• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,

[ Aboard the Princess Bride, secure room]

“I did warn you.” Discord stated, lounging against the ceiling with his lower body propped up against one of the beams as he looked down at the three occupants of the room.

Aria was sitting at a small table across from Rahs who was reading a book, given he and Pinkie were the only ones immune to the Sirens without generous globs of spit, the pair were switching in and out as the trip progressed. They were still a day out of Canterlot at the moment.

Sonata was laying on a bed flipping through a comic Pinkie gave her.” Hey daddy.” She waved.

“Yeah yeah, you warned us about this guy, not that Adagio would turn on us.” Aria grumbled pointing her good hoof at Rahs. The moon dog looked shocked that any one would need to warn any one about him for any reason.

No one was buying it.

“I warned you about there being some people out there you should avoid.” Discord sighed. “And I know I told you not to mess with that one, and here you are chatting him up.”

“Right, I'm bored being watched, he's bored watching so were talking about stage tech.” Aria sighed wincing a little as she leaned back too far and moved her leg bound in a sling.” I would hardly call that chatting him up.”

“Mmmmhmmmm.” Discord chuckled. “At any rate Sparkle, I would like to have a word with my daughters alone, so if you would.” Discord gestured towards the door.

“Woof!” Rahs frowned.

“Oh calm down, I have no plans to spring them, or do anything too crazy.” Discord huffed.” I have no desire to end up as a chew toy again, particularly since my squeaker is broken.”

Discord holds up a toy mouse that looked broken in half.

Rahs stared at him a moment.


“No need to be rude, I shouldn't be long.” Discord shook his head.

Rahs spared a glance at the two sirens as he closed his book tucking it into a coat pocket before stepping out of the room with a glare at Discord, who was oddly dressed as an angel complete with a little halo on a stick over his head.

“I take my I off you three for a few seconds and you try to bring about civil war with the griffons.” Discord sighed as the door clicked closed.

“That was the Apex and God doing that.” Sonata chimed up.

“Yes, over who got to keep you two.” Discord sighed.” If Lockheed had won that stare down I would have put you two back on the ship.”

“Right, after just what little I've seen Rahs wasn't likely to lose to that idiot.” Aria offered.

“I wouldn't put too much money on that.” Discord offered. “Lockheed may be an asshole, but he's far from weak and unlike the blue Sparkle outside he's trained in fighting his whole life. Thing is he's a true misanthrope. He would love nothing more to be in the woods hunting and having nothing to do with anyone. But because he was made a god simply due to he was the only one around at the time, he can't do that. Half the things said about him are simply not true, the other half certainly are. I almost feel sorry for him, almost.”

“And you're not gonna take us back to the ship now because?” Sonata asked.

“Simple I'm pulling the father knows best card.” Discord offered pulling out a Chance card with 'Father Knows Best' written on it.

“You've been running around two worlds for a long time and it's time you went home.” Discord said flatly.” I wasn't watching you because I've been speaking with your mother. She'll be waiting in Canterlot for you to arrive.”

“Shit.” Aria sighed.

“I don't want to hear it from you. Dagi's gone and I most certainly am going to do what I can to protect you two.” Discord offered sternly.

“What... Dagi's gone, you mean like dead?” Sonata gasped.

“I told you this, Rahs saved all of us, then Adagio decided to try to blast him and us by proximity. He dropped her and ate the spell, which was weird as shit, and she fell into the abyss.” Aria pointed out.

“No, she's not dead.” Discord sighed.” She's just going down a road I am going to have to follow very very carefully if at all to make sure she doesn't wind up worse than dead.”

“Well that's not ominous at all.” Aria grumbled.


It was raining. Sure the rain was scheduled, but that didn't mean anything to Twilight who was simply staring out a window watching the water bead on the clear crystal.

