• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Cutie Re-Materia, Part 1, Chapter 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

The Cutie Re-Materia,
Part 1,
Chapter 1

[Ponyville, four days after Seshat's last mission, Summer.]

“So how did the date go?” Twilight asked as she and her brothers made their way back home from the grocery store, all three of them loaded down with the food for the week.

Despite no longer being a librarian, or assistants, or such Celestia still kept the former Element Bearers and the Sparkles on a payroll for their status as national heroes as well as a few other things. Rahs had the theater take , as well as the licensing agreement where he got a small percentage of the cut from Ashmutt's first work getting the Diamond Dog into the theater scene with a few of his contacts. It was only 2% off the take for that first play, but it combined with his Guard hunting bounties and the book deal, none of the Sparkles was hurting for bits, particularly with Spike working the system of those interested in Rahs, and those upset that others were interested in Rahs.

There were arguments from the nobles of course with Celestia still giving the group bits despite them no longer having the Elements, though Twilight had pointed out that if she didn't have an income she might need to try her hoof at Princessing again.

The vote to pass was unanimous.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged.

“Well it sounded like fun, even if the music might not have been to your taste.”Spike shrugged.” How are the other girls taking it?”

“Bork.” Rahs rolled his eyes.

“Exactly as expected then.” Twilight laughed.”How you picked up a sixth girl out of no where, and it's that one, still has me baffled. Granted, that you found any one to have any interest in you has been a weird combination of luck , timing, and clear brain damage.”

Rahs slapped his sister in the back of the head with his tail as he growled ignoring his sister's laughter.

“Geez, lay off already Twilight.”Spike chuckled.” You know as well as I do that he only has that many due to his bullshit drama powers.”

Rahs narrowed his eyes at his younger brother, though he didn't argue with the logic. While Twilight had started getting taller due to her alicorn status, Spike had grown some as well. He wasn't the pudgy little dragon he was to start with, he had grown taller and more lanky as he progressed in his teenaged years, his spines had gone from the rounded points to sharper more spade like protrusions as he grew. Several of the spines along his back, not just the one he lost, now had a blue coloration instead of the green. Bleu had explained that wasn't unheard of among dragons as they grew and his purple scales might even turn burgundy or wine colored as he aged reflecting his father.

The dragon god clearly wasn't happy about that, but she didn't pass that on to Spike, and left before he could ask about his actual father.

“Hey there you are.”

The trio stopped looking over as their eldest brother trotted up the path towards them.
Like Rahs Shining hadn't changed much in recent years, with only the patch of black hair around his horn the only difference. Twilight found it odd that even as a 'companion' to Cadence, he showed no signs of any changes unlike Big Mac, granted Moahk hadn't changed any when Iinii cast the spell.

“Shining? What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded. ”Shouldn't you be with Candace and Chrysalis, they're due any day now.”

“Yeah, but seems last time they were in Canterlot the two of them had some wood cutter start working on custom cribs, we got a letter saying they were done and I popped down to pick them up, as well as the several metric tons of things mom has bought and packed up for us, and what Celestia got, and Luna, and Cadence's entire home town, and several of the hives, and all the nobles trying to curry favor....”

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“ Currently six train cars worth. I decided to come down here and see how you three were doing while they loaded the seventh rail car.” Shining shrugged.

“Shouldn't you be there to supervise at least?” Spike asked.

“Mom took over after the first car, made them unpack the whole thing then pack it properly to her specifications. I just told the crew lead and the Guard in the area to do it her way, it will be safer for them.” Shining grinned.

“And then you ran.” Twilight chuckled.

“And then I ran.” Shining agreed still smiling.

“So aside from the obvious with Chrysalis and Cadence how have things been in the Empire? Seems we rarely get to actually talk most days without something happening. Twilight questioned.

“Have they got a list of celebrities yet for the next Crystal Con?” Spike asked.

