• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,162 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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A Visitor

Luna was pissed.

She had been fooled by a simple changeling, obtained little usable information from the changeling queen, and then got lost in the caverns for hours on her return to the palace.

But worst of all, Twilight had gotten away.

She had remained optimistic, though. She had hoped she would reach the castle before Twilight did. But as soon as she had gathered her sister, niece, and nephew to warn them of Twilight's extreme proximity, a guard came storming in, speaking of another guard found unconscious and his armor missing.

She stormed down the halls, following the closely. Behind were her family members. They could clearly sense her fury and knew it would be better to leave her alone. As Luna walked she gave little consideration to Ms. Sparkle herself, mostly focusing on the fact she had let her get away.

She had made a stupid mistake. She hadn't even bothered to check 'Twilight' before taking her away. A simple spell could have told Luna whether ‘Twilight’ was the changeling or not. How did she not even consider the chance that Twilight and the changeling switched places? That cost her dearly.

She looked forward to see several guards gathered around another blocked from her view. As she walked closer the guards turned her way. As they saw the rage badly disguised on her features, they began to back away as she approached. Two medics were bandaging a large pegasus guard. He had a large wound on his forehead. Dried blood caked his fur all along his face and neck. Despite his injuries, the stallion slowly got to his hooves and saluted weakly before collapsing again. He was caught by Luna's magic before he hit the ground.

As she stood over him, his deep voice rumbled, “I'm sorry, my princess. I was careless.”

Luna stared blankly at him. “Have no worries. You weren't the only one.” She slowly lowered herself to the ground. “Tell me about who attacked you.”

The guard swallowed slowly. “I was making my normal patrolling rounds around the castle. I entered this hall and saw a young mare wandering around. She looked lost and I approached her. When I asked what she was doing she said she was lost, but something seemed off about her. I didn't think anything about it though. She took advantage of that and slammed me in the head. She was small, but she packed a real punch. Destroyed the metal on the helmet. They’re going to have to scrap it completely.”

“The mare. What did she look like?” Luna pressed.

“Like I said, she was small. A unicorn. Magenta coat. Purple mane with a violet and pink stripe. She had a six-pointed star for a cutie mark.”

Rage and horror were plastered across Luna's face. “Do you know where she might have come from? Any basic direction will help.”

The stallion lifted a hoof, pointing down the hall behind the princess. “I came from that way and she was facing … that way.” He flipped his hoof pointing farther down the hall behind them. “She might have come from there.”

Luna slowly stood and walked away from the stallion, tracing where he had pointed to. Her horn glowed its classic dark blue, sending out a magic field that traveled the floors and walls of the halls. The other guards stopped, watching with interest. Some stood and followed her, watching intently.

The magic continued spreading across the hall, traveling farther and farther down. Suddenly it stopped.

The magic moved away from the walls, collecting in an area on the floor. Luna approached, stomping her hooves on the spot. The magic returned to her horn as the tile shattered, revealing the caves below.

The guards stood as Luna stared disapprovingly at the hole. One finally snapped to attention, calling to the others. “What are you waiting for? Let’s get some stallions down there!”

“No,” Luna's voice rang softly. The guard turned back to her, his tone uneasy.

“Um, princess...No?”

Luna breathed deeply. “There is no point. She is long gone.” Luna turned away from the hole back to the injured stallion. “Let’s take you to the infirmary. You'll be placed on medical leave for a few days. Maybe a week. We'll see.”

She turned back to her sister when the stallion grunted from behind her. She turned back to him as he slowly made the effort to stand. His stance was wobbly and he swayed under his own weight, but his voice and tone were strong. “That won’t be necessary princess. I'll be fine. It's just a-”

“NO!” Luna yelled, causing the guard to stumble in surprise. “You will do as I say without question.”

She turned to another guard of higher rank. “Make sure he gets home and stays home.” The guard saluted, while the other stood in shock.

Luna turned walking out, quickly followed by Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor. “That was a little uncalled for, don't you think, Luna?” Celestia's voice called from behind her.

“Twilight is making a habit of breaking our soldiers. There is no reason for them to injure themselves further,” Luna stated flatly.

Luna was silent for a few more minutes before she broke the silence, her tone serious. “Congratulations, Captain.”

Shining cocked his head in confusion, galloping to catch up to her. “Princess? Congrats?”

“Yes, Captain.” She stared forward grimly, not meeting his gaze. “Your sister is finally home.”


Twilight slowly walked through the crowded marketplace. She used to hate it and thought it was scary as a filly. There were so many other ponies - she was afraid she would get lost or lose her parents. Now as she walked, she took it all in. The smells, the shops, the other ponies. Some had set up small areas for preforming magic or acrobatics. The ponies walked with friends and family, their smiles showing on the beautiful winter day.

