• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Black Lights

The first thing that caught Luna's attention was the rot.

When she'd last seen it, the great domed room had been a brilliant white, and seemed to be filled with light from nowhere. No sun or moon, stars or physical illumination. The room was just filled with light which came from nothing.

But this time, the same could not be said. The massive curving walls were an ugly and faded yellow color. The light in the room had gone from a brilliant shine to a dim glow. They were covered in the pulsing black plague she'd seen outside, and seemed to further drain the room of its light.

Cracks filled the wide ceiling floor, serving as gateways to even more of the black substance that looked to have formed itself into putrid tentacles. As Luna began to tentatively move across the once-polished stone, the tentacles that surrounded her began to move as well, as if they could sense her presence. One of them brushed against her leg as she moved forward. As soon as it came into contact with her hoof, the halos burning around her horn flashed brightly, and the vile thing burst into flames.

In an instant it seemed to lunge away from her, the flames dying down as soon as it was no longer in contact with the Princess. It seemed like it even rolled further away from her than was necessary, ever so slightly. Apparently, Dementis knew better than to toy with her enchantments. Luna just hoped she wouldn't have to see how powerful the demon was inside of Twilight's mind.

“I see you have learned from your past. That is good. At least you won't fall for her tricks again.” A voice called out to Luna. The alicorn turned to find what had called out to her. She could only see piles of muck, and the hideous tentacles surrounding her.

“Over here, Princess.” The voice called out again.

“Benevolentia...” Luna whispered to herself. From nowhere came a gentle giggle.

“I'm glad to see that you still remember me. I was hoping you hadn't forgotten.” She replied, but Luna could still not find the source of her voice. The alicorn turned in circles, trying to find where Benevolentia could be.

“I'm right here Princess.” The sweet voice called out, this time from behind Luna. The Princess whirled around to find a pony who had appeared seemingly out of thin air. The mare's entire body was radiant. Her mane, tail, coat, and irises were a beautiful shade of gold. Her whole body shimmered and shone, providing a brilliant light to the grim, dark room that Luna wandered.

Benevolentia sat down on a patch of solid white flooring, as if the infection hadn't reached her spot yet. Or maybe she was just keeping it away. Though mildly interesting, Luna's curiosity was taken away once she saw who was with Benevolentia.

Twilight Sparkle herself lay with her head on Benevolentias lap. Her hooves were wrapped around Benevolentia's waist and her face was buried in the golden mare's legs. It reminded Luna of a trip she had taken with Twilight and her family to a small hillside. The filly had practically passed out from running around and playing with her brother. She thought it a happy sight to see, a pleasant remembrance in a tortured mind, but as Luna got closer she realized it was far from a happy memory.

Twilight's expression was contorted and clearly showing pain. She was semi-curled into a tight ball, as if her mid-section ached. Her body shook with labored breaths as she subtly rocked back and forth. As she moved, a small whimper escaped from her lips. Benevolentia slowly stroked her mane, shushing and cooing the mare back to sleep.

“Benevolentia.” Luna nodded to the shimmering mare, still not taking her eyes off of Twilight. The other mare smiled in return, a warm, motherly action that should have filled Luna with happiness and joy. But she could not ignore the sadness and filth that surrounded her. The mare seemed to sense Luna's discomfort, and showed off her smile even more.

It was rather interesting to see. Both Dawn and Dementis came from Twilight's mind, and yet they were polar opposites. Dawn's smile was full of warmth and joy and happiness, while Dementis spread hate and pain and suffering. How could these two fruits have possibly come from the same tree?

“Dawn, Princess.” She corrected with a small bow of her head. “This is hardly the time for you to waste breath on formalities. Especially on the likes of me.”

It seemed to Luna that Dawn knew all too well where she came from.

“Besides,” The beautiful mare continued, as if she was speaking to nopony in particular. “I prefer Dawn. Benevolentia sounds so... royal. High class. Why bother separating myself from others? We're all ponies, no matter what.”

She laughed outwardly, a sweet ringing sound that drifted into Luna's ears. “Funnily enough, I'm not even a pony myself. Just a piece of one, still trying to save the rest of me.” She looked down at Twilight, stroking the unicorn's mane softly. “It's all I can do, really.” She whispered, her smile still shining.

