• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

  • ...

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“Please. Just five minutes. I won’t cause to much trouble. Just five minutes.”

“If you think that will work, then you're the dumbest thing in Equestria. Do you think I'm a Diamond Dog? I'm not an idiot. Five minutes, my flank.”

“Just one murder. I'll kill just one changeling, then I'll be quiet. Just one.”

“Nothing you tell me will convince me to let you out. You have never stopped at one. Never have. Never will.”

“There's a first time for everything though, right?”

“Do you enjoy when I put a spike through your head? Because I think you're starting to enjoy it.”

“Enjoy WHAT?” a hissing, two toned voice called behind her. Twilight turned to see Chrysalis standing behind her. She turned back to her open pack without saying a word, her hooves and horn working to sort her pack.

“Sleepless night?”

Twilight still didn't respond.

Chrysalis moved over and bumped Twilight's shoulder. “Twilight… Are you okay?”

Still, silence.

Chrysalis's face was determined. “Is she still trying?”

“She never stopped.”

Twilight paused and turned her head towards her friend, her face grim and tired. “And she never will. Not until death.”

“Is it getting more difficult?”

“It won't be for long.”

Chrysalis was silent for a moment as she considered the statement. “What do you mean?”

“I have a plan. I always have a plan.”

A small smirk appeared on Twilight's face. Her tired eyes gleamed. “I have a friend in Canterlot who is the solution to this little problem,” she said, tapping her head. “When I get there, I'll be putting this little trouble-maker so far into my mind she'll never get out.”

Her gaze fell to the ground. “And I'll be one step closer to knowing peace,” she quickly mumbled.

She shook her head and looked back at Chrysalis. “Speaking of Canterlot… Do I have a guide, or am I trekking alone?”

Chrysalis let loose a heavy sigh before barking out, “Ersatz! Come.”

A moment later, a small changeling came running out from behind her. As he did, he quickly bowed to his queen.

“You called me, my queen?” His voice was smoother than the normal hissing changeling voice and was also quieter. More child-like. Twilight looked at him with interest. The poor changeling could see this and slowly inched away from the unicorn, much to her interest.

“He may be young, but don't worry. Ersatz is one of our best scouts. He will lead you through the tunnels,” Chrysalis said, giving her child a nudge towards the unicorn.

He craned his neck back as she pushed him closer. “I've heard stories about you,” he stated in a shaky voice, clearly afraid of his task.

“Oh, really?” Twilight replied, her body lowering to the ground as she stalked towards the terrified changeling. She whispered, her voice heavy, “And what have they told you, small one?”

Shaking, he finally spoke, his voice small and frail. “They say you murder for the fun of it. That you bath in the blood of those you kill and gain power that way.”

Twilight was only inches away from his now. Suddenly she burst in laughter. “Truly? They really told you that?” she replied between laughs. “Old tales that travel, huh? First off, I never kill for sport. If I kill, it's for a reason. And I rarely strike first. If I do, it's because somepony royally pissed me off. Second, I don't bath in the blood of my enemies. Do you know how difficult it is to remove changeling blood from hair, let alone cloth? But one part is true. I do take energy from others. The same way you do. I'm quite a fan of draining magic. Does that answer your questions?”

The changeling was still unsure. Twilight gave him a smirk. “Don't worry. I have no reason to kill, and I wouldn't want to have to deal with your ‘mother’s’ reaction,” she affirmed, emphasizing the word mother.

Chrysalis's jaw tightened at her unofficial title, but it only made Twilight's smile grow wider.

“Now, then,” Chrysalis called, snapping Twilight out of her laughing fit. “Are you sure you want to leave so soon? I understand I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but you're still injured and are now going up against the alicorn sisters, the entire royal army, and yourself. It may be too much.”

Twilight simply smiled. “You know me. I'm not easy to catch, and I can blend in better than most of the changelings in this damned hive. The last thing I am is noticeable. I'll be fine. I promise.”