Sitting at the table in the room, Spike was going over his DM notes, with Princess Luna drinking a cup of coffee next to him. Luna had teleported in only about twenty minutes ago to inform them of the news that had been sent back by the mission to Aerie, which should be in Canterlot tomorrow morning.

Twilight acknowledged this and continued to mope.

“So she has been like this for the last several days?” Luna asked curiously.

“Yup. I even threw a brand new book at her and she ignored it.” Spike offered.

“Both the book and him hitting her with it. I thought I would need to fix another wall with a Spike shaped hole in it.” Seshat offered.

“Another?” Luna questioned.

“What? Just because they're gods now you don't think I'm gonna stop screwing with her or Rahs do you?” Spike offered. ”Besides I need to remind them I can still give as good as I get so their egos don't get too big. And trust me that's a constant struggle with Rahs.”

“Right, and this current issue is because of Big Mac refusing to allow her to make him her... 'companion' we think it is being called now?” Luna asked.

“Yup.” Spike stated. “It's not like he broke up with her or anything, he just said no when she offered. I can sorta get behind him not wanting to live longer than the rest of his family, but Twi's taken it pretty hard. Doesn't help matters he had to go to Canterlot for a couple days with Granny to deal with some business. Something she KNEW WAS COMING IN ADVANCE!!”

Luna blinked at the yell as Twilight simply sighed.

“I am not understanding this. Isn't living longer the goal of mortals?” Seshat questioned.

“Some of them yes, some of them no. It depends. Some ponies think being immortal is the end all beat all, while others prefer the natural cycle or want to make sure they meet those they have loved and lost in the Elysium fields of the after life.” Luna explained. “We ourselves are on the fence about this due to all those we have lost and all those who are still around. We understand both sides of the issue and do our best not to judge on any ones beliefs. Which is likely why we get so many fliers from Tuesdayists”

“That still doesn't quite make sense to me.” Seshat stated.

“Do not worry, it is a complex subject that you may understand in time. Even if you do not, it is not something to dwell on. Gods have lost much sleep over this over the eons and it is not likely to stop, though with Twilight's adjustment of the Familiar spell, some of the arguments may ease off.”

“ I see... well I don't, but I suppose...... Oh. Big Mac is at the door...... I think?” Seshat offered though a blur of purple was already out of her seat and racing towards the door.

“Well. I think perhaps we should make sure that nothing disastrous happens.” Luna stated picking up her mug as she stood up, trotting after Twilight.

“Ehh prolly for the best, I don't want to deal with this moping for any longer.” Spike shrugged hopping up and following.” It's not even funny moping like when Rahs does it and makes it a show.”

The pair made their way to the front hall where Twilight was talking with Big Mac. The large stallion wore a huge bright yellow rain coat and hood.

Seshat grumbled about him dripping water all over her, but she was largely ignored.

Twilight was rambling about things like, 'she understood why he might choose not to stay with her' or 'become immortal' and was working herself up into a rather fevorius tizzy.

Then Mac booped her in the nose with a wet rain boot covered hoof and derailed Twilight completely as she tried to wipe the cold water off her nose.

“Ah never said ah didn't wanna do it. Ah just said no tah you doing tha spell.” Big Mac offered.

Twilight blinked a moment as Big Mac pulled off his rain coat.

Big Mac was already larger than Twilight, but now he positively towered over her. His fur had taken a deeper shade of red and his straw colored mane had grown out a good bit. His tail didn't end in a normal ponies whisk anymore, but in a more serpentine length with a number of spines along it that ran up the length of it. His hooves were split, not quite cloven but seemingly edged like claws. He had a scattering of scales around his joints and hooves that were a brighter red coloration. His green eyes were reptilian slits as they regarded the stunned Twilight. Then he smiled showing he did indeed have some natural fangs now.

“Wha...” Twilight stammered, her brain blue screening.