“On that , supposedly Daring Doo has agreed to show up for it, but so far that's just a rumor thus far.” Shining chuckled. “As for the Empire well, it's pretty cool to be in charge some days, and other days I wished I followed your 'not a princess' plan.”

“See I told everyone I'm the smart one.” Twilight smirked as the group approached the Crystal tree, the statement getting a few faces aimed at Twilight from Spike and Rahs and an eye roll from Shining.

As the small group walked up to the door however the three local Sparkles stopped staring at the front door before they looked to each other then set the groceries on one of Seshat's roots that was shaped to be a bench outside the door.

“What? What's going on?” Shining questioned.

Rahs pointed up to the top of the door where a portion of the crystal archway was dark purple almost black.

“Some one's tripped the wards.” Twilight frowned.

“Not to mention Seshat didn't open the door when we walked up.” Spike added.

“Ruff” Rahs added with a frown.

“You don't smell any one but Tempest, peppermint, and blood?”Twilight considered.”Right... back door?”

“Might be trapped too.” Spike stopped them. “Rahs, stage right?”

“Woof.” Rahs grinned as he picked up some of the groceries, the others followed suit with a confused Shining Armor tagging along as they walked around the side of Seshat.

[ The Ball ]

“What the buck?” Shining armor asked, he had just followed his siblings around the corner of the giant crystal tree palace and now he was walking onto the stage from the right side of it.

“Your furry brother is the god of theater, with his own theater, and you're surprised at this sort of thing?”Spike asked.” Maybe Twilight is partially right about the smart thing.”

Rahs set down the groceries and frowned.”Bark?” Rahs asked the stage.

“I do not know who the unicorn mare is but she is holding Tempest hostage so I do not alert you. She appeared out of no where, Tempest managed to get the drop on her but the intruder blasted Tempest before she could be stopped.”Seshat whispered from the stage floor. “She knew about me and threatened to kill Tempest if I warned you, she's got a spell watching the front door, the back and several windows. I've sealed off a few important places like the portal and your lab, but she appeared in the map room. Seems she also went through the Guard barracks as well and laid a few traps for them there. No one is there at the moment and I'll warn any that try to come in. I am not sure how she got past my wards, I didn't even notice her until Tempest attacked her.”

“ What's this pony look like?” Twilight asked.

“Lilac coat, darker purple mane with a blue streak in it, Cutie mark is covered with simple worn saddle bags. She looks like she had been around a good bit as her mane and tail are unruly , she also has a set of scars on her face running across her cheek and temple to the base of her horn, and another three across the front of her muzzle. Faded but noticeable.”Seshat described.

“Grrrrrrrrr.” Rahs growled.

“Starlight Glimmer.” Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“That's the cult leader you stopped last year that took ponies cutie marks right?” Shining Armor frowned.

“Sounds it.” Spike agreed setting down the groceries and pulling out a bottle of ketchup cutting free the red label and sending it off with a green flame to Celestia.” Back ups alerted, I'll try to flame her to Celestia, should be a pack of guards here before long as well. But if I can send her to Celestia the Princess can deal with this mess before anything here gets destroyed, I just got all my pewter models back together and painted. I don't want to have to fix them again.”

“Given how I just showed up, she probably doesn't expect me. If you three confront her I can probably get the drop on her. “Shining Armor growled. This was a mare that had hurt his sister, and brother.” If I can get a bubble around her she's not going any where. I could stop gods attacks with it before I became Cady's companion.”

“Right Seshat, make a path to the map room for Shining to follow. Spike hang back and send a proper message to Celestia and any one else you can get. Rahs and I will go to confront her directly, I seriously doubt she's managed to destroy any of our portfolios let alone all of them.” Twilight stated.” So even if she managed to take one of us out some how we'll be fine in a couple of minutes.”

“You're being a bit more cautious than I expected.” Shining stated.

“Dude... who ever this mare is, she got past the wards Twilight put on Seshat.” Spike explained. “So far the only people who've managed to do that are you, Rahs, and Discord”

“Bark” Rahs added.