Chrysalis smiled softly. “Very well, then. I bid you a safe trip, and remember, be careful.”

When she finished speaking, she turned away, trotting down a hall and out of sight, leaving Twilight and Ersatz alone.

“So!” Twilight turned to Ersatz. “I like to move fast, and I'm on a schedule, so we need to leave as soon as possible.”

Without saying a word, Ersatz moved over to a section of wall, tapped it with his horn, and watched it fall away revealing an opening underneath. He turned back to the unicorn behind him, her eye cocked in mild interest. “We can leave now if you'd like. I don't pack much,” he said, a small smile playing at his lips.

Twilight began walking towards the opening.

“Then let’s go.”


It was bad enough she was breaking into a house.

It was worse that she was doing it in broad daylight.

The worst was that it was her own home.

Rainbow Dash was crawling along the roof, being sure to make no noise. She crawled to the edge, quickly sticking her head though an open window and pulling it out a second later. Seeing that it was empty, she slyly crawled through, making sure nopony saw her.

She quickly looked around the room, making sure none of the animals were around. The room was quiet and unlit, except for the open window. The room was void of life except for Rainbow.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she walked towards the door. As she opened it, she thought to herself, 'Well, this will be easier than I thought. At least Fluttershy isn't ho-'


Rainbow collapsed to the ground, holding a hoof to her forehead. Through the tears, she saw a shape standing on two hooves in the door way. Its remaining two hooves held a small pan, which were slapped back and forth between its hooves.

“Good... morning?” Rainbow said between gritted teeth.

“What do you think?”

“I'm gonna say no?”


Rainbow huffed. “Look I'm sor-”

She was cut off as Fluttershy dove on top of her, nuzzling her snout into Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow could feel gentle sobs rock her body.

“Why... why are you so STUPID?”

They were silent for a few moments. “One. Just one goodbye. Is that too much to ask for? Just. One. Goodbye.”

Rainbow placed one hoof behind Fluttershy's head, gently holding her. “I know, and I'm sorry,” she whispered. “Believe me, I am. Scoot and I had this conversation. Yes, it was stupid of me. And yes, I should have told you. I'm sorry.”

“You can say that, but when will you practice it? How many times have you come home after we haven't seen you for two, three, or even four days? This time, you got back into the hospital, so we’ve waited even longer.”

“Speaking of which, you're crushing my bandages.”

“Oh, no!”

Fluttershy climbed off of Rainbow and helped her up. She looked up at the taller pegasus and met her eyes, noticing sorrow and anger. Not at her or anyone else, but at herself.

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around Rainbow's torso. “Promise me it won’t happen again. Never leave without saying goodbye again.”

Rainbow closed her eyes and returned the hug.

“I promise.”

Fluttershy felt like a thousand weights were lifted off of her shoulders.

“Thank you.” She squeezed Rainbow one last time. “Oh, thank you.”



Celestia walked through the door to her sister room. Her head snapped back and forth, searching for her the younger sibling.

“Luna? Where are-”

“Sister? Yes? I'm glad you're here.” Luna appeared in the room, seeming to come from the ceiling.

“You said you needed me.”

“Yes. I'm leaving.”

The room was silent as Celestia cocked her head in confusion. “You're...leaving? That was sudden. Are you going to look for... Twilight?”

Luna smiled. “No, but something very close to that. I figured out the second magic source, and I'm going to pursue it. I need to leave as quickly as possible while there's still time. Maybe Twilight will still be there, but I won’t expect that. She's smarter than that.”

Celestia was quiet for a moment. She moved forward and nuzzled her sister’s head. “Be careful, sister. Take no risks.”

Luna returned the embrace. “I will. I promise. The last thing I am is reckless.”

Luna turned to leave but was stopped by Celestia.

“Wait. You haven't even told me where you’re going.”

Luna turned to her sister, a scowl clouding her features.

“The hives.”

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