• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,162 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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A pleasant chat

There was an air of caution outside of the demon's door. Luna's hesitation was well earned, as she had nearly been injured a few hours ago. If it were not for Celestia's quick action, she could have been seriously incapacitated by Twilight's blast.

The fear, she knew, was not one of irrationality. Twilight was powerful indeed, her abilities far beyond the grasp of any mortal pony alive. But despite this, she still she paled in comparison to either of the Sisters. Despite her greatness, it was like comparing a thunderstorm to a typhoon.

But it was not her power that Luna was afraid of. No, it was the unicorn's knack for deceit and stealth. She always seemed to have a trick hidden up her sleeve, she had thwarted every attempt to locate her thus far, and had responded violently every time.

She had even stolen Sweetie Belle from her bed in the castle. No easy feat, as she had managed to get around every spell that Luna and Celestia had placed in the filly's room. The young unicorn had been guarded by a bit more than some invisible iron bars and an alarm spell. She was a target, both politically and physically, because of her condition. Even if it WAS a lower-class unicorn filly receiving free treatment from the Princesses of Equestria, it was amazing the kind of things that the political powers of Equestria would complain about. Tensions had flared up when ponies accused the Princesses of favoring unicorns over the other races, and the dukes and lesser royalty had tried to push the Sisters to teach their children as well.

Such selfish things. Whomever had said that racism between the pony families was dead had been cruelly mistaken..

Luna, bringing her thoughts back to the present, took a deep breath. A moment later, the cold door swung open noiselessly. There she was, in all of her glory. Twilight Sparkle. The purple mare stood tall and menacing, her eyes locked with Luna's. A faint sound seemed to come from Twilight, something that Luna couldn't quite hear.

As if on cue, Twilight's painfully wide grin seemed to grow even larger. An evil spark appeared in the eye of the mad unicorn, met by the steely gaze of Luna. The two held their ground as Luna moved closer and closer. As she drew nearer, she saw that Twilight's teeth were grinding together, over and over again in a circle, making a faint click sound as they rotated back and forth. The mental battle went on for nearly a minute, with Luna simply standing in front of the shackled mare.

Twilight leaned her head closer to the Princess. Their eyes were only inches apart, but Luna was still far enough away that Twilight couldn't strike with her head or horn. Yet she still fixed Luna with a viscous and hungry stare while gnashing her teeth.

“Princess Luna,” Twilight hissed, with a voice that sent a shiver up the alicorn's spine. She had heard Twilight's voice many times in the last month, but this time something was different. In their previous “meetings” there had been a sense of emotion. Anger, hatred, fear. But this time her words were empty, devoid of all life. They were cold and dark. What she heard was the voice of a mare that was completely unpredictable, a despicable growl that rattled through Luna's bones.

“Do you not fear me, little Princess? Are you truly as brave as the face you show me now?” Luna still held her stare. She couldn't let the little thing get under her skin. Her anger would just encourage Twilight. “You should not even try that with me, Princess. I can see through your mask.” The mare cackled. “How pathetic, the great Alicorn of the Night quaking in her shoes at the sight of an evil little unicorn. How sad. If only your subjects could see you now.”

Princess Luna smirked at the mare. “I wouldn't be so quick to speak, young one. As I recall, you showed me quite a bit of fear yourself. Don't you remember, back in the changeling tunnel? You looked at me like I was the Reaper coming for your soul. Don't be so quick to jest at other's fear when you cannot contain your own.”

Luna rose to her full height, looking down her nose that the mare standing before her. A fierce scowl was aimed in Twilight's direction. “After the things that you have done, I think you should hold your tongue. You stand on shaky ground, and right now I am showing you mercy, when I should have you hanging by the neck. So I suggest you choose your words carefully, Twilight Sparkle.”

The mad smile suddenly grew to be more genuine, as if she had an actual reason for joy. Her teeth began grinding together again, as if she was waiting to take a bite out of Luna's skin. “Surely you jest, Princess.” She spat the words, her tone mocking. “Do you truly believe the one you speak with is Twilight Sparkle?”

Luna's eyes narrowed. What did she mean? Could it be-

“Could it be that I tricked you again?” Twilight spoke in that low hiss. “I can assure you that the body you see before you is that of Twilight Sparkle.” She giggled, a cruel and evil sound that seemed to force its way through her lips. Her voice was the guttural growl of a hungry beast, not a pony. “But the one you speak with is not Twilight Sparkle. No, Twilight realized some time ago that she could no longer keep me contained. It took her long enough to realize that she should just lay down and DIE.”

