• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Casting Sweet Casting

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Casting Sweet Casting

[ Seshat, One Week after the events of Our Town, nearing the end of summer.]

Twilight let out a sigh as she looked over her notes, trying to organize them.

She was not proud that she had a panic attack at a crucial moment, but then again that was the issue with panic attacks, she couldn't control them. It had been a while since she had even had one. Really with everything that had gone on in her life, that she had not freaked out more was more surprising than anything else.

Rahs and Spike both were hovering over her for a few days and she finally had to physically throw them out of the room she was in one day to get any peace. Thankfully they got the hint.

And just sicced Seshat on her.

At least the tree was quiet most of the time.

Granted Twilight planned to have the tree keep an eye on Spike when it was just him and Applebloom here so quiet helped.

They trio were still settling in, most everything was moved in now, though the Mayor had argued that a large number of the books that Twilight took from Golden Oaks library , belonged to the Library.

And by a large number, the Mayor pointed out there were no books in the library.

Mayor Mare was not happy with Twilight's insistence that the mayor needed to stock the library either.

With the fraction of her collection returned to Golden Oaks were they were supposed to be Twilight had searched the tree to find a spot for a lab.

She had found a fairly large room in one of the root areas that formed a basement. Twilight was fairly certain that the area was on the other side of the great hall from Rahs' theater, and Seshat had informed her that the area was reinforced from any explosions that might happen.

The fact her new home talked didn't even rank on the weird meter for her any more. It was just one more thing to adjust to.

Twilight paused a moment as she thought about that. When exactly did her perception of what was normal get so skewed?

“Oh right. Dscord.” Twilight considered.

“You rang?” Dscord stated, stepping out of a door that wasn't there before to a chorus of canned laughter and cheering at his arrival.

Twilight took a few more notes on her work, unphased.

“Hello Dscord. I might have, but not intentionally. Did you need something?” Twilight offered moving a few pages to read a note she left before on the formula.

“Well.... that was a lack luster response. Still, not sure I like the new digs you moved into, makes me itchy. I take this is the fabled Familiar spell you are working on here?” Dscord questioned, suddenly wearing a lab coat and large protective goggles as he looked over her shoulder.

“It is....” Twilight considered. “I don't suppose...”



“That spell was put together by Law. It's not something I can mess with or would even want to.” Dscord huffed. “ I've had enough 4th dimensional ulcers lately, thank you very much.” Dscord huffed.

“Hmm, figured I would ask any way.” Twilight sighed continuing to work. After a moment of Dscord standing there not doing anything but knitting a scarf with his thumbs Twilight sighed again.

“Dscord I'm going to lay this out to you. It has been a very bad few weeks and if you are here to cause trouble I am not in the mood for it at all.” Twilight pointed out.

“Mmm, so I have heard. And before you ask, yes I hid from Tirek. Do you really want to see what he could have done with my power?” Dscord questioned. “I mean, no one wants to see what 'I'
can do with my power most of the time."

“No. I expected that though, given how many other gods fled, but why are you here?”

“What?! I can't come and visit to see your new tree house?” Dscord mock gasped.” To be fair I liked the other one better, though this one is much more roomy.”

“I suspect you can. But I also suspect you didn't.” Twilight offered.

“You know. You are making it very hard to have fun with you.” Dscord huffed.

“Don't care.”

“Fine. I came by because I have a favor to ask.” Dscord harrumphed snapping his lab coat away.

Twilight paused her reading, and set down the paperwork to look at the God of Chaos. This was going to require her full attention, particularly since Dscord had been...subdued since he got here.

“And what is that?” Twilight questioned, certain she was not going to like this.

“Simply put, if you encounter the Sirens again, I would request that you do not go full Sparkle mode on them.” Dscord stated. “Better still I would prefer if you just ignored them and left them alone.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight jumped up on her back hooves smacking her fore hooves on the table, her chair falling over behind her.

“I'm asking you this as one god to another, to let them be. Drive them off if you have to, but don't hurt them.” Dscord asked simply snapping Twilight's chair back upright, though the wood was a bright blue now.

Twilight stared at him a moment before sitting back down and taking a moment to calm herself as Dscord sat there while she composed her thoughts.

“Okay.... you do know what those three have done right?” Twilight demanded.


“And the amount of damage they did?”

“Also yes, it was only slightly more than what usually happens when a fight breaks out in this town on a Tuesday.” Dscord pointed out. “This town is great like that.”

“Ponies could have been hurt or even killed during that riot they caused.” Twilight snapped.

“No. I stopped that.”