Luna felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Somehow, she felt that this was all her fault. She looked around at the filth that surrounded her. She and Celestia were supposed to have helped this mare, and instead they had done this. Twilight had been brought to her knees, and now an even more powerful force had taken her. If the great Alicorn Sisters couldn't even help one filly, how could they be expected to to rule?

“I warn you, Princess.” Dawn said softly, shaking Luna out of her grim thoughts. The golden mare nodded towards Luna's glowing wards which encircled her horn. “Your magic keeps Dementis from directly entering you, but the influence of this realm is still ready to have its way with you.”

Luna nodded. To lose focus would be dangerous, especially inside of Twilight's mind. She was already risking much by entering this place. She couldn't stay long, for fear that she might succumb to the twisted thing that dwelled here.

“Dawn, why must you spoil all the fun?” Another voice called from behind Luna. The alicorn turned to see... Twilight, standing behind her.

Well, not quite the same mare, it seemed. She bore a similar resemblance to Twilight, however there were several differences, one of which was the unicorn's normally short-cut mane was long and curled. She was also taller, and had a much more feminine look to her. Most noticeably, instead of possessing Twilight's heavy, steely gaze, hers was enticing. Seductive. Inviting. Luna knew this mare.

“What are you doing here, Dementis? You are not welcome here.” Dawn glowered.

“Ooh, snappy.” The mare giggled. She only showed half of her face to Luna and Dawn. The other half was obscured by her long, wispy mane. “Besides, I am still Vindicta. You act like I'm not even here, Dawn. So much for representing Kindness. I think I only hear spite and jealousy.” She teased the other mare, eyeing Luna dangerously.

Dawn scoffed. “Jealousy? I have no intent on becoming Her slave. I see, however, that you have already fallen to her ways.” Her words grew increasingly fierce, as she looked down at Twilight. “Leave us, Vindicta. We have no need for your poisonous words. Luna is a guest here, and she will NOT be disturbed.” The golden mare finished with an angry snap..

Unfortunately, her tone grew too loud, and caused Twilight to stir in her lap. The young mare let out a small moan and squirmed, her pained expression growing more desperate. Dawn leaned forward, stroking Twilight's mane and humming softly to her.

Vindicta laughed, a cruel, evil laugh. “That's right, Benevolentia.” She teased. “Go back to babysitting. We will take care of little miss Princess here.” She parted her mane, revealing one solid black eye. “It shouldn't be too difficult. Even with those pesky wards.”

“I agree,” another voice joined the fray. Suddenly, Luna felt as if the room was beginning to grow crowded. “Her situation does not excuse her crimes, now does it?” The alicorn didn't even have to turn towards Judicium to know how she was perceived by the newcomer.

“I also agree!” A loud voice yelled. Luna knew the both of them. “The Princess hasn't exactly been all goody-goody this whole time, now has she?” Saevio shouted, her fiery mane whipping at the air in Luna's peripheral vision.

Luna turned to find the others waiting behind her. Similar to Vindicta, each of them had one eye that was solid black, but the differences didn't stop there. Saevio's white coat was stained with black stripes that ran up her side and back. The glower that Luna had expected her to be wearing was replaced by an evil grin, and her body was low and stiff, as if she was preparing to jump at Luna.

Judicium, however, seemed to be almost the opposite. Her body language showed no aggression, but she wore a deep frown with her solid black eye. Luna could feel malicious intent radiating off of the mare, as if she was the most dangerous pony in the room.

“Why are you here, halflings?” Luna shouted, putting as much emphasis into the name as she could. Though it was not aimed at her, Dawn winced at the remark, unbeknownst to Luna. “I thought my sister and niece were supposed to be keeping you out of this place.”

“Ah, quite the contrary.” A final voice hissed. Luna turned swiftly, trying to find the pony from whom the voice originated. A deep chill crawled up her spine. It appeared that the ringleader had finally decided to join the circus she had made.

“You see,” the voice hissed again, “their magic only keeps us from penetrating your own defenses.” The black tentacles surrounding the great domed room began to rise up into the air. They floated closer and closer to the direct center of the room, some of them joining into one another. “While you may be protected for now, this is still our realm. We have free passage over this place. No amount of filthy alicorn magic can rid us of that.”