“Pinkie Pie was kinda a given really.” Spike shrugged.” And even Discord has set them off a couple of times.”

The four of them split up with Spike sticking with Shining as Seshat made a path from the back of the theater towards the kitchen through a few of the side rooms. The map room connected to the kitchen on one side, and that's where Shining would come from.

Rahs and Twilight would go in the main door, with Twilight going to help Tempest, and Rahs going to take Starlight down.

There was a plan, and it was a pretty good one, so of course it was not going to work. All four of them knew this and went along any way.

“Welcome home Twi... GAH!!!” Starlight began only to need to teleport away as the chair she was sitting one exploded from a blast from Twilight, Rahs was already rushing her as well growling loudly.

With the mare distracted Twilight quickly tossed a shield up over where Tempest lay in a heap near a cracked crystal wall.

Twilight telporting over to Tempest, checking on her and breaking a few enchantments laid on the mare without much effort, Twilight then teleported the mare to the front step, setting her on a bench before telporting back in only to watch Rahs go flying across the room as Starlight smashed him away with a chunk she had ripped out of the wall.

“What the buck, you just straight up blast me as I'm sitting there?” Starlight demanded.

“Well if you start running I can blast you then too.” Twilight snapped firing another blast, purposefully working to stun or distract the mare, though she wasn't holding back and was launching shots that would knock out a dragon.

The wall behind the mare opened up and a shield suddenly formed around the mare barely giving her any room to move. Oddly Starlight only glanced back at Shining as he stepped out of the wall with Spike as if confused then amused by his appearance. Most caught in a shield like this would struggle, Starlight only smiled.

Twilight growled walking up to the bubble taking note of the bit of blood on her muzzle and the growing bruise around one of her eyes, Tempest had not gone down easy.

“Spike send a message to the hospital, Tempest is out cold by the front door. Seshat open all the doors and set off any traps she set before any one else gets here.” Twilight ordered.” Starlight what are you even doing here?”

The mare grinned as she held up a scroll with a hoof. Twilight only got a glimpse of it before the scroll flared with magic. A loud hum from the map table drew the groups attention to it as the blue aura around the scroll also covered the map table and a new layout took over looking much darker, and more ruined than Equestria should be.

“Ooh that does not feel good.” Seshat whined.

“I'd tell you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!” Starlight cackled her own horn flaring as the Scroll she held was turned to ash. “Won't be needing that anymore.”

The entire room suddenly sounded like it was ticking with great booms of a time piece of some sort before a glowing dome etched with runic markings formed inside the shield with Starlight bursting out of the shield and forcing Shining to take a step back and wince as his bubble ceased to be.

“The Buck!?” Shining snarled as the dome grew larger taking up most of the room above them.

Starlight cackled again her horn igniting as she tossed herself into the dome above her, vanishing from view.

With a few more tocks that echoed in the room the spell above them vanished leaving the Sparkle siblings alone.

“What just happened?” Spike demanded.

Before any other others could answer Seshat screamed, and everything went gray.

[ Anywhen]

There was a light thump and Twilight opened her eyes with a wince. She was laying on... well nothing. It was hard like there was something, though aside from the formless gray there didn't seem to be anything solid. Lifting her head to look around she heard the muttered cursing of Shining, the groan of Spike and what sounded like a whimper from Rahs. The crystal map table also sat nearby, the map illuminated but showing nothing.

“Well.” stated another voice.” Seems we've come to this part, and of course it was while I was preparing for a date. But I knew that already.”

Twilight turned her head to spot a white rabbit, in a fancy looking gray and silver vest complete with pocket watch sitting before her on the gray nothingness seeming to adjust his vest in a particularly shiny patch of gray haze.

“Wha... White?” Twilight questioned.

