• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,162 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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The church

20 days remaining

The Church of the Heavens. A towering structure in the far west edge of Canterlot.

While Canterlot was being constructed, a group frequently approached Celestia and Luna about constructing a monastery. The group insisted that it was to worship the sisters as gods despite Celestia’s and Luna's protests that they were not. Their protests, however, were to no avail as the group grew and earned rapid support. Not being able to deflect the attention, the sisters granted them permission to build the monastery in a remote area, so it would not be a focus of attention.

As time went on, the number of followers dwindled until the grand building wasn't much more than a tourist attraction and a Canterlot monument. Every once in a while though, a follower would come in and pray or sit in comforting silence.

Twilight stood outside, staring up at the building. Nearly a thousand years old, the Monastery was in surprisingly good shape, but that was not why she watched. She was steeling herself for what awaited inside. She'd been outside for a few minutes and decided that the less she had to be inside, the better off she would be.

After what seemed like hours, Twilight closed her eyes, breathing deeply. She slowly began walking inside.

The inside was just as luxurious as the outside was. She slowly walked across the polished marble floor. Beautiful art, even rivaling those inside the castle, hung from the wall. Drapes, curtains, and carpets made of fine, multicolored silk lined the floors and walls.

She briskly walked through the entrance and into the chapel, anxious to get what she came for and leave as soon as possible.

Rows of pews extended across the massive room. At the end, a large wall of stone rose up. Engraved on it was a beautiful carving of the sun and moon. Surrounding them were the alicorn sisters. Twilight scanned each row as she walked through the chapel.

Finally she found the one she had been looking for. She slowly walked through the aisle, taking a seat behind a lone stallion. He was sitting up, staring at the stone wall only a few rows in front of him, a small smile on his face. It wasn't a smile of happiness but a pitying smile - one given to foals who are so convinced they are right that they won’t listen to the truth.

He was only comparable to a shadow. His fur and mane were a mix of black, dark indigo, and deep purple. His horn was a matching swirl of the three colors.

“Don't you think it's sad?” he asked openly. Twilight ignored him, sitting in silence. He continued on however, not waiting for her response.

“These fools truly think that their rulers are gods. So blind. They are no more than figure heads who claimed the land as their own. They have no right to rule,” he said, chuckling.

Though it was a statement, he was disappointed to receive no response. He turned in his seat, staring at Twilight with eyes so black and empty they seemed to absorb light. “Well? What do you think?” he demanded.

Still not looking at him, Twilight growled, “I think you should give me what I came here for and not play your games with me. I'm not in the mood.”

The stallion gave a wide grin. “My, my. Testy, aren't we? Why don't you relax a bit? Just take a deep breath. Calm down.”

“Stop it.” Twilight shook her head, but his grin still continued.

“Stop what? I'm just trying to make conversation. Besides, you're too tense. Just close your eyes and-”

“SHUT UP!” Twilight stood as she roared. She scowled down at the still smiling stallion. “Don't try to charm me, Penumbra. I came here for something, and I want it NOW. I don't have time to listen to you, and I'm not in the mood.”

Still, he only laughed. “Oh well. Maybe next time. Come now though, have a seat. Calm down.”

“Don't tell me to calm down. The last thing I need to be is calm around you.”

His humoring smile persisted. “You're far too uptight. You could get some of that anger out if just let her off the leash.”

“Oh, believe me, Penumbra, I'm in a good mood right now. If I had an ounce of magic, I would choke the damn package out of you. Now, will you give it to me, or should I let Master know that you stood me up?”

Finally the smile faltered. Penumbra's eyes widened and he put up his front hooves defensively. “Whoa, whoa, calm down. I have the package, but it's not that time yet. It's not yet noon.”

“And what does noon have to do with it?”

“That's when the safe opens up. Just wait a few more minutes.” Penumbra turned around in his seat, staring at the stone carving once more. Twilight followed his gaze.

Minutes later, a colorful spark, seemingly from nowhere, appeared in midair. Soon, another followed, then two more, then four. This repeated over and over again until the air in front of the stone was ablaze with multicolored sparks.

Penumbra rose from his seat and made his way towards the magical light show, Twilight following behind. Still the lights persisted even when Penumbra and Twilight reached them. Penumbra's horn lit, surrounded in dark magic.

He raised one hoof, and the dark magic collected around it. Slowly, he reached into the wall of sparks and lights. Instead of pushing through the lights, the air around his hoof rippled like water. Slowly, his hoof disappeared. He moved his hoof through the “portal” as if searching for something. A moment later, he withdrew his hoof. Balanced on top was a crystal orb, not unlike the one Twilight kept.

With another hoof he beckoned her over, motioning for her to follow him. She had been watching the whole scene from a few feet, and though she wasn't happy about it, she made her way over to the dark stallion.

He pressed his horn to one side of the orb, and Twilight mimicked him. In a moment, they were gone from the Monastery and were now in what seemed to be the inside of a glacier. Ice formed all around them in a large dome. In the center resting on a pedestal of ice sat a large vine covered in small round fruits the size of large grapes.

“Is that manafruit?” Twilight asked in surprise.

Penumbra nodded. “Took us a few weeks to dig up. Found it underneath a few thousand tons of ice.”

“Weight, yield, fruit?”

“About three and a half pounds. 127 fruits. About 8500-9500 ohm per fruit.”

Twilight stared at Penumbra in shock. He only laughed. “Believe me, you're not the only one in shock about this. I had to put a few spells on it to make sure nopony would steal it. This fruit would be enough to buy half of Canterlot. And now…” He grabbed the fruit with magic and floated it over to Twilight. “I would recommend ten to fifteen each day. A maximum of no more than 25 per day if you're really desperate.”

The ice began rumbling, and Penumbra looked at the floating crystal. “We should go. If not, then we'll be trapped here for another few days before the safe opens again. Twilight placed the fruit into her pack before turning back towards the crystal.

A moment later they appeared inside the church again. The sparks began recollecting until they disappeared for good.

“Well, it's been fun, but unfortunately, it's time for me to depart.”

“Oh no,” Twilight said in a deadpan voice. “How terrible. How will I go on without you?”

Penumbra simply laughed. “It's alright. You'll live.”

“Yeah, sure. Do me a favor, Penumbra.”

The shadowy stallion bowed, a playful smile covering his face. “Of course, my dear. Whatever do you need?”

Twilight turned towards him, her face serious. “Stay out of Canterlot, because if I find you here again, I'll rip your throat out.

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