“But that's not even the best part.” She seemed like she could barely keep in her laughter and excitement. “Right up until the end, she kept fighting. Oh how she fought, and she did it with such courage and strength that she could have sent Discord whimpering off to Tartarus.”

“And yet...” She laughed, a despicable sound that reeked of madness and evil. The noise a murderer gives before they take the life of their prey. “You should have seen her. When she finally gave in, she tried to bargain and plea, tried to make it seem like she could still restrain me.”

She stared into Luna's eyes, her body trembling and twitching. Her head snapped back and forth, up and down. She laughed at the alicorn once again. “When she finally gave in, I could see the fear in her eyes. It only required a little push before I finally took over. After sixteen years, I had finally won. Oooohh, it was glorious. She begged, and cried, and screamed.” Dementis moaned as if she was experiencing the greatest pleasure a pony could feel.

Luna felt sick. This was not a pony standing before. This was a monster worthy of Tartarus. Deep inside, Luna hoped that Twilight truly was dead. That she had given in to the creature, Dementis. Hopefully Twilight would be spared the agony of having to witness the travesties her own body might yet commit with her own hooves.

“Tell me, Princess...” Dementis called in a sing-song voice. “Would you like to see it?”

Luna's brow furrowed for a moment. 'See what?' She wondered.

Dementis leaned further towards Luna, stretching her restraints to their maximum. “Would you like to see what she looked like? Would you like to see what she looked like when I took her mind for my own?”

Luna stood taller, fury in her eyes. She opened her mouth to roar at the creature with a voice that would have sent her flying back, but she was stopped. Something changed in the unicorn standing before her. Her body froze for a moment, and her eyes seemed to glaze over.

Suddenly, Twilight's head dropped, and hung limp between her legs. There was utter silence for a few, harrowing moments. Luna didn't know what was coming next. Just what was she to expect from the unicorn? The thing looked as if she had fallen aslee—


Luna's thought were brought to a halt as Twilight's head snapped up toward the ceiling. A piercing scream emitted from her mouth, the shock causing Luna to stumble back. It was not the sound of fear or pain. No. It was something else. It was the sound of pure agony and torment.

Twilight's eyes were squeezed shut, not quite tight enough to stop tears from flowing down her cheeks. Her legs shook as if they were about to give out. The screams continued, barely stopping long enough for her to take in another breath.

Her front legs gave out, causing her to fall forward. Her screaming persisted, never ceasing, like a terrible, flowing river. Luna couldn't help but stare, appearing shocked at the sight before her. No. It was not shock or surprise that gripped her. Pure fear flowed through her, as she bore witness to the pure, unadulterated suffering in front of her.

Luna had seen death. She had fought wars. She had witnessed ponies as they clung to dead family members, friends, and lovers, begging for them to come back, pleading with whatever god or spirit they believed in to allow them to live. She had even seen some willing to give themselves up as a sacrifice. Not even those moments compared to what came from Twilight Sparkle.

It was unlike anything Luna had witnessed. For a moment the screaming stopped, barely enough time for Twilight to catch a breath as she opened one eye. Her's and Luna's visions met for the briefest of moment, barely enough time for it to register in Luna's mind.

But what the Alicorn of the Night saw in the sliver of moment pierced her very soul. Her eyes were beyond bloodshot, beyond mere pain. They held such agony, they hit Luna so deeply, that she wanted to run forward and embrace the young unicorn. But that wasn't the worst part. In that brief moment, Twilight saw Luna as well. Through her screams she called out to Luna. “HELP ME.

Luna took another step back. Twilight's voice was so broken, so cracked and full of terror and pain, that her words seemed like animalistic noises. Her jaw pulled tightly, so much that it looked as if she would pull the very tendons in her throat. Luna knew that there was still a pony in there. Twilight was in there, and she was suffering greatly. Only a moment later, the call came again.


Faster this time. She screamed it at Luna again and again and again.


Finally, Luna could bear it no longer. A flash of blue light emitted from her horn. The blast struck Twilight in the forehead. Just as soon as it had begun, Twilight's screaming ceased. That nightmarish noise was finally purged from the room, allowing silence to take hold once more. Immediately, the unicorn's eyes rolled up into her head and her legs gave out completely. Her body fell to floor with a sickening thud.

Luna fell down onto her haunches, the silence that surrounded her like glorious music after the agonizing cacophony that had played like a twisted symphony.

Only a moment later, the doors burst open. In rushed several medics and guard ponies, followed closely behind by Cadence and Celestia. For a moment, nopony moved. They simply looked down at the mare that had, only moments earlier, been so full of pain and fear that they had frozen outside of the door. Even Celestia and Cadence had been utterly taken aback by what they heard. Those strangled cries for help...