Twilight had ditched the golden armor, hiding it in an alleyway and simply wearing her brown cloak again. No alarm had been sounded; no guards were rushing down the street, no alicorns hovering above the city. Most likely to avoid panic. Twilight was happy, as it meant she could have some peace before the storm hits.

She continued walking, a smile on her face as she explored the city she once knew as home. 'And it finally is once again.' she thought to herself, a small smile playing on her face. She emerged from the large street and into a large circular area. Roads and streets extended out and through the circular area, leading to different parts of Canterlot.

Twilight looked around, uncertainty scribbled across her features. She stopped a passing stallion. “Excuse me, sir? Can you tell me how to get Canterlot Theater?”

The stallion nodded, pointing a hoof towards a street. “Just go down that road for a few blocks, then turn right and you'll be there.”

“Thank you!” Twilight called as she and the stallion turned away from each other. She began walking in the direction he pointed, still looking around the market.

A few minutes later she arrived in front of a tall building. Marble columns stood strong in front of the grad theater. The building was also of marble, with drawings and artist renderings from classic theater plays and concerts. Calling the building grand wouldn't be a fitting enough title for it. Prestigious would be more accurate.

Twilight approached a large window with several mares and stallions behind it. “Excuse me? I would like some information on a certain performer.”


Octavia bowed deeply at the applause as the large red curtain fell across the stage. She remained there for just a moment, before falling back onto four hooves. She began collecting her things as a stallion came up from behind her.

“Octavia. Wonderful show tonight.”

Octavia sighed as he approached her. She turned to face him, taking in his smarmy smile and the look in his eyes that showed his reluctance to give up. “Thank you, Earth Light. What do you want now?”

He brought a hoof to his face in mock surprise. “Now, why would you think I want anything from you?” His eyes narrowed. “But since you’re asking, I was wondering if you had changed your mind.”

“To which of your offers exactly are you referring to?” she replied too blandly, clearly expressing her disinterest.

He smiled brightly. “Well, I wouldn't mind your agreeing to the first, but I'm here to see about the other.”

Octavia shot him a glare. “Listen to me, Earth Light.”

She began slowly stalking towards him. “I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into that tiny little head of yours-,” she said, tapping her hoof to his forehead, causing him to step back. “-but I will not leave. Why would I want to tour? I have a home in Canterlot. I have friends here, and I don't want to leave. And if for some god awful reason, it would never be with you as my boss.”

“You make it sound terrible.”

“That's because it is. Goodbye.” And with that, she grabbed her cello and stormed away but she heard his voice call to her one last time. “I'll get you one day, and you will be mine!”

“Yeah, right,” she mumbled under her breath. She traveled down a hall behind the stage. She carefully placed her precious instrument inside. As she knelt beside her instrument, she heard hoof steps behind her. She whirled around, expecting to see Earth Light again, but found a blond-furred mare standing there.

Her eyes were wide at Octavia's glare, which quickly disappeared, replaced by a sheepish grin.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?” the mare asked.

“No, no,” Octavia insisted. “I thought you were somepony else. Can I help you, Ms...?”

The mare smiled. “Dawn.” She replied curtly. “I came to congratulate you for a wonderful performance, was wondering if I could have a private word.”

Octavia looked over her visitor. Her coat was a beautiful blond color which matched her light red mane. She looked as if she were a walking sunset. But Octavia ignored that. Instead, she was focused on the mare’s cutie mark. Three violet ribbons intertwined with each other.

“Ms...Dawn, you said?” The mare smiled, nodding in reply. “I think that would be wonderful,” Octavia finished. “Did you have a place in mind?”

The mare smiled again. “Anywhere quiet will do.”

“Excellent. Give me just a moment to prepare my things.”

“I will be waiting by the exit.”

The mare turned and left as Octavia began hastily packing her instrument. She tied a cloak around her before lifting the heavy instrument case onto her back. She walked to the entrance to find the mare standing there, a cloak around her as well.

“Shall we?” Dawn beckoned with one hoof. Octavia nodded, and the two entered the winter night air.

Snowflakes fell softly as they traveled through the cold, quiet streets of Canterlot. After almost twenty minutes of walking, they arrived outside of Octavia's home. Octavia hastily opened the door, inviting Dawn in.

As the door clicked shut, Dawn whirled Octavia around, planting a kiss on her lips. They stayed there for nearly a minute, not wanting to let go.

As they released, Octavia whispered in her ear, “I have missed you.”

She watched as the mare's coat changed from its bright blond to a soft purple. Her mane turned to its lavender color and her cutie mark turned to its 6 pointed star. She also noticed bandages wrapping around Twilight's torso, as well as scratches along her face. She opened her mouth to ask if she was okay, but was silenced by Twilight's lips connecting with hers.

“Don't worry. I'm fine. Tonight, I'm here for you.”

Tavi smiled softly. She could ask tomorrow.

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