“Sparkle I highly enjoy this town and most of the ponies in it. “ Dscord waved a clawed hand. “And let's face it, corpses don't make much chaos. I do my best to make sure I don't create any no matter how weird it gets. I also made sure that when you lost it, your attacks didn't hit anything important.”

“I knew you were involved in that! What, did you create them and turn them loose to spread more chaos!?” Twilight growled.

“In a manner of speaking.” Dscord smirked.

“Dscord those three are dangerous, and like everything else we've encountered they need to be put down.“ Twilight growled her ears flattening to her head. ”You're going to have to give me a very VERY good reason to ignore them or worse, let them go if I meet them again.”

“They are my daughters.” Dscord stated.

Twilight stared at him a moment her eyes narrowing. “You're joking.”

“Not about this no. I generally do not joke about family as I have so little of it.” Dscord offered his usual jovial tone darkening. “And despite my asking for a favor in this, if you actually managed to 'put down' any of them as you say, you will find that you would much have preferred if I stayed a mere annoyance rather than the direct enemy I would become.”

Twilight continued to stare at Dscord.

Dscord stared back.

Twilight turned away first.

“They're not Celestia's are they?”

“By the stars no. Sun Butt was my rebound girl after their mother and I split due to.... differences of opinion.” Dscord frowned waving his paw in the air, the brief moment of tension gone.

Twilight rubbed her temples. “As much as I feel I may regret this. If I am able, I will 'TRY' to avoid maiming them. That said if they managed to seriously hurt or even kill any of my friends or family....”

“Yes, that in itself is the issue.” Dscord sighed. “I am trying to give them the freedom they want, but at the same time I really should reign them in more. That said I have warned them to stay away from you, hopefully they will take the hint and I am keeping an I on them at the moment.”

“I feel like that was a pun, but I don't know why.” Twilight grumbled.

“That's because you are still a dabbler in the art of chaos.” Dscord grinned.

“Right. If you can keep them in check and away from Ponyville we'll be fine, I won't actively go to stop them, though Seshat has decided she's going to send us out on various missions when something goes wrong.”


“Me.” the tree offered from a wall.

Dscord raised an eyebrow.

“She does that. She's Harmony's child.” Twilight explained.

“Ahh and like the Elements he's got his daughter doing a bit of spot cleaning. Typical really, worse still that he's got to lean heavier towards order since Law is still missing.” Dscord nodded.

“I've heard that before, what do you mean missing?” Twilight asked.

“Really i don't care if any one finds her. Simply put though no ones seen her for a long time. I think the last any one heard of her was when Tamberlane was still around.” Dscord considered.


“Home of the goats, and rather funky cheese. Not all the goats mind you, just the Rupicaprinae, which had their own god apart from Billy. Great guy billy, will eat anything. I gave him the nickname , matter eater lad, but no one gets the joke. The Rupicaprinae were supposedly wiped out in the Shadow war, but they were all dead quite a long time before that.” Dscord nodded.

“Hold on I don't recognize the name, but the Rupicaprinae were still trading with the buffalo right up until a group of Dreadnoughts destroyed their village in the mountains.” Twilight frowned.”Iinii was quite sure of that when I spoke with him about his history.”

“Oh yes, they were still moving around and trading all the way up to the point Solomon was killed.”

“You just said they were dead.”

“Yes.” Dscord grinned. “But enough about that. I'm glad we could come to some sort of arraignment. Though if you'll excuse me I need to go turn Applejack's orchards into cupcake trees.”

“One tree.”

“Calling in the favor already?” Dscord shook his head.” On such a little thing too.”

“Not at all. Just change one tree, and have the spell move to another tree every once and a while. If she finds it she'll be annoyed it vanishes before she can deal with it, particularly if all she finds are fallen cupcakes. And if it moves she can't eat the magic to make it stop if the spells not where she thinks it is.” Twilight explained.” You' have to figure out how to hide the scent yourself, but she can't smell or taste the magic in the apples she's helped grow personally.”

Dscord blinked.

“I'm still not happy with her about the whole ankle biter scenario with Tirek.” Twilight explained further.

Dscord smiled. ”I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

With that the god of chaos vanished with a snap.

Twilight sighed and shook her head a little. This was something she hadn't expected, though having Dscord on her side or at least viewing her favorably was good. And it was a interesting thing to know those three were his kids. Not that she knew what to do with that information. This did explain why he hadn't been around pranking any one in a while though.

She also wondered why his name sounded odd to her today.

Shaking her head Twilight looked back to her notes and stopped dead, one eye twitching.

The perfectly laid out and organized notes that she wrote in black ink, were still perfectly laid out and organized as before.

They were just now all in red ink.


Author's Note:

And the first of the filler episodes is done.

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