• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,162 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

  • ...

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A morning chat

“What would you like to hear about first?”

Twilight and Octavia sat at her small dining table. It was a calm, quiet winter morning. They both awoke earlier in each other’s grasp, neither wanting to let go. They had just lied there, each staring into their significant other’s eyes and enjoying the company. Eventually though, they rose from their tangle of hooves to prepare for the morning.

Octavia had made breakfast while Twilight had cleaned herself up and changed her bandages. It was late morning by the time they sat down for their meal.

Twilight considered the question for a moment. “While I would ask about you, I must know: how have they been through all these years?”

“Who? Your brother or your parents?”

Octavia brought in some coffee along with breakfast. Twilight began engulfing her coffee as soon as it was given to her, the sweet aroma waking her from her drowsiness. Coffee was like liquid gold to her, as it was incredibly difficult to find in the northern wastelands.

As she drained her second cup, she spoke, “I would say my parents, but I found myself entering Canterlot through the palace, and my brother was there. Do you know why?”

“No,” Octavia said with a slight smirk. “Unfortunately, I never asked much about Captain Armor's business—“

Twilight almost dropped her now refilled mug in surprise. “CAPTAIN?!” she sputtered. “Like, Royal Guard Captain?”

Octavia nodded, trying to suppress a giggle. “The very one!”

Twilight slumped back in her chair, disbelief written across her features. “Captain,” she mumbled. “I can't think of anypony more deserving than him to receive that title. It was always his dream to join the Guard. It seems fitting that he should lead them.”

“He's also married to Princess Cadenza.”

Twilight could not hold back a massive choke that time. After a short coughing fit, she met Tavi's eyes again.


“You heard me correctly.”

Twilight stared off into space, her jaw hanging slack. “Now that I think about it, I'm not surprised. They always were very flirty with each other. But still… A PRINCESS. How did he manage that?”

“Who knows? Maybe it was his charming personality.”

“Charming personality? You have met my brother, correct?” He couldn't charm a snake to bite him, even if he stole its mouse.”

Octavia giggled. “You haven't seen him for sixteen years. He's changed from what you told me he was like.”

“Unbelievable,” she whispered. “Well then, what about my parents?”

“Well, to start off, they both retired from the observatory.” Tavi folded her hooves in front of her. “They mostly stay at home. Your mother still goes to her book clubs and star-watches, though. You father still takes walks through the Canterlot Gardens a few nights a week.”

Twilight eyes glazed over as Octavia spoke of Twilight's parents. She was suddenly brought back as Octavia spoke softly, “They still talk about, you know…”

Twilight and Octavia eyes met. “They have a small grave for you. Just outside the royal gardens. From what I can gather, the princesses were quite distraught with your 'death,' just as your family was.”

Twilight broke the stare, now looking longingly at the table. Her eyes gave a small shimmer.

“That's a scary thought, knowing I have a grave set out for me. Makes you wonder…” she trailed off.

She paused for a few moments. “I wonder if Shining has told them. I doubt it, but maybe he has.” Twilight shook her head. “No. He couldn't. They would never believe him, and if they did, they would demand why he didn't tell them sooner.”

She drew a ragged breath. Octavia could swear she saw a small tear escape, but Twilight rubbed her eyes, destroying any evidence of a tear. “But. We shouldn't dwell on unhappy thoughts.”

She smiled brightly at her lover. “I forgot to ask about you. You seem to be doing well among the Canterlot Elite.”

Octavia returned the smile. “Believe me, it took some time. I really had to work for it. Six years of work led up to this.”

Twilight looked around the house for a brief moment. It was by no means a mansion or lavish, but it was warm and had a homey feel. The house felt open, like it would let you stay forever.

“Still, though,” Twilight started. “No pony would blame you for wanting to live in some mansion in Hoofington Square.”

Octavia smiled. “Yes, but to do that, I would have to put up with all those rich snobs and so called 'royalty.' The only nice ones from that group are Fancy Pants and Fleur, his constant companion. Besides, I like this place, and I couldn't leave Vinyl alone. She'd probably burn it to the ground.”


Octavia sighed. “Yes, my roommate Vinyl Scratch. She came to Canterlot about a year and a half after I arrived, to be a DJ. I’ll explain in a moment,” Octavia said quickly, seeing Twilight's quizzical look at the unfamiliar term. “She was looking for a place to stay, and I had a spare room which she still rents. She mostly plays at night clubs, so she sleeps during the day which is good. She can be infuriating at times.”

“Interesting. So... what’s a DJ? I don't recall the term.”

“Mostly for a good reason,” Octavia nodded. “DJs are a recent breed. They are mainly unicorns who take sounds and manipulate to create 'dance' music. According to her, it has to be played as loudly as possible to experience the full effect, but it's not for me. They utilize the newer technology to create electronic noises and sounds. You'll understand more once you get to meet her. Oh, and if she asks you to sample some of her music, I would recommend for you to cover your ears first.”

“So, wait, they just play loud music and that's it?”

“Not quite. Each DJ has their own signature. Sometimes it's the speed of their music, types of sounds, 'drops' as Vinyl calls them, or anything to set themselves apart from the others. Vinyl, being a unicorn, takes advantage of lights. She can take a plain light and make a rainbow of colors, which accompanies her music. She uses multiple lights to create strobes and lasers to 'energize' the crowd.”

“Hmm… Sounds interesting.”