“Big Mac came to us to ask a favor in this regard, it seems that while curious to what having the spell cast on him by you would do, he had also calculated you might enjoy something a bit closer to a Nox Cal and theorized that I might have the best result for your tastes.” Luna stated sipping her coffee. “ Given we have no plans any time soon of taking any one as a mate due to our... last encounters, we saw no reason to refuse after all that you have done for us. Plus with how your life generally goes, we thought it best that you not use any of your power for such a thing until we are sure you shall not be bothered.”

“Baa, wha?” Twilight offered staring.

“Do not think such a gift is not without price however. If Sombra and Rarity ever decide to go a bit further than their 'not dating' we would expect you to make the same offer to Rarity for the sake of our son.” Luna stated blinking as Twilight stared on. “ And you haven't heard anything we've said....”

“I will inform her when her brain reboots.” Seshat sighed.

“Alright , please also tell her she needs to be in Canterlot at about eight am for when the Princess Bride returns. We feel our sister shall need more back up than just us.” Luna sighed.

“So.... Princess Luna....” Spike questioned scratching his chin.

Luna snorted.” Yes Spike, if you wish and she agrees we may do the same for Applebloom at a later date. Unless you find another god to aid you. I would suggest avoiding Rahs however. Applebloom has enough dramatic moments as a Crusader without having Rahs add to it. Now we need to leave, thank you for the coffee.”

“Cool, gimmi a moment to get my bag.” Spike nodded.

“Your bag?”

“Yeah, as soon as Twilight snaps out of this she's going to tackle him and what gets done after that I'm pretty sure I don't want to be around for.” Spike explained. “Sorry Seshat.”

“Sadly I am getting used to it. I take you would like me to hide the doors to your room just in case?”Seshat asked.

“Yeah thanks! Might wanna lock down the theater too.” Spike offered running to get his stuff.

[Abysmal Abyss]

“Tell me again why I have wasted all this money to get us to this horrid place?” Diamond Tiara snarled.” These griffons are the greediest things I have ever seen in my life, and that is saying something given my mother.”

“Patience my friend. I have a reason for coming out here. You are not the only one who's caught my eye.” Solomon offered.

The pair of them were hiking along a wide river that led into the bottom of a massive chasm. It had taken a good number of bits to run off the griffons guarding the river. Still it had been done and with nothing else in their way the pair had walked along the river bank as far as they could with a Rich Inc, barge following along slowly behind them in the river.

Solomon had been sending forth small motes of shadow into the darkness ahead of them before he finally stopped and smiled.

“There she is, and still alive too.” Solomon smiled.

Diamond Tiara frowned as a gathering of shadows carried a large yellow serpent like form out of the darkness of the abyss before them.

“A siren?” Diamond Tiara frowned as she got a good look at the form. ”I do not think this is a good idea.”

“It isn't really.” Solomon offered as the body was floated over and laid out on the shore before him. He moved over the siren looking over the wounds and not seeing anything immediately life threatening.” But at the same time this is a calculated risk.”

“How so?”

“From my study of her she wants power to over throw, or destroy, or beat, or show up, or something involving her mother, I don't know for certain, nor do I care, but power is easily granted. I can give her one of my sons old trinkets, I've a box or two of those lying around after all. One of them should suit.” Solomon shrugged. ”However the goal will be to keep her around and either happy or interested.”

Diamond Tiara raised an eye brow at him.

“ Think my friend. She is a demi god, a very important piece of the puzzle, not to mention she's the child of chaos and the tyrant of the seas. With her on our side retaliation is less likely to come from those two. Either due to letting their child do what she wants, or fear I might do something to her. Who knows, she might even agree with my plans and join us willingly just to further her own ends.”

“And you trust her to do that?”

“Not in the slightest. There was a reason I came to you with that offer Diamond and why I am keeping you in the loop of my dealings. You and I have a deal to watch each others back against any future allies we gain. This one, well, she's one to watch out for of course, but she's far to useful at the moment for me to not have her around.” Solomon smiled. “Signal the barge, lets bring her on board shall we?”

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