainbow Dash knocks her out once more before flying away.

A team of examiners, study a heavily restrained Twilight for several hours, although Dementis is in total control of her body. While sitting by the comatose mare, the voice begins to speak in Rainbow Dash's mind once more, and she leaves for The Tombstone. The lead doctor reports to the Princesses his finding, noting Twilight's enormous pool of magic, bodily anomalies, extreme scarring, and a particular set of scars under her mane of an arcane variety. The Princesses surmise that it is why Octavia could not answer some questions, she being forbidden by magic, and Luna attempts to speak to Twilight.

Dementis taunts Luna with threats and showing Twilight in extreme pain, forcing Luna to knock her out again. Cadence helps to restrain Dementis as Luna delves into Twilight's mind once more, while Rainbow Dash tries to get into Twilight's room. Celestia goes to investigate, noting that Rainbow Dash seems not to be herself. Luna re-enters the mental space which houses Twilight's personalities. Dawn is there, holding a sleeping Twilight and desperately trying to keep Dementis at bay. Despite interruptions from Dementis and the other, now corrupted, personages, Dawn asks if Luna truly wants to save Twilight, before telling her she must make a promise.

Luna awakens in a panic, tearing out of the room in search of Twilight's bags, but not before being notified of Rainbow's presence in the building. She comforts Rainbow, but still does not allow her to speak to Dements, and the pegasi appears to be subdued. As Luna departs, the voice once more convinces Rainbow to act of her own accord.

Luna and Celestia enter into Twilight's crystal, realizing that the small room expanded into an immense library where they discover extensive, writings on magic, medicine, rituals, torture, even forbidden and lost spells. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash assault the guards posted outside Twilight's room, forcing her way. Despite the voice urging her to kill Twilight, Rainbow resists and instead forces Dementis to tell her where Scootaloo is before flying away. Guards surge in to ensure the unicorn doesn't escape, but Dementis reveals she was only pretending, having deactivated her magical restraints not long after Luna departed, and escaping in a torrent of black magic.

Celestia calls Luna over, still inside, the library, as the sister's are disturbed to discover animals parts, preserved limbs of the sentient races, and, somehow, a complete diagram of the binding on Discord's prison. Realizing Twilight has come to free Discord, her master, Luna destroys the majority of the room in a blind fury, as two guards enter the crystal and inform the sisters of Rainbow's actions. The cyan mare heads to the location Dementis gave her, an old and decrepit slaughterhouse, and begins the hunt for Scootaloo. Several Pegasi guards followed Rainbow Dash, entering into the building and assisting her in her search. The group split off, but quickly realize one of the doors was enchanted with a distraction spell. They push through the effect after several attempts and find an unharmed, peacefully sleeping Scootaloo inside.

The Alicorns emerge and find a destroyed Tombstone awaiting them. Luna tells Celestia to pull the guards to safety and activate "The Safeguard" while she goes after Twilight. Celestia departs, as Luna draws on the full power of the night and vanishes in shadow. Twilight sprints through the city, having wrested control back from Dementis, as the stars vanish an unnatural darkness clouds around her. Luna chases the unarmed Twilight and the pair clash in a desperate battle. After a hoof-to-hoof fight, both are nearly knocked unconscious, before a mysterious voice pulls Twilight to safety for a moment. She finds her bags and a note from Penumbra teasing her about carelessness, but stating he managed to save the majority of her "collection." Twilight continues running as Luna chases not far behind, following Twilight into an empty warehouse. Twilight forces the alicorn into a magical circle and knocks Luna unconscious.

After some time, Luna awakens within a magical prison, and a battered Twilight completing a ritual spell. Twilight asks if Fluttershy survived, to which Luna mocks and derides her stating how the pegasus will never fully recover. As Twilight shares the horror of living with Dementis, Luna rebuts her by stating that Discord had destroyed her parents, twisting realty, and hunted her and Celestia for years. After he'd been sealed away, Discord had nearly broken Luna's mind with an entity she called Nightmare Moon that tried to corrupt her with envy, but Celestia had saved her. She begs Twilight to stop, threatening that Discord will once again turn the world on it's head. As she finishes her spell, Twilight cryptically asks if Luna thinks she intends to destroy the world, and states that she will make sure no pony ever suffers what she suffered again, before activating her spell with Luna as it's power-source.

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