“Indeed, if you are here then I suppose it is time for you to earn that favor I owed you.” White nodded and whirled quickly on the mare.”Should I wear the red tie with my jacket, or the black bow tie?”

“What?” Twilight questioned.

“ Which looks better.” White offered holding up both of them with his paws swapping out the bow tie with the dress tie as Twilight stared.

“Err the bow tie?” Twilight suggested, noting her brothers were all staring at the rabbit as well.

“I thought so. Bow ties are cool.” White nodded.”Fez might be too much though.”

“White.. why are we here? “ Twilight demanded.

“Ahh , that's easy. There's a error in your time line that needs to be corrected and I need you to go fix it.” White offered putting on the bow tie.

“Isn't that your job?” Spike snapped.

“Yes yes it is, but given you already fixed the problem, it's up to you to go fix it. Shouldn't take too long, you're all very capable individuals.” White explained.” And to be blunt, utterly pants darkening as a team with a goal.”

“And how are we supposed to fix it, let alone find it?” Shining demanded.

“Hmm? Oh. With the table there, It's been set as a focal point for you. It should take you immediately to what you need to fix give or take a few years.” White considered flicking one ear.” Actually maybe not. Starlight Glimmer has done a number on the time stream, so I suppose I should set the table to lock onto her first, then the table will take you back home, unless you didn't fix the issue, then there's no telling when in anyplace you might end up. Still if you stick with the table you can reset to try again. Time is a simple thing to correct mostly, you just have to keep trying until you do it.”

“Woof?” Rahs asked.


“He wants to know what that scroll she used was, he said it smelled familiar.” Spike translated.

“Oh... Yes that. It was a scroll written by your friend Minutte back when she first joined Celestia's school, it's why I assigned her a minder. A foal being able to create a brand new spell to screw with time. I mean she didn't even use any of Starswirl's formulas, I had counter set up for that idiot. Do you know how often he caused a cascading paradox just because he was upset the meal he just ate didn't last long enough so he wanted to eat it again?” White huffed.” More times than any one with any sense should consider after the first screw up let me tell you.”

The Sparkles all glanced to each other then to the bunny who was adjusting his bow tie again.

“Is Seshat gonna be alright with the table out here?”Twilight asked.

“Hmm Yes she should be fine so long as you fix the paradox, the tables not really her. It's sort of a part of her like the gate to the Breezy realm. You can take them out and she'll be fine, if a little freaked out.” White explained.

“She was screaming.” Shining Armor frowned

“Really?” White considered. “Well I better adjust that to go back an atto or two after I took it when it goes back. Just in case.”

The Sparkles all glared at the rabbit who did his best to pretend not to notice, though his ear was twitching.

“Any way I have a date and you have a task. Just hit the green button on the table to get out, it won't leave without all of you touching it just in case and there's a few other holographic settings I've put on it so you can tell which anywhen or otherwhere you are. Should be easy to figure out. Any way I need to depart, can't be late.” White offered before he turned bowed and hopped into the air vanishing with the faint clicking of a clock.

The Sparkles stared at the spot the rabbit had been, then at each other, then at the table.

“Soooo. We have to save the world...... again.” Twilight grumbled.

“Seriously do we have a punch card? Save everything five times and get a free snow cone?” Spike sighed.

“Bork.” Rahs shook his head adjusting his coat.

“True.” Shining agreed. “After Sombra, Discord, Nightmare Moon, the Storm King, and all the other crap, It's expected. Still with all that one unicorn mare shouldn't be a problem.

The other three all turned to glare at Shining.

“Damn it.. you would think I would learn by now.” Shining sighed.

“To be fair, Twilight does it all the time too.”Spike offered.

The four Sparkles moved around the table with Spike hopping on top of it looking over the control council that floated in the air instead of the usual map.

“Whelp here we go.” Spike stated slapping the big green button when the others were ready.

The table shuddered, and with the ticking of a clock, vanished along with the Sparkles.

Author's Note:

Told you it was gonna be weird.

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