Luna, despite her earlier shock, wasted no time in moving. She surged forward, followed by two other medic ponies. “Quickly, come help me.” She cradled Twilight's head, holding it in her hooves gently. The other two ponies began checking over Twilight's limp body.

Luna pointed to a medical gurney that stood on the other side of the room. “You,” she pointed to one of the medics, “get that table. Help me lift her up.” Two more ponies came forward, lifting her off the floor and onto the small padded platform.

The medics swarmed the purple unicorn. “We have a pulse. She's breathing.” One of the ponies called out.

“Heart rate evening out at 87.” Another hollered.

“Prepare a white magic injection.” Luna called out to nopony in particular. A moment later, a unicorn was at her side with a glowing white bag, an IV needle and tube sticking out of the bottom. Just another moment later, and the white substance was flowing out of the bag and into Twilight's leg.

“Cadance, come here.” Luna called to her niece. Instantly, Cadenza was at Luna's side, her expression intense.

“Quickly now,” Luna instructed, her voice calm. “Remember, just like I explained to you.”

Cadence nodded, her mind wandering back to just minutes ago.

Now you must be prepared.” Luna had instructed, as she, Celestia, and Cadence walked down the white hallways. Cadence had been sent for once Noteworthy had finished his work, and had arrived not long after. Luna had been explaining things to her sister and niece while they moved to Twilight's room.

“I don't know what will happen once I go into that room, but I need you to keep a clear head no matter what you see. If things go like I think they will, then I need you to be prepared. Don't be afraid to put every drop of your magic into this.”

Cadence stared at the floor. She was worried, not just for her aunt, but for Twilight as well. She wanted to help the mare she once knew just as much as Celestia and Luna did, but she was still worried. So far, she had never seen Twilight while she was... possessed. Even to this moment she had never seen Twilight while the other took her over. Or at least, that's how it was explained to her. She had only heard from the Sisters and the other guards about what she might see. She still wasn't sure if she was fully prepared to see Twilight in such a manner.

“Trust me, Cadence.” Luna turned towards her niece, giving the other alicorn an apologetic look, almost as if she had read the younger mare's mind. “You will see a pony unlike anything you have ever seen before. Twilight is in no state to have a simple chat. She may say things and do things that will make you want to be afraid, especially if she can see your reaction. You must not give in to her. It will only cause her to become excited. She may continue unless we sedate her.”

“That is where you come in, darling.” Celestia continued her sister's words. “Should we need to sedate her or calm her, we will need you to use your magic to make absolutely sure that she is dormant.” The Sun Princess spoke in a calm, measured tone, but she still could not completely hide her nervousness either. “I will be preparing Luna, so it will be up to you to make absolutely sure that she is as pacified as you can make her.”

“We understand that this is no easy task.” Luna continued. “We don't want to force you into this. You don't have to do this if you don't think you can. We will not blame you if you don't. This is a last-resort plan, and I had hoped that it wouldn't come to this.”

Cadence stared at the ground. Her aunt was right. This was a lot to take in. But it obvious what her answer was. She rarely got the chance to help out, and she would not disappoint her aunts when they needed her most.

“Cadence.” Luna rested one hoof on the alicorn's shoulder. “Remember, nice and steady stream. Not too much, not too little.” Cadence nodded quickly, closing her eyes in concentration. She aimed her horn down, touching it to Twilight's forehead. The next moment, teal magic flowed through her horn and into the unicorn.

“Excellent Cadance. Excellent.” Luna complimented the mare. She turned towards her sister. “Ready, Celestia?” The elder alicorn nodded, closing her eyes in concentration.

A beam of yellow magic shot from her horn, connecting with Luna's horn. When the beam died down, there was a burning yellow halo wrapped around Luna's horn. “Thank you sister, this will do me well.” Luna closed her eyes in concentration just as her sister had done. Her own horn blazed with light, and soon there was a blue halo mirroring Celestia's also wrapped around Luna's horn.

Since Dementis had attacked her when she first visited Twilight's mind, she had learned from her mistake. Some wards from both her and Celestia should help prevent any more attempted magical draining from the malevolent spirit inhabiting Twilight's mind.

Luna turned back towards Twilight Sparkle. She looked down at the sleeping mare with caution and distrust. If Twilight had been true to her word, then Dementis would be waiting for Luna this time, unlike the last when she had simply popped in.

Taking a deep breath, she bent down and touched her horn to Twilight's, and her world went black.

Author's Note:


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