The vines coalesced in mid-air, fusing together into a pool of black ink. The pool began to take shape and form, creating legs and a body. The disembodied voice continued to speak. “But we are patient creatures, Princess.” It called in a mocking tone. “You are only allowed to leave when we say so. Until then, you belong to us. We will simply wait until your wards fall, and we will take your magic for our own.”

The blackness finally took full form. Floating above Luna was a solid black pony, devoid of any features or color. The alicorn took a step back, preparing for the worst from Dementis.

Suddenly, a loud cracking came from the dark body. With a sound like that of glass shattering, a spiderweb of cracks raced along the blackness. Her body began to move frantically, her legs and neck flailing out like a wounded beast.

Suddenly, the body fell silent. All eyes gazed upon the broken shell that hung above them, waiting with bated breath to see what would emerge.

'I don't believe it will be a pretty butterfly.' Luna thought to herself.

As if on cue, a blistering scream emerged from the body. The black skin shattered completely and flew from it, revealing Dementis in all of her corrupted glory.

She leered down at Luna, her trademark grin finding its place on her face. “So tell me, little princess, what do you have to say for yourself?” She laughed at Luna, spittle flying from her mouth. As the alicorn laid eyes on the reveling Dementis, she felt a mighty rage take hold of her. Her horn glowed brightly, the wards growing bright as well.

But before she could respond, a blast of golden light exploded in the air between her and Dementis. Luna averted her eyes from the blinding light, trying to blink back tears from the sudden blast.

When the light finally faded, Dementis and her minions were gone. The air where they had stood was full of tiny black particles, each no larger than a grain of sand.

“Honestly, I thought she would never stop talking.” Came Dawn's voice from beside Luna. The Princess turned to see the golden mare standing beside her, a smug smile slowly taking the place of a determined expression. “She always had a flare for the dramatic, but that was just ridiculous.”

She turned to face Luna, her small smirk still showing. “I could have sent them away earlier, but Dementis would have just regenerated sooner. I apologize for the wait. It was rather painful to listen to, wasn't it?” Dawn said, her tone sincere.

Luna stood surprised, still staring at the spot where Dementis had been only a moment ago. “That seemed rather easy, don't you think?” She spoke out of the side of her mouth, not quite believing that Dementis had been defeated so easily.

Dawn chuckled lightly. “Like I said, Princess, she always had a flair for drama. She tends to get a little carried away. But then again, we all seem to to have our own weaknesses.” Dawn turned back to Twilight, who still lay curled up on the floor. With a flash of her horn and a wave of her hoof, she produced a small blanket out of thin air and spread it over Twilight's body, before planting a small kiss on the mare's forehead.

Turning back to Luna, Dawn's smirk disappeared. “I am afraid it will not take long for them to return, however. I would wager we only have a few minutes.” She smiled softly at the ground. “It's a shame. We wouldn't have enough time for tea.”

Luna averted her gaze from Dawn, choosing to stare down at the ground as well. She wanted to laugh at the mare's joke, but it just felt far too inappropriate. All humor escaped Luna's grasp, though she appreciated the mare's effort.

“If that is true, then it would seem my time to depart is rapidly approaching.” Luna said to her. She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. “I came here, still trying to help Twilight. I don't want her to die. Neither do my sister, niece, or her brother, but if we have no choice, then will do what we must. For her sake, and for the sake of those around her.”

She looked to Dawn, determination in her voice. “If there is anything I can do, anything you think could save her, I will try it. Anything before...” Luna choked. She didn't want to say what she thought. It was simply too horrible of an idea.

Dawn slowly approached the Princess, resting her front legs on Luna's shoulders. “Do you really and truly want to help Twilight, Princess?” She met Luna's eyes, her gaze now ferocious. Luna's response was obvious.

“Of course I do. I would do almost anything to save her, to give her another chance at life. A REAL life. If anything, I owe her that much.”

Dawn looked the Princess up and down, as if she was evaluating the Princess.

“Then Princess,” she said, her eyes alive, “you must make me a promise.”

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