Octavia sighed. “Be my guest to look into it, but if Vinyl asks you to test out a piece, tell her no. You'll save yourself the pain and hearing loss.”

“What could be so harmful about that?” Twilight remarked, a spark of doubt in her eye.

Octavia chuckled softly. “You'll find out eventually.”

Twilight nodded. “Well.” Smiling, she shifted in her seat. “I want to hear more about you and your life in Canterlot.”

For the next hour, Twilight listened as Octavia spoke extensively about her time in Canterlot, her friends, her stories, concerts, and her life as a whole. Most would be bored by the discussion, but not Twilight. As long as she was with her lover, she could suffer through anything.

Suddenly, a voice called out.


The voice screamed from the other room. Twilight jumped, slightly startled while Octavia only sighed. “That would be Vinyl.” She looked at a nearby clock. “She's not usually up this early. She usually gets up in another five to six hours.”

Twilight turned in her chair as clumsy hooves rapped against the polished floor. A moment later a white unicorn came around the corner. Her mane was ruffled, clearly showing her recent awakening. Her eyes were tightly squeezed shut, and one leg was covering them.

“Octavia,” she croaked. “Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them.”

“I'm afraid not.” Octavia stood and made her way to the unicorn. “Did you leave them at the club?”

The mare shook her head. “I had them when I got here, and now they’re gone. I searched my room and they’re not there either.”

“Alright, we'll look.” She wrapped a hoof around one of Vinyl's, but she wouldn’t budge. With her eyes still covered, Vinyl asked to the room, “Who's your friend?”

Twilight cocked her head. The mare had turned toward her without seeing or hearing Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle,” she calmly replied. “How did you know I was here?”

The mare smiled. “Light refraction,” she said simply.

Twilight's eyes brightened. “You followed along light waves. Used them to see the room like a picture. Amazing.”

Vinyl's smile grew even wider. “Wow, Octavia. Your friend is smart.” Turning back to Twilight, she continued, “How would you know that?”

“I'm a bit of a scholar. How did you learn that?”

“Self-taught. I've always been good with lights. If I can find my glasses, I can do a proper introduction.”

“Of course,” Twilight answered, wanting to learn more about this mare. The three of them sent the next few minutes scouring the house before Octavia finally found them buried beneath a stack of papers. Once they were around her eyes, Vinyl finally dropped her hoof.

“Vinyl Scratch, pleased to meet you,” she introduced herself. “It's Twilight, right?”

“Correct. Your eyes - you must have extreme sensitivity to light, correct?”

Vinyl nodded. “Yeah. My glasses are specially made to block out a majority of light without reducing my vision.”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. Octavia finally spoke up. “So, Vinyl? Why are you awake now? You usually aren't for another five hours.”

“Oh damn, that's right.” Vinyl perked up, quickly looking to a clock. “I have an early show and I need to be there to set up.” She mare quickly began dashing back and forth between her room and the door, holding various items in her magic and hooves. Within a few minutes and with a quick goodbye, she was out the door.

Twilight's voice called quietly. “She's a very... energetic thing, isn't she?”

Octavia gave a soft chuckle. “Yes. But you'll get used to that.” She sat in the same spot at the table again, with Twilight following suit.

Octavia sat silently for a moment before finally breaking the silence. “So,” she began. “You've heard of your parents, brother, and me.” She met Twilight's eyes, a serious look in her own. “But what about you?”

Twilight felt as if the temperature in the room dropped fifty degrees. She leaned forward, resting her hooves on the table, an almost scared look in her eyes. After a moment, she lifted one hoof, tapping it to the side of her head. Octavia gave a dark nod.

“Is she?” Octavia asked.

Without a word Twilight nodded.

Octavia sat back in her seat, her eye far staring distantly. “Has she succeeded?” she asked, her voice deep and low.

Twilight drew a ragged breath. “Twice,” she croaked.

Octavia met Twilight's eyes. “When?” she asked quickly.

“Within the last week.”

Octavia's jaw dropped. She stared at Twilight with a look of horror. “How badly?” she gulped.

Twilight chewed her lip, staring distantly at the table, her eye unfocused. “The first time, no damage. I was able to recover quickly... But the second time…” She closed her eyes. A moment later, her horn lit for less than a second before a stream of sparks shot out. Gritting her teeth, she stopped the attempted flow of magic.

“As you can see, I now have no magic. On the bright side though, no innocents were hurt or killed.”

“What about now? Is she-”

“No,” Twilight quickly denied, cutting Octavia off. “She's smart, though. She’s biding her time. She’s waiting. Waiting until she can fight me with the least resistance.”

Twilight glared at the table. “Sleep, rest, panic, fear, anger. Anytime I can't keep my focus completely in check, she will attack.”

She met Octavia's eyes again, fear showing in her own. “She's even stronger than before. A few years ago I could get rid of her, no problem. One quick mind spell and I would be problem free. But now...” she trailed off.

Octavia slowly stood, giving Twilight a warm and reassuring smile. “Come with me. I know what you need.” She wrapped one hoof around Twilight's torso. They walked together, Twilight's head resting against Octavia's. They entered Octavia's room and Twilight laid down on the bed as Octavia opened her cello case.

As she brought over her large instrument, Twilight lay down, closing her eyes.

“Be at peace, my love,” Octavia whispered softly before giving Twilight a peck on her forehead.

A moment later sweet music filled the room. Twilight breathed slowly and deeply, taking in the music as if it were the air around her.

As she laid there a deep calm settled over her, and for the first time in years, she slept peacefuly.

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